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Soil Loss in Pinon-Juniper Ecosystems
and Its Influence on Site Productivity
and Desired Future Condition
Malchus B. Baker Jr.\ Leonard F. DeBano2 , and Peter F. Ffolliott
Abstract.-Pinon-juniper woodlands are widespread throughout the
western United States and have provided habitat and a variety of products
for human use in recent and historical times. Site productivity of pinonjuniper woodlands depends on a wide range of complex processes which
dynamically interact over various time and space scales. The hydrology of
pinon-juniper ecosystems is relatively complex, because it is controlled by
interactions among precipitation regimes, geomorphological settings, and
edaphic conditions. Superimposed on the natural system is a wide
spectrum of past land uses, and misuses. The present and past hydrologic
environment has also been characterized by extreme spatial and temporal
variation. Water and wind erosion are primary processes that influence site
productivity. In this paper, a limited amount of experimental data on water
and wind erosion is presented for southwestern pinon-juniper woodlands. A
conceptual model is presented for describing water and wind erosion and is
used to illustrate their dependency on mean annual precipitation for
vegetated and disturbed (bared) sites. This model emphasizes the
importance of plant cover' density on soil loss and subsequent site
productivity. Soil loss is a crucial factor affecting productivity because
nutrient enriched materials are lost from the site during water and wind
erosion. Decreases in site productivity resulting from soil loss make it more
difficult to attain ecological goals necessary for achieving different desired
future conditions. It is imperative, therefore, that management practices
implemented on pinon-juniper woodlands minimize soil losses and
associated reductions in site productivity.
endangered species. Some products produced in
these woodlands (e.g. piii.on nuts and firewood)
have played a significant role in sustaining past
human occupancy and cultures, as well as
providing useful prod ucts to present day society.
Site productivity of pifton-juniper woodlands
depends on a wide range of complex processes
which interact dynamically over time and space.
Although site productivity can be viewed simply
as the capacity of a soil to support plant growth
(Powers 1991), this concept encompasses several
piii.on-juniperwoodiands, similar to those
found throughout the Southwest, are one of the
most extensive vegetative type in the western
United States (Evans 1988). These woodlands
provide a wide range of valuable products and
benefits such as fuelwood, fence posts, Christmas
trees, piii.on nuts, forage for livestock grazing, and
critical habitat for a large number of game and
nongame animals, including some rare and
1 Research Hydr%gist, USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences
Comp-Iex, Flagstaff, AZ.
2 Research Soil Scientist, USDA Forest Service, Tucson, AZ.
3 Professor Watershed Management, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Pifton-juniper woodlands are found on a
variety of soils that are derived from diverse
parent materials including intrusive and
extrusive igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and
mixed alluvium (Springfield 1976). Soil depths
vary from shallow to moderately deep, and soil
textures range from coarse, rocky, and porous
sandy loams to fine compacted clays. Fertility
levels of the soils are generally low to moderate.
complicating factors, including the effects of soil
erosion. Because soil erosion historically was a
common occurrence in pinon-juniper woodlands
(both naturally and in response to human
activities), it is important to understand how
these losses may affect site productivity and,
ultimately, the overall sustainability of these
woodlands. Equally important are the effects that
changes in site productivity may have on the
desired future condition (both physio-biological
and socio-economic dimensions) of these
woodlands. The objectives of this paper are to: (1)
present a conceptual framework for describing
erosion processes; (2) discuss the impacts of soil
losses on site productivity; and (3) to relate
erosion and site productivity information to
expected changes in the desired future condition
of southwestern pifton-juniper woodlands.
HydrologiC Environment
The hydrology of pifton-juniper ecosystems is
complex, because it reflects a wide range of
among precipitation regimes,
conditions. It is further complicated by a wide
spectrum of past land uses, and misuse.
Hydrologic scenarios vary from a desirable
combination of low-intensity rainstorms, good
vegetative cover, and permeable soils, to a
potentially hazardous situation on areas with
steep slopes, sparse vegetative cover, and
impermeable soils that are often subjected to
high-intensity rainstorms. A heterogeneous
vegetative cover makes it difficult to generalize
hydrologic functioning; and variations in soils,
with their different infiltration rates, further
complicate the hydrology.
Climatic variability has also been a key factor
affecting past and current community dynamics
in pifton-jupiper woodlands (Betancourt et al.
1993). Paleoecological data collected on a wide
range of sites throughout the Southwest suggest
that droughts have been a common and regular
occurrence during the last 40,000 years. Measured
precipitation in pinon-juniper woodlands range
from 300 to 440 mm, with local areas receiving 500
mm, or more (Hibbert, 1979). Summer convective
storms can account for over half of the total
annual precipitation.
Physical and Biological Environment
Pinon-juniper woodlands in the Southwest
are found on foothills, low mountains, mesas, and
plateaus between 1,300 and 2,200 meters
elevation (Brown 1982, Clary et al. 1974, Gottfried
1992). These woodland communities occupy
elevations between the more xeric lower
elevation brush and grass-dominated vegetation
types and more mesic higher elevation montane
forests. Pifton pine tends to become dominate' at
higher elevations, whereas, junipers are more
common at the lower elevations. The
distributions of pifton-juniper woodlands reflect
ecological amplitude and responsiveness to
available soil water and temperature regimes,
rather than to any general topographic
The stand structure of pInon-juniper
woodlands is relatively simple. In general,
undisturbed stands are uneven-aged. Pinon tends
to dominate the smaller size classes in these
stands, while junipers are the major component
of the larger size classes. Even-aged stands
frequently develop as a result of fire and tree
ecosystems, however, have very heterogeneous
overstory-understory relationships. Moir and
Carleton (1987) recognized over 70 habitat types
in Arizona and New Mexico pinon-juniper
ErOSion and Soil Loss
Soil losses by both water and wind erosion are
an integral part of pifton-juniper ecosystems
because precipitation required for a dense
protective vegetative cover is marginal. This
delicate balance between erosional processes and
the conditions required for an acceptable
vegetative cover make these ecosystems
particularly sensitive to both natural disturbances
sediment concentrations were lower in runoff
water from control plots than from those that had
been burned. Total sediment yields from dry soil
rainfall simulator runs (rainfall simulation on dry
soil) on pifton-juniper sites in New Mexico and
Arizona ranged from 368 kglha (per simulation)
on high cover plots to 2211 kglha on plots that
had been scraped bare (Bolton et al. 1992).
Significant movement of soil by wind can also
occur in pifton-juniper woodlands, particularly
following prescribed burning of fuelwood slash.
Mean sediment amounts collected in samplers
located 1 meter above the ground during a
summer season (May 15 through October) were
as high as 17.9 kglm2 (Baker and Jemison 1992). At
0.05 m above the soil surface as much as 1164
kglm2 of soil and ash material were collected.
These measurements of windborne material
represent quantities of sediment caught at points
in a vertical profile on the site sampled and not
the total amounts that were removed from the
and improper land use practices. Imbalance can
reduce vegetative cover and accelerate soil loss.
Because a well maintained plant cover reduces
soil losses, it is a cornerstone of land management
Most storms cause little or no overland flow
from sites having good ground cover, gentle
slopes, and permeable soils (Baker 1986, Clary et
al. 1974, Springfield 1976). However, highintensity, short-duration storms can produce
significant runoff events, particularly when they
occur on steep slopes having a sparse ground
cover and soils with low permeability.
Historically, high rates of runoff and sediment
have been attributed to overgrazing by livestock,
fire, or other past misuse (Evans 1988; Wood and
Javed 1992).
Water erosion on pifton-juniper woodlands in
the arid Southwest generally can be characterized
as an unsteady, or episodic process, that
transports sediment from a source area, across a
landscape, and through a channel system with
intermittent periods of storage (DeBano 1977).
Results obtained from studies in the Southwest
provide some information on the relative
magnitudes of soil losses associated with different
management activities. For any site condition,
runoff, erosion, and sediment production are
related to precipitation events that move
intermittently stored material downstream. After
9 years of pifton-juniper watershed studies on
basalt-derived soils in centr~l Arizona, the largest
sediment yield recorded was 2200 kglha from a
six-year-old, cabled watershed during an intense
rainstorm--estimated recurrence interval of 100
to 150 years (Clary et al. 1974). Based on the
knowledge of the influence of treatment
intensities, age since treatment, and storm
frequencies on sediment losses, it was concluded
that maximum potential sediment yields were in
the range of 2240 to 4880 kglha/year for
watersheds with similar physical characteristics
and climatic regimes (Clary et al. 1974).
Runoff studies on small plots, using both
natural and simulated rainfall, have provided
additional- information on the amounts of
sediment moved during runoff from sites
receiving different treatments. Under natural
rainfall events, course sediment losses from plots
where slash was piled and burned exceeded
those of control plots by about four-fold (100
kglha from controls compared to over 400 kglha
on burned slash plots) (Wood and Javed 1992).
Loping and scattering slash without burning it
had little effect on sediment production. Similarly,
A model initially developed by Marshall
(1973) and later extended by Heathcote (1983) to
describe water and wind erosion can be used to
illustrate erosional processes in pifton-juniper
woodlands (Figure 1). This model emphasizes the
dependency of water and wind erosion on mean
annual precipitation for vegetated and bare sites.
It also provides a useful framework for discussing
the nature of wind and water erosional processes
and their controlling factors.
In figure 1, curve labeled waterveg represents
water erosion under natural vegetation covernormal erosion (Marshall 1973). Water erosion
increases from a low value at the arid extreme of
mean annual precipitation to a peak erosion rate
in the semi-arid rainfall range (400 rom). Here,
rainfall is not great enough to sustain a complete
vegetation cover all year, but is sufficient to cause
erosion of the bare soil. With additional
precipitation, vegetation cover increases and
water erosion decreases (Schumm and Harvey
1982). The curve labeled waterbar represents water
erosion rates in the absence of natural vegetation,
e.g. vegetation loss due to overgrazing or
burning. Here, erosion continue to increase in
excess of normal erosion rates (curve waterveg) in
the humid range. The opportunity for reducing
water erosion below the maximum rate (curve
precipitation-i.e. at the greatest divergence
between the two wind erosion curves (wind veg
and wind bar) or about 200 to 500 mm.
In situations where both wind and water
erosion occur under a vegetation cover, there is a
compensating effect between the two erosional
processes, while under bare soil condition the
erosional effects are additive. For example,
combined water and wind erosion from vegetated
surfaces (w+wveg) starts out high because of the
high wind erosion potential but decrease rapidly
until about 250 mm of mean annual precipitation is
reached, and then reaches a secondary peak at
about 400 mm of precipitation (Figure 1). With
additional increases in precipitation, vegetative
cover increases and water erosion decreases. In
contrast, on a bare surface, combined rates of wind
and water erosion (w+Wbar) start out at high rates of
erosion or sediment yield and remain high at all
levels of mean annual precipitation (wind erosion
essentially ceases above 950 mm of rainfall).
wateIbar) is quite low at the arid and semi-arid
end of the scale, but increases markedly at the
humid end.
In contrast, normal wind erosion, curve
wind veg, decreases exponentially as precipitation
increases because the presences of even a
moderately sparse vegetation cover can reduce
the wind force at the soil surface. Wind erosion, in
the absence of vegetation (curve wind bar), remains
at a relatively high level until enough
precipitation is available to keep the surface soil
moist and reduce wind erosion. The shape of
curve wind bar depends upon the amount of
rainfall and its distribution. Curve wind bar would
fall more steeply if the increasing precipitation is
distributed more evenly or if it coincides with the
summer months. Conversely, the curve would be
less steep if the precipitation is mainly confined to
the winter months. Unlike water erosion, the
greatest opportunity for reduction of wind
erosion occurs in the semi-arid range of annual
_.. _.. _.. _... _.. -........
\ '
\ 6....
•• ,
Mean Annual Precipitation (100 mm)
Plant Cover
Combined level of wind and water erosion from bare ground (w + w )
Combined level of wind and water erosion from .'
vegetated surfaces with Increasing cover (w + w veu )
Wind erosion from bare ground (windb )
Wind erosion from vegetated surface (;'nd
Waler erosion from bare ground (waterb .,)
Water erosion
from vegetated surface (waterveu )'
Figure 1.-Conceptual model illustrating relative wind erosion and sediment yield as a function of mean annual precipitation on
bare and vegetated surfaces (adapted from Heathcote 1983).
the applicability of the model shown in Figure 1
on/mon-juniper woodlands, the inherent spatial
an temporal variability in the properties and
characteristics throughout these ecosystems will
continue to limit the precision of predictive
models. However, models do provide a
conceptual framework that is useful when
considering erosional processes within the
context of pifton-juniper management. The
framework brings both water and wind erosion
into a more balanced perspective and creates an
awareness of the importance of wind erosion.
This model clearly illustrates that any
management practices or natural occurrences that
reduce plant cover (Le. grazing, tree removal, fire,
or drought), substantially increases both water
and wind erosion. These effects are additive if a
protective plant cover is lacking. It also highlights
the importance of wind erosion in the
management of pinon-juniper woodlands, an
erosional process which has been largely ignored
in the past.
The model presented in Figure 1 is overly
simplistic because it includes only annual
precipitation (used as a surrogate for plant cover);
consequently other important soil properties and
site characteristics are needed to further refine
this model. The importance of other factors was
recognized when the Soil Loss Equation (USLE)
and the Wind Erosion Equation (WEE), two
commonly used equations to predict soil loss by
water and wind, respectively, were developed.
The USLE predicts annual soil loss caused by
rainfall impact and overland flow (Elliot et al.
1991) according to the following relationship:
Relating soil loss to decreases in site
productivity is not a simple task because
productivity depends on recent soil losses and is
strongly affected by past uses and erosional
history of a site. In order to have a minimum
effect on soil productivity, soil losses must not
exceed rates of soil formation. Although it is
difficult to quantify rates of soil formation, in arid
and semiarid environments this process is a very
slow (DeBano and Wood 1990). Soils gen~rally
contain 80 to 90 percent of the total ecosystem
nitrogen and phosphorus (Powers 1991}.Not only
is the soil a major nutrient reservoir, but nutrients
are also concentrated in the litter and humus
layers which are vulnerable to wind and water
erosion and to management practices that affect
the soil surface. Therefore, annual soil losses
exceeding a few millimeters can result in
disproportionate losses in nutrients that will
ultimately cailse a reduction in site productivity
(Bolton et al. 1991 and DeBano 1991). The
capability to reduce accelerated soil loss to assure
long-term site productivity is one of the greatest
challenges confronting managers of pinon":
juniper ecosystems.
Understanding the effects of wind and water
erosion on site prod uctivity requires an
understanding of how soil loss affects plant
growth and the subsequent productivity of plants
through time. Unfortunately, these relationships
are not well known in many cases. We simply do
not have sufficient information about the
reduction of site productivity that has resulted
from past soil losses in the pmon-juniper
woodlands. As pointed out by Dregne (1990), our
understanding of the permanent effects of soil
loss on site productivity in most natural
ecosystems is based largely on anecdotal
where: A = annual soil loss (kglha); R = rainfall
erosivity; K = soil erodibility; L = slope length;
S = slope steepness; C = cov~'r management; and
P = supporting practice (conservation). The USLE
was developed for agricultural croplands and,
therefore, has limited value for predicting soil loss
from dissimilar ecosystems. Although the C and P
factors have been replaced in the original USLE
with a vegetative management (VM) factor
(Dissmeyer and Foster 1985), these equations
need further validation before being useful for
estimating water erosion on pinon-juniper
Wind erosion equations; such as in the WEE
(Woodruff and Siddoway 1965), consider
additional site factors which influence wind
= f(ICKLV)
where: E = annual soil loss (kglha); I = soil
erodibility index (vulnerability to wind erosion);
C = climatic factor; K = soil surface roughness;
L = median unsheltered travel distance for wind
acros~ a field; and V = vegetative cover.
Although additional information on soil
properties and site characteristics would increase
of threatened, endangered, and sensitive plant
and animal habitats (USDA-FS 1993).
Ecological goals can only be achieved by
managing for a healthy productive ecosystem. It
is imperative, therefore, that the practices
implemented maintain piflon-juniper woodlands
in a condition where soil loss and the reduction of
site productivity are minimized. An important
component of this effort must address
intensifying the need for sustaining and
improving a protective plant cover. Within this
context, however, it is important to recognize
inherent variability from soil-to-soil and site-tosite which is caused by interactions among
precipitation regimes, geomorphological settings,
and edaphic conditions. As a consequence,
regional guidelines on the effects of soil loss on
site productivity and desired future condition
may not be applicable to site specific conditions,
but instead require validation on the more
important critical areas.
information. Nevertheless, it appears that serious
soil loss has occurred on many piflon-juniper sites
in the past and, as a consequence, have resulted
in significant and pernianent reductions in site
productivity. As suggested by Figure 1, these
reductions in site productivity are more likely to
occur oh areas having low densities of plant cover
because of increased water and wind erosion.
Quantifying reductions in site productivity
resulting from soil loss is further confounded by
the inherent variability of rainfall patterns in the
piflon-juniper woodlands. Paleoecological studies
confirm that both wide spatial and temporal
woodlands in the past (Betancourt et al. 1993).
Therefore, the present day growth of trees and
shrubs, and the production of forage plants, are
undoubtedly sensitive to shifts in rainfall
amounts, d~stributions, and timing. However,
red uctions of site productivity due to soil loss can
also occur simultaneously, but are more subtle
and long-term, and, therefore, can easily be
confounded with natural rainfall variability.
Demands on the piflon-juniper ecosystems
are expanding and intensifying. New and
innovative management practices are needed to
respond to these demands in order to maintain
and improve productivity. It is also important that
investigative efforts continue to quantify the
magnitudes of soil loss through the actions of
water and wind, and better quantify the effects of
soil losses on site productivity and consequent
land condition. Failure to recognize changes in
site productivity could jeopardize achieving
proposed desired future condition.
The desired future condition for pinonjuniper woodlands in the Southwest has been
defined in terms of human-value, economic, and
ecological goals (USDA-FS 1993). Human-value
goals consider hunting: and fishing conditions,
recreation experiences, and sustenance activities
such as cutting firewood or fence posts, gathering
Piflon nuts, or grazing livestock Ecological goals
in any desired future condition must be based on
individual site potential (soil, vegetation, and
climate) as described in USDA Forest Service
Region 3's current ecological classification
systems. Ecological goals for piflon-juniper
ecosystems can range from grassland, to savanna,
to open-canopy Piflon-juniper woodlands, to
uneven-aged pinon-juniper forests. Management
activities should, therefore, be designed to
achieve these ecological goals.
implementation of management practices must be
based on providing a sustainable level of the
goods and services that are desired by the public.
Therefore, management practices must recognize
these ecosystems for their valuable uses, products
and benefits, a visually desirable mosaic of
landscape elements that maintains a wide range
of plant and animal diversity, and the uniqueness
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