This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Unsustainability: The Shadow of Our Future W.H. Moir and H. Todd Mowrer1 Unsustainability is the counterpoint of sustainability. Sustainability is often predicted from ecosystem models. We examine the errors or uncertainties in a general assessment of different classes of predictive models. The uncertainties grow with model complexity and over longer periods of time and larger spatial dimensions. We conclude that assertions of sustainability derived from these models should be viewed cautiously. We do not really know what ecosystem conditions will exist in the future; and the more distant the future, the more the uncertainty. To the degree th~t humans are efficient predators, we may be forcing- some ecosystems into chaotic behavior, although present evidence is not strong. Nevertheless, it is better for land managers and publics to manage for uncertainty than to assume sustain ability. We suggest five management guidelines to resource managers who are looking into shadows of the future. Abstract - INTRODUCTION hope to show that the crystal ball of the future is clouded, and that we cast a long shadow in the direction of the " desired future condition" . In this paper we first discuss some of the reasons that limit predictions of sustainability. We explore limitations of several widely used kinds of prediction models. We ask whether ecosystems at given scales of time and space can become increasingly stochastic, thereby limiting prediction and perhaps subjecting affected populations to extinction (a clearly unsustainable result). We also ask whether ecosystems can behave chaotically. If so, they become very sensitive to differences in threshold variables that severely constrain predictions. We pause here for an important clarification Because we might not be able to closely predict future levels of goods or amenities, does not imply that ecosystems or their desired outputs will be unsustainable. Neither we nor the reader intend to fall into this trap. However, there are major implications for management when uncertainty shadows the future, and it is therefore essential that we understand the limits to prediction In confronting uncertainty we discuss why management should act conservatively, especially for ecosystems at or near high extractive levels or at risk of species extinctions. We suggest the use of the word, sustainability, is to be distrusted, and that a more appropriate approach to ecosystem management involves strategies addressed at future uncertainty. In conclusion several such strategies are proposed. One of the fundamentals in this new era of ecosystem management is the concept of sustainability. One fairly typical, proposed definition is complex (EMIT 1993): "The ability to sustain diversity, productivity, resilience to stress, health, reneWability, and/or yields of desired values, resource uses, products, or services from an ecosystem while maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem over time" . Often the definition of a commonly used word has become, when used as a technical word, a hodge-podge of vague nouns and adjectives. Efforts have been made to clarify the word, sustainability, by the context in which it is used (Norton 1991, Gale and Cordray 1991, Woodmansee 1992). For clarification we must ask the relevant questions (Maser 1992): what is to be sustained, at what level is "whatever" to be sustained, how long is it to be sustained, and for whom? Various attempts have been made to answer these questions (Gale and Cordray 1991, Costanza 1991, Toman 1992). In this paper, we attempt to limit the concept of ecological sustainability by drawing attention to its complementaty side, unsustainability. In so doing, we try to reveal some difficulties when managing ecosystems for sustainability and to point out that the glib use of this term can incur a false complacency. We 1 Research ecologist and research forester (mensuration), respectively, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Col/ins, Colorado. 143 variation in the response behavior. Moreover, integration of stochastic variation into model predictions causes them to vat)' across a range of possible values, because different random variations affect each prediction The result of a large number of predictions by a stochastic model would be a frequency histogram showing the relative frequencies of occurrence of various levels of response, such as those shown for two levels of variation in Figure 1. UNSUSTAINABILITY Unsustainability may occur whenever we lack the knowledge to detennine if the "what" of sustainability can meet the criteria of either "how much" or" how long" . These criteria are often arrived at by projections of supply and demand at various scales of time and space. It is not our purpose to elucidate the signs of resource overexploitation The number of threatened species in nearly all countries, whether developed or undeveloped (World Resources Inst. 1993), is but one sign of ecosystems in stress, where the "what?" , "how much?" and "how long?" are distwbing questions. In addition to genetic losses, commodities such as timber, fuelwood, ocean fishing stocks, or clean water may project more to depletion 1:han to sustainability (Ludwig et al. 1993). Similar forecasts can be applied to such ecosystem amenities as aesthetic appeal, wilderness solitude, critical habitats, sequestering of contaminants, clean air, and other declining levels of ecosystem seIVices. 600 500 ~ a5 400 :::J 0Q.) u: 300 .~ ~200 ex: ECOSYSTEM MODELS 100 Depending on the ecosystem being modeled, its behavior must be approximated by a mix of deterministic (fIXed cause and effect) and stochastic (random) relationships. Simpler components of an ecosystem are easily measured and are subject to minimal variation across the selected spatial and temporal measurement scale. Quite often this minimal variation can be ignored, and components of this sort are considered to be deterministic in their cause and effect relationships. However, the behavior of an ecosystem component is affected by sources of variation outside the selected scale of measure, or beyond our ability to understand their complexity. Consequences of these types of variation contribute to the stochastic or random portion of obseIVed component behavior. Ecosystem components that behave deterministically at one level of spatial and temporal measure quite often appear to behave stochastically at other levels because of these factors. For example, the mean or average diameter growth of a forest stand can usually be predicted quite accurately, while the growth of an individual tree within that stand is subject to greater variation It is difficult to understand, measure, and predict the behavior of various ecosystem components because they are subject to vatying (and often unknown) combinations of these deterministic and stochastic effects. In recent years, stochastic effects have not, as a rule, been included in models of forest stand dynamics. It must be emphasized that just because stochastic effects are not included in a predictive model, does not mean they are not present. Under certain conditions, i.e., fmer levels of model resolution and/or longer prediction horizons, stochastic effects may literally "swamp out" the environmental signal predicted by the model. Stochastic effects are more difficult to quantify than the direct cause and effect relationships, because in addition to the most likely value for a response variable, one must predict the relative o -1 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Resource Response Units 8 10 Figure 1. - Histograms of two normally distributed populations having the same mean and sample size, but different variances. The narrower distribution reflects less uncertainty in localized predictions and shorter time horizons. The wider distribution renects more uncertainty in global predictions and longer time horizons. The most well known shape that these frequency histograms assume is the bell-shaped or nonnal probability distribution function Probability distributions are characterized by a measure of central tendency (mean) and relative dispersion (variance). In a well-behaved simulation model, i.e, not subject to chaotic behavior, the mean of the stochastic model (the highest peak of the histogram) would be identical to the single value predicted by the analogous deterministic model. As shown in Figure 1, the stochastic model provides additional information that is extremely important to the prediction of resource sustainability. This infonnation is the relative dispersion of possible alternative future outcomes, particularly extreme values. While the mean value, or the single outcome from a deterministic model, provides the most likely result, in actuality it is likely to occur only a portion of the time! For example, the highest response level of the more peaked histogram in Figure 1 represents only about ten percent of the total responses represented by all bars of the histogram. In the other 90 percent of the possible outcomes depicted by this histogram, other less likely but possible levels of the ecosystem response would be predicted. Again, it should be emphasized that just because a particular forest ecosystem model does not predict the range of possible outcomes, does not mean they .will not occur. These uncertain outcomes are due to the 144 range of data used to calibrate the model, inexact understanding of the true functional relationship being modeled, and uncertainties in each set of values used to initiate projections by the model (Mowrer 1991). These uncertainty components combine and propagate through the network of internal model calculations to affect the final values projected by the model. As the variance, or dispersion, increases in the distribution of possible outcomes, our uncertainty in the most likely response also increases. In the more broadly distributed histogram in Figure 1, the highest peak only occurs in about 5 percent of the total outcomes depicted. Because of the propagation of sources of variation through ecosystem models, increased uncertainty is always a factor over larger spatial and temporal scales (Mowrer 1989). The above discussion relates to ecosystem components which can be modelled by classical probability theOly. When chaotic behavior is present, future states often "bifurcate" or assume one of two extreme values, with no opportunity for intermediate values. Ecosystem components which display this type of behavior obviously function veiy differently from those displaying a continuum of probabilities between extremes. The possibilities of both classical statistical uncertainty and chaotic behavior in ecosystems cast an even longer shadow over assessments of resource sustainability. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate possible mathematical approaches to ecological modelling. The kinds of equations and their calibrations shown in the 4 x 3 matrix are illustrated in figure 3. Additional modelling dimensions are time and scale, or spatiotemporal resolution (grain) and extent, as discussed by other speakers of this symposium (e.g., UIban, Wessman and Nel, Salwasser). The constraints to predictability that we have discussed apply to models at any spatiotemporal scale. In the past, risk reduction has driven modellers to reductionistic, but more reliable, models. Accuracy more than range was important (Leruy 1992). Today, modellers are boldly addressing problems at global scales, and ballpark rather than exact outcomes are sought. Nevertheless, predictability can become severely limiting when models on the scale of years or decades are extended too far into the future, or when models at plot or stand levels are extended to landscapes at watershed or more extensive scales (Levin 1992). SINGLE EQUATION INDEPENDENTLY CALIBRATED SEQUENTIAL EQUATIONS SIMULTANEOUSLY CALIBRATED SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION NONLINEAR REGRESSION LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL OR DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL OR DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS Figure 2. - The effect on model functionality of increasingly complex equation types (on the vertical axis) and calibration approaches (across the horizontal axis). Multiple linear regression: linear in coe1}icients y = bO+ b1x1 + b2~ Nonlinear regression: nonlinear in coefficients b y = b + ~x 2 + b exp [b x + ~] 3 o 44 ,, Separate calibration N 10 = b2 + bjJO ~ Simultaneous differential equations: qy 1= a Of (t)x + a (t)x + ... + a (t)x + F (t) 11 1 12 2 1n n 1 LIMITS TO PREDICTION QY n= a .(t)x + a (t)x + ... + a (t)x + F (t) Of n1 1 n2 2 nn n n The possibilities of countless population and environmental interactions apply to existing models of reduced or simplified ecosystems. Our suIVey of modelling limits suggests at least four constraints to predictions of sustainability as a consequence of ecosystem complexity. Ecological surprises. One can trivialize this obstacle by asserting that surprise is nothing more than extreme but possible errors of prediction (tails of the frequency distribution). However, surprises are often considerably more in quality, magnitude and consequence than prediction error and can render Figure 3. - Examples of some equation types and calibration approaches presently in use. 80th the a and b coefficients are statistically calibrated. The coefficients are time period (t=1, ...n) dependent. models useless by invoking new rules (Loucks 1985, Hollings 1986). In other words, the model may address uncertainties within its limited framework, but the larger uncertainties are both hidden and potent (Wynne and Mayer 1993). It is possible for continuous environmental change to drive ecosystems past 145 a critical threshold. Kay (1991) and Loucks (1985) use as illustration algal blooms erupting suddenly when a nutrient reaches a certain threshold. In addition, profound changes in ecosystems can occur, for example, when "accidents" occur. Introductions of alien biota such as cheatgrass, chestnut blight, or feral pigs into ecosystems are well known events (Gillis 1992). Another form of surprise is the occurrence of one or more highly improbable events usually not contemplated in models but whose effects "ripple" through the ecosystem as time progresses. Ecosystems affected by surprise may collapse, move to a new functional level, or return to a fonner condition Examples are .provided by Kay (1991), Savory (1988), and Muller-Dumbois (1987). Critical thresholds/scaling effects. Thresholds, scaling effects (King et al., 1991; Hardin 1991; Levin 1992), mtchet effects (Ludwig et al. 1993), and surprises may be hard to differentiate. Whatever these effects are called, profound ecosystem change can occur at critical thresholds (Kaufman 1993). Environmental problems at a global scale are.familiar examples. The change after some threshold condition is exceeded may be discontinuous and irreversible. An example of discontinuous change in pinyon-juniper woodland is given by Jameson (this volume). The irreversible change may also suggest a bifurcation point or fold (Kay 1991), and ecosystem behavior for all pmctical purposes may be indistinguishable from a chaotic ecosystem (discussed below). Increasing stochasticity. Examples are found during periods of rapid climate change (faylor et al., 1993), during social unrest and wars, and from ecosystems subject to heavy altemtion Environmental stochasticity acts upon populations and thus contributes to demogmphic stochasticity, as for example, upon metapopulations (Stacey and Taper 1992). One effect is that limiting factors for population survival are probably exceeded in some time intelVal, increasing the probability of local extinction (Menges 1992, Stacey and Taper 1992). In another example, insurance companies reduce stochasticity by limiting the mnge of covemge to as specific population classes as they have sufficient data for (for example, teenage automobile drivers in metropolitan Colomdo) in order to better calculate accident or mortality probabilities and thereby determine costs of covemge policies. In general, the larger the scales of space and time, the greater the stochasticity. Chaotic ecosystems. The possibility of ecosystems displaying chaotic behavior was suggested by May (1976). Chaotic ecosystems have limits to prediction, since small changes in initial conditions can produce largely discrepant outcomes for t >> to, and can cause the system to become unstable. Ecosystems stressed by predisposing factors, such as a period of unfavorable climate or other limiting conditions, may exhibit irruptions of insects or diseases, and have been suspected of chaotic behavior (Logan 1991). Chaotic behavior is a possibility when new conditions are imposed upon ecosystems, forcing them into population structures far from previously evolved stability conditions (Kay 1991, Ritchie 1992, Berryman 1991). A possible transition occurred during the mpid desertification of Southwestern desert gmsslands coinciding with the introduction of livestock (Neilson 1986). Historic changes in the American Southwest at the end of the Little Ice Age were accompanied by soil loss and profound biotic reorganization to the point where new equilibria of desert shrubs, annuals, soil erosion pavements, and hydrological regimes were established (Neilson 1986, Dick-Peddie 1993). Following Cambel (1993), we distinguish chaos as a condition from systems that are chaotic. The latter must satisfy numerous conditions, including having mathematical properties of non-linearity, non-equilibrium function, contain stmnge attmctors, and luwe a Lyapunov exponent> zero (Cambel 1993). There has been much interest in the possibility of chaotic ecosystems (Kaufman 1993). Ecosystems clearly satisfy some of the conditions for chaotic systems: they are dissipative, complex, non-linear, and have a mix of both deterministic and random properties. Evidence of chaotic behavior in ecosystems is arguable. There must be a long enough time of obselVation to discern strange attractor behavior and a significant positive Lyapunov exponent from analysis of population time series. Absent these special properties of chaotic systems, ecosystems can be interpreted to have high levels of stochastic randomness as an alternative (Ellner 1991, Pool 1989, Berryman and Millstein 1989). At present, demonstrating chaos is mostly a matter of collecting sufficient evidence for or against a chaotic system, mther than a matter of proof (Thrcbin and Taylor 1992). There are a growing number of claims of populations that behave in accordance with chaos theory. This includes adding predation to food-limited prey populations (Ritchie 1992), outbreaks of forest insects (Turchin 1991), predator-prey systems in a eutrophic environment (Ritchie 1992), the spread of influenza and childhood measles (Olsen and Schaffer 1990). Many assertions of ecological chaotic systems have alternative explanations (pool 1989, Olsen and Schaffer 1990). However, we have indicated above that complex, nonlinear, multipopulation ecosystems have at least some of the properties of chaotic systems. These include feedback structures that are, in Berryman's (1991) words, the seeds of chaos. The possibility exists of pushing ecosystems into a chaotic domain as environmental changes approach magnitudes outside their natural evolutionary domains (Berryman 1991). Affected populations appear to either adjust to a new equilibrium or become extinct. Modelling studies suggested that the fonner can happen if stressed populations are augmented by dispersal from metapopulations (Gonzales-Andujar and Perry 1993). Strong negative feedbacks have been suggested to induce chaotic instability. Benyman (1991) cites crab populations of northern California and the economics of fisheries as an example of a negative feedback. At a larger scale he also proposed that global warming, ozone depletion, deforestation of the tropics might be included as possible factors of system disequilibria Activities that involve species introductions, long time-lags, mpid growth mtes, or highly efficient predators or pamsites 146 could decrease stability and possibly lead into a chaotic environment (Berryman 1991). We return to these possibilities below. 1. CONFRONTING UNCERTAINTY 2. Ecosystem complexity is perhaps no better stated than by the humorous spiritual adept, Da Free John (1982): "AII things in themselves are the effocts of the interests of independent living beings. Thl!refore, there is no great plan that we can depend on, because there are countless beings manufacturing effocts, human beings, less than human beings, visible beings, invisible beings, big beings, little beings, beings in every plane within the hierarchical planes of manifostation. All beings are thinking and feeling and acting qnd desiring and creating effects. The summation of all of this chaotic desiring is the cosmos. " Given the evidence of ecosystem complexity and a rapidly changing global environment, assertions about managing for sustainability (of whatever, for how much, and how long) are suspect. One recommendation for resource managers offered by Ludwig et al. (1993) is to distrust claims of sustainability. This kind of distrust was expressed by Sachs (1989), who pointed out that most usage of the tenn "natural resources" was often equated with human exploitation that greatly exceeded the basic needs of human communities. Instead of claiming sustainability in management goals, it may be more useful and certainly more honest to address options to manage for uncertainty. One suggested principle is to manage ecosystems genernlly within the range of their "natural variation" (EMIT 1993). However, many ecosystems upon which we depend for future well-being are rapidly changing as a result of evolutionarily new technological impacts Berryman (1991). They may already be outside their range of natural variation (whatever that is!) or vatying around new equilibrium conditions (Hollings 1986). We already cited two examples, the Southwestern desert grassland and pinyon-juniper woodland. The affected ecosystems may follow presently unknown rules of ecosystem reorganization and may also be in a period of instability and species displacement (in chaotic systems language, a bifurcation) while reorganization occurs. Moreover, there may be no scientific consensus about the outcome of such systems. This is the future's shadow, and the manager's dilemma (Ludwig et al., 1993). "We have no answers, so what should we do?" Guidelines for resource allocation are not new where ignorance prevails. The decision to do nothing or maintain the status quo may be inappropriate. Common sense or best judgement underlain by a social or ethical imperative may have to substitute for scientific uncertainty (Maser 1992, Costanza 1991, Ludwig et al., 1993). Five itemized guidelines below may be helpful when "tough" decisions must be made. 3. 4. 5. 147 Be as explicit as possible about responsibilities to future generations and discount the present resource values accordingly (perrings 1991, Norgaard and Howarth 1991, Toman 1992). This usually means curtailing demand. In Hardin's (1991) words, every shortage of supply is equal to a longage of demand. Analyze the effects of a proposed activity at all important space-time scales. In particular, probe and tty to understand the larger uncertainties outside the domain of reductionist models. A decision to set aside resources without reducing high consumption of that resource I in a global economy may increase the burden on other countries to provide that resource. Examples of local versus global analyses are given by Sachs (1989), Daily and Ehrlich (1992), and World Resources Institute (1993). When the stakes at any scale are high (either now or in the future), then be cautious. The precautionary principle states that an action or non-action should be made before hann to the environment becomes visible (perrings 1991, Wynn and Mayer 1993). High levels of natural variability and the reductionism of ecological models can hide overexploitation, surprise, and possible irreversible changes in non-equilibrium systems. The precautionary principle can also be used to shift to the user the burden of proof against harmful consequences at whatever scale. It also favors actions that are reversible (Bella and Overton 1972), and argues for high frequency monitoring (Savory 1988). When environmental risks are high or when there is possibility of irreversible damage, then spread the effects unevenly over the land and maintain a high level of spatial diversity (Bella and Overton 1972). Odum (1969) argued for a mix of both production (early seral) and diversity (late seral) ecosystems in the landscape. However, such management is probably not sufficient. We realize now that "set asides" (primarily diversity oriented lands) do not harbor the needed diversity, nor are "multiple use" lands (primarily commodity oriented lands) sufficient to provide the necessary goods and services for current and future needs. Rather, natural resource lands and the ecosystems thereon must provide a mix of both commodity and diversity values (Franklin 1989ab; Roberts 1990). The resultant landscapes become diversified in shades of gray along spatial and temporal gradients rather than as a mosaic of black and white ecosystems. To avoid instability or chaos, Berryman (1991) suggests taking actions that seek to avoid long time lags, large growth rates, and introductions of highly efficient predators or parasites. Essentially these are Berryman, A. A. 1991. Chaos in ecology and resource management: what causes it and how to avoid it. Chaos and insect ecology, editors 1. A. Logan, and F. P. Rain, 23-38. Montreal, Canada, 5 August 1990. Blacksburg, Virginia: Virginia Argicultural Experiment Station, xii, 108 p. Brossard, P. 1991. The role of ecology in conservation biology. Ecological Applications 1: 6-12. Cambel, A. B. 1993. Applied chaos theory, a paradigm for complexity. Boston, San Diego, New York, London, Sydney: Academic Press, Inc., xviii, 246 p. Costanza, R. editor. 1991. Ecological economics: the science and managem~nt of sustainability. New York: Columbia University Press, xiii, 525 p. Da Free John. 1983. The Dreaded Gom-boo, or the Imaginary Disease that Religion Seeks to Cure. Clearlake CA: The Dawn Horse Press, 400 p. Dailey, G. C., and P. R. Ehrlich 1992. Population, sustainability, and Earth's carrying capacity. Bioscience 42 (10): 761-771. Dick-Peddie, W. A. 1993. Ne)Y Mexico Vegetation past, present and future. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Univ. New Mexico Press, xxxii, 244 p. + map. Ellner, S. 1991. Detecting low-dimensional chaos in population dynamics data: a critical review. Chaos and insect ecology, editors 1. A. Logan, and F. P. Hain, 63-85. 'Montreal, Canada, 5 August 1990. Blacksburg, Virginia: Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, xii, 108 p. EMIT Ecosystem Management Inplementation Team. 20 May 1993. Proposed glossary of terms. USDA Forest SelV. Pacific Northwest Region Franklin, 1. F. 1989A. ScientifIc basis for new perspectives in forests and streams. Watershed management: balanCing sustainability and environmental change. editor R. 1. Naiman, 25-72 (chap 3). Springer-Verlag. - . 1989B. Toward a new forestry. American Forests 95 (11/ 12): 1-8. Fri, R. W. 1991. Sustainable development, can we put these principles into practice? J. Forestry July: 24-26. Gale, R. P., and S.M. Cordray. 1991. What should forests sustain? Eight answers. J. Forestry (5): 31-36. Gillis, A. M. 1992. Keeping aliens out of pamdise. Bioscience 42 (7): 482-485. Gonzales-Andujar, 1. L., and J. N. Perry. 1993. Chaos, metapopulations and dispersal. Ecological modelling 65: 255263. Hardin, G. 1991. Paramount positions in ecological economics. measures of restraint, caution, and avoidance of heavy-handed actions that lead to overcompensatory feedbacks. The loggers versus owls conflict in the Pacific Northwest can be taken as an example of the kind of instability that resulted from failure to intervene early enough in a regional ecosystem (the old-growth forests) that had heavy impact and strong economic feedback at local, regional, and global scales. SUMMARY What constitutes a valid basis for determining if an ecosystem or natural resource is sustainable? We have attempted to be careful in defIning our tenns, and the extent to which these terms may be applied. While these limitations prevent any universal solution to the problem, they have allowed us to explore some limitations in the process o( defIning a set of ecosystem conditions or resources as sustainable. In so doing, we hope to have provided insight into reasons why sustainability is not an easy property to recognize or nurture. Recognizing the sources of uncertainty that create these difficulties may provide insight into the range of solutions and best approaches to ecosystems sustainability. An arguably appropriate response, voiced among scientists, conservationists, economists, and other concerned publics, but often opposed by industry and other resource " developers" , is to take a precautionary, conservative approach to ecosystem management and resource exploitation On the other hand, an overly conservative approach, often voiced by environmental groups, may fail to provide critical biological diversity or important needs of the human community as part of the functional ecosystem ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Rolfe A. Leaty for kindly reviewing an earlier draft and helping us remove some kinks. Ecological economics: the science and management of sustainability. editor R. 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