Soil Nutrient Research on the Heber Ranger District Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest Hazel peny' - Abstract Soil temperatures and vegetative and soil nutrients were measured during a prescribed fire study in fuelwood harvested pinon-juniper. Soil temperatures in the top 0-5cm reached 339'~ under slash >25MT/ha. Vegetative nitrogen and phosphorus decreased as much as 91% due primarily to volatilization and erosion. Soil nutrient levels increased or remained unchanged. Scientists fiom the Rocky Mountain Station are conducting several studies involving two sites on the Heber Ranger District, Sitmaves National Forest, Arizona. This discussion emphasizes the soils aspect of these studies. The Ancient Tank study is in an area dominated by Juniperus monosperma (one-seed juniper) with little interspace vegetation The interspace vegetation is mostly annual fobs with some Bouteloua gracilis (blue grams). Soils are Trpic Haplustalfs (Nelson 1992) derived from limestone interbedded with sandstone. In many areas, the soil is shallow and armored. In an effort to increase forage, the district used fuelwood harvesting to remove trees greater than 7.5 cm in basal diameter from areas averaging 80 ha in size. They wanted to use commercial hawesters instead of opening the areas up to personal use cuts because the commercial cutters could be controlled under contract to complete clean hawests over a set time period. The problem incurred at the Ancient Tank site was that most of the sale areas they wanted to cut produced less than 6 cordsh and the cutters felt they could not make money with the amount of time it would take to get a truck load of wood. So, the district paid harvesters an average of $40/ha depending upon the amount of wood they could get off the area (Mortensen 1991). The more wood the cutter could get to sell, the less the district had to pay. Harvesting was completed on four areas over a 4 year period resulting in different age classes of slash When we started the study, these sites were 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, and 4 y e . post-harvest. Harvesting resulted in an average of 45MT/ha of slash which we determined using methodology outlined by Brown (1974) in the Handbook for Inventorying Downed Woody Fuel which we modified for use in piilon-juniper. ' Research Soil Scientist, USDA Forest S e ~ c e Rocky , Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, AZ. The District was l o o m for information on the effects of burning slash on soil productivity. The Range Conservationist specifically wanted to know if slash age should be considered if they did decide to bum. To try and answer the District's questions as well as some on soil phosphorus and the long-term effects of fire, we selected four 112-ha blocks in each age class three were to be burned with one left as a control. Within each block, we installed three 20 m transects for collection of soil, litter, ash, and slash samples. The specific objectives were to measm soil temperatures associated with a prescribed piilon-juniper slash burn (Perry et al, in review), and to determine the long-term effects of prescribed fue on nutrient cyclmg under vaq~ingage classes of slash and at different soil depths. Soil temperatures were measured by Steve Sackett and Sally Haase of the Riverside Forest Fire Laboratory using stainless steel thermocouples (Sackett and Haase 1992). Thennocouples were inserted horizontally within the top 10 cm of the soil at nine random locations in each block under heavy fuel (which we categorized for this area as greater than 25MT/ha), light he1 (less than 25MT/ha), and in the interspace adjacent to the slash The thermocouples are attached by cable to data loggers which are housed in insulated aluminum boxes. Because of time and equipment restraints, we were only able to instrument two sites. We chose the one with the lowest slash load at 4 1 M T h which was the 4-yeardd site and the site with the heaviest fhel, the 2-yeardd site with 51MT/ha In November 1989, 12 blocks were burned leaving only piles of white ash and burned stumps. To reach our objective of determining effects of fire on nutrients, we collected soil at 0-1, 1-2, and 2-5 cm depths along each transect immediately before and after the burn and again 4 months later in the spring of 1990. - Soil samples were collected in all four age classes but due to budget constraints, only the materials from the 2 year and 4 year sites were analyzed. Materials from the 1 year and 3 year sites are in storage for later analyses. The soil was analyzed for seven different phosphorus fractions, organic carbon, exchangeable and total calcium and magnesium as well as total nitrogen, particle size, and bulk density. Samples of litter and slash were collected immediately before the fire and ash was collect following the burn. We attempted to collect ash the following spring but there had been so much movement and mixing of soil and ash by wind that we were unable to collect a clean ash sample. Determinations made on these samples were oven d ~ yweight, total phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen. Figure 1 illustrates the maximum temperatures we recorded under heavy slash in the top 5 cm of soil. The highest temperature recorded at the 2 year site was 95 OC and the mean was 70 O C . On the 4 year site, the highest temperature recorded was 339 O C and the mean of all nine locations was 203 O C . Figure 2 illustrates longer temperature durations on the 4-yeardd site where temperatures remained over 100 OC for more than 14 hours and return to near ambient at approximately 35 hours after ignition. The measured temperatures never exceeded 100 O C on the 2 year site and returned to near ambient within 10 hours. I say 'near' ambient because the fire causes a darkening of the surface and removal of shade producing slash so the ambient temperatures on these sites will be higher following the fh. - Ambient Temp. Highest temp. recorded out of 9 measurement points Mean of highest temps. recorded at all 9 pomts ' , I i 1 ' r--- , ; 50 . - : 0 - , - - I I 2 Year Site 4 Year Site I :I HOURS A F E R IGNITION - Figure 2. Soil temperature durations in the 0-5 cm soil depth on a piiion-juniper slash burn in central AS. -203 - b...-.;.....i 2 Year Site have accumulated heavier materials nearer the soil surface due primarily to weathering and gravity. This accumulation of surface fuel resulted in higher, longer duration soil temperatures. Figure 3 also illustrates the loss of vegetative material on a weight basis. On the 2 year site, there was an 86% decrease in vegetative material h m slash and litter to ash and a 52% decrease on the 4 year site. These losses are attributed primarily to wind during and immediately following the fire which carried large amounts of ash off site. As mentioned earlier, four months after the fire wind had moved enough soil and ash to make collection of ash samples impossible. Malchus Baker, a Research Hydrologist at the Rocky Mountain Station in Flagstaff9 is currently studying wind erosion on burned and crushed sites on the Heber District. ----- - .-1-339 C 150 and compaction Secondly, slash on the 4 year site appeared to , , 4 Year Site Figure 1. Soil temperatures associated with a piiion-juniper slash burn in central Arizona. Slash weights reported for these areas were 5 1MTh on the 2 year site and 41MT/ha on the 4 year site. Why then do we see this difference in soil temperatures? It could be the result to two thmgs. First, the litter layer on the 4 year site (Figure 2) was heavier and denser with an average weight of 29MTh and depth of 0.5 c m Whereas, the 2 year site had 18MT/ha litter at an average depth of 1.8 cm. The extra 2 years slash was on the ground on the 4 year site allowed for greater litter accumulation - 2 Year Slash DLitter 4 Year KlAsh Figure 3. Vegetative material weights on a piiionjuniper slash burn in central Arizona. Nutrient determinations (Table 1) illustrate a decrease in nitrogen and phosphorus from that contained in the slash and litter to what remained in the ash. This decrease is due primarily to volatilization and erosional losses. On the 2 year site, we had a 91% decrease in both phosphorus and nitrogen On the 4 year site, which had somewhat less erosional ash loss, we found an 88% decrease in phosphorus and 72% decrease in nitrogen - Table 1. Changes in vegetative nitrogen and phosphorus (kglha) following a prescribed pinonjuniper slash burn in central Arizona. 2 Year Site 4 Year Site Nitrogen Phosphorus Nitrogen Phosphorus Pre-Burn (Litter+Slash) 290.5 34.8 312.2 31.1 Post-Burn (Ash) 25.8 3.0 87.7 10.1 % Decrease 91.1 91.4 - 71.9 67.5 - One year following the fm, there was no vegetation in the bumed area and 3 112 years following the bum there were only a few annual fohs in the burned areas with grass cover right up to the edge of the bum. Table 2 lists soil nutrient changes for the top 5 cm of soil. We found increases in total nitrogen, avadable phosphorus, and exchangeable calcium and magnesium We found no decreases in soil nutrients. It is well documented that there is a release of nutrients following fire due to oxidation of organic materials once held in the vegetative materials (Isaac and Hopkins 1937, Smith 1970, Lewis 1974, Stark 1977, DeBano and C o d 1978, Stdmck et al. 1982, Wright and Bailey 1982, Giovanni et al. 1988). In this study, however, it's obvious when considering that there is little or no vegetation in the burned area that something else is happening in the soil. Could it be a destruction of soil flora and fauna (Hayward and Tissot 1936, Ahlgren and Ahlgren 1965, Wright and Bailey 1982)? Very probable. An alteration of nutrient ratios? Probable. Release of some unknown compounds from the resinous wood slash? Maybe. Hydrophobic condition of the soil? A test for hydrophobicity in this instance indicated no problems but hydrophobic soils have been known to occur following piiion-juniper frres. Could it be a lack of seed source to recolonize the burned areas? Possible in some of the 12 burned blocks, but not in all. Could it be a combination of conditions, some of which we can only guess at and some that have never o c c m d to us? This is the most likely scenario of all. Answers to some of these questions were what we were hoping for with a long-term study until one fateful day 2 y e . ago when there was a rniscornrnunication among some folks working out on the Ancient Tank Site. The District decided not to burn the remaining hectares of slash, based partly on our fmdings. They have a roller chopper that they pull behind a tractor to break up the slash and get it down into the soil surface. It can then decompose faster and provide an effective soil cover. Table 2. - Changes in soil nutrient levels following prescribed piiion-juniper slash burning in central Arizona. Total nitrogen 2 Year Site 4 Year Site No change 35% increase Total phosphorus No change No change Total calcium No change No change Total magnesium No change No change Available phosphorus 83% increase 93% increase Exchangeable calcium 129% increase 170% increase Exchangeable magnesium No change 45% increase Organic carbon No change No change pH No change No change The chopper &o produces trenches that provide microclimate conducive to seedling establishment and appear to inmase infiltration, although that hasn't been measured. The chopped areas are much more aesthetically pleasing than untreated or bumed slash, and areas that were chopped only 1 year ago appear to have greater forage production and species diversity. So, what was the problem on the burned sites? The tractor operator had been told to chop everythmg in the fuelwood harvested areas. "Everyhng?" he asks. "Yes, everythug." By now you've probably guessed that even though there was no slash to chop on the burned blocks and the permanent transect markers were sticking up all over, he ran the chopper through the blocks churning up the soil on the transects and flattening the markers. Well, thugs happen, and we gained some good information but we didn't accomplish any of our long-term goals. That brings us to the second study we're conducting on the Heber Ranger District. The Mud Tank area has approximately 60% Pinus edulis (piilon pine) and 40% juniper species, primarily one-seed juniper but with some Juniperus deppeana (alligator bark juniper) on better sites. Soils are derived from limestone parent material interbedded with sandstone. The study is made up of 33 4-ha blocks over which four silvicultural treatments are being applied by commercial fuelwooding. In this case, there is enough fuelwood that the cutters pay the district to cut. The silvicultud treatments are single-tree selection where tree densities are reduced approximately 50% while maintaining diameter distribution, overstory removal where everything greater than 18 cm basal diameter is cut, type conversion where all trees are cut, and no cutting. Soil nutrient work is being done in the overstory removal, type conversion, and no cut treatments. There are 10 4-ha blocks in each treatment and half of these will have prescribed slash burns. Gerald Gottfried, Research Forester with the Rocky Mountain Station in Flagstaff, is studying effects of all four silviculttd treatments and prescribed fm on tree regeneration and growth. He is also working with Bill Kruse, Research Range Scientist with the Rocky Mountain Station in Flagstaff, on understoIy/overstory production Bill Kruse is also monitoring small mammal populations and is worlung with me on nutrient cychg in the soiltblue grama system throughout the growing season. Specific soil nutrient objectives are to measure the soil temperatures associated with these Werent levels of fbelwood harvest and to once again attempt to determine long-term effects of fuelwood harvest and fire on nutrient cycling. The nutrient work has been expanded over what we were doing on the Ancient Tank study. Samples of soil and blue grama have been collected once every 2 weeks throughout the growing season for the past 3 summers. This sampling will continue for at least 5 years post-treatment. Soil, litter, and slash will be collected within a couple of days before burning and soil and ash will be collected as soon after burning as it is cool enough to work in the area and annually for at least 5 years post-treatment. We're currently getting our downed woody fuel measurements and will be measuring concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, copper, and zinc in the slash, litter, and ash. The soils work has also been expanded to include ammonia and nitrate; exchangeable phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium; total nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, copper, and zinc; organic carbon; pH; and bulk density. Because fuelwood harvest could not be completed in one year, ten of the blocks were harvested last year and will be burned in Fall 1993. The other twenty will be completed in May 1993 and will be burned in Fall 1994. LITERATURE CITED Ahlgren, Isabel F. and Clifford E. Ahlgren 1%5. Effects of prescribed burning on soil microorganisms in a Minnesota jack pine forest. Ecology. 46(3): 304-310. Brown, James K. 1974. Handbook for inventorying downed woody material. USDA Forest Service. General Technical Report INT-16. Ogden, UT. 24pp. DeBano, L.F. and C.E. Conrad. 1978. The effect of fire on nutrients in a chapanal ecosystem. Ecology. 59(3):489-497. Giovannini, G., S. Lucchesi, and M. Giacktti. 1988. Effect of heating on some physical and chemical m e t e r s related to soil aggregation and erodibility. Soil Science. 146(4):244-261. Heyward, F m k and A.N. Tissot. 1936. Some changes in the soil fauna associated with forest f m in the longleaf pine region Ecolopy. 17(4): 659466. Isaac, Leo A. and Howard G. Hopkins. 1937. The forest soil of the douglas fir region, and changes wrought upon it by logging and slash burning. Ecology. 18:264-279. Lewis, Jr., William M. 1974. Effects of fire on nutrient movement in a South Carolina pine forest. Ecology. 55; 1120-1 127.Mortensen, Bruce. 199 1. Personal communication USDA Forest Service. Apache-Sitpaves N.F. Heber Ranger District. Overgaard, AZ. Nelson, Chris. 1992. Personal communication USDA Forest Service. Apache-Sitgreaves N.F. Springerville, AZ. Peny, Hazel M., Sally M. Haase, and Stephen S. Sackett. In Review. Soil temperatures associated with a pinyon-juniper slash burn in central Arizona. USDA Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station FlagsW, AZ. Sackett, Stephen S. and Sally M. Haase. 1992. Measuring soil and tree temperatures during prescribed fires with thermocouple probes. USDA Forest Service. Pacific Southwest Research Station. General Technical Report PSW-GTR-131. Berkeley, CA. 15pp. Smith, D.W. 1970. Concentrations of soil nutrients before and after fire. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 50:17-29. Stark, Nellie M. 1977. Fire and nutrient cychg in a douglasfirAarch forest. Ecology. 58:16-30. Stednick, John D., Larry N. Tripp, and Robert J. McDonald. 1982. Slash burning effects on soil and water chemistry in southeastern Alaska. Journal of Soil and Water Consemation 37(2): 126-128. Wright, Henry A. and Arthur W. Bailey. 1982. Fire Ecology. United States and Southern Canada. John Wiley & Sons. New York. 501 pp.