Rehabilitation of Southwestern Rangelands to Piiion-Juniper Ecosystems?

Rehabilitation of Southwestern Rangelands
Using Sewage Sludge: Technology
Applicable to Piiion-Juniper Ecosystems?
Richard ~ g u i l a r '
Abstract - Forest Service researchers have been conducting studies on
land application of sewage sludge to degraded rangeland for nearly a
decade. The basic premise is that soils in degraded sites, which often have
had a history of heavy livestock grazing, are depleted in organic matter.
Subsequently, any attempt at improving the site potential and attaining a
sustainable, higher level of productivity in these areas must consider
restoring soil organic matter and associated nutrients to pre-livestock
grazing levels. Rehabilitation of degraded lands can employ a passive
approach (e.g., removal of grazing pressure) or an active approach
(immediate improvement of the existing condition of the soil or vegetation,
such as fertilization). A sludge amendment application study (1'985-1989)
investigated the effects of different quantities of municipal sewage sludge
on vegetative growth and plant and soil chemistry. Results from this study
showed that a one-time surface application of sewage sludge at 22.5 to 45
Mg ha-' (10-20 tons acre-') significantly increased plant production and
ground cover without producing undesirable levels of potentially hazardous
sludge-borne constituents, including heavy metals, in either soils or plant
tissues. Current studies are investigating the effects of sludge on rangeland
hydrology and determining the feasibility of large-scale sludge application
projects on public rangelands. Increased plant canopy and ground cover
resulting from sludge amendments have significantly increased infiltration
and reduced surface runoff. Many areas within pinon-juniper woodlands are
characterized by soils depleted in organic matter and would probably
respond favorably to an organic amendment in the form of municipal sewage
The productivity of piiion-juniper ecosystems is highly
dependent upon edaphic properties such as soil depth, soil
organic matter content, soil fertility, soil water-holdmg capacity.
Accelerated erosion, a problem long recognized on agricultural
lands, is similarly becoming recognized as a significant problem
on both rangeland and piflon-juniper ecosystems. Sauerwein
(1984) estimated the total pifion-juniper habitat area in the
western United States at over 32 million hectares and pointed
out that erosion rates and downstream sediment problems on
Research Soil Scientist, Rocky Mountain Forest end Range
Experiment Station, USDA Forest Sendce, Albuqueque, NM.
many of these lands are excessive. Because piflon-juniper stands
often occur on shallow, stony, or rocky soils, the maintenance
of surface litter and soil organic matter, and the preservation of
soil profile depths are critical in sustaining productivity (Renard
Imprudent livestock grazing (overgrazing) has been the most
formidable degrading force on arid and semiarid lands in the
United States (Sheridan 1981). Many southwestern lands
experienced heavy livestock grazing over the past century and
this overgrazing lead to a substantial reduction in total plant
cover and density (Dortignac and Hickey 1963). The cumulative
effects of livestock pressure on rangeland resources has led to
a sipficant decrease in annual forage production, decreased
vegetative cover, increased soil compaction with a reduction in
surface voids and infiltration (these facton, in turn, increase
overland flow), and decreased soil organic matter content
(Dregne 1977). Similar effects have been recorded on adjoining
piiion-juniper woodlands (Springfield 1976).
The loss of vegetative cover through overgrazing, in
particular, has flatly increased the erosion potential of soils in
semiarid regions (Sheridan 1981). Any successful attempt at
restoring grassland and undento~yproduction in these degraded
m a s will require increased plant production, reduction in soil
erosion, and ultimately, replenishment of soil organic matter
(El-Tayeb and Skujins 1989). Soil organic matter influences
virtually all aspects of soil feItility and plays an important role
in soiVwater relationships (Tate 1987). Furthemore, organic
matter contributes greatly to the soil's aggregate stability and its
resistance to erosion (Morgan 1986).
Removal of livestock grazing pressure would likely result in
increased vegetative cover and subsequent increases in plant
litter over time. However, this "passive approach would be a
slow process, at best, and replenishment of diminished soil
organic matter contents could take decades. Therefore,
employment of a management practice which would
immediately increase soil organic matter and improve the
existug condition of the soil or vegetation (active approach) is
USDA Forest Service researchers have investigated the
effects of municipal sewage sludge applications on soil
chemistry, soil microorganisms, vegetation, and surface
hydrology on degraded rangeland sites (Agwlar and Loftin 1992;
Dennis and Fresquez 1989; Fresquez et al. 1990%1990b, 1991).
Sewage sludge is an excellent choice for an organic soil
amendment because it is readily available, contains comparably
high levels of plant nutrients (particularly nitrogen and
phosphorus), and has excellent soilconditioning capabilities
(Alloway and Jackson 1991; Glaub and Golueke 1989; Parr et
al. 1989).
This paper presents research findugs from two Forest Sewice
studies on application of sewage sludge to semiarid rangeland
(fig. 1). Sludge effects on soil, chemistry, vegetation, and surface
hydrology are discussed.
Rio Puerco Watershed
Resource Area
Sevilleta National
'QJ Wildlife Refuge
Figure 1.
Location of the two sewage sludge amendment
studies on New Mexico rangeland. The Rio Puerco
Watershed Resource Area (sludge application study) and the
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (sludge/hydrology study)
are located approximately 100 km northwest and 120 km
south of Albuquerque, respectively.
Sewage sludge was applied (one-time application) at rates of
1, 22.5,45, and 90 Mg hd' (0, 10, 20, and 40 tons acre-' based
on ovendried weight) to each of 4 plots (3 m X 20 m) in a
completely randomized block design containing a total of 116
plots. The site was characterized as a Gutierrezia
sarothrae/Bouteloua gracilis-Hilaria jamesii (broom
snakewoodhlue grama-galleta) plant community on a
moderately deep, medium-textured soil. The soil was classified
accodmg to Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 1975) as a
fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Ustollic Camborthid. Mean annual
precipitation, measured at the site with a standard rain gauge
through the duration of the study (June 1985 to September
1989), was approximately 250 m (Fresquez et al. 1991).
Field and Laboratory Methods
USDA Forest Senice scientists conducted the first indepth
study of the effects of sewage sludge application to degraded
semiarid rangeland (Dennis and Fresquez 1989; Fresquez et al.
1990% 1990b, 1991). Dried, anaerobically digested sewage
sludge from the city of Albuquerque was surface-applied to a
degraded, semiarid grassland site within the Rio Puerco
Watershed Resource Area (fig. 1). The Rio Puerco basin, an
extremely degraded watershed with a long history of heavy
livestock grazing, is one of the most eroded and overgrazed river
basins in the arid West (Sheridan 1981).
The area was fenced to exclude livestock and wildlife.
Pre-tmtment soil samples were collected at each of the 16 plots
in June 1985. Post-treatment samples were collected in August
of 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989. Five randomly located
subsamples from each plot were taken from the top 15 cm of
soil with a 5cm diameter bucket auger. To ensure collection of
mined soil only, sludge was brushed aside prior to samphg
on treated plots. Subsamples were composite in sealable, sterile
plastic containers, placed in an ice chest, and transported back
to the laboratory where the soils were passed through a 2-mm
sieve. All 16 composite soil samples from each of the 5 sampling
dates were analyzed for chemical and physical properties.
Chemical characteristics of the applied sludge and the soils prior
to the treatment are reported in Fresquez et al. (1991). Methods
employed for other soil chemical tests and plant tissue analyses
of vegetation collected from each plot are described in Dennis
and Fresquez (1989). Statistical methods employed to test for
differences in soil and vegetation properties among the various
sludge application b'eatments are described by Fresquez et al.
Changes in Soil Nutrients and Heavy Metals
Total nitrogen (TKN), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and
electrical conductivity (EC) increased with sewage sludge
application during the study's first year (table 1). Soil organic
matter in mineral soil below the sludge layer did not increase
until after the fifth growing season The delayed soil organic
matter response was likely an indirect effect of the increased
nutrient avadability and below-ground plant and microbial
productivity in response to the sludge amendment.
Soil pH dropped from 7.8 to 7.5 in the 90 Mg ha-' treatment
during the fmt growing season, and to 7.4 in the second growing
season (table I), probably due to slightly acidic leachates from
the applied sludge (Fresquez et al. 1991). Acid-producing
microbial reactions in the soil (i.e., nitrification) may have
contributed to the decrease in soil pH. Soil pH continued to
decrease in plots with the highest application through the 5-year
study period. Metals generally become more soluble with
decmsed pH. Although soil pH decreased over time because
of the sludge amendments, only diethylenetriaminepentaacetic
acid @TPA)extractable soil copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd)
increased to concentrations slightly above desirable levels 0 1 0
to 40 mg k g 1 Cu and X . 1 to 1.0 mg kg-' Cd are considered
phytotoxic and undesirable in the soil, Tiedemann and Lopez
1982), and this occurred only after the fifth growing season after
applications of 45 Mg ha-' or greater. Changes in other trace
elements produced by the different sludge amendments are
described in Fresquez et al. (1990b, 1991). The higher &ice
element concentrations resulting from the sludge amendments
were probably directly related to sludge decomposition rather
than to the solubilization of preexisting soil micronutrients as
a result of decreased pH (Fresquez et al. 1991).
Changes in Blue Grama Forage Production and
Total plant density, species richness, and species diversity
(index of numbe~sof different species in relation to the total
number of plants per given area) decreased, while cover an8
yield of blue grams signtficantly increased on treated plots
(Fresquez et al. 1990a). Normally, in the presence of stimulus
( e g , fertilization), plant production increases while the diversity
of plant species decreases (Biondini and Redente 1986; Houston
1979). The positive effects of the sludge amendments on forage
production are demonstrated by changes in blue grama
production after the first, second, and f
& growing seasons
Table 1.
Changes in soil chemical properties on plots (n = 4 per application) treated with sewage sludge, Rio Puerco Watershed
Resource Area, NM. [adapted from Fresquez et al. 19911
Sl udge
appl ic a t ion
Organ ic
(Mg ha-')
( 9 kg-')
F i r s t growing season
Second growing season
F i f t h growing season
14 b
18 ab
26 a
23 ab
' Means w i t h i n t h e
same column and y e a r followed by t h e same l e t t e r a r e n o t s i g n i f i c a n t l y d i f f e r e n t
a t t h e 0.05 l e v e l by Tukey's m u l t i p l e range t e s t .
(table 2). Blue grams production was signrficantly greater for
all of the sludge amendments during the first and second
growing seasons, with yields mging from 1.5 to 2.7 times
greater in the treated plots than in the unamended (control) plots.
Summer precipitation during 1986 was exceptionally high and
the highest yields of dry matter production occurred during this
growing season. After the fifth growing season, blue grama
production remained higher in the 45 and 90 Mg ha-'
sludge-amended plots, although the benefits of the added sludge
had greatly dimhushed for the lowest (22.5 Mg ha-') sludge
Table 2.
Blue grama production (mean production and
standard error, S.E.; n = 4) in control and sludge-amended
plots after one, two, and five growing seasons, Rio Puerco
Watershed Resource Area, NM.
(Mg ha-')
(kg ha-')
from 22.5 to 45 Mg ha-' (10-20 tons acre-') would yield the
best vegetation response without potential harm to the
An unexpected benefit from the sludge treatment was a
decrease in broom snakeweed-a toxic, non-palatable,
competitive mnge plant (Fresquez et al. 1990a). The number of
broom snakeweed plants in the sludge-amended plots decreased
progressively over the 4-year period 1985-1988 following the
addition of the various sludge treatments (table 3).
Table 3.
Mean densityi of broom snakeweed (Gutienezia
sarothrae) in sludge-amended versus unamended plots (n =
4) on a degraded rangeland site, Rio Puerco Watershed
Resource Area, northcentral New Mexico. [adapted from
Fresquez et al. 1990aI
First Growing Season, 1985 (precipitation = 147 cm)
Second Growing Season, 1986 (precipitation = 239 cm)
Fifth Growing Season, 1989 (precipitation = 201 cm)
' ~ e a n swithin the same column and year fdlwed by the same letter are not
significantly different at the 0.05 level by Tukey's multiple range test.
'Significantly different from the control at the 0.10 level by Dunnett's multiple
comparison test.
Although average blue grama production for the 45 and 90
Mg hdl treatment plots remained nearly double that of the
control during the fifth growing season, within-treatment
variation in blue grama production also increased, resulting in
statistically non-sigIuficanf
ddferences (a= 0.05) between the
control and sludge-amended plots.
The sludge amendments also ~ i ~ c a n t increased
nutritional value of blue grams. Tissue N, P, K, and crude protein
increased with the application of sludge to recommended tissue
concentrations (Fresquez et al. 1991). Furthermore, most of the
trace metals, includmg Cu and Cd, in blue grama plant tissue
did not increase sigmficantly during the 5-year study, thereby
reducing concerns that these toxic elements could be transfened
to grazing animals. This is a signrficant finding because concerns
over heavy metal accumulations frequently limit sewage sludge
application to land. Based on these cumulative ~sults,Fresquez
et d.(1991) concluded that a one-time sludge treatment ranging
' Density values represent the number of plants per 0.5 m2
The exact mechanism(s) responsible for the decline of broom
snakeweed remains unclear, but the decline in snakeweed was
concurrent with an increase in production. Furthermore, broom
snakeweed production between the sludge-amended plots, and
on mngeland outside of the fenced study area, continued to
flourish without visible decline throughout the 5-year study and
to the present. This obsewed decrease in broom snakeweed
within sludge-treated plots represents a sigmficant finding in
mngeland restoration research. Budd (1989) reported that broom
snakeweed occupies over 16 million hectares in New Mexico,
including over 62% of the state's grazing rangeland.
A second study was established in spring 1991 within the
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (fig. 1). The objectives of
this study were: 1) to determine if and how changes in vegetation
following sludge application influence runoff and surface water
quality, and 2) to assess the fate of potential sludge4ome
contaminants introduced to the environment through the
application. The Sevilleta Refuge, managed by the U.S.
Department of Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service, provided an
excellent opportunity to compare rangeland treatment effects
because public access is restricted and livestock grazing is
prohibited. Climate at the study area is arid to semiarid with
mean annual precipitation ranging from 200 to 250 rnm (Moore
1991). Within the study area, a blue gramahairy grama
(Bouteloua gracilidB. hirsuta) dominated community was
selected for study on a moderately sloping (6%) and strongly
sloping component (10-11%) of a stable alluvial fan. The deep,
welldrained soils were characterized and classified accodng to
Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 1975) as fm-loamy, mixed,
mesic Ustollic Calciorthids formed in local alluvium and
collwium derived from limestone and sandstone.
Field and Laboratory Methods
Six pairs of runoff plots, each pair consisting of a treated
(sludge-amended) and a control (no sludge) plot were
established within two hillslope gradient classes (three
treated and control plots per slope gradient class). Runoff
plot dimensions (3 X 10 m) were identical to those used
by USDA Agricultural Research Service investigators
involved in the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP)
(U.S. Dept. of Agriculture ARS 1987). Therefore, results
from this study might be applied to WEPP models for
larger-scale predictions on runoff and sediment yield for
semiarid grasslands. The experimental plots were bordered
by metal flashing to prevent external water from entering
the plots. The borders direct internal surface runoff to the
base of the plots during rainfall events, where the water is
collected in sample reservoirs (Aguilar and Loftin 1992).
Sludge was applied to the plots in April 1991. The
treatment was a one-time application of 45 Mg ha-'
municipal sewage sludge (dry-weight basis) provided by
the Albuquerque Public Works Department.
Total precipitation during summer storms was measured
with two standard rain gauges (rainfall collection buckets)
and a self-activating rain gauge that records data for
calculating storm intensity (mm hi1). The runoff plots
were subjected to simulated rainfall in September 1991
after the vegetation had an entire growing season to
respond to the sludge treatment, and then again in
September 1992 following two growing seasons. The
simulator distributed water simultaneously to a plot pair so
infiltration and runoff yield could be observed and recorded
on the control and treated plots concurrently. Simulated
rainfall input was equivalent to a high intensity summer
thunderstorm common in the region (6-8 cm hi1 for 30
minutes). Representative samples of the runoff water were
obtained by manually stirring the contents in the collection
reservoirs after each rainfall event, and were analjjzed for
nitrate-N and trace element content. Analytical tests
followed standard procedures as outlined in Agronomy $9,
Methods of Soil Analysis - Part I1 (page 1982) and 3.S.
Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 60 (Richards
1969). Pre-treatment soil and vegetation characterization
established uniformity between control plots and those
subsequently treated with sludge. Analysis of variance
techniques were used to test for significant differences
between the treated and control plots in runoff yield and
trace elements.
Hydrologic Response to Sludge Amendment
First-year natural storm runoff was sipficantly less from
sludge-amended plots than from control plots (fig.2). Runoff
from control plots was 3.4 to 37 times greater than runoff from
heated plots.
0 Control
JUL 22
JUL 25
AUG 10
Storm Date, 1991
Figure 2.
Mean runoff from sludge-treated (n = 6) versus control
plots (n = 6) during four natural storms, Sevilleta National
Wildlife Refuge, 1991. Differences between control and
treated plots were significant (a = 0.05) for all storms.
Rainfall simulation experiments were conducted on the runoff
plots in September 1991 (fig. 3). Although runoff yields from
our control plots are comparable to runoff yields measured
during studies conducted in rangeland elsewhere in New Mexico
and Arizona (Ward and Bolton 1991), runoff from control plots
greatly exceeded that from treated plots. Therefore, the
hydrologic differences observed between our treated and control
plots can be directly attributed to the sludge treatment.
Lower Plots
(6% Slope Gradient)
Upper Plots
(10-11% Slope Gradient)
Figure 3.
Runoff yield from sludgeamended (treated) and
unamended (control) plots during rainfall simulation
experiments. Expression of runoff yield as runoff per mm of
precipitatior! standardizes the runoff for comparison
because precipitation input among and between plot pairs
varied somewhat due to the occurrence of wind gusts.
The two factors we considered responsible for the reduction
in runoff on treated plots were increased ground surface
roughness and water absorption by the dry sludge. Through time,
the sludge should decompose and have a less direct effect on
surface runoff, but increased plant productivity and ground cover
could act to reduce runoff yields from the treated plots.
Potential contamination of surface water by constituents in
Albuquerque sludge does not appear to be a limitation for sludge
application Nitrate-N, Cu, and Cd concentrations in the runoff
water were well below New Mexico limits for ground water and
livestock and wildlife watering, both during natural and
simulated rainfall. No statistical differences (a= 0.05) in these
potentially toxic constituents were found between the treated and
control plots (Agullar and Low 1992).
Sewage sludge amendments represent an active approach and
a viable means of alleviating the damaging effects of heavy
livestock grazing within southwestern public lands. Surface
application of treated municipal sewage sludge has been shown
to ~ i ~ c a n t increase
both plant cover and total forage
production. Furthermore, increased ground surface roughness
and increased water-holding capacity of soil resulting from the
sludge's mulching effect immediately reduce the potential for
runoff and water erosion. Subsequent increases in vegetation
cover due to the sludge's fertilizer effect should further improve
the surface hydrology of treated lands. Potential pollution of
surface water by sludge-borne contaminants in Albuquerque
sewage sludge, including heavy metals, does not appear to be a
problem with a one-time application of 22.5 to 45 Mg hdl
(10-20 tons acre-'). Similar results could be expected using
comparable sewage sludge from other municipahties.
Sludge application to degraded sites in the Southwest has the
potential for being environmentally and economically beneficial
if application is based on sound guidelines developed through
continuing research. It is reasonable to believe that degraded
sites within piiion-juniper woodlands would respond favorably
to surface applications of sewage sludge, as the understory and
inter-canopy vegetation is similar to that found in adjoining
semiarid rangeland habitat. However, much research is needed
to establish the dynamic relationships among intercanopy
vegetation, understory vegetation, and the trees themselves in
these woodlands in response to sludge-induced increases in
nutrient availability and improved souwater relationships.
Portions of this research were conducted in cooperation with
the USDI Bureau of Land Management. The hydrology study
was funded by the 1991 New Mexico Water Resources Research
Institute (WRRT) - Chino Mines Company Grant Fund and the
1992 WRRI General Grant Program. We would like to thank
Dr. Timothy Ward and Dr. Susan Bolton, Department of Civil,
Agricultural and Geologic Engineering, New Mexico State
University, for their assistance with the rainfall simulation
experiments. We also thank the city of Albuquerque for
providing and transporting the sludge to study sites.
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