Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications This is a legacy archive publication from the former Intermountain Research Station (INT) or Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimental Station (RM). The content may not reflect current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. This PDF may have been generated by scanning the original printed publication. Errors identified by the OCR software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. ,.;;_:;;;;;,~ United States ((l'i.j)) De~artment of ~ Agnculture Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 General Technical Report RM-224 Lichens as Bioindicators of Air Quality Stolte, Ken, and others. 1993. Lichens as bioindicators of Agriculture, Department of air quality. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-224. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 131 p. Abstract This report is of held in Denver, Colorado on April 9-11, 1991. It summarizes the current for using lichens to monitor air quality. Experts in lichenology and ecology contributed on lichen floristics, characterization of monitoring sites, lichen species and communities, identifying the result a workshop literature and techniques information lichen species sensitive studies as examples to pollutants, of active monitoring lichen biomonitoring with transplants, chemical analysis of lichens, and case scenarios. Keywords: lichens, air quality, biomonitoring, lichen floristics, lichen communities, gradient analysis, air pollution, sensitive lichen species, elemental analysis, study designs, quality assurance/quality control. Descriptions of front cover photos, clockwise starting in the upper left corner: Fl. Hypogymnia enteromorpha, Used in the Tongass Biomonitoring Project, concentrations of found on trees. National Forest Air Quality it accumulates than other for biomonitoring. Photo by Sylvia Duran Sharnoff and Stephen Sharnoff. lichens analyzed Lecanora melanophthalma (Ram.) Ram., also Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (Ram.) Leuk and Poelt. This is the best pollution indicator of the xerophytic lichens, referred to in Rope and Pearson (1990). It is an umbilicate species usually found on basalt. It is easily pried loose from the substrate; its as prominent and distinctive apothecia make It is very sensitive to gaseous pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and also accumulates heavy metals and other elements. This identification easy and certain. photo shows the habitat number muralis, A L. melanophthalma. other species are also pictured, including christoi, calcarea, Lecidea tessilata, Candelariella rosulans, Acarospora americana, Lorenz Pearson. F3. of of Caloplaca saxicola, and others. Photo by Usnea hirta (L.) Weber ex Wigg. is a fruticose lichen in western conifer forests, growing mostly on partly sunny branches F4. and trunks After five years of operation of a coal-fired power plant at Colstrip, Montana, U. hirta thalli within 15 km of the plant had significantly higher sulfur content than thalli at distances of more than 40 km, though no differences in physiology or appearance were noted. The yellowish foliose species is Parmeliopsis ambiqua, not known to be of trees. particularly sensitive to pollutants mostly at the bases of because it lives trees. Photo by Sharon Eversman. Xanthoria polycarpa (Ehrh.) Olive. on This species is tolerant to relatively However, heavy levels of atmospheric pollution. even though it survives in city environments and F5. sagebrush bark. A lector ia sarmentosa lichen on the Tongass Coast Indians common F2. known goats and was used for bandages and baby diapers. Alectoria sarmentosa was collected for tissue analysis by Tongass Air Quality Biomonitoring Project. Photo by Sylvia Duran Sharnoff and Stephen Sharnoff. by Northwest higher most ambient pollutants deer and mountain black-tailed is the most common National Forest and the only Alectoria in SE Alaska that drapes from trees. provides important winter survival forage for It other polluted pollution areas, it is less abundant where is heavy. Photo by Lorenz Pearson. Back-cover photos described on the inside back cover. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-224 Lichens as Bioindicators of Air Quality Technical Coordinators: Ken Stolte, USDA-Forest Service, Southeast Forest Experiment Station Deborah Mangis, Environmental Protection Agency, AREAL Robert Doty, USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region Kathy Tonnessen, Air Quality Division, National Park Service Editor: Laurie Stroh Huckaby Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Fort Collins, Colorado March 1993 Preface We are pleased to offer this document summarizing conference the recommendations participants of a group the of on issues relating to air pollution and lichens. These recommendations were compiled at a workshop held in Denver, Colorado, on April 9-11, 1991. The workshop was organized and co-sponsored by the Washington Office, Watershed and Air Staff of the U.S. Forest Service and the Air Quality Division of the National Park Service. This workshop brought together many of the experts in John Christiano Chief, Air National Quality field of lichenology our understanding of lichens, lichen inventory and the range of uses appreciate the efforts Park Service air pollution on methods, of lichens as biomonitors. of the organizers and to this document contributors of and monitoring We and wish to especially thank the U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, whose staff graciously agreed to edit and publish Donna Lamb Division to discuss ways to improve the effects Air Program Manager USDA-Forest Service this document. Contents 1. Introduction 1 Ken Stolte, Deborah Mangis, Robert Doty 2. Floristics 6 Thomas Nash ID, Clifford Wetmore, William Anderson, Charis Bratt, William Denison, Sharon Eversman, Barbara Murray, Larry St. Clair 3. Site Characterization 16 Ken Stolte, Sherry Pittam, Roger Rosentreter 4. Species and Communities Cliff Smith, Linda Geiser, 41 Larry Gough, Brace McCune, Brace Ryan, Ray Showman 5. Identification of Sensitive Species 67 Jayne Belnap, Lorene Sigal, William Moir, Sharon Eversman 6. Active Monitoring Lorentz 7. 89 Pearson Collection and Chemical Analysis of Lichens for Biomonitoring 96 Larry Jackson, Jesse Ford, David Schwartzman 8. Lessons from Seven Case Studies 116 Ken Stolte, Robert Doty, Kathy Tonnessen, Rich Fisher Appendix I Appendix II - List of Participants - List of Reviewers 128 130 Introduction Ken Stolte, Deborah Mangis, Robert Doty THE WORKSHOP due to their ability to concentrate elements that may in low concentrations in the ambient air (Tyler 1989; Nieboer et al. 1972). be present Park Service, Air Quality Division The National (NPS-AQD) USDA and the convened a three-day Forest Service (USFS) in April 1991, workshop Lichens are relatively easy to collect, analyze for pollutant-related preserve, and studies. Because can convert atmospheric experts, and researchers who specialize other terrestrial and aquatic plants, lichens of lichens (see Appendix in the study nitrogen to a attended by federal land managers, regulatory they form usable by are cycling in some types of ecosystems (McCune 1992). number of federal land For these reasons, (2) to review existing methods and recommend standard research and monitoring National procedures to study lichen populations; and the Bureau of Land Management, contributors to nutrient arena. Park Service, the Fish and Wildlife had an ongoing interest studying the Service, along with regulatory agencies and the regulated industries in and (3) to of data on lichen responses to air pollution within the regulatory to be important management agencies such as the Forest Service, quality; assess the usefulness considered a is I). The objectives of the known about workshop were: (1) to review what the suitability of lichens as bioindicators of air lichens have to of air pollutants (Ryan and Rhoades 1991; Rhoades 1988; Wetmore 1983; Gough and Erdman determine the presence and effects on natural ecosystems RATIONALE 1971; a are an stomata lack the control over gas exchange as vascular plants do (Larcher 1975). Lichens were first recognized sensitive to high concentrations as organisms of gaseous pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (Skye 1968; Rose and Hawksworth 1981). For this reason they have been used as indicators of urban pollution and point-source emissions from uncontrolled combustion sources. They were also found to act as accumulators of elements, such as trace metals and sulfur (Ferrey et al. 1973; Nieboer and Richardson 1981; Puckett 1985; Tyler 1989). The pollutant Since there are no standards for conducting lichen floristic studies or for calculating the completeness of flora, difficult to determine the absence of due to anthropogenic influences or to the species lack of comprehensive baseline survey. We should also consider the possibility that changes in lichen communities are function of changes in other environmental variables that most directly affects the health is (see Chapter 3). the disappearance Rydzak (1969) argued that lichens from polluted of lichen communities sulfur dioxide (McCune 1988; Nimis et al. 1990). Lichens are often studied a waxy cutin, and consequently of cites at the turn of the century was due to lowered relative humidity, increased temperatures, and more frequent wet-dry the altered urban environments. cycles in This argument is a and if such as soil, rocks, and the branches and boles of vascular plants. Lichens lack an epidermis, number of factors complicate the interpretation of field and laboratory studies of lichen response to air pollution. Recent studies of lichens in NPS units have raised questions about the completeness of species lists and the ability of field technicians to perform follow-up surveys in subsequent years to determine the existence of trends in species diversity. a ecological and biological substrates is it is extremely diverse floral group, occupying niches on varied physical and a Lichens 1992; Showman COMPLICATING FACTORS and the algae supply through photosynthesis. and Rosentreter 1989; Nash 1989; McCune 1988). A nutrition a support to the organism, Thomas Hendricks a Lichens are group of non-vascular plants composed of fungal and algal species growing in symbiotic relationship. The fungi supply structural countered by evidence of the return of within species to cities as air quality has pollutant-sensitive (Coppins 1973; Rose and Hawksworth, improved chambers, and identification the fumigation of and quantification lichen responses to air pollution exposures. Some concerns in identifying pollutant-sensitive 1981). species in field gradient studies include of sites along DISCUSSION TOPICS a homogeneity pollution gradient, determination of pollutant exposures along the gradient, and assessing lichen responses to these air pollution exposures. During the workshop we discussed the following topics, developed in more detail in Chapters 2-7 of Lichen Responses to Air Pollutants this volume: 1. 2. 3. Lichen floristics (development of lichen species lists and estimates of their completeness). Identification of lichen species that are sensitive to air pollutants and the pollutant concentrations that might affect these sensitive species. Methods used to characterize the status of lichen communities and the ability of lichens to accumulate air pollutants. Evaluation of the overall usefulness of lichens as biological monitors of air quality. Listed below are the more general topics discussed 4. This discussion of determination covered subjects relating to the of responses lichens to air pollution, definition of unique symptoms, the variability of symptoms among individuals, can be realistically and what symptoms measured under field conditions. For example, depression of photosynthesis may be initial sign of air pollutant stress identified in the exposure studies, but it may be impractical to measure this parameter in the field in remote areas. responses to air pollution chlorophyll degradation, changes in and respiration, alterations in nitrogen We discussed possible stress including photosynthesis fixation, of membranae leakage, accumulation elements, and possible reflectance, toxic changes in spectral lichen cover, morphology, community structure, and reproduction. during the workshop. Lichen Biomonitoring Plots Lichen Floras We discussed the usefulness Topics included consideration of the protocols for conducting lichen floristic studies and methods of quantifying the completeness of any floristic study considering the range of surveyed, the percentage of in community composition, (diversity of and elemental content. Objectives (NPS unit, National Forest) covered, and the amount of survey time spent in each habitat. Other topics included methods to determine changes in lichen floras by comparing present lichen species with past species lists reconstructed from herbarium specimens. and abundance), design must be well thought-out this type of monitoring and experimental before setting up plot. Elemental During this session we considered the development of protocols for controlled of Analysis natural conditions and field studies conducted along Important identifying pollutant-sensitive fumigations pollutant include interactions, considerations for species in chamber exposure regimes, mixed environmental of that might be lichen tissue. interest are defined, it is of might be expected due to the accumulation lichens under (fumigations) gradients. of content important to understand the natural variability that pollutant-exposure pollutant used to analyze the chemical Once the elements condition, morphological In this group we discussed protocols Identification of Pollutant-Sensitive Species and structure community habitats and substrates the land area establishing evaluating long-term lichen monitoring plots to differentiate natural and air-pollution caused changes conditions elements from natural sources (e.g. sulfate from dust and sea spray). Important elemental analysis identification of of considerations elements to be evaluated, of analysis, and control (QA/QC) of analyses, herbarium samples, separation of preparation, for lichen samples include methods quality sample assurance comparison anthropogenic with elements from natural-source stable isotopes), elements (e.g. use of with samples of host and comparison substrate (bark, soil, rock). Transplants and Biomonitoring Gardens of protocols for or transplantation of lichen species. In these kinds of experiments it is important We discussed the development of elemental content, and evaluation plots over time. QA/QC information is essential to providing credible data for regulatory proceedings. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) GIS has the potential to be used in the of of active manipulation development to consider air pollution, land-use, and storm patterns. All of these abiotic variables can affect the distribution of lichen species. GIS can be used to performing establishing lichens reciprocal species transplants, near pollutant monitors for studies, physiological exposure-response analyses to evaluate effects of transplant shock, and comparing macro- and microhabitat conditions map plot-level species composition Considerable be done before or toxic development we can use spectral to measure lichen responses or to provide QA/QC on visual estimates of lichen cover and condition. Sampling Design and Statistical Analysis Topics covered during statistical of sampling analysis the discussion These collections elemental concentrations collected with herbarium in pre-pollution eras. If samples such comparisons are to be made, it is important to obtain adequate Controlled should be performed to determine the degree to which preserved specimens can be used to evaluate changes in pollution deposition over time and to identify signature elements of anthropogenic deposition. structure, elemental research and monitoring. Meteorology and Climate We discussed ways that researchers can evaluate trends in meteorology Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Data Collection the need to develop QA/QC to be used during the collection and structure and vigor, particularly of in patterns, which may affect lichen species and community vigor. The usefulness structure and these databases depends on their accessibility at local and regional scales. When designing lichen fumigation studies, climate data are ambient environmental conditions. Air Pollution Monitoring We discussed of data on community and climate, temperature and precipitation useful to approximate protocols tools for comparing structure, and amounts of tissue for analysis. Some important things to consider in experimental design and analysis are stratification of habitats, random versus systematic sampling, frequency of re-evaluation, sample sizes, types of data collected, and methods of analysis (e.g. parametric, non-parametric, regression). This activity is an important component of all aspects of lichen analysis are valuable current lichen floras, community to address spatial and temporal variability in lichen community content, and vigor. included designs and methods of Collections Herbarium experiments development GPS are becoming accessible to field researchers. and cover, spectral signatures with physiology morphological systems more accurate and cheaper and are now reasonably structure changes over time, and element uptake in lichens. work should We discussed the use of land navigation during subsequent observations. We need to develop a field method to spectrally analyze lichen species and communities that will be analysis Land Navigation Systems systems (GPS) to locate sample points and to allow for accurate relocation Spectral Analyses correlate structure, vigor, data on community and global positioning species. compare community maps at host and Monitoring air pollution exposures at transplant sites with instruments should be done if air pollution is to be linked to effects on the able to quantify designs, regional and elemental content. transplant sites. transplanted sampling precipitation, Air pollutants monitoring of interest in lichen research and include sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, REFERENCES and toxic metals. To estimate the dose or fluorides, to air pollutants, exposure of lichen communities the following methods can be employed: instrumental monitoring, passive monitors, or extrapolation of data from distant sites using techniques such as kriging. Coppins, B.J. 1973. In Ferry B.W., M.S. Baddeley, and D.L. Hawksworth Lichens. The Athlone Great Britain. Identification of Research Needs We discussed emerging areas of and D.L. Hawksworth (eds). 1973. Air Pollution and Lichens. The Athlone Press, University of London, Great Britain. environmental concentrations, 389 pp. Ferry, B.W., M.S. Baddeley, research, including the effects of global warming, elevated carbon dioxide (eds). Air Pollution and Press, University of London, 389 pp. increased UV-b, and nitrogen fertilization. Researchers need to which of these stresses might have an effect Gough, L.P. and J.A. Erdman. of Influence 1971. consider coal-fired powerplant on the element content of on lichen species and communities. Parmelia chlorochroa. Larcher, W. Cooperation with Other Research/Monitoring Programs Lichen monitoring component of monitoring programs should be investigated planned or ongoing environmental such as the USFS/EPA II, EPA and the Clean Air the Status and Trends Coordination of lichen monitoring Network. among agencies will McCune, 14. Forest USFS Global Change Program, the NPS Global Change Program, the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program Health Monitoring Program, efforts of result in the comparability Physiological 1975. Springer- Verlag, New York. B. 1992. Health Monitoring, as a databases. Bryologist USDA 80(3):492-501. plant ecology. 252 pp. Lichen Communities. Forest Field Methods Guide. Section Forest Service, Southeast Forest Park, NC Station, Research Triangle Experiment a 27709. pp. 1-6. McCune, B. 1988. Lichen communities SO2 gradients in Indianapolis. along O3 and 91:223-228. Bryol. Nash, T.H. 1989. Metal tolerance in lichens. 119-131 Pages in A.J. Shaw (ed.), Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants: Evolutionary Aspects. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Nieboer, E., H.M. Ahmed, THE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME The workshop participants in-depth discussion Richardson. and development into chapters to in the proceedings of the workshop. six working groups developed a detailed be included of the outline of in relation chose six areas for the chapter, identified Each Drafts of the chapters were sent out for peer review and the reviewer comments were incorporated This document summarizes of much of the literature of air pollutants, and describes possible responses of lichens to air pollutants, especially sulfur dioxide. The final chapter of this volume attempts to pull all lichens this information as bioaccumulators together by describing seven air pollution scenarios, and presenting studies that can help guide a researcher or land manager in the design of a lichen monitoring different program. to distance from a nickel Sudbury, Ontario. Lichenologist Nieboer, E. and D.H.S. Richardson. in S.J. Eisenreich, ed., smelter in 5:292-304. Lichens 1981. Atmospheric as Pages 339-388 Pollutants in Ann Arbor Science Publ., Ann Natural Waters. Arbor, Michigan. into the final document. on the use Puckett, and D.H.S. monitors of atmospheric deposition. a lead author, and assigned writing tasks and milestones. K.J. Heavy metal content of lichens 1972. Nimis, PL., M. Castello, and M. Perotti. Lichens as biomonitors 1990. sulphur dioxide pollution in La Spezia (northern Italy). Lichenologist 22:333-344. Puckett, K.J. Temporal 1985. element levels. pp. Lichen Physiology case of variation in lichen 211-225 in D.H. Brown, ed., and Cell Biology. Plenum Press, New York. Rhoades, F.M. 1988. Re-examination of baseline plots to determine effects of air quality on lichens and bryophytes in Olympic National Report to National Division, Park Service, Denver, CO. Air Park. Quality Final Rose, C.I. and D.L. Hawksworth. recolonization 1981. Lichen in London's cleaner air. Nature 289:289-292. Lichens, 1991. bryophytes, and air quality in Pacific wilderness areas. Unpublished Rydzak, J. 1969. Lichens conditions as indicators of Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, the habitat. due to industrial of Flavoparmelia emissions. J. Air Assoc. 39:317-320. of the Annals Univ. C, 23, 131-64. Showman, R.E. and J.C. Hendricks. element content Northwest report, 10 pp. 1989. Trace caperata (L.)Hale Poll. Control and Air Pollution. A in Almqvist and Wiksells epiphytes and environment cryptogamic Stockholm Ryan, B.D. and F.M. Rhoades. ecological Skye, E. 1968. Lichens region. AB, Uppsala, Sweden. Boktryckeri Thomas, A. and R. Rosentreter. 1992. study of the 123 pp. Antelope of lichens in Birch Creek Valley of Idaho. Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Pronghorn Antelope Workshop, Rock Springs, Wyoming, June utilization 8-11, 1992. Tyler, G. 1989. Uptake, retention, and toxicity heavy metals in lichens. Pollution Air of and Soil 47:321-333. Wetmore, C.M. 1983. 1 National Water, Parks. Service Contract Lichens of the air quality Class Final Report, National Park CX 0001-2-0034, 158 pp. Floristics Thomas H. Nash III, Clifford M. Wetmore, William Anderson, Charis Bratt, William C. Denison, Sharon Eversman, Barbara Murray, Larry St. Clair Floristic studies provide essential baselines for judging future changes. This chapter documents the essential resources, collection protocol, voucher specimen requirements, identification and database compilations requirements, procedures, report needed for thorough floristic studies. RESOURCES NEEDED INTRODUCTION Floristics may be defined of as a compilation Literature species present in an area and the distribution A for those species. information For aid in planning field work, literature should on any previous lichen studies as well as complete and accurate species list is an ideal basis for understanding of the flora the area being studied. gives ecological information necessary for determining information concerning the resources of appropriate information The value of the unit. floristic studies in lichen biomonitoring projects recently been reviewed by Wetmore Lichen floristic studies require specially It about the unit, provides species for biomonitoring, and provides trained lichenologists has of because lichens Collection and identification of lichens involve recognizing habitats, substrates, and specimens in the field, and using appropriate collection, curation, and identification Quality assurance (QA) and quality (QC) standards must be met, as legal Time constraints challenges to a study are possible. procedures. climate, and air literature on the vegetation, geology, quality studies in the area. These may be published papers or reports on file in the study area headquarters. area All papers reporting lichens from the including monographs must be consulted, and revisions. Access to all (1988). the expertise possess many unique characteristics. be available revisions, of the pertinent identification of may be available monographs, floras is essential for and regional In some areas, keys for some of the lichens. If regional the collections. floras are not available, it may be necessary to obtain papers from other areas to aid identification. well-equipped lichen library Only a is likely to have adequate reference material for many study areas. control are frequently part of report; for example, must be completed point source. Herbaria a study and its subsequent a study and its reviewed before construction of report a polluting For these reasons, beginners and amateurs in lichenology are not satisfactory personnel A good lichen herbarium identification identified herbarium identification. adequate peer review authorities. a preferably of proposals by other lichenologists. and reports, lichens. is necessary for the After a lichen been keyed out, it should be compared floristic study of a management unit unless they working directly in association with experienced An additional QA/QC requirement is lichenologists. for are of species has with reliably material for confirmation of the The herbarium should contain specimens the group and/or duplicates reference collections identified of by authorities specimens seen in by the Personnel The researcher should be familiar with the other who know the lichens of the lichenologists management unit or the taxonomic there. These lichenologists help with problem of groups found may be called upon to and review of some identifications the identifications. able to provide Some ecologists may also be ideas on collection design and helpful soil types. Knowledge of site For example, areas that restricted to specific field work. history is also important. have been burned in the past few decades may have some lichens species that occur specifically on Similarly, insect outbreaks will charred substrates. open up canopies, change the local microclimate, by other lichen communities. of initial reconnaissance The managers of the study area (forest, park or land management unit) should be able to provide maps, air photos, climate data and other information needed for field work and report writing. The potential for aquatic lichens should also be considered. Sites of about one hectare in size in major habitat types should be replicated Site-Specific Information and provide extensive wood substrates that are occupied if possible. the study area Ideally, an would of potential sites in each major procedure could then be used to select the replicate sites within each identify a number A habitat type. randomization habitat type. Tools COLLECTION PROTOCOL the It is essential that well-trained professionals make field collections. Because of their relatively small size, many lichens may not be noticed by with initial in lichenology will not be sensitive to the range of microhabitats in which lichens occur. Poorly trained individuals are not sensitive to the amateur naturalists, and even individuals training subtle morphological different differences species or populations important to be aware well of as the more obvious that distinguish in decline. relatively It is obscure species as ones, since some of the obscure ones may be more sensitive to air pollution (Wirth 1985). A geological hammer and coal chisel are essential for collecting rock lichens that are normally collected with a sliver of the substrate attached. A hunting knife and/or wood chisel are essential for collecting from trees. Lichens growing on loose soils require prompt impregnation of the soil with a dilute (i.e., water soluble) glue after removal to insure that the specimen does not disintegrate during mucilage All transport. should be stored in paper will quickly mold in plastic bags or specimens bags as lichens other closed containers. If it is not practical moisten umbilicate examine reproductive Initially, sampling design strategies should be discussed with the appropriate federal land manager and resource people. representative Sampling should include areas in site selection. to consider USGS topographic Consequently, it is the effects of topography. maps are helpful. One should sample on north- and south-facing slopes as well as in riparian areas. Cliff faces, both in exposed and shaded localities, are frequently rich in lichens. Geologic maps should be consulted may be specific limestone, from where different their removal hand lens is essential to structures (i.e., isidia, with crustose lichens species may appear superficially similar. of all major vegetation types (e.g., etc.). Microclimate variation is important in determining lichen distributions, and should be important A etc.), particularly perithecia, alpine, spruce-fir forests, ponderosa pine forests, considered lichens to facilitate from the substrate. SAMPLING DESIGN to determine elevations USGS maps, then altimeters should be carried. Precise locations may be determined with a portable GPS instrument. A bottle of water is helpful to as rock lichens to substrate (e.g., serpentine, basalt, etc.). Similarly, soil lichens may be SAMPLING PROCEDURES At each site, ecological and structure of notes on the composition the vascular plant vegetation should be made. The full range of community substrates within the sampling investigated site should be to insure as complete possible. For example, different on different tree, tree species, at different under shaded overhangs locations, a species lichens list as may be found heights on the versus exposed on mosses versus mineral soils, on rock types (size as well as geological and on wood or bark in different composition), stages of decomposition. Unless a species is extremely rare, sufficient fill to specimens. Furthermore, a 4" x 5" card (a size to fit a typical lichen storage packet). Replicate samples are recommended herbarium. Although some species correctly specimens with "fruiting" bodies use. That public specimen for must be entered accessible herbarium to insure that publicly available future. Contracts consequently, have agreed to receive and maintain the voucher (apothecia, specimens. variation morphological changes often occur prior to the actual disappearance of voucher specimens if deposited in the herbarium site; frequently, U.S. National Specimens they should be air should be packed carefully the study area, as well as in the Herbarium other duplicates Institution). (Smithsonian for responsible the study usually to other herbaria. When many small subareas are sampled in the to prevent molding. insure that the more fragile distributes sets for transport to course of fioristic study of voucher specimen specimens are not large unit, only one required for each species recorded in the large unit. However, crushed. of specimen the investigator agency may wish to retain or the contracting a collection, within of one day's drive that duplicate a of be voucher The lichenologist specimens will of is at the time dried as soon as possible If the collector. specimens be deposited in another herbarium strongly recommended a are moist several hours may be required to sample the species present. of is It is prepared, then that set Label collecting bags clearly with, at minimum, substrate type, date, and location. Collection numbers should be assigned, if practical, in the field. In general, at least an hour should be spent at each adequately a the It species. minimum, specimens which document is the air pollutant-induced At a morphological collection of voucher fioristic study must consist of one voucher specimen for each species recorded. only one set of expected that etc.) should be sought. Particularly within the more common species, pay attention to potential perithecia, as into for lichen fioristic studies should stipulate which herbarium or herbaria the indefinite are typically characters are important to many lichens; identify use, a voucher into and maintained by an established, in more than one may be deposited asexual, reproductive responsible so that representative specimens of to be must be both protected and made available it is material should be collected for fioristic studies must make adequate budgetary allowance for handling and preparation of voucher is, it different each species from each subarea. VOUCHER SPECIMENS of species taken from a study site at a particular time in an established publicly accessible herbarium. A voucher specimen of a lichen and deposited documents the presence site at the time specimens, of study. appropriately an essential part of of that species at the study A collection of voucher prepared and identified, the quality assurance of is any fioristic study. Note that a voucher actual lichen; Photographs must consist of an specimen it may not be a photograph. add to the value of substitutes for voucher specimens. Verification of a lichen's identity requires microscopic and chemical information not obtainable voucher specimen may be of immense value. For example, voucher specimen provides during litigation, evidence of a a critical species at a given place and time. But a good voucher specimen lichen in is expensive to prepare. Contracts specimen on the species, the volume will contain substrate - bark, of vary from one to ten cubic centimeters. In many instances, the sample will rock, moss, soil, etc. - in addition to the lichen. If from a photograph. well-prepared Selection of appropriate samples begins in the field and continues in the laboratory. Selection involves choices based on the quantity of lichen needed, its quality, and its rarity. Collections from more than one site or time must not be pooled for voucher specimens. Ideally, voucher specimen fioristic study consists of enough documenting material to include several to many lobes or branches and contains representative sexual or asexual fruiting structures. Depending a report but they are not acceptable A Selection one a is an actual sample the lichen is specimen a voucher a A rare, collecting even for voucher specimens should be severely curtailed. collections scientific should be limited purposes. In all cases, to those required for Processing Some selection, sorting, and processing made in the field, but specimens the laboratory processing opened even when its back is attached to a sheet. may be arrive in normally in paper bags and in need of Many herbaria, including depends upon the growth form of the lichen and upon the amount and kind of substrate included with the lichen. Often a sample will include Smithsonian, routinely further Identification before they can be placed in paper packets for long term storage. The nature of the processing the repacket specimens to their own standards. more than one species of lichen. Where it is possible to do so, the species of choice should be freed of contaminants (e.g. , separated from mosses, most detritus, other lichens, retention of part of the substrate is In some instances, especially with crustose lichens, it will not be possible to eliminate etc., although Some lichens, in be identified of require the use of some mainly the larger ones, can However, many lichens the field. a microscope and chemical analyses to determine the species. The problem identification is compounded by the lack of comprehensive Consequently, a manuals, regional an investigator of or national. proposing to undertake floristic study should be required to establish: preferable). all associated species. In general, it is undesirable to rewet lichens in the However, bulky fruticose or foliose species require moistening with water followed by pressing in a plant press to permit their enclosure in a packet and to prevent subsequent fragmentation of laboratory. the specimens. Take care that moist lichens are pressed and redried promptly to avoid spoilage. To avoid alteration of the chemistry of the lichen, use distilled water rather than tap water, which can alter in the use of appropriate microscopic and chemical techniques; 1 ) expertise 2) access to equipment techniques; for performing these 3) familiarity with the world literature on lichen taxonomy; 4) access to a major library containing the relevant literature; and 5) access to a major lichen herbarium. reactions. Specimens growing attached to soil require treatment to consolidate TECHNIQUES AND EQUIPMENT the soil. Often this process is begun in the field. The soil is infiltrated with an which dries and binds it together. Without this treatment, soil and lichen disintegrate over time. Any process that adds extraneous solutions to the sample, such as moistening or soil identifications consolidation, published adhesive solution realization should be constrained that subsequent study may require microchemical by the content of of by the the specimen tests that may be affected the adhesive solution. Lichens growing attached to fragments of rock, bark, or soil require special attention to prevent them from abrading each other in the packet. In some herbaria, the individual fragments are glued to a card, which is enclosed in the packet. In other herbaria, a card is covered on one side with a layer of surgical cotton. Fragmented samples will adhere to the cotton but can be removed for study. Herbarium packets are folded from sheets of 100% rag papers in a variety of ways. A standard size is a 4" x 6" (10 x 15 cm) packet. A label is attached to the packet (see Hale 1979). Some herbaria glue the individual packets to standard herbarium sheets. In this case the packet must be folded so that it can be Reference Materials Reference materials essential to lichen are of several types. One category literature, including books, monographs, and journal articles. Another is the is collection of specimens in a major lichen herbarium. A third is world-wide network of lichen systematists. A substantial collection of literature relating to lichen identification is essential to lichen identification given the absence of comprehensive In rare instances, an regional or local manuals. the investigator's personal library may be adequate, but in most instances, lichen identification requires a major research library. a large technical library It is by no means certain that will hold those specialized, and often foreign, books and journals needed for lichen identification. Among the journals, the last 25 years of The Bryologist and Lichenologist are Additional important journals include Bibliotheca Lichenologica, Bulletin of the British Museum, Cryptogamic Botany, Hertzogia, Journal of Nordic the Hattori Botanical Garden, Mycotaxon, essential. Journal of Botany, Nova Hedwigia, Lichen taxonomy depends heavily on determination Opera Botanica, and Smithsonian of the abundance Contributions to Botany. Some of important floristic treatments are listed in the of appendix Published descriptions, with or without illustrations, are often inadequate for reliable Under those circumstances, the identifications. must have recourse to comparison investigator of metabolites. this chapter. his Some (TLC). The methods Culberson serious taxonomic collections of study collaborate of globally letter or phone call to a colleague efficient way to resolve of substantial body not-yet-published results. An investigator with "gray" literature of send voucher original Authority specimens to an expert other than the One instance, mentioned above, investigator. is when there is a colleague determinations in a specializing difficult group. in species The second instance is when there is an actual or anticipated and it may be in the genus. legal challenge to the identity of a species. Such an instance is likely to arise in cases where the species in question has been recognized as rare and/or An added drawback external authority and access to appropriate There are two instances in which it is advisable to this resource. specializing techniques these Use of an External or verification, it is desirable in many instances to send specimens of species in a difficult genus to a colleague who is monographing the genus. Unfortunately, many of the most difficult genera have not been monographed TLC floristic An For determination that no one is presently a lichen proposing equipment. study should be prepared to demonstrate that he or she can make use (HPLC) study should be prepared to demonstrate familiarity A to undertake a lichen floristic proposing liquid chromatography may be used to support or better define the is the most difficult identification. and Johnson (1982), and the principal investigator. High-performance within this informal network. is exchanged investigator a specific Standard techniques described by (1972), Culberson of discretion few lichenologists, and they well as nationally. Often a as to identify (lichen chemistry) should White and James (1975) are recommended. Other published methods of TLC may be substituted at the have daily access to a lichen herbarium. There are relatively lichen chromatography necessary to obtain a species determination. However, a large number of TLC lichen metabolite products requires that the investigator normally may be but increasingly, techniques, is determined by thin-layer specimen from a remote herbarium just as one may loan. secondary these metabolites microcrustal be considered a book on interlibrary of simple spot tests or or her collections with herbarium material determined and often annotated by experts. In a limited number of cases, an investigator may borrow a critical borrow unusual and distinctive determined by relatively chemistry of because lichens produce an lichen chemistry to sending specimens to an is that it might be months and sometimes years before one receives a final endangered, but may also occur when a species has Providing a modicum of funding to specialists for specimen verification would alleviate been established as having a specific determination. known pollutant. suggests the use this problem. sensitivity to a In any such case, discretion of an external authority to substantiate the identification given by the original investigator. Equipment Expertise in both microscopy product determinations and lichen secondary New Species is necessary to adequately During lichen floristic surveys of previously identify lichens. Much of the structure used in This is especially identifying lichens is microscopic. true of crustose lichens, unexplored will but reference to microscopic species. tissue types are required for many foliose and a proposing "taxonomic lichens as well. An investigator may eventually species" of as new can be assigned to a numbered that genus, e.g., Lecanora Ultimately, these preliminary in one of two ways. Either the species is finally recognized as belonging to some described but obscure species, or it is described and published as a new species. In some lichen floristic study must demonstrate the routine availability of a research quality light microscope with oil immersion capability. Access to a scanning taxonomic a electron microscope that some lichens that are initially perceived Usually such collections genus and treated in reports as features, such as algal cells, asci, ascospores, and fruticose areas, it is inevitable be found species 1. identifications (SEM) is highly desirable and be essential. 10 are resolved QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) instances, publication of the new species may be undertaken by the original investigator, will instances it of group by a specialist in that In sending material to an expert to be described lichens. as new, it should be described type specimens returned to join but in many be understood that The following are specimens collected the and/or an adequate paratype will be the other voucher The specimens. management agency and the herbarium specimens housing the 2. Ensure quality storage for specimens field to ultimate herbarium. Storage should be dry, cool, pest-free. with reprints of the original 3. Labels labels are made from 4. archival-quality labels, it is important 5. to find papers, inks, and Investigators and herbaria will differ to some labels and in the arrangement, for a commonly used format. on to be printed The following elements should be considered in the design of labels: State, county, governmental unit. 2. Name of lichen - the scientific (Latin) name of the genus and species followed by the appropriate authorities according to international convention. 3. Locality: a. Site specific name, e.g., Smith Canyon 4. Substratum This section contains of written reports. Subsequent publication in peer reviewed scientific journals is strongly encouraged. 6. format to Using the following outline will insure that the information essential for establishing a lichen biomonitoring baseline is always review and analysis. included: 1. 2. was Name of collector(s). a. Date of collection b. programs. on format and preparation should follow a consistent Reports facilitate growing. 5. suggestions Format plant vegetation on which the specimen a to an established lichen biomonitoring Ecological site characterization: Physical features: slope, aspect, elevation, rock or soil type, etc. c. for complete set of vouchers for all institutional Where possible, back up this herbarium. set with a duplicate set in a regional Deposit specific Latitude and longitude/ or township, range and section/ or UTM reference/ or GPS notation. Biotic features: vascular appropriate REPORTS a. b. of all and references. Preparation and submission of effective written reports is central to the establishment of meaningful 1. b. from herbarium. but see Hale (1979) Measurements should be metric. a care in species by use When appropriate, submit samples verification to external experts. species printers that satisfy these requirements. degree both on the information adequate techniques Voucher specimens must be accompanied by Ideally, Ensure determination paper and printed with ink that does not fade or chip off. If computers are used to print with respect to concerns floristic study: Maintain adequate control associating specimen with its field data. description. adequate labels. a 1. author of the new species should provide the voucher QA/QC in 3. Abstract a brief overview of the project. Introduction - a summary of current lichen air quality biomonitoring literature with any specific information about previous lichen surveys in the study area. Methods references Collector's number. - a description with adequate and laboratory methods of field used. Name of determiner. 4. 11 Site description - a brief description of the major habitat types within the study area together with detailed information about A each specific collection locality. Results - the species list will comprise the The major portion of this section. following information should be included for each species: A. Genus, species, and authorities for each on "missing" species E. Comments F. Comments on the occurrence abundance of pollution on significant substrate H. Comments considerations Comparison of historical information or data from comparable sites with current I. C. Growth form. data D. Substrate information. J. Evaluation of ecological E. Relative abundance information (i.e., rare, common, abundant, etc.). K. Assessment herbaria specimens concentrations This list is neither comprehensive nor documentation. of of pollutant data in lichens Pollution sensitivity status with G. Deposition species and distribution patterns taxon. appropriate and relative sensitive on growth form frequency G. Comments B. Collection site(s). F. endangered species should also be included. 5. on rare and/or D. Comments general map of the study area, showing the location of each collection site, (i.e., name(s) other appropriate absolute; of included depending and collection number(s). of characteristics H. Notation of species found in earlier items may be the specific upon site and/or a study lichen flora. studies. I. General comments concerning disjunct Review of Reports distribution patterns, new distributional records, unusual substrates, modified growth forms, unusual reproductive patterns, incidence of thallus bleaching or necrosis, or unusual nomenclatural All of Expanded reports may include elemental analyses and community data, such as transect surveys. (See Chapter 7 for details on elemental analyses and Chapter 4 for community analyses.) Taxonomic of sensitive keys and color photographs indicator species may also be included. sexual These individuals could be chosen board proposed should be given copies determine whether appropriate of below. the project techniques procedures were followed throughout and the project. They should also comment on the general presentation and organization of the report as well as offer any new or unique observations. DATABASES At the simplest level, a floristic database conveys More complex floristic all data about the plants that grow in specific sites. When a written flora, or manual, is produced, other types of floristic data, what plants grow where. databases may encompass morphological B. Comments on the general health of the lichen community of technical contract and any approved modifications. The primary responsibility of the reviewers is to Conclusions and recommendations - This section of the report is diagnostic in nature and should be based on a critical interpretation of the data contained in the results section. This section essentially defines the baseline condition. An appropriate combination of the following may be included: A. Comments on lichen species diversity abundance the study area. from the national advisory Reviewers C. Observations on the occurrence reports should be evaluated by two expertise and familiarity with the habitats and flora considerations. 6. technical peer reviewers who have appropriate identification and chemical, possible etc., that make are also important. The term database refers not only to the above and types and asexual of data but also to the gathered and stored. reproductive structures form in which they are floristic database The simplest could be a field notebook containing 12 plant names and collection information that is associated with each name. With the advent of readily available database software, computers and sophisticated However, limitless. and numerous, standardization limitless of data. Taxonomists Authority State and others interested in floristic and associated data are County such standards, including minimum developing Land management for data collected for floristic, and collections management purposes. requirements, monographic, Standardization makes it possible Easily mappable hardware and Minimum standards ensure adequate data and flexibility in database design permits special-purpose data collection while retaining the minimum standards agreed upon for all floristic work. Minimum standards for floristic data should collection, of plants and the authors of names, as well as information on the localities which the plants are found. Latitude Longitude UTM grid or GPS notation those in taxon-related General habitat and Specific habitat Taxon-related data that must be specimen-related. included in floras are scientific names at the rank of genus and below as well as the authors names. Required information specimen-related that is traditionally of Substratum these Elevation (meters) data include the included of accuracy of mapping points Degree These data can be placed in two general categories: locality Specific locality software. include the names unit Physiographic unit to transfer data between databases made on different appropriate) Infraspecific name possibilities different computer systems require the of data collection in order to facilitate transfer and exchange (if Infraspecific rank the for storing and presenting floristic data possibilities are almost Authority on specimen Collector(s) labels (scientific name and authority, locality of collection, collector, collection number, collection Collection number date). With these data, it is possible to produce the simplest kind of flora — a list of what plants grow Date where. Determiner (if not collector) Possible standards for data collection for lichen of collection Herbarium where deposited floristic studies may include: Recently, Names: manipulate, have been used to store, seen from the list of possible Genus names and for specimens, both sets Species of data: As can be data standards for one item is common names. scientific to This common element relates the two data sets, since the two data Authority(ies) Infraspecific rank computers and report pertinent data. With the advent of files share common fields. (if appropriate) sophisticated relational relate numerous fields, Infraspecific name databases, it is possible but also enables complex Authority(ies) When different same organism analyses and reports. names have been used for the in the area covered by the flora, necessary to keep track Specimens: of An accepted name, usually taken of North Lichens (Egan 1987), is used in floras, from an accepted list such as the Checklist American Species 13 it is this information by listing the synonyms. Genus to which simplifies data entry with synonyms used in the flora area listed also. Other information that pertains to genera or species are often also available It was suggested that federal agencies arrange agreements with and retain experts who may be called upon for completing (family, growth form, etc.). and other lichen-related and needed assignments verifications, tasks such as identifications, surveys, work. NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD LITERATURE CITED The Floristics Group at the 1991 workshop recommends established that a National Advisory Board be Culberson, to advise federal and other agencies on including floristic Advisory Board should studies. The functions of the Journal To provide technical on biomonitoring 2) Egan, R.S. 1987. lichen-forming, a method. 113-125. 72: Substitution 1982. for diethyl ether in chromatographic the method for Journal of Chromatography A fifth checklist 238: States of the and allied fungi of lichenicolous continental United and Canada. Bryologist 90: 77-173. Hale, M.E., Jr. 4) To provide liaison among lichenologists. 1979. How to Know the Lichens. Dubuque. 5) To recommend research priorities. It is suggested that the Advisory Board be composed of five lichenologists representing different regions of the United States and various areas of expertise, plus one representative from each appropriate federal agency. Suggested terms are three to five years, with staggered appointments and no consecutive terms. Wetmore, C.M. quality. Lichen floristics and air III, T.H. and V. Wirth 1988. Pp. 55-65. In: Nash (eds). Lichens, Bryophytes and Air Quality. Berlin and Stuttgart. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 30. White, F.J. and P.W. James. microchemical 57: Okologie Advisory Board in coordinating efforts 1985. work among lichen herbaria. 14 of British Lichen Society Bulletin Zur Ausbreitung, Herkunft und anthropogen geforderter Rinden-und Holzflechten. of the country that will culminate of a national lichen flora. This new guide to 1-41. Wirth, V. the National A 1985. techniques for the identification lichen substances. parts would include cooperative tert. -butyl ether lichen products. (PSD). in the production and new 483-487. 3) To provide QA/QC control and help ensure legally defensible work, especially with regard to the Clean Air Act (CAA) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration from various Chromatography standardized thin-layer qualified personnel for specific projects. liaisons, conditions of lichen products by C.F. and A. Johnson. of methyl To provide information concerning In promoting of Culberson, and protocol advice projects. could also be instrumental Improved 1972. standardized thin-layer chromatographic be: 1) C.F. data for the identification all lichen biomonitoring projects, Tuxenia 5: 523-535. Chapter 2 Appendix Some important floristic treatments for North America General References: Fink, B. 1935. States. For the Northeast: Brodo, I.M. The Lichen Flora of the United Ann Aibor. (Largely York: York out-of-date for most genera, but still the only source of information for a number of genera.) Hale, M.E., Jr. Dubuque. 1979. (Limited How to Know for Gowan, American The Macrolichens. Arctic Lichens I. California. (Obtainable The Bryologist.) 1-254. (Limited to Bryologist as a separate reprint from For the Southeast: Lichens of California Natural History Guides. 3: The lichens of Fundy Park, New Brunswick, Canada. 91: 255-325. For the West Coast: 1988. S.P. and I.M. Brodo. National New York. Hale, M.E., Jr. and M. Cole. of the Ottawa Region. Club Special Publication (Covers all species; obtainable from the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa.) For the American Arctic: 1984. Lichens 1-115. illustrations.) J.W. 1988. Ottawa Field-Naturalists the lower 48 states, but contains many useful Thomson, and Floristic Analysis. (Contains keys to all groups.) Brodo, I.M. the Lichens. The Lichens Vegetational State 1-330. to selected macrolichens of Long Island, New New Museum Science Service Bulletin 410: 1965. A Harris, R.C. 54: York. the macrolichens.) 1990. (Published Some Florida Lichens. New by the author, but available through the New York Botanical Garden. It contains valuable keys for all groups.) For the North Central Region: Moore, B.J. C.M. 1968. The Lichens of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. Publication Museum. Michigan State University Biology Series 1:369-452. (Contains keys to all groups.) Wetmore, Bryologist 15 1968. 71: The macrolichen 161-266. flora of Florida. Site Characterization Ken Stolte, Sherry Pittam, Roger Rosentreter The growth, and biological environments primary physical chemistry, include influences of lichens are influenced by the in which they are found. The and survival reproduction, physical are insolation, temperature, moisture, soils, and wind. The biological factors that most affect lichens the moisture and chemical characteristics of host substrates and biological modification of the physical environment. To differentiate the effects of air pollutants from other physical and biological environmental factors, it is necessary to quantify, through measurement or estimation, the environs in which the lichen species are found. This chapter provides detailed methods for describing the environments in which lichen studies are conducted. INTRODUCTION of The purpose and document is generally (Bailey, 1991). The microenvironment considered to be the environment immediately this chapter is to identify, chemical, the physical, adjacent to the earth's surface, i.e., the zone below quantify, and biological the height of 4.5 feet, the height of standard weather factors at sites where lichen studies are conducted. instruments. Microenvironments for lichens These factors can be chronic, highly influencing physiological processes, or acute, affecting immediate They have a substanal influence on the survivability. condition, growth, and survival of lichens. trunk surfaces and crevices, environments. and chemical some evidence that lichens factors most likely to The macroenvironmental affect lichens are: to changes in their exchange, they are responsive and anthropogenic materials. Since lichens lack stomata and have no control over gas physical There is also respond to changes in • insolation • wind (speed, frequency) • temperature (maximum, (intensity and quality) minimum, their host substrates (Prussia and Killingbeck, 1991). The goal of evaluating site conditions is to • moisture (rain, snow, fog, relative factors so that changes in • atmospheric quantify biotic and abiotic lichen species and communities can be reasonably seasonality) due to air pollution lichen condition and chemical variables • sites. composition of factors controlling lichen growth and lichen communities include geology, air, and water (Oosting, 1956; Ferry et al., 1973). Biological factors include host species, canopy cover, and herbivores important (Skye, 1968). These factors are at both macroenvironmental and microenvironmental refers to the climate scales. The macroenvironment and soil characteristics region which influence the of (nutrients, humidity) toxins, acidity) that should be measured or estimated at lichen study The physical chemistry The microenvironmental separated from other environmental causes. We describe physical are often habitats such as rock crevices, specialized a nature of the vegetation 16 factors that may affect are: host substrate o topography o chemistry o stability o moisture o type - rock - tree bark - mosses - herbs - anthropogenic materials tree soil canopy opening o pedogenic soil) TEMPERATURE o edaphic (plant and soil interactions) atmospheric (regional gases and gases changes within a plant whose concentration canopy, e.g., carbon dioxide, (percent) of (structure and chemistry temperature ranges have a pronounced Ambient ozone) changes with elevation Of the electromagnetic photosynthesis, to plants for photosynthetically of insolation latitude, elevation, quality, Lichen species distribution (PAR). The reaching the earth is affected by substances the earth. Consequently, of PAR intensity with the algal component varies with air a good correlation important 1968). There is usually between habitat-type for lichen (Levitt 1980a). Site Measurement of Temperature at higher and northern latitudes. easy to quantify the maximum and temperatures at a site for any time interval, It is relatively minimum and for some lichen transplant studies quantifying Site Measurement of Insolation Precise quantification multiple by or the fungal component or both species and their heat tolerance effect on some lichen species, and becomes increasingly involves controlled 1953, in Skye equally (Lange and can reduce the is usually by 85% or more. Ultraviolet light may have a deleterious elevations ice extremes may affect either temperature. Temperature seasons, and topography. Tree canopies alter insolation of high temperatures (50o C) can lead to of plant tissue and protein denaturation. Extremely desiccation in the atmosphere and the angle of incidence Temperatures can result in the formation crystals within cells and subsequent cell plasmolysis. light are called active radiation communities. vegetation below freezing between 460 and 640 nanometers. These wavelengths insolation spectrum available of distribution interest is the portion of particular by vegetation slopes; decreases on mountain of approximately 1.5o C for every 1000 feet of increase in elevation have a marked impact on the Insolation refers to the radiant solar energy that reaches earth. plants. effects are demonstrated Temperature INSOLATION of all on the distribution influence of annual PAR at a site of transmitted PAR the results. lichen transplants at new sites may be due to in temperature ranges between sites, the year (Isebrands et al. not feasible, and in most cases 1992). This is usually even a one-shot measurement of interpretation samples with an integrated radiometer throughout in the For example, death of temperatures at the site may be important differences in air quality. Daily rather than to differences is extremes of temperature and relative difficult. The intensity and duration of the insolation can be quantified into broad classes of exposure obtained with relatively based on factors that decrease maximum thermometers. hygrothermographs insolation. humidity can be low-maintenance or maximum-minimum For floral, elemental, or community The primary physical and biological site factors needed to measure or estimate insolation are: studies involving surveys or plots, where many sites are visited briefly, it is not possible to measure Physical temperature differences temperature in any meaningful way. Relative among sites and microsites • latitude can be estimated from the following site • aspect characteristics: • slope Physical • elevation • micro relief Biological • plant community type forest type (density of crowns) o understory vascular and non-vascular o latitude and longitude • elevation • aspect • topographic • snow line (depth; duration position Biological flora • • • canopy strata (layers and total height) 17 canopy cover (percent) of cover) • ATMOSPHERIC ELEMENTS plant communities o forest type o understory When the air, precipitation, or substrate is with anthropogenic chemicals, lichens will be contaminated somewhat proportionally with the same chemicals, especially the foliose and flora vascular contaminated MOISTURE fruticose forms. The degree Moisture has effect on the vigor of a substantial lichens and the diversity of lichen Lichens can photosynthesize threshold, (e.g., SO ), or more indirectly (Farrar the host substrate. through accumulation ecosystems as the lichens decompose. Toxic elements known or suspected to negatively affect lichens include sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, nitrogen oxides, metals (e.g. Cu, Ni, As, Cd, Pb), ozone, and radionuclides. (See Chapters 5 and 7 for details.) 1973, in Ferry et al. 1973). Moisture assimilated by lichens comes from the atmosphere in the form of rain, relative humidity, depends (e.g., toxic metals). Metals accumulate in lichens and then become a source of additional metal input to and they regime of their and substrate environments atmospheric of contamination of the lichens. state Toxic elements can affect lichens by direct toxicity communities. and respire only when hydrated to a species-specific tend to reflect the moisture largely on the hydration fog, dew, and snow melt, and from Lichens can persist for long periods when dried to moisture levels as low as only 1 - 15% of their dry weight. Site Measurement Lichens are adapted to different moisture zones within habitats, and their physiological rates reflect their moisture zones. Most lichens that have a high tolerance for heat also have a high tolerance to drought. They are usually, but not always, characteristic of hot, arid regions (Levitt 1980b). Some shade-tolerant lichens have similar adaptations to high heat and drought. Lichens appear to be more tolerant of dry air pollutants when they are not Site measurement of Atmospheric Elements of most atmospheric elements is difficult and costly, and in most cases is limited specific toxic elements of concern at intensive sites. Toxic elements may be derived from anthropogenic sources (e.g., power plants, metal or from natural sources, particularly soil particles. In some cases toxic elements, sulfur oxides, refineries), nitrogen oxides, fluorides, measured directly hydrated. [e.g. sulfation and ozone can be with passive pollutant monitors and nitration or passive ozone monitors Site Measurement of Moisture plates (Noel et al. 1989); and Hisham (Grosjean of active or passive pollutant of the following site chemistry will give some 1992)]. In the absence monitors, measurement Moisture can be measured directly at lichen sites where detailed quantification is desired, as in transplant and fumigation studies. Moisture availability can be estimated from the following site characteristics information and on nutrient and toxic element deposition at a site: variables: Physical Physical • • elevation • topographic position parent material chemistry • soil chemistry • type and nearness (horizon gradients) of pollution source(s) • snow depth and duration • air and precipitation • aspect • snow melt chemistry • slope • soil texture (clay vs sand) wind (speed and relative humidity) • chemistry Biological • symptoms in vascular and non-vascular plants Biological • • vascular • plants o flora o general foliar morphology non-vascular o to study chemistry plants (leaf size) plants mosses 18 of vascular and non-vascular SOILS • host exposure o Soils are important components of ecosystems and have both direct and indirect influences on lichen The physical and chemical characteristics of soils are the results of both communities. consistent relationships types (wet, semi-arid), o distance to nearest bush o percent vegetation cover exist between groups (tundra, desert, forest), major major vegetation climatic in rows, dense stand, ing, etc. the parent material and associated biological inorganic communities; (isolated, location etc.) o distance from host to nearest tree, build DATA FIELDS AND DATA SHEETS and major soil groups. grow on soils, absorbing Some lichens moisture and nutrients, directly. To aid in analysis of site characteristics, we suggest the following data-fields, which produce two soil toxins, and other chemicals Lichens growing on vascular plants may also be affected by soil chemistry as chemicals forms: one to be addressed by the agency or group the lichen supporting are filled out by 1) and the study (Part second lichen expert, the principal absorbed by plants and leached out through bark or to be leaves. Even characteristics such as soil texture and color may affect lichens through wind-blown particle abrasion, water capacities, reflection of PAR, or absorption of heat. Soil characteristics help quantify (PI) conducting the study (Part 2). Part 1 information on the general physical, chemical, and biological factors that should be considered prior to conducting the field work. Part of the ecology a site and reflect biota as well as anthropogenic investigator details the background past climate and 2 details the information the Site Measurement of Soils of modified chemistry • general particle • color • available • bareness (percent rock and plant cover) The information size constraints 1 is important and potential present condition of the site and for associated work The information problems. from Part 2 is useful for analysis and describes the the distribution patterns of lichen species. It records current conditions for reference in future studies, particularly Biological duff depth in Part study sites and determining choosing water capacity ground cover et. al. 1992). It has been and expanded in this document for lichen Region (Jensen field studies. (pH, toxins, nutrients) • • at the sites during Northern Physical that should be collected field work. The format for field data collection form (Part 2) comes from ECODATA procedures developed by the USFS, each pollution. the • the long-term analysis. monitoring for community or elemental Part 2 can help differentiate the effects of air pollution on lichens from the effects of natural or anthropogenic CASE STUDY EXAMPLE OF MEASUREMENT OF SITE CHARACTERISTICS Numerous site variables Part This information were measured or Investigator estimated by Skye (1968) to evaluate the effects of air pollutants from Stockholm, Sweden on lichen species and communities. considered very important included 1968). The of • age condition of condition of • including host plant the tree crown the bole o growth o length of trunk o bark appearance may be provided by the contracting to the Principal agency, and should be in requests for bids. It is intended to give a necessary resources needed to conduct following site data were recorded: • 1 general overview of the area where the lichen studies are to be conducted and to aid the PI in calculating Host substrate was (Skye influence. habit 19 budgets, personnel, logistics, the study, and safety. Part 2 that the Principal Investigator We recommend lichen studies are conducted. of determine which It is left up to PI the study. USDA Forest Service's for each site where provide the following information most important or relevant for a particular These data fields were modified from the ECODATA method (Jensen et al, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region, 1992). to the following 106 data fields are PART I MANAGEMENT UNIT 3. c. Managing agency Purpose of study d. 2. b. Heading 1. Unit name a. Geographic location of study b. B. 1. State 2. County Approximate boundary of unit by Lat./Long. and description appropriate). etc. c. Types of known pollution and sources Location of nearest mechanical air quality monitoring station and type of monitor(s) Locations of known pollution sources relative to site (if 3. Length of growing season Range of elevations Mean annual T°, humidity, insolation, Air chemistry 5. A. D. environmental factors material Geology/parent Soils (short description or soils map) Physical Biological factors Biome type(s) 2. Significant disturbance a. Natural 1. C. Anthropogenic Unique plant/animal 3. b. Landform(s)/topography Terrestrial history a. species b. Aquatic General climatic factors a. Annual precipitation E. LICHEN SITE-SPECIFIC - Key ID - Record Identifier AG - Agency (2 Field 1 Fields 1-8 - FA FR FS FW characters) Enter one of the following codes to describe the agency conducting the study: CODE DESCRIPTION AR Bl BL CH FG Agricultural Research Station Bureau of Indian Affairs USDI, Bureau of Land Management NC NP PV SC SL UR OT USDI, Fish and Wildlife Service The Nature Conservancy USDI, National Park Service Other private lands USDA, Soil Conservation Service Department of State Lands University Research Comments, Other (explain Form GF) Enter the two-character Postal Service abbreviation for the state which the plot located (e.g., Montana = M I)- Use when the state unknown. For countries other than the U.S., enter Comments. two-digit country code and explain code characters) NF - National Forest develop their own coding conventions for other land units, e.g., National Parks, this subfield - explain Comments. numeric) in Enter the number corresponding to the U.S. Forest Service's National Forest being sampled (See USDA Forest Service for National Forest codes). Users may 20 in Field (2 in a is N U_ is in - (2 2 - St - State USDA, Forest Service (Air Resource Managei USDA, Forest Service Research Station USDA, Forest Service (ECODATA Plot) For additional codes coordinate with the USDA, Forest Service (Northern Region, Regional Office, Range, Air, Watershed and Ecology Staff Unit). Champion International Lands State Fish and Game Department 3 Field DATA in PART Any other unique features II 4. Field 4 - Yr - Year (2 Enter the last two digits of the calendar enter 2 Q) numeric) year (e.g., for 1990, 5 - Field Pit - Plot Number (3 Enter sequential plot numbers for each examiner through the calendar year, up to 999. If one examiner samples more than 999 plots in one year, a new examiner code should be assigned and the individual numeric) encouraged Example - Fields 1-5: A USFS plot (AG=FS) in the Northern Region of Montana (St=MT), on the Helena NF (NF=12), during 1986, by Hike Lichens, which is the 45th plot for I. Lichens in calendar year 1986, would be entered as: 1 Ag 5 Pit 6 - Mo - Month (2 numeric) Enter one of the following codes to describe the calendar month of sampling: Field ES MONTH 2 St Q45 04 05 April May 06 June July 07 CODE to take a vacation. MI 01 January 10 02 February March 11 August September October November 12 December 08 09 03 Field 7 - Day (2 Field 8 - Name Enter the calendar numeric) - Name of Examiner (20 characters) 3NF12 4Yr SS day of sampling. Enter the first initial followed by a period (.), then the last name of the person doing the majority of the species identification, data measurements, and evaluations (e.g., I. LICHENS). SAMPLE SYSTEM DATA Fields 9-13 - Sample Forms - Codes for Sample Forms Collected at a Plot (Up to five 2 -character fields) Various types of sampling procedures may be used to describe characteristics of the site being sampled (e.g., community grid, lichen line intercept cover). Identify the different types of sampling methods used at the site by entering up to 5 of the following codes (Note: The coding conventions used below are suggested for some of the more common lichen studies; develop additional codes as needed and CODE DESCRIPTION LF LC LE LT LG LP LB LX Lichen Lichen Lichen Lichen Lichen Lichen Lichen Lichen floristics community elements transplant gradient plots biomonitoring garden fumigation exposures Example: A macroplot on which lichen community lichen chemistry analysis were done, would be entered as: explain in Comments): Sample Forms: 9 LC. 10 LE 11 and 12 13 The above indicates that Lichen Community and samples of lichens for Lichen Elements (chemistry) were conducted at the site. 21 analysis Field 14 - Unit - Unit of Measurement (1 character) Note: Lichen methods, whenever possible, will use metric (M) units for all standard inventory and monitoring projects. Enter one of the following codes to describe if the units of measurement entered are English (E) or Metric (M). Either type of measurement may be used at a plot; however, metric is preferred. Field 15 - Permanent Plot ID (15 characters) Enter the Key ID recorded in Fields 1-7 if this plot is to be used as a permanent plot. If the plot sampled is a repeat measurement of a permanent plot, enter the Key ID corresponding was sampled. Required for permanent to the fiisl time the plot Field 16 - PRI - Plot Remeasurement Interval (2 numeric) For a permanent plot, enter the number of years measured last year; Q 2 means it was measured 2 years ago; Q 9 means it was measured 9 years ago, and : 1 means the remeasurement interval since the last measurement is unknown. since the last measurement. For example, Q Q indicates that the plot is a permanent plot and was not yet remeasured; Q 1 means the plot was 17 - Required for permanent Plot ID (15 characters) enter the Key ID for a plot to be used as a comparison with this plot (e.g., lichen transplant Field plots only. plots only. Comparison Optional. If appropriate, study). Field 18 - Potential Vegetation Form - Potential Vegetation Formation (2 characters) Enter one of the following codes to describe the potential vegetation formation DESCRIPTION AQ Aquatic Non-vegetated terrestrial (sand dunes, scree, rock) CF CW HW of your plot. CODE NV BF BW SW SA SU HA HU ML OT Coniferous upland forest Conifer-dominated wetland X Broadleaf upland forest Broadleaf-dominated wetland Shrub-dominated alpine Predom. herbaeous (graminoid, wetland Shrub-dominated alpine Shrub-dominated upland Herbaceous dominated alpine Herbaceous dominated upland Moss/Lichen-dominated Other Type-specify in comments Unable to assess EXISTING VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION Fields - 22 - Existing Vegetation Strata LF - Dominant Live Life Form character) Field (1 19 19 - CODE DESCRIPTION A Aquatic species dominate Broadleaf trees dominate Conifers dominate Herbaceous species dominate B C Enter one of the following codes to describe the dominant (based on canopy volume) live life-form present on the plot. (Note: Dominant life form = life form with the greatest canopy volume; i.e., height x H K M cover.) P S O X 22 DATA (graminoid/forb/fern mixture) Krumholz Moss or lichens dominate Agricultural cropland Shrubs dominate Other (explain in Comments) Unable to assess forb, fern) If the dominant live life form broadleaf (B) trees, use: For other life form types, enter (i.e., not you are unable to make this applicable). assessment, enter an this field. ft Low (< 2.5 ft average height) dominated Medium (2.5 to < 6.5 ft average height) dominated Tall (6.5+ dominated ft) the dominant dead life form broadleaf (B) trees, use: If characters) Low shrub (<2.5 average height) dominated Medium shrub (2.5 to 6.5 average height) Tall shrub (6.5+ dominated 1.0 in. DBH) dominated Seedling Sapling (1.0 - 4.9 DBH) dominated Pole (5.0 - 8.9 DBH) dominated Medium tree (9.0 - 20.9 in. DBH) dominated Large tree (21.0 - 32.9 in. DBH) dominated Very large tree (33.0+ in. DBH) dominated in MT For other types or when no dead life form exists, enter (i.e., not applicable). you are unable to this field. make this assessment, enter an < X CC - Live Canopy Cover Class character) Enter one of the following codes to describe canopy cover (CC) of the dominant live vegetation life form CODE - DESCRIPTION and Lower Layer must each have at least percent canopy cover within the database. layer to distinguish them no single species has at least percent cover within percent layer (yet collectively the layer has cover), enter representative code to describe the dominant life form within that layer (e.g., E_ layer has to indicate "not present." no vegetation, enter I 23 P- ft it in a B E a a SHRUB, QBASS.EQRBlxIfa 5 A Note: Fields 23 through 28 are used to describe characteristics of the upper layer (above 6.5 ft), middle layer (2.5-6.5 ft.), and lower layer (below 2.5 minimum of percent canopy ft.) vegetation zones. cover must be present within layer to distinguish the database. Dominant and codominant species 5 5 If in 5 Fields 23 - 28 - Upper, Middle, Vegetation Zones (< X H M L N Field 20: No cover 9% CC) Low cover (10-39% CC) Moderate cover (40-69% CC) High cover (70-100% CC) Unable to assess a identified in (1 Field 22 If ft) TS ft ft MS in LS SE SA PT ft DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION LT VL shrubs (S), use: CODE CODE in If is is the dominant dead life form conifer (C) or ( is If the canopy cover of dead stems and branches. trees, the size class dominant dead life form chosen should have 1% canopy cover of dead stems and branches. is - DSC - Dead Life Form Size Class Enter one of the following codes to describe the size class of the dominant dead life form on the plot (i.e., trees or shrubs). the dominant dead life form shrubs, the size class chosen should have 1% If < 1.0 in. DBH) dominated Seedling Sapling (1.0 - 4.9 in. DBH) dominated Pole tree (5.0 - 8.9 in. DBH) dominated Medium tree (9.0 - 20.9 in. DBH) dominated Large tree (21.0 - 32.9 in. DBH) dominated Very large tree (33.0+ in. DBH) dominated X LS MS 21 SE SA PT MT DESCRIPTION Field DESCRIPTION LT VL CODE TS (2 live life form is shrubs (S) use: CODE If If the dominant the size in Field the the size in to describe class of the dominant live life form specified 19. (Note: Size class is selected to describe dominant layer component of a life form; i.e., class with maximum canopy volume.) conifer (C) or ( characters) Enter one of the following codes is Field 20 - LSC - Live Life Form Size Class (2 Field 23 - UL Dom Spl - Dominant Species in the Upper Layer (8 characters) Enter an eight-character code to describe the dominant species in the upper layer (above 6.5 ft. tall), if present. If no upper layer exists, enter N E you are unable to make this assessment, enter X* Field 24 - UL Dom Sp2 - Codominant Species in the Upper Layer (8 characters) Enter an eight-character code to describe the codominant species in the upper layer (above 6.5 ft. tall), if present. If no upper layer exists or exists with no codominant species, enter N R If you are unable enter JL to make this assessment, Field 25 - ML Dom Spl - Dominant Species in the Middle Layer (8 characters) Enter an eight-character code to describe dominant species in the middle layer (2.5 tall), if present. If no middle layer exists, you are unable to make this assessment, the - 6.5 ft. enter M R enter )L If Enter an eight-character code to describe the codominant species in the middle layer (2.5 - 6.5 ft in height), if present. If no middle layer exists or exists with no codominant species, enter M P-» If you are unable to make this assessment, enter 2L Field 27 - LL Dom Spl - Dominant Species in the Lower Layer (8 character) Enter an eight-character code to describe the dominant species in the lower layer (below 2.5 R, no lower layer exists, enter present. tall), you are unable to make this assessment, enter )L Field 28 - LL Dom Sp2 - Codominant Species in the Lower Layer characters) Enter an eight-character code to codominant species the lower no lower layer present. tall), no codominant species, enter enter to make this assessment, If N- ft. describe the layer (below 2.5 exists or exists with you are unable E* If N- If if (8 in If if ft. Field 26 - ML Dom Sp2 - Codominant Species in the Middle Layer (8 characters) )L SITE DATA (2 Field 29 - SpFea characters) - Special Feature Information CR TA a Enter one of the following special feature codes to describe the dominant environment of the plot. These codes are hierarchical design; consequently, you C-, may choose from the more generic codes (e.g., NS, E)or from the more detailed codes (e.g., N, S A A in SC SB NS SW WM E). DESCRIPTION Not Applicable Avalanche chute With non-scoured surface (soil not being eroded) With scoured surface (soil eroded, rocks exposed) AS CV CL CD CI (e.g., sedges, grasses) Peatland (e.g., willows and birches) Floating or quaking bog or fen mat Swale (concave or bench area with no surface water, but moist surface soil moist produces vegetation reflecting SE BE Cave Cropland Dryland Irrigated crops environment) Seep and/or spring Concave bench with surface water creating moist or wet soils that support vegetation moist site reflecting Side Slope seep (not on bench or concavity) Lakeside communities a AC AN PE FL SA a CODE N Sffl,B Scree (sheet of stones/rocky debris mantling slope) Talus (rock fragments derived from and positioned at the base of cliff) Streamside community Stream bar community Nonstream riparian communities Shrub Wetland (e.g., willows and birches) Wet meadow dominated by graminoids SS LA 24 TE SN Terrace (in valley bottom) Snow catchment area (retains snow cover 2-4 weeks longer than 90% of the surrounding areas of same aspect due to deeper snow accumulation on a different physiographic location, includes nivational hollows) Cold air drainage or frost pocket Wind blasted environments where vegetation is maintained in a deformed state Upslope warm air flow; area that is in the direct path of afternoon warm upslope flow from an adjacent deep valley bottom or a thermal belt above a cold air inversion area CA WB UW Fields 30-32 - Landform - Geomorphic Landform LANDFORM 1 Mountains CODE 1 GM Rl RR RS RG O X Windswept upper slopes that do not accumulate snow and are relatively dry due to snow loss compared to adjacent areas Ribbon forest Ridgetop ribbon forest Snow-caused ribbon forest Geologically caused ribbon forest Other (Explain in Comments) Unable to assess Coordinate with the USDA Forest Service additional codes. LANDFORM 2 LANDFORM CODE 2 Mountains UM MS Cirques CI Trough Walls TW Trough Bottoms TB Avalanche AD Debris Mountain Slopes MS Nivation Hollows NH Structurally Controlled Complexes SC Benches SB Landslide Deposits LB Undissected BR Structural Breaks SB ST Stream Breaklands Dl Walls WA FL Undissected UD Dissected Dl Undissected UD Dissected Dl Undissected UD Dissected Drainage Hills HI RU Rolling Uplands Dl Heads High Relief Low Relief Valleys Other VA Moraines Kames, Kettles MO KK Stream Bottoms SB Alluvial Basins AB Fans, Toeslopes FT Terraces TE O Not Applicable N Unable to Assess X UD Dissected DS Dip Slopes Breaklands CODE 3 PL Plateaus Structural 3 RT Ridgetops Mountain Slopes Floors Unglaciated for general-to-specific landform settings following Holdorf and Donahue (1990). The first two-character field (i.e, Landform 1) is always recorded; descriptions of Landforms 2 and 3 are optional, yet highly recommended. (three 2 -character fields) Enter one set of the following codes to describe the landform where the site/plot is located. The codes presented are hierarchical in that they describe Glaciated WU 25 DH HR LR Fields 33-35 - PMat - Surficial Geology (three fields) *These types indicate situations where more than one type of parent material may be influencing plant growth. If appropriate, further specify the types of parent material present on the plot by listing appropriate rock type codes in the Rock Type 2 and 3 fields. For example, a site with volcanic ash over sandstone would be entered as: M X/A £/§ A.; a site with mixed sedimentary rocks such as limestone and dolomite would be entered as: M S-/L 1/Q Q^ 2 -character Enter up to three of the following codes to describe the type of parent material present at the plot. The first code is required, the second code is highly recommended, and the third code is usually specific to individual project needs. If an undefined third code is used, keep a listing of coding conventions and describe such codes in Comments. ROCK TYPE 1 SEDIMENTARY METAMORPHIC GNEOUS ALLUVIUM ROCK TYPE 2 CODE 1 SE ME IG AL MIXED ALLUVIUM* MA MIXED SEDIMENTARY* MS MIXED METAMORPHIC* MN MIXED IGNEOUS* Ml MIXED FROM MORE THAN TWO ROCK TYPES* MX GLACIAL TILL* GT ASH* LOESS* AS LI Dolomite Sandstone DO Siltstone Shale SI SH Conglomerate Other type CO OT Argillite Siltite Quartz ite Slate AR SAND* SA O NOT APPLICABLE N UNABLE TO ASSESS X SL Schist Gneiss sc Other type OT Basalt Andesite Diorite to gabbro Latite Quartz monzonite BA AN Trachyte & syenite Rhyolite Granite Welded tuff (Tufa) Scoria (porcellanite) Other type TS GN Gravelly alluvium Sandy alluvium Silty alluvium (Explain 26 SA SI QU LO OTHER CODE 2 Limestone in Comments) Dl LA QM RH GR WT SO OT GA AA SI Fields 36-37 - Pos - Plot/Site Position (two 2-character fields) Enter up to two of the following codes to describe the position of the plot or site. The codes presented are hierarchical in that they allow general (i.e., Position 1) to specific (i.e., Position 2) descriptions of plot/site position. Moderate Bottom (<100 Valley ft. PLOT POSITION Narrow Valley 1 wide) Bottom (100-300 feet wide) PLOT POSITION CODE 1 NV MV CODE 2 2 SC Stream channel Stream bar Levee (narrow flood plain) Colluvial deposit (fan) Terrace SB LE CF TE SC FP Stream channel Flood plain Abandoned meander AM OX Oxbow Backwater slough Terrace Alluvial fan (toeslope) Other type Slopes Benches MS BE SH Ridges Rl Lower slope (fan skirt) Mid-slope Upper-slope Short slope, neither upper nor lower LS Breaks N O Not Applicable Unable to Assess X Other BK NW wide) Wl wide) wide) NW Wl Narrow (<100 Wide (>100 ft wide) NW wide) Wl wide) FL Level to rolling plains Upland ridge Upland swell Upland knoll Upland breaks River breaks Plateau, mesa tops Toe slopes, alluvial/colluvial (Explain 27 MA US SS Narrow (<100 Narrow (<100 RU MS US Wide (>100 in Badland Uplands BS TE AF OT LS Wde (>100 Rolling OX Lower slope (fan skirt) Mid-slope Upper-slope ft Shoulders AM ft Mountain AF SC FP Stream channel Flood plain Abandoned meander Oxbow Backwater slough Terrace Alluvial fan (toeslope) Other type ft Fan WV ft Alluvial Bottom (>300 feet wide) ft Wide Valley BS TE AF OT Comments) UR US UK UB RB fans PL TS Field 38 - VerPS - Vertical Plot Shape Enter one of the following slope shape perpendicular at the plot or site: CODE (1 character) S codes to describe the to the contour of the slope R D P U 0 N X Field 39 - HorPS - Horizontal Plot Shape (1 character) CODE S Enter one of the following codes to describe the slope shape parallel to the contour of the slope at the plot location: R D P O N X Field 40 - Elevation - Plot Elevation Field 41 - Slope Percent (3 Straight or even Rounded or convex Depression or concave Patterned (microrelief of hummock and swales within several feet) Undulating pattern of one or more low relief ridges or knolls and draws within plot area Other (Explain in Comments) Not Applicable Unable to assess DESCRIPTION Straight or even Rounded or convex Depression or concave Patterned (microrelief swales within several Undulating pattern of relief ridges or knolls azimuth of the plot's Enter the declination-corrected slope aspect to the nearest degree. Enter flat areas as Q Q Q Accuracy Standards - + 5 Percent. Enter the average percent slope of the terrain on Enter flat areas as which the sample plot is located. numeric) Accuracy (2 and plot area Other (Explain in Comments) Not applicable Unable to assess QQQ. Field 43 - EroStat - Erosion Status of hummock feet) one or more low and draws within Enter the elevation of the plot above Mean Sea Level in meters or feet. Use a topographic map or altimeter to estimate elevation. Accuracy Standards - + 100 meters (5 numeric) - Aspect - Slope Aspect (3 numeric) Field 42 - Slope DESCRIPTION CODE characters) ST Enter the most appropriate code based on indicators of soil cover, sheet erosion, rill erosion, bank stability, gullying, etc. Instability includes situations where human activity has increased the rates of disturbances above that which would occur naturally. X UC UD 28 Standards - + 5 Percent. DESCRIPTION Soil surface stable and no evidence of accelerated erosion. Unable to assess because examiner cannot determine stability or instability compared to undisturbed conditions. Soil surface is unstable because of compactic (weight per unit volume natural). Soil surface is unstable because of displacement and/or churning of the soil. Field 44 - EroType - Erosion Type (2 GE characters) DE WE SC SL Enter one of the following codes to describe the dominant erosion process present on the plot. CODE N SE RE DESCRIPTION TD SD Not Applicable Sheet erosion Rill erosion SP Fields 45-52 - GCov 2-number fields) O X CLASS CODE Splash erosion/soil crust Other (Explain in Comments) Unable to assess CLASS RANGE OF CLASS MIDPOINT Bare Soil ( 1/16 in. diameter soil (2 0 cover > 0 - < 1% cover 03 1 - < 5% cover 10 5 - < 15% cover 20 15 - < 25% cover 25 - < 35% cover 35 - < 45% cover 45 - < 55% cover 55 - < 65% cover 65 - < 75% cover 75 - < 85% cover 85 - < 95% cover 95 - 100% cover 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 98 Accuracy Standards 0 0.3% 3.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 97.5% - + 1 Class Note: Percentages for the eight ground cover categories should total approximately 100 percent. Since cover classes are entered, the sum of the class codes may vary from 90 to 110 percent. and 20 percent, e.g., 30 percent is a very high value that is rarely encountered in the Northwest U.S. FLC - Fuel Loading Class 01 00 taken up by the live basal or root crown portion of vascular plants; this includes live trees, Lycopodium, and Selaginella. This is not foliar cover of plants; typical values for basal plant cover range between 10 - development Use the following standard cover class codes to quantify ground cover by the preceding categories: particles). Field 46 • Gr Gravel (1/16 - 3 in. diameter). Field 47 - Ro • Rock ( 3 in. diameter). Field 48 -• LD ■Litter, Duff and Ash: charred and uncharred litter, duff and scat; litter includes freshly fallen leaves, needles, twigs, fecal material, bark, and fruits; duff is the fermentation and humus sections of the organic layer. Field 49 - Wo - Wood: charred and uncharred dead wood that is greater than 1/4 in. diameter. This includes standing dead trees. Field 50 - ML - Moss/lichen/fungi/algae Field 51 - BV - Basal Vegetation: the soil surface Field 53 Slump Terrace Slide Field 52 - Wa - Water: that portion of the plot's area which is covered by standing water at the time of the sampling. Ground Cover (eight Enter a cover class code from the list below for each of the following ground cover categories to indicate cover at the soil surface plane. (Note: Foliar canopy cover above the soil surface plane is not considered to be ground cover.) Field 45 - BS Gully erosion Deposition Wind erosion Soil creep numeric) Fuel loading classes are from the fire behavior fuel models of Anderson (1982) and Albini (1976)(both cited in Jensen et. al. 1992). Enter the appropriate code from the following list. Classes are general and describe the fuels that will drive the fire behavior model. If you are not familiar with this system be sure to reference Anderson (1982) and obtain assistance from a qualified fire behavior specialist. If you do not have Anderson's (1982) publication or have not been trained to identify fuel loading classes, CODE DESCRIPTION 00 Unable to assess Fine, porous and continuous herbaceous fuels of grasslands, savannas, grass-tundra 01 02 03 04 enter Q Q in this field. 05 29 and grass-shrub types. Fine herbaceous fuels with some litter and dead stemwood in habitat types with open shrub and forest overstories. Tall, thick graminoid-dominated stands. Forest or shrub stands with a continuous overstory that contain much flammable woody material. Forest or shrub stands with light surface fuels and slightly flammable shrub and woody fuels. 06 07 08 Open forest with shrubs or shrubs that have moderate amounts of flammable woody material. Closed forest stands and understory shrub layer with flammable materials in both layers. Closed conifer stands with low flammability 09 12 Closed stands of pine with a thick litter layer. Closed forest types with heavy fuel loading of down woody material. Light logging slash, varying in continuity. Moderate, continuous logging slash. and a compact 13 Heavy, continuous 10 11 litter layer. Field 54 - FD - Average Fuel Depth (3 value is averaged over the plot (e.g., envision a sheet draped over the ground fuels and live and dead shrub/herb layer on the plot, and determine the average height of that sheet.) This calculation does numeric) Determine the average depth of all live and dead ground fuels on the plot to the nearest 1/10-foot. Fuel depth is the vertical distance from the bottom of the litter layer to the highest fuel particle (below 6.5 ft. height) that is capable of carrying a ground fire under moderate fuel moisture and wind conditions. This Field 55 - Down Diameter (3 logging slash. not include the crowns of overstory trees or any species greater than 6.5 ft. height. Accuracy Log Dia - Down Log Average Standards - + 0.5-Foot. but lying at an angle with the ground of no greater than 20 degrees. Count all such dead woody material that occurs below a height of 6.5 feet. Entries are to the nearest inch. numeric) Enter the average diameter of the down woody material. Down woody material is identified as any sound or rotten log which is distinguishable as a log, including logs not in direct contact with the ground Accuracy Field 56 - Dom. Layer Ht. - Average Height of the Dominant Layer (3 numeric) Standards - + 6 Inches. Enter the average height to the nearest foot of the dominant vegetation layer on the plot (i.e., the one with the greatest canopy volume). Accuracy Standards - + 5 Feet. VEGETATION DATA Live Trees Field 57 - DBH - Average DBH of Live Trees numeric) Estimate (from several measurements and an ocular evaluation) the average diameter at breast height of the dominant live tree layer (i.e., the tree layer that has the greatest canopy volume). (3 Accuracy Field 58 - Height - Average Height of the Dominant Live Tree Layer (3 numeric) Standards - + 6 Inches. Estimate the average height to the nearest foot of the dominant live tree layer (i.e. with the greatest canopy volume). Accuracy Dead Trees - + 5 feet From several measurements and an ocular evaluation, estimate the average diameter at breast height of the upper dead tree size class layer (i.e., the size class in the tallest layer that has 1% dead Field 59 - DBH - Average DBH of Dead Tree (3 Standards numeric) stem and foliage cover). Accuracy Field 60 - Height of the Dominant Dead Tree Layer (3 numeric) Standards - ± 6 Inches. Estimate the average height to the nearest 5 feet of the dominant dead tree layer (i.e., tallest layer that has 1% dead stem and foliage cover). Accuracy 30 Standards - + 5 feet Fields 61-67 - Tree Cover (seven 2-number fields) 75 - < 85% cover 85 - < 95% cover 95 - 100% cover 80 90 Estimate the percent canopy cover for trees as a life form and by size class. This estimate is the horizontal percent cover of the vertical projection of trees and does not account for overlap. Do not 98 The above cover class codes the following variables: include trees less than 6 inches tall in this estimate. The following percent cover class codes are used to record tree cover: 0 - < 1% cover 03 1 - < 5% cover 10 5 - < 15% cover 15 - < 25% cover 20 30 40 50 60 70 Fields 68-71 25 - < 35% 35 - < 45% 45 - < 55% 55 - < 65% 65 - < 75% - overlap) CLASS MIDPOINT Field 0 cover cover cover cover cover Field 64 - Pole - Pole size cover (5.0 - 8.9 in. DBH) Field 65 - Med - Medium size cover (9.0 - 20.9 in. 0.3% 3.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% DBH) Field 66 - Large Field 67 - - DBH) VLarge Large size cover (21.0 - 32.9 in. - Very large size cover (33.0+ in. DBH) Accuracy Shrub Cover (four 2-number fields) Estimate the percent canopy cover for shrubs as a life form and by size class. This estimate is the horizontal percent cover of the vertical projection of shrubs and does not account for overlap. Enter the appropriate percent class using the standard cover class codes presented in Fields 61-67. Fields 72-75 - Herb Cover (four 2-number fields) - 4.9 in. DBH) Standards Field Field Field 69 - Field 71 - Tal 68 - 70 - Med - Medium Accuracy Class. Tot - Total shrub cover Low - Low size shrub cover 6.5 Herbaceous Cover + 1 Cover tall) - Tall size Standards (< 2.5 tall) size shrub cover (2.5 to ft. 01 62 - Seed - Seedling size cover - < 0.1 in. DBH) ( > 6 in. 63 - Sap - Sapling size cover 90.1 - + shrub cover Cover (> 0 cover Field 1 00 Tot - Total tree cover (do not include 61 - 6.5 ft. tall) Class. Field 72 Gram - Graminoid cover Field 73 Forb - Forb cover Field 74 - Fern - Fern and fern allies cover (includes Enter the percent canopy cover for each of the following herbaceous components using the cover class codes presented in Field 61-67. (These estimates do not count species overlap within an herbaceous component.) spp. and Selaginella spp. Lycopodium at < 6.5 ft.) Field 75 - Moss - Mosses, lichens, fungi and other bryophytes Accuracy Standards - + 1 RANGE OF CLASS are used to categorize Field ft. CLASS CODE 80.0% 90.0% 97.5% Cover Class. DESCRIPTION No disturbance 31 stable condition) (if mechanical or animal disturbance, 5-20 Low percent of ground cover removed exposing bare fire, most fine fuels burned, soil and pavement; some charring of 3+ in. fuels, woody plants scorched but not burned to the ground; uneven patch burning of duff and litter) if Enter one of the following codes to describe the intensity of disturbance caused by mechanical equipment (M), fire (F), and animals (A) on the plot: (ground cover in CODE L Fields 76-78 - Ground Cover Disturbance: M, F, A - Ground Cover Disturbance: Mechanical, Fire, Animal (three 1-character fields) N DISTURBANCE DATA QESQ M mechanical or animal disturbance, Moderate 20-40 percent of ground cover removed exposing fire, nearly all fine bare soil and pavement; fuels consumed, some consumption of 3+ in. fuels, some woody plants consumed; patch mechanical or animal disturbance, 40-100 of ground cover removed exposing bare fire, many areas of exposed pavement; soil, many woody plants consumed, most in. fuels charred and many consumed; fairly even distribution of duff and litter consumption) High percent soil and mineral if distribution of duff and litter consumption) 5, 6 4, 3, 2, - DO DS codes, in in use evidence DE Human Mountain Goat Mountain Lion Moose Pocket gopher ML decreasing MO PG PM PW RA RT TS UB WO Wolf Cattle X O Other (Explain Comments Unable to assess Coyote Deer Consult the U.S. Forest Service DESCRIPTION No evidence found Antelope Black Bear Bear (species not known) Bighorn sheep Beaver Porcupine Pileated woodpecker Rabbit Raptor Tree Squirrel Upland birds in NO AN BB BE BS BV CA CO sheep Elk Grizzly bear Ground squirrel Horse HU MG order of evidence. CODE Dog Domestic EL GB GS HO Enter the following codes to describe evidence of animal use on the plot, decreasing order of use and effect on vegetation and site characteristics. Evidence may include tracks, browse, caches, beds, wallows, scat, antler rubs, nests, dens, etc. Record up to six animal ; Unable to assess. 2 1, Fields 79-84 - Animal Evidence Animal Use Evidence (six -character fields) if (if (if CODE Data) for additional codes. HOST CHARACTERISTICS General Characteristics of Host Field 86 is Estimate the average condition of the crowns of the host tree(s), using an estimate of the live crown ratio (0-100%) and crown density (0-100%) of the tree crowns, 10% classes (listed below). For example, tree with 100% live crown ratio has live crown extending from the top of the tree to the ground. tree with 100% crown density has Similarly, completely dense crown with no sunlight visible a even dead tree with no foliage has some amount of crown density, even though live crown ratio would be zero. tree with no sunlight visible through the crown density of 100%. crown has a a Use the following percentage classes crown ratio and crown density: through the crown. Field 85 - LCR - Live Crown Ratio CLASS CODE Estimate the average live crown ratio of the host trees where the lichens were collected. The live crown ratio the percentage of the tree bole that supports living branches. RANGE OF CLASS is 00 32 10 > 20 0% - 10% - 20% 0 a a A in a a is Estimate the average crown density of the host trees The crown density where the lichens were collected. estimated relative to the amount of sunlight that blocked out by the entire tree crown including the bole, branches, foliage, and reproductive structures, as outlined by the branches on the tree. Therefore, Field 85-86 - Condition of the Tree Crowns - (two 2-number fields) a Crown Density - CD - 1 1 Fields 85-106: Plant to quantify live CLASS CODE RANGE OF CLASS CLASS CODE RANGE OF CLASS 30 21 - 30% 70 61 40 31 - 40% 80 71 - 80% 50 41 - 50% 90 81 - 90% 60 51 - 60% 99 91 - 100% Accuracy Field 87-89 - Condition of the Tree Boles Field 87 Field GH - Growth Habit - (two 2 -character Growth habit refers to the general morphology of the tree trunk (bole). Two fields should be recorded describing the average condition of the tree(s) where the lichens are collected or identified - one field describes the average branching of the stem below breast height (1.47 meters); the second field describes the average inclination of the tree(s). SV DT Nl SI Ml HI Standards 88 - - + 1 Class BTL - Bare Trunk Length Estimate the length of the tree trunk in feet/meters that is bare (from the ground to the beginning of living branches) and open to colonization of lichens. fields) CODE - 70% Accuracy Standards - + 1.5 feet/0.5 meters Field 89 - BAL - Bole Azimuth of Lichens Record the common azimuth of the lichens found on Record up the tree boles, in classes of 60 degrees. to six classes for lichens that are colonizing the entire bole, i.e., lichens are found on all sides of the tree bole. CLASS Branching: Simple, undivided trunk Divided trunk (2 or more stems) CODE 00 06 Inclination: No incline, + vertical trunk Slightly inclined trunk (11 - 30 degrees) Moderately inclined trunk (31 - 60 degrees) Highly inclined trunk (61 - 90 degrees) 12 18 24 30 36 Accuracy Fields 90-93 - BHL - Bole Height of Lichens CODE NA Record the height of bole that contains lichens (all species = Field 90), whether the lichens were collected or identified from this entire area or not. This refers to the maximum height of bole 00 05 10 colonization on the tree, even if it is restricted to one azimuth. Estimate the height from the ground to the highest point in the tree where lichens can be observed from the ground. Record height for all species in Field 90, or record height for up to 3 individual species in Fields 91-93 (record species ID 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 in Comments). 10 99 Accuracy 33 RANGE OF CLASS No lichens on bole > 0 - 60 degrees 61 - 120 degrees - 180 degrees - 240 degrees 240 - 300 degrees 301 - 360 degrees 121 181 Standards - + 1 Class RANGE OF CLASS Not Applicable No lichens on bole 0-0.5 m above ground 0.6-1.0 m above ground 1.1-1.5 m above ground 1.6-2.0 m above ground 2.1-2.5 m above ground 2.6-3.0 m above ground 3.1-3 5 m above ground 3.6-4.0 m above ground 4.1-4.5 m above ground 4.6-5.0 m above ground 5.0-10.0 m above ground > 10.0 m above ground Standards - ± 1 Class Field 94-97 Lichens BCHL - Bole Collection Height of RANGE OF CLASS CODE NA Not Applicable No lichens on bole 00 05 Record the height on the bole from the ground where all the lichen species were collected or identified (all species = Field 94), or the height range on the bole where up to 3 specific lichen species were collected (Fields 95-97). These may be the same values as in Fields 90-93 if all the lichen species are restricted to the lower bole where collection or species identification usually occur, from ground level to about 2.5 meters above ground. 0-0.5 m above ground 0.6-1.0 m above ground 10 1.1-1.5 m above ground 1.6-2.0 m above ground 2.1-2.5 m above ground > 2.5 m above ground 15 20 25 30 Accuracy Standards - + 1 Class Field 98-103 - Appearance of Bark species is involved in collection or evaluation of lichen species, record the bark characteristics of the Record the general characteristics of the tree bark of the host species, with particular emphasis on bark morphology and bark color. If more than 1 host 3 most common species. Field 98-100 - BM - Bark Morphology CODE DESCRIPTION Record the general morphological characteristics of the bark of the 3 most common host tree species. NA BP SP NP TF SF Not Applicable Broad, flat plates Small, flat plates Of primary importance is the general nature of the bark (e.g., broad flat plates, deep fissures, etc.), and the relative flakiness of the bark (e.g., flaky, persistent, etc.). Record up to 3 codes for each tree species, e.g., broad flat plates (BP), shallow fissures (SF), with flaky bark (FB). No plates, bark essentially smooth FB LB PB Tiny fissures in bark ( 1.0 cm) Shallow fissures in bark (1.0 - 2.5 cm) Moderate fissures in bark (2.6 - 4.0 cm) Deep fissures in bark ( 4.0 cm) Flaky bark; freely exfoliating when touched Loose bark; pulled off with slight effort Persistent bark; firmly attached CODE DESCRIPTION Record NA 3 most common WH BN Not Applicable White Black Brown RD GN TN Red Green Tan TS SB Tree stands (natural) Surrounded by buildings MF DF Fields 101-103 - BC - Bark Color the general color (hue) of the tree bark of the host tree species. Combine up to two codes to suggest lighter shades of any one hue, with the first code indicating the predominant shade of the hue. Fields 104-106: BL Exposure of Host Species Field 104 - HTL - Host Tree Location Record the general location of the host tree(s) where the lichens are collected, e.g., isolated trees, in rows/orchards, dense natural tree stands, surrounded Add additional by buildings, etc. and explain in Comments. CODE DESCRIPTION N Not Applicable Isolated trees Rows of trees IT RO Field 105 - DNLO Object codes if necessary Distance to Nearest Large Estimate the average distance to the nearest object that is greater than 3 meters in height. This is most relevant for hosts in transplant studies and lichen plots, but should be estimated for studies involving collection of lichens from multiple host trees. Accuracy 34 Standards - + 1 meter. DNSO - Distance to Nearest Small and lichen plots, but should be estimated for studies involving collection of lichens from multiple host trees. Estimate the average distance to the nearest object that is less than 3 meters in height, such as bushes. This is most relevant for hosts in transplant studies DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSES - + 1 meter. Standards Accuracy Isebrands, J.G. and S.J. Steele. 1992. active radiation (PAR) indicator. 1992 Activities Plan. Photosynthetically USDA data sheet or of quatifying the site variables should be constructed with subsequent data analyses in mind. the method It may be desirable to construct continuous Review. the lichen percent canopy opening species), regressions cover), principal component The quantification analyses. analyses (e.g., Flechten in Beziehung and lichen analyses, and covariate In 140. Jena. of site factors will aid Pollution. in mapping lichen distribution and abundance using or geographic information systems Wiksells mapping. Levitt, Skye, E. 1968. Lichens study of cryptogamic Boktryckeri 1980a. temperature stress. monitoring global change. Conservation, networks for Environmental Noel, II: Water, radiation, salt, and other Academic Press, San 607 pps. D, Performance to a environment. pps. 238-282. Environment, Atmospheric 23(3):603-609. Ferry, B.W., M.S. Baddeley and D.L. Hawksworth and Lichens. Oosting, H.J. 1956. The Study of Plant Communities. An introduction to plant ecology. Second Edition. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. The of London, Great Britian. Press, University Academic 497 pps. J.J. Hechler, and H. Roberge. 1989. of sulfation and nitration plates used monitor atmospheric pollutant deposition in real 1973. Lichen physiology: Progress and In Ferry, B.W., M.S. Baddeley and D.L. Hawksworth (eds). 1973. Air Pollution and Lichens. The Athlone Press, University of London, (eds). Athlone U.S.A. Second Edition. Francisco, U.S.A. pitfalls. Air Pollution Chilling, freezing, and high Responses of Plants to Environmental Volume stresses. Farrar, J.F. 1973. 1980b. Stresses. 18(2): 173-175. Great Britain. J. Levitt, Design of ecological Air region. Almqvist and AB, Uppsala, Sweden. 74. Second Edition. Press, San Francisco, REFERENCES 1991. and epiphytes and Responses of Plants to Environmental Volume Stresses. R.G. der Flora zu ihrer Verbreitung. environment in the Stockholm conventional Bailey, Range, 1992. Lange, O.L. 1953. Hitze- und Trockenresistenz and number of lichen (e.g., elevation In Chapter 1.11, pps. 1-12. Air, Watershed and Ecology (RAWE) Staff Group, USDA Forest Service, Northern Region, Missoula, MT. (ECODATA). species. This can be done by correlation Section Protection Park, NC 27709. Jensen, M., W. Hann, and R.E. Keane. variables to reflect site factors to relate them to the condition of Forest Service and Environmental Agency, Research Triangle possible, II, Whenever I: data recorder. A coded for entry first onto a hard-copy into a personal In Forest Health Monitoring, mentioned above be J. We suggest the variables p. Field 106 Object 389 pps. 440 pps. Prussia, C.M. and K.T. Killingbeck. Hisham. 1992. A passive sampler for atmospheric ozone. Journal of the Air Grosjean, D. and M.W.M. and Waste Management Association, Holdorf, H. and J. Donahue. 1990. Concentration foliose lichens: leachability, 42(2): 169-173. #15, Montana Experiment Station, School of Forestry, University seasonality, and the influence of rock and tree bark substrates. Miscellaneous Publication 1991. of ten elements in tow common Lichenologist Forest and Conservation Skye, E. 1968. Lichens of Montana, Missoula. and Air Pollution. cryptogamic epiphytes and environment Stockholm Boktryckeri 35 The 94(2):135-142. A study of in the Almqvist and Wiksells AB, Uppsala, Sweden. 123 pps. region. Chapter PART 1 - 3 APPENDIX GENERAL DATA FORM MANAGEMENT DATA FORM Management Unit Data Sheet A. B. Heading 1. Unit name 2. Managing agency Geographic location 1. State 2. County 3. Land management unit Nearby large city 1 (distance and direction) Nearby large city 2 (distance and direction) Nearby topographic features (Mt. Ranges) 6. USGS Quad name, 7.5' or 7. Approximate boundary of unit by Latitude and Longitude, or Universal Transverse Meridian (UTM), or Township range and section; and description appropriate) (if 15' Physical environmental factors 1. material (general) Geology/parent 2. C. Soils (short description or soils map) 36 Landform(s) 4. 5. (general) a. Terrestrial b. Aquatic General cliamatic factors. a. Annual b. Length of growing season c. Range of elevations d. Other factors Specify the following climatic factors. precipitation (10-yr mean) Air chemistry a. Types of known pollution sources within 100 km of study area. Specify all known sources of air pollution and approximate distance to study area. Source 1: Location 1: Source 2: Location 2: Source 3: Location 3: Source 4: Location 4: Source 5: Location 5: Type and Location of nearest continuous Type of Monitor 1: Location of Monitor 1: Type of Monitor 2: Location of Monitor 2: Type of Monitor 3: Location of Monitor 3: Type of Monitor 4: Location of Monitor 4: D. Biological Factors 1. Biome type(s) 37 or passive air quality monitoring station. 2. Unique E. Significant disturbance a. Natural: b. Anthropogenic: history animals: Any other Unique Features 38 PART 2 - SITE-SPECIFIC DATA FORM PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR DATA FORM Field Key ID, 1 Ag _ _ __ 2 St __ 3 NF __ Yr 4 1-8 5 Pit ___ _ _ 6 Mo 7 Day 8 Name Sample Sample Forms: 9 10 14 Unit 15 Permanent PRI 17 Comparison 16 18 Potential Vegetation Vegetation 12 _ _ Plot ID Plot ID Form Strata: 19 _ LF Classification, 20 LSC _ 21 _-___ 27 LL Dom Sp1 22 CC DSC _ SpFea 28 LL Dom Sp2 ._... / 38 41 Aspect VerPS + BS . + Gr 55 Down 33-35 PMat / _ 39 HorPS _ 40 Elevation + Ro + + LD Log Dia + + Wo 53 BV ML 56 Dom. Layer 39 _ 44 EroType 43 EroStat 42 Slope 45-52 GCov Field 29-56 / 30-32 Landform 36-37 Pos Sp2___ 26 ML Dom Site Data, FD Field 19-28 24 UL Dom Sp2 25 ML Dom Sp1 54 13 Layers: 23 UL Dom Sp1 29 Field 9-18 11 Existing Vegetation Existing Vegetation Data, System Ht. Wa FLC Data, Vegetation Live Tree: _ 57 DBH Tree Cover: 61 Tot Dead Trees: 58 Ht. _ Field 57-75 62 Seed Herb Cover: Cover Animal Evidence: Disturbance: _ 77 F 76 M 79 (1) _ 71 Tal 75 Moss Field 76-84 _ 78 A 80 (2) 82(4) 83 (5) __ 67 VLarge 74 Fern Disturbance Data, Ground 64 Pole 70 Mid 73 Forb 72 Gram 60 Ht. 66 Large 69 Low 68 Tot _ 63 Sap 65 Med Shrub Cover: 59 DBH 81 (3) _ _ 84 (6) Microsite/Host Data, Fields 85-106 Crown/Bole 87 GH 90 85 LCR Features: / BHL (all) 91 98 BM (1) Bark Color: 101 Host Tree Location: 89 BAL 88 BTL BHL (1) 94 BCHL (all) BM: 86 CD 92 / BHL (2) 95 BCHL (1) / / BC (1) 104 / / 93 BHL (3) 96 BCHL (2) 99 BM (2) / / 97 BCHL (3) 100 102 BC (2) HTL 105 DNLO Comments/Code Explanations 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 40 BM (3) 103 106 1, / / DNSO BC (3) / _. /_ Species and Communities Cliff Smith, Linda Geiser, Larry Gough, Bruce McCune, Bruce Ryan, and Ray Showman This chapter recommends sampling techniques for air pollution studies for lichen species and community monitoring. The techniques evaluate the condition of and changes in lichen vegetation, use lichens to estimate air pollution concentrations, and measure responses of lichens to air pollutants in a manner that will meet quality assurance (QA) that are appropriate and quality control (QC) requirements established by federal agencies. Some options are provided, along with guidelines for making necessary choices. We discuss design principles that in conducting must be considered or monitoring program using lichens to evaluate air pollution. Three sections follow on the recommended approaches: general lichen survey, indicator species, and quantitative community surveys. The general lichen survey is a relatively simple and inexpensive biomonitoring technique but is best used around point sources. It is not useful for monitoring small changes in pollution or where relocation of study sites is difficult. The use of lichen indicator species is an effective, sensitive, and any sampling means to monitor lichen responses to air pollutants. inexpensive Unfortunately, pollution responses of only a few species are Quantitative community surveys provide detailed of many species. The techniques can be time-consuming, We conclude with some recommendations DESIGN PRINCIPLES monitoring and time constraints excuses for not conducting a well-designed element balances, factors analysis, ratios to identify program. In most instances, projects carried out atmospheric without adequate attention to QA/QC are not worth the time, money and effort spent. We recommend Source-based inaccuracies three different dispersion approaches that can be fine-tuned to evaluate air quality using lichens. If the requirements of these approaches cannot be met, obtain of in the emission inventories models, whereas receptor-based See Chapter Chemical (see models Sensitive Species, and Chapter Analysis, for details on monitoring and analysis techniques. There are two opposite approaches to assessing Several hypothetical models are shown along with possible explanations emission point source (Gough and dispersion predictions, of an element in while 41 a and monitoring air pollutants: source-based models and receptor-based models. Source-based models use inventories or and a the authors of this for consultation sources. models suffer from uncertainties for in figure the concentration receptor versus distance from et al. 1986). 1 Appendix assistance. Many are available and natural suffer from the difficulties inherent in identifying contributions from multiple sources at receptor site. I). handbook anthropogenic elemental emission a professional element trends, and stable isotope concentration-distance research factors, models use enrichment receptor-based are often cited as approaches programs. for reporting results. chemical Funding All require highly trained personnel. 7, and generally can be used for a single sample or for long-term 5, evaluations expensive, the air known. adequately Model I INFLUENCE ZONE Model IV BACKGROUND i A O 0 DISTANCE A DISTANCE II J_ 0 A DISTANCE 0 A DISTANCE m j_ O A DISTANCE Figure 1. - Hypothetical receptor-based models of the concentration (C) of an element versus distance (D) from a point source contamination. In Model I, a point source emits an element M. receptor sites are sampled at one instant in time same elemental species (e.g. fine particulates) All and are assumed to be equally In this model there is of M concentration efficient a negative the same point. with In Model IV, the the background Model II illustrates of a situation the emitted in which chemical the reaction product. situation might be oxidation III variations An example of this of an emitted species of M on dispersion if varies greatly. in the regions of influence diurnal, or or on the receptors, influence source can be expected. Differences around a point in the regions of might be obtained based on the selection of soil versus vegetation or sampling of different plant species. the receptor used, such as similar situation to model I; however, two point sources, or pseudo-point sources with different regions of influence, emit the demonstrates concentration seasonal influences during transport. Model negative correlation and distance may be found vary by the source, or there are climatic, species occurs during transport away from the source, and the receptor only collects be Model V demonstrates the influence and importance of the sampling time. If the emissions is reached. This distance (O to A) of influence for the emitting source. defines a region conversion a less distinct between concentration versus the distance from the source, up to the point at which the background concentration from An example of this model would a point source situated on the ocean coastline. collectors. correlation in a receptor sampling, a Hence, regions of influence determined technique should only be considered 42 by this as the minimum region of influence, and caution change laboratories should be used in results where competing interpreting emission work, may be involved. Contamination of See data. Chapter be measured. Gradient 10 Principles reviewed by anyone beginning study. They are paraphrased What is "Baseline"? 1. differ. which ideally exclude human concentrations, A baseline 2. represents the concentration measured at some point in time, a "snap shot", and is typically not true background. A background represents an idealized situation difficult to measure than A true background and analyzing and is typically more a baseline. are best defined ice cores, or varves as a range transformation the geometric the geometric to normalize of values 4. To test whether a condition has an effect, collect samples both where the condition is present and where the condition is absent but all else is the same. 5. Carry out some preliminary sampling to provide a basis for evaluation of sampling design and statistical analysis options. 6. Verify that your sampling device or method is actually sampling the population of interest, and with equal and adequate efficiency over the entire range of sampling conditions to be encountered. data, the mean becomes mean (GM) and the deviation becomes deviation (GD). The 95% expected range is the range defined by the GM/GD to the GMxGD2 (Tidball and Ebens 1976), where GM and GD are calculated from data generated by nested ANOVA designs (see Chapter 7). "working" baselines can be approximated So-called when examining the distance vs. concentration data generated by studies using transects that radiate away from a contamination point source. A well-defined trend will show an inflection point, the asymptote of which can be used as a 7. working baseline. Stability Through Time of 8. study designs and statistical methods is Jackson and Gough 1991). of field studies and laboratory procedure should be of major concern in the planning of a study. Identical field and laboratory procedures lacking (see, for example, Repeatability must be maintained If the area to be sampled has a large-scale environmental pattern, break the area up into relatively homogeneous subareas and allocate samples to each in proportion to the size Investigations of temporal variability in air quality studies arc few, and a thorough understanding of the proper use Take replicate samples within each combination of time, location, and any other control variable. Differences among variables can only be demonstrated by comparison to differences within. number of randomly replicate samples for each combination of controlled variables. 95% expected range. Following log representing you allocated from lake or ocean sediments. Biogeochemical baselines Be sure to state concisely the question 3. Take an equal may be obtained by sampling tree rings, glacial an air quality-related here. are asking. is intended to represent natural Background influence. and "background" vary, the R.H. Green (1979) presents 10 principles of study design and data interpretation that should be values. The terms "baseline" procedures This is not an easy task. Green's These estimates help establish baseline element concentration If error associated with this variability must somehow Analysis. Over the last fifteen years, a protocol has evolved involving both gridded and non-gridded study designs which help define the sources of variability in biogeochemical 5 for a discussion are unknown. (2) the field (3) sample at the same time of the year under and (4) do not change sample handling and storage. spatial and temporal trends, and from some norm deviation procedures, performing similar weather conditions, gradients are often suspected but their magnitude, or analytical avoid changes in personnel sources of the subarea. Verify that your sample unit size is appropriate to the size, density, and spatial distribution of the organisms you are sampling. whether the error variation is homogeneous, normally distributed, and independent of the mean. 9. Test your data to determine through time. Some things to watch out for: (1) once a study has begun, do not 43 10. Plots on Bark or Wood Having chosen the best statistical method to test your hypothesis, stick with the On living trees, permanent markers should be damage and defacement of the bark. Aluminum nails and tags are preferable to other kinds of metal markers. chosen to minimize result. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plots on Rock The corners or endpoints of quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) will vary between studies depending on the objectives of the study and the available funding. The level While minimum levels rigorous are outlined levels are provided more rigorous approaches here, objectives are appropriate and the potential should guide in the choice uses of if study The study the study results of QA/QC level within 25 percent to the total budget. re-located. is an important of of of a quadrat can be the corners can be plot corners may be necessary; Repainting the plots are measured. voucher Alternatives aspect of all studies, even generate key reference material for later studies, accuracy and consistency other information between studies. In some cases the specimens may be required evidence for litigation purposes. The collection, storage, organization and to rocks with as of specific sample it may not be or one corner a transect An appendix of marking final report should be the produced for each study. This appendix should include the actual data used in the analysis, used in the analysis, photographs difficult to re-locate during follow-up studies. Global Positioning System technology is becoming cheap any and any maps information relevant to the inclusion of this material generates an and/or other site location study. can be If the undesirably minimized. published can be long report, the appendix separately from the report and fewer copies produced, perhaps in a less expensive Metal Nails or Tags format. These in the distribution can then be included These should be located so that water runoff does not pass through of the other points Archiving Data but they are more problems (with plots. or desirable to use conspicuous permanent markers. Plots located far away from trails or campgrounds are less likely to be disturbed, and enough that most marker relocation a plot Monitoring, for precautions on permanently permissible also less subject to vandalism, to being located using a compass and tape). Sec Chapter 6, Active several quadrats or transects wildernesses, or nailed to nearby trees. or trees to mark one end in close proximity of each other. In some study areas, especially scratched into them, can be affixed silicone Although stakes can driven into the ground Permanent Markers if paint dots, such as mark plots, a better method is to place tags on rocks of Re-location and re-sampling of Plots on Soil or Moss on the Ground availability of voucher specimens is discussed fully in Chapter 2, Floristics. units are facilitated to the use drilling holes into the substrate, may be difficult. Aluminum tags, with the sample identification and those which are not purely floristic. These activities are located at least two an adequate paint supply should be taken each time The collection and preservation promoting if reconstructed Vouchers specimens plots on rock should permanent, although the outline In general, QA/QC requirements budget constraints. add an additional more in EPA manuals. The results could be involved in litigation. of with small daubs of red or orange paint which are clearly visible but unobtrusive. Car touch-up paint in a small tube with a brush attached to the inside of the lid is convenient, as is nail polish. The paint will stick better if it is placed in a slight indentation in the rock made with a hard nail. On crumbly or exfoliating surfaces, daubs of paint may not be be marked on the rock of the report This approach assures that multiple copies of this material will be in circulation, promoting the availability and future accessibility of only when appropriate. the sample unit and affect the results. this reference material. The second archive is a "local" location, administrative 44 location that is the office or location of relevance to the study site. which can serve The third is a central location, of The following types reference material should be it was actually of publication equipment or Any the methods should be provided. field notes or research management notes. Finally, raw data in any form (field notes, lab sheets, photos, etc.) should be available in sufficient the 5) site location information which may include maps; detail to enable a researcher to trace back to the 6) photographs. should also be annotated with any observations observation original Not all of these types of reference material necessarily exist in all studies. These reference Archive The general lichen survey locations. Local Appendix etc. General maps Specific site location X X information X X X also track changes in air quality X X scale of increasing X X X X X over time. On structure and complexity, the general survey bridges the gap between the floristic method of complex X (1988, Wetmore quantitative 1990) and the more methods of Case (1980), McCune (1988), Will-Wolf (1980), and others. The survey method similar to the classical is Photographs simple over fairly large areas. Repeat studies can differences X relatively to indicate air quality method designed biomonitoring Central a — Raw data (database) data (database) of archive locations a 1. Analysis that later analysis GENERAL LICHEN SURVEY Reference material Field notes, lab sheets, interest. These data the data. 1. Table regarding is in Table of any datum might have implications materials and their recommended a or document from these methods should be annotated in deviation etc.); are listed of an explicit description of methods Secondly, reference to an easily accessible maps (geological, topographic, 4) general of (names and addresses), descriptions used, and so forth. 2) raw data such as the data initially entered in a computer database; as contact persons who are knowledgeable some aspect of the study, a schedule research activities, site locations, field personnel actual field notes, lab sheets, etc.; 3) analysis data, the data used in the analysis; of to) names concerning in this discussion: included 1) Documentation should contain general background information including (but not limited as a reference center for this type of material. nation-wide In this system, the appendix serves to make readily available After the study, the appendix to initial The central location of serve as repository of all condition activities throughout to a is Connecticut. The survey method can be used to study lichens with reconnaissance the least availability eastern U.S., wide range of advisable and distribution generally to determine in of air study sites are chosen to contain 45 substrate study area. In the accepted that corticolous lichens are the best indicators this manual. a forward also applicable discussed of on any substrate. Usually some preliminary down time or methods errors. Systematic documentation over the entire state is it a study and move study the Description of Method methods, systematic of work to date, and proper archiving reference material will enable other researchers to pick up of (Showman 1981, 1990). Metzler (1980) used the survey method to map species distribution and Program Continuity The consistent use of of (1973, 1975) to around coal-burning power plants by Showman sites can also document changes in air quality relevant to that management unit. documentation the in the Ohio Valley region. Re-surveys as studies and/or sites. a number will The local location the material will serve In indicate air quality to anyone interested in obtaining from a a by request from both the central (see Ferry et al. 1973 for good United States, this method has been workers used extensively should be available clearinghouse examples). and report and local locations. information European it is of a anyone who might request distribution it. general study reference material species mapping approach used by numerous the quality. Thus several to many unshaded trees. Sites can be further standardized tree between healthy thalli and thalli with obvious to species or bark type, but this may severely limit of the number available utilized hardwood trees in open situations and cemeteries. churchyards contain sites. Showman 3-6 trees and occupy of (1975) such as substrate should be standardized possible. A selection criteria. careful Species richness (number of air quality 0.1-0.2 The number of study sites used in depend on the size of will the study area and the desired This approximates square kilometers (5 square miles). by the general survey method. between forested areas deposition Richness of Pennsylvania (Long 1990). average about 10 sites per 7-1/2 minute topographic map quadrangle. collected in within a study area. Data can also be summarized in terms of total richness and mean richness per site for comparison between study areas. Showman and Long found species richness to be a simple yet sensitive indicator of differences in density. Biomonitoring studies by Showman sampling Richness distribution site a survey species) is also a (Showman 1988). values can be easily obtained from data values can be mapped to detect anomalies to whatever extent of of good indicator rock or soil record should be kept data may be presented on the same map. hectares (0.25-0.5 acres). In some regions trees may be absent, and saxicolous or terricolous lichens must be studied instead. Sites containing of different kinds These sites typically an area By using different symbols, several necrosis. one site per 13 A large study Discussion area with a low pollution gradient could be covered by a lower site density, while a small area with a The general lichen survey method is applicable of the study of air quality. steep pollution gradient would require a greater site where the purpose is to determine large density. overall patterns The method is very For valid temporal study, it is necessary a relocate the same study sites precisely In populated areas, this can be accomplished accurately marking complex on a 7-1/2 The primary at each site should the date, site identification using ECODATA advantage simple and fast. number, and the as for of this method is that it is Site standardization the quantitative forms. The lichen of to be covered at a moderate cost. presentation are also relatively condition, done on a day-to-day i.e., bleached, discolored 15-25 sites per day a larger area allowing species present are then recorded. Notes on thallus or fragmented, fertility, and size may also be recorded. is not as critical methods so a broader range of sites can be used. A survey can usually be accomplished, study area description. See Chapter 3, Site Characterization, for more details and for characterization is difficult. areas. permanent marker may be necessary. include where site This is a "quick and dirty" method best suited for use in areas with medium to high pollution levels and in populated map. However, The general data recorded terrain and ecology standardization by in remote areas may be more difficult, and some minute topographic site relocation the site location appropriate around point sources and in areas of to at a later time. Data analysis and simple and can be basis. The primary limitation of the survey method is that it is not as sensitive to small changes in air quality as the quantitative Data Analysis Data from the general lichen survey are usually presented cartographically. mapping are discussed methods are. less appropriate for remote wilderness non-vehicular Some general aspects of travel and difficulties in site location/relocation by Showman It is also areas where negate the primary advantage of this method. (1988). Distribution maps are prepared for the common species and then compared to known or suspected pollution gradients. A discrete void in the distribution of one or more species downwind from a pollution source could indicate an air quality effect. A random pattern of absences would suggest some other factor, such as differences in site ecology. Species distribution maps might also include other information such as injury or fertility. Metzler (1980) presented distribution maps which distinguished INDICATOR SPECIES The indicator species method can be used to assess changes in growth or other parameters in one or more known air pollution-sensitive quantitative 46 methods. lichens using loss of this species?", The indicator species approach is useful when target species are known particular to occur in the study area. Such species are usually information on pollution sensitivity little ones for which is available suitable for using the species as monitors. If in and reasonably Species with distinctive with strongly desirable, are especially monitoring the background to particular since this is analogous are below the detection concentrations colors that contrast Choice of Indicator Species and Response Variables species that pollutants, Determination involves of suitable indicator species of many features, as discussed in evaluation more detail in Chapter 5, Sensitive number of indicator study area to determine which lichen taxa are can make a preliminary present, the investigator species are assessment of likely indicator is required to identified, only minimal recognize them in the field and follow changes in their growth and condition over time. Variables to measure in determining the response of indicators include cover, elemental or other Chapter 5. Sample Units of permanent sample units requires Selection species approach knowledge to a particular The growth form of the thallus affects whether photographic or other methods of determining changes are used. Growth forms should in choosing considered study area. specific measuring or estimating parameters. Many of approach is that it gives information on only a few species and says nothing about the others. In or to the presenting the results to decision-makers the lichen sensitive to pollutants indicators methods growth be of cover or other growth species which are known to be and are the most useful as have a fruticose or foliose thallus. The growth of such taxa may be difficult to measure by there is a danger of the "snail darter syndrome", the substrate, and other factors. Lichen Growth Forms More data are needed on the sensitivity of species. Another apparent limitation of the indicator species public, of topography caution must be used in that information number and size (see discussion of quantitative community sampling later in this chapter). The choice of plot type depends on growth form of the lichen, kind and of which species are sensitive. This is a problem in most areas of the United States, especially in the West, where the pollution responses of few, if any, species are Even known. See Chapter 5 for more information. when some data on sensitivity are available for a applying the number, size and to consider arrangement, and tradeoffs between Limitations in content, and others as discussed chemical investigator species, considerable partner, and on from the literature when available. information The indicator than the general survey method. the other hand, the indicator species, based on growth form and photosynthetic species method gives efficient focus on the air pollution problem. If high-tech methods are not applied, the indicator species approach is inexpensive, involving little time on the part of personnel, and while it does not require complex analyses, it is more sensitive to changes in air quality On Species after walking through the However, Responses. Advantages presupposes the if video tolerant may also be useful: an increase in their abundance can indicate increased pollution. training limit of instrument. are Once a limited to using that air pollutant an instrument and reporting and with other lichens particularly of any lichen. is the only results can still provide such "negative" reliable conclusions, species are usually ones likely Although indicator to be sensitive However, and are used. techniques significance species monitoring species chosen may not show any detectable changes to the influence of air pollution. over a large portion of the study occur frequently area. rapid growth rates, or ecological indicator when in most cases that can be ascribed the field, have individual thalli with fairly discrete boundaries especially is known about the potential approach used, there is the risk that the particular The most easy to identify suitable species are relatively anything economic from studies, and ones with other characteristics previous if i.e., people may ask "who cares about photographic means because form of the thallus. lichens, especially 47 of Pendulous the three-dimensional (beardlike, hanging) those hanging from branches and Lichens on Soil or Moss mostly free from the substrate (e.g., many Bryoria and Usnea species), present a different from other forms, problems set of Some of the most abundant and potentially since growth is primarily in length, rather than in area or diameter. growth of indicator The large, loosely included of partly be found in other types of for doing so can studies on lichens, and in studies on vascular plants. small, scattered subunits (areoles and species with the thallus mostly or Methods of Using Plots in the substrate are usually very difficult to follow. Often frequency (presence/absence) is the only parameter that can be measured for such species. Crustose and appressed foliose lichens, forming flat, solid patches or rosettes, with growth entirely in the radial direction, are the immersed easiest ones to measure by photographic methods studies related to but the methodology numerous or squamules), entirely in permanent monitoring air pollution, in Such species have rarely been alpine or desert areas. foliose lichens (e.g., Lobaria spp.) consists of increases in both diameter and thickness. Growth changes in lichens composed at least useful and occur on soil or moss, especially rapid growing) (shrublike) fruticose lichens, and attached and suberect or subpendulous caespitose easily identified, lichens (sensitive, of determining cover, but few species are known to be sensitive Photographic Methods Photographic methods are most useful for lichens following changes in two-dimensional (crustose and most foliose forms) growing on two-dimensional or other of surfaces, especially than 90 degrees from horizontal. these in surface features to air pollution. Photographing overhanging less the substrate, the more and focus problems depth-of-field Another potential problem with crustose species is the difficulty of obtaining voucher specimens, which must be collected with pieces of the substrate. of at angles The more variation quadrats, especially will occur. on steep or surfaces, or in partial shade, is process, involving two sometimes a rather awkward people. One person holds the frame in place or holds Substrate and Habitat Considerations up something to give uniform lighting or shading, while the other person takes the pictures. For easier identification of species and thalli in the photographs, it is helpful to restrict the number of species within the sample unit to one or a few kinds, preferably ones with distinct colors that contrast with each other and with the background. Video methods with digitizing capabilities are very useful both in enhancing contrast and in determining the area covered by the thalli, especially species composed of Lichens on Trees or Shrubs At many sites, the majority of species growing on bark or wood (including several of the most sensitive lichens) on the branches and in are abundant mainly the canopy rather than on the boles of trees, and are from the ground. These situations require special methods, including climbing the tree, not accessible or special plotless methods to estimate abundance. Likewise, shrubs may be lichens, requiring a major substrate for development of scattered units, but such methods may be prohibitively special techniques. Lichens on Rock It is difficult to follow long-term growth of lichens Cover and Frequency Determinations Measurements or estimates of cover and frequency changes in the found on exfoliating can be done in any situation, or unstable surfaces, or in areas likely to be covered by litter or overgrown by other plants. Lichens the lichen on small or avoided. Many sensitive lichens preferentially including video techniques, determinations. grow including cases where are three-dimensional. with photography, in making the In cases where lichens do not contrast much with the substrate or with other surfaces, or in crevices and shaded areas where photography species as in shaded areas, cover determinations and other methods difficult to use. Although aquatic or semi-aquatic species may be potentially useful monitors of acidification, it is difficult to study them and to establish permanent quadrats or transects for them. are or surface or both They can also be combined unstable rocks likely to roll down hill should be on steep or overhanging expensive. may require use of a hand lens or even a flashlight to see the boundaries 48 of the thalli more clearly. Line-Intercept Transects Tape Methods Ryan and Nash (1991a) used transect tape to determine Various non-photographic quadrat methods have also been used in many studies. Ryan and Nash a 20 m long of cover and frequency lichens on rock, for community (1991b) located quadrats randomly along a transect line across a field of small boulders and estimated flexible percent cover within each quadrat. Such methods analyses. Though may be useful where it is desirable to make a relatively rapid survey of a large area with numerous their transects were not designed to be permanent, the same method could be adapted for permanent transects focusing on one or a few indicator replications. This method is generally more difficult and less reliable than quadrats or very short transects, and is probably most useful in studying lichens growing on very large, contiguous patches of rock or soil. Denison (1990) sampled lichens on branches by wrapping a flexible tape in a spiral along the length of the branch. Such an approach may be useful in some cases, but not for making permanent plots, because even on a tree trunk it is difficult to place the tape in exactly the same place each time the sampling However, changes in when monitoring species over time, it is desirable indicator species. repeatability of the cover estimates by using a grid of squares or pins within the quadrats. Plotless Methods Examples of several plotless methods for estimating the abundance of lichens are given by Ryan and Nash (1991b). In that study, the individual sampling units were not permanent, since they were selected so that it is impossible to return to the same is done. trees or rocks to record changes. Plotless Pin Intercept Methods generally do not produce the precision For lichens growing on trees with large, straight trunks, the "dotiometer", a moveable pin attached to a meter stick, may be useful. This method is discussed by Ryan (1990) and is described in the 1988 U.S. Forest Service Region 5 draft protocol. If methods, but in some situations, they are the quickest so that the transect are strongly the advantage lichens are of trees, and most efficient way of approach. Analysis of elemental or other chemical content methods. This subject is discussed in detail in Chapter 7, Chemical Analyses. can be done with plotless of being easier to three-dimensional. However, in most Data Analysis—Indicator Species if The type of data analysis sampling Quadrats Data Storage if and Retrieval Data should be stored in an appropriate relational database, as described by Looney and James (1990). Files 1) on tree trunks, but also on rock and soil. Video be useful to be analyzed. reported establishment and James (1990) using a wire grid, is recommended for most situations, and should work well not only with digitizing may also financially feasible. needed depends on the designs and methods used and the kinds of Although various studies have of permanent plots to follow indicator species over time, few have presented analyses of the results. data Various methods of establishing permanent photographic quadrats for sampling lichens on rock have been used in a large number of studies, including the "quadpod" described in the 1988 U.S. Forest Service Region 5 draft protocol and used by Ryan (1990). Other studies (e.g., Skorepa and Vitt 1976) have used various types of photographic quadrats for lichens on trees. The method of Looney are branches plot where the substrate, lichens, or both, situations a quadrat method may work as well as, not better than, pin methods. techniques as where methods Computerized video techniques may allow the use of entire trees or rocks or parts of them as permanent sampling units, which could be considered a plotless that can be moved up and down may also be used. Pin methods have of sampling. will not be greatly affected by changes in the diameter of the tree. Frames with fixed rows of pins use in situations mainly on inaccessible growing such a method is used, it is important that the meter stick is oriented nearly vertical, to make such quadrats permanent and to increase the to be established include the following: name and code, Sample unit information: location, date, notes, etc. for each unit; 2) Cover and frequency data, coded to site, sampling unit, and year; they 3) Photographic records; 49 4) Maps and aerial Looney and James (1990) recommended using percent cover data to calculate relative growth rate photographs; of 5) Locations and collection numbers voucher specimens, and (RGR), which allows initial size differences to be and the net changes or performance of discounted individuals 6) Information on species observed at each site other than the target species. Some response variables, semi-quantitative such as physical Detailed same or different format is described techniques currently of the experimental information to be recorded. patterns plot specific sampling community techniques, analysis Community as well as pollution. for of form for describing describing the location of reproducibility of texts 5 and 7 for patterns that can be attributed to is the quality form. the need on any specific and its response to particular If results the for further testing of (e.g., by fumigation, the sample unit, and quantity of about the species, including both its indicator approach are ambiguous, the transplants, of the they may suggest species' response or studies in areas with known levels of pollution — see Chapter 5), different method of determining growth or other parameters, or even choice of a different species. ones that will facilitate the (see Chapters pollutants or other factors. reference photos, and comments or sketches, especially or may be useful. With indicator species, perhaps the most basic biology/ecology form should be on the specific room should be allowed parametric approaches Standard statistical important consideration Analyses). used and cross-referenced various variability. data available In addition to forms for specific sampling Plenty of distinguish (see section on methods, the general site description met, univariate Interpretation of Data As with other monitoring approaches, the basic principles of design must be applied for interpretation of the results to be valid. The challenge is to of as the appropriate references). It may be desirable to approaches are should be consulted forms for a wide variety of develop generalized If Principal components analyses or other multivariate techniques are likely to be useful in detecting 3. Here, we suggest certain types video being developed. design is used and the statistical non-parametric Species ECODATA the form is not critical long as the form provides to types of Special analyses can be used for studying Regression this chapter. These are only examples, and the exact format also need to be considered trends over time and space. and detailed transect measurements. of some forms that have been used for of of the substrate (e.g., Statistics permanent plots or transects are given in appendices 1 and 2 of suitable areas analyses may be required for the computerized descriptions Examples thalli among thalli of the understand the patterns observed. or biological more generalized tiny thalli single-layered species, or the effects fissures or depressions) in the in Chapter standard forms for recording of distribution assumptions - Indicator such as numerous or other interactions competitive may provide a basis for site characterization and taxa involved. thalli. Other factors, such as vs. older multi-layered lichens. Standard Forms situations, quite different exist between to what extent these factors influence determining the particular vs. a few large ones, or young, visually comparing trends over time or space for each plot or site. Scatterplots may be useful for analyzing some kinds of patterns. Map series with data for a given species can be useful in detecting changes over time as well as space. When sufficient data on pollutant concentrations or other physical-chemical parameters are available, these data can be compared with cover/frequency factors. Such correlations of For example, several photos may show approximately (or other quantitative by graphically and whether correlations the structure, growth, equal cover by a given species, but may represent scales. In the simplest cases, data patterns and non-pollution physical or other cover data for species requires a solid dynamics population changes in cover and frequency data to determine of understanding at best be coded by parameters) can be analyzed indicator monitoring Basic Analyses of Data condition or fertility, can to be compared. Analysis of photographic sampling. 50 a QUANTITATIVE COMMUNITY ANALYSES 3). Although extraneous factors can be removed to some extent in the analysis phase, training in multivariate of quantitative sampling of lichen communities for air quality monitoring is the accurate and sensitive detection of changes in lichen communities through time. In most cases, another The objective caused by other factors. General to be met by the same sampling is the objective analysis is required to isolate differences due to air quality from variation Design Considerations species. This is often the case when setting up a In most cases, sampling designs will be with subsampling at a number of individual sites within the study area. In some cases, as discussed below, a single large plot will be used at each site. Typically, sites or "stands" are considered to be areas that, at the scale of the dominant vegetation, are essentially homogeneous in vegetation, environment, and history. Sample units in baseline or when there is uncertainty the subsample of differences description in lichen communities along a pollution gradient. Methods from those discussed below should be used different for hierarchical, somewhat characterization a comprehensive communities of lichen in an area. Quantitative community sampling is useful when response information is desired for a large number of about species or about specific threats to air quality. However, such sampling is also useful in any other circumstance involving a point source of pollution. some modification is requested and/or made to a point source of pollution, quantitative community sensitivities Designing the site level and of sample units at within sites. Site selection will (e.g., transects along among several habitats, and gradients, stratification standardization or historical these studies produce variation, information to restrict extraneous environmental factors). The goals of subsampling sites are to (1) determine accurate abundance values at the site level and (2) characterize the within-site on abundance and relevant to other kinds of management to allow stronger comparisons among sites and through time. involving lichens (e.g., ecosystem nutrient problems balances and food for caribou, Site Selection deer, and small Sites should be selected according mammals). Advantages direct monitoring permanent study sites. The number of sites depends stations, the opportunity monitoring strategy to locate interest, then ideally use a sampling Quantitative community data methods are highly sensitive to changes in air quality. In areas with exists to produce calibrated to the general in the Design Principles section and in Chapters 5 and 7. To summarize, one must define the population of outlined study design principles multiple decisions depend on study objectives Quantitative community data will likely produce other useful spinoffs, such as improving our understanding of basic lichen ecology. Furthermore, distribution or points. about the plots (quadrats) number, size, and arrangements If may detect responses to the modification. sampling are typically a study thus requires of the vegetation and the goals of (McCune and Lesica 1992). With some on the complexity studies, i.e. the study estimation of air pollutant concentrations, sulfur dioxide, based on lichen data (Ammann et al. 1988, Liebendorfer et al. 1988, McCune 1988, Nimis et al. 1990). one can use standard statistical quantitative preliminary particularly techniques to determine the sample size required to sampling, achieve some specified practice, however, without good information made based on preliminary In those cases, one can use a rule of thumb (slightly modified from Tabachnik and Fidell 1989) that for every important controlling factor or gradient, 20 additional sites are needed. For example, This class of methods can be more than other methods. Special is required for field workers. Most seasonal, temporary workers will not have the background needed to quickly develop the required field expertise. Site standardization is critical for these methods, since lichen communities are sensitive to many factors other than air pollution (see Chapter taxonomic are often sampling. Disadvantages time-consuming In degree of accuracy. such decisions to determine training community differences along a gradient from a point source on a homogeneous along a transect would be reasonable. substrates were involved differences, two and there were elevational then 60 sites would be desirable important factors x 20 sites/factor 51 plain, 20 sites If = 60 sites). (3 Table 2. — Tradeoffs between Variable Bias against Higher. of visual integration Inclusion of rare to species Accuracy of cover data on common species Analysis Analysis Recommendations Lower. are inadvertently Small sample Lower. Cover classes in large sample units result in broadly classed cover estimates with less accuracy and precision than that compiled More accurate and precise Higher. estimates for common species. of vegetation. Varies by complexity and degree of development of vegetation. No consistent difference from many-and-small. few-and-large. by complexity and degree of development No consistent difference from Data entry at site level leads directly to Point data or microplot Slower. initial data reduction (by hand, calculator, or computer) to site-level abundance estimates. No estimates of within-site variance restricts to individual sites as sampling units. Within-site analysis sample The extreme case The extreme case (point sampling) is most useful when rare to uncommon species are of little concern and accurate estimates are desired for a common species. In most cases a compromise variance estimates not possible units are larger than points. The most commonly epiphyte biomass, Abundance are possible. designed sampling revisit as exactly see Stevenson plan. Subsequent samplings make relocating should and the ability the same sample units. the permanent 1988). to biomass (Hermy estimates is possible 1969, data collection for calibration McCune 1990, Stevenson and Enns (proportion or percent of sample units containing a given species) should be avoided because frequency, unlike cover, is highly dependent on the size of the sample unit. Because there is usually standardization frequency proven ability to comparison in lichen communities among sites subtle differences in air quality. detect differences with relatively methods, 1992). This conversion is not normally necessary for studies of lichens as indicators. Frequency measures on tree trunks. Only a few examples are of estimation to measure it nondestructively Conversion (Forman plots easier. depend on the substrate (table 3). Many air-quality studies have used lichen listed here, selected on the basis as an but requires additional In most cases, evenly spaced (systematic) sample units are acceptable because they will not produce results that differ from strictly randomized sampling. The specific plan for arranging the sample units will communities measure, and Enns (1992). in Chapters 2 Cover excels between different comparability Most statistical texts advocate random or stratified random sampling. However, systematic sampling will usually used abundance abundance measure in speed, repeatability, should follow a carefully as possible units measures are also discussed and 5 of this document. Arrangement of Subsample Units The initial sampling of larger sample excluding presence-absence, is percent cover. For a review of abundance measures used to estimate The extremes are single large a stand (e.g. releves or intermediates number unless Abundance Measures between number and size of habitat type plots) vs. many tiny sample units (point All data require site-level-analysis. Number and Size of Sample Units sampling). cover units. by using a smaller is better. sample units (table 2). quadrats to characterize observer Low. Unless sample size are very large, most rare to uncommon species are missed. (single large plot) is most useful with extensive inventory methods. There are tradeoffs units force the eye to spots, reducing inadvertent selectivity in detection of species. specific High. Visual integration described above results in effective "capture" of rare species in the data. Faster. options 1992). Low. Minimal use is made of integrative capability of eye, forcing the use of very large sample size to achieve comparable representation of the community. Varies time and Lesica High. The use of visual integration over a large area is an effective tool against the normally high degree of heterogeneity, even in "homogeneous" stands. from many small sample time Sampling units (McCune Many-and-small There is a hazard that some species, particularly cryptic species, missed by the eye. uncommon sample Few-and-large cryptic species Degree and many-and-small few-and-large 52 in the size of little sample units, the use measures restricts opportunities with other studies. for of Table 3. — Examples of designs quadrats for subsampling are not included Substrate Class individual because sites for percent cover of lichen species. Studies of problems with comparison with other studies. Lower outer branches Large, low branches Lower- to mid-canopy of open-grown of open-grown branches in Sample unit number, size, and arrangement Specific case Branches using frequency trees 5 5-yr and 5 10-yr branch segments (Denison and Carpenter 1973) trees on oak and ash 100 equidistant points at 3 cm intervals on tape spiraled around branch (Denison and Sillett 1990) 24 1-m branch lengths cut from midpoint of branches closest to points at 4 m intervals along 3 parallel transects (Lesica et al. 1991) in conifer forests Rock High lichen cover, Ground Mostly sparse flora on forest floor 100 10x30 cm quadrats/site, regular intervals on parallel transects (McCune and Antos 1982); 45 20x50 cm quadrats at regular intervals on parallel transects (Lesica et al. 1991) Trunks Mostly sparse flora near cities or large point sources 1 m cylindrats, 10 trees per tree species per site; certain tree species used (McCune 1988; Muir and stone walls and natural outcrops Point sampling on 10 cm grid, variable number of points per rock face (1.1m), three rock faces per station (John 1989) McCune 1988); 2 m cylindrat, 10 trees per site (Johnson 1979). Both rich and sparse floras in a regional study British acidification study: 100 evenly spaced grid points in 18x27 cm quadrat with wire grid; subjective quadrat placement, permanently marked, certain tree spp. (Quercus and Fraxinus preferred); variable height and aspect; variable number of quadrats/site (1-20) (Looney and James 1990; Wolseley and James 1990). Fairly rich flora in deciduous forest 25x25 cm quadrat on NE aspect at 1.4m on 10 trees per host species per site (Will-Wolf 1980). Cover Classes have been devised. Some of the most common Using cover classes rather than attempting logical to estimate cover to the nearest one percent tends to speed sampling similarity are not based on cover classes have been shown to be effective scales is probably of these surrogates for direct biomass measurement (Hermy 1988, McCune 1 990), and are good detectors of community are summarized consistent differences of these for broad-scale 5. Use the large plots. A Broad-Scale Survey Method between observers (Sykes et al. A gradient strategy of regional The most useful and commonly used cover classes arc narrow at the extremes and broad in the middle. in Chapter These approximate large plot without which is generally desirable for sampling is given we present an extreme case of the sampling strategy using a single 5. Here "few-and-large" an arcsine-squareroot presented below subsampling. is an example The method of this strategy. This method would be most useful in a broad-scale data. The cover classes can thus be homogeneity in table studies using single large plots as sample units, 1983). analyzed directly, have also been used. Several most appropriate without subsampling changes through time (Mitchell et al. 1988). A disadvantage of cover classes is the potential for converting and/or high degree of among the systems. similar to unclassed data, provided that the classes (Sneath and Sokal 1973). Cover are not too broad proportion the Other Abundance Classes Methods for field scoring lichen abundance that than is realistically they yield statistical results that are transformation, 4. Note and data entry. Cover classes do not pretend to more accuracy achievable; in table are listed survey of lichen communities. The advantages and disadvantages of this general approach are improving normality and of variances among groups, without to percentages. Many cover class schemes summarized in table 2. The method was tested in 1991-1992 (McCune and Lesica 1992) as part of the 53 Table 4. — Cutoff points for cover classes. Question marks for cutoff points represent classes that are not exactly defined as percentages, but substitute another criterion, such as number of individuals. Cutoffs in parentheses are additional cutoffs points used by some authors. square-root Notes/References Cutoff points, % Name Arcsine 0, 1,5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99 Designed to approximate percent cover (McCune squareroot transformation of 1988; Muir and McCune 1987, 1988). an arcsin Braun-Blanquet 0, ?, ?, 5, 25, 50, 75 Uses two categories of low cover not exactly defined as percents. 1965, Mueller-Dombois Commonly used in Europe (Braun-Blanquet and Ellenberg 1974). Daubenmire 0, (1), 5, 25, 50, 75, 95 Widely used in western U.S. in habitat-typing Service and many other studies (Daubenmire Carpenter 1973). Domin 0, ?, 1, 5, 10, 25, 33, 50, 75 One category of low cover not exactly defined as percent and Ellenberg 1974). (Krajina1933; Mueller-Dombois Hult-Sernander Modified (.02, .05, .10, .19, .39, .78); 1.56, 3.13, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 75... Based Table 5. — Abundance System Henderson System References Ministry of Forests (1988) in Geiser et al. (1989) Canadian individuals 1 = Rare (3 individuals) 2 = Uncommon (4-10 individuals) 3 = Common (10 individuals but less than half of the boles or branches have that species present) 4 = Abundant (more than half of boles or branches have the subject species present) McCune (1992) 1 = very rare ( 1% cover, approximately) 2 = uncommon (2-10%) 3 = common (11-25%) 4 = abundant (26-50%) Henderson et al. (1989) (50%) of all pilot studies for Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) consists under the plants, excluding program 1976). but with a few gaps and dense 5 = very abundant EMAP (Oksanen not based on cover estimates. 1 = Rare, a single individual 2 = a few sporadically occurring individuals 3 = a single patch or clump of a species 4 = several sporadically occurring individuals 5 = a few patches or clumps 6 = several well-spaced patches or clumps 7 = continuous uniform occurrence of well-spaced 8 ■ continuous 9 = continuous FHM pilot halving of the quadrat Description of classes Name Canadian classes on successive efforts by U.S. Forest 1959, Denison and (general information: macrolichens occurring on woody the 0.5 m basal portions of trees of Messer et al. 1991). The FHM method was designed to be "user-friendly" and usable by a field crew with minimal training in lichenology. Key components of the method are that the field crew distinguishes accurately assign species names to the lichens among species and assigns coarse abundance classes done later by a specialist), in the field, collects vouchers of each species in each distinctions plot, and defers the naming of and shrubs. Second, an estimate each species is made in the field. member responsible of abundance Note that the crew for this task need not be able to (that is but must be able to make among species. species to a specialist. The first objective of the field sampling is to make collection of voucher specimens for identification by a specialist. The collection represents the species diversity of macrolichens on woody plants in the plot as fully as possible. The population being sampled Recommended Field Procedures (about 1-1.5 hr for 1 person): a • The area to be sampled (henceforth the "Lichen plot") is a circular area with 36.6 m (120 ft) radius. 54 • Take a reconnaissance lichen plot, locating woody walk through o the plants, and collecting samples and estimating • voucher 3. abundances as you Collect lichen species with fruticose and foliose growth forms (i.e. macrolichens). Inspect all trees and shrubs 0.5 m tall 4. visible symptoms, and tree cores) for lichens. to inspect the full diversity of How to Handle Uncertainties The field crew will frequently have uncertainties substrates present: trunks and branches, hardwoods and conifers, large shrubs. • about the classification to inspect the full range of Be careful microhabitats present: shaded and exposed, topographic uniform slope, so long within the lichen plot). • Record positions (for in a draw, on an otherwise example, as the draw occurs relative abundances within the lichen plot. Relative 1. 3. 4. 2. When the growth form is in doubt, assume it is a macrolichen. a lichen. assume that two different mail the bags to Bags should be packed closely, but without excessive crushing, in sturdy cardboard (4-10 individuals in area) specialist. boxes. of Common (10 individuals in area but less than half of the boles and branches have field crew to make as many distinctions that species as possible. The purpose present) by excluding Abundant (more than half of boles or Collect have the subject species present. in the field can later adjust the data specimens that are not macrolichens forms that were considered separately by the field crew but are actually conspecific. Upon receiving the samples, open the boxes immediately a the specialist should and check for damp lichens. If some are damp, they should be thoroughly air dried. The specialist should then identify the contents of each bag by species. In the case collections, see the special instructions of mixed in McCune (1992). The specialist should then record species name(s) on the bag and on the data sheet (appendix 5 of this chapter) and return the contents original Place in #2 brown paper bag labelled with appropriate codes: species number (sequentially these rules is to encourage the The specialist and by combining palm-size (about 5 cm in diameter) sample of fruticose and foliose growth forms. This includes all species that are three-dimensional or flat and lobed. Even minute fruticose and lobate forms should be included. In many cases, a much smaller sample will be obtained because of the scarcity of the species. o 2. the lichen Sample Procurement 1. When in doubt, assume it is Once the samples are collected, Rare (3 individuals in area) branches The forms are different species. Code: 2. Uncommon an organism. 1. 3. When in doubt, abundance for each species is estimated using the following Abundance of following rules for the field crew are designed to put the responsibility for classification on the specialist, not the field crew. upper branches and lower branches, and trees in particular Specimens must decay. If specimens were wet when collected, the individual bags should be spread out and dried inside or in the sun as soon as possible. samples (the same trees used for foliar nutrient analyses, branch and foliage fallen branches, Store bags in a dry place. be thoroughly air dried to avoid fungal destructive Be careful Place all voucher bags from one plot in a larger brown paper bag. Record plot ID code and date. Staple or tape top of large bag closed. within the lichen plot for lichens. Also inspect branches collected for the • (revise as collection proceeds) go. • relative abundance lichen epiphytes on bag. The bags and lichens for future reference. as col lected) o plot ID code 55 to the should be stored Data Analysis - Quantitative Community Data 1. Analysis of quantitative data on lichen communities relative to air pollution can have several components: of differences associated of isolation differences summary statistics, descriptive description major gradients and community differences with those gradients, and related to air pollution from related to other sources. Each topics is considered of 2. these below. Descriptive Summary Statistics 1. Site by species table — A straightforward summary of community data is a table of species abundances for each site with row and column totals or averages. Species abundances may be site-level averages if sites were 2. subsampled. -- The site by species with columns or rows representing species richness, such as average number of species per sample unit and total number of species Diversity statistics table can be supplemented recorded 3. at the site. Components of variance -- A helpful but infrequently used method for describing scales of variation within a hierarchical sampling scheme is to partition the total variation of a response variable like species richness into variation contributed at different scales. The calculations can be done using nested ANOVA, available in most standard statistical packages. The method can be used to describe the relative importance of different sources of variation or to formally test the hypothesis of no difference at a given level, based on the F-ratio. relating the most common Preliminary Data Adjustments Perform an "Index of Atmospheric Ordinate associated IAP ordination with smaller number (typically 1-3) of composite variables of the variance in the original n x p matrix. Relate sample scores on each dimension technique for Purity" ordination is to correlation, on a the weighting it cannot be recommended the are elucidated and graphical by overlays. of ordination techniques of technique becomes important as the heterogeneity of the data set increases. Methods were reviewed by Will-Wolf (1988). scheme. Although in some cases this method can be used effectively, These relationships regression, of and site There is a wide menu as a weighted-average with many variants on space to species abundances characteristics. (IAP). the species occurring is calculated the Samples in Species Space representing much Many different indexes have come under this rubric, site. The and Reduce the n sample unit by p species matrix to a but most are site scores based on the average diversity any needed data standardizations transformations. Interpret Ordination data to air quality lichen community calculate The method does not attempt to separate community variation caused by differences in air pollution from other sources of community variation affecting species diversity. In an area thought to have pristine air quality, differences in community composition can be attributable to variation in environmental factors and disturbance history. In areas with a gradient in air quality, community differences due to variation in air quality must be separated from differences due to other factors. This is usually done by extracting the dominant compositional trends in the data using an ordination technique, then determining if any of those trends are related to air quality. The basic steps in this procedure are described in Ludwig and Reynolds (1988), Greig-Smith (1983), and Gauch (1982). Briefly, the steps are: Analysis of Spatial Gradients Historically, IAP values will be found in of the presence or absence of differences in air quality. Therefore, the name "Index of Atmospheric Purity" is potentially misleading. Differences in any data set, regardless available. The choice Currently the most popular plant community in data ordination are Detrended techniques for Correspondence Analysis (DCA), Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS), and Bray-Curtis ordination (BC). NMS is a general for reasons listed below: robust, relatively 56 assumption free method that is suitable for community generally Sorenson group of distance to air quality and components data, using the of variation. There measures. Computer are only related to other sources tools for a few basic programs to conduct these analyses are available. separating potential air pollution effects from other Chapter 5, Sensitive factors affecting lichen communities, many variations on those tools. Six main tools are Species, also explores gradient analysis and ordination. along with examples listed below, Community Changes Through Time Two data sets from the same community taken two different times will always differ to some degree. Three components of 1. at observed differences through time are: (1) actual changes, (2) visual estimation error, and (3) spatial variability. Actual changes may be due to changes in community among species. Visual or interactions environment error is unavoidable, estimation but can be measured close in time, and hopefully by repeated sampling will be small. Spatial variability in communities is an intrinsic part of even the most seemingly uniform communities. With repeated random sampling, some of the observed differences through time will be derived from spatial variability. This source of variation can be virtually eliminated by using 2. of differences of of variance the factors powerful than Repeated measures within-subjects are (ANOVA) 3. using not appropriate, and ANOVA. a repeated-measure ANOVA designs) (also known as focuses on the differences through time for each sample unit. Assuming that changes in permanent plots found that exceed differences are expected from of the changes of observed differences must be made on the basis of many sources of information, including data or observations on changes in air quality or other environmental measurement error alone, the direction should be interpreted. variables, successional Interpretations changes, disturbance and known ecological characteristics showing of history, the species 4. Lichen community monitoring provides correlative results rather than proof of causal relationships, replicated experimental is part of a controlled, manipulation of air quality. Because that is rarely the case, we must rely on inferences based on the literature on lichen responses a careful These inferences must be linked to attempt to separate community whether spatial or temporal, differences, into a component results based on known relative sensitivities of species to air pollutants. Depending on the study area, much or virtually nothing will be known about the particular species. Existing compilations of species sensitivities (Wetmore 1983, Ryan and Rhoades 1991) contain only a small fraction of North American species, of data from reflecting the preponderance Europe and, to a lesser extent, eastern North America. Nevertheless, in most Interpret of the species will before to allow one to infer whether or not a compositional trend is related to air quality. Isolating Air Pollution Effects unless the monitoring trends to air quality by using other tools study areas, enough to air the changes (i.e., sensitivities the main compositional have been studied pollutants). to air pollutants. Separate listed here. through time should be analyzed. T-tests time as one are less Remove factors unrelated to air quality by specifying them as covariates in an ANOVA or by removing them first in a multiple regression. For example, if species diversity on trunks is related to trunk diameter and air quality, the portion related to trunk diameter can be controlled first, using that variable as a covariate or preceding the entry of air quality variables into a regression (e.g. McCune 1988). related permanent plots changes the way or standard analysis of their use. (axes) in the data using an ordination technique (see also Chapter 5), then determine which, if any, of the axes are permanent plots. Use but there are related 57 Correlation with direct, instrumental air quality data at sampling points (e.g. McCune 1988) is ideal, but this approach has seldom been used because so few of these stations exist in most areas. Direct instrumental monitoring is so expensive that, outside of urban/suburban areas, an investigator is lucky to have even one or two direct monitoring stations as reference points. used in subsequent analyses should be marked in should be studied. The frequency species in sample space. The resulting of Urech. data Press. Pay particular describing details of the by the University of Case, attention to fully and statistical latitude/longitude landmarks of Plant sociology: W. 1980. The influence Pollution Crock, of three plants on the ecological the study of sour gas distribution of anyone to relocate Water, Air, Soil Alberta Canada. 14:45-68. G., R. C. Severson, and L. Determining Gough, 1991. of elements in Kenai National Wildlife baselines and variability plants and soils near the Refuge, Alaska: for easy reference. UTMs or references for each site must be Photographs be provided; 1965. (Transl. by G. D. Fuller and H. Conard) Hafner, London. 439 pp. Whitecourt, techniques used plots in later years. Make sure that the map includes provided. in epiphytic lichens in the vicinity of Fox Creek and in an appendix. All study area locations should be described in great detail and marked on topographic maps or copies of the suitable landmarks Advances 51:401-406. processing should be included relevant sections thereby enabling and M. of deposition correlation plant communities. methods and materials used. Full locations Multivariate eight different air pollutants to lichen data in Braun-Blanquet, meet the standards established Manual of Style, published of Aerobiology by biological journals. Most follow The Chicago Chicago 1988. small town in Switzerland. S. reports should K., R. Herzig, L. Leibendorfer Ammann, See Muir and McCune (1988) REPORT REQUIREMENTS All it. LITERATURE CITED related to the air a species sensitivity. for an example. to of species ranks gradient can be used as a measure or ranking quality funds were available methods (e.g. BC, a separate ordination or scores en axes that are strongly and and rationales useful P. one can construct if management action implement J. NMS) options are assessment of the in preparing the environmental method DCA. Alternatively, with other ordination managers with evidence Provide to the air quality are provided by the ordination management correlated with evidence presented in the report. J. Species ordinations gradient. automatically If available. they should be stated concisely provided, species in sample space can be used to species sensitivities future Management Recommendations If future work is being recommended, the cost and timing should be included here with a succinct rationale. This information will help managers to program budgets or seek funds if they are not Where there is a clear gradient in air quality, of of should also be discussed. monitoring immediately assess relative why it was not Future Work This section should include recommendations on additional data that needs to be collected or sites that Determining Species Sensitivities ordination of some way with a brief explanation used. time. through computer files, should also be in the appendix. Any data collected but not included can also be used to make inferences about changes etc. Original data, on field data sheets and in Temporal patterns relative to known changes in air quality can also be used. When air quality changes rapidly, as with the startup or closure of a point source, strong inferences can be made with a Before/After /Treatment/Control design. See Stewart-Oaten et al. (1986) and Eberhardt and Thomas (1991) for an in-depth discussion of this class of designs and potential problems with pseudoreplication. Repeated Measures ANOVA should list the statistical techniques package used, version, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 59 (in press). Daubenmire, each study site should also again, make sure that distinctive R. 1959. vegetation analysis. are present to aid relocation. 58 A 6. Statistical The spatial pattern of community differences relative to pollution sources is one of the most common approaches to make inferences about potential effects of air quality on lichen communities. J. 5. canopy coverage method of Northwest Science 33:43-64. W. C. and S. M. Carpenter. 1973. A guide to air quality monitoring with lichens. Lichen Technology, Inc., Corvallis. Gough, L. P., R. C. Severson, and L. L. Jackson, Denison, W. C., and Denison, S. Sillett. National Park, North Dakota: Water, Sampling Canopy 1990. Lichens. Abstract of paper presented at Northwest Scientific Association Northwest 1988b. Determining baseline element composition of lichens. I. Parmelia sulcata at Theodore Roosevelt meeting, Corvallis, Pollution. Green, R. H. 1979. Sampling Oregon. Eberhardt, L. L. and J. M. Thomas. field studies. environmental Ecological Monographs Air Pollution Press. and Lichens. Henderson, J. A., D. H. Pete, of University Comparison Olympic of coverage, G, Jr. Community 1982. Multivariate Ecology. Cambridge biomonitoring in Analysis Press: University powerplant on the element content of Washington. native materials in and near south Florida Survey Open-File Air at Redwood enteromorpha National and Soil Pollution. Northwest 38: Science. 53:257-263. Lesica, P., B. McCune, S. Cooper, and W. S. Hong. 1991. Differences communities (in press). 1988a. of and Usnea Park, California: and the lichens in Seattle, 50:774-957; 51:1-224. Rept. and J. A. Sacklin. pollution V. J. 1933. Die Pflanzengesellschaften des Mlynica-Tales in den Vysoke Tatry (Hohe Tatra). Mit besonderer Brucksichtigung der okologischen Verhaltnisse. Botan. Centralb., Beigh., Abt. II, national baseline element composition Air of corticolous second-growth Gough, L. P., L. L. Jackson, lichen of Botany Krajina, Paper 1134-D, 26pp. J. P. Bennett, R. C. P. Briggs, and J. R. Wilcox. 1986. The regional influence of an oil-fired power plant on the concentration of elements in lichens. II. Hypogymnia Canadian Journal distribution Severson, E. E. Engleman, Determining species in a saxicolous community. Johnson, D. W. 1979. Gough, L. P., L. L. Jackson, parks: U.S. Geological 86-395, 63pp. organization 67:2025-2037. 80: 492-501. Biogeochemical variability of plants at native and altered sites, San Juan Basin, New Mexico. 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The effects of London: British 43 pp. + unnumbered Chapter 4 Appendix 1 TRANSECT DATA SHEET TRANSECT DESCRIPTION Direction of reading (e.g., Left to Right, or Top to Bottom) device set points (positions Measuring A Transect set points: INTERCEPT of nails or stakes along the tape or meter stick, holding it in place): B End Beginning Transect length LENGTHS (in centimeters) SPECIES Total SPECIES Total TOTALS % COVER total cover transect x 100% = FREQUENCY length FOOTNOTES: COMMENTS: 62 Chapter 4 Appendix 2 LICHEN PLOT DATA SHEET SITE NAME DATE PLOT ID (alphanumeric TIME SURVEYOR(S) code) (include affiliation) LICHEN SPECIES (for each species, give scientific name or acronym, collection number of voucher, color and other features used in field identification) SUBSTRATE (record kind or name, size or diameter, condition, surface features, and modifying factors, e.g., rain tracks, or adjacent branches) PLOT TYPE (e.g., dotiometer transect, photographic quadrat, etc.) POSITION OF PLOT (height above ground, inclination, slope and aspect, etc.) SITE DESCRIPTION (beyond information on general site description form) DIRECTION OF PLOT (compass PHOTOGRAPHS COMMENTS bearings, landmarks, trail references, markers) (roll and frame numbers; subject; direction; where taken from) (include diagram of plot and measurements of selected thalli) 63 Chapter 4 Appendix Recommendation methods. However, - The following dichotomous 3 can be used as a decision tree for recommended sampling in this tree, since many situations key it is important to retain more flexibility than can be indicated will dictate an approach different than that recommended here. The letter following each entry in the key corresponds to the rows in Appendix 4, "Synopsis of Recommended Methods." 1a. 1b. Rapid, broad-scale survey method needed, to be done by field crew with minimal lichen training Whole plot/voucher method -A Intensive, more precise method needed, to be done by field crew with good lichen identification 2a. Sampling on trees or shrubs 3a. Trunks 4a. 4b. Communities - Objective is to monitor well-developed examples of target communities British fixed-point method — D Branches 6a. Open-grown 7a. trees and shrubs Objectives allow small datable branches branchlets E - Equal-aged 7b. 6b. Objectives require study of larger branches Branch centers F Forest trees 8a. Tall forests without easy branch access - - 8b. 2b. B Communities mostly dense 5a. Objectives require random or otherwise non-subjective sampling Trunk quadrant pairs — C 5b. 3b. mostly sparse Trunk Cylindrats G Twig pickup or Litter pickup H Good access to lower- or mid-crowns Branch centers F - Sampling on ground or rock 9a. Mostly sparse cover Simple quadrat — I 9b. Dense cover or Fixed points, ground Simple quadrat to lichen - (application biomonitoring 64 - I not known) skills. Chapter 4 Appendix 4 Synopsis of recommended methods. given particular study objectives. B. Trunk cylindrat Plot, 36.6 Circular m (120 Single radius ft) plot/ voucher Arrangment of SU's Sample Unit (SU) Name A. Whole Use the preceding key as a guide to which methods might be appropriate References McCune 1992 plot, random location in stand homogeneous t2, 1-m half Randomized cylindrats per tree, 0.5-1 .5m high on tree. Average both values Typical # of SU's per site McCune 1988, Muir within specific tree criteria (e.g. particular tree species or size range) 10 per target tree species or 24 per mixed species or nearest trees to 10 per target tree species of 24 per mixed species stand Lesica 10-20 grids per site, 100 Wolseley and James 1990; selection & McCune 1988 stand from half quadrat 0.2 x C. Trunk 2, cylindrats 0.5 m Randomized flexible quadrats on opposite sides. the Average pre-determined points along parallel transects et al. 1991 2 2 pairs quadrats Points x Grid point 18 27 cm quadrat in D. British fixed point in fixed-location trunk, subjective grid on grid placement points per grid Looney 1990 E. Equal-aged branchlets Variable-Length branch segment known of age Randomized, one branchlet per tree or (original method) subjective selection of twigs with 20 or 10 (original method) and James Denison & Carpenter 1973 most lichen cover, all branches from same tree centers G. Twig Pickup m long branch segment centered on midpoint of Branches 1 m long and 2-8 m above ground, choosing branch nearest to vertical line from branch pre-determined transects Fallen twigs or 10 cm branches Branch with highest lichen cover 4 x 1 m box centered and equidistant on eight 13 m radii 1 F. Branch long Litter picked circular 10-20 depending canopy along parallel standardize sampling to when violent storms are 0.2 0.5 m or m quadrat; smaller quadrat more dense Equal or randomized parallel transects 1 x quadrat Randomized season et al. 1991 Geiser 1991 transects; rare x Simple sorted Lesica points on parallel weighted 1 I. 2m radius, plot, & Lichen up in H. Litter pickup 10 per target tree species or 24 per mixed-species stand intervals on for communities 65 45 on McCune 1991 uniformity Lesica et al. 1991 Chapter 4 Appendix 5 Lichen Identification Data Sheet Date: Plot No. Lichen Specialist # = Bag number A = Abundance rating Data from collecting bags Data to Enter Species Name Sp. code A A # A n # A # A Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Abundance codes: 4 = abundant Species codes: 1 = rare (< 3 individuals seenV (more than half of the branches Refer to master list for 4-character 2 = occasional M-10 individuals seen have this species). lichen species code names. 66 seen). 3 = common (>10 individuals seen). Identification of Sensitive Species Jayne Belnap, Lorene Sigal, William Moir, and Sharon Eversman We describe procedures for determining the responses and sensitivities of lichen species to air pollutants. Pollutant chemicals in their primary forms and as derivatives such as ozone or acid rain can cause acute and chronic injury to lichens and other cryptogamic plants. Fumigation studies are designed to reveal plant responses to air pollutants under controlled in enclosed exposure systems, generally through conditions changes in physiological Gradient studies are designed to show locations along an air pollution gradient. They processes. responses at predetermined measure visible damage and are done around existing or proposed Both types of study have limitations, but are useful for detecting air pollution effects and tracking changes in existing or proposed pollution sources, as well as for understanding natural succession and usually sources. pollutant variability. OVERVIEW Air pollutants are formed can cause both acute and chronic effects on lichens and other organisms mosses and cyanobacteria. such as liverworts, Atmospheric deposition and concentrations to vegetation, injuries such as Angeles are well documented (Shriner of et al. these of biological concern in they are emitted. a result of pollutants (O3), pollutants of compounds. Ozone and referred to as agricultural Semi-volatile and persistent organics are processes. High concentrations of toxic organics and pesticides have been found in fog and in lichen tissues (Glotfelty 1987; T. Moser, personal communication). form as are created as Studies have demonstrated nitrate (PAN), and acid rain are pollutants. organics, transported and deposited via atmospheric are reactions involving primary transport in the atmosphere. Ozone secondary 1983), the central trace metals, and metalloids) are of concern as well (Moser et al. 1992), although there is limited information on the effects of these 1990; Nash 1988, same chemical spots due to pesticides, chemical during peroxyacetyl examples the Secondary and Nash "air toxics" (e.g., industrial pollutants 1972; Ferry et al. 1973; Gilbert 1973). Primary pollutants such as SO2 and fluorides basin (Sigal documented cases (Shriner 1986). Other types of pollutants, commonly Historically, sulfur (SO2) and fluorides have received the most study, and acute effects to lichens and other around point sources and necrotic ozone exposure occur in the Los (Shriner et al. 1990). Acute foliar injury to vegetation from acid rain is rare, with few dioxide vegetation involving Sierra Nevada, and in the eastern United States generating plants, gas purification plants, metal smelters, aluminum production plants, cement plants, plants, and pulp mills. such as bleaching acute and chronic necrosis, morbidity, and mortality, are usually found only around point sources. Examples of large point sources include fossil-fuel fired steam electric chemical reactions NO2 are oxidized to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) during atmospheric transport. Visible of air pollutants great enough to cause acute injuries in photochemical nitrogen oxides (NOx) and hydrocarbons mostly emitted by vehicles. Acid rain is formed as SO2 and affect lichens (Nash PAN 67 that various 1972, 1975). trace metals A of number other pollutants, known correlation to be present but for which there is little or no information, are of various analysis, significant agreement among the scales is shown and this strongly supports the less interest for one or more of the following inference that lichens actually reasons: (Nash 1988). For other air pollutants, data are currently insufficient to establish precise sensitivity 1) pollutants are widely distributed, but seldom cause damage because scales. ambient hydrogen fluoride, The information cause damage For areas in affect resources of a Class I area. which there are no data, the information provides baseline or control data to which subsequent data on For areas effects of new pollution can be compared. are rare (e.g., hydrogen al. et. 1990). of allow comparisons air multiple of symptoms plant stress such as chlorosis (loss At chlorophyll, yellowing) and reduced growth. level, sensitive community from the population. Lists of species known under certain conditions been published pollution. of (Nash and Greis the to be The most widely combination, used studies did not address proof of However, stirred tank reactors (CSTRs), open-top Pollution studies without these Air cause/effect fumigations, have been used to develop quantitative relationships between concentrations plant responses, thereby establishing cause/effect relationships. The most commonly independently laboratory established physiological to be: acidic rain measured responses are processes sensitive nitrogenase activity, electrolyte Lichen to fumigation appear K+ efflux/total, leakage, photosynthesis, and respiration pigment status, in order of sensitivity (Fields 1988). with fumigation studies depends on such factors as There are still problems fumigation For SO2, scales of sensitivity information. such as Zonal Study (ZAPS) and simulated selected physiological processes. of air pollutants and various Controlled done in the field are occasionally chambers, using techniques Pollutant chambers, cuvette chambers. exposures. More recently, fumigation studies involving some variation of a closed chamber with air movement through the chamber, or chamberless field with gradient studies give and in in more or conditions branch chambers, and miniature relationships. coupled under controlled less enclosed exposure systems such as continuously studies. Historically, gradient studies usually involved observations of visible injury, species richness, or species abundance correlated with pollutant exposure, when exposure data were available. STUDIES Fumigation studies are designed to show measurable responses to air pollutants, singly of lichen methods are gradient studies and fumigation studies and changes in air quality. FUMIGATION have 1991). the responses and sensitivities species to air pollutants. air pollution sources, continued of significance In this chapter we review procedures for determining of measurements can show the magnitude species may disappear sensitive to pollutants patterns, the natural species, and the effects of existing air Following permitting, construction, and of variability operation may to over time that contribute successional understanding with urban development, such as small stationary sources and large numbers of mobile sources. Chronic injury is less likely to involve death of tissues, but is likely to involve nonspecific associated pollutants data, the information where there are historic Chronic injury develops after long-term or repeated exposure to sub-acute concentrations from a proposed facility may unacceptably emissions the high concentrations necessary to cause damage to of Significant (PSD) permits, to show that estimated Deterioration sulfide, hydrogen chloride) (Shriner to fumigation such as ozone, and zinc (Nash 1988). collected from gradient and for Prevention applications to vegetation affect studies can be used in relation fumigation 3) pollutants are widely distributed, but seldom sensitive species that are demonstrably experiments with air pollutants 2) pollutants are not widely distributed, occurring only as accidental releases (e.g., chlorine, ammonia); and/or measured concentrations pollutant in the field are high enough to adversely exposures have mean ratios and mean concentrations that are too low to affect lichens (e.g., ethylene, carbon monoxide); because However, do respond to SO2 because sensitivity the best have been based on controlled concentration and duration environmental conditions, of exposure, and status of the thallus during exposure (Fields 1988). In addition to the very important influence of thallus hydration level, it fumigation results and on field (Nash 1988). By non-parametric observations 68 is known that different of portions vary in a thallus • Karenlampi environment ambient conditions. resembling In addition, the accurate determination their physiological response (Nash et al. 1980, 1970; Moser and Nash 1978; Moser et Long-term laboratory of are not currently problems However, during an experiment. considered in maintaining viability in growth chambers. procedures which should be followed before and studies to fumigation injury determine chronic feasible because controlled specimen short-term exposure-response lichen material does not generally regulatory do well for even of and their specimens agencies in developing build for individual and Nash 1984, Pearson and Benson be possible Pearson determining physiology (e.g., photosynthesis, studies have used only single pollutants respiration) and ultrastructure. the factorial experimental mixtures because of limitations number of exposure chambers available. and synergistic antagonistic, two or more pollutants are known in Controlled the However, • responses to for vascular plants activity, • exposure capability; concentration conditions requirements throughout non-reactive • precise control pollutant injected into conditions light, relative humidity) in these systems. (Shriner et al. Mini-Cuvettes throughout An additional form of exposure chamber used for a number of years is a cuvette which encloses a branch or a portion of a branch in a chamber successfully surfaces; of of system, 1990). and between chambers; • most widely accepted system is the (e.g., temperature, is not reproduced chamber and between chambers; environment to within the chambers. The primary concern is how well the results reflect plant response under field conditions, since the dynamic nature of field environmental for plant exposure systems, whether they be controlled environment, greenhouse, or field, are listed below in order of their importance (Heagle and Philbeck 1984): pollutant the the system and uniformity there is no perfect Essential controls stirred tank reactor (CSTR) which ensures rapid mixing of pollutants have become more sophisticated However, boxes, bell jars or even plastic by adding environmental Currently, and Philbeck 1984). Over time, systems for studying the effects of single or system. available chambers to continuously (Heagle pollutants commercially exposure chambers. exposure systems range parameters and pollutant (Lange et al. 1984). all-purpose exposure can be attained in bags) within a single controlled-environment chamber; or from plastic bags (Anderson 1976) to elaborate chamber systems with automatic control of uniform on lichen nitrogenase by putting smaller exposure chambers (plexiglass Gaseous and particulate • by converting pollutant • Exposure Systems uniform exposure conditions controlled-environment less complex. • of pollutants three ways: (Shriner et. al. 1 990), and there is no reason to think that lichen responses to multiple pollutants are any multiple the effects Controlled Environment Chambers designs necessary to study the responses of plants to concentrations at existing Most laboratories are not equipped to perform environmental Chamber to it may studies are most useful for Although air pollution is a complex phenomenon involving multiple contaminants, most fumigation additive, However, to conduct experiments facilities. under given too expensive lichen studies. 1970). of conditions. dose-response of air quality standards replicates, but are usually multiple physiological condition throughout the study (Link 1977, for other (Drummond and Pearson 1979). The chamber systems described below have the advantage of short times in artificial chambers, attention must be paid to the treatment important are curves for the establishment Since relationships. and techniques reporting researchers working in related areas and for studies (less than a month) are valuable for explaining the mechanisms of plant response and establishing Properly designed and experimental comprehensive fumigation pollutant pollutant and between chambers requires acceptable calibration al. 1983). sets of parameters within and environmental concentrations mature tree canopy (Legge et al. 1977, Lange et al. 1992). This approach permits the measurement of mechanistic plant tissue concentrations; 1984, and 69 Amundson et al. in situ in a responses, such as photosynthesis, canopy, eliminating of the effects many controlled small chambers of the concerns variations In (Eversman exposure chambers. it is possible of SO2 at ground level and vertical in SO2 concentrations within plots or no pooling regarding 1979). to introduce pollutant gases in sub-parts per million as part of the inflow Acid Rain Simulation using the flow-through air exchange principle. However, of pollution this type rainfall Contaminated exposure has not yet been used with lichens. from watering cans to back-pack irrigation Open-Top Field Chambers ambient environment as closely while within as possible allowing control of pollutant concentration chambers. Appropriate non-chambered available currently predictive control The open-top developing the and ambient chambers as well as pollutant-free effects. of all of the major of dose on a programmable basis (Shriner 1979). Rain simulators have been used in combination with a ZAPS-type fumigation system and are being used with open-top chambers to study the combined effects of acid rain and gaseous chamber systems include using open-top purposes natural precipitation technique for • useful for • • ZAPS Systems, referring pollutants in the of Air Pollution delivering between of controlled ions to a deionized water stream. air field for relatively long-term testing with no control over environmental two systems described dispensed GRADIENT ANALYSIS The conditions. only SO2. Moser et al. (1980) used a small system at Anaktuvuk Pass in Alaska to fumigate caribou forage lichens Cladina stellaris, C. rangiferina, and Cetraria cucullata. Anhydrous SO2 was dispensed through measurable attributes of affected plants vary along causative environmental gradients. This assumption is illustrated in figure paired holes along an aluminum relationships among the importance concentrations method assumes that The gradient analysis Sulfate pipe. were measured at intervals upwind downwind from 1, which shows unimodal values of three lichens and one moss along a moisture gradient and the pipe. (Flock 1978). One large system (ZAPS I) was operated by the US Environmental Protection Agency from Species are best represented at their environmental optima, and will not be found at limits outside their 1975-1979 in Custer National Forest in southeast tolerances. Montana to predict possible effects of grassland ecosystem. A operated from 1976-1979. of such as grazing intensity, locations set at sulfation levels with elevation of disturbance factors fire regimes, or trampling. of lichens contaminants. above ground level. In basin. general, less SO2 was recorded at the lowest level, 10 cm, than at the upper two levels, indicating little sources like the Los Angeles The most commonly variables are Studies are or projected sources of The sources can be point sources like power plants or diffuse in at predetermined along an air pollution gradient. usually done around existing per plot, adjacent to transplanted lichens. slight differences include climate and Gradient analysis can be designed to show measurable responses SO2 10, 50, and 100 cm above the soil surface at five locations lichens substrates, as well as gradients a system (ZAPS II) Both ZAPS I and ZAPS In 1978, sulfation plates were The plates demonstrated In addition to air pollution, other gradients influencing duplicate had four plots, each with different concentrations. from emissions new coal-fired power plants on components II of droplet size range (0.1 - 3.2 mm); chemical composition, through metering concentrations stands for Zonal to means controllable (intensity pumps which supply carefully ZAPS Systems The acronym rate characteristics including: 0.5 and 2.7 cm/hr); et al. 1990). (Shriner rainfall systems can and chemical reproduce the physical chambers are the best relationships The more sophisticated pollutants. plots to estimate any chamber experimental functional sprayers and to very elaborate systems sprinklers, components designs for experimental the designed to permit variation chambers used in the field duplicate the Open-top in has been simulated using a variety of approaches, field and laboratory measured response visible injuries such thallus deformation, as bleaching changes in community and structure such as species richness or cover, and physiological 70 Buellia punctata u Cladonia gracilis a> o Niwot Ridge, Colorado Cladonia pyxidata c •Q- .* Polytrichum junip, O Q- E V) o 0) •■»■• D_ C/J \r s-.. Dry Moisture Axis Figure 1. — Importance of 4 cryptogams along an indexed processes such as photosynthesis, integrity leakage), pigment quantity, degradation, (electrolyte and Gradient from dry to wet (from Flock 1978). of microclimate, substrates, or extremes of weather variability. The theory of gradient analysis is well developed trampling, is appropriate analysis of air loadings moisture gradient more direct effects fluorescence. effects Wet This last problem can be especially vexing, since pollution impacts on lichens may be minor relative to nitrogenase activity, element uptake, membrane n pollutants on lichens, for studies of the (Ter Braak 1987). Measurements are taken across a variety of environments, and differences among the since pollutant often vary with distance from point sources. It is not necessary for other environmental measures are assumed to be controlled factors to by vary continuously in the real world in order to use environmental gradient analysis. There are often sharp can be analyzed in several ways, which are discontinuities Gradient in spatial or temporal dimensions. analysis is also useful for analysis regional effects derived from non-point this case, the regional summarized of sources. In Reynolds airshed is assumed to be large Direct of lichens of which demonstration (1988) for mathematical details. gradient analysis is used where lichen in gradient studies has some the researcher should be aware of measurements, or long-term exposures to pollutants for example, by air quality maps. Measured attributes of lichens or other cryptogamic plants are plotted along an elevation, soil pH, or pollution as given, of for the particular • from the treatise by Ter Braak and Readers are referred to Ludwig and of occurrence, or or physiological symptoms are described as a function of measured environmental variables. Each sample can be associated with its elevation, soil pH, on-site air chemistry species; determination Data morphological (Johnson 1976). These include: • difficulties associated with identification • between the sites. abundances, probabilities exposure levels. The use here Prentice (1988). enough that there is wide latitude in pollutant limitations differences the best indicator species study; and that the observed distribution loading axis. The relationship patterns reflect pollution stress and not variable and the environmental other biotic and/or abiotic factors. determined by regression. 71 between the lichen quantity can be Gradient composition community environmental calibration of as a measure If problem. of the variation Morphological analyses detect change to the form or structure of an organism. A disadvantage to morphological analyses is that not all pollution injury This is indirect gradient analysis, an problem according to Ter Braak and Prentice. Ludwig and Reynolds as "a set of techniques (1988) define in which sample will axes such that their relative positions the axes and to each other provide information Indirect about their ecological gradient analysis of known sensitivities pollution effects effects of Gradient A of variety 1977, various Hill multivariate analyses, are discussed An advantage to analyses is that they can be done with These types of and funds. analyses can also be done with still or video cameras. Comparisons can be made before and after treatments, throughout and time at the same sites, and/or along a distance gradient from a known pollution source. data set, and multivariate Microscopic by Ter Braak and Prentice (1988) and Ludwig and Reynolds size, and the species chosen. limited instrumentation by visual assessment of lichen such as coloration, of macroscopic software derived from the various the unaided appearance variables. methods to use on a particular interpretations by such as DECORANA, 1979, This is characteristics when subtle ORDIFLEX, CANOCO (Gauch Ter Braak 1988). Which of the packages are available, PC_ORD, Macroscopic are present. is widely employed analysis ecologists. microscopically. is most useful when lichens other environmental Morphological changes can be analyzed without optical aids, or macroscopically, maximum likely to be overwhelmed are to similarities". to air pollutants The method may be less effective produce a response that can be distinguished visibly. units are arranged in relation to one or more coordinate each Morphology in species composition. ordination of from the to compute abstract axes that species assemblage ordination and/or advantages limitations Specific and physiological characteristics. and population technique are noted here. variables are not measured, one can use information account for much characteristics are to this as a environmental measured in air pollution studies include individual morphological values when the regressions Ter Braak and Prentice refer known. Characteristics is also applied by using analysis Microscopic analyses allow for observation of injuries that may or may not be otherwise visible. Two types of microscopes are used in light analysis of injury assessment in lichens: (1988). cellular ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES microscopes Many analytical examining are available techniques the effects of air pollutants for effects on lichens. Which techniques are appropriate for a given study will depend on the type and levels of pollutants involved, the lichen species used, the nature of the work, for example) The analytical listed below. techniques in fresh mounts that protocols to both and levels of of the percentage lichens exposed to SO2, showing of to estimate the algae's plasmolysis health. green and round; plasmolyzed increased and other recommendations, the status cells are Healthy cells are yellowed and Kauppi (1980) demonstrated shrunken. usefulness including quality assurance, quality control, levels of injury the SO2 on algal with increasing exposure time. Observations of fresh mounts use color and shape of chloroplasts, which comprise most of the algal cell, field and laboratory work, unless otherwise indicated. Using any of these techniques will require additional literature research to determine their suitability for needed, specific the proposed work, instrumentation procedural of Will-Wolf stress, especially significantly used most often are applicable pollutant microscopes. in estimating Eversman (1978) and (1980) estimated the percentage of plasmolyzed algal cells and the resources available. These are generally has been useful cells. studies as opposed to fumigation research (gradient of electron and transmission Light microscopy of fluorescence of algal cells. microscopy the in determining An alternative method to determine dead and plasmolyzed exposure. sections of (Holopainen 72 algal cells uses fixed and embedded lichens stained with toluidine and Kauppi 1989). Empty blue cells are Pigments interpreted as dead; cells with shrunken contents are Chlorophyll and its degradation Again, increased was observed with SO2 fumigation. considered plasmolyzed. plasmolysis Transmission electron microscopy is a helpful tool to visualize or verify cellular effects when physiological effects have been observed. Many characteristics of chloroplasts and mitochondria change in intermediate stages of injury; severe injury results in near collapse of all recognizable cell structure (Eversman and Sigal, 1984, 1987; Holopainen and Kauppi 1989). Some specific changes recorded are: deformation of thylakoids and pyrenoglobuli of the chloroplast, swelling followed by degeneration of mitochondria, unusual accumulation of starch granules and lipid of recognizable 1985, 1987, 1976, mimic ordinary 1981, and (Beekley and Harper Belnap 1990, Garty et. al. Henriksson and Pearson 1981, Kardish et. al. LeBlanc and Rao 1973, Nash 1973, Nash Ronen and Galun 1984, Eversman 1980, Moser et al. 1980). Researchers have traditionally effects on chlorophyll as total chlorophyll concentrations, concentrations, in chlorophyll chlorophyll a:b ratios, or the ratio of and degradation products. can chlorophyll The more commonly of these pigments in dimethyl sulfoxide Extracts (DMSO). chlorophyll at optical are then levels of scanned to determine density 435 nm and it is important to have fresh material and to control conditions under which samples are stored before fixation so that moisture and light conditions of the degradation products at optical control and treated samples have been identical. techniques to do so include the use of red light all pollutants seem to cause the same ultrastructural changes in algal cells so one cannot It does seem, however, distinguish among pollutants. during sample preparation, such as O3 and standardization and in Nitrogenase Activity here. Most All the more commonly require some level are sensitive instrumentation. (Belnap to seasonal or geographical and care must be taken nitrogen usable by vascular contributors plants. of 1978, in which they occur (West Evans and Ehlringer unpublished data, Denison 1973). Atmospheric pollutants have been shown to affect nitrogenase activity levels Bergman which should be taken into account when It is important to recognize that lack of sampling. homogeneity within a lichen thallus has been documented for various characteristics (e.g., photosynthesis, nitrogenase activity, chlorophyll experimental of are converting nitrogen to the ecosystems variation, concentrations), nitrogen, and Skujins to used ones are listed of phycobionts These lichens may be important determine physiological changes resulting from air pollution; Lichens with cyanobacterial capable of "fixing" atmospheric it into a form Physiological analyses detect alteration to the normal functioning of an organism or any of its available and (1960). Physiology There are many techniques cold storage, and time between extractions For further details on these techniques, see Brown (1980), Brown and Hooker (1977) and Vernon less time than SO2 and acid treatments (Eversman and Sigal 1987, unpublished data). parts. of analysis. PAN cause cellular damage at lower concentrations density 415 nm (Ronen and Galun 1984). It is important to reduce chlorophyll degradation during sample analysis; Unfortunately, that the oxidant pollutants used method is extraction spectrophotometrically seasonal stress or normal senescence, reported percent reduction chlorophyll to its degradation products. There are several means of quantifying organelles stress affected by pollutants significantly Hoffman and membrane structures. Since cellular changes due to pollutant are the Studies have shown chlorophyll levels to be Some cells are too small to accurately observe with light microscopy. bodies, and disappearance products pigments most often used to assess pollution injury. 1990, Denison et. al. 1977, Hallbom and 1979, and Pearson Hallgren and Huss 1975, Henriksson 1981, Kallio and Varheenman 1974, Sigal and Johnston 1986). Measurement of nitrogen fixation is difficult and Sheridan 1979, costly. Measuring nitrogenase fairly simple and cheap. if In nitrogenase enzyme, acetylene material does not include the entire ethylene. Consequently, activity, however, the presence of is converted nitrogenase activity is the to levels in the amount of ethylene that is produced. Levels of ethylene and acetylene can be Incubation in an measured on a gas chromatograph. acetylene atmosphere can be done in the field or the laboratory, using gas-tight containers with an thallus (Karenlampi 1970, Nash et al. 1980, Moser and Nash 1978, Moser et al. 1983). are reflected 73 10% acetylene under Membrane light and temperature in the Exposure atmosphere of approximately of standard conditions in the field (see above lab, or ambient conditions rates lichens exposed to increasing levels has employ of methods et al. 1983). Membrane leakage can be estimated by measuring the conductivity of de-ionized water before measuring and after immersion 1978, 1979, 1980; Fields and St. Clair 1984a, 1984b). common of repeatedly in the literature et al. 1971, Eversman using potassium (Beckerson and Hofstra 1980, Hart et al. 1988, Pearson 1985, Pearson and Rodgers 1982, Belnap and Harper 1990, Fields and St. Clair 1984b, Moser Respiration (Gas Exchange) A significant decrease in respiration (Baddeley of efflux, total electrolyte leakage, and scanning electron microscope work can be used to transport samples (Rychert been demonstrated has been demonstrated measurements and Skujins 1974). pollutant This lichens. and trace metals has membrane integrity in been shown to compromise In the field, portable chambers can be references). placed over the experimental material, and vacutainers Integrity to sulfur dioxide the lichen. Instrumentation rates Elemental Analysis This is covered in Chapter an oxygen electrode to measure O2 or an infrared gas analyzer to measure CO2 evolution in the absence of light. absorption 7. Population Characteristics Photosynthesis These are species characteristics rates have been determined using Photosynthetic which can chambers and gaseous 14C02 (Fields and St. Clair 1984a, Hallgren and Huss 1975, Ross and Nash measured in the field and require little or no 1983, Sigal and Johnston 1986, Lechowicz 1982), quadrats as samples. in liquid CO2 (Fields and St. Clair or measured as the rate of CO2 absorption or 1984a) O2 evolution (Beekley and Hoffman 1981). characteristics, instrumentation. immersion Determining Karenlampi availability of an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA), while with gross photosynthesis CO2 labeling techniques requires a liquid scintillation counter. Chlorophyll fluorescence is a set of response variables associated with the light reactions of photosynthesis, particularly those associated with photosystem II. It is a convenient, sensitive, rapid, systems most commonly the fluorescence light. behavior analyzed rise to maximum This induction of rates, mortality, cover, and biomass can be These measurements can 1959; Armstrong 1971) or by photography. whether done with a traditional Photography, camera Details are provided in Chapter 4. Table 1 provides an example of studies done with different pollutants and the effects of those pollutants on chosen lichen species. of The experimental levels at saturating altered after is measured or a modified design of studies addressing sensitivity of be similar to any research design. lichen species to air pollutants method should be determined problem, gas the questions to be answered, lichens have found decreased photosynthetic initial hypotheses or working questions. Determining of rates which the the anticipated use of the data, site characteristics available resources. the should The choice of by the nature exchange system (T. Nash, personal communication). All methods which measure photosynthesis in with exposure to pollutants. 1991; 1970, EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN is the kinetics Fluorescence using a chlorophyll fluorometer, made using photosynthetic curve is markedly exposure to air pollutants. be such as reproductive or with video, can be computer-analyzed. way to assess photosynthetic The fluorescent growth be done by eye (Daubenmire systems depends on the are Variables measured within quadrats. estimating efficiency. Measurements presence/absence, net gas exchange in either flow-through or closed chamber and non-invasive is meter, which is both cheap and portable. The most respiration of limited to a conductivity First, decide upon a set and of broad Then do a literature search to determine the lichen species in of methods to use, (instrumentation required, replication and portability for field work) is discussed in Link et the targeted area, the sensitivity al. (1984). Related research might include work with the same the air pollutants in question, species in the same locality pollutants, techniques. 74 these species to and other related work. or with the same and/or using the same analytical Table 1. — Selected authors and papers describing effects of various pollutants on lichens. Source: Eversman and Sigal (1985). Effect(s) observed Pollutant Sulfur dioxide Baddeley et al., 1973 Puckett et al., 1973, 1977 Tomassini et al. 1977 Richardson & Nieboer, 1983 Fields & St. Clair, 1984 Holopainen & Karenlampi, 1984 Respiration decreased Membrane permeability increased Permeability increased (ions lost) Review: physiology, ecology Permeability increased, photosynthesis decreased Ultrastructural changes Ozone Brown & Smirnoff, 1978 Rosentreter & Ahmadjian, 1977 Nash & Sigal, 1979 Ross & Nash, 1983 Sigal & Nash, 1983 Eversman & Sigal, unpub. ms. No effect on photosynthesis No effect on chlorophyll content Photosynthesis decreased Photosynthesis decreased limited, morphological changes Distribution Ultrastructural changes, photosynthesis decreased PAN (peroxyacetyl nitrate) Sigal & Taylor, 1979 Eversman & Sigal, 1984 Photosynthesis decreased Ultrastructural changes Nash, 1976 Loss of chlorophyll pigment NOx Fluoride Nash, 1971 LeBlanc, Comeau, Rao, 1971 LeBlanc, Rao, Comeau, 1972 Roberts & Thompson, 1980 Takala, Kauranen, Olkkonen, 1978 Loss of chlorophyll pigment Plasmolysis, color change, loss of chlorophyll pigment Species die, disappear Discoloration, morphological changes; species disappear Morphological changes; species disappear Acid precipitation Denison et al., 1977 Robitaille, LeBlanc, Rao, 1977 Lechowicz, 1982 Lechowicz, 1984 Sigal & Johnston, 1986 Sigal & Johnston, 1986 Eversman & Sigal, unpub. ms. Nitrogen fixation decreased Loss of species Photosynthesis decreased Growth decreased Photosynthesis decrease Photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation Ultrastructural changes 75 decrease Available resources should be identified. Resources the range variables across the widest range access to study areas, collaboration transportation, and any other factor that may influence possibilities, This can be done by narrowing of soil, topographic, grazing, or other as much as possible. time, equipment, people, dollars, include your capability to carry out the intended research. From the collected information, develop a set of be obtained refined hypotheses. feasible. These hypotheses are a that are feasibly answerable will species used, analytical chosen, and resource availability. to most study designs possible, techniques Elements at places where levels occur, with a pollutant indirectly common can be made by using known sensitive or This is the calibration species. referred to above. of Samples near the high, low, and middle portions depend on the questions being asked, the types of pollutants and If resources. Make a list of likely candidates from an inventory of available species and species known to be sensitive to the Select species from the list pollutants in question. based on the questions being asked and available resources. Another option is to run preliminary analyses on species that are selected for reasons other than known sensitivity, such as abundance or ease of collection, to ascertain whether they are to the pollutants the Heyligers sampling sampling variation anthropogenic effects well as The response of influences communities of pollution (Jackson secondary of with known sensitive or accumulator of of the pollutant. species are sites can be established cryptobiotic across a in different Particular communities in Chapter 4. of the sample communities, since these may have a large effect on cryptobiotic species Sciences 1987, Hawksworth (Northrup Environmental influences. and Rose 1976, McCune et al. 1987). the subtle 1990). Any Sample Size of samples of sites. Sample size depends on the variability of the characteristics being measured and the degree of confidence with which with the influence of other variables. To minimize effects of confounding factors, we recommend a sample design which incorporates known pollution levels. If the pollution source is local and fixed and the pollution "shadow" is known, sampling should be spatially explicit with respect to the source. Considerable environmental variation will still remain, which again may overwhelm possible influences as gradsect sampling sensitive or accumulator sampling microclimate be confounded secondary If effect of pollution upon lichens is likely to a sample design Therefore, airsheds as discussed natural or and Gough a region. attention should be given to the substrate and techniques may overwhelm in across a region as with floristic variation wide range to more direct environmental can be limited to one or several regionwide unknown, as to anthropogenic lichens 1989). This is a across the most important affected by pollution. present. (Chapter 4). Lichens respond to natural gradients moisture, temperature, light, nutrients, and biotic competition we (Austin and method of efficient The concern is not so much with total floristic can vary from survey data to sampling pollution source is regional or non-local, features that control species distributions Gradient Sampling Gradient the suggest using gradsect sampling species. more elaborate vegetation of gradient. species present, and available sensitive analyses (Chapter 7). These samples should also be spread across the gradient, or if this is not practical, then Species Selection suitably problem the accumulator species can be harvested for chemical will no are then an attempt to measure pollution accumulator include: The species selected for study If few near the middle (to test for linearity). direct measurements of pollutant loadings Sample design can be only a few direct measurements the highest and lowest given available on geography, vary greatly depending accessibility, If at as many obtained, they should be concentrated resources. Sample design is the next stage. pollutant of pollution loadings should of the sample sites as Direct measurements distillation of the initial broad hypotheses into questions of loadings. Therefore, Sample size includes both the number per site and the number comparisons between samples can be made. Data from a pilot study are useful in determining variability and then computing to detect possible use that limits other sources of variation 76 adequate sample sizes changes (testing null hypotheses). Repeatability fail because sites are lost or different analytical techniques are used that cannot be calibrated Repeatability influences the timing of sampling Factors to consider are the and site selection. to previous techniques. of the organism, variability in pollutant phenology levels, physiological condition of the organism, of aspect and substrate slope, LITERATURE CITED sites, distance from (in topical categories) factors such as large bodies of water, influencing roads, etc., and any other factors that may affect study results. Overview Confounding variables that cannot be need to be identified. eliminated Ferry, B. W., M. S. Baddeley and D. L. Hawksworth. 1973. Air Pollution and Lichens. 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Atmospheric transport, deposition, and potential effects on terrestrial Methods for marking and mapping plots must be identified. Current options for establishing coordinates for study vegetation In Science of Global Change: The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment, American sites include topographic Chemical maps and global positioning Series 483. Dunnette, D. A. and R. J. O'Brien (eds). Collection Techniques and Material Treatment Nash Collection techniques and handling, transportation, and storage of collected use of the material. different If analytical In addition, requirements for . 1975. work is to be done, pre-treatment protocol and the physiological condition of the fumigation . 1988. procedures techniques are employed, using statistical calibration design studies with this in mind. current study will be available monitoring Consider in the future. manual with instructions personnel. and Air Quality. J. Cramer, 30: 201-216. 1991. 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Canadian 1647-1653. 86 Sensitivity to Biochemica and 121-130. of lichen phycobionts of Journal Botany 61: Marti, J. 1983. Sensitivity Botany 68: 680-684. 1983. metabolic processes in an epiphytic to air and W. D. Claric. 1980. Wirth, V. and R. Turk. 173-179. Erlangen Fluorides of Botany Sensitivity of lichens 1973. 61: Gilbert, O. L. 1971. The effect of airborne fluorides 367-370. lichens. Lichenologist to sulfur J. Nieboer, E., K. Air Pollution Puckett and F. D. Tomassini. of The phytotoxicity Press, London. Air J., University Puckett, K. Richardson. Press, New York. pp. 61-85. E. Nieboer, W. P. Flora and D. H. C photosynthetic fixation of phytotoxicity. mechanisms S. 1977. Nash, T.H. HI. 1971. Lichen sensitivity E. Nieboer and D. H. Rao, D. N. and F. LeBlanc. Effects of sulphur Ecophysiological S. and E. Nieboer. indicators of fluoride Canadian Journal S. Richardson. J. F. D., P. LaVoie, K. and D. H. 1977. Takala, K. P. 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Usnea, and Umbilicaria. Air, and Soil Pollution 27: 315-322. Interaction between simulated rain and barren rock 13. Linzon (eds.). Air Pollution Pseudoparmelia, G., A. Stuanes and K. Bjor. 1979. C. and D. W. Larson. deposition Effects on Vegetation. S. N. 76: simulated acidic rain on one species each Acid Rain Bailey, lichens from high for the Assessment of Sigal, L. L. and J. W. Johnston, Abrahamsen, 53-66. 43: of Botany Journal of Methodology Control Association, survey relative to oxidant 64: American V. Krupa and on conifers in Southern California an ecological of Shriner, D. S. 1979. Atmospheric nitrate fumigations. Sigal, L. L. and T.H. Nash III. 1983. Lichen communities epiphytic a copper smelter. elevation cloud forests as indicators of atmospheric 564-575. 82: of et Lichenologique and chemical studies studies on the gross photosynthetic of to the paucity Scott, M.G. and T.C. Hutchinsoa 1989. Morphological 80: 600-605. Sigal, L. L. and O. C. Taylor. lichen Water, Air, and Soil G., F. LeBlanc and D.N. Rao. 1977. Acid Revue Bryologique and the simulated acid the caribou 18: 421-430. cryptogams in the vicinity Effect of ozone on the lichen Cladonia arbuscula in Brodo. (Opiz.) rain: a factor contributing 1-59. Rosentreter, R. and V. Ahmadjian. Bryologist stellaris of The effects 1982. precipitation on photosynthesis Botany 23: 71-77. Ross, L. J. 1982. Lichens M. J. Lechowicz, lichens. Environmental (L.) Hoffm. Environmental 26: and Experimental Botany 59-64. R., B. Caldwell, B. Bormann, L. Eldred, C. Pollutant Mixtures Swanberg and S. Andersoa 1977. The effects of acid rain on nitrogen fixation in western Washington forests. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution coniferous Nakagawa, Y. 1982. Effects of sulfur dioxide and 8. nitrogen dioxide alone or in combination 21-34. chlorophyll Fritz-Sheridan, R. P. 1985. and P. polydactyla. Hill, D. J. 1971. tinctorum. Taiki Osen Gakkaishi Impact of simulated acid rains on nitrogenase activity in Peltigera Sigal, L. L. and J. W. Johnston, 17: 27-31. Lichenologist Experimental aphthosa study of the effect New Phytologist Lechowicz, M. J. of of stellaris. Bulletin of America, 65: 144. of the caribou the 1986. of Effects and photosynthesis in the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. Environmental 831-836. The effect 1984. rain on the growth 70: Jr. 17: 370-376. acidic rain and ozone on nitrogen fixation sulphite on lichens with reference to atmospheric pollution. on content and enzyme activity in Parmelia 26: simulated acid lichen Cladina Ecological Society of 88 59-64. and Experimental Botany Active Monitoring Lorentz C. Pearson Active monitoring of air controlled transplanting, quality using lichens may involve fumigation, or culturing of lichens. Transplanting from areas where they occur in nature to involves moving localities where they are needed to monitor air pollution or other of characteristics organisms the environment. Controlled fumigation consists of creating a point source of pollution that can be manipulated of to test the on lichens that occur in the area. Culturing of lichens in areas where they occur in nature and/or developing methods of growing lichens in gardens, farms, or laboratory growth chambers under controlled conditions. Active monitoring experimental treatments must be carefully planned, effects specific or enhancing is encouraging replicated, pollutants and randomized. the growth The material to be transplanted must be healthy specimens of the biomonitor lichen material to is impossible which they Methods species. the substrate must not be harmful or impractical to move them are attached. We recommend of attaching the to the lichens when it with pieces of the substrate to where possible, that, lichens be to the same kind of substrate from which they were taken. We also recommend using a combination of evaluation methods to transplanted estimate the degree of environmental degradation caused by the suspected pollution source. INTRODUCTION measurements of lichen evaluate the quality Because lichens are especially sensitive to air area. pollution and can accumulate and concentrate toxic substances from the environment in their thalli, they are recognized by scientists as valuable where they naturally These measurements include are used to in the target of observations in the target area (Brodo 1961, 1966; Holopainen 1983, 1984; Skye 1958), various physiological responses of the lichens biomonitors (Pearson and Skye 1965, Pearson 1980, Holopainen 1984), and accumulation of pollutants in the lichen tissues (Lawrey and Rudolph 1975, Nieboer et al. of air quality with lichens 1978, lichens from a source area of air quality with in gardens or farms or encouraging more rapid or abundant At present, this growth by using culture techniques. Rope and Pearson Theoretically, occur to a target area where 1990). active monitoring lichens may also involve pollution is suspected (Brodo 1966, Hawksworth and Rose characteristics the environment how well the lichens survive of atmospheric quality. Biomonitoring can be either passive or active. Passive biomonitoring is covered in other chapters in this book (See chapters 2, 4, and 5). Active monitoring involves transplanting of 1976, Skye 1979). Active monitoring may also involve observing lichens in areas where they naturally occur following the installation of a factory or other source of pollution (Skye 1958, Will-Wolf 1980, Ryan 1990, Kandler 1987); controlled fumigation is sometimes employed as the source of pollution (Pearson and Rodgers 1982). In either case, periodic is largely an unexplored ADVANTAGES growing lichens field. OF ACTIVE MONITORING The chief advantages of using transplants monitor air quality 89 are: to • mercury, copper, cadmium, being able to plan and set up orthogonal experiments locations with sampling plots at all and to observe the nature where it is desired to monitor air A quality; zinc, ozone, carbon hydrogen fluoride, or peroxyacyl monoxide, number of problems of the nitrates) resultant injury. may arise when conducting • having enough plant material at each studies involving active monitoring. anticipated • location to run all of the desired tests; having uniform material collected from common site at all of the sampling potential problems a • insufficient supply of a test species of • variation • transplant shock; lichen; being able to choose the best experimental design for the particular and location material; • ascertaining how rapidly increased levels of pollution cause injury in lichens. The ability to study the effects of different conditions environmental by planning whether seasonality • choice • given source of the extent of pollution. The information can be supplemented any injury with by fumigation of transplant; species; between pollution level and the relationship lack of content of the lichens; baseline data or historical (herbarium) information abundance in the area. is indeed causing the observed injury, and to evaluate more accurately of the elemental where the pollution source a suspected due to ecotype differences; • • samples are placed enables the researcher to judge more accurately Some with transplant studies to consider include: locations; • These must be and steps taken to avoid them. on native lichen caused by a gained METHODS a known For example, Pearson and Rodgers (1982) placed four sulfur dioxide burners in areas of dense low-lying forest, dense upland forest, marsh with pollutant. scattered trees, and open dry grassland. levels of sulfur dioxide Transplant Planned 1) were produced by burning sulfur on days when the wind speed and direction Upwind sites provided the were appropriate. unpolluted An controls. often overlooked advantage of transplant has a wide variety of designs from which to choose. Often a studies is that the investigator experimental Another of advantage active monitoring to occur, regardless of whether or not they are adapted to the area, for the purpose of accumulating pollutants in lichen tissues and observing physiological This latter method is sometimes changes. called the "moss bag" method. expected is the In conducting transplant studies, we recommend: • limiting the number of collection sources in order to minimize variability; to observe rapid responses to pollution or other environmental changes. When abundant material has been placed at each monitoring subsamples can be harvested weekly, monthly, or at other intervals. methods are sensitive site, • biweekly, enough that changes in injured in a matter of weeks even low levels of pollution, and in a matter of hours at extremely • of a variety of pollutants moving the lichen comparable • with substrate attached or transplanting to substrate; if physiological studies are to be made, using species well within their normal range When fumigation is used to supply a point source of pollution, it becomes possible to evaluate the effects species that are easily collected, whenever possible, at high levels. (sulfur dioxide, choosing transplanted and observed; Some evaluation lichens can be observed Transfer of healthy lichens from an area where they occur naturally to an area for which they are adapted, to study possible changes in physiological processes or accumulation of heavy metals or other elements as a result of exposure to the pollution (Brodo 1966), and 2) Transfer of large amounts of healthy material to an area where pollutants are randomized block design is best, but lattice designs, Latin and Greek squares, and other designs often not available to other types of field research can be employed in transplant studies. This is especially See true in experiments involving fumigation. Federer (1955) for descriptions of experimental designs and advantages and disadvantages of each. ability methods may be classified in two categories: of adaptation both target area; lead, 90 at the source and at the • using historical better than expected, but did not survive records, such as herbaria or check lists where available, natural occurrence to study the of species in the target area (Thomson 1970); • where possible, using species of known whenever possible, collecting areas that are essentially transplant the need for such observation modified if each specimen at the time of transplant, and frequency taking an initial sample for elemental • every month for the first year. photographed site in every way but air quality; • measuring thallus dimensions, photographing should be measured and lichen transplants Ideally, to the the data show that a longer or shorter of We also recommend that the number treatments be chosen carefully and experimental if adequate replication glue like araldite (Hawksworth and Rose 1976) or liquid nails; if it is 4 replications desired to tie lichens to shrubs, trees, or minimum at We recommend planned. least 5 or 6 experimental non-toxic Later, should be assessed and is more appropriate. baseline; it is necessary to use glue, using a strong, the lichens. and Experimental Design Measurement lichens from identical the second glues held well, but substances that injured produced volatile sensitivity; • Other silicone-type spring thaw. treatments and at least 3 or in most transplant experiments of 25-30 experimental units. with in mind that posts, avoid string that rots when exposed material must be transplanted, to sun or water. some transplants may die, become detatched from their substrate, fertilized by birds or other animals, do not collect Generally, transplants minimize desert lichens for This will in microclimate in the high mountains. effects of differences Transplants may be in the form branches, twigs, or rocks or pieces lichens attached. vegetation Specimens preferred of bark plugs, of rock with or placed on specially built poles. that blend with the natural vegetation or rubbed loose or eaten by animals. Based on estimates of potential losses, the amount of transplant material needed can be estimated. To minimize following: These may be attached to existing to prevent vandalism, of vandalism, become victims between the collection and transplant locations. keeping a Adequate • minimize transplant shock, we recommend the the time from collecting to transplanting; are • though they may be difficult to relocate. allow specimens to air dry before transporting, and do not transport in plastic bags; • Adhesives attach specimens at the elevation For attaching clean specimens to objects in conditions the target area, our first choice is always to take substrate to which the specimen is attached. to the elevation were collected, If this humidity glue or string must be used. at which they in mind that keeping and variability in humidity We recommend against cotton or paper string which rots, and against wire or string containing metal. Fishline generally decrease with elevation seems to have no serious disadvantages, the trunk providing above the ground, and average daily temperatures increase in the sequence N, E, W, S around it is tied on with a knot that will not slip. of a If transplant studies are conducted refrigerate of evaluating accumulation toxic fumes. a rock; the material cannot be transplanted immediately, In a study conducted by Chris Warner, a student at Ricks College, "liquid nails," a silicone Umbilicate lichens glued to glue, met both criteria. basalt rock with epoxy showed visible signs of injury (change in color and much increased rate of electrolyte leakage), whereas those glued with liquid nails showed no sign of injury and remained attached through two winters and summers. Elmer's glue held or the sides of if Glue must meet two criteria: it must hold well, even during rainy weather, and it must not give off tree • it. is not possible, above ground with the most similar microclimatic for the purpose of heavy metals or other elemental pollutants, we recommend keeping them away from metal objects during collection and transplanting. Factorial designs involving both wind direction and distance from pollution sources can be used to set up treatments (Federer 1955). can help in choosing experimental the experimental Windroses transects. 91 At least one of the experimental variable up the independent those obtained from lower levels over Ecologists make use of four kinds of in conducting air pollution studies: treatment. controls • some specimens transplanting at the • occurred. which in turn (Pearson and Rodgers 1982); reverse transplanting to ensure that observed than the peroxisomes. injury is due to the increased pollution and not merely to a change in environment; and Improved transplanting specimens devices monitoring if of sensitive to injury from high levels to sites the mitochondria, • SO2 than are more sensitive are did not seem Photorespiration to be affected by the high of levels pollution. now in which the chambers are available lichens may be exposed to air containing measured amounts of known pollutants close to mechanical them, rather than to stagnant air. any are available. Clair (personal communication) that exposure Fumigation Studies to high levels exactly flowing over Studies by St. and others indicate of pollution over a short period of time results in injury comparable Field fumigation studies are especially valuable in monitoring air pollution (Pearson and Rodgers 1982) because they make possible direct observation of how specific physiological or morphological changes If an industry correlate with specific pollutants. exposure at low levels over a long period claims lichens. the problems the type of injury of injury to identify fumigation caused by a specific pollutant. time. Very little work has been done on culturing of Under laboratory conditions, with whole lichens in growth chambers of various types, Tobler (1939), Kershaw and Millbank (1969),Pearson (1970), Pearson and Benson (1977), Dibben (1971), and observed, the claim can be tested by using controlled to of Culture Methods that the substances they released are not the ones causing in the in urban areas where high levels of pollution upwind from the point source of pollution • time; and The study suggested that plastids are more some specimens transplanting of observed in the lichens collected shock are not being confounded (Brodo 1966); • longer periods the symptoms flasks were similar to those in lichens source to ensure that pollution effects and location transplant patterns similar to should reveal metabolic treatments making should be a control If downwind from the suspected industry, there is and Deslooves (1974) have had moderate success by ensuring periods of drying between strong evidence periods of adding water. it is the same type varying levels peroxyacyl Margot at the site that the industry is indeed the polluter. A related method consists into laboratory occurring Ahmadjian of transplanting lichens dioxide, from isolated mycobiont hydrogen fluoride, (Pearson and See Chapter 5 for more methods. of sulfur dioxide be possible critics in stagnant air in environment. has experimented in the field their manipulation (personal with dispersal of of the communication) lichens on BLM land in Idaho with some encouraging results, but much more research is needed. some factors that were pointed out It may be more rewarding, however, to encourage because SO2 is very soluble in water (Hodgman et al 1957), its levels in the accelerated growth and reproduction flasks were not as high as the critics fertilizer elements may speed up the growth and dispersal of species suitable for monitoring which are already in place. We know of no published research areas where they assumed; • Rosentreter of dispersion propagules through experimental in the report: • and lichens to study sites in large amounts, and encouraging flasks. overlooked to encourage lichen growth by introducing Rydzak (1969), Coppins (1973), and others criticized the study because the levels of SO2 were much higher than those occurring in nature, even in highly urbanized areas. However, the laboratory cultures, (personal The results from these studies suggest that it should Pearson and Skye (1965) reported altered patterns of photosynthesis and respiration in lichens exposed to high levels and phycobiont has obtained communication) growth in Peltigera species from individual isidia. Lindstrom nitrates, or other pollutants Henriksson 1981). Ahmadjian et al. (1980), (1982), and Jacobs and Ahmadjian (1971) have reconstituted whole lichens chambers where they are exposed to of sulfur and Jacobs it was hypothesized on the basis of studies with other kinds of plants that high levels of pollution over a short period of time along this line. 92 already occur. of lichens in Adding water and/or SPECIES changes. using a fine grain black and Photography of white film can be used to measure growth In Europe, numerous studies have made it possible and development lichen species into several categories to classify lobes In some cases, it of apothecia. may be desirable to have photographs taken monthly ranging from the most tolerant to the most sensitive over a period of a year or two. (Ferry, et al. 1973). Few comparable studies have Nevertheless, been conducted in North America. (1978) found infrared photography especially because it indicates vitality of the organism. some progress has been made in some parts of the Rates of photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen fixation can be measured in harvested material following exposure to air pollution for varying periods of time. Chlorophyll degradation can be studied with TEM, thin layer chromatography and/or continent. Lecanora conizaeoides is unanimously according Parmelia sulcata, and, physodes, Hypogymnia regarded as species in Europe. the most pollution-tolerant to some studies, Evernia prunastri are also spectroscopy tolerant. In increasing order of sensitivity, Parmelia perlata, Usnea ceratina, Lobaria pulmonaria and cellular Parmelia saxatilis come next, the last four being transmission extremely sensitive to atmospheric pollution. P. sulcata, P.caperata, P. saxatilis, U.subfloridana, with (Chervin Henriksson et al. 1968, Jacobs et al. useful and 1971, Holopainen 1983). Damage to membranes can be measured directly with Ahmadjian (TEM) or electron microscopy the potassium efflux method (Puckett indirectly et al. most of North America. 1977) or the simpler electrolyte leakage method (Pearson 1980, 1985; Fields and St. Clair 1984). TEM can also be used to observe damage to plastids the and other organelles. U. ceratina and common are widespread and throughout E.prunastri is common in Pacific Coast states and L.pulmonaria is relatively common in mature forests of the northern tier of 5 indicators listed above are either or do not occur in North America. for more information See on these exposure to air pollution, observation Chapter on sensitive species. organelles of it now appears that including the effects must be made. of pollutants on lichens, destructive involve The amount of material needed sampling. for destructive sampling must before the transplants be carefully are made. for planning is to multiply A estimated rough yardstick the number photosynthesis rates and patterns, are also manifested early. desired by the number of sampling dates, plus at least 10% to cover losses due to herbivory, 1977), spectroscopy or other causes not related to pollution. The simplest type of evaluation consists of measuring the survival rate of a species and expressing this as percent survival: how many of the transplants died showing symptoms of injury, how many died or disappeared as the result of causes not related to pollution, and how many survived relative but more tedious direct chemical vandalism, Related to the original number. morphological changes in color and thallus thickness, chart, available a of traditional analyses (Pearson spectroscopy of 1987). Energy-dispersive X-rays is showing promise in microchemical analysis of lichens transplanted to areas near chemical processing plants. LITERATURE CITED to this are observed We recommend using can be used instead and Rope altered appearance of the apothecia or perithecia, width of lobes, etc. and leakage from the cells For evaluating accumulation of toxic elements (Hale and Lawrey 1985, Laaksovirta and Lodenius 1979, Schwartzman et al. 1987, Steinnes and Krog of treatments desired by the number of experimental replications observations Some of these observations membrane, the plasma have the greatest potential for revealing injury following short time exposure at low levels, at least in areas where sulfur dioxide is the primary Concentric rings appear to be visibly pollutant. altered more rapidly following exposure to low levels of pollution than any of the other organelles. Other physiological and biochemical measurements, such as chlorophyll degradation and EVALUATION To measure TEM rings and other the concentric measurement of electrolyte baseline data are needed and periodic for more 5 and 7 See Chapters methods. For evaluating damage to lichens following but is now rare in reforested areas. states, The other European rare information Ahmadjian, Munsell V. and J.B. Jacobs. reestablishment of lichens in many art textbooks and art to aid in describing color 1982. III. development of Usnea strigosa. sections of libraries, Lab. 52: 390-399. 93 Artificial Synthetic Journ. Hattori Bot. —, — , L. A Russell, and K. C. Hildreth. 1980. Artificial reestablishment of lichens I. Morphological interactions between the phycobions, Cladonia cristatella, and Lecanora Mycologia 72: 73-89. I.M. Brodo, 42: — Transplant 1961. corticolous Cellular injuries in epiphytic lichens Nordic J. Bot. transplanted to air polluted areas. chtysoleuca. Jacobs J. B., and V. Ahmadjiaa 1971. experiments with Kandler, two species of Usnea. B. J. 1973. Coppins, (eds.) Air Pollution Dibben, M. J. 1971. Kershaw, In B. Laaksovirta, accumulation Athlone Hale, M.E. Jr. and J. D. 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The Bryologist 81: 226-246. electrolytes from lichen cells. film. Chemical Royale 1978. conditions. av mossors och lavars vitalitet med hjalp av infrarod 1957. 33-40. 107: des des order to grow intact lichens under laboratory E., K. Basilier, K. Nagren, and L. C. Metodundersokning Bull. Soc. de Belgique Pearson, L. C. 1970. D.L. and F. Rose. 1976. Lichens as Pollution Monitors. Edward Arnold Publishers, Limited. Londoa 1978. La Culture Thalles Soumis a la Pollution. lichens: an 5-7. 113-117. de Botanique Tomassini. rate 1974. 75: Untest de la Vitalite Nieboer, E., D. H. S. Richardson, the lichen Pseudoparmelia The Bryologist 16: coal mine ecosystems in Ohio J. Sci. Soredies Licheniques: Hawksworth, Hodgman, of Margot, J. and J. Deslooves. Amer. J. Bot. 71: 986-998 chlorochroa. Mercury 1979. Ann. Bot. Fennici 1975. Lichen of some heavy metals from acidic southeastern Ohio. SO2 on photosynthesis and carbohydrate transfer in the two lichens: Collema ploycarpon and Parmelia Pearson. K. and M. Lodenius. surface substrates Fields, R. D. and L. L. St. Clair 1984. Henriksson, 4: 83-87. J. D., and E. D. Rudolph Lawrey, Wiley, and D.L. Hawksworth Air Pollution and Lichens. (eds.). 1973. Press, London. A 1969. lichen growth chamber. 208-212. New York. Ferry, B.W., M.S. Baddeley, and Aquatic 18-22 May 1987. (France) content of fungi in Helsinki. 5: 1-10. Desiga Grenoble on Communities on Terrestrial K. A. and J. W. Millbank. Lichenologist culture in a Experimental the European controlled environment Athlone Press. Whole-lichen Federer, W. T. 1955. Ecosystems." and D. L. Hawksworth and Lichens, Lichenologist phytotroa 1968. The "drought hypothesis." of Air Pollution "Effects of Canadian J. Bot. 46: 241-245. W. Ferry, M. S. Baddeley, Lichen and conifer recolonization In Symposium of the O. 1987. Commission and mycobiont in phycobiont 7: in Munich's cleaner air. Lichen growth and cities: a study on Long Island, New York. 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Lichens as biological 1979. inverkan pa busk- kring skifferoljeverket Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 52: Kvarntorp. Water, 363-378. 32: Luftfororeningars ock bladlavfloran 1600-1602. Puckett, K. J., F. D. Tomassini, S. Richardson. Quantitative monitoring airborne lead pollution by a foliose lichen. in Parmelia sulcata, a corticolous 148: of Johnson, Jr. 1987. International Congress Abstracts, Berlin: photosynthesis lichen. XIV 83: 281-295. generating station. The Collection and Chemical Analysis of Lichens for Biomonitoring Larry L. Jackson, Jesse Ford, and David Schwartzman This chapter discusses the interrelated aspects of biomonitoring using analysis of lichens. Many unique aspects of study objectives, chemical study design (including design tasks, considerations, schemes), sample collection, sample preparation, are required for a successful biomonitoring of advantages and disadvantages chemical of analysis and sampling and sample analysis program are emphasized. of Aspects assurance program and final contract reports are highlighted. some examples of studies using chemical INTRODUCTION of analysis content lichens to define the influence sources of specific Lichens have been used often as receptor-based in air quality studies. Historically, they have been used in a qualitative way, in which their dwindling populations indicate poor air quality or chemical contamination. In the last few decades they have been used increasingly in a more quantitative variability fashion provide interpretable, their chemical The objective content important to examine both temporal and spatial the step-by-step of meaningful, instructions environmental and defensible data are not given because in any and compromises study, decisions must be made based on the specific study objectives, the particular budget, and the laboratory ecosystem, facilities other considerations. the project available, along with numerous In addition, this chapter is not intended to examine those research studies where the chemical content of lichens has been used to identify and elucidate the biogeochemical the chemical studies have attempted to address only the spatial variability in the chemical content of lichens to for use in air quality management decisions. This chapter highlights the issues related to both temporal and spatial variability which must be considered in using the chemical analysis of lichens The interrelated aspects of such for biomonitoring. studies are illustrated in figure 1. Specific variability of a few selected elements or chemical species in a given lichen population through time and/or space. The paucity of published chemical data for lichens forces many of these studies to determine a chemical "baseline" or "reference point in time" for one or two lichen species within a politically or geographically defined region. The intent of such studies is typically to examine the long-term variability of a selected suite of elements or compounds by remeasuring the chemical content of the lichens at some point in the future. Spatial variability in the chemical content of lichens is commonly a confounding problem in such studies. Other environmental point or of these pollutants. Variability of chemical constituents in lichens with time may be a confounding problem in these studies. Hence, it is content indicates poor of most studies focusing on the of lichens has been to determine of and to origins air quality. chemical pollutants between natural and anthropogenic differentiate biomonitors whereby a quality In addition, lichens are discussed. of nonpoint The methods suitable for common analytical lichens are briefly discussed. that content or uptake lichens—studies 96 elements by that are much less numerous lichens than for vascular the chemical processes affecting of plants. for Conceptually, in an air quality study it is easy or potential adverse impacts in an ecosystem. few chemical expensive. species this is possible, Expense For controlled In addition, albeit between airborne chemical inexpensive how they interrelate. STUDY OBJECTIVES is limited. Most environmental studies examining the content of lichens are used for monitoring, regardless of whether they address temporal or spatial variability, or both. Monitoring may be used analysis alternative growth characteristics, and longevity, used as passive collectors of chemical to: point in baseline against which future comparisons may be made to determine long-term trends, 1) study they may be However, the living chemical sampling devices are fraught with difficulties that practicalities using lichens must be addressed to provide interpretable 2) study the extent release or spill, and results. The major aspects interrelated, as meaningful as shown of a biomonitoring in figure 1. at a reference of a a single chemical 3) determine the region of influence and nonpoint pollution sources, study are For example, conditions time, to determine over time periods extending beyond just a few years. aspects of the overall influence each part of a biomonitoring program must give appropriate attention to all of these study aspects and of lichens offers a relatively to air sampling in which air contaminants can be indirectly measured. Many lichen species obtain much of their nutrients directly from the air and rainfall, thus serving as integrators of air quality. Because of their ubiquitousness, The chemical the planning study. A successful concentrations and adverse impacts on plant communities the objectives] Sample • • • Collection QA/QCl Preparation Chemical Analysis Data Analysis Figure 1. — Interrelated of point 4) assure that pollutant levels are within acceptable levels, and study objectives directly influence the study design used, the species collected, the types of chemical STUDY DESIGN to be quality assurance program of measurement sites to only a handful within a large geographic region. For other potential airborne constituents, collection and measurement may be difficult, if not impossible, with current chemical In addition, our understanding of the technology. relationship by the nature of the population studied in time and space and by the project budget. a restricts the number frequently In turn, each of these aspects is assurance program. and rainfall to define existing conditions particulates, and the nature of the quality analysis performed, to suggest that one should analyze the air, airborne aspects of biomonitoring using chemical analysis of lichens. 97 • 5) determine those chemical or biological parameters that are measurable and/or space. realities of sample collection, analysis, In developing of of an environmental Aberrant or with future collections chemical when are to be made. may artificially induce seasonal conditions negate emission are important trends by introducing uncontrolled In addition, the length of time required for sample collection must be considered to avoid uncontrolled temporal variability. For example, the the ecological and Understand of setting the target chemical Define the samples to be collected and the field measurements to be made. Develop a quality assurance program for sample collection, chemical analysis, data after a period of rain may be significantly different. (i.e., qualitative uncertainty may influence Numerous or in collection and analysis of estimate potential to determine scales and of variability or Preliminary sampling should spatial trends. be done using the same collection and analysis techniques monitoring program as the primary to produce valid Develop based field sampling Re-evaluate data quality preliminary sampling and statistical Execute protocols existing tests to be analysis objectives of a study design. are important as and anthropogenic patterns for pollutants, monitoring Characteristics Ideally schemes. the sampling of pollution and systems must be taken into of the lichen target population also be evaluated in creating the study design. based on results and sampling the study according or natural account. on chemical analysis results. performed the viability sources, dispersion statistically in human-caused or development, spatial considerations the study area to natural conclusions. plan and define statistical Potential For example, ecosystem, physiographic, and influence geological boundaries all may significantly the chemical content of lichens and the magnitude of the heterogeneity observed in a geographic region. Differences between micro- and macro-habitats may artificially introduce spatial trends unrelated to potential pollution sources. Political boundaries must be considered with respect to permission to sample In addition, the relationship of and habitat stability. Review literature and/or perform element concentrations studies. well. samples). sampling before and a habitat must also be examined long-term changes such as logging and quantitative quantifiable samples collected changes caused by events such as fires or hurricanes, levels of variability preliminary of The stability designing and define the data quality statements regarding content of population. objectives • weather such as wet variability. analysis, • of These considerations comparisons study are (after Gilbert 1987): the target population in time and environmental • plan, temporal seasonal aspects of plant and seasonal pollutant herbivore activity, patterns. space. • the sampling include natural cycles physiology, and must meet the study objectives. The basic design tasks • have been and dry seasons or seasonal shifts in wind patterns, good study design enumerates a series responsibilities • objectives. the study objectives Selection of Target Population Design Tasks Define the chemical Design Considerations considerations • in results and evaluate them and budgetary STUDY DESIGN monitoring if Determine constraints. A the uncertainty met. must be tempered with the Study objectives results and with respect to the data quality • to be sampled in both time and target population Determine and statistical to be tested and the the hypotheses analysis trends. • should be clearly defined and Study objectives the chemical determine relevant temporal and spatial changing temporally or spatially in order to define future monitoring programs. must consider Evaluate the sampling to written • sensitive to the pollutants with and quality assurance plans. individual lichen species chosen for are: and abundant) 98 of interest, but a stable, robust population (i.e. healthy must • with measurable of interest common species present in monotypic of concentrations • samples, and although they are generally good passive collectors stands on the same substrate throughout judgmental study area • easily identified in the field easily collected may be as simple as haphazard grab samples, or quite and based upon known dispersion sophisticated and cleaned in sufficient patterns and plant uptake of quantity sufficiently abundant that repeated sampling not seriously impair the viability of local populations species with known physiological processes inferences conclusions. such as growth of rate are dependent of and prejudices and nutrient uptake, and In a few grab samples, A purposes. In addition, the lichen substrate should have low and lead to more interpretable results, even for orientation of the elements and/or compounds Simple random sampling, interest. haphazard sampling, The considerations listed above are used to To have time and space. other practical Logistical considerations ability to precisely sample site, ease of sampling design. of integral part particular sampling and preparing or other parameters. equipment required, and ability These logistical evaluating sampling issues become an the cost-effectiveness of However, to a priori pre-select are more homogeneous affect the compounds of within design. a grid, Whether or spatial issues, population concentration within of generally determined. sub-populations involves The terms bias, the amount sampling are to each other, are commonly analytical techniques. used to describe sampling Sampling categories: sampling used They may also be designs. and random sampling. legally defensible estimate the design, and or patterns in the data may upon the frequency of sampling studies where the objective is a map of a population such as an element concentration, the of a particular map is referred to as An unstable map produced from a systematic sampling scheme with insufficient sample density may produce misleading or incorrect results. The reproducibility designs can both be probability than judgmental if characteristic, map stability. based, and hence have less relative bias and are more However, Systematic in time or space. The temporal and spatial interaction of the population heterogeneity, and trends with the sampling density control the reproducibility or precision of the sampling design. For spatial fall into three judgmental or haphazard sampling, latter two sampling error in a systematic be missed depending designs generally systematic sampling, at points or by some These designs are used for evaluating trends. However, unsuspected periodicity true value, and precision, how close repeated determinations which or probability based it may be difficult to accurately are how close the measured amount is to the to describe means this depends on the along a line or gradient, most frequently variability measured above or below the true value, consistently accuracy, of a subset may population they use a random starting point. parameters such as means and magnitude a for the elements or designs can be judgmental is focused on temporal a study objective is into homogeneous other set pattern in space or time. Selection of Sampling Design of the target interest. Systematic sampling a of Stratification more accurate estimates collecting, all ultimately of random sampling Simple subsets with random sampling provide same as the or spatial patterns exist in heterogeneous target population such as site accessibility, convenience temporal the target population. study design, must be weighed. of finding, if not suitable locate and re-find an individual the target species, other issues a workable considerations which is not offers the least relative bias is assumed. population and to define it in study purposes. schemes, but homogeneity the sampling that will the specific target population identify become the sampled population, may be made at no inferences probability -based pilot study may be more effective of of case, as in the collection all and the results may be used only for orientation with previously measured chemical content from this study area and other regions. concentrations Also, it is difficult bias or accuracy the worst but upon the knowledge entirely the collector. to estimate the statistical In pollutant. a specific general, these designs may be cost effective, will • a few collecting • • sampling. Judgmental sampling the preferable, any more accurate than they are not necessarily the pollutants sampling. they may require a larger number of The various appropriate advantages and disadvantages, calculation and their combinations, 99 aspects of each type are discussed and the of design in numerous estimates of the variance texts such as those by Gilbert (1987) and Keith (1988, 1991). More specific texts are also available on time series analysis or spatial statistics such kriging and contouring (Davis 1986, Isaaks and Srivastava Use in designing must be considered results. evaluating Whereas will assume that the data distribution of frequently about study. data in plants are skewed and must be A in order to approximate normality. A "Chi logarithmic transformation is common. Square" test or the non-parametric Kolmogorov- log-normal distribution The various or other and its variance the or geometric, if example, are estimated for chemical of due to analytical and to heterogeneity Ecological characterization sources analysis and sampling population without parameters may be erroneously a proper estimate of the analytical baseline concentration contributor ranges to the variance if so of interpreted • of Estimation and representativeness. of range of chemical and magnitude These tasks are necessary parts the largest of variability. of a primary regardless of whether or not an orientation is the analytical performed. be performed protocols to orientation of the analytical measurement and/or collection of samples. Unbalancing an analysis of primary approach to providing 100 study, study is In general, the orientation study should using the same collection and analysis be used in the primary study. The study results may dictate that changes be made in collection or analysis must take into account design is a common Analytical methods evaluation for required sample size, detection limits, accuracy, concentration replication variance between funding agency (data (samplers), and Coordination precision, For error. and it contributes a study design of quality assurance program for collection, chemical analysis, and data analysis which includes quality control Development chemists. the total variance. Thus, effort to users), contractor/researcher more than 50% of This situation is not uncommon when an element concentration approaches the lower limit of detection of the analytical method. measurement, of samples. • it is difficult to justify the calculation example, level accessibility, study design and implementation • by the analytical Estimates Evaluation of logistical considerations, with potential primary study It is especially can be estimated. region, design. that the study design include replication measurement the species for compatible • to Klusman 1985). No analysis of variance is possible without important lichen Orientation Hierarchical or nested been used in this fashion that the error contributed review. of • attributed to the various measurements. literature • spatial scales (Leone et al. 1968, Miesch 1976, Severson and Tidball 1979, of study, which the field and find and collect target species. Necessary collection permits. error, estimate variability at various replication comprehensive convenience, within a sample site and Analysis of variance may be of heterogeneity. of variance has of collection. • between sample sites. used to estimate the variance study. work, include: • is the sum of the variability measurement priori an orientation habitats, and potential from a samples is collected region, the total variance of A data. a series aspects • The total variance is the sum of For variances for individual components. concentration constraints orientation research study that is little more orientation should represent about 10-15% analytical the mean, either arithmetic a primary than an expensive distributions. Typically, and a Instead, the experience commonly test may be used to evaluate the goodness a project budgetary do not permit a reasonable of a researcher is assumed to suffice. The result of such policies for studies of chemical concentrations in plants or lichens is all too transformed of fit for However, primary knowledge Frequently, concentration Smirnov and cost-effective a successful study design. distributed, in study is invaluable good orientation producing statistics parametric be normally the data. A a study and in statistics make no assumption non-parametric the The Orientation Study statistics versus nonparametric parametric scheme sampling (Miesch 1976). as 1989). of while components a cost effective maintaining research study. procedures for the The Primary Research Study supplementary The primary study includes refinements of the tasks listed above, based on the results of the samples at additional sites or times, resampling specific sites, or reanalyzing specific samples. orientation An important facet of this process study. is evaluating the data quality sampling may involve collecting Supplementary sampling is usually needed to verify conclusions, clarify problems such as outlying needed compared to the critical quality attainable as estimated from the orientation values, estimate parts of residual variability not study. This evaluation must include budgetary and resource constraints, with the potential outcome being a need for additional resources or a reduction in the quality or representativeness of the data. During the primary study, strict control must be maintained over levels of stratification in both the To maximize the space and time domains. interpretability of the chemical concentrations in associated with laboratory that are representative, that will meet the study lichens, care must be taken to clearly objectives, identify sample plan the biological and physical geographical used. if levels, stratification of the variation, or explore results. SAMPLE COLLECTION The goal of sample collection is to obtain samples in the stratification is collected uniformly and that are to the laboratory), transportation stratification with or during that are minimally contaminated substrate (by the collection procedures, or Spatial factors that may influence facets unanticipated throughout of the as opposed to the duration Collection of single species include such things as macro- and micro-habitats, study. host/substrate for lichen (e.g., fir versus aspen, or tree versus soil), physical orientation (e.g. lower Taxonomic mixed-species specimens is preferred. vouchers should be collected to allow for expert and geological physiographical verification, trunk, or site aspect), canopy, south-facing to pollution sources. Temporal factors, such as The sampling estimates analytical of must be maintained homogeneous, sufficient is commonly of known or site to quantify geochemical the design by inappropriate aspect of the primary will be used to test them. part of this is evaluating its potential biochemical or influence. analysis One expected dictates both the sample size and the nature of statistical software. the contamination Contamination results should be designed to for additional data and avoid potential problems in the reporting of results. Sample from sampling schemes must also be trace metal analysis sampling 10-15% of the field and analytical of lichens, sample tools should of Teflon®, plastic, Teflon-coated metal, or stainless steel (in descending order of preference) to minimize metal contamination. Plastic tools may be inappropriate for organic pollutant studies, however. Oils or greases used to lubricate sample tools may at least the that would represent work. tools or storage or that occurs during transportation (fumes and particulates) may obscure the true chemical concentration trends. For example, for be made potential for additional that must be used in containers, developed at this point. Supplementary Sampling A study design should incorporate control both the sample collection and analysis. the need and tracking must be for the elements or chemical compounds of interest. The level of environmental pollutant At this stage, the database for field measurements identification It may also sample substrate at each appropriate whether the design created can be analyzed using existing identify the The sample collection and handling study design is to explicitly define the working hypotheses and the and chemical needs. should be uniform from Sample Handling stratification. statistical tests that required to meet the laboratory suspected variance while at the same time not biasing An additional and to allow for Compositing of lichens results. be necessary to collect between controlling for major the to obtain a site to site and should be documented. In etc. identify sample, to provide representative The nature of compositing error and the sampling form, biomass, sample for analysis, reanalysis to verify design, a reasonable balance creating the sampling sources the measurement error must be included. growth plan should clearly amount of sample to be collected pollution events, phenological seasons, growth stages, and intra- or inter-annual climatic differences, may influence both initial sampling and re-sampling plans. In general, the better control maintained over stratification levels and the fewer the total number of levels, the easier study results will be to interpret. In addition, for archival purposes, and to address questions about setting, and proximity The 101 easily contaminate of contamination Other potential samples. include sources mercury. Freezing wood which may objects (e.g., Wolmanized® not common. high levels of As, Cr, and Cu), personal introduce samples immediately Storage temperatures should be at -20o C or below to minimize gear such as gloves and insect sprays, and activities chlorinated For organic pollutant studies, insect repellents or other lotions or sprays should not be used in the field unless it can be demonstrated storage on the order such as smoking. that the relevant chemicals interference analytical will upon collection is possible using liquid nitrogen, but it is treated wooden chemically or hydrocarbons of C if long-term years is planned. Collection Site Sample neither contribute an of volatile loss at -80o The sample collection site should meet the criteria nor serve as a contaminant Finally, if the concentrations of the elements or compounds of interest are extremely low, special care must be taken target lichen species, type of habitat, geographic to avoid sources (e.g., roads), and stability source for target compounds. contaminating the levels in the laboratory particularly important This is setting. for volatile species such compounds available bottles or bags, cloth bags, glass bottles, or Plastic for locate a site is critical to accurately some studies in which spatial statistics are used. No one container is suitable for all studies because of contamination are common possibilities, sample containers. general sample location topographic The specific sample storage container must be selected to minimize contamination from the container itself (such as the potential addition of sulfur from Kraft paper bags or plasticizers from plastic bags or bottles that interfere with organic determinations) or during transportation (such as carrying cloth bags in the back of an open truck on dusty road). The nature the use of with grade solutions. of Containers In addition, and/or the container invite vandalism. positioned Metal markers of used, are commonly such material or such that they would potentially In most studies, the field notes for the chemical field may be beneficial transportation time to the laboratory contamination in laboratory concern. if protected with an appropriate of diligence. during the drying for their own purposes, it should be kept in mind Air-drying in that these the notes may be used by other researchers for constituents thoroughness temperatures do not exceed normal ambient temperatures. effects. Hence the degree of and legibility In addition, referring Refrigeration or freezing of samples is generally not required and may even have deleterious degree Whereas most researchers take adequate field notes is long or the agency in the future. as long as drying a site are as valuable as the samples and should be recorded and field should not induce excessive loss of volatile of of Field Documentation interest. the but must not promote deterioration volatilization or transformation process is a potential Markers on the environment, contaminate future samples. the sample handling sample (such as by mold formation or rotting when wet samples are stored in plastic bags) or the be consistent required by the study by the property manager. but they should not be made and the Air-drying in the site should permanency should be locatable in the future and should not should not permit cross-contamination between samples. of of the degree and allowed a degrees such as System, Loran-C, or aerial photography. Permanent marking the using appropriate Other compass and chain, satellite Global should not be obtrusive of scale such as the series. may be required, accuracy and precision Positioning study may dictate pre-cleaning the sample containers with acid or solvent washes compounds Survey Quadrangle locating techniques and devices with varying of The should be recorded on a map at the appropriate US Geological cost, and transportability issues. freezing the study and the studies in which the site must be resampled, and for paper envelopes of of habitat. should be technology. The ability biphenyls of the site location consistent with the objectives as (PCBs)). handling of contamination to confounding proximity Determination (e.g., and polychlorinated hexachlorobenzene location, samples due to high background mercury and organic dictated by the study design, such as presence of to the of the notes is important. field notes may be only way to resolve problems the in data interpretation. The field notes for all sites should be uniform, However, samples may be required for long-term preprinted field data sheets should be used. storage or to impede the degradation or volatilization of organic pollutants or of volatile elements such as notes have several aspects in common. generally 102 should include: They and All field • • site identifier, location information coordinates, hand-drawn topographic sheet name), general information Thus, in the following section, we elements. (e.g., site site map, some highlight • habitat or community sample descriptions, field measurements, miscellaneous problems sample, particle size reduction, on collection comments Cleaning and Washing numbers, • date • names of sample collectors, signature of field note transcriber. an encoded sample identifier scheme is used a simple foreign sequential numbering picking should be made of and sample collection • SAMPLE ANALYSIS for the chemical Whereas chemical analysis of plants, and of plants and lichens has been used for some time for pollution monitoring, majority of published nutrient levels (Westerman Jones et al. 1991, Jones 1991). Very few Will Hand may be done to in the lichen? a washing significant procedure portion of remove a the surficial contamination? the • methods on plant analysis address agricultural a microscope Is surficial contamination present? Is the concentration of the elements or compounds of interest in the contamination significant with respect to their concentration • have not been standardized. analysis of Several issues must be considered: • Protocols the aid plants to remove such material is controversial. and compositing methods. Where possible, sample site identifiers should be included in photographs. lichens in particular, from the lichens themselves. with difficult, it is tedious and does not remove surface dust. Most plant surfaces are contaminated with windblown dust, fly ash, automotive particulates, agricultural sprays, or a variety of other airborne The efficacy of washing lichens or particulates. general site habitat, lichen growth habit and nature of morphology, is to remove elements and/or remove adhering substrate such as bark or soil collectors. substrate, thallus lichens leaching particles, extraneous plant species, and dead or decaying tissue. Whereas hand cleaning is not scheme, it on the field data sheet to confusion and mislabeling by the field documentation matter without compounds should be preprinted Photographic in cleaning The objective and time, and minimize homogeneous of organic matter. or deviations from sampling photograph of and destruction subsampling, • If that prior to chemical analysis of lichens are cleaning, washing, and drying of the raw must be considered design, instead methods in concern. The various aspects of sample preparation samples collected, sample numbers), • of Lichen Sample Preparation description, including vouchers and identifiers (field • analytical the primary such as weather or other pertinent temporal conditions, • of current use and the issues Will a washing amounts 1990, of procedure leach significant of the elements or compounds interest from the lichen itself? schemes have been used to analysis procedures Numerous for lichens. In general, the analysis methods and issues of concern for lichens are the same as for clean plants: agricultural dilute acid washes (Jones and Case 1990, Little 1973, Saiki and Maeda 1982). Goyal and Seaward (1981), publications describe chemical washing tap or distilled water rinses (with or without ultrasonication), mild detergent washes, and crops. Like every other aspect of lichen biomonitoring, the choice of preparation and analysis methods and Hale (1981), and Jackson et al. (1985) observed leaching of metals and sulfur from lichens, but it is difficult to tell whether the decrease in Lawrey depends upon the study objectives, the concentration of elements in the lichens, and budgetary constraints. the prejudices of the researcher and facilities available also dictate the Quite frequently, element concentration the laboratory (i.e., with additional sample preparation suite of and analytical elements determined, methods used, the washes) is due to more effective removal contaminants or leaching from the lichen. and the determination limits for the elements. can be defined as the with more aggressive cleaning cycles or more vigorous washing Realistically, no one method only suitable method for most of Little (1973) found that water washing removed the majority of the surficial deposits from foliar samples. but the total amount removed was element 103 Thus, dependent. deciding of of the nature upon a washing scheme on the final chemical any washing particle size reduction used, including methods have been hand grinding, kitchen or industrial blenders, Wiley mills, ball mills, and cyclone mills. The choice depends upon the amount of material, its results when providing the must be considered environmental Various The influence procedure. and/or loss of sample material. contamination samples and their must be critically examined before contamination interpretation. of the methods morphology, chemical analysis, sample size required, and the chemical Sample Drying determined. changes in the Drying the samples minimizes tissue once the sample is collected, and provides a uniform weight basis for analysis. Jones and Case Frequently, analysis. 60o C are generally grinding. in but that excessive weight loss occurs at temperatures above 100o C. the National Bureau recommended formerly drying materials (SRMs), such as for grinding (NIST, materials, that the new botanical such as SRM of lichen thallus and the parts also influence the different method and the range of the sizes that particle source of and analysis variability. The standard bench model Wiley mill typically Citrus Leaves, of 2mm (-10 mesh), 1mm (-18 mesh), or 0.5mm (-35 mesh). Jones and Case (1990) suggest that -20 mesh material (0.85mm) is in air in an oven at 85o C or vacuum Room temperature for 24 hours. They now recommend of The morphology may introduce an additional 2 hours drying at grinder must mechanical (Gough et al. 1988a). Segregation during sample handling Standards, NBS) standard reference 1572 the are produced of SRM of The choice the toughness The National Institute for Standards and Technology previously lichen material take into account the amount of material lost during required to stop enzymatic a sample, of only a small amount Thus it must be conserved during grinding process to have sufficient sample for is collected. (1990) reviewed various aspects of drying plant samples. They point out that temperatures above activity the species to be produces particle sizes reference for analysis of sample aliquots of 0.5g. Grinding to excessively small particle sizes may 1547 Peach Leaves, be dried sufficient for 120 hours at room temperature in a desiccator with fresh anhydrous magnesium perchlorate or freezed dried for 24 hours at -5o C at a pressure of 13.3 Pa. The certificate for analysis for the new elements such as Al, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mo, Ni, Si, W, standards now states that "vacuum and Zn. temperature and oven drying have resulted in excessive drying at room at elevated temperatures weight drying of The use of For standard and the heat some organic is not particularly critical elements. 1988a,b). disrupts cells (Spittler These conditions the do not drastically temperatures (generally particularly appropriate chlorinated hydrocarbons higher temperatures. regions. exceed made by determining organic extractions Low drying submission to obtain an estimate of precision. "coning and quartering" moisture on a separate should be done. Simply inappropriate and may accentuate the chemical heterogeneity for the different particle sizes. a sample by "coning and quartering," the entire ground sample is poured onto a sheet of paper. in grinding This step is samples are often split prior to to the laboratory pouring a little sample into two or more bottles is Sample Grinding size. should quickly follow grinding. basis can be To split particle may be lost action after grinding and Bourke 1988). Therefore, on un-dried subsample. The objective compounds To minimize between-sample heterogeneity, a "Jones" alternating-chute or riffle type splitter should be used. At the very minimum, analytical or mercury might be lost at In cases where volatile species is to obtain a homogeneous organic Following grinding, less than 35o C) would seem when volatile species such as may be lost, analyses may be performed material, and corrections to a dry-weight However, and analysis for most inorganic or converted due to enzymatic to which samples may be exposed in field in many geographic a species. An alternative method is to dry samples in air in an oven at 40o C for 48 hours (Gough et al. the conditions and provide The length of time between grinding samples this may be impractical. with In addition, excessive grinding produced may potentially volatilize suitable particle size. in a desiccator or freeze a sample agate ball mills or shatter boxes may reduce the metal contamination is reasonable, but for large numbers or large quantities metal contamination. grinders may contaminate losses and therefore are not recommended." reference materials drying introduce additional Mechanical a plant or lichen sample The sample is mixed by lifting the corners sample of paper and rolling the sample over itself. a prime uniform source of thoroughly 104 mixing the sample, of the After the cone is flattened out and divided into quarters. sample in opposing process of mixing, to another container. repeated until all residual is sample is divided between the amount preparation • Ashing of Samples Prior to most inorganic the organic chemical portion of • analysis This is generally done by wet with a mixture of acids such as HNO3, HCIO4, or H2SO4, or a high temperature dry is performed. The choice of wet or oxidation/ashing dry oxidation is influenced by the nature of the analytical method and the volatility of the chemical species. For example, in acid digestions boron is typically volatilized, whereas in dry ashing As, Hg, • accuracy and precision • interferences • the number other elements may be lost. procedures for wet oxidation and frequently • the method of elements simultaneously of availability instrumentation, analysis of most modern instrumental The principles have been reviewed analysis techniques by Skoog and West (1980). In addition, Watson and Isaac (1990) have briefly discussed the principles, The advantages, disadvantages, techniques many analytical for plant analysis. ashing procedures are also varied of of time, and cost are many and varied depend upon the sophistication of determined (Jones and Case 1990) and more and more include the use of microwave ovens and closed vessels. High-temperature range and limit measurable concentration detection the sample must oxidation S, and various or total partial (i.e., extractable) determination be destroyed. Se, many factors of sample required (typically, 1-10 g, or more) • destructive or nondestructive sample • the two containers. procedures, a method, must be considered: The and transferring quartering, In choosing compounds. container and the material in the other two opposing quarters is transferred of many organic is also true for the determination of The majority quarters is transferred to one of determination the for and sample preparation with regard to their Jones (1991) has reviewed micro-nutrients in plants. use the ashing furnace used. Samples are generally ashed in muffle furnaces at about 500o C for 4 hours or more. Generally the Atomic Spectroscopy temperature of the furnace is ramped up to 450-500o C over several hours and then held at that spectroscopy used for inorganic temperature for 4-8 hours or more. introduction ashing furnaces with variable rates, holding common Atomic emission, absorption, Programmable provide analysis They have added a degree of in temperature control and precision unattainable in sample ashing. Jones Flame use. AAS such as Ca, Cu, Fe, previously others. time-consuming crucibles sample are commonly Material from contamination. the walls of relatively of metals in plants. K, Mg, Mn, Na, few interferences, region is usually elements and Zn, among of but the linear calibration Detection furnace may be a major source of inorganic small amounts contamination furnace (flameless) AAS for elements such as Cd, Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, and Pb. Other flameless AAS during the ashing procedure. Numerous instrumental the determination with of analytical sample are attainable using graphite techniques routinely used include cold-vapor Hg and hydride-generation AAS for the Chemical Analysis Methods methods exist for hydride-forming most metals in lichens, each Flameless AAS AAS for elements, As, Bi, Sb, Se, and Te. techniques typically have detection limits in the sample in the ng g" of advantages and disadvantages. The choice of methods for the determination of Hg, semi-metals such as As and Se, and the nonmetals such as B, S, and halogens are more restricted. This a multitude a limits in the in the g g" range. Better factor of 10-1000 with very small. detection limits by a the muffle (AAS) Each element is determined individually, In general, there are procedure. (1991) outlined a representative ashing procedure. Quartz or porcelain dishes or crucibles are typically used as ashing containers. Quartz or "Vycor" less sample Since the spectroscopy has been used to determine sophistication contribute plants. it has been the most widely used method for the determination times, and cooling stages are now in generally of of atomic absorption by Walsh in 1955, temperate ramping and fluorescence the basis for most techniques range. Historically, arc, spark, or flame emission sources have been used in photographic or direct-reading spectrographs for the determination of metals. These emission 105 techniques and many AAS methods have limits aspects of sample digestion the limit information 4 g-1 8 4 4 g ' g ' 2 g ' * g-1 4 8 g- j j | U ; V j Y ; j 4 8 4 g g ' ' g g- | as well Mass spectral as routinely determined of some elements ICP-AES or AAS by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) with or energy dispersive detector also technique used for the determination of metals and Detection some nonmetals. ICP-AES dispersive Energy XRF used than wave-length in plant analysis. as are prepared nondestructively for ICP-AES, XRF (EDXRF) dispersive more commonly probably Samples frequently pressed powder, and elements in atomic number from sodium through all other methods, to verify whether the for the raw plant material, ashed material, or digested material in solution. The on the order of precision of ICP-AES techniques uranium may be determined. 5-10% problems with this technique and may affect both is standard deviation is relative concentration well above when the element the detection limit. accuracy and precision. Solid-sampling techniques have been used with ICP-AES, such as slurry-nebulization or laser ablation, but they are not in routine use, especially for plants. Whereas ICP-AES has commonly replaced AAS for multi-element determinations, be determined not replaced flameless AAS heterogeneity and standards pose distinct The rapid nondestructive analysis and the large number of with EDXRF make elements that may an excellent screening technique. Radiochemical Techniques it has EDXRF, sample of calibration matrix matching detection range may be it attained with Whereas g" limits in the sample in the g as detection limit given is as well detection more ICP-AES, information. wave-length upon various and the distribution becoming offers better detection techniques. over Note that caution should be used in instrumentation. reviewing that are 1 may vary widely depending ICP-MS albeit expensive. overlaps preclude the determination is limits typical lists detection Zn ^g sensitive detector. isotopic Table concentration). of ICP-AES analysis of plant ash that has been acid digested. w Yb no g-1 200 a a several orders of magnitude M limits for some elements than of wider dynamic range (i.e., linear calibration /yg is as common, ICP-AES techniques usually of detection than AAS but they have techniques, Th pq g° 80 has been coupled with mass technique with the (MS) to provide advantages of ICP as an atomization source and MS have similar or better limits concentration Ta uq spectrometry Simultaneous the same number 20 1 a elements determined. for g In recent times ICP atomic In this technique, require less sample than generally instruments ' m Sr j/g 4 Pb //g 8 Ni uq 8 Nd //g ' Nb^gg-' Sn 4 1 is sequential j ' Sc uq g a instruments OT1 Li Mo /A) fl"' used as the atomic emission or sequentially. g-1 Mn (jg source and many elements may be determined either simultaneously | 8 Detection Limit i a coupled (ICP-AES). 8 ml solution) I Element It an argon plasma is spectroscopy ^j a been replaced with inductively emission Eu f/Q 4 20 La uq 4 g"1 Cu pa g1 8 g As vq ' Ag //g Cr //g g-' How 2 0.01 Co {/q g"' Ti% Cepgg1 1 0.01 P % 1 0.01 i Na % Cd fjg g"1 j 0.1 2 20 Bi hq I Mg % ' j 0.1 ; Be vq g 2 !| % Ba //g g° i 0.1 K Fe % | Ga fjg g-1 16 2 0.1 Ca % ' | Au f/Q g 0.1 (0.1 g plant ash/10 Detection Limit Element 2 I Al % Detection Limit j Element 4 Detection Limit Element | limits for the analysis of plant ash by ICP-AES (P. Briggs, USGS, personal communication). detection Example g "' — g "' 1. a Table techniques where Numerous lower detection limits are required, or for elements such as Hg, As, and Se. be used radiochemical for plant analysis. analysis techniques may Isotope dilution techniques have been used, though instrumental 106 neutron activation (INAA) analysis In INAA, used today. commonly is more with gamma-ray analyzed such as chlorinated for many trace elements is measured in the sample in are Typically, detection limits range for most of the various inter-element provide reasonably elements; however, times analysis of preparation dichloromethane determined. of type of conditions, chromatography (GC-ECD) several months are more common. number exist in the U.S. confined with ICP for In addition, of Measurement of elements. pollutants. The choice between the two methods is and other organic GC-ECD limits and is a sensitive method compared inexpensive and to GC-MS. for hydrocarbon of PCBs hydrocarbons with eluents of differing polarities may In GC-ECD analysis, peak identification is accomplished for uniquely distinguishing the of sulfur to an ecosystem from various from most other chlorinated by comparison with chromatograms /S sequential fractionation be required. elements such as Pb or S. the stable isotope ratio for S of hydrocarbons separation. When using GC-ECD, stable isotope ratios may be used to help sources identify inorganic (GC-MS) used for the determination The two techniques both use high-resolution of organic pollutants separation, or to coupling of the Gas with an electron capture detector bonded phase GC columns (MS) is generally the determination of chlorinated relatively to the determination after a chromatographic detector used are largely governed by the desired detection analyses addressed in this the and and the project objectives. budgetary constraints. chapter, mass spectrometry columns and with a mass spectrometer are commonly Mass Spectrometry For the types of lichen mix), followed solvent and its polarity, and analysis and the chromatographic target compounds INAA can of some of elements, and a limited a using silica gel or Florisil. dependent upon the expected concentration for INAA is generally expensive of reactor activation facilities with extraction or an acetone:hexane clean-up rapid determination a large suite of of is similar to the analysis of pigments of extraction The choice the sample to remove interferences. pollutants Determination hydrocarbons. in plants, which involves by removal However, lead, for example, is not routinely determined. Greater sensitivity and lower detection limits can be obtained for some elements by destructive determine moderately polar solvent system (e.g., the g g" 25-30 elements that can be routinely compounds pesticides any pre- or without treatment. post-irradiation Plant samples can be spectrometry. nondestructively these have been used to chromatography and quantitatively qualitatively irradiated with thermal neutrons and the induced radioactivity of Other forms a sample is of retention times from standard solutions, and results. has the potential thus does not necessarily contribution Confirmation is typically achieved by using a second column with a different polarity and retention time, or by confirmation of some portion of the samples by GC-MS. natural and anthropogenic sources (Jackson and 1989, Krouse 1989). Epiphytic lichens and Gough sulfur species have exhibited similar sulfur isotope ratios (Krouse 1977, mosses and atmospheric relatively Miscellaneous Other Methods of Analysis Winner et al. 1978, 1989; Case and Krouse 1980; Taylor and Bell 1983). However, the analysis is relatively expensive, generally not widely applicable to nonpoint source pollution studies, and the results can be complex and difficult to interpret. Sulfur digestion (IC) cations and anions in plant tissue. determine P043- total S and IC by the combustion/IC Other anions such as F", Br", NO3-, are commonly determined samples, but their determination complicated quantitation. Jackson and by IC in water of examined washing, in some grinding, parameters for the determination from several different in plants is by difficulties in digesting and titrimetric et al. (1985) and of sulfur in a variety of plants and lichens by an automated combustion/IR method. They found that the combustion/IR method provides rapid and precise analyses with the analytical variance being much smaller than the natural variability of S in lichens Basta (1985) determined Ca, K, Mg, and Na in plant ash by IC, and Busman ct al. (1983) method. a acid incorporating methods followed by colorimetric, analytical and Tabatabai determined or combustion turbidimetric, detail the various aspects has been used to in plant material by has been determined wide variety of techniques Chromatographic Methods Ion chromatography give unequivocal Various potentiometry, the plant volatilization losses or addition of interferences from the digestion procedure. without polarography analysis. 107 ecosystems. electrochemical Of coulometry, techniques such as amperometry, have not found common these techniques, and usage in plant potentiometric methods using ion selective electrodes • (ISEs) may be only exception. Anions such as NO3-, CI", and F" have been most widely determined using ISEs in extracts of plant tissue. Other ISEs are available for of the determination statistical evaluation, of estimates the • ecological of Each several cations and anions. interpretation. by the contractor conform analysis results by the to the contractor/researcher laboratory to the contracting to the standards of where legal or regulatory QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL and agency must good laboratory practice. This requires that the following must be explicitly defined and appropriately • assurance and quality Quality widgets, but are an important e.g. total sulfur, every environmental SO42" • the reporting required for a • the to the • units, e.g. g g" Pb, wt% S weight basis, e.g., ash weight, air-dried at 40o C the appropriate number of significant figures • the analytical use analytical method limits • problems encountered of of QA of Censored the produced to known levels Pb) and not documentation or "not detected." Questionable results should be independently verified with the laboratory to avoid misinterpretation or inappropriate conclusions in the final report. Transmittal of results by the laboratory or the contractor in an electronic form must be formatted so that no ambiguity exists with respect to the requirements listed above. This is especially true for significant figures. In general, reporting of more than two or three significant figures is an egregious misrepresentation of the data by the laboratory are the major studies, the typically has • A QA QA documentation a number utilized well. or contractor/researcher, and reviewed database management for field, laboratory, and • QC of summary agency as agency, and taxonomic control agency at a or external verification of data, vouchers. is defined as the operations method is in statistical probability statistics and trends, and outliers 108 control and A QC laboratory within known and precision for a levels of accuracy given time period. laboratory, identification of data distributions, by the contracting samples by the contracting laboratory, Quality data generation of analysis, collection, of field, by the contracting associated data to show that a field or laboratory steps: data entry, and and QC data • review and validation studies to the but should be This may include submittal of blind standards different lichens or plants of common lacking or is entirely program should not be limited laboratory reanalysis database construction, QA procedures. data of the inadequate, particularly with respect to details and descriptions of chemical analysis DATA ANALYSIS analysis of components completely or the contractor. The task of data analysis for environmental are Planning and quality. program. to the laboratory using the chemical of to to specific according This includes planning and documentation of the study design, the field and laboratory methods, In many environmental and data analysis procedures. as "zero" analytical QA control quality standards and data to show that measurements values (those results determined as be reported as value (e.g., g g" need a good results. and is a system that uses documentation activities, limit of detection) should "less than a specified proportional or the intended even those ecological Quality assurance incorporates detection are of of a project as "pure research" program to validate during analysis part is commonly program However, the data. mandatory show that work is performed below (QA/QC) The level of effort study. legal ramifications studies perceived method used • control no longer just associated with the production documented: determined, the analyte water extractable and should be these steps is important issues are involved. Reporting of Chemical Analysis Results The reporting of chemical significance, levels well documented, especially analyzing of tests confidence program analysis, aspects, such as duplicate sampling second collector, of analysis incorporates field and data analysis in replicate the field by samples and standard reference materials, and spot checking data entry and data analysis results. of a aspects of Various QA design, field methods, laboratory have been discussed by Taylor (1987) and Dux (1986). In a laboratory QA program, documentation of the daily use and analysis of external or internal calibration quality control aspect is the analysis problematic NIST reference materials in A botanical U.S. is the primary of an adequate QA program. In addition to an understandable, concise description of a project's scientific conclusions, final report should include clear, thorough large number of determinations is no longer available. et al. (1987) Gladney number of other biological, geological, of: descriptions and The main botanical SRMs NIST 1515 Apple Leaves, 1547 and study design • study objectives • field and laboratory methods environmental SRMs. • data analysis procedures now available are • QA Peach Leaves, 1573 Leaves, Tomato 1575 Horwitz References provides SRMs. endless wild-goose-chase certified, additional in constituents range as lichens. Elements and noncertified constituents methods are acceptable these standards do not always sufficient references. same concentration the • such as S are not values for various requirements reference materials and their suppliers Without The cost of SRMs, matrix matching, has well frequently of good measurements to the data reporting outlined above, a report's independent conclusions a study without or future undetectable biases cannot be made. served as an excuse inclusion and analysis of SRMs in studies. For any study currently involving trace element determinations in lichens, inclusion of one or more SRMs in the QA program to avoid of obscure and incomplete such documentation, of repetition of validation as the lack detail and does not lead one on an of sample duplicates and SRMs have been (1989a,b). as of all QC data pertinent to verifying the quality of the raw data, such as the analysis • by Roelandts descriptions the original source all raw field and laboratory This latter problem is especially true for organic pollutants, for which no botanical reference material exists. Lists of additional international biological compiled if The report should include addenda with: conforming have not been determined. published to previously and Albert (1991) review the variability associated with concentration estimates for several of these have certified used and software program plan Pine Needles, and 2695 Fluoride in Vegetation. Unfortunately, a have results for these two SRMs and a analytical compiled the absence constituents and noncertified certified a regular This is especially true where a study be may repeated in the future by the same or another contractor. Minor changes in analytical methods due to incomplete documentation may artificially introduce biases or trends in the data, especially in for in NBS 1571 Orchard Leaves has been published for many However, this SRM, different analytical techniques. 1572 Citrus Leaves, its NBS with replacement along the of methods, details, or raw data typical One supplier of certified This should and lack of journal article. of standard reference materials. methods, data interpretation. not be done with the same brevity blanks, and standard reference materials is mandatory. particularly analysis, and ecological standards, samples, sample duplicates, address the issues of study report should thoroughly programs directed at laboratories chemistry analytical the environmental CASE STUDIES ON THE USE OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF LICHENS Taylor (1985) reviews numerous aspects of the use of SRMs in a QA should be mandatory. The use of lichens and bryophytes as biomonitors of chemical contaminants, including metals, sulfur, program. fluoride, radionuclides, and organic pollutants, has been reviewed by Burton (1986)(see also Wilson, Other reviews which focus on lichens as 1991). FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS indicators of metal pollution have been done by Final contract reports for environmental studies using chemical analysis of lichens for biomonitoring James (1973), Nieboer et al. (1977), Nieboer and should conform Anderson to guidelines Richardson set by the agency requesting the report; for example, (1981), Martin and Coughtrey and Treshow (1984), and Puckett (1982), (1988). Most studies involving chemical analysis of see Harbour (1987). These guidelines primarily concern style and format issues, not scientific content. A final contract lichens have focused on determining baselines or examining 109 elemental spatial or temporal trends Level 2, 7.2 South Unit North Unit Level L, 72 km km Level 3, 0.72 km Level 4, 0.10 km Level 5, Lab Replicate n n 5- Level, Unbalanced, Nested Analysis of Variance Design Figure 2. — Schematic of unbalanced, hierarchical ANOVA sampling design (data from Gough et al. 1988b). with respect to pollution sources. Chemical baselines have been defined in various ways. Usually a baseline refers to a specific set of conditions and point in time (i.e. when the samples were collected) and not to historical or pre-industrial conditions. One definition of a baseline is the expected 95% range, which is the mean plus or minus two standard deviations. For lognormally distributed data (Tidball and Ebens typically the case when the of analytical methods and/or there was very little natural between samples, as in the case with respect When range. range for those elements in which the laboratory that the variance et al. (1988a,b) Gough chose not to express a baseline of sulfur variability, it is unreasonable to natural 50% or more of error is large the laboratory to calculate a baseline (GM/GD2) to (GM X GD2) the detection for the variability concentration. 1976), the expected 95% range is: in mean concentration lichen was very near the limit error contributed the total variance. They also found attributed to within-site variability deviation, (i.e. replicate samples at 10-100m) combined with the laboratory variance generally represented 70-100% of the total variance (fig. 4). As these studies point the latter out, regional differences where GM and GD are the geometric mean and Gough et al. (1988a,b) used respectively. definition to determine baseline ranges for a number of elements in Parmelia sulcata at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, and in Hypogymnia enteromorpha and Usnea spp. at Redwood National Park, California. In both studies, spatial variability was estimated using an unbalanced nested ANOVA design. For example, in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park study, differences in elemental content in P. sulcata between park units (i.e. about 70 km apart) and within a park unit were examined with respect to the analytical measurement error (fig. 2). As shown in figure 3, for some elements a large proportion attributed to laboratory of the total variance measurement error. in element concentrations must be large with respect to the variability attributed to within-site differences and laboratory error to be detectable. In numerous studies, elemental concentrations lichens have been clear indicators However, lichens will probably quantitative estimates accompanying of Empirical correlations in pollution. not give very reliable deposition conventional of without atmospheric monitoring. between heavy metal levels in lichens and mosses and actual measured deposition from bulk precipitation collectors have been observed in several studies (see review by Puckett, 1988). In monitoring, the use of the absence of conventional was This was 110 Geometric mean, ppr ppm 100 51- i 5 2 II i 8 5 5 > Hypogymnla tJSJS Parmella Usnea Figure 3. — Example of percentage of total variance attributable to laboratory error for the and Parmelia sulcata analysis of Usnea spp., Hypogymnia enteromorpha, (data from Gough et al. 1988a,b). inferred trapping efficiencies to provide potential information. monitoring of the percentage The trapping efficiency a given and/or To estimate suburban areas. foliose the trapping efficiency for an element, the total time of from radionuclide biomonitors served as of point and nonpoint source pollutants for metals, sulfur, and fluoride, measurements sites in the lichen. Whereas lichens have frequently (i.e. the lichen age) is needed. The age of the thallus may be estimated from known growth or possibly Their They also found that the lead was apparently retained at ion-exchange accumulation rates lead fallout rates. estimates agreed with levels expected for rural and is surface area that are retained by the lichen. actually estimate retrospective quantitative metal ions in precipitation falling on particulates from Great Falls, Maryland, and to baltimoremis, by lichens has the retrospective they have only recently received attention as suitable monitors of such as l37Cs or 210Pb/210Po ratios. organic pollutants. Carlberg Pb is a decay product of naturally occurring radon which diffuses into the atmosphere from the soil, and its deposition rate is known for al. (1984), Thomas (1986), Villeneuve and coworkers Because specific 210 geographic regions, the maximum (1984, 1988), and Bacci and coworkers 1986, theoretical thickness of foliose concentration area. its in-situ of et al. (1987, atmospherically daughter efficiencies in Antarctic for chlorinated hydrocarbons and its metabolites, PCBs, lindane and other 1991) used 210 derived Pb and Po to infer trapping lichen, Flavoparmelia a saxicolous 111 the et al. and other These studies indicate that of per unit of surface (Bacci et 1991) have analyzed lichens Spitsbergen, Sweden, France, and the organic pollutants. least ng g" because the Thomas et al. isomers, and hexachlorocyclohexane hexachlorobenzene contaminate lichen lichens varies with age, must be determined Schwartzman measurements However, Focardi from Norway, of Pb in the lichen can be calculated. As a first approximation, the inferred trapping efficiency for lead is the ratio of the measured Pb concentration in the thallus to the Using measurements of theoretical concentration. lead in thallus of varying ages, retrospective fallout concentration rates can be estimated. et al. (1983), DDT tissue in at levels even in the remote environments Arctic and Antarctic. 10 or 100m varlanc* + lab variance •too o © V n 3 ■o 8 5 1 1 «*-" r~~ni Itenea I -•■*». Hypogymnla -^ ^S Parmella Figure 4. — Example of percentage of total variance attributable to spatial variance (closest spatial stratification level) and laboratory measurement variance (data from Gough et al. 1988a, b). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Biological Monitoring of (Plants). Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre, King's College Burton, M. A. S., 1986. Environmental The authors thank Fred Rhoades and Margaret Wilson for their assistance in preparing the outline for this chapter at the NPS/FWS Lichen Workshop, April 9-11, 1991. The use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by any Federal London, University MARC London. Technical Busman, L. M., R. P. Dick, and M. A. Tabatabai, 1983. 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Lessons from Seven Case Studies Ken Stolte, Robert Doty, Kathy Tonnessen, Rich Fisher This chapter provides information a conceptual model for integrating in the earlier chapters provided of this report. the The model is used to help analyze seven possible air resource management scenarios. Each scenario is illustrated with a case example of an actual air pollution study using lichens. Lichen monitoring intended to directly support air resources can be designed and conducted in many ways, management activities on the specific air quality issue of interest. For example, the of plots and the frequency of sampling will differ depending on whether the air pollution stress is from a particular point source or a large depending placement Despite such differences, urban area. designed to follow a conceptual most lichen monitoring can be model. in this chapter can be used to assist in deciding The information whether or not lichens can be used as bioindicators or bioaccumulators of air pollution. THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL pollution and physiology can be This work is more time consuming and on lichen chemistry performed. The information presented in other chapters of this report can be interrelated as shown in figure 1, the Model. Conceptual modeling monitoring predicted and actual pollutant This, together with the problem a study design. and 7 for details. A to characterize loadings, monitoring of transplants active (Chapter 6) The identification of indicator species is only needed when no previous is used Chapters 2,4,5,6 characterization by studying becomes necessary. respectively. description, See by air pollution to the extent that species have been extirpated, The model uses air quality and aerometric to formulate expensive. For areas already influenced information exists about the native species and their response to the air pollutant the site 3) is essential for establishing a foundation for specific lichen analyses. A community analysis facilities (Chapter of interest. and well-designed Elaborate fumigation exposure-response studies for this work. are necessary (Chapter 4) is used to identify the grouping of lichen species and other environmental variables that define the terrestrial ecosystem. A floristics sensitive POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN study (Chapter 2) determines the presence or absence of species. many instances, this information is sufficient to In The following list includes can be obtained air pollutants which could affect lichens. 5) and to assess the air pollution effects on lichens. This information identify species (Chapter from a lichen expert. Primary When the above steps do not yield conclusive results or when no previous information exists about the native species or their responses to air pollution, elemental analyses (Chapter 7) of the effects of air 116 of sulfur • Oxides • Hydrogen • Oxides of nitrogen Meteorology Emliilont Topography | air quality Problam mod»Hng Description L Domrnunlty | Analysis Figure 1.—Conceptual model for lichen-based air pollution monitoring. Numbers near the boxes refer to pertinent chapters in this report. fluoride PM10 Toxics (metals, organics, from the point source. Climate operate principally heights can result in the fumigation Hydrogen (especially sporadically, radionucleides) temperature and humidity) Topography during periods of high demand. and geography also affect the level of the At night and often in winter, plumes can be channeled along valleys, allowing Sulfates (wet or dry) (wet or dry) pollutants to accumulate in low spots. Vegetation canopies can absorb plumes, altering the exposure of lichens located close to the ground. Ozone Ammonia Wind direction is meteorological POLLUTANT EXPOSURE FACTORS source characteristics concentration include most important affecting point-source while temperature, humidity sunlight contribute Due to meteorological tall stacks and high effective the variable pollutant exposure for a given lichen community. Mixing height and wind speed help determine plume rates, operating schedules, and effective plume heights. conditions, that intersect lichens experience. Nitrates pollutant Plumes elevated terrain increase the amount of pollutant Secondary Important power plants, which such as "peaking" lichen exposure to pollutants. pollutant types, emission of vegetation far Some point sources operate pollutants. plume 117 to the chemical and transformation of CASE EXAMPLES SEVEN AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS The case examples describe the use Most air pollution situations fall into one of following seven categories: A) An existing point expected Since each past and future situation that is not necessarily source solutions the preferred of lichens as each scenario. is unique, these they are not to the scenarios. lichen biomonitoring projects, some, When designing all, or none that is expected of in past studies illustrating cases are presented only as examples; emissions. to change B) An existing point to reduce source bioindicators the the information from these examples may be useful along with details from the rest of this document. The case studies are brief summaries; emissions. C) An existing point source that is expected to increase emissions. refer to the original D) A new point source (e.g. through the Prevention of Significant Deterioration references for additional details. SCENARIO A Process). E) A Constant Point Source Emissions region affected by air pollution with increasing regional loadings. A F) A region affected by air pollution with declining regional loadings. G) vitality region where the loadings are known or thought to be so low that no adverse impact to resources has occurred. monitoring case example illustrates source. A X X X B X X X D ix X of a phosphorus (1980) investigated the plant in Newfoundland, X X E ix F X X G X X X Sidhu and Roberts 7 vegetation damage. X of X X X X pollutants 1969. emitted were (HF) and silicon tetrafluoride X the lichen (1976) described the nature of the They evaluated the composition communities in four damage zones around the plant and at 12 similar control X sites Two of the most common species, the terrestrial lichens Cladina rangiferina (L.) Harm, and Cladina stellaris (Opiz.) Brodo., were analyzed for fluoride concentrations in the tissues. The morphological condition of the lichens was examined in each zone. The concentration of fluoride in the samples was found to be inversely correlated with distance from distant from the plant. X X X 6 X X and epiphytic northeast of the plant due to the prevailing winds. 6 X X terrestrial This facility had been operating since By late 1974, damaged vascular vegetation (SiF4). around the plant covered 1 1 ,400 hectares, mostly CHAPTER A pollutant The greatest impact from a single source hydrogen fluoride figure 1 and pertinent chapters in this report. (1) is Study Design and not a chapter. 4 gradient of condition decreases with distance from the The primary phytotoxic air pollution monitoring summarized in relation to numbered model components of (D A Roberts and Thompson effects 1. — Scenarios of c and morphological Emissions lichens. SCENARIO from the source. Canada, on the surrounding 3 in the number or Case Study of Constant Point Source A shown in table 1. 2 the would be expected near that source. summary of the model components (the other chapters in this volume) illustrated in each of the seven scenarios is Table in this chapter in might be expected as the ground-level concentration and research and each scenario. air pollution may sensitive genotypes and species due to species composition stressor might have on the lichen methods that might be appropriate. loss or reduction distance downwind of these scenarios is briefly discussed below in terms of the stressors (e.g., pollutants) of concern, species and/or communities, of of lichen populations chronic or acute exposure might be expected at some Each the A vicinity. A the effect single existing point source already be affecting X X 118 in the direction of the prevailing southwest Fluoride concentrations ranged from a peak to remove the plant could result from improved winds. pollutants from the stack emissions, a switch to cleaner fuels, or a reduction in activity of the plant. of 2830 ppm (dry weight) in Zone 1 closest to the source to an average of 6.4 ppm in the control areas outside of Zone 4, about 9 km from the source. Fluoride concentrations in Zone 1 ranged from 525-2830 emissions downwind of the plant should be in condition under these circumstances. To measure improvement in lichen condition, we could measure the reduction in toxic element concentrations, improvement in morphological condition of existing lichens, and establishment of new or returning sensitive species. communities expected to show some improvement between the morphological appearance of the lichens and the accumulation individuals of the of fluoride in indicator All the tissues. species found in Zone 1 were amorphous (without structure) and discolored, while about 25% of the individuals of the indicator species in Zone 4 were only slightly some structural degradation. discolored with Case Studies of Declining Emissions Around Point Source Fluoride concentrations in C. rangiferina ranged from 6.4 - 1338 ppm along the gradient from Zone 1 to the Control Zone. The researchers observed a similar pattern of fluoride accumulation in the 1974 needles of balsam fir (6.1 - a Showman (1975a) mapped the distribution of lichens in 1973 at 128 sites around the isolated Muskingum River power plant in He found that the lichen Flavoparmelia caperata was a particularly sensitive species and was absent from many sites near the power plant. Air quality monitoring in subsequent years showed a reduction in SO2 emissions as a result of design changes to the power plant in 1972. coal-fired 237.0 ppm), soil humus (2.1 - 24.2 ppm), terrestrial bryophytes (11.3 - 2255.0 ppm), and air (0.1 - 5.2 ug southeastern Ohio. F/m*). Comparison with Conceptual Model A) Pollutant Exposure: Ambient Fluoride (ug F/m ); meteorological variables Researchers caperata had recolonized a few sites, evidenced by at tree with this species and there was no longer a recognizable void of this species near the power plant. A community-type analysis showed similar results: the number of corticolous species at sites within the 1973 void zone increased from 2.0 in 1973 to 3.8 in 1976 to 4.7 in 1980 (Showman, 1981). In this study the distribution of sensitive 4 damage lichen species and overall lichen community were useful measures to delineate areas of structure poor air improvement in air in reductions stack emissions. following quality quality in 1973 and to monitor No Comparison with Conceptual Model A) Pollutant Exposure: No SCENARIO sites around the bases. By 1980, many more sites were recolonized total fluoride in the F) Chemistry/Physiology: two lichen indicator species and other epiphytic lichen species. G) Transplants: 128 by 1976, Flavoparmelia small pieces of thalli in sheltered bole fissures Cladina rangiferina D) Indicator Species: and Cladina stellaris E) Community Analysis: reevaluated the power plant annually; B) Site Characterization: wind speed and direction; temperature and rainfall patterns; vegetation communities; tree species associated with forest types; other vegetation communities; and parent material and soil types. Control sites comparable to damaged sites. C) Floristics: lichen floras from zones; 1 control site consequences of reduced stack should be favorable, and lichen species and The ecological There was a strong correlation ppm. technology around B) Site Characterization: selected; elevation B SO2 monitoring power plant Unshaded trees C) Floristics: Initial flora to select sensitive species Decreasing Point Source Emissions D) Indicator Species: Lichens have been used to indicate improvement in air quality as emissions of toxic elements from a point source decline. This reduction in emissions SO2 sensitive 119 Parmelia caperata L. - 1981-1982, and that Zn and Cu were higher in E) Community Analysis: Quantified community analysis No, recolonization natural SCENARIO An increase in emissions sensitive genotypes increase. of decreased number only species, increased mortality of B) Site Characterization: little information; host tree, number of replicates, and and Tel Aviv, Israel. air pollution. in heavily use of Some C) Floristics: no community analysis; only indicator species identification MW Sharonim, This active monitoring D) Indicator Species: one common species {Ramalina duriaei (De Not.) Bagl.) selected for transplants of sites were the biomonitoring areas near Tel Aviv and other urbanized small cities; one was a control a 1400 of began operation in 1981. of their sizes of the distance from affected areas, the small urban of purpose These were regarded as point sources because areas, and the nature E) Community Analysis: not done (not site. The Maor David, power station located near coal -burning 1982, Fuchs July 1982. absorption 1983), and then exposed a the same species from July 1981 - and Garty second group of He used X-ray fluorescence spectrometry concentrations of Pb in the lichens and atomic SCENARIO to compare the among the sites and between the New Point Source Emissions pollutants near the urban centers and the power plant than in from relatively between indicated lichens D the elements Ni, Cr, Cu, Zn, and The thalli of R. duriaei nearest the urban centers in 1981-1982 were chlorotic after one year of Metal concentrations were higher at sites exposure. of chemical analysis of data. two time periods. tissues the study) G) Transplants: This method illustrates the effective use of transplants and the value of corroborative pollutant accumulation twigs from 1979 to March 1980 (Garty and Fuchs February of F) Chemistry /Physiology: toxic metals their wind plumes. Garty exposed lichens on transplanted on the host tree transplants were given Garty (1987) transplanted the common epiphytic species Ramalina duriaei (De Not.) Bagl., to 22 sites effective of placement Case Study of Increasing Point Source Emissions study illustrates the coal burned at the in orchards of the affected area around the point source. located near Sharonim of A) Pollutant Exposure: metal content of fuels; amount of vehicular traffic; Zn spraying We can also less tolerant individuals, and expansion vehicles Comparison with Conceptual Model will be deterioration, expect to observe morphological of plant during that period. from the exposure to pollutants, present after the emissions They attributed Pb 1979-1980. were linked to the content If lichens. species and individuals the more tolerant Pb/Ni, the associations which still used leaded gasoline and an increase in miles driven during 1981-1982. High Cr and Ni concentrations found in lichen tissues in 1981-1982 from existing point are eliminated analyses among metal patterns to a 16% increase in the number affect existing by chronic population indicated orchards during C Increasing Point Source Emissions sources can negatively Correlation For Pb/Cr, Pb/Mn, and Zn/Mn to be significant. example, the Pb/Zn ratio increased from 0.19 in 1979-1980 to 2.11 in 1981-1982. Researchers attributed the reduction in Zn concentrations to reduced spraying of Zn in the citrus and pecan No F) Chemistry/Physiology: G) Transplants: occurred 1970-1980. concentrations from 1970-1980 the control site. Lichens can be used to map the distribution emitted from a newly unit in a previously undisturbed good air quality installed of A change conditions to an area. air industrial in ambient air to phytotoxic can be observed in lichen communities increase in pollutants Comparisons concentrations and 1981-1982 study periods that Pb, Ni, and Cr were higher in through increased mortality, 120 decreased morphological of condition survivors, elevated element the stack. The severity of effects usually with increasing distance from the to the air pollutants, sensitivity in tissues, decreased cover of sensitive species, and a general decline in species diversity. Under conditions of low moisture the magnitude of the impact will be lessened. The most severe effects usually occur within 1-5 kilometers of the source, depending on the size of the source and the height of concentrations Parmelia included: Usnea spp., Ramalina spp., Parmelia perlata, Parmelia glabratula, Parmelia caperata, Parmelia sulcata, Evernia prunastri, Hypogymina The first two physodes, and Lecanora conizaeoides. subrudecta, species were particularly sensitive, and their with the 40 'contours' pollution ug/m3 SO2 (annual average) recorded by SO2 monitors in the area. Only Lecanora conizaeoides seemed relatively unaffected by the emissions and was still present at all sampling distribution declines source. Case Study of New Point Source Emissions Lichen species were evaluated on lands the Esso oil refinery at Fawley, Hampshire, England (Morgan-Huws and Haynes A small refinery was built in 1921; a larger 1973). unit was added in 1952. Sulfur dioxide and other air pollutants were emitted from the furnace stacks from 30-50 meters in height into the surrounding low-lying Little landscape of the Southampton Water area. coincided approximately sites, even those close to the emission source. surrounding Comparison with Conceptual Model A) Pollutant Exposure: information on addition of SO2 sources; isopleths of around B) Site Characterization: general landscape description; collection methods detailed smoke was emitted due to the high combustion The areas surrounding temperatures. the refinery C) Floristics: detailed were a mixed agricultural-heath-forest-residential No pre-1921 lichen records existed, but around the Fawley refinery in 1921 is presumed to have been similar to floras found in nearby areas of similar vegetation and habitats but without air pollutants. The town of Fawley is at low elevation on the Southampton maritime air-masses, 95-100% common. the area is influenced with relative humidities E) Community Analysis: no abundance cover of species recorded by F) Chemistry/Physiology: from There was some background G) Transplants: of SO2 and smoke from the ribbon-like urban development in the area. Lichens were sampled from the trunk of a common tree in the area (Quercus robur) for comparison of sulfur dioxide effects. They examined influence the southwest-facing half-sector of the Remote clean air areas becoming Trees selected were well-established (open-grown). (dbh 0.5 and free-standing Many sites included only transport a few trees years of of increasing important to from continually Small communities growing large and rural areas in growing and adding to the loading in remote areas. It is establish floristic and community soon as possible for trend comparison The transport of secondary 45 resulted in pollutant relatively There was a loadings such as pollutants, sulfates, nitrates, ozone, and particulate exposure to the small source and 14 years site. pollutants with future studies and analyses. metals, has in areas of the country remote from large point sources of pollution such as power plants, refineries, or smelters. To determine the impact of these regional marked decrease in most lichen species around the emission the western US are pollutant baselines as was more dense in areas where ambient exposure to the larger source. of of the West are also carefully devised to obtain statistical correlations relative to the pollution gradient. As a result, site pollution exposure gradients changed abruptly. Lichen floras were evaluated in 1966, after E dirty from the long range increasingly urban areas. each ( 4 trees), with the general approach patterned after Skye (1968). The sampling design was replication No Increasing Regional Air Emissions the trunks to a This part of the trunk entire macrolichen flora for the area. meters), erect, undamaged, or No SCENARIO height of 2 m above ground. included around D) Indicator Species: relative sensitivity of species inferred from field gradient analysis vegetation Water, and consequently flora centered one host species landscape. the lichen SO2 sources Species present at the site, in order of emission 121 sources, lichens may be used as bioaccumulators concentrations of certain of pollutants Historical elements. C) Floristics: Only a single "indicator" species, Flavoparmelia baltimorensis, was used as a bioaccumulator of lead and sulfur. such as lead or sulfur can be measured in herbarium tissue samples of lichens from the same general area as the This is a situation in which specimen. information is collected to determine the contemporary "baseline" rate of of degradation increasing inputs of regional D) Indicator Species: Researchers selected an indicator species that was common to the park to ensure that repeat surveys would yield specimens for chemical analyses. in response in an ecosystem pollutants to wilderness areas. E) Community Analysis: No, not part of the One would not expect study plan. detectable change to communities in Case Study of Increasing Regional Emissions In the Mid-Appalachian Mountains of western Virginia, Shenandoah National Park was created in 1936 to preserve second-growth Due to the proximity ecosystems. area to planned and projected both point and non-point the differences concentrations in the of sources F) Chemistry/Physiology: this class 1 of emissions, commissioned analyzed tissue a study use between contemporary of herbarium SCENARIO Lawrey and Hale (1988) located eleven sites within the park that had been sampled during the period of 1933-58. Tissue samples of the lichen Flavoparmelia baltimorensis found in the herbarium collection at the Smithsonian Institution were large enough to allow elemental analysis for lead and using inductively coupled States, from the Ohio River coast, Atlantic is heavily populated and valley includes much of the nation's industrial development, both of which contribute to air pollution in this region. While the population continues to grow, to the plasma techniques. presumably traditional in regional emissions are being replaced by forms of development. Furthermore, EPA sections of the states and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 that call for the of the total amount of sulfur dioxide and are implementing reduction nitrogen oxide emissions. Lichen analyses can be of used to measure the progress activities. Documentation general health of of the these control flora and lichen communities the is needed to establish a baseline so we can detect vegetation improvements Comparison with Conceptual Model Elemental analysis lichen samples was used as a surrogate for instrumental monitoring. Gaseous pollutant and precipitation monitoring data are also available for this park. industries less-polluting sulfur. A) Pollutant Exposure: F The eastern United as the result of of lead linked to changes in the burning of leaded gasoline in vehicles. However, sulfur concentrations in lichen tissues increased significantly at all but three of the sites, with those at high elevations (over 1000 m in elevation) showing the largest percentage change in sulfur (ug/g dry weight). This points to long-distance transport of sulfate as the source of the additional the Decreasing Regional Emissions decreased at all sites during the time between collections, the change of specimens. No G) Transplants: 1988). sulfur, for lead and Physiological were not noted because changes lead and sulfur specimens Lead concentrations Researchers samples sulfur concentrations. Park (1984-86) and (1933-58) of the lichen Flavoparmelia baltimorensis (Lawrey and Hale historical air" areas. "clean forest sources, the National Air Quality Division Service of hardwood as air emissions are reduced. Case Study of Decreasing Regional Emissions Recolonization by epiphytic lichen species around the northwest areas of London, England was of determined by evaluating species at 29 sites in 1980 (annual SO2 averages around 130 ug/m3), and re-evaluating the same sites in 1988 (annual SO2 B) Site Characterization: No information on site characteristics; the same sites were visited at different times to make the comparison. averages 29-55 ug/m ) (Hawksworth and McManus 1989). This area includes parks, reserves, gardens, cemeteries, woods, additional 122 An in 1988 to more and other natural areas. 22 sites were added document thoroughly patterns of lichen the spatial The lichen flora occurring recovery. site was determined lists were probably host trees, the relative F) Chemistry/Physiology: not complete. recorded the species identified, Researchers frequency of types of occurrence site; G) Transplants: no no on a 1-5 scale, and the diameter or length of the largest foliose and fruticose species at each site. The lichen floras for both years were classified SCENARIO to the species classes devied by according at each species flora relative to Hawksworth and Rose qualitative scale (1970) therefore, 1988; of characterized during a .5-1.0 hour collection period per site from April-October the species and size on trees at each G Regional Air Pollution Emissions-Clean Areas Hawksworth and Rose (1970). By 1980, the lichen flora had shown improvement in diversity and vigor, compared to London floras established earlier (e.g., Laundon 1970), and it was postulated then that further improvements in lichen flora could be expected if the annual SO2 levels fell to 40-50 ug/m3 (Rose and Hawksworth 1981). [For reference, the of the United States, Basin of Colorado and the Sublette Basin of Wyoming, have experienced sudden and dramatic increases in development, either through increasing industrial activity or related secondary Because of their topographic locations and growth. annual average SO2 concentrations proximity found in class I of areas in the eastern U.S. are in the range 3.5-21.0 subject ug/m3 for the period of London and additional similar were found that had not to note that the recolonization S02-sensitive species occurred rapid The potential effects on in regions such as these are those anticipated in Scenario D, where we to the introduction hypothesize been recorded by Laundon (1970). Eight species had not been recorded in the area for over 200 years. It is interesting of concern about the effects lichen populations that had not been observed in 1980; 1 1 species areas, these basins are the to wilderness of increases in air pollution. 1989-91.] The authors observed 26 species in the northwest area isolated regions Recently, such as the Piceance previously clean area. expected area ultimately of energy development of a new source In this case, however, to a the affected by this regional will be much larger than in Scenario D. at a faster rate than would have been expected from the Hawksworth and Rose species classes. This was attributed to the rapid improvement in air quality from 1980 to 1988. This study illustrates that extremely high ambient Ryan (1990) surveyed lichens in a number of wilderness areas in California. The Marble Mountain SO2 levels exert a pronounced wilderness occurrence of lichen microenvironmental species. conditions influence probably on the of temperature and are less did not change dramatically of within conditions The largest point source California is thought to be of a is a pulp mill boundary. the city Comparison with Conceptual Model in the last 20 A) Pollutant Exposure: report, Comparison with Conceptual Model A) Pollutant Exposure: characterized mean winter SO2 emissions located over 100 km from the wilderness a years. B) Site Characterization: in Northern clean area, with few air pollution sources upwind. Changes in moisture due to urban development factor, since environmental Case Study of Clean Air Areas of the of emissions this is not part but a state inventory does exist; no sources are identified in this inventory. ambient B) Site Characterization: a detailed mapping of the plant communities or ecotones was not performed, but the major land forms of the wilderness have been identified and the wilderness Air Quality Related Values (AQRVs) were listed for this This list included lichen species region. among the potentially sensitive AQRVs. host trees; time at each site C) Floristics: intensive floristic characterization D) Indicator Species: characterized species by sensitivity to SO2 E) Community Analysis: relative abundance C) Floristics: 123 Most of Ryan's work was compilation of an inventory of lichen geologic species; there was no existing information on the lichen flora of this wilderness area. of of sulfur Lichen surveys in wilderness areas often result in of new species or morphological variations of previously-named species. In recent years, floristic surveys and other lichen inventory efforts have also resulted in the identification of new species. In addition to the lack of good keys or guides to lichens in various areas, such discoveries result in difficulties in identifying lichens in the field for novice lichenologists or others who may have only a general background in botany. the discovery were No Lack of Dose-Response Information Most information on species sensitivities in the literature is based on the exposure Using lichens to monitor air quality is not often and usually straightforward lichens to sulfur dioxide. requires considerable Here are a few potential problems should be kept in mind when conducting quality on the susceptibility that Nash lichen air rigorously for lichen communities, of it may be difficult pollutants. in future studies. to be combined exposure. Natural Variability in Characteristics The use of the morphological status of lichens as an indicator of pollution stress is problematic. The natural variability in thallus geometry and chemistry should be measured in both baseline and treatment information significant to air pollutants designed air has been inferred fumigation studies. from other sources of monitoring results are suggestive but not or 5% levels. For example, of a single lichen species may suggest a pollution-related significant. causes may be possible concentrations of changes in the physiology Anthropogenic vs. Natural Sources of Elements When chemical analysis of lichen tissue is or drought. community cause, but may not Other, non-pollution explanations, such as aging information on changes in floristics coupled with known increased However, pollution loadings in the area can help support weak inference the due to (1) contamination and analysis, (2) natural and subspecies into the same effort. at 1% be statistically it may be difficult to distinguish of may be necessary to make decisions when statistical areas. background and To address these gaps in knowledge, monitoring pollution and research on dose responses may need It is also of the spatial distribution Corroboration handling, toxics, Much of what has been asserted about lichen sensitivities must be done very carefully in a given area relative to pollutant relative contributions ambient to known concentrations from a few statistically collection, fumigation experiments between the genetic differences essential to monitoring, performed, (Sigal and have never been There is also little information on the relationships that support their susceptibilities lichens to ozone gaseous air pollutants, field researcher to devise a sampling scheme that allows a statistically robust estimate of species cover. Mapping community cover, if considered necessary to consider common wet deposition. a to assure repeatability lichens many lichens tested in controlled concentrations often-diverse of however, 1983); available of is some information There to determine their responses to different studies. Mapping Community Cover Because of the varied habitats using Taxonomy Update CONCERNS expertise. of this element Nriagu and Glooschenko (1992) accumulation in mosses in different locations in Canada. collected and sent to a lab for analysis of in the the baseline chemical constituents indicator species. G) Transplants: the source has been raised by during their study E) Community Analysis: As part of the floristic survey, Ryan described species and their abundances. Samples and (3) The possibility air pollutants. sulfur isotopes to identify D) Indicator Species: Ryan identified sensitive and tolerant species based on other dose-response work. His analysis showed the need for additional work on the identification of indicator species. F) Chemistry/Physiology: substrate, and marine aerosols, anthropogenic in combination due to windblown dust, 124 of from the fumigation evidence the study, and the may be persuasive. — Table 2. Cost Estimates for Conducting Various Lichen Studies. COST ($) (per unit) # of SITES METHOD UNIT (per veg type) study - site area 300 30+ all species 200-400 site 20-60+ all species 300-500 study site 1-10 species many species 20,000-50,000 10+ site 6-20 1-few species 1,000-3,000 sample 20-100 Site characterization Floristics Community analysis Indicator species fumigation gradient Transplants Chemical analysis SCALE 15,000-25,000 multiple elements/sample analysis: 25-200 collection: 50-300 SUGGESTED FURTHER RESEARCH COST ESTIMATES The previous chapters describe methods and Table quality. 2 gives a range with each method. method is applied, the specific factors is historical, costs associated of of of metals, nitrogen oxides, level of detail among methods or specifying of analysis are not necessarily very possible the Rather, the scientifically best method(s) should be chosen and scaled to an affordable level. Authors in this manual studies are worthless state our knowledge pollution. of worth the cost. 1. They also about how many sites are needed, which indicator species are appropriate found. If preliminary a community analysis 2. and where they are is planned, a 3. study is essential to determine the number and location of homogeneous sites. Costs 4. can be cut by combining data collection efforts. For example, floristics data, community specimens can be collected data and tissue simultaneously in and Howeve,r lichens can of pollutants; it is in lichen with ambient concentrations There are many gaps in about how lichens react to air We suggest the following areas for further Fumigation studies to determine if there and bioaccumulation potential for specific pollutants: nitrogen oxides, ozone, carbon dioxide, and toxic air contaminants. Video/photographic techniques that can be used for community analyses. are indicator species emphasize that in most cases, a preliminary study should be done before costs are estimated, to make decisions PAN, research to begin to full those gaps: that monitoring unless they are done well, and a good study is usually to measure pollutant air pollution concentrations. program. a monitoring to to which lichens tissues and correlate this information Cost should not be the sole or even the major the chapters sensitive. still be used as accumulators to be applied. determinant for developing radionculeides, ozone are major modern pollutants rough estimates and should be used only as a guide when choosing sensitive and most air pollution was by SO2 emissions earlier in this century and in the last century. Organic air toxics, heavy area, projected costs. The costs presented here should be considered to air pollution accompanied the project the study, and many other result in a wide range since lichens are mostly SO2 pollution, The detail with which each the remoteness objectives will of The idea that lichens are sensitive of air techniques for using lichens as bioindicators Standard methods and QA/QC procedures for chemical analyses. Development of herbaria/libraries of useful lichen species that are accessible to researchers and relevant to different habitats. the field. 5. 125 Development of easy-to-use field and laboratory guides to lichen taxonomy that can be used for routine floristic surveys and are kept up-to-date as new species are identified. REFERENCES Increasing Point Source Emissions Garry, J. 1987. Constant Point Source Emissions (De Not.) Bagl. transplanted at biomonitoring sites around a new coal-fired L.K Thompsoa 1980. Lichens as of fluoride emissions from a phosphorus Roberts, B.A; indicators plant, Long Harbour, Newfoundland, Journal of Botany Canadian L.K. Roberts, B.A.; emissions from a phosphorus Newfoundland, Botany as indicators Canada. Research 43: Canada. of 17:175-183. Fuchs, C.; J. Garty. 1983. of Ramalina lichen 57:1583-1590. Sidhu, S.S.; B.A. Roberts. of vegetation in the vicinity a phosphorus Long Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada. Canadian Forest Service, Bi-monthly Research Notes, Environment content of Fluorine 1978. of a Ann. Bot. Fenn. 15: 158-166. B.A.; S.S. Sidhu; B.A. Roberts. 1979. in soil and vegetation in Thompson, Fluoride D.I.; F.N. Haynes. 1973. Distribution of some epiphytic lichen around an oil refinery at Fawley, Hampshire, Chapter 5, In Ferry, B.W., M.S. Baddeley and D.L. Hawksworth, (Eds), Air Pollution and Lichens. London, Athlone Press of the Morgan-Huws, H. Olkkonen. two lichen species in the vicinity fertilizer factory. accumulation vicinity of a phosphorus plant Pollution 18:221-234. . of London. University the Skye, E. 1968. Environmental A.; M.R.D. Seaward. 1979. Monitoring lichen reinvasion of ameliorating Henderson-Sellers, Seaward, M.R.D. R Schubert 1980. of bioindicators Pollution, 19:207-213. and Schuh J environments. Lawrey, 1975a. p. Uppsala, Sweden, 123 pp. 1988. Lichen evidence for Park. The Bryologist 9: 21-23. Decreasing Regional Emissions 17-23. Coppins, B.J. 1973. The "Drought Ferry, B.W.; Baddeley, The foliose and fruticose lichen Hypothesis", M.S.; Hawksworth, (Eds), Air Pollution and Lichens, of around the Muskingum River Power Plant, Morgan Count, Ohio, Ohio Journal of Science, London, 75:33-35. Athlone Press of In D.L. pp. 124-142, the University of London. D.L.; P.M. McManus. 1989. Lichen in London under conditions of rapidly falling sulphur dioxide levels, and the concept of zone skipping. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Hawksworth, R.E. 1975b. Lichens quality around a coal-fired Bryologist, Showman, in the Acta Phytogeerographica J.D.; M.E. Hale. National In: flora Showman, - a study of changes in atmospheric pollution in Shenandoah Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg. R.E. Air pollution (eds.): Bioindikation auf der Ebene der Individuen, Showman, and Increasing Regional Emissions The use of lichens as ameliorating region. Suecica, 52. Decreasing Point Source Emissions Environmental Lichens epiphytes and environment cryptogamic Stockholm environments. (De Not.) Bagl. at air stations. Environmental New Point Source Emissions Canada 31: 41-42. Takala, K.; P. Kauranen; content in the Botany 23:29-43. Experimental plant. Elemental duriaei quality biomonitoring Damage to 1975. (De Not.) Bagl. transplanted in stations. Water, Air, Soil Pollution biomonitoring plant, Long Harbour, Canadian Journal Heavy metals in the lichen 1982. duriaei Ramalina fluoride power Environmental operation. 104-116. Garty, J.; C. Fuchs. S.S. Sidhu. 1979. Thompson; bryophytes of station after 1 year 58: 2218-2228. Terrestrial Metal amounts in the lichen Ramalina duriaei as indicators of air recolonization power generating plant. 78:1-6. R.E. 1981. Lichen recolonization air quality improvement. Bryologist, Society, 100:99-109. following D.L.; F. Rose. 1970. Qualitative scale for estimating sulphur dioxide air pollution in Hawksworth, 84:492-497. England and Wales using epiphytic 227:145-148. 126 lichens. Nature JR. Laundon, Naturalist Rydzak, J. London's lichens. 1970. Ryan, B.D. 1990 London 49: 20-69. 1969. Marble Lichens of conditions ecological Universitatis Mariae as indicators of the habitat. Curie-Sklodowska, Baseline Study. the San Francisco, Annales CA, 46 pp. Concerns Nriagu, J.O.; W. A. Glooschenko. Lichens and Air Quality In Areas in California: A Series of Baseline Ryan, B.D. 1990 composition Environ. Report to the U.S. Forest Service, San CA, 28 Report to the U.S. Forest Service, CA, 54 pp. Clean Air Areas Francisco, the A Report to the U.S. Forest Service, San Francisco, 289: 289-292. Studies. In Quality , California: Lichens and Air Quality In A Series of Baseline Studies. Supplement, Element Analysis of Lichens. Rose, C.I.; D.L. Hawksworth. Wilderness Air Areas in California: Wilderness 1981. Lichen in London's cleaner air. Nature, and Wilderness Ryan, B.D. 1990 C, 23:131-164. recolonization Lichens Mountains of Scien. and Technol. Sigal, L.; T. Nash. 1983. pp. 1992. Isotopic sulfur in mosses across Canada. 26: 85-89. Lichen communities on conifers in southern California mountains: an ecological Ecology 127 survey relative to oxidant air pollution. 64: 1343-1454. Appendix I: List of Participants William Anderson National Park Service National Capital Region 1100 Ohio Drive, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20242 Jesse Ford Oregon University State Department of Fisheries Tamara Franklin-Blett U.S. Forest Service P.O. Box 25127 Lakewood, CO 80225 Jayne Belnap National Park Service 125 W. 2nd South Moab, Utah 84532 Linda Geiser U.S. Forest Service P.O. Box 309 James Bennett National Park Service CPSU University of Wisconsin 1040 WARF Building 610 Walnut St. Madison, WI 53705 Petersburg, AK 99833 Larry Gough U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, MS 973 Charis Bratt Denver Federal Santa Barbara and Wildlife Corvallis, OR 97333 Museum of Natural History Center CO 80225 Denver, 2559 Puseta Del Sol Rd. Santa Barbara, CA Larry Jackson U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, MS 973 93005 William Denison Dept. of Oregon and Plant Pathology Botany Denver Federal State University Center CO 80225 Denver, Corvallis, OR 97331 Martha Makholm Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources P.O. Box 7921 Robert Doty Air Quality Program Manager U.S. Forest Service Madison, WI 53707 630 Sansome St. San Francisco, CA 94111 Deborah Mangis EPA-AREAL Mail Drop 75 RTP, NC 27711 Sharon Eversman Biology Department Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717 Tonnie Air Rich Fisher U.S. Forest Service 240 W. Prospect St. Ft. Collins, CO 80526 Maniero Division Quality National Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 128 Bruce McCune of Department Bruce Ryan General Science Fremont National Forest P.O. Box 25 Bly, OR 97622 State University Oregon Weniger Hall 355 Corvallis, OR 97331 David Schwartzman Will Moir Department U.S. Forest Service 240 W. Prospect St. Ft. Collins, CO 80526 Howard University Washington, D.C. 20059 of and Geography Geology Ray Showman American Electric Power Service Corp. Barbara Murray University of Alaska Museum Fairbanks, AK 99775 of Botany Tom Nash Lorene Department AZ 85281 Lorenz Pearson Biology Department Rick's College Rexburg, ID Sigal Clifford Smith Park Service National CPSU of Botany University of Hawaii Department 83460 3190 Maile Way Honolulu, HI 96822 Sherry Pittam Botany OH 43215 Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 and Microbiology Arizona State University Tempe, Plaza 1 Riverside Columbus, /NHB 166 Smithsonian Institute Larry Washington, D.C. 20560 1076 Clair St. West 550 South Orem, UT 84058 Fred Rhoades 4320 Dumas Avenue Kenneth WA Bellingham, Stolte U.S. Forest Service Southeast Forest Experiment Al P.O. Box 12254 RTP, NC 27709 Riebau Colorado State 2401 Research University/BLM Blvd. Mike Treshow Biology Department Suite 205 Fort Collins, CO 80526 University of Utah Salt Lake City, Barry Rock UT 84112 Science and Engineering Research University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 Clifford Wetmore Botany Roger Rosentrcter Bureau of Land Management Idaho State Office 3380 Americana Boise, ID Department University St. Paul, Maggie of Minnesota MN 55108 Wilson Tetra Tech, Inc. Terrace 10306 Eaton PI. Suite 340 83706 Fairfax, 129 VA 22030 Station Appendix II: Reviewers Steve Link Jayne Belnap National Canyonlands Battelle Northwest Parte 125 W. 2nd South Moab, UT 84532 P.O. Box 999 Bob Egan Dept. of Biology University of Nebraska Tonnie Omaha, Randy NE 99352 Maniero Air Quality Division National at Omaha Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 68182-0040 Ferrin Air Quality Division Tom Moeser c/o U.S. EPA Environmental 200 SW 35th St. Corvallis, OR 97333 National Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 Research William Moir Rich Fisher USDA WA Richland, Forest USDA Service Station Experiment Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Station Range Experiment 240 W. Prospect 240 W. Prospect Fort Collins, CO 80526 Fort Collins, CO 80521 JoAnn Flock Bob Musselman University of Colorado Herbarium Campus Box 350 Boulder, CO 80309 USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 240 W. Prospect Fort Collins, CO 80526 Linda Geiser USDA Forest Stikine Area #15 Service Louise O'Deen USDA 12th St. Petersburg, AK Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range P.O. Box 309 99833 Experiment Station 240 W. Prospect Fort Collins, CO 80526 Mark Jensen USDA Forest Service Phil Rundel UCLA-Laboratory Northern Region Building P.O. Box 7669 Missoula, MT 89807 Region 1, Federal Environmental of Biomedical Science 900 Veteran Ave. Los Angeles, 130 CA 90024 and Lab Susan Sater Sam Shushan USD A Forest Service Pacific NW Region 533 SW First Ave. P.O. Box 3623 2010 Mariposa Ave. Portland, OR Boulder, CO 80309 John Thompson Dept. of Botany 97208 University Mark Scruggs Air Quality Division National Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 Madison, 131 of Wisconsin WI 53706 Descriptions of back-cover photos, clockwise from the upper left corner: Bl. Lobaria oregana, found on tree branches and winter forage for deer and mountain trunks, provides goats. Internal cephalodia contribute amounts of fixed nitrogen. Collected for tissue in Tongass Air Quality Biomonitoring Stephen B2. twin, P. elegantula (Zahlbr. ) Szat. to Melanella by (transferred Essl.) are not sufficiently to be useful as indicators; they are discriminating exasperatula and they found it exasperating. B3. Hypogymnia B5. Photo by Hypogymnia enteromorpha (Gough et. al. 1988). enteromorpha (Ach.) Nyl. in and Usnea spp. in the background by- (Ach.) Nyl. This species was used to measure baseline element concentration ranges in Redwood National Park 1990, Lorenz Pearson. foreground Photo Cladina rangiferina, reindeer or caribou This and other Cladina species are the primary food of caribou and occasionally of people C. rangiferina is common during times of famine. This species was among mosses in muskegs. collected for tissue analysis by Tongass Air Quality Biomonitoring Project. Photo by Sylvia Duran Sharnoff and Stephen Sharnoff. P. was used by Rope and Pearson Park. lichen. Parmelia exasperatula Nyl. on Juniperus bark. This species and its nearly also difficult to remove from the bark. National B4. Photo by Sylvia Duran Sharnoff and Sharnoff. scopulorum identical ranges in Redwood Larry Jackson. significant analysis Project. used to measure baseline element concentration B6. the on Usnea spp. Photo by Larry Jackson. This species was used measure baseline element concentration Douglas-fir in the Little Bald Hills ultramafic region of Redwood National Park. These two species were USD A policy prohibits discrimination Redwood by National Park (Gough to ranges in et. al 1988). Photo Larry Jackson. because of race, color, national condition. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any USDA-related activity should immediately contact the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250. origin, sex, age religion, or handicapping GOVERNMENTPRINTINGOFFICE 1993-838 606 ■..-US