This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. The Role of Habitat Structure in Organizing Small Mammal Populations and Communities1 Gregory H. Adler2 Abstract.-Microha bitat structure influences population density more than other demographic variables such as age and sex cornposition Microhabitat heterogeneity, or quantitative variation in microhabitat structure, apparently has little influence on phenomena such as population stability. Scale mediates effects of habitat structure and heterogeneity on population and community organization. I suggest that microhabitat structure influences density more than other aspects of demography, whereas macrohabitat structure and heterogeneity are more important in influencing population stability, demography, and community structure. Environmental heterogeneity has maintained a position of prominence in theoretical population and community ecology (reviewed by Levin 1976, Wiens 1976, and Wiens et al. 1986).Heterogeneity allows organisms to select different habitats, which subsequently can have profound consequences for the organization of populations and communities. Environmental heterogeneity can be studied, both theoretically and empirically, at different scales. Conclusions based on the study of habitat structure may differ widely depending upon the scale of structure examined. The scale of environmental subdivision can be viewed as occurring along various continua, e.g., from the area occupied by a single individual to a biogeographic or continental area (Wiens et al. 1986), or from microhabitat to macrohabitat. In this paper, I concentrate on the microhabitat to macrohabitat scale. I define microhabitat as physical habitat characteristics likely to vary over the home range of a single individual (e.g., the number of herbaceous stems within a circumscribed area) and macrohabitat as the major habi- tat type where an entire population may be found (e.g., grassy field or deciduous woodland in the case of small mammals). Microhabitat structure therefore can vary substantially within a single macrohabitat. I summarize results from a series of long-term studies on the role of habitat structure in organizing small mammal populations and c o k u n i ties that I conducted in eastern Massachusetts. These studies were designed to examine (1) habitat associations and habitat selection and the roles of intra- and interspecific interactions in affecting habitat utilization, and (2) the influence of habitat structure on density and demography. In these studies, I focus primarily on microhabitat structure, and I develop a conceptual scheme which shows how microhabitat and macrohabitat structure organize small mammal populations and communities. 'Paper presented at symposium, Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in North America. (Flagstaff. AZ,July 19-21 , 1988.) 2GregoryH. Adler is Research Fellow in Population Sciences, Department of Population Sciences,Schod of Public Health, Harvard University, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02 1 15. The long-term studies were conducted at three sites in eastern Massachusetts: Broadmoor/Little Pond Audubon Sanctuary, South Natick; Great Island, near West Yarrnouth; and the University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station, Nantucket. Sampling areas within each study STUDY SITES AND GENERAL METHODS Study Sites site were confined to a 300-ha area and were exposed to the same climate and the same predators, competi tors, and parasites. Broadmoor consists of a mosaic of grassy fields separated by mixed deciduous-coniferous woodland. Sampling at Broadmoor was confined to the fields, which were dominated by the grasses Agropyron regens and Poa pratensis. Other herbaceous and woody plants, including goldenrod (Solidago spp.), milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), poison ivy (Rhus radicand, and several species of deciduous tree saplings, were much less prevalent. Great Island is a 240-ha island connected to mainland Cape Cod by a causeway. The island is dominated by deciduous and coniferous woodland but has structurally simpler habitat along the shore. This shoreline habitat consists primarily of beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata), with patches of poison ivy, Virginia creeper (Parfhenocissus quinquefolia), bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica), rose (Rosa carolina), and juniper (Juniperus virginiana). Nantucket Island (ca. 12,300 ha and lying approximately 30 km off the coast of Cape Cod) has large areas of low, dense woody growth (heath) where small mammals were sampled. Heath at the study site was composed primarily of rose and bayberry, with patches of goldenrod and other herbaceous plants and grasses interspersed within the brush. Scattered juniper trees also were present. Sampling Procedures I sampled small mammals at each s b d y site by monthly Iive-trapping with Longworth live-traps for approximately 4 to 5 years. At each study site, I monitored two 0.4-ha grids located in grassy or brushy habitat. One grid served as a control in which all small mammals were individually marked by ear-tags (rodents) or toe-clips (insectivores).The other grid, located 30.4 rn from the conirol and situated in csaagigpous habitat, served as an experimental grid from which all small m a m a k were removed permanently upon first capture (Adler 1985). All small mammals captured on this grid after the initial removal period were considered colonists. 1also sampled small mammals on 4 nearby trapping plots which also were located in similar macrohabitat but covered a range of microhabitats. Each plot consisted of two parallel traplines located 30.4 m apart. Each trapline was 15 stations long at Broadmoor (except on one plot where both traplines were 12 stations long) and on Nantucket and 20 stations long on Great Island. These plots were trapped on a rotation basis (AdPer 1987). On Great Island, an additional 4 control grids were monitored monthly from April through September for five years (Adler and Wilson 1987). These grids were not confined to structurally simple macrohabibts but ranged from grassland to mature woodland habitats. Grid 1 was located at the edge of a stand of pitch pine. (Pinus rigida), white oak (Quercus alba), and black oak ((2. velictina?. Dense brushy understory covering a large portion sf the grid consisted of bayberry, huckleberry (Gaylussacia bcrccata), and inkberry holly (Ilex glabra). Low-lying areas sf the grid were damp and harbored large cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and sundew (Drosera spp.). Very little herbaceous vegetation was present. Grid 2 also was located at the edge of a pitch pine, white oak, and black oak w d l a r r d but was more elevated and ccpnsequently drier. A dense brushy understory cmsisl'ed of bayberry, p i s o n ivy, and c o r n o n g ~ w ~ ~ b r!Snrilux ier rotundifilia). Crass was present in the brushy, treeless portions of the grid. Grid 3 was ~ocatedwithin a white oak and black oak woodland. A dense shrub cover of blueberry, 'marlberry (Arctostaphylos uvra-ursi), common greenbrier, and bullbrier greenbrier (S. born-nod was present, along with bracken fern (Ptere'ditkm aquiiiniurn). Grid 4 was located on Pine Island, a 7-ha islet 37 rn from Great Island and co~ulwtedto the latter by a narrow sandy spit. White oak and black oak formed a canopy over much of the grid, and a dense woody understory of bayberry and other shrubs also was present. Densc beach grass was preLsentin the beeless portions of the grid. Grid 5 was the cornpanior, control for the experimental grid and was located in dense beach grass containing scattered patches of bay&~;y,juniper, and poison ivv. F sampled vegetakon structure at every trip station on all grids a d plots by measuring 23 habitat variables related to plant structure and species richness (table 1).Two additional habitat vari sbles describing canopy structure were included in the analysis on Great Island control gids (table 1). Measurement procedures were given by Adler (1985) and Adler and Wilson ( 1987). d Ba Analysis I relied extensively upon principal components analysis CPCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA) in order to uncover the structure of complex and temporally variable small mammal populations and their relationships to habitat structure. Specifically, my aims were to (1) reduce the number of habitat dimensions, (2) derive a quantitative measure of habitat heterogeneity, (3) quantify patterns of habitat utilization, (4) combine covarying demographic traits into single variables, and 353 derive indices of demographic variability. In these studies, H recognized two related descriptors of microhabitat structure. H defined a microhabitat structure-diversi t); variable or gradient as a characteristic that described the physical structure of the microhabitat and that varied in magnitude along a continuum. 1 defined microhabitat heterogeneity as a quantitative measure of horizontal variation in microhabitat ckaracteristics (August 1983, Adler 1987). I subjected the habitat data rneasured at each trap station to PCA to reduce the number of habitat variables. At each site, I conducted two PCks of the 25 variables, one with control and experimental grids combined and one with the 4 trapping plots cornbind. I also conducted a PCA of 24 habitat variables for all five control. grids on Great Island combined. HBl(dO was eliminated from this analysis because only one nonzero value was recorded on the five grids. Each principal component (PC) with an eigenvalue greater than 1.0 was retained for further analysis as a new habitat variable. Principal components derived h m PCAs of grid and plot data were quite similar within each site, based upon factor loadings on the original habitat variables (Adler 1985,1987). At Broadmoor, five PCs were retained for analysis from both grid and plot data, whereas six were retained from analysis of grid data; four PCs were interpreted similarly in both data sets. PCAs of Nantucket grid and plot data both yielded seven retainable PCs, three of which could be interpreted similarly between the two data sets. The PCA of habitat data from the five control grids on Great Island yielded seven PCs. I computed a microhabitat heterogeneity index for each of the four trapping plots at the three study sites and for each of the five control grids on Great Island (Adler 1987, Adler and Wilson 1987).This index was based on the supposition that the standard deviation of the within-plot or within-grid mean vector of a PC described the variability of a microhabitat gradient on a given plot or grid. Since each successive PC contributed less to the total variance in habitat data, I adjusted for each PC's contribution to the total variance by multiplying the factor scores by the square root of that PC's eigenvalue. I examined capture data in relation to habitat structure at both the level of individual trap stations (habitat association and selection) and at the level of a grid or plot (demography). I used mu1tiple linear regression and residuals analysis to relate these small mammal (dependent) variables to habitat (independent) variables. More complete descriptions of analytical techniques are given in each section below, and a brief outline of the sampling design is given in table 2. SPECIES COMPOSITION I recorded 9,170 captures of 10 small mammal species in 42,773 trapnights at the 3 study sites (table 3). Each study site generally had an abundant herbivore (Microtus pennsylvanicus), an abundant granivore (Peromyscus leucopus, except at Broadmoor where it was rare in the grassland trapping areas), a common insectivore (Blarina brevicauda or Sorex cinereus), and any of several rarer granivores, omnivores, or insectivores. HABITAT STRUCTURE AND POPULATION STATISTICS Habitat Associations and Selection Study Purpose I examined both small mammal microhabitat associations and selection at all three study sites (Adler 1985). Density-dependent effects of conspecifics and other species may restrict access to certain habitat types, thereby resulting in different patterns of habitat utilization. I therefore reserved the term habitat selection for situations where individuals had more or less unrestricted access to a variety of habitat types. Analytical Approach Inferences I defined an association as a statistical relationship between the numbers of captures of a species at trap stations and a quantitative measure of microhabitat structure. To determine these relationships, I regressed the total number of captures of a species at each control grid trap station on factor scores of each PC. The experimental grid represented an area where densities were continually being reduced and vacant microhabitats were more often available to colonizing individuals. To determine differences in microhabitat associations between control and experimental grids, I included a dummy variable coding for grid (control or experimental) and habitat variable x grid interaction terms (Adler 1985). Most small mammals (8 of I I populations examined) demonstrated affinities for specific microhabitat types on either control or experimental grids (table 4). These affinities generally were consistent with other published reports of habitat associations of these species. For instance, P. leucopus generally were associated positively with woody microhabitats or negatively associated with herbaceous microhabitats. M.pennsylwanicus generally showed the opposite associations. Microhabitats selected by small mammals, as determined from capture data on experimental removal grids, sometimes differed from associations determined from capture data on the adjacent control grids (table 4). Differences in habitat selection and association were attrib- utable to opportunistic responses of small mammals to between-grid differences in microhabitat structure and to differences in the level of intraspecific interactions brought about through density reductions on the experimental grids (Adler 1985). Temporal Patterns of Habitat Use Study Purpose I examined temporal patterns of microhabitat use by M. pennsylwanicus at the three study sites and by P. leucopus on Great Island and Nantucket. AnalyticaP Approach Monthly trapping periods were grouped into winter (1Dec.-Feb.), spring (Mar.-May),summer gun.Aug.), and fall (Sep.-Nov.) seasons each year. I divided trap stations on control grids into favorable and unfavorable microhabitats each season depending upon whether the total number of captures in a season was above (favorable) or below (unfavorable) the seasonal mean (Van Home 1982; Adler 1985). 1 then used a twogroup DFA, with favorable and unfavorable trap stations defining the two groups, to develop a discrirnination index of habitat use (Rice et al. 1983; Adler 1985).This index was the percentage of trap stations classified correctly as either favorable or unfavorable. High discrimination values indicated a sharp distinction between favorable and unfavorable microhabitats; low values indicated little difference between favorable and unfavorable areas. To determine the importance of intra- and interspecific population densities on temporal pa ttems of habitat discrimination by P. leucopus and M. pennsylwanicus, I regressed the seasonal discrimination values on the mean seasonal densities of each of the major small mammal species present at each study site. inferences Analytical Approach In the case of M. pennsylvanicus, density and discrimination were negatively related at Broadmoor and positively related on Great Island. The unexpected positive relationship on Great Island could be explained by the distribution of captures over the grid; 17 capture stations had less than two captures during the entire study and were in a sparsely vegetated area. As density increased, the remaining 32 trap stations became increasingly utilized. The distinction between favorable and unfavorable microhabitats increasingly became a distinction between unoccupied, sparsely vegetated stations and occupied, densely vegetated stations. On Nantucket, discrimination followed a pattern similar to density but was not linearly related to the latter. For P. lsucopus on both Great Island and Nantucket, habitat discrimination was related negatively to density (fig. I), indicating that the distinction between favorable and unfavorable microhabitats decreased with increasing density. Densities of other species were not related to temporal variation in habitat use (Adler 1985). Therefore, intraspecific competition appeared to be more important than interspecific interactions in determining microhabitat use by the species I examined. As intraspecific density increased, the range of microhabitat types utilized also increased, as predicted by early t h e ries of habitat selection (e.g., Svardson 1949). I calculated density (log,, number per 100 trapnights), sex composition (proportion males, arcsin square root transformed), age structure (proportion of adults captured during sampling periods from April through September, arcsin square root transformed), and breeding intensity (proportion of adults in breeding condition captured in sampling periods from April through September, arcsin square root transformed) each trapping period. I also computed variability measures for each of these demographic variables as squared distances from plot means. I divided the estimates for density variability on each plot by the mean density of the respective plot in order to adjust for population size. I regressed the estimates for each of the eight demographic variables separately on plot means for each microhabitat variable derived from PCA and the index of heterogeneity. I then regressed the unstandardized residuals from each of these regressions separately on each habitat PC and the heterogeneity index to search for nonlineari ties and missing variables (Framstad et al. 1985). GREAT ISLAND DENSITY NANTUCKET Microhabitat Structure and Demography Study Purpose I examined the relationship between demography of M. pennsylvanicus and microhabitat structure from data collected on the four trapping plots at each study site (Adler 1987). 0 5 10 15 20 25 DENSITY Figure 1 .-Relationships between seasonal habitat discrimination and population density in Peromyxus leucopus at two study sites in eastern Massachusetts. Inferences Densities of M .pennsylvanicus and P. leucupus were ordered linearly along microhabitat gradients (Adler 1987), consistent with patterns of microhabitat associations and selection in these two species (table 5). In general, M. pennsylvanicus densities were higher on plots with more herbaceous and grassy cover or less woody cover. Nantucket was exceptional, however, with M.pennsylvanicus densities increasing along gradients of increasing woody growth and shrub species richness. I captured large numbers of this vole in dense heath with little or no herbaceous vegetation. Perumyscus leucopus densities on Great Island could not be related to microhabi tat structure, probably because of the generalist nature of this mouse relative to the breadth of microhabitats sampled. Indeed, when sampling areas included other microhabitats, density could be related to overall microhabitat structure (see below). P. leucopus densities on Nantucket increased with increasing shrub species richness (table 5). Densities of both species were more vari- able in poorer habitats. Microhabitat structure was a poor predictor of other aspects of demography such as age and sex composition. However, variability in demographic structure often was greater in low-density habitats. While some of the variability in density and demography may have been due to statistical dependence on population size (i.e., greater sampling error at small population sizes), biological effects (e.g.,response to environmental fluctuations) also must have been important. More favorable microhabitats should have maintained a more stable composition over time due to greater intraspecific interactions, whereas poorer microhabitats should have contained a more unstable assemblage of predominantly transient and subordinate individuals due to spillover during periods of high density (Adler 1987).In contrast to the importance of microhabita t gradients, the quantitative measure of microhabitat heterogeneity generally was unrelated to demographic phenomena. In only one case did microhabitat heterogeneity explain variation in demography better than any structure-diversity variable. Macrohabitat Structure and Demography Study Purpose I further examined the relationship between demography of P. leucopus and microhabitat structure across macrohabitats. P. leucopus is a habitat generalist which occurs in habitats ranging from grassland to mature deciduous and coniferous forests in southeastern Massachusetts. Analytical Approach For this purpose, data from the five control grids on Great Island were analyzed (Adler and Wilson 1987). Monthly trapping data were analyzed with respect to 10 demographic variables. Grid means of density (log,, minimum number known alive), adult male body mass, and observed range length (ORL, the maximum linear distance between capture points of an individual, Stickel 1954) were compared using Tukey's multiple comparisons test. Mean male and female ORLs were compared on each grid using t-tests. Contingency table analysis was used to compare age structure (proportion adult), adult survival (standardized 14-day rates), sex composition (proportion of mice tagged that were males), adult residence rates (proportions of adults captured in at least two trapping periods), overwinter residence (proportions of mice present during Sep. and surviving to the subsequent Apr.), the p r o p r tions of adults that were reproductively active, and the proportions of young mice (mice with some grey pelage remaining) that were reproductively active. These 10 variables were examined for intersex differences within a grid (except sex composition) and for intergrid differences. To examine temporal dynamics of demography, monthly trapping data were grouped into early summer (Apr.-Jun.)and late sum~ner(Jul.Sep.) seasons. The following demographic variables were estimated on each grid during each season: density (mean log,, minimum number known alive), proportions of males and of females that were adults, proportion of males, mean adult male body mass, proportions of adult males and of adult females breeding, and survival rates of adult males and of adult females (weighted mean 14day rates). Variables expressed as proportions were arcsin q u a r e root transformed. Many rodent population parameters are known to covary (e.g., Schadfer and Tamarin 1973). Accordingly, a PCA of the eight variables was executed in order to include covarying parameters as single demographic variables; four PCs with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 were retained for further analysis. These PCs were correlated with (Udensity and adult survival, (2)adult female breeding activity, (3)adult male breeding activity, and (4)the proportion of males. Variability indices of each of these PCs were calculated each season for each grid as squared distances from grid means (Adler and Wilson 1987).A measure of overall demographic variability was calculated for each grid each season as squared distances of the factor scores from the mean factor score, summed over the four PCs. Factor scores within each PC were multiplied by the square root of that PC's eigenvalue in order to account for the unequal contributions to overall variance of each PC (Adler and Wilson 1987).This method allowed variables with different scales of measurement to be included together without further scaling or weighting. Seasonal estimates of each of the PCA-derived demographic variables and their variability estimates were regressed separately on each of the PCB-derived microhabitat variables and the index of heterogeneity. Inferences Statistical tests which were significant at H34I.05 are qualitatively summarized in table 6. Grid means of the first three demographic PCs revealed t h e e demographic groups. Grids 1 and 5 were located farthest from any adjacent grid in three-dimensional space, whereas grids 2,3, and 4 were clustered more tightly together with respect to demographic structure (table 7). Grid 1 was characterized by low density and survival, a Iow proportion of females, low breeding intensity, and high demographic variability. Grid 5 was characterized by low density and survival, a high proportion of females, moderate breeding intensity, and high demographic variability. Grids 2,3, and 4 were characterized by high density and survival, low lo m erate proportion of females, moderate to high breeding intensity, and low demographic variability. Two low-density groups (represented by grid 1 and grid 5) and one high-density group (represented by grids 1,2, and 3) therefore were evident. The low-density groups were more variable in terms of each of the demographic PCs and in overall demographic structure. In general, density, survival, and b r e d ing activity increased along gradients of increasing woodiness or decreasing herbaceousness, whereas demographic variability decreased along these gradients (table 8). SYNTHESIS I found microhabitat structure to be a potentially important force in organizing small mammal populations, particularly in reiation to associations and densities. Small mammals generally were associated with particular rnicrohabitats, as revealed by analysis of single trap stations. However, associations often differed between control and experimental grids. I suggest that the small mammals I studied selected specific microhabitats and were opportunistic in their responses to habitat not occupied by other individuals (as on the experimental grids). Since most small mammals that I studied were microhabitat selectors, microhabitat structure therefore was a crucial determinant of local community composition. Furthermore, microhabitat st~ucturealso should have affected temporal variability of community structure since populations in lowdensity areas were more variable. Affinities of each small mammal species for particular microhabitats resulted in density-habitat relationships when averaged over a larger sampling area (grids or plots). Thus, small mammal densities generally could be related to microhabitat structure. Survival and breeding activity, which generally covary with density, also could be related to microhabitat structure when sampling areas spanned macrohabitat boundaries. The importance of microhabitat structure in affecting other demo- graphic characteristics such as sex composition and age structure was not as pronounced. Gradients of microhabitat structure can be envisioned as comprising an environmental suitability gradient, with the endpoints being uninhabitable and optimal (where individual fitness is highest). Demographic characteristics then vary along this gradient of suitability and along other gradients. The gradient of suitability is cornposed of factors related not only to habitat structure but also to focd resources and release from predation, competition, and parasitism. Density alone may not be a strong correlate of suitability (Van Home 19831, but density in concert with survival and breeding activity should increase along the gradient of suitability. By contrast, demographic variability should decrease along this gradient. Several habitat types may represent similar csndi tiom of environmental suitability, particuIarEy for habitat gerwralists such as P~omyscusleucopus. Therefore, it may be difficult to relate demography to microhabitat structure because similar demographic structure may be found in different habitats (AdPes and Wilson 1987). CQuantitaiivemeasures of habitat hc iurrpgemeity generally were unrela kcd to dern13g~aphicvariables, in cun~trastto the mass of theory predicting that heterogeneity promotes population stability (eg., den Bser 1968, Levins a969, Smith 1972, Maynard Sn~'e?h 2974, Steek 1974, Tanner 1975, Siesrseth 1977,1980, Lomnicki 1978,1980, de Jong 1979, Hassell 11981)). The contrast between my reslalts and theoretical predictions may be reconciled by introducing scale. My measures of heterogeneity were at the microhabitat level, whereas many models have implied macrohabi tat heterogeneity so that organisms may disperse into a patch and establish a resident population (e.g., Levins 1969). Increasing the number of such patches increases the spatial heterogeneity sf an area, which then promotes population stability. I suggest that microhabitat structure will affect density more than it will other demographic characteristics, whereas macrohabitat structure and heterogeneity will be more important in stabilizing populations and in influencing demographic structure (e.g., sex composition and age structure). My conclusions concerning the importance of habitat structure in organizing small mammal populations and communities can be shown schematically (fig. 2). According to this scheme, microhabitat structure primarily affects habitat selection, density, and density variability (since density generally is related inversely to variability). Macrohabitat shucture primarily affects population stability (stability being enhanced by macrohabitat heterogeneity) and demographic structure. Habitat se- ef m a rodent species in eastern Tvfassacfi.usetis. Canadian Joasrnal hdker, Gregory El., and Mark &. Wiison. N87, I,'remugrap&yof a habitat generalist, the whitefooted mouse, in a heteragenwus enviro~-~~-tse~;f. 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