This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. TIle Divel·sity in Streanlfl()w RespOIlse froID Upland Basins in A)~izo)la Malchus B. Baker, Jr.1 A.bstract--Althou~lh water yield from a basin is a function of a number of factors, soil depth is considered foremost in t~xplaining hydrograph differences from study areas in Arizona. The most attenuated hydrograph found was in the chaparral vegetation type, which has the greatest soil dt~pth, whilethe most n~sponslveorpt~al<ed hydrographswerefound inthe pinyon Juniper and ponderosa pine types, which have soil depths of 3 feet or less. Streamflow Response In Arizona, most of the 97 million acre feet of precipitation that reaches the soil is returned to the atmosphere and about 3%. runs off as streamflow (Hibbert 1979). Nearly all of the water yield in Arizona is derived from 33(10 of the land area. Water yields range from 0.4 to 5 inches, with the ponderosa pine type contributing 59(10, pinyon juniper 27%., c,haparral 10%, and mbced conifer 4% of the streamflow. Water yield is a functi.on of geology, soil, elevation, orie,n~ tati.on, vegetation, and climate. All of these factors modify to various degrees the disposition of energy and precipitation falling on an area and, therefore, the quantity of runoff or hydrologic response. The keys to the type of hydrologic response are (1) how far water must travel to influence channel flow, and (2) the mechanism by which it is delivered. Basins in Arizona have a large diversity of controlling factors, and consequently produce a significant amount of variation in streamflow response. The shape of the hydrograph is an indkation of the responsiveness of a basin, and is determined by the delivery rate of water and length of the flow path to the source area. The following spring streamflow hydrographs were produced during the unusually wet water year of 1973. Bec.ause of the large range. in strea.mflow response derived from these basins, a wet water year wa.s selected to avoi.d the potentia.! problems caused by local soil moisture deficits that affect watershed response to precipitation and to snowmelt, and to insure that an adequate amount of streamflow was ava.ilable. for visual comparison of the hydrographs. Streamflow in figure 1a is from the 3 Bar D chaparral watershed. Parent material is coarse granite. Soil in the basin includes all porous material in which weathering and roots are active, and reaches depths up to 30 feet (Hibbert et al.1974). Streamflow normally occurs about one third of the time.. October precipitation, which normally averages 2.7 inches totaled 14.6 inches in 1972. This unusually wet month resulted in the initiation of continuous flow from the normally ephemeral stream channel that continued throughout the remainder of the water year and on until June of 1974. Spring snowme~t bel~an on February 11 (fig. 1a) at a baseflow level of 0.5 ft 3 s-1 mi- 2 gradualJ-y rising to a baseflow rate of 3 ft 3 s-l mt2 on April 5, which then gradualJ.y receded back to 0.5 ft3 s-l mt 2 on May 19. Peak discharges during this period were associated with rain on snow events; the first, on February 12, reached 5 ft 3 5- 1 mi.. 2 . Discharge reached a maximum of 9ft3 s-l nU,-2 on 1\1arch 29. After each precipitation event, the general recession flow level was increased. Normal runoff to precipitation ratio on this basi.n is 0.13 ..vhile the same rati.o for water year 1973 was 0.22 (table 1). Of the 11.4 inches of streamflow for the year, 6.4 inches or 56% was produced during the period of February through April. Objecti\:es and Study Area The objectives of this study were to select hydrographs from basins that demonstrate the diversity in streamflow response found in Arizona, and to identify the major factors responsible for the diversity. These basins include 3 Bar D in the chaparral vegetation type; three basins on the Beaver Creek drainage in the pinyon juniper woodland and ponder~ osa pine types; and Castle ('reek, Thomas Creek, and ,\\Tork~ man Creek in the mjxed conjfer type. Characteristics of these watersheds are presented in table 1. Addi.tional information about these watersheds can be found in Baker 1986, 1984; Hibbert et al. 1974; and Rich and Thompson 1974. 1Hydrologist, F~ocky Mountain Forest and Hange Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Arizona State University, Tempe, Az. 85287. 211 20 40 eo a. CHAP'ARRAL ~ .60 ";" .45 - .35 W C! .50 .Jtt. .45 ! .40 W .35 -< o .55 ~ .4C a: :I: r------ ..-,.... b. UTAH JUNIPER .eo t .55 i PRECIPIT A TION (mm) r_~_ _ _ _- -_ _~--------_.~,.. .~--wn ao ao ao f r---__ o 20 40 ~ .30 ~ .25 o .20 CIJ CIJ is is .15 .05 MARCH FEBRUARY I PRECIPrfATION (mm) 2gr---,.---..------...~----_,~r__,..----~._--,.~------- PRECIPITATION (mm) 40 ao lS 80 :8 c. ALLIGATOR JUNIPER d. PONDEROSA PINE t;'" .85 ~ .ao ~ t 'N" .80 .55 ~ .55 .50 ., ; ; .45 !w C! .40 a: -< C! a: :I: g .30 is .25 -< :I: o .25 CIJ is 10 15 20 FEBRUARY PRECIPITATION (mm) • :8ao2g .-..----------------~~~~--~--~--------------------- PRECIPITATION (mm) or---------------~~----------_.~----~-----------------20 40 ao .16 eo e. MIXED CONIFER .10 f. MIXED CONIFER .86 w .85 ~ .ao .; .56 i: .60 - .45 ~ .40 :.. .50 .; ! a: ~ ~ -< :I: o ~ 6CIJ .26 .40 .35 .30 .25 is .16 .16 25 APRIL MAY APRIL MAY 2g~__----------__~----~P~RE~C~I~P~IT~A.T~IO~N~(m~m~)__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 ao 80 g. MIXED CONIFER ~, .55 ~ .60 ~ .45 i - Figure 1.--Selected hydrographs demonstra.tlng diversity, In streamfloVi response (metric SCille can be conver1ed tC) (13 s-1 ml-2 by dividing by 0.0109. .40 .35 W C! .30 a: -< o:I: .25 .20 CIJ is .15 20 APRIL 25 10 25 MAY 212 during a warming period, along with a similar increase in the slower subsurface flow component. Streamflow ended on May 29, indicating the reduced water storage capacity of this basin. Although daily peaks were generally greater than on the c.haparral basin (, they were usually lower than from the less densely covered alligator juniper basin (fig. lc). About 32% of the runoff produced during water year 1973 came during the April through 1\fay melt pe.riod. The streamflow hydrograph from the mixe.d comfe.r type on the South Fork of ~Torkman Creek (fig. Ie) reflects the higher water storage capacity of the basin (perennial streamflow) and owerall lower responsiveness (generally lower daily peaks) (fig.ld). Surface soils are loam to clay loam in texture; subsoil varies in texture from clay loam to clay (Rich and Thompson 1974). Soil de.pth varies from 2 inches to more than 15 feet. Snowmelt initiation is identical to that on the ponderosa pine basin at Beaver Creek (fig. 1d) but the daily peaks and delayed flow rates are generally not as high. A selection ha.n:est on South Fork removed 46% of the merchantable timber; a second treatment converted the entire South Fork basin to ponderosa pine. with 40 ft 2 ac- 1 of basal area. This heavy re.duction in overstory basal area has allowed more energy to reach the snowpack, re.sulting in the higher daily peaks from A pril5 to 20 than observed on the ponderosa pine basin (fig.ld). However, daily peaks during the latter part of April were smaller and snowmelt was essentially finished by May 5 on ~Torkman Creek (fig. Ie) while continuing until after May 15 on the pine basin (fig. 1d).1\fa.:rimum daily discharge peak (derived entirely from snowmelt) reached 35 ft3 s-1 mt 2. Snowmelt lasted only } month ending with a major rainfall derived peak of 72 ft.3 s-1 mt 2 produce.d by a storm event of 2.7 inches. Streamflow patterns from the mixe.d conifer on East Fork of Castle Creek were similar to that on Workman Creek (fig. 1e) but more attenuated (fig. H). The Castle Creek area, at a Figures Ib, c, and d are streamflow hydrographs produced in three different vegetation types on the Beaver Creek drainage. Soils on Beaver Creek are developed from volcanic materials, primarily basalt, and depth is generally less than 3 feet. The soil typically has an A horizon that is 0.4 to 6 inches deep. Snow melts in the Utah juniper ( during the same time pe.riod as in the chaparral type on 3 Bar D (February through April). Streamflow from this basin is much more responsive than from the c.havarral basin. Daily discharge peaks are often over 10 ft 3 s~l mt 2 and usually return to zero within hours, jndicating much faster travel time and shorter flow paths. Saturate·d overland flow has been observed regularly during spring snowmelt on the Beaver Creek drainage. In water year 1973, measured run()ff was 19% of the measured annual precipitation, with 61% of the streamflow occurring during the spring snowmelt period. At a higher elevation, streamflow fluctuation in the alligator juniper type (~Tatershed 4) is also very high (fig.1c). The daily peaks from snowmelt are~ more numerous and greater than peaks on the Utah juniper or chaparral basins (figs. Ib and a, respectively) reflecting the greater amount of snowpack at the highe.r ele:vation and smaller amount of overstory basal area on the alligator juniper basin. The highest peaks during this snowmelt period resulted entirely from snowmelt, reac.hing 51 ft 3 s-1 00- 2 on 1\larch 19 and 73 ft3 s-1 mt 2 on Apri16. Although streamflow did not go to zero until April 14, daily lows often approached 1 or 2 ft3 s-1 mt2 . Periods of precipitation caused significant declines in flow by reducing incoming energy needed to melt snow. The snowmelt hydrograph from the basin in the ponderosa pine type (Watershe.d 8) is almost fre.e of any precipitation eve.nts, and was initiated about two months later than on the preceding basins (fig.1d). Even for this wet year (46.0 inches of pre.cipitation compared to the normal of 26.8 inches) spring snowmelt lasted only 6 weeks. Daily peaks would increase Table 1.--Physlcal characteristics of study watersheds. Wate~shed Beaver Creek Watershed Watershed Workman Creek Castle Creek Characteristics 3 Bar 0 2 4 8 South Fork East Fork Vegetation type Chaparral Utah juniper Alligator juniper Ponderosa pine Mixed conifer Mixed conifer Size (ac) Mid area elevation (ft) Thomas Creek South Fork Mixed conifer 82 126 257 1804 319 1164 563 4200 5200 6250 7300 7150 8200 8700 30 3 3 3 13 <6 <6 Basal area (ft2 aC-1) 751 60 22 130 40 120 180 Annual precipitation (in) 29.5 18.1 20.1 26.8 31.9 25.6 29.1 3.9 1.2 4.3 6.9 3.5 :3.5 3.2 AR/AP 0.13 0.07 0.21 0.26 0.11 0.14 0.11 1973 Precipitation (in) 5:3.0 26.8 :34.4 4E5.0 6204 :37.0 42.9 1973 Runoff (in) 11.4 5.1 :~1.1 2:3.1 22.0 1:3.8 14.3 RIP 0.22 0.19 0.151 0.50 0.:35 0.37 0.33 Soil depth (ft) Annual runoff (in) 1Percent crown cover. 213 mean elevation of 8,200 feet, is predominantly covered by ponderosa pine, but is immediately adjacent to the extensive mixed conifer stands in the White l\lountains of eastern Arizona. Because of its climatologic and hydrologic similarity to mixed conifer and di.ssimilarity to much of the ponderosa pine in Arizona, it is considered mhed conifer in this study (Rich and Thompson 1974). Soils are developed from basalt and depths are generally less than 6 feet with a heavy day layer at 2 feet. Peak flow and delayed flow increased daily during the warming period that began on April 6 (fig. If). Although the daily flow spikes are obvious, they are much less responsive than those on Workman Creek, indicating a higher relative resistance resulting from an integration of a slower water delivery rate and a)onyer f~ow path. Daily peaks were usually between 3 and 5 ft.3 s- mi- 2 with the highest snowmelt peaks of 14 and 15 ft3 s-1 mt 2 on Apri.l13 and 14, respectively.l\lost snow was lost by the end of April. The streamflow events on l\1ay 5 and 14 are dominated by 'rainfall. Streamflow from the mhed c()l1ifer type on the South Fork of Thomas Creek is often perennial, but occasionally ceases for a 1 or 2 month period. The basalt derived soils are generally less than 6 feet in depth. Streamflow in water year 1973 (fig. 19) began to rise gradually on April 11, leveling off from April 15 through April 25, and then started to rise again. Daily fluctuation generally consists of a small increase, and then a leveling off until the next daily increase. Streamflow produced by rain on snow is obvious, such as on May 5 and May 13. The storm event on l\fay 13 apparently depleted the snowpack because, after l\lay 14, the hydrograph consisted of a gradual recessional flow which lasted through the end of the month. Although the annual precipitation of 42.9 inches (about 1.5 times normal) produced 14.3 inches of streamflow (4.6 times norma~, maximum daily peak discharge only reached 12 ft3 s-1 mt ,excluding any influence of rain events which caused disc.harge to reach 15 ft3 s-l mt2 ,4 Discussion Although this is a limited set of hydrographs from one wet year (1973), some observations can be made, and one can get a feel for how much the various factors affect streamflow response, and how much these factors can interact in Arizona. Runoff efficiency rates (ratio of runoff to precipitation) nearly doubled or tripled on all study basins in 1973, showing the influence precipitation can have on streamflow (table 1). The chaparral basin is at the lowest elevation, but receives the second highest average annual precipitation (29.5 inches). This basin had the most attenuated or least responsive hydrograph (fig. la), even though it received the second amount of precipitation (53.0 inches) in 1973. It also has the deepest soil (30 feet). Similar chaparral basins have been shown capable. of producing perennial flo\\' once the chaparral overstory is converted to grass, suggesting the influence of soil depth on the storage of precipitation and its eventual release (Hibbert et a1. 1974). The most responsive or peaked hydrographs occurred on the Beaver Creek drainage area with a mean soil depth of about 3 feet. The Utah juniper basi.n receives the lowest: mean annual precipi.tation amount (18.1 inches). However, the influence of the. soil depth and the re.l.atively impermeable. B horizon seems apparent in the highly daily streamflow peaks (fig. Ib). Daily peak discharge rates, even from snowmelt, are relatively large and recede rapidly (in hours), which suggests a relatively small soil water storage capacity and short flow paths (overland flow and shallow subsurface flow). Streamflow from the alligator juniper basin was similar to the tJ tah juniper basin, but the higher elevation, higher annual precipitation, and lower overstory basal area produced more numerous and higher daily peaks (fig. lc). The ponderosa pine basin on Beaver Cree.k has similar soil characteristics and similar responsive daily peaks (ng. Id). However, its higher ele.vation apparently resulted in a delay of the snowmelt of about 2 months (from February to April). This basin has the highest long term runoff efficiency of the 7 study basins (0.26) and the second highest for the 1973 water year (0.50). Daily peaks were usually lower than on the alligator juniper basin, probably due to the influence of the less dense overstory basal area on snowmelt rates. Flow ·on the three Beaver Creek watersheds generally terminates within a few days of the disappearance of the snowpack, while streamflow often lasts longer on the other study sites. Even watersheds in the chaparral type, generally considered a dry vegetation type, can produce perennial flow after conversion of shrubs to more shallow rooting species, such as grass (Hibbert et al.1974). The streamflow hydrographs from Be.aver Cree.k also exhibit the greatest range in daily peaks and the largest range in mean annual streamflow (1.2 inches with 18.1 inches of mean annual precipitation to 6.9 inches with 26.8 inches of precipitation) (table 1). Annual precipitation at the nuxed conifer basin on Workman Creek is highest of the 7 study basins (31.9 inches), and streamflow is normally perennial. H ydrograph responsiveness is similar to that on the ponderosa pine basin, but daily peaks are higher in the beginning of the melt period and lower towards the end suggesting the influence of the heavy reduction in overstory basal area on snowmelt rates (fig. Ie). Streamflow in the mixed conifer on Castle Creek is similar to that on vVorkman Creek, but is less responsive or more attenuated, probably as the result of the influence of the higher elevation (8,200 feet) 011 snowmelt rates (fig. If). Daily snowmelt peaks are still on Castle Creek but greatly reduced. Annual precipitation and overstory basal area are similar to that on the ponderosa pine basin, but the long term runoff effici.ency ratio is only about one half as muc.h (0.14 versus 0.26). The mixed conifer type on Thomas C:reek is located at the highest elevation (8,700 feet) and receives the second highest annual precipitation amount (29.1 inches). Daily snowmelt peaks are barely apparent, indicating much more resistance or longer flow distance to the channel. Overland flow or evidence 214 of overland flow has seldom been observed on the mixed conifer basins.l\fean annual streamflows on these 3 basins are relatively uniform (3.2 to 3.5 inches) even though mean annual precipitation ranges from 25.6 to 31.9 inches. Although some attenuation of the hydrographs on the two higher mixed conifer basins is the result of lower snowmelt rates, the high annual precipitation amounts, longer streamflow period, and lower runoff efficiencies suggest that the major factor is the influence of soil depth and texture. Literature Cited Baker, l\fa.Ic.hus B., Jr. 1986. Effects of ponderosa pine treatments on water yield in Ar.izona. Water Resources Researe.h. 22: 67-73. Bake.r, Malchus B., Jr. 1984. Changes in streamflow in an herbidde treated pinyon juniper wate.rshed in Arizona. Water Resources Research. 20: 1639-1642. Hibbert, Alden R. 1979. Managing vegetation to increase flow in the Colorado River Basin. Gen. Tech. I'ap. RM-66. Fort Collins, CO: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky l\fountain Forest and Range Experime.nt Station. 27 p. Hibbert, Alden R.; Davis, Edwin A.; Scholl, David G. 1974. Chaparral conversion potential in Arizona. Part I: Water yield response and effects on other resources. Res. Pap. Rl\f-126. Fort Collins, CO: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Sta~ion. 36 p. Rich, Lowell R.; Thompson, J. R. 1974. Watershed management in Arizona's mixed conifer forest: The status of our knowledge. Res. Pap. Rl\f-130. Fort Collins, CO: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 15 p. 215