This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Above-Ground Biomass Quantities and Livestock Production at Big Sacaton Riparian Areas in Southeastern Arizona1 Jerry R. Cox and Howard L. Morton 2 Abstract.--Two big sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii) grassland riparian sites were studied in southeastern Arizona. At site I we measured green biomass, dead standing and standing crops of big sacaton for 3 years. At site II we annually burned or mowed big sacaton pastures in February and annually grazed these pastures plus an untreated control pasture between 1 May and 15 July for three years. Green biomass peaked in August at 1300 and 3000 kg/ha in dry and wet years, respectively. Dead standing biomass accumulated in the fall and disappeared following either fall, winter or summer precipitation. Standing crop (green plus dead standing) was greatest in August and averaged 4400 kg/ha. Both burning and mowing reduced green biomass production. Stocking rates on burned and mowed pastures were only one-third as high as on untreated. Mean daily gains in 1981 and 1982 averaged 0.41 and 0.67 kg/day on untreated and treated pastures, respectively, but total gains per pasture were 512 and 235 kg on the untreated and treated, respectively. INTRODUCTION The animal-carrying capacity of semiarid grazing lands is dependent on the amount of plant biomass which is available to be converted into animal biomass. Therefore, a program to evaluate carrying capacity should include studies to: (1) quantify the annual accumulation and decomposition characteristics of live biomass, dead standing biomass and standing crop and (2) grazing studies to relate plant and animal production. Big sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii) grasslands are found where floodwaters accumulate on alluvial flats and flood plains in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Because dead standing biomass accumulates in these riparian zones land managers have either annually burned or mowed in late winter (February) and grazed in spring-summer (1 May - 15 July) when upland grasses were dormant. These treatments and spring-summer grazing have been practiced for at least 100 years (Humphrey 1958). The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the seasonal dyngmics of live biomass, dead standing biomass and standing crop in a big sacaton grassland and (2) evaluate the effect of either annual winter burning or mowing and springsummer grazing of big sacaton on plant growth, stocking rates and animal gains. 1 Paper presented at the North American Riparian Conference. [University of Arizona, Tucson, April 15-18, 1985]. 2Jerry R. Cox is Range Scientist, Howard L. Morton is Supervisory Plant Physiologist, U.S. Dep. Agr. - Agr. Res. Serv., 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ 85719. The authors' appreciation is extended to the Donaldson Family at the Empire Ranch for their cooperation, ANAMAX Mining Company for permission to use their land and Reynaldo Madrigal for outstanding technical assistance. STUDY SITES Two sites representative of big sacaton grasslands in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico were selected about 80 km south of Tucson in southeastern Arizona. Site I (Ecological Studies) was in Gardner Canyon and Site II (Grazing Studies) was in the Empire Creek drainage. Both sites are within flood plains at an elevation of 1370 m, and soils are classified as Pima silty clay loam, sandy 305 loam subsoil, thermic, Typic Haplustolls (Richardson et al. 1979). these assumptions: (1) additional plant growth would not occur after 15 May or before the summer rainy season began in mid-July, (2) each grazing animal would eat or trample 10 kg of forage per day, and (3) the desired utilization level when animals were removed on 15 July would not exceed 60% of the standing crop present on 1 May. Annual precipitation in the area has varied from 175 to 450 rnm in the past 50 years (Sellers and Hill 1974). Sixty percent of the annual precipitation usually comes in summer (June September) and 40% comes in winter (October April). Day-time temperatures average 30° C in summer and night-time temperatures are often below 0° C in winter. Fall and spring are cool, dry and windy (Cox 1984). The standing crops of big sacaton live biomass, dead standing biomass and other perennial grasses were resampled on 15 May, 1, 15 and 30 June, 15 July and 20 October in 1980, 1981 and 1982. Sampling between 15 May and 15 July was to document forage disappearance. The October date reptesents peak standing crop after the summer growing season (Cox 1984). METHODS Ecological Studies A 2 ha study area was fenced to exclude livestock. Nine 15 x 15 m plots were established; 3 plots were selected and sampled at 6 week intervals between 6 March 1980 and 6 February 1981, 3 were selected and sampled between 6 March 1981 and 6 February 1982, and the remaining 3 were sampled between 6 March 1982 and 6 February 1983. Plant biomass within a 0.3 x 2.9 m quadrat was separated into live (green) and dead standing (yellow and gray) biomass. Standing crop was determined by adding live and dead standing biomass components. Study design, harvesting and statistical procedures are detailed in Cox 1984. RESULTS Ecological Studies Live Biomass The amounts of live biomass were different at the August sampling dates and similar at the remaining sampling dates over the 3 years (fig. 1). Summer thunderstorms began in early July and most of August was dry in 1980 and 1982. Whereas, thunderstorms began in mid July and occurred regularly through August 1981. As a result, live biomass was 2 to 3 times greater in August 1981 (3250 kg/ha) as compared to August 1980 (1600 kg/ha) and August 1982 (1100 kg/ha). Grazing Studies A 16 ha study area was fenced and divided into 4 pastures. Three pastures were 5 ha and one pasture was 1 ha. The three large pastures were randomly assigned one of the following treatments: (1) annual winter (February) burning and spring-summer (1 May - 15 July) grazing (2) annual mowing and spring-summer grazing and (3) spring-summer grazing. The small pasture was retained as an untreated and ungrazed control. 3000- * L1ve k 2000 1000 Live and dead standing big sacaton, and other perennial grasses were sampled in each pasture on 27 February. One large pasture was selected as the burned pasture and another as the mowed pasture. The same pastures were burned or mowed in February 1980, 1981 and 1982. All pastures were sampled on 1 May and individually weighed Brahman heifers (1980) and steers (1981 and 1982) released into the three large pastures. _g ~---f--1 \------~-.__1 0 L--,----,---,---,----,---,---,------,-- ' rJ> rJ> 0 E Standing Dead 0 iii 0 4000 ~ 3000 --~ 2000 __ , -~/ " t Following late winter and spring burning and mowing big sacaton grasslands in Texas produce abundant green forage in late April and May (Gavin 1982, Haferkamp 1982). We expected a similar response in southeastern Arizona, and stocking rates in 1980 were based on expected growth rates. Our assumption that rapid growth would occur in April and May was incorrect because this period corresponds to a drought season in Arizona, while the same period corresponds to a wet season in Texas. Therefore, the burned and mowed pastures were over-stocked, and heifers were removed and weighed on 1 June 1980. 1000 Apr May Jul Aug Oct Nov Dec Feb 17 29 10 21 2 13 24 6 Sampling Dates Fig. 1. Three year means and standard errors (kg/ha) for live biomass, dead standing biomass at 8 annual sampling dates for a big sacaton grassland in southeastern Arizona. An asterisk (*) above the standard error notation indicates a significant difference (P = 0.05) among years at the same sampling date. Stocking rates in 1981 and 1982 were based on 306 Dead Standing Pasture I ----Burning and Grazing Pasture 2 ··••·•··· Mowing and Grazing Pasture 3 ------- Grazing only 4500 The amounts of dead standing were similar in October and averaged about 1750 kg/ha over the 3 years (fig. 1). There was significant variation in the amounts of dead standing at the remaining sampling dates over the 3 years. 4500 Pasture 4 - No treatment, No grazing Dead standing averaged 3200 kg/ha during the dry spring and early summer of 1980. About 50% disappeared between August and October, but a similar amount accumulated from the live component in November. Approximately 45% of the amount that accumulated in fall 1980 disappeared following three snowstorms in January 1981. [ 4000 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 en en 2500 2500 E 0 CD 2000 2000 1500 - 1500 1000 1000 500 500 c ~ c 0 ~ Dead standing averaged 1750 kg/ha during the spring and early summer of 1981, and about 40% disappeared following 145 mm precipitation between 10 July and 21 August. Dead standing began to accumulate in fall, and the total amount on 24 December was about 350% greater than on 21 August. 0 Dead standing averaged 3500 kg/ha during the dry winter and spring of 1981-82. Approximately 25% disappeared in early summer when thunderstorms began, and an additional 25% disappeared in late summer when the thunderstorm activity resumed. Cool-season precipitation in November and December was 110 mm and standing dead averaged 2350 kg/ha. This amount is about 1000 kg/ha less than on the same dates in 1980 and 1981 when precipitation was 20 and 40 mm, respectively. Approximately 36% of the dead standing present in December 1982 had disappeared following three snowstorms in January and one snowstorm in early February 1983. Feb May May Jun Jun Jun Jul 27 I 15 I 15 30 15 Oct 20 Sam piing Dates Figure 2. Three year means and standard errors (kg/ha) for big sacaton dead standing biomass at 8 annual sampling dates in four pastures. Burning and mowing treatments were applied in February; grazing was in spring-summer (1 May to 15 July). Peak dead standing after the summer growing season was measured in October. Standing Crop Standing crop, the sum of the live and dead standing components, averaged 2350 kg/ha in February and 4450 kg/ha in August over 3 years. The percent of the live component within the standing crop was less than 50% at all sampling dates except two, 21 August and 2 October 1981. 3500 3500 Pasture I ---- Burning and Grazing 3000 3000 Pasture 2 ··· ······ Mowing and Grazing Pasture 3 ------· Grazing only c ...... Pasture 4 - No treatment, No grazing 2500 2500 ~ Peak standing crops varied from 3900 kg/ha in August 1982 to 5150 kg/ha in August 1980. Peak standing crop of big sacaton was 4600 kg/ha in southcentral Texas (Haferkamp 1982) and 4350 kg/ha in west Texas (Gavin 1982). en en c E CD 0 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 ~ Grazing Studies Burning and mowing immediately removed dead standing biomass while grazing activities resulted in a 45% decline between 1 May and 15 July (fig. 2). Dead standing removal during winter apparently alters plant growth because live biomass in the grazed pasture was about 45 and 35% greater than in the burned and mowed pastures, respectively, on 1 May (fig. 3). These reductions in the available forage resource following either burning or mowing were reflected in pasture stocking rates in 1981 and 1982 (table 1). Feb May May Jun Jun Jun Jul 27 I 15 I 15 30 15 Oct 20 Sampling Dates Figure 3. Three year means and standard errors (kg/ha) for big sacaton live (green) biomass at 8 annual sampling dates in four pastures. Burning and mowing treatments were applied in February; grazing was in spring-summer (1 May to 15 July). Peak live biomass after the summer growing season was measured in October. 307 Table 1. Stocking rates, daily gains and total pasture gains of Brahman heifers (1980) and steers (1981 and 1982) grazing big sacaton in southeastern Arizona. Burning and mowing treatments were applied on 27 February 1980, 1981 and 1982 in the same pastures. Grazing began on 1 May and ended on J June in 1980, and on 15 July in 1981 and 1982. Pasture I - - - - Burning and Grazing '150 l Posture 4 - - No treatment, No grazing 300 Year 1981 Treatment Stacking Rate (Head/ Pasture) Daily Gain (kg/ Animal) Total Gain (kg/Pasture) 0 350 Pasture 2 ·········Mowing and Grazing Pasture 3------ Grazing only 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 .r; ....... Burning and Grazing 12 .23 83 Mowing and Grazing 12 .23 83 E Grazing 12 .45 162 iii 0 ~ 0 0 0> ..)/(. 1982 Burning and Grazing Mowing and Grazing Grazing 1983 Burning and Grazing Mowing and Grazing Grazing 5 .75 283 5 .67 250 15 .45 502 4 . 74 222 5 .50 187 18 .39 522 50 Feb 27 May I May 15 Jun I Jun 15 Jun 30 Jul 15 Oct 20 Sampling Dates Figure 4. Three year means and standard errors (kg/ha) for other perennial grass biomass at 8 sampling dates in four pastures. Burning and mowing treatments were applied in February; grazing was in spring-summer (1 May to 15 July). Peak other perennial grass biomass after the summer growing season was measured in October. Heifers and steers preferred other perennial grasses to big sacaton in the three large pastures (figs. 3 and 4), and completely removed the standing crop of other perennial grasses before grazing big sacaton. The standing crop of other perennial grasses was usually removed by 1 June. Cattle began to graze big sacaton but were constantly searching for other perennial grasses between 25 May and 5 June. Between 15 June and 15 July animals grazed entirely on big sacaton. DISCUSSION AND ECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS Dead standing big sacaton biomass will rapidly disappear following precipitation in either fall, w~nter or summer. These data do not support the commonly accepted belief that dead standing biomass disappears slowly under natural conditions (Griffiths 1901, Humphrey 1960). However, the logic which contributed to this belief is easily understood. Dead standing biomass is the predominant vegetation component within big sacaton grasslands for about 49 weeks of each year, and even though dead standing does disappear after precipitation, it does not accumulate on the soil surface between plants. Therefore, open areas between plants are litter-free for the majority of each year and this would suggest that most dead standing biomass falls into the plant interior and is trapped withi,l the remaining dead standing. Average daily gains were highest in the burned pasture, intermediate in the mowed pasture and lowest in the grazed pasture in 1981 and 1982 (table 1). However, stocking rates in the grazed pasture were 3 times greater than in the burned and mowed pastures in 1981 and 1982, and total gains were approximately 2 times greater in the grazed pasture in all 3 years. As dead standing disappears following either fall or winter moisture, litter accumulates within the remaining dead standing. This litter source may serve as an important N reserve which becomes quickly available for plant growth in summer through the processes of decay, nitrogen mineralization and nitrification. The entrapment of N within the remaining dead standing probably reduces N losses associated with flooding. 308 Prior to channelization in big sacaton grasslands these riparian areas acted as a continuous barrier that slowed floodwaters, trapped sediments and enhanced the storage of soil moisture in shallow water tables (Griffiths 1901, Hubbell and Gardner 1950). Under these conditions the solum remained wet for more than 90 continuous days during the growing season (Soil Taxonomy 1979), soils were classified as Haplustolls (Richardson et al. 1979) and live biomass in the spring-summer grazing period on areas which had been burned or mowed in late winter was probably greater than on untreated areas. After channelization, or conditions which currently exist, upslope as well as on site runoff quickly exits alluvial areas through the channel system (Cooke and Reeves 1976), the solum was dry during most of the growing season; soils were reclassified as Torrifluvents (Richardson et al. 1979) and live biomass was greater in the spring-summer grazing period on untreated areas as compared to areas which had been either burned or mowed in late winter. The increase in daily animal gains would suggest that big sacaton grasslands should be either burned or mowed in late winter and grazed in spring-summer. The increase in carrying capacity on the untreated pasture would suggest that the manager would most likely elect to decrease the carrying capacity and increase daily gains. Therefore, the manager would burn because mowing is more costly (Wright 1969) and then graze. The alternative option of neither burning or mowing but increasing the carrying capacity would be considered unrealistic because it is not logical to assume that increased gain per area will compensate for reductions in daily gains (Launchbaugh and Owensby 1978). In the past big sacaton grasslands in lowland and flood plains acted as barriers which slowed and spread flood waters. Under such conditions it would seem reasonable to assume that the live biomass produced after burning or mowing would have been greater .than on untreated areas because of the extended growing season. These conditions no longer exist and the presented data, collected over 3 years, would suggest that: (1) burning and mowing do not stimulate live biomass production and (2) annual burning and mowing may decrease live biomass production under some conditions. Therefore, the manager who is concerned with the long-term management of natural resources, rather than short-term livestock gains, would likely discontinue the use of late winter burning or mowing and increase carrying capacity during the spring-summer grazing periods. LITERATURE CITED Cooke, R. U., and R. W. Reeves. 1976. Arroyos and environmental change in the American southwest. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Cox, J. R. 1984. Shoot production and biomass transfer of big sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii). J. Range Manage. 37:377-380. Gavin, T. M. 1982. The effects of prescribed fire on the production, utilization and nutritional value of sacaton in Brewster County, Texas. M.S. Thesis, Sul Ross State Univ., Alpine. Griffiths, D. Arizona. Bull. 4. 1901. Range improvements in USDA, Bureau of Plant Industry. Haferkamp, M. R. 1982. Defoliation impacts on the quality and quantity of forage harvested from big sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii Monro). J. Range Manage. 35:26-31. Hubbell, D. S., and J. L. Gardner. 1950. Effects of diverting sediment-laden runoff to range and croplands. USDA Tech. Bull. No. 1012. Humphrey, R. R. 1958. Rev. 24:193-253. The desert grassland. Bot. Humphrey, R. R. 1960. Arizona range grasses. Arizona Agr. Exp. Bull. 298. Launchbaugh, J. L., and C. E. Owensby. 1978. Kansas rangelands; Their management based on a half century of research. Kansas Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 622. Richardson, M. L., G. D. Clemmons, J. C. Walker. 1979. Soil survey of Santa Cruz and parts of Cochise and Pima Counties, Arizona. National Cooperative Soil Survey, USDA, Soil Cons. Serv., Forest Serv. and Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. ~'ashington, DC. Sellers, W. D., and R. H. Hill. 1974. Arizona climate (1931-1972). Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson. Soil Taxonomy. 1979. A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. USDA, Soil Conservation Serv., Agr. Handb. No. 436. Wright, H. A. 1969. Effect of spring burning on tabosagrass. J. Range Manage. 22:425-427. 309