This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Methods for Determining Effects of Controlled Dewatering of Shallow Aquifers on Desert Phreatophytes in Owens Valley, California1 Peter D. Dileanis, Farrel A. Branson, and Stephen K. Sorenson 2 Abstract.--The ability of phreatophytic plants to tolerate and survive dewatering of shallow aquifers is being tested. At test sites that have been equipped with pumping wells, soil moisture and plant physiological responses are being measured as water levels decline. INTRODUCTION The U.S. Geological Survey is currently conducting research concerning the possible effects of ground-water withdrawal on native phreatophytic vegetation in Owens Valley, Calif. The project is being done in cooperation with Inyo County and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. This paper describes the methods used to measure the plant's ability to survive changes in water availability brought about by lowering groundwater levels due to pumping. O~Tens Valley is situated between the Sierra Nevada and the White and Inyo Mountains (fig. 1). The relatively flat valley floor is about 100 miles long and ranges in elevation from about 3,600 to 4,100 feet. Nountains along the east and west sides of the valley rise 3,000 to 10,000 feet from the valley floor. Owens Valley receives an average of only 5 inches annual precipitation due to the rain shadow east of the Sierra Nevada. Despite little precipitation, ground water is plentiful in the valley. Runoff from the Sierra Nevada snowpack percolates through the unconsolidated alluvial deposits along the valley margins, find supplies most of the recharge to the groundwater system. The water table across much of the valley floor ranges from land surface to about 12 feet below land surface. Ground water is within reach of the roots of phreatophytic shrubs and grasses that dominate the valley floor's plant communities. Phreatophytes are plants that habitually rely on ground water by growing roots down near the water table where capillary water is readily available (Heinzer, 1927). The phreatophytic plants being tested are: nevada saltbush (Atriplex torreyi), greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus) , rubber rabbitbrush \ \ \ \ \ ,-I EXPLANATION f1i] Study area Watershed boundary Fast-drawdown 5 i te S 1ow-d rawdown 5 i te Haiwee Reservoir 10 ! 20 t 10 I 30 'i 40 KILOMETERS I 20 MILES Figure l.--Location of study area. (Chrusothamuns nauseosus) , shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia) , and big sage ( Artemisia tridentata) . Two of the plants under study, big sage (Artemisia tridentata) and shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia) , while not generally considered to be phrea.tophytes, are thought to be using ground water in the shallow ground-water areas of Owens Valley. These plants continuing survival on the vall'ey floor may, therefore, be dependent on ground-water availability. IPaper presented at the North American Riparian Conference, [University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, April 16-18, 1985]. 2Peter D. Dileanis and Stephen K. Sorenson are Hydrologists, U.S. Geological Survey, WRD, Sacramento, CA. Farrel A. Branson is a Botanist, U.S. Geological Survey, WRD, Denver, CO. In the early 1.900's, the rapidly growing city of Los Angeles, more than 200 miles south, looked to Owens Valley as a long-term plentiful 197 supply of water. The city bought most of the land in Owens Valley, and in 1913, an aqueduct was completed which diverted surface water from Owens Valley to Los Angeles. In addition, a series of wells was drilled to supply ground water to the aqueduct during periods of low surface-water runoff. Subsequent extensions of the original aqueduct and construction of a second aqueduct, completed in 1970, have increased the amount of water being diverted. EXPLANATION 0 • Observa tion we 11 Pumping well • <0 <0 y y ul ~I ~: • A A cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey, Inyo County, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began in 1983. The overall objective of this project is to develop mathematical models that would be capable of testing various strategies of groundwater withdrawal designed to mitigate possible impacts on the valley's vegetation. This project has several major components including two- and three-dimensional ground-water-flow models, onedimensional soil-water-evapotranspiration model, and the controlled drawdown studies described in this paper. All of these components will be integrated into a management/optimization model which will assist Inyo County and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to effectively manage the ground-water resources of Owens Valley. Investigation methods being developed for use in this study, and particularly the information obtained concerning vegetation responses to water-table drawdown, will be useful in other areas of the Western United States where the need for water by growing population centers conflict with other uses of available water resources. o Fence I I I I ~I m ! ~I rJ. A <00 0 35~--~7~5--~1~50~--~37.00~----~lO~070----~2~OO~O----~37~5~O-----50~O--O B DISTANCE FROM PUMPING WELLS, IN FEET Figure 2.--Fast-drawdown site near Bishop: (A) Areal view showing placement of wells and sampling stations (125-foot transects within fenced enclosures); and (B) cross section showing depth to water as of February 25, 1985. EXPLANATION o Observation well • Pumping well • •o DESCRIPTION OF TEST SITES ~0 USGS vegetat ion study enclosure Two types of test sites were established, each designed to investigate different aspects of water-deficit stress caused by controlled dewatering. One type, called a fast-drawdown site, is designed to rapidly lower the ground-water level 25 to 30 feet by pumping from a small cluster of wells. This pumping results in a cone of depression in the water table. Sampling stations are 125-foot transects, located at increasing distances away from the wells (fig. 2). Observation wells were drilled adjacent to all sampling stations to monitor ground-water levels. Two fast-drawdown sites were established, the first located about 4 miles south of Bishop, and the second about 3 miles east of Independence (fig. 1). The second type of site, called a slow-drawdown site, is designed to lower water tables in annual increments of about 6 feet. A constant water table level is maintained under the test sites by pumping the six wells surrounding the site (fig. 3). A drawdown of about 6 feet was made the first year with an additional 6-foot drawdown scheduled for the end of the 1985 growing season. Two slowdrawdown sites were established, the first about 3 miles north of the fast-drawdown site near Bishop, and the other about 0.5 mile west of the fast-drawdown site near Independence. All sites are located in typical areas of relatively undisturbed phreatophytic vegetation. Soil LADWD-I nyo Co. fl) vegetation study ene 1asure 150' x 85' 85' x 85' A Fence o • B ::t: ~ 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ £!.£j~~~~i:l~.r---1e~ 2D~------------------------------------------ _______ Figure 3.--Slow-drawdown site near Independence: (A) Areal view showing sampling station (125-foot transect within fenced enclosure); (B) cross section showing depth to water. types are different between the Bishop and Independence area test sites. Variability in soil types was desirable so that plant responses can be linked closely to the variety of soil conditions in the valley. 198 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION Vegetation cover at each station is measured using the point quadrat method (Goodall, 1952) along each 125-foot linear transect. A linear array of long pins spaced 0.5 foot apart are held in a frame above the plant canopy and perpendicular to the ground. As each pin is low'ered, every ob jec t the pin contacts enroute to the ground is recorded in one of the following categories: plant species, non-living plant material (standing or detached mulch), and bare ground. The point frame is moved along the entire length of the transect. A summary of all the first contacts made by all pins is used to estimate the percentage of cover of the individual species and plant community at each transect. Records of all pin contacts give estimates of leaf density and cover repetition. As the water level declines below rooting zones of the plants, increasing water-deficit stress is expected to occur. At the fastdrawdown sites, a series of plant stresses is expected to occur, ranging from insignificant changes at control stations farthest from the wells to stress severe enough to cause death to plants at stations closest to the wells. The slow-drawdown sites are testing the ability of the plants to extend roots to a lower water table if water tables are reduced slowly. In order to determine the effects of dewatering on the plants, four methods of investigation are being used. Soil Sampling Plant Growth and Phenology The survival of plants in a particular location is controlled largely by the physical characteristics of the soil, and by the amount and availabili ty of moisture in the soil. In order to determine soil and soil-moisture characteristics, soil samples are collected monthly from March through October at all transects. The samples are collected using a specially designed, 2-inch diameter hand auger. Successive. 10-cm samples are collected from the surface down to near the water table. The samples are put into an air-tight plastic bag along with a 5.5-cm disk of filter paper, sealed in a metal can, and incubated at 20°C for at least 1 week to allow the filter paper to come to moisture equilibrium with the soil. The wet soil and filter paper are weighed, oven dried, and weighed again. Gravimetric soil-mositure content and moisture content of the filter paper are calculated from these weights. Water potential is calculated using the calibration curves of R. F. Miller and F. A. Branson (U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 1985). Because of the auger barrel design, a reasonably constant volumetric sample is taken each time, making it possible to closely calculate bulk density, void capacity, and volumetric water content of the soil. Water-deficit stress may affect the growth and development of plants. At each station, a representative plant of each of the dominant shrub species has been selected and three branches were labeled with color coded wire. Terminal growth on these branches is measured biweekly or monthly throughout the growing season. In stressed plants, less metabolic energy is available for vegetative growth, resulting in lower growth rates. The phenology of the marked plants is observed and recorded at the same time growth measurements are made. For this study, 10 phenological stages are recognized from beginning leaf growth through dormancy. Xylem Water Potential Negative water potentials occur in the xylem, or water conducting tissues, of vascular plants when loss of water by transpiration through the stems and leaves becomes greater than water gained from absorption by roots. As water is depleted from the soil, the water potential gradient between soil, plant, and atmosphere increases resulting in lower potentials for the water moving through the plant. Heasurements of physical and moisture characteristics of soil are essential in determining soil moisture availability to plants. The amount of water in the soil column, as well as the force wi th which the soil retains the moisture, determines how much moisture is available to plants and what forces the plant must exert in order to use that moisture. Soil characteristics also are essential to the more applied question of plant survivability with declining water tables. Knowledge of the soil characteristics allows estimates of how much moisture will drain from the soil when water tables decline, and how much remains for plant use. These answers will, in part, determine if the plant will have enough moisture in the newly drained soils to grow deeper roots or ~'1hether the amount of water will be so limiting that the plant will not survive. Measurements of xylem water potential are made monthly during the growing season to document water-deficit stress and to determine the minimum water potentials the plants can tolerate. In 1984, measurements were made ·at midday when water potentials are normally at their mlnlmum. In 1985, additional measurements will be made before dawn when water potentials are at their maximum. These measurements will define the range of waterdefici t stress the plants experience throughout their diurnal cycle. Xylem water potential is measured using a pressure bomb (Ri tchie and Hinckley, 1975) • A small leafy branch is cut from the plant and sealed in a chamber with the cut end of the stem .protruding from a gas-tight rubber stopper. Pressurized air is metered into the chamber until fluid appears at the surface of the cut stem. The positive pressure that is needed to force fluid back to the end of the branch in the pressure bomb is equal in number, but opposite in sign, to the negative pressure of potential in the xylem at the time the branch was cut. Vegetation Transects Vegetation cover characterfstics of the plant community at each site is expected to change as the plants are subjected to increased stress resulting from water table drawdown. 199 assist in the effective management of the groundwater resources in Owens Valley. SUMMARY By lowering water-table elevations, phreatophyte plant responses are being studied in relation to moisture availability in the soil. Plant responses are determined by measuring species population, vegetation cover, plant growth, phenological development, and xylem water potential. The amount and availability of moisture in the soil to plants is determined by measuring volumetric water content and soil-moisture potential. LITERATURE CITED Goodall, D. ~l. 1952. Some consideration in the use of point quadrats for analysis of vegetation. Australian Journal of Scientific Research Series B-Biological Sciences, v. 5, p. 1-41. Meinzer, O. E. 1927. Plants as indicators of ground water. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 577, 95 p. Data from this study will be used to determine the minimum soil moisture required by the phreatophytes and will be used in conjunction with ground-water-flow models being developed by the U. S. Geological Survey. These models will estimate the effects of ground-water withdrawal on plant survivability w·hich can be used to Ritchie, G. A., and T. M. Hinkley. 1975. The pressure chamber as an instrument for ecological research. Advances in Ecological Research 9: p. 165-254. 200