This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Quantification of Nitrate Uptake by Riparian Forests 1 and Wetlands in an Undisturbed Headwaters Watershed 2 3 4 Jonathan Rhodes, C.M. Skau , Daniel Greenlee, David L. Brown 5 Three years of research on a headwaters watershed has shown this area to be capable of removing over 99% of the incoming nitrate nitrogen. Riparian vegetation nitrate uptake and output, and microbial denitrification will be incorporated into hydrologically-based nutrient transport models. INTRODUCTION Currently, investigations are attempting to describe nitrate delivery mechanisms at the individual watershed level. Working at an experimental watershed immediately adjacent to the Lake Tahoe basin, the goal is to develop a hydrologically-based nutrient transport model which can be used to predict the extent to which watersheds will release nutrients. Riparian wetland areas are emerging as one of the most important parameters in controlling nutrient transport. Lake Tahoe in the northern Sierra Nevada has been a focus of national attention due to its steadily declining water quality. This oligotrophic lake is nitrogen deficient with respect to plant growth; however, its famed clarity is disappearing at a rate of 0.6 m/year in response to algal growth fueled by accelera ted ni tra te inpu ts from man-disturbed wa tersheds. Research was initiated by the University of Nevada, Reno in the late 1960's to determine the nutrient sources and delivery mechanisms which are impacting Lake Tahoe. Nitrate can enter an undisturbed watershed from two major sources: precipitation and nitrogen-fixation by alder and other plants (Swank, 1984). Upon entering the soil, nitrate can undergo a variety of transformations which result in assimilation into tissues in microbes and plants (uptake), microbial reduction into nitrous oxide and nitrogen gas (denitrification), and adsorption onto soil particles (mineralization). With the exception of sediment-adsorbed nitrates, these transformations remove dissolved nitrate from soil and groundwater before they enter the stream, thereby minimizing the watersheds impact on Lake Tahoe. Of the forest nutrients, nitrate and phosphate are of greatest concern since they are the eutrophication rate-limiting compounds (Kramer, 1972). In the Tahoe region, these two nutrients are found in approximately equal amounts in undisturbed watersheds (Brown, et al., 1973). Since the required nitrate to phosphate ratio for organisms is about 16:1, nitrate is the limiting nutrient, and is hence the major focus of Tahoe pollution research. It is important to differentiate between the nitrate concentration (mass per volume), and the load (the total mass) delivered by the wa tershed, since the latter is what will actually impact Lake Tahoe for example. These processes are all closely linked with the hydrologic system operating on local hillslope watersheds. Major hydrologic variables include: inputs from rain and snowmelt, changes in soil water storage, losses and gains from fracture flow in the granite bedrock, and output in the creek. Riparian and wetland areas are key components of the watershed, contributing to streamflow generation and response to rain/snowmelt events (Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967). 1 Paper presented at the North American Riparian Conference. [University of Arizona, Tucs02' April 16-18, 1985] Jonathan Rhodes is Graduate Research Assistant in Forest Hydrology, University of Washi~gton, Seattle, WA. C.M. Skau is Professor of Forestry and Watershed Management, University of Nevada, Reno'4 NV • Daniel Greenlee is Graduate Research Assistant in Hydrology/Hydrogeology, University of Negada, Reno, NV. David L. Brown is Graduate Research Fellow in Hydrology/Hydrogeology, University of Nevada, Reno, NV. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY SITE The study site is a 79.6 hectares (200 acre) headwaters watershed located on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada near Spooner Summit (above Carson City, Nevada). The watershed has a base elevation of 2012 m (6800 ft) rising to slightly over 2500 m (8200 ft). Northern 175 25 V/:/:\I Wet meadows IDillillm Dense riparian zone (dominated by large alder and \<Jill ow) ~ t;.!i..!.J Riparian zone with ferns, small alders and wi 11 ows Figure 1. 2072 Clear Creek study watershed riparian and wetland areas. aspec ts predomina te along this eas t-wes t trending watershed with the majority of slopes ranging from 20 to 50 percent. These species are found along the perennial and ephemeral channels, surrounding seep zones and springs, and in the wet and dry meadows. The watershed receives approximately 76 centimeters (30 inches) of precipitation annually. Over 80 percent of this amount occurs as snow, with the remainder usually in the form of summer and autumn rain events. The precipitation input of nitrates averages a fairly constant concentration of 34 mcg/l in fresh snow (Rhodes, 1985). This value showed little variance, ranging between 15-50 mcg/l for both record and below normal yearly precipitation totals. For 1982/83, a record high snow year, the total incoming load from rain and snow was 449 g/ha (Rhodes, 1985). INSTRUMENTATION The Clear Creek watershed was instrumented beginning in 1982 to monitor the saturated subsurface system (46 piezometers), precipitation (a recording precipitation gage and accessory snowboards), streamflow (a recording gage on a 1.5 foot H-flume), and soil water content (36 neutron probe access tubes). The presence and levels of nitrate in the saturated/unsaturated zone were monitored using 40 pressure-vacuum soil water lysimeters. Water analysis was performed on a Dionex ion chromatograph in an EPA certified laboratory at the University of Nevada Desert Research Institute. The study area is drained by a perennial first order tributary of Clear Creek. Also present are several ephemeral and intermittent channels and springs. Flows in the creek range from 0.2 cfs in the late Summer and early Fall to a maximum of 1.0 cfs during snowmelt. Sampling the creek (1982/83) at the outlet flume showed an average nitrate concentration of 1 mcg/l (detection limits) which produces an outlet load of 2.5 g/ha. Riparian and wetland areas are the most intensively instrumented and monitored sites in the entire watershed. Since they respond to hydrologic inputs in a very rapid manner, it was deemed necessary to develop a monitoring system which could measure small changes in groundwater and soil moisture levels on a continuous basis. The granodioritic soils support a mixed pine-fir forest. Soils in the riparian and spring zones are gleyed and mottled with fractions of organic matter and clay larger than the majority of the watershed. This is indicative of periodic, transient saturation. A telemetered, remote data collection and transmission system was developed with a local firm, Scientific Engineering Instruments, Inc. (SEI). The telemetry portion of the system has been incorporated into the Soil Conservation Service's SNOTEL network, and has been very reliable under the demanding winter conditions encountered at high altitudes. This system delivers data directly to the University Watershed Lab, and thus allows real-time monitoring of changes in the watershed. The lower watershed is dominated by a 0.5 ha wet meadow on the north side of the creek and a 1 ha wet meadow/seep zone on the south side (fig. 1). Riparian species are predominately willow (Salix spp.), red alder (Alnus tenuifolia), horse tail (Equise turn arvense), ferns ~rium felix-femina), sedges, and grasses. In November, 1984, a transect in the lower, northside meadow was instrumented to monitor 176 groundwater levels and soil moisture content (fig. 1). SEI adapted an acoustical sensing device to measure the depth to groundwater inside the standard piezometers deployed at the study site. Readings with 3 cm resolution are taken at 10 minute intervals. Direct measurements of denitrification were carried out in the north-side wet meadow at the bottom of the watershed using the acetylene blockage technique (Ryden, et al., 1979a; 1979b). For the 111 samples taken thus far, denitrification rates ranged between 0.138-2.41 grams nitrogen lost per hour per hectare (0.341-7.265 g N/hr/acre). Three sites comprise the transect and follow the gradient of the hill roughly parallel to the creek. The middle site has sensors on a nested pair of piezometers in order to measure the hydraulic head gradient. The upper and lower sites both contain one sensor each. Subsurface flow pulses moving into and through the meadow and riparian zones can thus be tracked as the watershed response to snowmelt or rain. Assuming the most conservative denitrifying conditions (8 hours per day, June through November), the 1984 to tal deni trif ica tion ra te would have been 1770 g N/ha. While an order of magnitude less than for low elevation agricul tural fields (Ryden e t a1., 1979a), these values are significant given the comparably low concentration and load of nitrate contained in the precipitation. Changes in soil moisture, particularly the downward advance of wetting fconts due to rain infiltration, can be measured using a stack of Coleman moisture/temperature probes with an SEI interface module. The probes are emplaced at 25 cm, 40 cm, and 60 cm depths. Another anticipated use of these probes and the entire system is to refine soil water sampling efforts by more accurately detecting the presence of hydrologic processes targeted for study, especially rain events. Another important finding of this study concerns the conditions under which denitrification can occur in high elevation watersheds. While soil water contents decrease during the Summer and into the Fall, sufficient amounts of saturated microsites remain so as to allow continuous denitrification in the meadows. Microbial populations encountered in this study also appear to have adapted to lower soil temperatures than are reported for agricultural fields. Low but significant (approximately 0.484 g N/hr/ha) rates of denitrification were measured in November under a 15 cm snowpack at soil temperatures of 1.6 (10cm), 2.9 (25cm), and 4.7 (50cm) degrees Centigrade. NITRATE REMOVAL MECHANISMS The difference between the precipitation input and the stream's output represents a 99 percent removal of nitrate by an undisturbed watershed. The magnitude of this removal is even greater since the contribution of nitrogen-fixation has yet to be fully quantified. This situation suggests a system which is either biologically nutrient-starved or which has an extremely high nitrate storage capacity. Even though the ni tra te concen tra tions wi thin the watershed and delivered in the stream are low, it is the overall efficiency of removal that is locally significant. The average nitrate concentration in the clearest center of Lake Tahoe is correspondingly low, at about 14.6 mcg/l (Goldman, 1982). Apparent adaptations to high altitude conditions indicate that denitrification could be occurring year-round. Low level winter denitrification rates might even increase during mid-winter melts which periodically occur around the meadow edges. The riparian meadows and other wetlands which support populations of denitrifying bacteria thus seem td be critical natural controls in the transport of nitrate. They also offset the nitrogen-fixation inputs of nitrate from riparian and other species which can amount to several kilograms of nitrogen per hectare per year (Swank, 1984). An estimation of this input will be made for Clear Creek. This preliminary nutrient budget suggests that outputs other than streamflow must be investigated. Riparian and wetland nitrate removal appear to be the most important means of nitrate depletion. Coniferous Forest Nitrate Uptake Nitrate assimilation quring the addition of new forest growth may also be a significant removal process. Using forest mensuration techniques to measure annual biomass production, a conservative estimation of the conifer nitrate uptake for the Clear Creek watershed will be attempted (Budy, 1985). Biological Nitrate Removal Microbial Denitrification Of all the myriad biochemical transformations involving nitrogen in the nitrate (NO -) form, denitrification - the reduction of ni~rate to nitrous oxide (N 20) and N2 gas - has been demonstrated as a hIghly significant removal mechanism (Greenlee, 1985), accounting for a nitrogen loss an order of magnitude higher than the inputs from precipitation. Denitrifying bacteria are active in the anaerobic saturated zone or in saturated microsites in the unsaturated soil zone. Ni tra te Storage in Soils Working with the US Agricultural Research Service in Reno, Nevada, efforts are under way to measure the watershed's potential for nitrate mineralization. Sediment nutrient adsorption is also being studied in determining if nitrate is being transported in the stream without showing up in water quality analysis. This process is 177 especially relevant to the role of riparian saturated zones since they are the major source of sediment in local watersheds. of the watershed. This effectively prevents any significant nitrate removal, and increases the pollution impacts downstream. Ongoing studies with the US Geological Survey and the US Forest Service Central Sierra Snow Lab are trying to determine the extent of fractionation in Sierra snowpacks. Results to date have been inconclusive. HYDROLOGIC ROLE OF RIPARIAN AND WETLAND AREAS IN NUTRIENT TRANSPORT Variable Source Areas In addition to serving as nitrate removal mechanisms, riparian and wetland areas may also actually act as conduits which rapidly transmit nitrates to the stream in response to rain even ts, to ra in-accelerated snowmel t, or to subsurface flow inputs from the upper watershed. Described by Hewlett and Hibbert (1967), riparian areas are usually at or near saturated and thus respond hydraulically much more rapidly than other parts of the watershed. Also, since these saturated areas expand and contract in response to the influx of water, they are both temporally and spatially variable in their influence on the stream. CONCLUSION The importance of riparian and wetland areas in a watershed's nutrient transport system is that of a net process, balancing vegetative inputs, potential sediment outputs, microbial and plant removal mechanisms, and hydrologic transmissive properties. These areas appear to be able to "clean up" nitrate-containing waters with a very high degree of efficiency, and are thus of major value in providing natural pollution controls for sensitive waters such as Lake Tahoe. The major challenge is to further quantify parameters such as denitrification rates, snow fractionation, plant nitrate assimilation, and sediment adsorption potentials. Coats, et al. (1976) and Melgin (1985) concluded that nitrate removal mechanisms were "short-circuited" when saturated areas prevented water from coming into contact with the soil-biological complex. In effect, these variable source areas severely reduce water's residence time in the soil, and thereby limit or elimina te the possibil1. ty of biological ni tra te uptake and removal. Paradoxically, it seems that both extensive riparian/wetland areas and extended water residence times are important parameters in watershed nutrient transport. Additional hillslope hydrologic research is needed regarding the watershed flow characteristics - especially in the unsaturated zones. Snow-related mechanisms such as melt, water movement through snow, and the development of macropores will be the focus of continuing research to refine their role in nutrient transport. Despite their complexity, the hydrologic, biologic, chemical, geologic, and atmospheric processes which interact in a watershed must be integrated in order to discern those key parameters which yield the greatest control over nutrient transport. Once identified, these controls can be developed into a predicative tool which can identify those watersheds with the greatest potential for the delivery of pollutants into oligotrophic waters such as Lake Tahoe. Water Delivery Mechanisms Overland flow is generally absent in the Sierra Nevada since infiltration capacities usually exceed rainfall and snowmelt rates. Riparian and wetland soils show the most rapid saturation in response to rain given their higher antecedent moisture contents and shallow water tables. These soils also show a fairly high percentage of saturation (50 to 80 percent has been measured) during winter months due to groundmelt of the snowpack. This relatively low level, slow melt occurs as a result of the earth's heat loss, and causes wetlands to saturate rapidly in response to the Spring snowmelt. LITERATURE CITED Brown, J.C., C.M. Skau, and W. Howe. 1973. Nutrient and sediment production from forested watersheds. Proceedings: ASAE Annual Meeting. (University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, June 17-20, 1973] Budy, J. 1985. Personal conversation. Range, Wildlife and Forestry Department, University of Nevada, Reno, NV. Coats, R.N., R.L. Leonard, and C.R. Goldman. 1976. Nitrogen uptake and release in a forested watershed, Lake Tahoe Basin, California. Ecology 51:995-1004. Goldman, C.R., R.P. Axler, and F.E. Reuter. 1982. Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program, water year 1981 preliminary report. Prepared for Brown and Caldwell Consulting Engineers. Sacramento, CA. Greenlee, Daniel. 1985. Denitrification rates of a mountain meadow near Lake Tahoe. M.S. thesis (in progress), University of Nevada, Reno, NV. Snow Processes Snowpacks can exhibit many properties similar to soil profiles. In some ways, snow is much more dynamic than soil since snow morphology can alter drastically or even disappear completely in a very short time. One particular snow property which may affect nutrient transport is the fractionation process. Studies have shown that this process can concentrate nitrates at the bottom of the pack over the Winter (Johannessen and Henriksen 1978). Spring melt and subsequent runoff causes a "pulse" of ni tra tes to be sen t through and ou t 178 Rhodes, Jonathan J. 1985. A reconnaissance of hydrologic nitrate transport in an undisturbed watershed near Lake Tahoe. M.S. Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, NV. Ryden, J.C., L.J. Lund, and D.D. Focht. 1979a. Direct measurement of denitrification loss from soils: I. Laboratory evaluation of acetylene inhibitation of nitrous oxide reduction. Soil Science American Journal 43:104-110. Ryden, J.C., L.J. Lund, J. Le tey , and D.D. Focht. 1979b. Direct measurement of denitrification loss from soils: II. Development and application of field methods. Soil Science American Journal 43:110-118. Swank, Wayne T. 1984. Atmospheric contributions to forest nutrient cycling. Water Resources Bulletin 20(3):313-321. Hewlett, J.D., and A.R. Hibbert. 1967. Factors affecting the response of small watersheds to precipitation in humid areas. In International Symposium on Forest Hydrology. 813 p. Pergammon Press, Oxford. Johannessen, J., and A. Henriksen. 1978. Chemistry of snow meltwater: Changes in concentration during melting. Water Resources Research 14:614-619. Kramer, James R. 1972. Phosphorus: analysis of water, biomass and sediment. p. 51-100. In Nutrients in natural waters. 457 D. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, Melgin, Wendy. 1985. The influence of hillslope hydrology on nitrate transport in a forested watershed, near Lake Tahoe. M.S. Thesis (in progress), University of Nevada, Reno, NV. NY. 179