This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Cavity-Nesting Bird Response to Declining Snags on a Burned Forest: A Simulation Model 1 Martin G. Raphael 2 Abstract.--! present a simple model to estimate population sizes of primary {PCN) and secondary {SCN)' cavity nesting birds in relation to a declining snag population following fire. The model assumes that PCN are limited by snag suitability, intraspecific territoriality, or snag density during successive time periods. Two examples illustrate these patterns, as well as the impact of snag harvest on subsequent bird populations. A FORTRAN program, CNBIRDS, performs all computations. INTRODUCTION using a generalized poisson distribution function for each category. The shapes of these decay curves were adjusted to match empirical data reported by Raphael and White {in press). Snags are a dynamic resource: their populations undergo temporal changes in both quality {snags decay with age) and quantity {new snags appear and existing snags fall with time). Little attention has been focused on the implications of these temporal trends for wildlife. The snag management model developed by Thomas et al. {1979), for example, gave estimates of the numbers and sizes of snags required by woodpeckers, but failed to take into account attrition of snags with time. Bull et al. {1980) have, however, presented a formula for estimating the future density of snags given their annual falling rate and starting density. In this paper I extend the latter approach using a computer simulation model (CNBIRDS) to track numbers of snags and to estimate resulting numbers of primary {PCN) and secondary (SCN) cavity-nesting birds through time as snags decay and fall. Using a burned Sierra Nevada pine-fir forest as an example, I examine the response of birds to reduced densities of snags with time under both natural and managed conditions. At the start of each year PCN are added to the system, subject to several constraints. First, the model assumes that each pair of PCN requires a specified minimum number of snags. Secondly, each PCN has a maximum population size determined by intraspecific territoriality. Maximum values used in this model were based on average densities from published breeding censuses {Raphael and White 1978) for each of the 8 species likely to nest in burned pine fir forest of the Sierra Nevada {Table 1). Thirdly, I modeled the proportion of each species' nests expected in each of the 8 snag categories {Table 1). Finally, each species requires snags in a particular range of decay-states; the model incorporates a minimum snag age before snags become acceptable, under the assumption that age and decay are directly related. THE MODEL To construct the model, I considered 8 combinations of snag dbh and species. Starting values for the number of snags present in each category are decreased each year by a proportion calculated 1 Paper presented at the snag habitat management symposium. [Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, June 7-9, 1983.] ~rtin G. Raphael is Staff Research Associate, Department of Forestry and Resource Management, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. 211 The population of SCN was modeled assuming that numbers are limited by either the number of suitable cavities or a fixed maximum, again based on intraspecific territoriality. The number of suitable cavities in each snag type resulted from the following considerations. First, each PCN excavates from 1-3 cavities per year (see Bull et al. 1980). The model assumes that all cavities, except those of Pygmy Nuthatch, are available to SCN. Next, the current year's cavities are added to those that exist from the previous year in each snag type. With the passage of a year, a number of these cavities are lost as the snags containing them fall; this number of lost cavities is proportional to.the annual rate of fall of each snag type. Finally, the number of cavities at the start of the next year is used to set the potential number of SCN. If this potential exceeds the previously specified maximum density (read in as an input item), the model sets the current population Table !.--Proportion of nests expected in each combination of snag species and diameter class (dbh, em), maximum density of PCN, and initial snag densities.! Fir 2 3 Pine 38-53 23-37 <23 23-37 38-53 >53 <23 Pygmy Nuthatch 0 0.36 0.21 0.14 0 0.07 Hairy Woodpecker 0 0.22 0.30 0 0 Black-backed Woodpecker 0 0.12 0.13 0.12 Red-breasted Sapsucker 0 0.04 0.07 Williamson's Sapsucker 0 0 White-headed Woodpecker 0 Northern Flicker 0.11 0.11 28 57.6 0.13 0.22 0.13 23 12.4 0 0.38 0.25 0 8 1.0 0.56 0 0 0.04 0.29 45 4.0 0.04 0.45 0 0.02 0.08 0.41 49 4.0 0.08 0.25 0.34 0 0.08 0.08 0.17 12 5.7 0 0.11 0.21 0.20 0 0.03 0.17 0.28 65 7.2 Lewis' Woodpecker 0 0 0.16 0.38 0 0 0.22 0.24 37 7.2 4472 5300 1455 402 4413 6684 1987 260 (Piaoides viZtosus) (Piaoides aratiaus) (Bphyrapiaus ruber) (Bphyrapiaus thyroideus) (CoZaptes auratus) (Me l.ane:rpes ZeuJis J ~Eairs/100 size (Si tta pygmaea) aZbo~atus) Maximum density >53 Bird SEecies (Piaoides Sampl~ ha} (to Initial density of snags (N /100 ha~ 1 Data from Raphael and White (1978), Raphael and White (in press), and Raphael (unpublished). 2 Includes Abies aoncoZor, A. magnifica. 3 Includes Pinus aontorta, P. jeffreyi, P. ponderosae. 4 Number of nests examined to calculate proportion. READ INPUT DATA: INITIAL SNAG DENSITY, PCN PREFERENCE. SNAGS PER PAIR, CAVITIES PER PAl R to that maximum, and there are surplus (unused) cavities. The major features of the model are summarized in Figure 1. Basically, with the passage of each year a proportion of snags fall. The remaining snags are counted in each type and the program calculates the numbers of PCN and SCN for the current year. When all snags have fallen (or when the number of years reaches a preset maximum), the program stops. This is a simple model, but, as I hope to show with the following examples, a potentially useful one. EXAMPLE ONE: ~ r-----'----YJ NO SCN=O NO TREATMENT Snag Decline The first example is designed to examine the reponse of cavity-nesting birds to the pattern of snag-fall on a burned forest assuming that no snags are harvested following the burn. The model was run for 45 years. I specified that each pair of PCN required at least 48 snags (from Thomas et al. 1976) and that each PCN excavated only 1 cavity per year. I also set the maximum density of SCN at 240 pairs per 100 ha (calculated from the upper 95% confidence interval of the mean breeding density of SCN from 63 censuses published in American Birds [Jackman 1974]). Starting values for the number of snags in each category (Table 1) 212 Figure 1.--General flow chart for program CNBIRDS. Data on snag decay rates and use by PCN and SCN are maintained separately for each of 8 snag size and species combinations (see Table 1). - 7 patterns. First, density of PCN did not reach a maximum until year 18. Until then, snags were abundant but bird numbers were limited by the lack of sufficiently decayed snags or by their territoriality. The differential responses of selected PCN species are illustrated in Figure 4. Hairy Woodpeckers are opportunistic species that rapidly invade burned forests (Koplin 1969) and are capable of excavating nests in harder (more recently killed) snags (Raphael and White, in press). Northern Flicker and Lewis' Woodpecker require softer snags for nesting; these species do not reach maximum densities until year 15 and 19, respectively (Fig. 4). Other species (not illustrated) achieved maximum densities at intermediate years. as s:. 8 --PINE 0 0 ---FIR """... 5 ~ a. CD ~ c as " CD ~38cm :I 0 s:. 3 > !: tiJ z w Beyond 18 years, snags were sufficiently decayed for all species, but snag density had become too low to support maximum densities of PCN. The PCN population crashed as snag numbers were further reduced; none remained by year 30. 2 0 CJ < z tiJ 0 The populations of SCN lagged behind the PCN for the first 2 years, until the supply of cavities began to build up. Thereafter, SCN numbers rose rapidly due to the accelerating rate of cavity production and the larger inventory of cavities persisting from previous years. Maximum density was reached in year 16, 2 years earlier than achievement of maximum density of PCN. The SCN maximum persisted until year 22. During this period, the model assumed that SCN were limited by territoriality rather than availability of cavities. Beyond year 22, the accelerating rate of snag fall caused the number of cavities to decline to the extent that SCN were again limited by cavity ·availability. It is interesting that the ·sCN persisted at maximum density for 3-4 years beyond the year when PCN began declining. Apparently, PCN became limited by numbers of suitable snags while SCN were still finding surplus cavities present from previous years. This is an easily tested prediction resulting from the model. 20 YEARS SINCE BURN Figure 2.--Simulated decline of snag density following fire, by species and dbh class. Snags less than 23 em dbh are not included. were determined from field data (Raphael and White, in press). Fifty percent of the snags fell by the first 10 years (Fig. 2); the falling rate slowed thereafter. Larger snags fell at a slower rate than smaller ones, and fir snags fell slower than pine (Fig. 2). By year 20 nearly all of the pine snags had fallen; by year 25 nearly all the fir snags had fallen. By year 35, no snags were left. I used the periodic breeding census from a burned study plot at Sagehen Creek to test this prediction. Ten censuses are available, covering the period from 6 to 22 years following fire (Bock and Lynch (1970, Bock et al. 1978, Harris and Raphael 1982, Yoder-Williams, in press). Unfor- Bird Response The simulated response of cavity-nesting birds (Fig. 3) revealed several interesting G 15 s:. -; 200 0 z: .0 0 0 .-150 """10 ..... z ...... z > ... ii 100 c 50 z w > 1- 5 tiJ z w 0 30 0 YEARS SINCE BURN 0 10 20 Figure 4.--Response of selected PCN to changing snag density following fire. Species are Hairy Woodpecker (HAWO), Northern Flicker (NOFL), and Lewis' Woodpecker (LEWO) YEARS SINCE BURN Figure 3.--Simulated response of cavity-nesting birds to changing snag density following fire. 213 tunately, the census data do not support the model prediction (Fig. 5). Both PCN and SCN declined at nearly the same rate over this 15 year period. Perhaps the model is wrong, or perhaps the small size of the study grid (8.5 ha) results in such exaggerated year-to-year variation that subtle differences are masked. In addition, comparison of figures 3 and 5 shows that modeled population sizes of PCN and especially SCN are higher than those actually estimated from the censuses. Further monitoring of this plot, and comparison with other long-term censuses on burned plots will be necessary to validate model predictions. 8 0 0 o. ~ )( U) a: < w One obvious result of this exercise is an explicit demonstration of the futility of using ratios of the number of snags with cavities to the number without cavities as an estimate of the snag requirements of PCN, as has been suggested by Thomas et al. (1979). Reference to Figu·re 3 shows that this ratio will change constantly with the history of the plot. In year 1, for example, only a few snags will have cavitieis. In year 25, however, probably 100% of the remaining snags will contain at least one cavity. Thus, conclusions resting on such ratios must be tempered with knowledge of the age of the snags on the study plots. EXAMPLE TWO: EFFECTS OF SNAG HARVEST Program CNBIRDS can also be used to explore impacts of snag treatments on cavity-nesting birds. In this section I examine the response of birds to reduced initial densities of snags, simulating various snag harvest levels immediately following' fire. My measure of bird response was derived from the accumulated total number of birds (both PCN and as 100 s:; 0 0 ~ ....... 75 25 0 15 30 SNAG DENSITY (N/ha) Figure 6.--Simulated response of cavity-nesting birds to changing initial density of snags greater than 38 em dbh. The upper curve (max) was computed assuming that each pair of PCN requires 15 snags and excavates 3 cavities per year; the lower curve (min) assumes 48 snags per pair and 1 cavity. Total bird-years rose dramatically from the 0 to 10% treatment level, corresponding to 0 to 4.5 snags >38 em per ha (Fig. 6). The maximum number of bird-years for any particular snag density occurred where I assumed a snag requirement of only 15 per pair and a cavity excavation rate of 3 per pair. The lowest response occurred under assumptions of 48 snags and 1 cavity per pair. Because all other combinations yielded intermediate values, I display only these extremes. Beyond the 15 snags per ha (30%) level, bird response rose relatively slowly. The model predicted, then, that optimum snag densities under the present constraints should be between 7 and 15 snags per ha. I find it significant that tripling the assumed snag requirements and cavity production resulted in about only a 17% decrease in bird use at any snag density. It would appear that birds are much more sensitive to changes in snag density than variation of model parameters within the range I tested. ~ 50 a: m I used 19 snag treatment levels. These varied from 1% to 10% of the pretreatment snag density (in 1% increments) and from 20% to 100% (in 10% increments). I also varied 2 of the major model assumptions: the number of cavities excavated per pair could be 1, 2, or 3 and the number of snags required per pair could be either 15 or 48. Thus, I ran the model a total of 114 times to include all possible combinations of snag density, snag requirements, and cavities excavated. ,..,. ... 02 SCN) over all years. For each run, this amounted to an integration of the curves illustrated in Figure 2. If, for example, 5 pairs existed in each of 4 years, the total bird-years would equal 20. 125 z > -en z w c >I ............ seN PCN YEARS SINCE BURN Figure 5.--Censused density of cavity-nesting birds following fire on a Sierra Nevada forest. 214 CONCLUSIONS Bull, E.L., A. D. Twombly, and T.M. Quigley, 1980. Perpetuating snags in managed mixed conifer forests of the Blue Mountains, Oregon. p. 325-326. In Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-86, 535 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Harris, R.D., and M.G. Raphael. 1982. Breedingbird census: burned pine-fir forest, California. American Birds 36:88. Jackman, S. M. 1974. Woodpeckers of the Pacific Northwest: their characteristics and their role in the forest. 147 p. M.S. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Koplin, J. R. 1969. The numerical response of woodpeckers to insect prey in a subalpine forest in Colorado. Condor 71:436-438. Raphael, M. G., and M. White. 1978. Snag management guidelines for habitat types on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. 69 p. Unpublished report to USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fresno, California. Raphael, M. G., and M. White •.. In press. Use of snags by cavity-nesting birds in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Wildlife Monographs. Thomas, J. W., R. J. Miller, H. Black, J.E. Rodiek, and c. Maser. 1976. Guidelines for maintaining and enhancing wildlife habitat in forest management in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. p. 452-476. Program CNBIRDS seems to be a useful model to examine relationships between numbers of snags and numbers of cavity nesting birds and changes in both that occur through time when snags are not replaced. The model can be used to develop a number of testable hypotheses regarding the relative numbers of PCN and SCN and their respective rates of increase and decrease with time. Even if the model proves unrealistic, it can be useful as a classroom tool to demonstrate a simple but thought-provoking example of the coupling between wildlife populations and their habitats. Finally, the program can be used to examine the potential consequences of harvesting any proportion of any combination of snag diameter, and species. A listing of program CNBIRDS, which is written in FORTRAN IV for CDC machines and consists of a main program and 8 subroutines, is available from the author in request. ACKNCULEDGMENTS Field studies were funded by Susan Raphael and the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region. Computing time was provided by the University of California, Department of Forestry and Resource Management. I thank John Menke for programming advice. Thomas, J. W., R. G. Anderson, C. Maser, and E. L. Bull. 1979. Snags. p. 6G-77. In Wildlife habitats in managed forests--the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service Agriculture Handbook No. 553, 512 p. U.S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, D.C. Yoder-Williams, M. P. In press. Breeding-bird census: burned pine-fir forest, California. American Birds. LITERATURE CITED Bock, C.E., and J.F. Lynch. 1970. Breeding bird populations of burned and unburned conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada. Condor 72: 182-189. Bock, C.E., M. Raphael, and J.H. Bock. 1978. Changing avian community structure during early post-fire succession in the Sierra Nevada. Wilson Bulletin 89:119-123. 215