This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Blue Mountains, Oregon 1 Fire History - Frederick c. Hall2 Interpretation of underburning effects in mixed conifer/pinegrass plant communities (Blue Mountains, Oregon) suggest: underburns occurred at 10-year intervals; ponderosa pine is being replaced by white fir; pine stands did not develop according to "normal stand development"; pine stands require stocking level control to prevent stagnation; range condition must be rated on successional vegetation not climax; range grasses show "downward range trend" due to increasing tree cover complicating trend interpretation; herbaceous plants can sustain livestock use since they developed genetically under periodic 100 percent use by fire; livestock fill a major biotic niche not occupied by wildlife; some plants are dependent upon fire for regeneration; some wildlife depend upon stocking level control and successional trees (pine and larch) formerly provided by underburning; soils developed under fire and are brown forest rather than podzolic; fire hazard is changing from light, flashy fuel under open tree cover to heavy fuels under dense tree cover. INTRODUCTION Fire in Western forests has been common. Its influence on vegetation and soil was studied in conjunction with a comprehensive ecological evaluation of the five-million-acre (two-millionhectare) Blue lwuntain land mass in Eastern Oregon and Southeastern Washington. Both conflagration fire and natural underburning have left their mark. Plant communities dominated by lodgepole pine or western larch are the result of conflagration fire. In contrast, underburning effect on vegetation is often difficult to see. In this paper I will deal only with underburning. Evidence will be presented to document underburning frequency, the influence fire had on tree dominance, interaction effect between tree cover and ground vegetation, fire influence on genetic development of ground vegetation, influence underburning had on soil development, and implications these have for land management. communities by the dominant tree, shrub, and herbaceous species. In this case, shrubs are absent; therefore, we call it the ponderosa pine/pinegrass community. It occupies nearly one-fifth of the total acreage in the Blue Mountains. EVIDENCE OF UNDERBURNING Underburning has been common in the Blue Mountains as shown by numerous fire-scarred trees. A fire scar is a storybook, a history of fire. The easiest way to open the storybook is shown in Figure 1. When cut in cross-section, a number of ripples or wayes can be seen. Each one of these waves indicates the occurrence of a fire. The waves or ripples are formed as follows (Fig. 1 ). \.Jhile the tree is young, lightning strikes the ground and starts a fire in the easy-to-ignite pinegrass. Fire burns over the ground to the base of the tree igniting an accumulation of pine needles. A hot fire will scorch part of the bark on the tree, resulting in death of the cambium. Eventually, the dead bark will fall away as the wound begins to heal. When this happens, the tree will usually produce pitch at the point where new bark begins to grow around the wound. Some years later lightning strikes again, burns through grass, into needles at the base of the tree, and ignites the pitch. The pitch burns up the side of the tree, killing bark at the edge of the wound. This bark falls away as the tree again grows around the wound. Later, lightning strikes again, burns through the grass and ignites the pitch, killing the bark. I will illustrate interactions of fire with vegetation in the ponderosa pine/pinegrass ecosystem one of 18 kinds of forest communities in the Blue MOuntains (Hall 1973). We name plant 1. Paper presented at the Fire History Workshop, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, October 20-24, 1980. 2. Frederick C. Hall is Regional Ecologist, Pacific Northwest Region, u.s. Forest Service, Portland, Oregon. 75 dominant , suppr ess th ~i r neig hbors , and fi nal l y e l i minate the s uppr essed tree s from the s t a nd . Wi th f ire contr ol , hundr eds a nd sometimes thousa nds of yo ung ponde r osa have become est ablis hed per ac re. These yo ung t r ees have not grown accor ding to normal stand development t heor y ; i ns t ead t hey hav e almost univer sall y become s t agnat ed. l~e have fo und l it tl e ev idenc e in the Blue Hountains to indicate tha t po nder osa pine can, within a so- to 100-yea r t imespan , br eak out of s t agna tion . Instead trees persist and gr ow in diame t e r a t SO t o 70 r ings pe r inch and in height at 4 to 6 inches pe r yea r to a t l east age 80. Dougl as- fi r, wh ite fi r, lodgepo l e pine and wes tern l a r ch behave s imilarl y. Figure 1. Cross -section of a fi r e scar . Tick mark at l ef t indicat es t he tree cen t er and the year 1763 . Numbers between tic k marks indicate years be t ween marks . Eac h tick ma r k l ocates the annua l r i ng of the yea r i n whic h fir e da maged t he t r ee . In Fig ur e 1, the date was 1763 when this ponde rosa pine reached 18 inches t al l (stump height) . Fr om then, the t r ee grew fo r 26 years before underburning damaged the bark and cambium , forming a first fi r e scar. Each number on the tape between the tick mar ks ind icates t he number of annual rings be t ween fi r e sc ars . Af t er the f i r st scar , the tr ee was damaged at yea rl y i nte r val s of : 9, 10 , 13, 8, 10, 10, S, 9 , 6 , 1S, 9, 38, and 36 years . The fi r e scar occurr i ng between 6 and 38 was 1893 . Ten years late r, t he United States Forest Service began fire pr even tion in this a r ea. Therefore, the next fi re di rl no t occur for 38 years . Since then , the tree grew f o r 36 years un t i l it was cut in 1967. This s tump shows a fire scar being prod uced abo ut once ever y 10 yea r s prior to the start of protecti on of fo rest lands fr om wildfi r e in 1904. The 10- year average is a maximum time between underburnings. Lightning coul d have ignited pinegrass and burned up t o the tree without causing a fire sc ar i f pitch or need l es were not present . l~e have evi dence here t hat f ire bur ned at least once every 10 years . I feel t hat underburning has been a nor mal part of the envir onment in the Blue Ho un tains (Ha nson 1942) . In 1973 , 220 fires were started by lightning i n the Blue Houn tains ; an average of one fire fo r each 23 , 000 acres eac h yea r ( Ano n 197 3 ) . He i g ht and diame t e r growt h of tr ees wh i ch developed with r ec urrent und e r burning i s en t i r el y dif fe r e n. Incremen t cor es show diame t e r gr owth (BH) of three to five rings pe r i nch at the center of a tree . Rate of diameter gr owth gr adual ly slowed as s t a nd densi t y i nc r eased. This s ugges t s that ini t ial s t ocki ng dens ity of mos t na utral pine s t ands was quite low. Lo w stocking de ns ity i s fur the r s uppor ted by pr esence of l a r ge de ad limbs close t o the ground . Hany old-gr owt h ponde rosa pi ne still r etain l imbs two t o fo ur i nches in diame te r in the lowe r third of the bol e which could only develop under open stocking . The rel a t io nship be t ween unde r burn ing and t ree stocki ng has impor ta nt l a nd · managemen t i mpl i ca tions . First , s t ocking l ev el control is mandato ry . Ove rly dense yo ung s t and s mus t be pr e- commer cially t hinned so tees can gr ow to comme r cial size . Once of commercial size , pe r iodic thinning is desirable to pr event stand s t agna t io n and red uced growth. A second concern deals with estimating al l owable cut volumes . Some methods acce pt " f ully stocked stands" as contributi ng a full share to ha rvest able volume . Smal l - di ame t e r stagna t ed s t and s of pre- commer cial s i ze will no t furni sh f uture scheduled harvestable vol ume . The typi cal s t a nd is fo rty ye ars ol d , e i gh t feet tall , t wo inches DBH a nd growi ng at SO rings per inch (0. 4 i nches diamete r gr owt h i n 10 yea r s). A land manager dealing wit h po nderosa pine , Dougl asfir or whi t e fi r in the Blue Hountains is no t fa t a nd happy wi th "well-stocked s tand s ." Instead , he has an economic liabili ty on his hands r equiring sta nd treatment prior to realizing an eco nomically saleabl e produc t . The manage r s hould be mor e satisfied wi t h "unde r stocked stands " which wi l l gr ow r apidly to a s ui t ab l e diamete r. FORESTRY Underbur ning has affec t ed trees in ano the r way. Fire has selectively killed wh ite fir and Douglasfi r while favo ring po nderosa pine due to highly diff e r ent bark conditio ns . Pi ne develops fi r e- resis t a nt bark containi ng a one-eig hth- t o one- fo ur th- i nchthick dead oute r l aye r a t abou t two i nches diame t e r . Fi r bark remains gr een and pho to syn the tically al i ve up t o fo ur inches diameter. This ba r k is so sensi t ive to heat that fi re bu rning qui ckly thr ough pineg r ass i s able to kill t he bark a nd destroy the tr ee . I n fact , white fi r bark is so sensitive t o hea t that understory t r ees r eleased by overstory r emoval of t en Recur ren t underburning in the ponderosa pi ne coni fe r /pinegrass plant community maintained a very ope n s toc king of t rees by periodic thinning . Gro ups of young po nderosa pine under significant Competi t io n could not grow fas t eno ugh i n diamete r or height t o e scape the fi r es . This means t hat ponderosa pi ne s t a nd s did no t develop according t o t he classical conce pt of "no r mal stand development" (Heyer 1961) . No r mal stand devel opment suggests that t housands of seedlings become established, some seedling s grow faste r t ha n othe r s , become 76 suffer sunscald due to temperatures created by direct sunlight. With the demonstrated success of wildfire suppression, ponderosa pine is being replaced by white and Douglas-fir. By eliminating underburning, we have changed the environment to such an extent that a new "primary'' succession is taking place. The ponderosa pine/pinegrass community is changing to a fir/pinegrass-heartleaf arnica plant community "mixed conifer/pinegrass" rather than ponderosa pine/pinegrass. Our data indicates that cubic volume productivity of wood is about 20 percent greater when the site is dominated by firs than when it is dominated by ponderosa pine. (Hall 1973 ). RANGE Underburning has had both a direct and indirect effect on ground vegetation; directly by burning and indirectly by permitting tree cover to increase. Fire-dependent ponderosa pine/pinegrass produces 500 to 600 pounds of forage per acre in pinegrass and elk sedge under 50 percent tree crown cover. As pine is replaced by fir, tree crown cover increases significantly. This crown cover drastically reduces ground vegetation under 100 percent tree cover, grass production is only 50 to 100 pounds per acre and heartleaf arnica becomes apparent. Clearly, control of underburning has not only caused an increase in fir and a change in tree dominance but also has caused a dramatic shift in ground vegetation. Realizing that underburning has tended to favor ponderosa and discourage white fir is significant information for the land manager. He has the opportunity of growing at least three different tree species on this site instead of just ponderosa. He ~as an opportunity of increased fiber production by converting pine to fir. But he should note that fir only regenerates under a shelterwood often of ponderosa pine,· whereas ponderosa can regenerate in full sunlight. This means silviculture for maintaining ponderosa pine is different from Douglasfir or white fir. This shift in ground vegetation has significant livestock management tmpacts. In 1940, 64,000 antmal units grazed in the Blue Mountains for three months. By, 1970, 10,000 animal units were lost because of increasing fir cover, a 16 percent reduction. An animal unit is one cow and her calf or five to seven sheep. This reduction represents not only a significant financial impact on ranchers dependent upon National Forest land but it also significantly reduces red meat for the consumer. In 1940, the Blue Mountains supplied 64,000 people with their one-year supply of beef (114 pounds per person per year). By 1970, only 54,000 people were supplied. Even though population of the United States increased, the ability to produce red meat was eliminated for 10,000 people. Lack of underburning has apparently retarded growth of ponderosa pine trees. On several sites we compared height and diameter growth between ponderosa pine and white or Douglas-fir in full sunlight under low stocking conditions. On one site, ponderosa was 41 years old, 2 inches diameter, and 8 feet tall. Within 10 feet of this tree in equally full sunlight was a white fir 20 years old, 3 inches diameter, and 18 feet tall. Pine grew 6 inches in height last year and the fir grew 20 inches in height; Pine averaged 40 rings per inch diameter growth and fir averaged 13 rings per inch. Old-growth ponderosa on this site, which developed with periodic underburning, showed 3 to 5 rings per inch diameter growth at the tree center and 5 to 7 rings per inch at 3 inches DBH. Something seems to inhibit growth of ponderosa pine while not adversely affecting white fir or Douglas-fir. Changing ground vegetation due to tree cover poses a problem in evaluating condition of the rangeland and trend in dominance of forage plants (Dyksterhuis 1949, Ellison 1951 ). In "typical" rangeland evaluation, good condition is equated with climax vegetation dominance. If livestock are forced to overgraze the range, they kill the most palatable forage plants, causing a downward trend in their dominance. The range is then considered to be in fair or poor condition. This very same situation is occurring without livestock influence in the mixed conifer/pinegrass community. Pinegrass and elk sedge, the most palatable plants, decrease with increasing tree cover. Interpretation of range trend must separate changes in ground vegetation caused by tree cover from those caused by livestock impacts. Interpretation of trend is our best means of appraising current livestock management--we strive for no downward trend in good range condition or upward trend in fair or poor condition. I suspect a selective inhibitory substance in ponderosa pine litter that is destroyed with periodic underburning. Without fire, this substance is free to build up in the soil and reduce pine growth. Measurements on underburned stands have suggested increased diameter growth of pine compared to unburned controlled plots. A somewhat analogous situation has been found in France with Norway spruce. Under dry summers and buildup of tree litter, manganese reaches concentrations that prevent regeneration of spruce. It does not prevent regeneration of beech and maple. Consequently, the land manager in France must grow alternate rotations of spruce and hardwoods or destroy the toxic manganese in litter by scarification (Duchaufour and Rousseau 1959). In this country, pine litter has been shown to influence root growth of various grasses and forbs (Jameson 1968, McConnell and Smith 1971). On forest areas, condition of the rangeland must be related to tree cover instead of climax ground vegetation dominance. The climax condition under 100 percent fir cover is not a suitable benchmark for estimating how much pinegrass and elk sedge should occur under a 50 percent crown cover of pine. Range condition guides must relate tree cover to composition, density and productivity of ground vegetation. 77 Big-game animals, deer and Rocky Mountain elk, suffer the same reduction in forage as livestock. In addition, variety of palatable plants is significantly reduced. In the ponderosa pine/pinegrass fire community, five to eight plants contribute significantly to deer and elk forage. In the dense fir/pinegrass-arnica community, only three plants significantly contribute forage. Underburning has had a direct effect on ground vegetation. Fire had to be carried by ground vegetation. Thus, pinegrass, elk sedge, balsam woollyweed, vetch, arnica, strawberry, and all other ground vegetation plants in this community developed genetically under 100 percent utilization every few years. Those plants best able to compete and colonize the site became dominant. Nature selected these plants genetically in the same way we breed and select pasture or hay grasses. Various species and varieties are mowed at two- or three-inch stubble heights to evaluate their performance under use. Those Which perform best are selected to produce pasture or hay. Periodic burning has endowed pinegrass and elk sedge with the ability to withstand utilization by livestock. They can persist and increase under natural range conditions with 25 to 40 percent utilization every single year. Some plants often found in this plant community, like the shrub ceanothus, need fire for continued survival. Ceanothus seeds require heat treatment by underburn or conflagration fire to trigger germination (Hickey and Leege 1970). With fire suppression, many stands of ceanothus have not regenerated. This shrub is desirable because it provldes cover and essential early spring, late fall and winter forage for game animals, and it adds nitrogen to the soil. The current means of maintaining ceanothus is logging and use of fire for residue reduction. climax? Fire suppression was initiated about eighty years ago which hardly seems long enough for a climax to have developed. Another tmplication of climax is that greatest species diversity occurs in this condition (Odum 1971). Vegetational succession in the mixed conifer/ pinegrass type clearly suggests decreasing species diversity as climax status is approached. For example, under pine canopies of 50 percent·, 15 ground vegetation species constantly occur and three tree species can regularly be found. Under climax conditions, white fir clearly dominates to the exclusion of ponderosa pine and generally Douglas-fir, and only 7 ground vegetation species constantly occur, none of which are legumes or shrubs. As a result, wildlife diversity is also reduced. As noted earlier, 5 to 8 species are palatable to deer and elk under open pine While only 3 contribute under dense fir. Climax has also been described as a "stable state" (Daubenmire and Daubenmire 1968, Odum 1971, Oosting 1958)• This concept ·suggests that, barring some natural disturbance, the plant community is stable. The tussock moth epidemic, which occurred in the Blue Mountains in the early 1970's, indicates that climax is most unstable (Brooks, 1978). Total stand death only occurred where white fir was the sole tree species -- climax. Total stand death never occurred with a mixture of species -- successional pine-fir/pinegrass. A similar climax vs. successional relationship is occurring today with a western pine beetle epidemic. Apparently climax is a condition where plant succession is very slow but is it also a condition highly susceptable to disturbance. An interesting combination of successional "stable state'' with a disturbance "unstable state". WILDLIFE Underburning has affected wildlife in several ways: stocking level control of trees, encouragement of successional vegetation and high forage production. Previous discussions have pointed out the decrease in both herbage production and plant species diversity as mixed conifer/pinegrass changes form open pine to dense fir. This change decreases forage for wildlife and also changes wildlife habitat. Under fire, recently burned areas were foraging spots due to legumes and the sttmulation of palatability, tall trees produced thermal cover, and occasional patches of regeneration afforded hiding cover (Thomas 1979). Climax stands seem to have uneven-aged structure which provides cover but little forage. Use of prescribed fire in mixed conifer/pinegrass has produced other results. In no case has a species been eliminated by burning; instead from one to three new species appear, particularly legumes such as lupine and vetch. In all cases, herbage production has increased the year following burning ranging from 20 to 35 percent and persisting for another 1 to 3 years. And palatability of pinegrass is increased when fire is hot enough to burn at least half the duff layer. Cool fire, burning the leaf litter and no duff, does not effectively stimulate legumes, herbage production or palatability. ECOLOGY Past fire has been particularly tmportant to the pileated woodpecker. This 14-inch~long bird prefers a ponderosa pine or western larch tree about 24 inches in diameter where it excavates its nest hole, usually over 40 feet above the ground which requires a tree about 30 inches DBH. Large, tall, successional trees suitable for pileated use were produced by underburning which encouraged pine and larch and also maintained stocking level control necessary for growing large diameters. But these circumstances were not optimum because underburning that produced large trees also burned up snags housing carpenter Effects of underburning on both trees and ground vegetation has raised some interesting ecological questions. For example, what is climax: pristine, fire maintained ponderosa pine/pinegrass or the newly developing white fir/pinegrass-arnica kind of plant community? Classification and study of plant communities often uses climax as a point of reference (Daubenmire and Daubenmire 1968, Odum 1971, Oosting 1958). But how can "climax" without fire be estimated if most stands have never been in 78 ants used as a staple winter forage supply. And the burning also tended to prevent an understory of trees characteristic of most-used pileated woodpecker nesting habitat. Optimum habitat is large, overstory pine or larch with an understory of trees less than 50 feet tall and a suitable supply of heart-rotted snags housing carpenter ants (Thomas 1979). This condition is presently common due to 80 years of fire suppression and seems to represent a mid-successional optimum for pileated woodpeckers. Climax without pine or larch is sub-optiomal as is fire maintained ponderosa pine/pinegrass. from burning two tons per acre is easily dissipated through the open crown cover of pine. With a change from pine to fir, pine trees die and fall to the ground greatly increasing fuel and crown cover closes. A near climax stand appears to have both overstory and understory fir with crown closure exceeding 100 percent. Cover greater than 100 percent is possible When cover of overstory and understory are measured separately. Up to 30 tons of moderate to heavy fuel cover the ground. When lightning strikes in this stand, the fire does not move quickly through light, flashy fuel but tends to burn hotter and slower in tree needles, twigs and old trees. This heavier fuel produces more heat and the closed crown canopy does not permit heat to escape. The result, volatilization of flammable oils in tree needles which suddenly ignite in an explosion to create a catastrophic crown fire. This phemonenon was precisely the cause of conflagration fire in Mitchell Creek during those terrible Wenatchee, Washington, fires of 1970. Mitchell Creek is primarily mixed conifer/pinegrass. It was totally consumed by fire. Livestock grazing has suggested another specter of traditional thought. Wildlife are considered to have developed concurrently with vegetation and climate. In so doing, they have generally filled most habitat niches by one or more species (Moen 1973). Livestock currently fill a niche apparently unoccupied prior to White settlement. Historical reports of elk and deer suggest current populations are greater than under pristine conditions. In addition, livestock produce as much red meac today as all the deer and elk harvested in the Blue Mountains. At 6.1 million pounds, one might consider this a significant niche. SUMMARY SOIL We have seen that underburning was common in mixed conifer/pinegrass. By deduction, it would seem that soils have developed under periodic underburns in this plant community. For years, these soils caused consternation to soil scientists trying to classify them by European or eastern United States nomenclature. The mixed conifer/pinegrass plant community occurs in a northern type of environment characterized by snow cover during the winter (Montane Forest Formation) (Lutz and Chandler 1946, Oosting 1958). In Europe and the eastern United States, montane forests invariably grew on a podzol or podzolic soil. A podzol has a very dark A-1 horizon one to three inches thick, a White A-2 horizon three to six inches thick, and below that a B horizon of brown to dark brown. Mixed conifer/pinegrass soils do not show this sequence. Instead they gradually grade from dark to light brown. These have been referred to by Canadians as gray wooded or brown forest soils (Spilsbury 1963). They occur in the West under forest/grass plant communities that have been periodically underburned. Underburns consumed litter contributing to podzol development. Abundant grass roots have carried a brown to moderately dark brown color well down into the soil profile. Brown forest soils developed under periodic burning and are capable of withstanding periodic burning. In fact, if our supposition is correct that ponderosa pine litter inhibits ponderosa pine growth, it would seem desirable to consider periodic burning. Interpreatation of underburning effects in mixed conifer/pinegrass vegetation of the Blue Mountains in eastern Oregon suggest that: underburning occurred at about 10-year intervals; ponderosa pine is being replaced by Douglas-fir and White fir; ponderosa pine stands did not develop according to the "normal stand development" concept; stocking level control is required to avoid stagnation; range grasses decrease with increasing tree cover as pine is replaced by fir regardless of livestock use, thereby complicating interpretation of range trend; range condition guides can not be based on climax, instead they must be tied to tree crown cover in successional stands; pinegrass is capable of sustaining livestock use because it developed under periodic 100 percent use by fire; livestock are filling a large animal "niche" unoccupied by wildlife and account for as much animal production as all the deer and elk in the Blue Mountains: some plants seem dependent on fire for their survival, such as ceanothus and some legumes; species diversity, both plant and animal, is greater in successional pinfir/pinegrass that in climax; use of climax for ecological interpretation seems tenuous since most stands have never been in a non-fire climax; soils developed under periodic fire and should be considered "brown forest" rather than "podzolic"; burning apparently does not damage soils since total herbage production is always greater following fire; underburning has influenced wildlife, such as the pileated woodpecker, in which successional trees were encouraged and stocking level control was maintained to produce large diameter trees; and fire hazard is changing from light, flashy fuel under open tree canopy to heavy fuels under a nearly closed canopy. FIRE HAZARD Ftre hazard is directly correlated with changes in tree cover and ground vegetation. In open pine/pinegrass, about two tons of needle litter can develop in ten years between fires While herbaceous flashy fuel is only about a thirn of a ton. Heat 79 Control of underburning in the mixed conifer/pinegrass community has created an increased fire hazard in a known fire environment. We have changed from a fire-resistant plant community to a fire-susceptable plant community. We may NOT be able to manage for fir in this environment due to fire hazard. We may not have a choice about burning -- only a choice of how to burn: prescribed fire or wildfire. LITERATURE CITATION Anon. 19(3. National Forests fire report. USDA, Forest Service. Arno, Stephen F. 1980. Forest fire history in the northern Rockies. Jour. For. 78(8):460-465. Brooks, Martha H., R. w. Stark, and Robert w. Campbell. 1978. The Douglas-fir tussock moth; a synthesis. USDA, Forest Service, Tech. Bull. 1578, Washington D.C. 331 pp. illustr. SPECIES LIST PLANTS Arnica Arnica cordifolia Balsam woollyweed Hleracium scouleri Ceanothus Ceanothus species Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Elk sedge Carex geyeri Firs Abies grandis and Pseudotsuga menziesii Heartleaf arnica Arnica cordifolia Lodgepole pine Pinus contorta Lupines Lupinus spp. Mixed conifer Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Abies grandis Norway spruce Picea excelsa Pinegrass Calamagrostis rubescens Ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa Strawberry Frageria species Vetch Vicia americana Western larch Larix occidentalis White fir Abies grandis Daubenmire, R. and Jean B. Daubenmire. 1968. Forest vegetation of eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Wash. Agr. Exp. Stat., Tech. Bull. 60, Wash. State Un., Pullman, WA 104 pp., illus. Duchaufour, PR. and L.A. Rousseau. 1959. Phenomena of Poisoning of Conifer Seedlings by Manganese in Forest Humus. Revue Forstiere Francaise, December, 1959. Dyksterhuis, E.J. 1949. Condition and Management of Range Lands Based on Quantitative Ecology. Jour. Range Mgmt. 2(3): 104-105. Ellison, L. 1951. Indicators of Condition and Trend on High Range Watersheds of the Inter-mountain Region. USDA, Agricultural Handbook No. 19. 66 PP• illust. Hall, Frederick c. 1973. P.lant Communities of the Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon and Southeastern Washington. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, R6 Area Guide 3-1. 62 PP•; illust. Hansen, Henry P. 1942. Ebst-Mount Mazama Forest Succession on the East Slope of the Central Cascades of Oregon. Amer. Midland Naturalist 27(2): 523-534. Hickey, William o. and Thomas A. Leege. 1970. Ecology and l~nagement of Redstem Ceanothus. A Review. Idaho Dept. Fish and Game, Wildlife Bulletin No. 4. 18 pp. illustr. Jameson, Donald A. 1968. Species Interactions of Growth Inhibitors in Native Plants of Northern Arizona. U.S.D.A., Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Stat. Res. Note RM-113. ANIMALS Deer Odocoileus hemionus Rock Mountain Elk Cervus canadensis Pileated woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus Lutz, Harold J. and Robert F. Chandler, Jr. 1946. Forest Soils. John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y. 514 pp., illustr. McConnell, Burt R. and. Justin G. Smith. 1971. Effect of Ponderosa Pine Needle Litter on Grass Seedling Survival. U.S.D.A., Forest Service Pacific N.W. Forest and Range Exp. Stat. Res. Note PNW-155. Meyer, Walter H. 1961. Yield of Evenaged Stands of Ponderosa Pine. U.S.D.A., Technical Bulletin No. 630. 59 pp. illust. 80 LITERATURE CITED Jtoen, Aaron N. 1973. Wildlife Ecology. \~.II. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 458 pp., illust. Thomas, Jack Uard. 1979. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests. The Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. U.S.D.A., Forest Service, Agr. llndbk. No. 553, 510pp. illustr. Odum, Eugene P. 1971. Fundamentals of ecology, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 574 pp., illust. lleaver, H. 195 7. Ef fee ts of Prescribed Burning in Second Growth Ponderosa Pine. Jour. For. 55 (1): 823-826. Oosting, Henry J. 1958. The Study of Plant Communities. ll. n. Freeman Co., San Francisco. 440 pp., illustr. tt. 1961. Ecological Changes in the Ponderosa Pine Forest of Cedar Valley in Southern Washington. Ecology 42(2): 416-420. ~Ieaver, Spilsbury, R.n. et. al. 1963. A Cooperative Study of the Classification of Forest Land in British Columbia. In: Forest-Soil Relationships in N. America, edited by C.T. Youngburg, Oregon State U. Press, Corvallis. PP• 503-527. \lest, Neil E. 1969. Successional Changes in the Montane Forest of the Central Oregon Cascades. The Amer. tfidland Naturalist 81(1): 265-271. 81