This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Influence of Fire on Understory Shrub Vegetation in Ponderossa Pine Stands T. L. A. Ruha J. D. Landsberg R. E. Martin Historically, low-intensity fire occurred in ponderosa pine forests at 5- to 25-year intervals (Bork 1985; Martin 1982). Since 1920 human control has almost eliminated natural fire from the east side of the Cascade crest (Agee 1990). Fire exclusion has led to unnaturally high fuel loading in many of these forest stands, which increases the risk of intense wildfire. Prescribed burning has been used as a silvicultural method to varying extent during this century (Agee 1990). In the past the main goal of prescribed fire has been wildfire hazard reduction (Norris 1990). Other considerations have been accelerating decomposition of slash and reducing understory competition with commercial conifer tree species. In recent years, reducing fire hazard in young and middlerotation ponderosa pine forests through the use of prescribed fire has become a more important option because of the high fuel loadings that have accumulated in the forests due to fire exclusion (Mutch 1994; Mutch and others 1993). Prescribed burning may also reduce insect and disease hazard, but results are not obvious (Filip 1994; Mitchell 1990; Thies 1990). Understory vegetation is a very important part of the forest ecological system. It has a marked effect on soil properties, nutrient cycling, and soil and forest floor microorganisms. Nitrogen fixing species like snowbrush (Ceanothus spp.) and antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata Dougl.) contribute to soil productivity (Binkley and others 1982; Conard 1985; Youngberg and Wollurn 1970; Youngberg and Wollum 1976). Understory vegetation is also habitat and browse for many wildlife species. Where vigorous stands occur, antelope bitterbrush is a major component ofbig game diet especially during winter (Giunta and others 1978; Kufeld and others 1973). Palatability of browse decreases when shrubs become older, more woody, and decadent (Wallmo 1981). Prescribed fire can be used successfully to rejuvenate shrubs (Merrill 1982). Fire, even when it burns with low intensity, drastically affects the understory shrub coverage. Most shrub and other woody biomass above the surface is burned totally or damaged severely by fire (Covington and Sackett 1984). Postfire development of stands is characterized by many factors including prefire composition, fire severity, and regeneration characteristics of the different species (Morgan 1989; Pratt and others 1984). Many species have the ability to sprout after losing their above-ground biomass due to fire. Sprouting individuals have a large root system to support rapid regrowth (Agee 1993; Kauffman 1990). Sprouting vigor depends on many factors including genotype, soil, moisture, season of disturbance, and temperature ofthe fire (Bunting and others 1985; Martin and Driver 1983). Some species like manzanita Ahstract-The effect of prescribed fire on understory shrub vegetation revealed that postfire development of understory shrubs is characterized by many factors including prefire composition of the stand, fire intensity, and regeneration characteristics of the different species. Recovery speed of understory vegetation is highly variable. Young shrubs of burned stands are mostly alive and vital compared to shrubs in unburned stands that have become old and decadent. Early results from two Oregon ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) sites indicate that the number of understory shrub species did not change significantly after prescribed underburning. The number of shrubs increased in a ponderosa pinelbitterbrush-greenleafmanzanitalneedlegrass (P. ponderosa/Purshia tridentata (Pursh}-Arctostaphylos patula Greene/ Stipa occidentalis Thurb. ex Wats) community, but did not change in a ponderosa pine/snowberry (P. ponderosa/Symphoricarpos spp.) community. The percentage oflive individual shrubs increased, and the percentages of standing-dead and dead-and-down decreased. Prescribed fire is a useful tool for achieving many different management objectives. In addition to understory management, other goals include reduction of wildfire hazard and site preparation for forest regeneration. Since 1980 many large forest fires have occurred in the western United States despite fire suppression efforts (Mutch 1994). Fires were especially devastating in 1994. The need to decrease fire hazard in the forests is evident; it is probable that areas treated by prescribed fire will increase. Information about understory development after prescribed underburning will help decision makers achieve goals for successful understory management. The interior Northwestern United States receives scant amounts of precipitation during the summer months, most of the annual precipitation falls as snow during the winter. Drought is commonly the main factor limiting the growth of vegetation, especially at low elevations. Plant communities occupying these lands are fairly drought resistant, but fire prone. Various ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) series cover 10.8 million hectares in the western United States, forming the second largest forest type in the area (USDA 1982). In: Barrow, Jerry R; McArthur, E. Durant; Sosebee, Ronald E.; Tausch, Robin J., comps. 1996. Proceedings: shrubland ecosystem dynamics in a changing environment; 1995 May 23-25; Las Cruces, NM. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-338. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Intermountain Research Station. ' T. L. A. Ruha is Visiting Scientist and J. D. Landsberg is Fire Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1133N. Western Avenue, Wenatchee, WA98801. R E. Martinis Professor Emeritus, Wildland Fire Management, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. 108 (Arctostaphylos spp.) have lignotubers which allow extensive sprouting after disturbance (Agee 1993). Prescribed underburning temperatures are not normally high enough to kill below-ground reproductive biomass. A hot fire, however, can kill buds and prohibit sprouting (Driver 1983; Kauffman 1990). Regeneration from seed is common after fire and especially important after severe burns (Driver 1983). The seed bank present in the ground is a significant factor in postfire succession (Morgan 1989; Morgan and Neuenschwander 1988; Pratt and others 1984). Seeds of many species stay viable in the ground for a very long time (Gratkowski 1962). Pratt and others (1984) found that the total number of seeds per square meter can be as high as 14000, representing 46 different species; however, under one percent of the seeds were from shrubs. Most seeds which stay viable for long periods of time need thermal treatment to germinate (Gill 1981; Stone and Juhren 1951; Wells 1969) and the heat created by fire usually stimulates vigorous germination of those species (Kauffman 1990). Seeds of pioneer species can spread to burned sites by wind or animals. If properties of burned surfaces are favorable for germination, establishment of new seedlings is common when sufficient moisture is present. Species composition of understory shrubs in burned stands is the product of regeneration processes and is often more diverse after a fire than before burning (Attiwill 1994a, 1994b), especially if fires are sufficiently patchy so that many extant shrubs survive. The number of shrubs per hectare is usually higher after burning than before (Gratkowski 1962; Lathrop and Martin 1982; Merrill 1982), but the response is different for each species. For example, the number of bitterbrush individuals decreases after fire (Bunting and others 1985). Another factor determining postfire composition of shrubs is the growth rate of different species. Rapid initial growth rate is important especially for shade-intolerant species. Conspicuous occurrence of new shrub species that were not present in the stand before a fire is not common (Morgan 1989). After a fire, the above-ground parts of shrubs are younger and therefore smaller than before fire. Growth rate of shrubs varies by species whether they establish from sprouts or seeds. Merrill (1982) found very rapid recovery rates after fire in ponderosa pine/common snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) communities. Depending on the species, heights were similar one to four growing seasons after a fire and biomass of all species pooled was similar after three growing seasons. Young shrubs in burned stands consist primarily of live biomass and are vigorous compared to shrubs in unburned stands that have become old and decadent (Wallmo 1981). The understory vegetation component of an ecosystem performs important ecological functions. Contemporary ecosystem management calls for increased use ofprescribed fire to modify overstory species composition and reduce hazardous fuel buildups. In view of future potential increases in the application of prescribed underburning in the interior Northwestern United States, the response of understory vegetation needs definition. Here we report the response of understory shrubs to prescribed underburning in two ponderosa pine communities in Oregon. Materials and Methods ---------------- Research was carried out at two sites in central Oregonone on the Deschutes National Forest near Lava Butte and the other on the Mt. Hood National Forest near Bear Springs. The plant community at the Lava Butte site is ponderosa pinelbitterbrush-greenleaf manzanitaineedlegrass, (P. ponderosa/Purshia tridentata (Pursh)-Arctostaphylos patula Greene/Stipa occidental is Thurb. ex Wats) and the Bear Springs site is ponderosa pine/snowberry (P. ponderosa/ Symphoricarpos spp.). Research began at the Lava Butte site in 1979 and at Bear Springs in 1986. Location and description of the sites are in table 1. The Lava Butte site was c1earcut in the 1920's, slash was broadcast burned, and the site was regenerated naturally. The site was pre-commercially thinned in 1964, and the slash was left on-site, untreated. The Bear Springs site was c1earcut in 1960 and planted in 1961 for ponderosa pine. The site was precommercially thinned in 1975, and the slash left on-site, untreated. At the Lava Butte site, two replications of three treatments were applied in a randomized block design. The treatments were a control, a prescribed burn to achieve moderate fuel consumption, and a prescribed burn to achieve high fuel consumption (Landsberg 1992). Within each experimental unit, four to six 0.08-ha plots (sampling units), Table 1-Description of the study sites. Site Location: latitude, longitude Elevation Soil classification Percent sand Percent clay Annual precipitation Slope and aspect Unit size Site index, Hdom (100-year basis) Initial age of dominant trees on site Initial basal area of trees Initial height of trees Initial No. of trees Diameter of stem of mean basal area Lava Butte 44°50'N,121°23'W 1450 m Typic Cryorthent of ashy over loamy skeletal. 79.7% 4.2% 46cm <2% to Nand E 17 ha 30.7 m 45 years (1979) 25 m2 ha-1 12.9 m 606 stems ha-1 22.9 cm 109 Bear Springs 45° 8' N, 121° 32' W 2000 m Typic Xerumbrepts. 50.3% 10.8% 82cm 3% to Nand E 8.5 ha 36.6m 30 years (1986) 16.6 m2ha-1 10 m 477 stems ha-1 22.4cm were established. The underburns were conducted in the spring of 1979; understory vegetation was measured immediately before and after the burns and again in the fall 1994, 15 years after underburning. At the Bear Springs site, six replications oftwo treatments were applied in a completely randomized design to 0.16-ha treatment plots. The treatments were a control and an operational burn applied in the spring of 1988. Understory vegetation was measured in the fall 1994, six years after underburning. Within each plot, understory vegetation that was rooted within four 2 x 15 m belt transects was measured. The belt transects originated at and bisected the plot corners and projected into the plots towards the plot center. Each shrub was recorded by species (or genus) and the following variables measured: maximum height, crown diameter, percentage ofliving (from above-ground parts), percentage of standing-dead, and percentage of dead-and-down. Lava Butte data were analyzed using analysis of variance in a split-plot over time design. Dates of measurements used in the analysis ofvariance were preburn 1979 and postburn 1994. When factors in the analysis of variance were significant (a = 0.10), the treatments were compared using pairwise t-tests. At Bear Springs, the understory shrub cover was two-storied, so the data were divided into two classes. The classes were shrubs under 75 cm in height and shrubs 75 cm and taller in height. The classes were analyzed separately using analysis of variance for a completely randomized design using the 1994 post-treatment measurements. On all data the percentages ofliving, standing-dead, and dead-and-down were analyzed using the arcsine-square root transformation, and log transformation was used on shrubs per hectare to meet the assumption of the analysis of variance. Model of analysis of variance for Lava Butte data was: where Jl = overall mean, and Cij= error. Results ~ = ith treatment effect, ----------------------------------- Lava Butte Species Composition-Before treatment, seven shrub species (or genera) were identified at the Lava Butte study site: antelope bitterbrush, greenleaf manzanita, snowbrush ceanothus (Ceanothus velutinus Dougl.), birch (Betula spp.), cherry (Prunus spp.), currant (Ribes spp.), and rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus Cronq.). In the burned plots, all stems of snowbrush ceanothus and currant shrubs were destroyed by the fire or were not recognized after burning. No snowbrush ceanothus shrubs were found on the site in the immediate postburn measurement. In 1994, ten different shrub species were present in the study area; the number of species increased in all treatments inc1uqing the control. New species were serviceberry CAmelanchier spp.), common princes-pine (Chimaphila umbellata Rydb.), and rabbitbrush goldenweed (Haplopappus bloomeri Gray). Number of Shrubs-Before burning in 1979, the average number of shrubs per hectare was approximately the same in all treatments (table 2). Prescribed burning with moderate fuel consumption decreased density (number of shrubs) by 900 per hectare and prescribed burning with high fuel consumption decreased density by 1500 per hectare (table 2). Although the number of shrubs in the control increased between postburn 1979 and 1994, the increase was greater in the burned areas. Preburn 1979 was compared to postburn 1994 in split-plot analysis of variance over time. Time was the only significant factor (p = 0.02). When compared pairwise, the density on the moderate and the high fuel consumption treatment areas were changed during the study period. In 1994 the density on the moderate fuel consumption areas differed from the density on the other areas. When response to burning was compared among the most important species-antelope bitterbrush, snowberry, and greenleaf manzanita-significant differences in numbers of shrubs per hectare were found in the high fuel consumption y = Jl + Pi + aj + 'Yij + ~k + 9ik + (a~)jk + Cijk where Jl = overall mean, Pi = ith block effect, OJ = jth treatment effect, 'Yij = error term associated with treatment, ~ = kth year effect, 9ik = error term associated with year, (a~)jk = treatment-year interaction, and Eijk = error term associated with the interaction. Model of analysis of variance for Bear Springs data was: y=Jl+ai +Eij Table 2-Lava Butte understory in 1979 (before and after burning) and in 1994. All species pooled. Means and standard errors by year and treatment. Standard error in parenthesis. Shrubs per hectare 1979 preburn Control 1979 postburn 1994 postburn Moderate fuel consum~tion 1979 1994 1979 preburn postburn postburn High fuel consum~tion 1994 1979 1979 preburn postburn postburn 9300 (1900) 63 (1.3) 38 (0.6) 45 (1.0) 9300 (1900) 63 (1.3) 38 (0.6) 45 (1.0) 11000 (1420) 64 (1.2) 47 (0.7) 54 (1.0) 9400 (1380) 67 (1.2) 33 (0.5) 46 (1.0) 8500 (1000) 51 (1.0) 40 (0.8) 17 (1.0) 14200 (1090) 36 (0.7) 31 (0.5) 80 (0.8) 7800 (220) 77 (1.9) 51 (0.8) 51 (1.0) 6300 (170) 49 (1.2) 42 (0.9) 5 (0.6) 10200 (40) 44 (0.9) 39 (0.6) 84 (0.8) 39 (0.7) 34 (0.8) 37 (0.7) 69 (1.1) 14 (0.6) 36 (0.8) 76 (1.0) 11 (0.6) 16 (0.8) 12 (0.8) 17 (0.7) 14 (0.7) 6 (0.6) 13 (0.6) 19 (0.8) 5 (0.6) Avg crown dia cm Avg max height, cm Amount live per shrub, % Amount standing 39 (0.7) dead per shrub, % Amount dead- and16 (0.8) down per shrub, % 110 areas. Number of antelope bitterbrush was 7360 shrubs per hectare in preburn 1979,5530 in postburn 1979, and 6190 in postburn 1994. Time was the only significant factor for the number of antelope bitterbrush (p = 0.02). In pairwise comparisons no change was determined between preburn 1979 and postburn 1994 in any ofthe treatments. In 1994 the density on the high fuel consumption areas differed, having significantly less bitterbrush shrubs compared to the others. For snowbrush ceanothus in the moderate fuel consumption areas, numbers per hectare were 14 in preburn 1979, o in postburn 1979, and 420 in postburn 1994. In high fuel consumption areas, snowbrush ceanothus were found only in postburn 1994, at a density of 150 shrubs per hectare. For the number of snowbrush ceanothus shrubs, the time x treatment interaction was significant (p = 0.08). When compared pairwise the densities on the burned areas changed during the study period. In 1994 the burned areas differed from the control, but not from each other. The number of greenleaf manzanita shrubs ranged from 300 to 400 shrubs per hectare before burning in all treatments. In the control, the density remained relatively constant during the entire study period-1979 to 1994. At the end of the research period in 1994, the number of individual manzanita shrubs had increased to 2590 per hectare in the moderate fuel consumption areas and to 3550 per hectare in the high fuel consumption areas. When the number of greenleaf manzanita shrubs was analyzed, time xtreatment interaction was highly significant (p =0.01). In pairwise comparisons the results were similar to those for snowbrush ceanothus. control areas in 1994 (table 2). Standing-dead percentage doubled immediately after burning in the burned areas but decreased between postburn 1979 and 1994. Dead-anddown percentage of the shrubs decreased immediately in the moderate fuel consumption areas (from 17 to 14%) and increased in the high fuel consumption areas (from 13 to 19%). In the period postburn 1979 to 1994, percentage of dead-anddown decreased in both burned areas. When compared statistically, treatment, year, and their interaction were all significant for percentages of live and standing-dead shrubs. For dead-and-down percentages, year and treatment x year interaction were significant. When live and standing-dead percentages were compared pairwise, the burned plots in 1994 were significantly different from the control but did not differ from each other. When 1994 dead-and-down percentage was compared, all treatment areas differed from each other. Except for standing-dead in the control treatment, all live and dead percentage variables in all three treatments were significantly different from preburn 1979 to postburn 1994. Bear Springs Species Composition-At Bear Springs, the understory was dominated by snowbrush ceanothus and snowberry. Additional shrubs found in the diverse understory in 1994 in both the control and burned plots included: blackberry (Rubus spp.), California hazelnut (Corylus cornuta var. californica DC.), cherry, currant, golden chinkapin (Castanopsis chrysophylla Doug!.), northern twinflower (Linnaea borealis L.), Oregon hollygrape (Berberis aquifolium Pursh), rose (Rosa spp.), serviceberry, spreading dogbane (Apocynum androsaemifoliun L.), vine maple (Acer circinatum Pursh), western trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa Pursh), and yerba buena (Satureja douglasii). Creambrush ocean-spray (Holodiscus discolor Pursh) was found only on the burned plots in 1994. Crown Diameter and Height of Shrubs-Before burning, average crown diameter and average height, calculated as a mean of all species, were significantly greater in the high fuel consumption treatment areas (table 2). During the entire study period, average crown diameter in the control remained relatively constant. In the burned plots, average crown diameter decreased immediately on burning; crown diameter also decreased between postburn 1979 and 1994 (table 2). Treatment x year interaction was significant (p = 0.07). When compared pairwise, preburn 1979 was significantly different from 1994 in both moderate and high fuel consumption areas but did not differ significantly in the control. In 1994 the control differed significantly from both burned treatments, but burned treatments did not differ from each other. In the control, average height increased during the study period. In the moderate fuel consumption plots, average height was greater immediately after burning but decreased after that. In the high fuel consumption areas, height was less immediately after burning and stayed stable between postburn 1979 and 1994. Treatment (p = 0.06) and treatment xyear interaction (p = 0.06) were significant factors. In pairwise comparisons, the heights on the control and the high fuel consumption areas were significantly changed during the study period. In 1994 the height on the moderate fuel consumption areas differed significantly from the height on the other sites. Number of Shrubs-There were 65900 shrubs per hectare in the burned plots and 78000 shrubs per hectare in the control plots in 1994. Even though the difference in the number of shrubs was high, it was not statistically significant. Also, the difference in the number of shrubs less than 75 cm in height was not significant. There were twice as many shrubs taller than 75 cm on the control areas than on the burned areas (table 3), a statistically significant difference (p =0.02). Of the number of small shrubs (height <75 cm), snowberry accounted for 82% in the burned and 90% in the control plots. No small snowbrush ceanothus were found on the burned areas and the proportion on the control areas was only 0.1%. Of shrubs taller than 75 cm, snowbrush ceanothus accounted for 32% and snowberry accounted for 50% on the control areas. On the burned areas snowbrush ceanothus accounted for 52% and snowberry accounted for 30% of the shrubs taller than 75 cm. Shrub Size, and Live, and Dead Percentage of Shrubs-There was no statistically significant difference in the crown diameter of shrubs less than 75 cm in height, but the maximum height was significantly greater in the control areas (p = 0.07) (table 3). In the group taller than 75 cm the means for crown diameter and height were significantly greater in the burned areas (p = 0.07 and p = 0.09). Live and Dead Percentage of Shrubs-The average live percentage of each individual shrub ranged from 45 to 51 % before treatments. In the burned areas, average percentage live was low immediately after burning, but in 1994 it was significantly higher than in preburn 1979 or in the 111 Table 3-Bear Springs understory in 1994. All species pooled. Means and standard errors by treatment and size class. Standard error in parenthesis. Shrubs <75 em height Control Burn Number of shrubs per hectare Average crown diameter, cm Average maximum height, cm Average percent shrub live Average percent shrub standing-dead Average per cent shrub dead-and-down 75900 (16530) 30(1.1) 30 (1.7) 87 (2.3) 13 (2.3) o (0) 65000 (9150) 32 (1.0) 25 (1.7) 92 (1.4) 8 (1.4) o (0) 1960 (210) 195 (11.3) 160 (10.2) 73 (3.9) 22 (3.4) 5 (1.7) 930 (290) 314 (57.5) 190 (12.7) 82 (3.1) 11 (1.9) 7 (1.5) Although we did not age the shrubs in this study, it was apparent that most of the shrubs were younger in the burned areas and therefore smaller, especially at Lava Butte. However, at Bear Springs the mean crown diameter and mean maximum height ofthe shrubs taller than 75 cm was smaller in the control areas compared to the burned areas, partly because number of shrubs was higher in the control areas. At Lava Butte, shrub height recovered faster after fire than did crown diameter, but both were still less than in the control areas. Shrub response to burning, measured by mean crown diameter and maximum height, differed between the two sites-differences which can be caused by many factors like site properties, species composition, competition, and fire behavior. Recovery speed at these sites was slower than those reported by Merrill (1982). In the burned plots, the percentage of living individual shrubs was higher several years after fire. Standing-dead and dead-and-down percentages of individual shrubs decreased in the burned plots; although, at Bear Springs, the percentage of dead-and-down was low in both the burned and control areas. Other studies have found fire decreases the amount of dead, woody material present (Covington and Sackett 1984; Landsberg 1992). Average percentage live by shrub was greater and standingdead and dead-and-down were smaller in the control compared to the burn plots on both size groups. The differences were statistically significant for percentage live and standing-dead. Discussion Shrubs> 75 em height Control Burn ------------------------------- The number of species on the two sites did not increase or decrease markedly between the preburn and the 1994 measurements which were six years after burning at Bear Springs and 15 years at Lava Butte. The new species present in 1994 were represented by only a single or a few individuals. The results are similar to those reported by Merrill (1982) and Morgan (1989). At Lava Butte, the shrub density (number of shrubs) increased rapidly in both burn treatments which is similar to results in other studies (Gratkowski 1961; Lathrop and Martin 1982; Merrill 1982). Densities ofbitterbrush decreased but densities of snowbrush ceanothus and greenleaf manzanita increased following burning at Lava Butte. The type of shrub regeneration was not determined and it is impossible to say which shrub plants regenerated from sprouts or from seed. Bitterbrush is said to be negatively affected by fire and sprouts poorly after burning, although ability to sprout differs between varieties (Bradley and others 1992; N oste and Bushey 1987). In this study, bitterbrush retained its dominant position despite burning. Biomass measurements would validate reliability of these conclusions. Snowbrush ceanothus and greenleaf manzanita are well adapted to fire and both have the ability to sprout vigorously (Agee 1993; Noste and Bushey 1987). Ceanothus seeds stay viable in the ground for a very long time (Gratkowski 1962; Kauffman 1986). Because there were not many snowbrush ceanothus or greenleaf manzanita shrubs before burning at Lava Butte, most of the increase must be due to individuals that germinated from seed. The proportion of greenleaf manzanita increased markedly and fire seems to be favorable to the species. At Bear Springs, the 1994 difference in total number of shrubs between treatments was high but not statistically significant. Snowbrush ceanothus and snowberry were the dominant species before burning and their position remained stable afterward due to their adaptations to fire. A dominant position in postfire succession is promoted by having the ability to sprout after fire or seeds which remains viable for many years (Bradley and others 1992; Noste and Bushey 1987). However, the shrub number per hectare did not increase due to prescribed underburning, perhaps because the site was occupied by a very dense snowberry and ceanothus stand before burning. Conclusions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The number of understory shrub species did not increase markedly after prescribed underburning in these two ponderosa pine communities. Where bitterbrush had been the dominant understory shrub species prior to burning, it retained dominance although it decreased to some extent. The number of snowbrush ceanothus and greenleaf manzanita, which are fire-adapted, increased. At Lava Butte, which had a low initial understory shrub density, the number of shrubs increased after burning; at Bear Springs, which had a high initial understory shrub density, the number of shrubs per hectare did not increase. At both sites, the percentage of standing-dead shrubs decreased after the underburns and the percentage of live shrubs increased. More information is needed, however, to determine shrub crown cover and biomass response to prescribed underburning across a range of site conditions. Acknowledgments _ _ _ _ _ __ We thank the Fort Rock District ofthe Deschutes National Forest and the Bear Springs District of the Mt. Hood National Forest for providing the research sites and continuing to exclude them from timber harvest. Our appreciation 112 Kufeld, RD.; Wallmo, o. C.; Feddema, C. 1973. Foods of Rocky Mountain mule deer. Res. Pap. RM-111. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 32 p. Landsberg, J. D. 1992. Response of ponderosa pine forests in central Oregon to prescribed underburning. Ph.D. dissertation. Corvallis OR: Oregon State University. 241 p. ' Lat~rop, E. W.; ~artin B. !l. 1~82. Response of understory vegetation to prescnbed burnmg m yellow pine forests of Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, California. ALISO. 10(2): 328-343. Martin, R E. 1982. Fire hi.story and its role in succession. In: Means, J. E., ed. Forest succeSSIOn and stand developmen t research in the No.rthwest. 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