Landscape Dynamics and Arid Land Restoration Steven G. Whisenant Most rangeland improvement recommendations begin with the premise that activities (investments) should focus on sites with the greatest potential for a positive economic return. That is sound advice from a financial investment viewpoint. However, the failure to consider landscape interactions may create unanticipated problems. For example, in arid regions, depositional areas at the base of hills are commonly selected for restoration efforts because of their inherently better soil, nutrient and water relations. The best restoration effort on those sites may fail due to problems on other parts of the landscape. Accelerated sheet erosion on hill slopes can lead to channel deposition that steepens the slope gradient. This initiates channel entrenchment that creates steep channel banks susceptible to mass failure or slumping. This leads to lateral erosion of the stream channel against an adjacent hill slope and further steepens the hill slope gradient and removes the concave portion of the valley bottom. This increases surface erosion rates while reducing the opportunity for sediment storage at the bottom of the hill slope. Other landscape scale problems (such as those involving nutrient cycling, geomorphology, hydrology, herbivory, granivory, propagule transport) are less obvious, but can be just as disruptive. Landscapes are an assemblage of different vegetative elements that may have patches or corridors of other vegetation types embedded in a matrix of a distinct vegetation type. Unique landscape combinations are formed from interactions of geomorphology, hydrology, colonization patterns, and local disturbances (Forman and Godron 1986). The landscape matrix is the primary vegetation type surrounding patches of other vegetation types. The distribution— not the movement—of energy, materials, and species in relation to the sizes, shapes, numbers, kinds, and configurations of landscape elements makes up the ‘structure’ of that landscape (Forman and Godron 1986). Landscape function—or dynamics—is the interaction among the landscape elements that involves the flow of energy, materials, water, and species among the elements. The concepts of landscape restoration ecology can be applied to all ecosystems, but this discussion is focused on large arid ecosystems that cannot be completely restored by artificial methods. Western North America is an excellent example, since it contains millions of hectares that require restoration or rehabilitation, but the need far exceeds our ability to provide it. This situation is common, perhaps the rule rather than the exception in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Our success in rehabilitating these systems has not been good, but even if we had the capability to restore them, we would never have the money to apply that technology to all the areas that need it. Restoration strategies that initiate autogenic succession—by using rather than by combating natural processes—are most appropriate for extensively Abstract—Restoration strategies that initiate autogenic succession—by using rather than by combating natural processes— have great potential for arid ecosystems. Damaged ecological processes must be restored to restoration sites. Landscape dynamics can be directed toward restoration objectives with strategies that: (1) reduce or eliminate the causes of degradation; (2) address soil degradation and initiate soil improving processes; (3) establish vegetation that addresses microsite availability, soil improvement, and nutrient cycling problems; and (4) arrange landscape components to reduce detrimental landscape interactions while increasing synergies among landscape components. Landscape configuration can be designed to: (1) encourage synergies among landscape components; (2) reduce nutrient losses to adjacent landscape components; (3) facilitate natural seed dispersal mechanisms; (4) attract beneficial animals; and (5) reduce detrimental animal activities. Artificial revegetation of arid ecosystems is expensive, risky, and the benefits are often short-lived. Current approaches to ecosystem rehabilitation are extensions of traditional agronomic technologies developed under more hospitable climates. These agronomic approaches produce linear rows of uniformly spaced plants rather than naturally occurring vegetative patterns. Ecological restoration is an alternative approach that attempts to minimize management intervention (and expense) by stimulating natural successional processes to develop stable structural and functional dynamics. Restoration efforts have traditionally been designed and implemented for specific sites—with the boundaries determined by fences or ownership patterns. These restoration efforts focused on site specific attributes and objectives without considering interactions with the surrounding landscape. Since all parts of a landscape are functionally linked, this site specific focus contributed to several problems. The failure to view restoration sites as integral components of a larger, highly interconnected landscape has often produced inherently unstable “restored” landscapes. The processes and products of unstable landscape components can disrupt the stability of the other parts, resulting in widespread failure throughout the landscape. We have the potential to improve restoration success by incorporating landscape processes essential in the establishment and maintenance of ecological systems. In: Roundy, Bruce A.; McArthur, E. Durant; Haley, Jennifer S.; Mann, David K., comps. 1995. Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium; 1993 October 19-21; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-315. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. Steven G. Whisenant is Associate Professor of Rangeland Ecology and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2126. 26 Processes to Increase Resource Availability managed arid ecosystems. The objectives of this paper are not to outline a comprehensive restoration program—but to introduce concepts that contribute toward landscapelevel planning of restoration efforts on arid lands. Landscape considerations are incorporated into arid land restoration efforts with strategies that: (1) reduce or eliminate the causes of degradation; (2) address soil degradation and initiate soil improving processes; (3) establish vegetation that addresses microsite availability, soil improvement, and nutrient cycling problems; and (4) arrange landscape components to reduce detrimental landscape interactions while increasing synergies among landscape components. Directing Landscape Dynamics The restoration of degraded arid lands has several limitations: (1) resource (water, nutrients, soil organic matter, propagules) levels are uniformly low; (2) harsh microenvironmental conditions limit seedling recruitment; and (3) animals have a greater potential to disrupt restoration efforts in arid systems. Since plant establishment and growth in arid lands is limited by available water, successful restoration strategies increase water availability and/or reduce evaporation and transpiration. Water availability is increased with strategies that harvest water, increase infiltration and increase water retention. Evapo-transpiration can be reduced with strategies that lower soil and leaf temperatures (shade) and increase litter accumulations on the soil surface. Herbivores and granivores may have large impacts on the vegetation of arid landscapes. They affect the vegetation directly by consuming the vegetation and seeds and indirectly by altering the fire regime. Animals and the arrangement of landscape components also influence the movement of seed across landscapes. The application of landscape considerations to arid land restoration problems might focus on capturing flows of scarce resources across the landscape or on reducing fragmentation and reintegrating fragmented landscapes. Tongway (1991) suggested a landscape approach that identifies processes controlling the flows of limiting resources into and through landscapes. Hobbs (1993) argued that fragmentation of ecosystem processes leads to significant changes in the water and nutrient cycles, radiation balance and wind regimes. This is particularly important since degraded ecosystems have leaky nutrient cycles compared to undamaged landscape elements (Allen and Hoekstra 1992). Aronson and others (1993a) presented a general model for the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded arid and semi-arid ecosystems that included “vital ecosystem attributes,” of which several are landscape scale attributes. There are several examples of landscape level planning of restoration or rehabilitation activities. Aronson and others (1993b) described an ecologic and economic rehabilitation program for landscape scale problems of a degraded Espinales landscape in central Chile. Thurow and Juo (1991) described an integrated management program for an agropastoral watershed in Niger and argued that watersheds are the most appropriate level for manipulating hydrological and geochemical processes. Our understanding of the functional interactions controlling landscape dynamics is far from complete and our ability to direct those processes is less well developed. However, existing theoretical, empirical, and practical information provides insight that suggests the elements of a new paradigm for arid land restoration. Remove Causes of Degradation—Deforestation and abusive grazing practices reduce soil organic matter, litter, vegetation and infiltration. The reduced perennial plant cover associated with degradation results in less organic matter being produced and added to the soil. As soil organic matter is reduced, aggregate stability is reduced and the soil is more easily crusted by raindrop impact. Raindrops falling on exposed soil surfaces with low aggregate stability detach fine soil particles from the soil surface. These fine particles fill soil pores and create soil surface crusts with a continuous surface sealing. Soil surface crusts (soil sealing) are “thin layers of compacted soil with greatly reduced hydraulic conductivity, capable of decreasing the infiltration of soil surfaces subjected to rainfall” (Bohl and Roth 1993). After drying, surface crusts seal the soil surface, reducing infiltration and aeration. Deforestation, overgrazing and cultivation degrade the vegetation and initiate the process of desertification. Desertification is a common result of degradation. Desertification is the spread of desert-like conditions (Lal and others 1989), or the “…impoverishment of arid, semiarid and sub-humid ecosystems by the impact of man’s activities. This process leads to reduced productivity of desirable plants, alterations in the biomass and in the diversity of life forms, accelerated soil degradation and hazards for human occupancy” (UNEP 1977). About 6 million hectares is irretrievably lost or degraded by desertification each year and about 135 million people are severely affected by desertification (UNEP 1984). In 1975 it was estimated that in the Sudan the desert land had expanded south 90 to 100 km in about 17 years (Tivy 1990). Desertification is a dynamic self-accelerating process resulting from positive feedback mechanisms driving a downward spiral of land degradation (Tivy 1990). Desertification has two main physical characteristics—vegetative degradation and soil degradation. Restoration of these degraded sites is restricted by several site-specific obstacles that must be addressed on each site (Table 1). There are also several indicators that may suggest destructive landscapelevel interactions with the potential to disrupt restoration efforts (Table 2). Management approaches to the restoration of degraded ecosystems have emphasized artificial revegetation or improved grazing management. Although improved grazing management must be part of any long-term management plan, current ecological understanding suggests it is unlikely to significantly improve severely degraded ecosystems. Even complete removal of livestock does not insure 27 Table 1—Site-specific obstacles to aridland restoration. Although these obstacles have local origins, they may cause problems on other parts of the landscape or may also occur elsewhere in the landscape. Deterioration of soil structure (surface crusting, compaction, reduced macroporosity, low aggregate stability, reduced infiltration) Wind or water erosion Reduced soil organic matter Reduced water holding capacity Soil salinity levels elevated beyond natural conditions Nutrient depletion Reduced capacity to retain nutrients Reduced vegetative and litter cover Low functional and species diversity Depleted seed bank diversity Reduced activity and diversity of soil organisms and the water gains velocity and energy, producing rills, channels and eventually gullies. Several problems occur as soil structure deteriorates, but the more common problems on arid lands are surface crusting, accelerated erosion, salinization, reduced macroporosity, reduced aggregate stability, and reductions in the diversity and activity of soil organisms. These processes reduce infiltration and increase water loss from runoff and evaporation. As soil water reserves are depleted, less vegetation is produced and the degradation of soil condition accelerates. Soil improvement strategies should be directed toward the eventual goal of retaining and using water where it falls (Sanders 1990). The only sustainable method of accomplishing these objectives is to reduce the amount of bare ground by establishing a vegetative cover. Unfortunately, the potential vegetative cover is typically low in arid ecosystems. Sanders (1990) suggested a strategy to improve degraded soils that has both immediate and longterm objectives. The immediate objectives are to: (1) prevent soil crusts; (2) reduce soil erosion; and (3) retain the precipitation on site. These immediate objectives are strongly correlated but can be considered separately. They are critical steps toward longer-term objectives that require more time for development: (1) increase soil organic matter content; (2) increase water holding capacity; (3) improve soil structure; and (4) restore sustainable nutrient dynamics to the soil system. The immediate objectives are met by increasing the vegetative cover or increasing mulch and litter cover on the soil surface. This reduces the detrimental effect of raindrop impact on the bare soil surface, which is the primary cause of crusting. Providing soil cover reduces secondary succession leading toward recovery (Walker and others 1981; Whisenant and Wagstaff 1991; Friedel 1991; Laycock 1991). The traditional successional concept of vegetation returning to a predictable, relatively stablestate following disturbance is not valid in many arid ecosystems (Westoby and others 1989; Friedel 1991; Laycock 1991). Most arid ecosystems seem to have multiple, alternative stable-states (Friedel 1991; Laycock 1991). Movement between these steady-states (i.e. ecosystem recovery) requires significant management inputs (Friedel 1991). Thus, despite the economic problems of rehabilitating degraded arid ecosystems, some management intervention is required for improvement. Soil Improvement—Soil erosion is the most common and damaging form of soil degradation since it degrades the physical, chemical and biological components of the soil. Excessive erosion depletes nutrients, decreases rooting volume, reduces plant-available water reserves—and most tragically—is irreversible. Wind erosion is a serious problem in arid and semi-arid regions. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP 1977) estimated that 80% of the 3,700 million ha of rangeland around the world are affected by wind erosion. Wind erosion has greater impacts on the fine, nutrient-rich components of soil, such as silt, clay and organic matter, leaving less fertile sand, gravel and other coarser materials. The rate of wind erosion generally depends on soil erodibility, surface roughness, climate, the unsheltered travel distance of wind across a field, and vegetative cover. Soil surface crusts reduce permeability and accelerate runoff and erosion. On bare soil surfaces, running water is not slowed or absorbed by organic matter, Table 2—Indicators suggesting problematic landscape-level interactions with the potential to disrupt arid land restoration efforts. Gully cutting (upslope or downslope from restoration site) Excessive soil deposition Altered water table (might be higher, lower, or of reduced quality) Low volume and diversity of seed immigrants Accelerated nutrient losses to adjacent landscape element (fluvial, aeolian, or subsurface processes) Low natural recruitment of plants Increased salinity resulting from accelerated run-on of low quality water Inadequate pollination Excessive animal damage (herbivory or seed predation) Reduced landscape diversity 28 the extremes of soil temperature, reduces evaporation, reduces erosion, increases infiltration of water into the soil, and increases soil water content. Although arid environments may not have the potential to produce enough vegetation to cover much of the soil surface, the cover and resulting benefits should be maximized. Soil surface treatments such as pitting, terracing, or microcatchments reduce runoff and increase infiltration. Microcatchments, pits, and contour furrows retain water and increase infiltration and storage of water. Soil modification procedures have a finite design life determined by erosion rate, depth and precipitation events. Previous pitting and contour furrow uses on arid rangelands concentrated on the establishment of herbaceous species. In general, those practices greatly improved establishment success and productivity for several years. However, they were temporary and seldom lasted much beyond the design life of the soil modification and did not expand benefits beyond the soil depression. Reducing crusting and erosion while increasing the infiltration and retention of water in the soil improves plant establishment and growth. This begins the accumulation of soil organic matter which improves physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil. As this process continues, water and nutrient retention are improved and soil structure is increased. Plants contribute to soil organic carbon reserves through decomposition of leaves and stems falling on the soil surface and through exudates from roots and decomposition of dead root material. These processes of soil development increase vegetation production and accelerate the rate of soil development. The processes of vegetation and soil development are mutually dependent. Ultimately, the nutrient dynamics of the system is stabilized. Soil biological properties are degraded through the effects of reduced organic matter, reduced biological activity, reduced diversity of soil flora and fauna, and unfavorable changes in biological processes (Lal and others 1989). This reduced biotic activity adversely affects nutrient cycling, soil physical properties and makes soils less hospitable for plant growth. Organic matter quality may be another important factor in the recovery, persistence and stability of the soil biota. The reduced soil biotic diversity and activity typical of degraded soils (Fresquez and others 1987; Mott and Zuberer 1991), reduce enzymatic capability of the soil microflora and thus hinders nutrient cycling and organic decomposition. Although bacterial numbers tend to recover rapidly following disturbance, the species balance is altered in favor of ruderal species capable of rapid growth on readily available substrates. These ruderal species correspond to r-selected organisms (Andrews and Harris 1986) and often dominate following disturbance, but are less abundant under stable, climax conditions. In contrast, autochthonous microbes metabolize difficult-to-degrade organic matter (OM), have slow growth rates, high affinities for growth limiting substrates and high starvation survival abilities (Andrews and Harris 1986). Recalcitrant organic materials produce low, but continuous OM sources that persist until perennial root systems begin to supply organic matter (Santos and others 1981; Santos and Whitford 1981; Whitford 1988). In arid ecosystems bark and wood chip amendments can contribute to a stable below-ground biota that facilitates a more sustainable above-ground flora (Whitford and others 1989). Severely depleted soils treated with readily decomposed organic materials developed soil biota and processes similar to less damaged soils, but the beneficial effects lasted only two years (Whitford 1988). Unlike cultivated soils where nitrogen immobilization by high Carbon/Nitrogen ratio materials is undesirable, recalcitrant organic materials may be desirable in arid environments (Whitford and others 1989). Decomposition is an essential nutrient cycling process (Whitford and others 1989) regulated by water and organic matter availability in arid ecosystems (Steinberger and others 1984). Stable soil decomposition processes require a diverse soil biota (Santos and others 1981; Santos and Whitford 1981). Decomposition potentials of severely disturbed soils may not recover for many years (Harris and others 1991). Respiration-to-biomass ratios (soil metabolic quotient) in German mined soils were not stabilized 50 years after mining (Insam and Domsch 1988), although soil metabolic quotients were found to decrease with each increasing successional stage (Insam and Haselwandter 1989). This decrease is probably a reflection of K-selected soil organisms beginning to dominate. However, these studies of soil metabolic quotient relative to rehabilitation progress were conducted in mesic environments and have not been examined in arid ecosystems. This possible relationship between the metabolic quotient and succession suggests the potential to influence the speed, direction, and stability of arid land restoration by manipulating the microbial community. Vegetation Strategies—Vegetation can be used to mediate harsh microenvironmental conditions; capture wind- and water-borne soil, nutrients, and organic matter; improve soil conditions; increase soil nitrogen; and create structural diversity to attract birds that transport seed. Woody plants capture wind-blown organic materials, soil particles, nutrients (Virginia 1986) and microorganisms (Allen 1988). Shrubs also improve microenvironmental conditions by moderating wind and temperature patterns (Allen and MacMahon 1985; Vetaas 1992). Not only do shrubs improve soil and microenvironmental conditions, they may reduce nutrient and water losses from disturbed landscapes. Perennial, nitrogen-fixing legumes are believed to be essential components of many arid and semiarid ecosystems (Jenkins and others 1987; Jarrell and Virginia 1990) as well as in alternative steady-state systems (Knoop and Walker 1985). Woody legumes can benefit disturbed arid landscapes with low water, nitrogen, and phosphorus levels (Bethlenfalvay and Dakessian 1984) because of their ability to develop symbiotic associations with both rhizobial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi (Herrera and others 1993). Keystone species are species believed essential to ecosystem structure and function (Westman 1990) and their inclusion may facilitate the restoration of disturbed ecosystems (Aronson and others 1993a). Woody legumes are often considered keystone species in disturbed arid and semi-arid ecosystems and should be among the first species returned (Aronson and others 1993b) during restoration efforts. 29 Recent studies also suggest the benefits of restoration strategies using species producing low-quality litter in degraded arid ecosystems. Plants with slow growth and plants producing low-quality litter are uniquely adapted to low-nutrient ecosystems (Aerts and van der Peijl 1993). Nutrient-poor ecosystems are dominated by species with a low potential growth rate and nutrient-rich ecosystems are dominated by species with a high potential growth rate (Grime and Hunt 1975; Poorter and Remkes 1990; Poorter and others 1990). In nutrient-poor environments, nutrient conserving species develop a higher equilibrium biomass than species with higher nutrient loss rates, although it may take 3 to 5 years to reach that higher equilibrium (Aerts and van der Peijl 1993). Nutrient conserving species produce slowly decomposing litter. Thus, in degraded arid ecosystems, it is likely that species producing recalcitrant litter have greater potential to produce a sustainable system. These restoration sites are also less attractive to large herbivores from other parts of the landscape. These spatial patterns suggest functional characteristics useful in restoring degraded arid ecosystems. Fertile islands are variously viewed as natural triumphs of concentrating biological mechanisms over dispersing physical forces (Garner and Steinberger 1989), a symptom of degradation (Schlesinger and others 1990), or a tool for rehabilitation (Allen 1988). These alternative interpretations are—at least partially—a difference of perspective. Compared to a pristine desert grassland, with a relatively high and uniform distribution of resources (water, N, OM, and other soil resources), the conversion to a Prosopis sanddune landscape, with its clustered resource distribution involves degradation (Schlesinger and others 1990). In contrast, clustered resource distribution on rehabilitated arid mine sites are an improvement over the homogeneous, but uniformly low resource levels on mined sites with little vegetation. Severely degraded ecosystems typically have uniformly low resource levels and high soil erosion rates. Reducing resource loss from severely degraded landscapes is a positive development, even if it partially redistributes resources within the landscape. However, there is much evidence that landscapes capture additional resources during fertile island development (Garcia-Moya and McKell 1970; Allen 1988; West 1989) and that long-term stability and productivity of disturbed arid landscapes may require the development of fertile islands (Allen 1988). Reducing resource loss and capturing or producing additional resources is an essential component of arid landscape restoration that contributes to long-term sustainability. Garner and Steinberger (1989) hypothesized that biological transport mechanisms concentrate nitrogen (and probably other resources) while physical mechanisms primarily disperse nitrogen. However, physical mechanisms also concentrate resources in certain situations. Depressions in the soil accumulate water, soil, nutrients, organic matter and propagules. Thus, on barren sites, the concentrating effects of physical mechanisms (captured flows of water, nutrients, organic materials and propagules) may contribute to the initiation of autogenic landscape restoration. Thereafter, biological mechanisms (alteration of soil, microenvironmental, and nutrient relations by the vegetation—particularly shrubs) may dominate. Flows of resources through the landscape are important because no landscape component is completely isolated. The dynamics of processes in individual parts of the landscape are strongly influenced by factors acting in other parts of the landscape. Tongway (1991) studied two Australian sites—one dominated by fluvial processes and the other by aeolian processes. At each location he identified source and sink areas and measured nutrient pool sizes and rate processes (microbial respiration rates). Sink areas were found to contain significantly higher nutrient pools and higher rate processes than the source areas. This led to the recommendation that restoration strategies link soil-vegetationlandscape associations to the dynamic processes controlling the flow of limiting resources. Tongway (1991) suggested a restoration strategy based on understanding how limiting resources ought to be distributed in the landscape and then promoting processes leading in that direction. Human-dominated landscapes leak materials such as nutrients (Allen and Hoekstra 1992). Cultivated fields and severely disturbed natural ecosystems retain little of their Landscape Design—There are significant benefits that can result from specific landscape arrangements. We can arrange landscapes to: (1) encourage synergies among landscape components; (2) reduce nutrient losses to other landscape components; (3) assist natural seed dispersal mechanisms; (4) attract beneficial animals such as pollinators and seed vectors; and (5) reduce detrimental activities of large herbivores and seed predators. Restoration efforts have the largely unrealized potential to work with underlying landscape processes rather than against them by developing strategies that incorporate and direct natural processes. Disturbances, such as cultivation or abusive grazing practices, homogenize arid landscapes by uniformly reducing water availability, soil nutrients and organic matter. This spatial resource leveling produces landscapes where limiting resources are uniformly below the establishment threshold for desirable plants. Under these circumstances, physical or biological features that concentrate resources may initiate recovery by enabling plants to establish and grow on that part of the landscape. This initiates a series of soil and microenvironmental improvements that begin to positively influence an increasingly larger percentage of the landscape. As an example, total productivity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems is believed to be higher if water is distributed in patches rather than uniformly (Noy-Meir 1973). Recognition that arid ecosystems often have clustered distributions of plants, nutrients, organic matter, and water lead to the term ‘fertile islands’ (Charley and West 1977; West and Klemmedson 1978; Garner and Steinberger 1989; Schlesinger and others 1990). The sparse resources typical of many degraded arid ecosystems often occur in a clustered spatial arrangement. Soil depths, soil texture, organic matter, nutrient concentrations, irradiance patterns, wind speed, wind direction, and water storage differ greatly on a scale of a few meters. Microenvironmental parameters and soil characteristics vary around individual shrubs, resulting in microbial and plant organizational patterns interacting on a scale of a few centimeters (Allen and MacMahon 1985). This spatial variability affects seedling establishment and plant growth patterns that continue to modify microenvironmental and soil characteristics of the landscape. 30 annual nutrient input. Nutrient losses from disturbed landscape elements occur through aeolian, fluvial, and subsurface hydrologic processes. As an example, watershed fragments in Poland were identified where the groundwater flow from agricultural fields passed under a shelterbelt or small forest (Bartoszewicz and Ryszkowski 1989). Although aeolian and fluvial processes are more obvious and probably more widespread in arid ecosystems, nutrient losses through subsurface water flows also occur. Shelterbelts and remnants of natural vegetation within a cultivated landscape control the nutrient fluxes and increase the nutrient holding capacity of the entire landscape. Disturbed landscape elements with depleted nutrient pools may become a sink that accelerates nutrient losses from adjacent, undisturbed landscape elements. Careful landscape design contributes to the retention of nutrients, water, and other materials. The flows of water, energy, nutrients, propagules, soil and organic matter that flow into, within, and out of landscape elements can be manipulated to help achieve restoration objectives, since landscapes rich in ecotones are believed to lose fewer nutrients (Ryszkowski 1992). Deep-rooted shrubs or trees on parts of a landscape may regulate the hydrology and nutrient retention capacity for the larger landscape (Ryszkowski 1989; 1992; Burel and others 1993; Hobbs 1993). Disruption of that function by removing the trees or shrubs can have catastrophic consequences for other parts of the landscape. Agronomic and degraded landscapes lose nutrients through subsurface flows of water and nutrients. Shelterbelts or patches of woody vegetation can effectively limit subsurface water migrations of nutrients (Ryszkowski 1989). Vegetation—particularly woody plants—can improve microenvironmental conditions, capture flows of scarce resources, initiate soil development, and capture propagules. Soil nitrogen and OM content are often greater under shrubs than in adjacent interspaces. These increases have been attributed to nutrient mining by the roots and shrub litterfall (Charley and West 1975; West and Klemmedson 1978; West 1989; Garner and Steinberger 1989). Higher soil OM increases infiltration and water availability (Sprecht 1981) which contribute to greater mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus availability (Allen and MacMahon 1985). These positive interactions increase herbaceous productivity under shrubs (Barth and Klemmedson 1978; Garcia-Moya and McKell 1970) and can be used to promote autogenic landscape restoration. Fragmentation of natural systems can cause significant changes in the water and nutrient cycles, radiation balance, and wind regimes of the landscape (Hobbs 1993). For example, in a semi-arid portion of western Australia, removal of perennial vegetation reduced evaporation and altered soil water flows, such that peak runoffs increased and water tables rose, bringing stored salts to the surface. This fragmentation of the native landscape into remnant native patches and cultivated fields severely disrupted landscape and ecosystem processes. This not only degraded the agricultural potential but it reduced the restoration potential (Hobbs 1993). External influences on potential restoration sites are believed more important than internal processes and remnant vegetation management must be carried out in the context of the overall landscape (Hobbs 1993). The shape and boundary form between two different landscape elements can affect rates of vegetation recruitment (Hardt and Forman 1989). Invasion rates of trees and shrubs from woodland patches into grassland patches was greater where grassland patches projected into woodlands (concave border) compared to where the woodland border was straight or convex (Hardt and Forman 1989). This suggests the possibility of directing natural succession by manipulating the boundary form on the scale of tens of meters. The size of an area and distance from seed sources are important considerations that we typically do not consider. Landscape Configuration—Landscape configuration is a key factor in succession (Risser 1992). Successional changes are driven—in part—by differential species availability. The arrangement of landscape components partially defines their role as propagule donors or receptors. With artificial seeding activities we can manipulate the spatial configuration of propagule donor sites. By concentrating resources on many donor sites distributed over the entire landscape, we provide a continuing source of propagules. In arid ecosystems—where seedling establishment is episodic— this increases the odds of having seeds in the right place at the right time. The size of the problem and the shortage of available resources for arid land restoration suggest the value of a strategy that constructs landscapes with propagule donor patches. These donor sites will continue to release propagules into the adjacent “untreated” areas. The spread of a species is believed to be regulated by the dynamics of small scattered stands rather than by expansion of larger stands (Moody and Mack 1988). Landscape-scale restoration designs based on this principle might initiate long-term successional sequences. The stands containing species with wind-dispersed propagules might be designed with consideration of the prevailing wind direction during the season of dispersal. Ultimately, the success of this strategy in establishing plants on untreated areas also depends on land management practices and site specific factors. Restoration efforts might be enhanced by strategies that favor certain groups of animals and discourage others (Archer and Pyke 1991). Where animals are important dispersal agents restoration plans should include provisions for suitable cover and food (Archer and Pyke 1991). The seed dispersal of bird-dispersed species into open fields was increased by an order of magnitude when natural or artificial perching structures were available (McDonnell and Stiles 1983). This suggests the potential to insure a continuing seed rain of those species by establishing woody plants as perching structures in certain landscape components. The development of a comprehensive restoration plan that incorporates landscape-level dynamics requires several considerations (Fig. 1). Immediate and long-term soil improvement objectives are only achieved with vegetation restoration strategies that address soil problems. Sustainable vegetation strategies rely on landscape-level dynamics that contribute to ecosystem maintenance and development. Soil, vegetation, and landscape-level strategies must be fully integrated and developed to maximize beneficial interactions. 31 Figure 1—Planning process for incorporating landscape-level considerations into arid land restoration efforts. Planning is presented as a linear process, but implementing restoration efforts requires the simultaneous consideration of several factors. Potential restoration strategies are initially considered and subsequently reevaluated, revised, and incorporated into the overall landscape restoration plan. For example, although initial soil treatments may not involve vegetation (such as pitting or mulching), long-term soil improvement is determined by vegetation at the local and/or landscape level. 32 References Grime, J. P.; Hunt, R. 1975. Relative growth-rate: its range and adaptive significance in a local flora. 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