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Richard Stevens
persist, and maintain themselves and produce seed. This
does not mean that the transplant or seed needs to come
from or near the proposed treatment area, but it does mean
that they need to be adapted to site conditions.
Shrub, forb, and grass species can be interseeded and
transplanted into annual and p erennial grass and forb
communities to improve the nutritional quality of forage
and lengthen the season ofgrazing use. The addition of
shrubs and {orbs by interseeding and transplanting to
grass and forb communities increases plant community
diversity, which should increase the diversity of animals
as well. Herbicides or scalping can be used to eliminate
competing plants in and near the seeding and transplanting area. When transplanting, proper handling of plant
materials is essential to success.
Interseeding of compatible shrubs, forbs, and grasses
into plant communities with low productivity or little diversity can provide a means for improving habitat, forage production, forage quality, species richness, community diversity, and soil stabilization. A number of shrubs
have been successfully interseeded to improve big game,
small game and nongame, and livestock ranges (Barnes
and Nelson 1950; Monsen 1980a, 1980b; Plummer and
others 1968; Stevens and others 1981). Interseeding has
been used to establish desirable species in closed communities of cheatgrass (fig. 1) and mountain tarweed (Madia
glomerata) (Arizona IRTS 1969; Giunta and others 1975),
and other annual and perennial communities (Derscheid
and Rumbaugh 1970; Lang 1962; Nyren and others 1980).
Interseeding can provide an attractive alternative to
complete community alteration caused by seedbed preparation or when the purpose is to modify rather than replace a plant community (Jordan 1981; Vallentine 1989).
To effectively interseed into existing annual and perennial communities, competitive plant material within or
near the seeded area has to be temporarily eliminated.
Interseeding can also occur in conjunction with other
seeding on prepared seedbeds.
Within the Intermountain West, vast areas are dominated by fairway crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum), standa rd crested wheatgrass (A. desertorum),
cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), and other introduced and
native perennial and annual grasses. Hundreds of thousands of acres are also occupied by various shrub and forb
communities with low productivity.
Shrub, forb, and grass species have been successfully
established through interseeding and transplanting in
perennial and annual communities and on prepared and
disturbed sites.
Interseeding and transplanting adapted palatable and
useful shrubs and forbs into less-productive communities
or monocultures can improve the nutritional quality of
forage and lengthen the season of grazing use, especially
later in the year when grasses are dry and crude protein
values are low (Rumbaugh and others 1981; VanEpps
and McKell 1978). Additional benefits include improved
species richness, community diversity, esthetics, cover,
forage production, and soil stability. Because monocultures of any species are poor habitat for most wildlife, improved diversity will result in an increase in the diversity
of birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects found in the community (Reynolds 1980).
Selecting plant materials a dapted to the planting site
is important for any successful revegetation program
(Penrose and Hansen 1981; Rehfeldt and Hoff 1976;
Stevens 1981). Selected species must be able to establish,
Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Res·
toration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, 10, May 18·22, 1992.
Richard Stevens is Project Leader and Research Biologist, Utah Divi·
sion of Wildlife Resources, Great Basin Experiment Station, Ephraim, UT
Figure 1-Six-year-old fourwing saltbush
plants that were interseeded into a
cheatgrass community.
Interseeding in Conjunction With Removal of
Existing Vegetation-Two economically effective methods of removing competitive vegetation are use of herbicides or scalping. These methods have to: (1) be wide, and
in the case of scalping, deep enough to remove or kill all
seeds and rhizomes of competing vegetation; (2) allow
seeded species to become established before competing
vegetation reinvades; and (3) result in scalps with shapes
and sizes that will collect moisture (Jordan 1981; Stevens
and others 1981).
Competing vegetation can be killed in strips or in spots
with appropriate herbicides (fig. 2A) (Eckert 1979; Nyren
and others 1980; Stevens 1985a). The sprayed strips or
spots can be seeded with fall drill or broadcast seedings
(fig. 2B). These techniques allow seeding to occur in the
most fertile soil and in association with litter that can
help protect seedlings from temperature and moisture
extremes (Stevens 1985b).
Competing vegetation can be mechanically removed
with various types ofpitters, scalpers (Giunta and others
1975; Jordan 1981; La rson 1980; Monsen 1980a,b; Nyren
and others 1978; Schumacher 1964; Stevens 1979;
Vallentine 1989; Wright and others 1978), and with
rototillers (Smoliak and Feldman 1978). The Sieco fire
plow and Hansen Scalper are the most commonly used
scalpers (Larson 1980).
The width of the scalp or pit depends on the density,
vigor, and growth form of major species in the existing
vegetation, the species being interseeded, and site conditions. Care must be taken to ensure that the most fertile
surface soil is not removed (Stevens 1985b). Drier sites
require wider scalps because of increased competition for
moisture. On arid sites, summer fallowing may be required to minimize competition and maximize moisture
availability (Bement and others 1965). Scalps made on
the contour with cross dams can catch and hold additional
moisture from snow and rain (Branson and others 1962;
Stevens 1978). The additional moisture enhances chances
of seedling establishment and subsequent plant growth .
Interseeding shrubs into cheatgrass brome, Giunta and
others (1975) found that shrub seedling establishment
was superior in 61-cm (24-inch}-\vide scalps as opposed to
10-cm (4-inch), 20-cm (8-inch), and 42-cm (16-inch)-wide
scalps. When interseeding native shrubs into established
crested wheatgrass, VanEpps and McKell (1978) found
that the best scalps should be 101 em (40 inches) wide,
with optimum spacing being 152 em (60 inches). This
study also monitored seedling establishment in intermediate wheatgrass (Agropyron intermedium) 1, 2, 3, and 4
years after seeding. The widest scalps, 76 em (30 inches)
wide and 29 em (9 inches) deep, resulted in the most
plants per 30 em (12 inches) of scalp. Established plants
in the wider scalps also were th e most vigorous and largest. They also began flowering sooner than plants in the
narrower scalps.
Seeding generally occurs in conjunction with scalping.
This can be accomplished with a Hansen Browse Seeder
or Thimble Seeder attached following the scalper.
Figure 2-Strip of intermediate wheatgrass
sprayed with Roundup (A) and seeded (B)
to various shrubs and forbs.
seed dribblers and thimble seeders (Larson 1980) mounted
on crawler tractor tracks at the same time broadcast or
drill seeding is occurring (fig. 3). As the tractor track
moves forward, seeds are dropped onto soil ahead of the
moving track. The tractor presses the seed into the soil,
making a firm seedbed. This technique can leave rows
of seeded species wherever the tractor travels.
lnterseeding in Conjunction With Other Seeding
Techniques-Shrubs, forbs, and grasses can be seeded
separately, in conjunction with, and simultaneously with
other species. Interseeded species can be seeded with
penstemon (Penstemon palmerii), yellow sweetclover
(Melilotus officinalis), western yarrow (Achillea millefolium ), globemallow (Sphaeralcea spp.), and mountain
rye (Secale montanum).
A number of shrubs (fig. 5) and forbs have been successfully transplanted into established grass stands to enhance species composition, stabilize soil, increase the
quality and quantity offorage, and improve cover value
(McArthur and others 1974; Monsen 1974; Shaw 1981;
Stevens 1981; Stevens and others 1981; Tiedemann and
others 1976). When transplanting into competitive grass,
forb, or shrub communities success can be increased by
opening spots or strips with an effective herbicide or by
scalping the soil and existing plant material. Scalps perpendicular to the prevailing storm direction can collect
considerable snow. Scalping too deep can remove the
most fertile portion of the soil and reduce plant growth
(Stevens 1985b). Scalping and transplanting are generally done simultaneously with the scalper attached in
front of the transplanter.
There are a number of important procedures that must
be followed when transplanting. General rules for wildings, bareroot, and container-grown stock are: (1) never
allow roots to become dry, (2) keep plants cool and out of
direct sunlight, (3) compact soil well around the roots at
planting time, and (4) plant during cool periods with adequate soil moisture (Ferguson and Monsen 197 4; Penrose
and Hansen 1981; Ryker 1976; Stevens 1981).
Proper handling of plant materials will usually make
the difference between success and failure. Exposed roots
ofbareroot stock can dry out in as little as 5 seconds on
windy days, and in 15 seconds or less on overcast days.
Roots of container stock will tolerate somewhat longer
periods of exposure than will bareroot stock roots. Roots
need to be kept damp and cool at all times (fig. 6). Roots
may become heated or dry when plants are moved from
shipment containers to the transplanter holding bin.
However, mishandling most commonly occurs just before
Figure 3-Fourwing saltbush plants seeded
through seed dribbler mounted on crawler tractor
that was chaining pinyon and juniper trees.
It is important to only seed compatible species next to
each other. Species that are more aggressive in establishment should be kept away from species that do not establish well with competition. Where compatible species are
kept separate, all seeded species can become established
and do well (fig. 4).
Seeding equipment that includes a seedbox (such as
drills or disk-chains) can be modified to segregate seed of
various species. Seed of selected species can be separated
from each other with partitions within the seedbox or by
being placed in different seedboxes and seeded through
separate seed drops. Most shrub and many forb seedlings
do not establish or compete well when planted in close
proximity to most perennial grasses. This is especially
true for the more aggressive grass species such as standard crested, fairway crested, Siberian wheatgrass (Agropyron sibiricum), intermediate wheatgrass, smooth brome
(Bromus inermis), and Russian wildrye (Psathyrostachys
Variations in seed mixing procedures ofmultispecies
mixtures can provide greater landscape patchiness diversity, and appearance. Several variations can result by
mixing only a portion of the seed prior to seeding and putting the mix and bags of single species into the seed bin
(broadcast) or drill box at random. As a result there will
be areas where all species are seeded simultaneously,
areas with only one or a few species, and all gradations
in between. This can result in excellent foraging areas
adjacent to various types of habitat. The esthetic effect
is a more natural appearance with vertical and horizontal
variation rather than an even unnatural appearance.
It is important to seed species that are adapted to site
conditions. Early and mid-sera! species generally do best
in the disturbed scalps or pits and are generally successful in spreading naturally into existing perennial and
annual communities. Species that have performed
well when interseeded include big sagebrush (Artemisia
tridentata), rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus), fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens), forage
kochia (Kochia prostrata), antelope bittcrbrush (Purshia
tridentata), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), small burnet (Sanguisorba minor), Lewis flax (Linum perenne), Palmer
Figure 4-Wyoming big sagebrush drill seeded in conjunction with and separated from crested wheatgrass.
most sagebrush and rabbitbrush species transplant with
80 to 90 percent success (Stevens and others 1981). About
30 to 40 percent success can be expected with fourwing
saltbush bareroot stock with taproots. Success can be increased substantially with this species by using rootpruned transplants with branched root systems.
The intensity and timing of grazing can affect transplanting success. Most transplants need at least 2 years
to become well enough rooted and established to endure
much use. Grazing pressure should be considered when
determining how large an area to transplant and how
many plants will be used. Where grazing pressure exists,
it is best to cluster transplants rather than scattering
them. Based on experience at big game ranges, transplants will be better protected if they are planted as an
extension of an existing stand. Mature plants can then
absorb a major portion of use.
Successful and rapid transplanting can be accomplished
with a tractor-mounted reinforced tree transplanter that
requires hand placing of transplants. A hand-fed transplanter can plant from 10 to 18 bareroot stock plants per
minute (Stevens and others 1981). Rate varies with the
species being planted, soil type, moisture conditions, and
spacing between transplants. Rocky ground should be
avoided. The automatic pickup a nd pla nting system
found on some tree transplanters cannot be used successfully with most shrub bareroot, wilding, or container
stock. Most transplantable shrubs have multiplebranched, fibrous, or fairly long root systems that tangle
in the fingers and chains of the automatic planting device.
Transplants of many species are available as containergrown or bareroot stock. Container-grown stock may
have several advantages over bareroot stock. Roots of
container-grown stock are established in a growth medium
and are less likely to dry. Container stock is usually available when needed. Bareroot stock cannot be lifted until
the frost is out of the soil and may not be available when
site conditions are ideal for transplanting. Bareroot stock
has several advantages over container-grown stock. When
properly planted, bareroot stock generally has a higher
rate of survival (Croft and Parkin 1979), establishes more
Figure 5-Fourwing saltbush, winterfat, antelope
bitterbrush, white rubber rabbitbrush and Wyoming
big sagebrush transplanted into an established
stand of crested wheatgrass.
placing the transplant in the soil. Transplants must to
be moved rapidly from the protected holding area into the
soil to minimize root exposure.
Transplant stock is generally stored, wrapped, and
shipped in plastic or cardboard boxes. Excessive destructive heat can build up quickly in these containers when
they are placed in direct sunlight for short periods of time.
Proper placement of transplants in the soil is critical.
Planting holes and openings should be deep enough to
allow all roots to be straight and the root collar to be at
ground level when buried. Plants will die if they are
planted too deeply. Roots should be completely vertical,
with no "J" or "S" root placement; otherwise, the plant
could be stunted or die. Soil should be finnly compacted
around all roots. Air pockets must be eliminated. Air
pockets and loose soP will result in poor anchoring, drying
of roots, poor uptake of water and nutrients and, ultimately, the death of the plant.
Within the Intennountain West, transplanting should
be done in the early spring. Advantages of planting at
this time include: (1) plants are still donnant; (2) the
chance of severe frost heaving has passed; (3) soil moisture from winter snow will likely be high; (4) two or three
spring stonns are likely to follow; and (5) temperatures
are low. In the sagebrush and pinyon-juniper types of
central Utah, transplanting usually has to occur before
mid-March to meet all these requirements. The latest
allowable date will vary with elevation, vegetative type,
latitude, stonn patterns, and the arrival of spring.
The size and proportion of root and type can affect establishment success. Proper shoot-root ratio is important.
For many species the most successful transplanting has
resulted with roots from 15 to 30 em (6 to 12 inches) long
and tops at least 33 em (13 inches) long (McKenzie and
others 1980; Stevens and others 1981). Pruning top growth
is sometimes necessary to maintain balance. Too much top
growth can put great demand on roots for moisture during
the establishment period.
Transplanting results will vary among species (table 1)
(Everett 1980; Ferguson and Monsen 1974; Stevens 1980;
Tiedemann and others 1976). For example, wildings of
Figure 6-Transplants in holding bin on transplanter. Roots of transplants must be kept damp
and cool at all times.
Table 1-Expected transplanting establishment success from various shrub, forb and grass species, bareroot, wilding and container grown
Common name
Bareroot and
wilding stock
Containergrown stock
Amelanchier a/nifolia
Artemisia abrotanum
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Atriplex canescens
Ceratoides lanata
Cercocarpus ledifolius
Cercocarpus montanus
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp.
albicaulis and ssp. hololeucus
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus
Colutea arborescens
Cowania stansburiana
Ephedra viridis
Kochia prostrata
Peraphy/lum ramosissimum
Purshia tridentata
Quercus gambelii
Rhus trilobata
Ribas aureum
Rosa woodsii
Sambucus caerulea
Sarcobatus vermiculatus
Symphoricarpos spp.
Saskatoon serviceberry
Oldman wormwood
Black sagebrush
Basin big sagebrush
Mountain big sagebrush
Wyoming big sagebrush
Fourwing saltbush
Curlleaf mountain-mahogany
True mountain-mahogany
White rubber rabbitbrush
Low mountain rabbitbrush
Green ephedra
Forage kochia
Antelope bitterbrush
Skunkbush sumac
Rocky Mountain sumac
Golden currant
Woods rose
Blueberry elder
Black greasewood
Achillea millefolium
Artemisia ludoviciana
Balsamorhiza sagittata
Coronil/a varia
Hedysarum boreale
Linum perenne
Lupinus spp.
Medicago sativa
Sanguisorba minor
Sphaeralcea spp.
Viguriera multiflora
Western yarrow
Louisiana sagebrush
Arrowleaf balsamroot
Utah sweetvetch
Lewis flax
Small burnet
Showy goldeneye
Bunch grasses
Sod grasses
10 = high percent of establishment can be expected when proper transplanting techniques are used; 1 = low percent of establishment can be expected,
even when proper transplanting techniques are followed.
quickly, and is larger and more vigorous (Stevens 1980).
Bareroot stock is generally older (1 to 3 years) (Stevens
1981) than container stock (3 to 4 months) (Penrose and
Hansen 1981). Bareroot stock generally has woody stems
and fibrous root systems. Container stock is generally
grown under forced conditions, resulting in young, sometimes weak, spindly plants with only one small taproot.
For most shrub species, bareroot stock is less expensive
than container stock, considering purchase price and
transplant cost for each established plant (Croft 1980).
To enhance shrub and forb communities in the Intermountain West, both interseeding and transplanting have
proven effective methods of increasing diversity. If either
is undertaken, I recommend:
Everett, R. L. 1980. Use of containerized shrubs for revegetating arid roadcuts. Reclamation Review. 3:33-40.
Ferguson, R. B.; Monsen S. B. 1974. Research with containerized shrubs and forbs. In: Tinus, R. W.; Stein, W.;
Balmer, W. E., eds. Proceedings ofNorthAmerican containerized forest tree seeding symposium; 1974 August
26-29; Denver, CO. Publ. 68. Lincoln, NE: Great Plains
Agricultural Council: 349-358.
Giunta, B. C.; Christensen, D. R.; Monsen, S. B. 1975.
Interseeding shrubs in cheatgrass with a browse
seeder-scalper. Journal of Range Management. 28(5):
Jordan, G. L. 1981. Range seeding and brush management on Arizona rangelands. T81121. Tucson, AZ:
University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station. 88 p.
Lang, R. 1962. Range seeding and pitting study in the
Teton National Forest. Memo. Cir. 173. Laramie, WY:
University of Wyoming, Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. 5 p.
Larson, J. E. 1980. Revegetation equipment catalog.
Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Missoula Equipment Development Center.
McArthur, E. D.; Giunta, B. C.; Plummer, A. P. 1974.
Shrubs for restoring of depleted ranges and disturbed
areas. Utah Science. 35: 28-33.
McKenzie, D. W.; Stevens, R.; Moden, W. L., Jr. 1980. Development of rangeland interseeder for rock and brush
terrain. In: Proceedings, 1980 winter meeting. Paper
80-1552. St. Joseph, Ml: American Society of Agriculture Engineers. 7 p.
Monsen, S. B. 1974. Plants selected for erosion of forest
roads of the Idaho Batholith. Paper 74-2559. St. Joseph,
Ml: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 18 p.
Monsen, S. B. 1980a. Adaptation of the Hansen seeder
and Sieco fire plow to a rangeland interseeder. In: Proceedings, vegetative rehabilitation and equipment
workshop: 34th annual report. Missoula, MT: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Missoula
Equipment Development Center: 14-15.
Monsen, S. B. 1980b. Interseeding fourwing saltbush
(Atriplex canescens Pursh Nutt.) with crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum Schult.) on southern Idaho
rangelands. In: Abstracts of papers, 33rd annual meeting. Denver, CO: Society for Range Management: 5.
Nyren, P. E.; Goetz, H.; Williams, D. 1978. Interseeding
of native mixed prairie in the Great Plains. In: Hyder,
D. H., ed. Proceedings, first international rangeland
congress. Denver, CO: Society for Range Management:
Nyren, P. E.; Goetz, H.; Williams, D. 1980. Techniques for
interseeding native range in western North Dakota. In:
Abstracts, 33rd annual meeting. Denver, CO: Society
for Range Management: 51.
Penrose, K. D.; Hansen, D. J. 1981. Planting techniques
for establishment of container-grown or bareroot plants.
Laramie, WY: Wyoming Game and Fish Department:
Plummer, A. P.; Christensen, D. R.; Monsen, S. B. 1968.
Restoring big game ranges in Utah. Publ. 68-3. Salt
Lake City, UT: Utah Fish and Game. 183 p.
1. Temporary elimination of competitive plant material
by proper use of scalping or herbicides.
2. Interseeding mixed seed collections to increase
chances of success and vary appearance and diversity.
However, only compatible species s~ould be seeded
next to each other and species need to be adapted to
site conditions.
3. When transplanting, never let roots dry out, keep
plants cool and shaded, compact soil well around roots.
Proper stem/root ratio is important. Plant early in spring
when weather is cool and soil is moist.
4. Keep grazing pressure off newly planted or seeded
areas for at least 2 years following planting.
5. Since bareroot stock is hardier, older, and more economical, I recommend use ofbareroot stock for transplanting unless site conditions are optimum too early in
spring when only container-grown stock is available.
Research was facilitated by Federal Funds for Wildlife
Restoration, Pittman-Robertson Project W-82-R, Study 5,
and the Intermountain Research Station, Forest Service,
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Arizona Interagency Range Technical Subcommittee.
1969. Guide to improvement of Arizona rangeland.
Bull. A-58. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, Agricultural Extension Service. 93 p.
Barnes, 0. K.; Nelson, A. L. 1950. Dry land pastures for
the Great Plains. Bull. 302. Laraprle, WY: University
ofWyoming, Agricultural Experiment Station. 30 p.
Bement, R. E.; Barmington, R. 0.; Everson, A. C.; Hylton,
L. 0., Jr.; Remmenga, E. E. 1965. Seeding of abandoned
croplands in the central Great Plains. Journal of Range
Management. 18: 53-59.
Branson, F. A.; Miller, R. F.; McQueen, I. S. 1962. Effects
of contour furrowing, grazing intensities, and soils on
infiltration rates, soil moisture, and vegetation near
Fort Peck, Montana. Journal of Range Management.
15: 151-158.
Croft, K. A. 1980. The non-concepts of species diversity
and woody plants density as revegetation success standpoints. In: Proceedings, Northwest Colorado land reclamation seminar, II. Steamboat Springs, CO: 18-51.
Croft, K. A.; Parkin, C. R. 1979. Methods of shrub and
tree establishment on strip-mined lands in northwestem Colorado. In: Proceedings, symposium on surface
coal mining and reclamation, coal conference and expo
V. New York: McGraw-Hill: 3.
Derscheid, L. A.; Rumbaugh, M. D. 1970. Interseeding
for pasture and range improvement. Fact Sheet 422.
Brookings, SD: South Dakota Agricultural Extension
Service. 6 p.
Eckert, R. E., Jr. 1979. Renovation of sparse stands of
crested wheatgrass. Journal of Range Management.
32: 332-336.
Stevens, R. 1981. Technique for planting shrubs on
wildland disturbances. In: Shrub establishment on
disturbed arid and semiarid lands. Laramie, WY:
Wyoming Game and Fish Department: 29-36.
Stevens, R. 1985a. Interseeding with a modified Sieco
Fireplow can result in increased seedling numbers.
In: Vegetative rehabilitation and equipment workshop,
39th annual report. Missoula, MT: U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Forest Service, Missoula Equipment
Development Center: 22-24.
Stevens, R. 1985b. Depth of interseeding scalps can affect
growth of seeded mountain big sagebrush. In: Vegetative rehabilitation and equipment workshop, 29th annual report. Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Missoula Equipment Development
Center: 26-27.
Stevens, R.; Moden, W. L., Jr.; McKenzie, D. W. 1981.
Interseeding and transplanting shrubs and forbs into
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Tiedemann, A. R.; Klock, G. 0.; Mason, L. L.; Sears, D. E.
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