This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. WATER-SOLUBLE CHEMISTRY FOLLOWING SIMULATED BURNING OF SOIL-LITTER OF BIG SAGEBRUSH, SQUIRRELTAIL, CHEATGRASS, AND MEDUSAHEAD Robert R. Blank FayL.Allen James A. Young the raw biochemical materials that when heated would form organic acids. It was unclear, however, if the interspace soils reached elevated temperatures of long enough duration to foster the synthesis of organic anions as temperatures greater than 200 oc apparently are required (unpublished research, USDA-ARS, Reno, NV). This research was thus initiated to determine: ABSTRACT Wildfires induce chemical changes in the soil surface. The magnitude of these chemical changes is influenced by the nature of the vegetative litter being burned. This paper reports on the water-soluble chemistry following simulated burning of soil-litter of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata), squirreltail (Elymus hystrix), cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput medusae ssp. asperum). The soil was a fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Chromoxerert collected approximately 20 km east of Susanville, CA Results indicate that length of simulated burn and temperature of simulated burn interact to generate a particular water-soluble chemistry. Differences in postsimulation inorganic chemistry were noted among the soil-litters, which suggest inherent differences in the soil-litters. The lack of variation in levels of certain organic acids among the soil-litters, however, suggests they were synthesized via pyrolysis of the soil humic fraction, rather than originating from the plant litter itself. a. If simulated burning of soil-litters dominated by annual grasses yields a different soil chemistry than that of native perennial grasses or shrubs. b. How the interactive effects of length of bum time and temperature influence water-soluble chemistry among the aforementioned soil-litters. FIELDWORK INTRODUCTION Wildfires considerably influence the water-soluble chemistry of surface soils (DeBano and Conrad 1978; Wright and Bailey 1982). In general, levels of water-soluble nitrate decrease and levels of water-soluble cations increase (Isichei an~ Sanford 198~; Khanna and Raison 1986; Raison 1979; Snuth 1970; White and others 1973). The magnitude of these wildfire-induced changes is influenced by the chemical composition and biomass of the plant community (Wright and Bailey 1982). Recent work in the sagebrush-steppe of northeastern California showed that high levels of water-soluble organic anions, especially carboxylic acids, formed as a consequence of wildfires in sagebrush subcanopy soils·, shrub . 1nterspaces, largely occupied by cheatgrass, were unaffected (unpublished research, USDA-ARS, Reno, NV). It was speculated that cheatgrass litter did not contain The study area is approximately 20 km east of Susanville, CA. The dominant soil is a fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Chromoxerert (table 1). Vegetation consists of shrubs of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata) and Lahontan sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longicaulis). Big sagebrush is largely confined to Vertisols; Lahontan sagebrush seems limited to less churning, clayey soils that have a thin, sandy, eolian veneer (E horizon). The most common perennial bunchgrass is squirreltail (Elymus hystri%). Alien annual grasses, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae ssp. asperum), occur in small isolated patches. Samples were collected in December 1991. Collection areas were limited to places where litter had accumulated to completely cover the soil surface. Depth of collection was essentially the depth of the highly aggregated surface A horizons (table 1). Thus, the material collected is a mixture of soil and litter, which will be referred to as soillitter. Collections of soil-litters were replicated in two nearby areas of similar soil. LABORATORY ANALYSES Collected soil-litter was immediately dried at 50 °C, then passed through a 2-mm sieve. Coarse litter was crushed to pass through the sieve. The material was homogenized and stored in paper cartons prior to simulated burning. Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology Management and Restoration of Intermo~nta~ Annual Rangelands, B~ise, ID, May iS-22, 1992. Robert R. Blank IS Soil Scientist; Fay L. Allen is Research Technician· James A Young is Range Scientist, U.S. Department of Agriculture Agrlcultural Research Service, Conservation Biology of Rangelands Uni~ 920 Valley Road, Reno, NV 89512. 220 'able 1--Belected soil chemical and physical properties of the Typic Chromoxerert soil lorizon Depth A BA Bss Bw1 Bw2 Sand Silt Organic Total Clay carbon N em - - - - - - - - - Percent - - - - - - - 0-5 30.5 36.5 0.72 33.0 5-20 24.6 24.7 50.7 .51 20-46 23.1 23.8 53.1 .35 46-86 23.6 47.5 28.8 .35 86-122 23.6 47.9 .29 28.5 There were other commonalties among soil-litters following simulated burning. Levels of water-soluble sulfate increased with increasing temperature reaching the highest levels at 450 oc for both simulated burning times. Nitrate levels generally decreased with increasing simulation temperatures and declined to zero between 250 and 350 oc at the 15-min simulation time. Heat-induced chemistry for some water-soluable species differed among the soil-litters. Levels of calcium varied considerably among soil-litters. Amounts of watersoluble potassium in unheated samples of big sagebrush were far greater than the other untreated soil-litters and remained high at all simulated burning temperatures. A most unusual response to simulated burning occurred for water-soluble orthophosphate. At 5-min simulation time, levels of orthophosphate generally decreased with increasing temperature for soil-litters of cheatgrass, squirreltail, and big sagebrush. For medusahead soil-litter, however, levels increased rapidly from 250 to 350 oc, becoming higher than the other soil-litters except for big sagebrush. CEC mg/kg cmollkg 502 353 243 213 156 31.7 33.0 49.4 52.0 50.8 For simulated burning, 15 g of soil-litter was placed in a 5-mL crucible. The crucibles were placed in a preheated 1uftle furnace, uncovered, using the following time and !mperature matrix: 5 and 15 min exposure time at temeratures of 150, 250, 350, and 450 °C. Previous research as shown that these simulations can produce a water>luble chemistry closely matching that of a wildfire (unublished research, USDA-ARS, Reno, NV). After simulated burnings, crucibles were cooled and ·eighed to record weight loss. Material was immediately laced in a 50-mL polypropylene centrifuge tube to which ~-mL of deionized water was added. Tubes were shaken 1r 30 min on a reciprocating shaker, centrifuged, and fil!red through 0.22-J.UD nylon membrane filters. Samples were chemically analyzed within 1 week of the mulated burnings and were kept refrigerated prior to ttd between analyses. Samples were chemically analyzed ~ing high-performance ion exchange chromatography. nions were separated using an Omnipac PAX-500 colmn (Dionex Corp.). The eluant was a 0. 75-mM to 50-mM aOH gradient. Detection was by suppressed conductivY and spectrophotometry at 210 nm connected in series. bromatographic peaks were deemed positively identified hen both of the following conditions were met: (1) the 1tention time of an unknown peak matched a standard ~ak (all standards reagent grade); and (2) for applicable temical species, the ratio of the conductivity signal to tat of the spectrophotometric signal was similar for the rlknown peak and the standard. Cations were separated 1ing a HPIC-CS3 column (Dionex Corp.). The isocratic uant was 27 .5-mM HCl, 2.25-mM diaminopropionic acid onohydrochloride, and 2.25-mM histidine monohydrolloride. Detection was by suppressed conductivity. DISCUSSION There are both similarities and differences in the response of the various soil-litters to simulated burning. From the data presented in this paper and other simulated burnings we have completed, patterns are evident. Widely varying levels of water-soluble potassium, magnesium, and calcium, among original untreated soillitters, suggest long-term differential plant cycling..Big sagebrush soil-litter is especially enriched in potassium relative to other soil-litters. Differential elemental cycling among plants and among plant communities is well established (Rodin and Bazilevich 1965). These initial, presimulation, differences in soil elemental content confound interpretation of postsimulation chemistry. Another pattern is the response of the metal cations sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium to the simulated burnings. Levels of these cations decreased substantially at temperatures greater than 350 oc (at 15-minsimulation time). Volatilization temperatures of the metal cations are far above the simulation temperatures used (Raison and others 1984; Wright and Bailey 1982). Alternative explanations of this phenomenon include: (a) at high temperatures additional cation sorption sites are formed, thereby decreasing cation extraction with water, and (b) low-temperature volitization of the cations via metal-ligand complexation. Levels of most organic anions show a similar trend with temperature as do cations. Unexpectedly, for a given temperature and time, simulated burning produced similar levels of organic acids among all the soil-litters. If these organic anions were derived via pyrolysis of plant litter, then big sagebrush soil-litter, which has a greater proportion of plant litter and is biochemically unique among the soil-litters, would likely respond differently to simulated . burning. These data suggest that either (a) the orgamc anions are derived from raw biochemical building blocks common to all the soil-litters (cellulose for example), or (b) they originate from the soil organic fraction. A clue to the pathway for organic anion synthesis can be gleaned from ~SULTS Graphic representation of water-soluble ion concentra>n versus temperature-simulated burnings for selected ,tions and anions is presented in figure 1. When comtred with replications (data not presented), several ends can be noted in these data. At long simulated burning times (15 min), levels of ilter-soluble cations, extracted from all soil-litters, exbited a bell-shaped distribution from low to high temlratures. Maximum levels occurred at 350 oc for calllDl and sodium and magnesium (not shown) and at iO or 350 oc for potassium. At the short simulation time min), however, levels of water-soluble cations increased. eadily to 450 °C. Similar trends occurred for the orgaruc ids, formate, acetate, and maleate. 221 /•~ ZD too ARTR :--a\ eo 110 too 20 II IIlii 0 D 0 o-o • • 40 ·-·v ARTR 400 • ELHY ELHY j\. 100 CJ E 110 110 :E 4D ::;) 20 .~ D r/) t20 < t- too 0 eo a. 10 BRTE ::e 1100 0 400 100 0 1100 --< 100 eo 10 0 ./)< 200 A~ tOO 0 eo 450 50 TMS 400 ~. 20 1! ~ BRTE 0 TMS 40 0 ·~ 0 120 .,... ~· 100 c(D! ~• 20 E -' /·- 40 CJ 200 150 250 450 TEMPERATURE °C 140 ARTR tOO eo 110 0 20 0 120 ELHY 100 a eo .XIO CJ4 0 E 20 w 120 BRTE too <eo :EIIO a: 0 40 LL 20 0 120 too eo 10 40 20 0 50 I /:~ ·-·x 1/. 0 t- 450 400 ;·;<: 120 TMS ARTR 350 D! 250 200 t50 100 50 0 . 450 400 350 ELHY I D! CJ 250 .x200 at50 too E w eo 450 BRTE 400 J-DI <* ... 250 w 0 < 200 150 too 50 450 TMS /)( 150 2.50 Figure 1-Varlatlon of levels of several watersoluble anions and cations upon simulated buming of soil-litter of big sagebrush (ARTR), squirreltall (ELHY), medusahead (TAAS), and cheatgrass (BRTE). Solid black squares at a temperature of 50 oc refer to presimulatlon levels. 4.50 TEMPERATURE °C 222 40 .l:l ;sso ARTR 300 JO 250 ~ 200 20 ISO 15 100 10 50 5 0 40 ... ELHY I 350 1 ;soo 0)250 35 JO ~ a 25 ~ 20 a 1so 15 E 100 a 200 10 E 50 5 w 0 40 w f-350 BRTE 35 <;sao < w _, ;so u.250 < ::e 15 ..... ~ 25 2' C/)1 20 10 5 0 40 350 TMS ;·:x: 35 JO 25 20 15 10 5 ol50 ,/see=? 250 .150 150 3 , l 50 450 TEMPERATURE tO • ARIR~ ISO 250 oc 1 ,' : ."" ";< . 9"' I .--· C) )L~, ) a J E I w ..... < :I: 0. en 0 X 0. am~ I ~ t I I X a: ~. I • I w < a: 60 BRrE 50 ·-~ \o-o 40 1-JQ z 20 10 GO TMS 0 0 0 I I ~~0 10 1- ~ I 40 a30 E 20 I I ELHY 110 C) ~ - BRTE 0 1- J_ 0 110 TMS 50 I 40 I I ,. ,L 50 ~~ .---- 150 25CI --- JO 20 10 0 50 e=--•"'~---= 150 250 350 450 Figure 1 (Con.) TEMPERATURE °C 223 the information on maleic acid; all soil-litters had nearly identical levels of maleic acid. Polymaleic acid has been proposed as a model for fulvic acid (Anderson and Russell 1976). This suggests that pyrolysis of soil humic materials is responsible for the formation of maleate and likely other organic anions. Our simulations indicate that, given appropriate temperatures and time, all soil-litters tested produced organic anions including the carboxylic acids formate, acetate, and maleate. In contrast, the lack of water-soluble organic anions, postwildfire, in cheatgrass-occupied shrub interspaces (unpublished research, USDA-ARS, Reno, NV) is likely a consequence of insufficient temperatures or exposure times to promote these reactions. Christensen, N. L.; Muller, C. H. 1975. Effects of fire on factors controlling plant growth in Adenostoma chaparral. Ecological Monographs. 45: 29-55. DeBano, L. F.; Conrad, C. E. 1978. The effect of fire on nutrients in a chaparral ecosystem. Ecology. 59: 489-497. Gibson, D. J.; Hartnett, D. C.; Merrill, G. L. S. 1990. Fire temperature heterogeneity in contrasting fire prone habitats: Kansas tallgrass prairie and Florida sandhill. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 117:349-356. Isichei, A 0.; Sanford, W. W. 1980. Nitrogen loss by burning from Nigerian grassland ecosystems. In: Rosswall, T., ed. Nitrogen cycling in West African ecosystems. Stockholm: SCOPEIUNEP International Nitrogen Unit, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: 325-331. Keeley, J. E.; Morton, B. A; Pedrosa, A.; Trotter, P. 1985. Role of allelopathy, heat and charred wood in the germination of chaparral herbs and sutfrutescents. Journal of Ecology. 73: 445-458. Khanna, P. K.; Raison, R. J. 1986. Effect of fire intensity on solution chemistry of surface soil under a Eucalyptus pauciflora forest. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 24:423-434. McKell, C. M.; Wilson, A M.; Kay, B. L. 1962. Effective burning of rangeland infested with medusahead. Weeds.10: 125-131. · Melgoza, G.; Nowak, R. S. 1991. Competition between cheatgrass and two native species after fire: implications from observations and measurements of root distribution. Journal of Range Management. 44:27-33. Moreno, J. M.; Oechel, W. C. 1991. Fire intensity effects on germination of shrubs and herbs in southern California chaparral. Ecology. 72: 1993-2004. Raison, R. J. 1979. Modification of the soil environment by vegetation fires, with particular reference to nitrogen transformations: a review. Plant & Soil. 51:73-108. Raison, R. J.; Khanna, P. K.; Woods, P. V. 1984. Mechanisms of element transfer to the atmosphere during vegetation fires. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 15: 132-140. Rodin, L. E.; Bazilevich, W. I. 1965. Production and mineral cycling in terrestrial vegetation. Translated from Russian by Scripta Technica Ltd. London: Oliver and Boyd. Smith, D. W. 1970. Concentrations of soil nutrients before and after fire. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 50: 17-29. Went, F. W.; Juhren, G.; Juhren, M. C. 1952. Fire and biotic factors affecting germination. Ecology. 33:351-363. White, E. M.; Thompson, W. W.; Gartner, F. R.1973. Heat effects on nutrient release from soils under ponderosa pine. Journal of Range Management. 26: 22-24. Wright, H. A.; Bailey, A W. 1982. Fire ecology, United States and southern Canada. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 501 p. Wright, H. A; Bunting, S.C.; Neuenschwander, L. F. 1976. Effect of fire on honey mesquite. Journal of Range Management. 29:467-471. Young, J. A; Evans, R. D.; Eckert, R. E., Jr.; Kay, B. L. 1987. Cheatgrass. Rangelands. 9:266-270. IMPLICATIONS Pathways of plant succession following wildfires are influenced by many factors including fire intensity, destruction of allelopathic compounds, reduction of competition, release of seed dormancy, seed death, and the production of germination cues-compounds created by wildfire that stimulate certain seeds to germinate (Christensen and Muller 1975; Keeley and others 1985; Moreno and Oechel 1991; Went and others 1952). These research findings pose a question in regard to wildfires in alien annual grass systems as compared with wildfires in native shrubgrass systems. Is fire intensity significantly less in annual grass wildfires as compared to shrub-grass systems, and if so, does this difference, in part, alter pathways of succession? Available data indicate that annual grass fires will be of lower temperature and shorter duration than sagebrush shrub fires (Gibson and others 1990; McKell and others 1962; Wright and others 1976). Successional pathways on alien annual grasslands in the Intermountain West, subjected to repeated wildfires, lead to an annual grass monoculture, an impoverished ecosystem (Billings 1991). The success of these alien annual grasses is largely due to their plasticity, germination characteristics, and competitiveness (Melgoza and Nowak 1991; Young and others 1987). We speculate, however, that loss of species diversity in these alien annual grasslands occurs, in part, because the cooler and less intense fire regime, as compared with shrub microsites, does not engender qualities in the soil necessary for the germination and establishment of certain species. We will test this hypothesis in future experiments. REFERENCES Anderson, H. A; Russell, J.D. 1976. Possible relationship between soil fulvic acid and polymaleic acid. Nature. 260:597. Billings, W. D. 1991. Bromus tectorum, a biotic cause of ecosystem impoverishment in the Great Basin. In: Woodwell, G. M., ed. The earth in transition: patterns and processes of biotic impoverishment. New York: Cambridge University Press: 301-322. 224