This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. GROW'IH, REPRODUCTION, AND LIFE HISTORY FEATURES OF FOURWING SALTBUSH GROWN IN A COM:MON GARDEN B. K. Pendleton D. C. Freeman E. D. McArthur R. L. Pendleton The :reproductive biology of diclinous plant species, species having more than one sexual morph, is of considerable research interest. Differences in the reproductive biology of the sexual morphs may, in turn, influence the relative allocation of resources to growth, reproduction, and maintenance. If, as first proposed by Darwin (1877), females allocate a greater portion of resources to reproduction than do males, and if resources are finite, then an increase in reproductive costs should result in a decrease in resources available to current growth as well as future growth and reproduction (Agren 1988; Freeman and others 1976; Horvitz and Schemske 1988; Lloyd and Webb 1977; Putwain and Harper 1972; Willson 1979). In this common garden study, life history features and possible secondary sex characteristics were examined using fourwing saltbush (/!triplex canescens), a species which exhibits three genotypic gender states: staminate, pistillate, and a labile hermaphroditic genotype (Barrow 1987; McArthur 1977; McArthur and Freeman 1982). The common garden permits examination of the biology of each sexual morph without the confounding effects of differences in age structure and habitat found in natural populations. The following questions were addressed: kept moist through periodic misting. The resulting ramets were planted at the Rush Valley experimental garden in spring 1982. Ten ramets from each clone were planted in both irrigated and control portions of the garden. All clones had the same relative position in both the control and treatment portions. Ramets were planted 2.4 meters apart. All plants were watered during 1982 to aid in establishment. Plants in the irrigated portion received an additional5 liters of water per month during the 1983 growing season. In August of 1983, the following data were recorded for allramets: • • • • • • Mortality. Height. Crown diameter. Branch length-five branches per ramet. Sexual phenotype-male, female, or hermaphrodite. Number of inflorescences. • Length of five randomly selected inflorescences. • Number of flowers per inflorescence-determined microscopically for two inflorescences from each of four flowering ramets. • Do the sexual morphs differ in intensity of flowering or inflorescence structure? • Are there differences between the sexual morphs in growth and habit? • Are the responses to irrigation treatment equal among the sexual morphs? • Are there population differences in growth, reproduction, and response to treatment? Table1-1982·83 mortality and flowering percentages of cloned ramets from Spanish Fork and Kingston Canyon populations Females Mortality Spanish Fork ramets Irrigated Control METHODS Stem cuttings of male, female, and hennaphrodite plants from two contrasting tetraploid populations, Spanish Fork Canyon and Kingston Canyon, were rooted in peat pellets Kingston Canyon ramets Irrigated Control Flowering Spanish Fork ramets Irrigated Control Poster paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-22, 1992. B. K. Pendleton is Ecologist, E. D. McArthur is Supervisory Research Geneticist, and R. L. Pendleton is Ecologist at the Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Intermountain Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Provo, UT. D. C. Freeman is Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Kingston Canyon ramets Irrigated Control 136 Males Hermaphrodites -----------Ps~nt----------2.0 8.0 10.0 7.5 4.5 4.0 6.1 5.4 6.7 8.3 8.0 17.0 93.8 76.3 97.2 94.6 85.7 85.7 58.7 72.1 89.3 87.3 72.8 80.8 MORTALITY Kingston Canyon Population-Male ramets had the smallest growth measures (table 3). Females were consistently larger than males. The few exceptions to these trends, irrigation height and crown diameter, were nonsignificant. Hermaphrodite ramets were most like female with the exception of the height per crown (HPC) ratio, which was nonsignificant. There were no significant differences between sexual morphs for height, crown diameter, and HPC measures in the irrigation environment. Irrigation treatment produced an increase in height and crown for all sexual morphs, and an increase in branch length of male ramets. Hermaphrodites and females responded to the irrigation treatment similarly. Mortality, both between the sexes and between the populations, was quite uniform, with the exception of KC hermaphrodite clone three (table 1). Most mortality was attributable to factors other than sexual morph (for example, transplant shock and herbivory). The likelihood that a sexual morph would flower, males being most likely, hermaphrodites next most likely, and females least likely, was approximately the same in both populations. Kingston Canyon and Spanish Fork Canyon ramets did not have a similar response to irrigation treatment. Spanish Fork females showed a positive response to irrigation; Kingston Canyon females showed a negative response. Spanish Fork ramets, regardless of sexual morph, flowered with greater frequency than Kingston Canyon ramets. REPRODUCTION Spanish Fork Population-Female ramets on average had longer but fewer inflorescences than did male ramets (table 2). Hermaphrodite inflorescences were intermediate in length. Flowers per inflorescence did not vary significantly between sexual morphs in either environment. Male and female ramets increased the number of inflorescences under irrigation; males by 81 percent and females by 33 percent. Hermaphrodite ramets, which had the greatest number of inflorescences in the control environment, were unaffected by irrigation. GROWTH Spamish Fork Population-Male ramets had the smallest mean values for all growth measures (table 2). Female ramets were consistently larger than male. Hermaphrodite ramets were intermediate in most cases, with a significantly larger crown diameter in the control environment. Hermaphrodite ramets were most like female in growth pattern. Irrigation treatment produced an increase in all growth measures. Males and females responded to the irrigation treatment in a similar manner. Kingston Canyon Population-Hermaphrodite ramets had the longest inflorescences and the most flowers per Table 2-Mean values of the growth and reproduction measurements for the Spanish Fork Canyon population. All length measurements are in millimeters. Means followed by the same letter are not significant at the 0.05 level Trait Sexual morph Control environment Irrigation treatment Population mean Height Female Male Hermaphrodite 311.85 a 240.14 b 297.18 a 370.94a 289.44c 340.91 b 341.86 264.45 320.63 Crown diameter Female Male Hermaphrodite 316.57 b 292.79b 355.60a 421.20 a 383.61 a 382.86a 369.71 337.58 370.21 Branch length Female Male Hermaphrodite 71.00 a 28.70c 45.38b 79.33a 32.19 c 53.87b 75.28 30.54 49.93 Height per crown ratio Female Male Hermaphrodite 1.03a .83b .88b .96a .nb .93a .99 .80 .91 Number of inflorescences Female Male Hermaphrodite 37.15 b 44.21 b 59.52a 49.57b 80.21 a 60.25b 44.09 62.21 59.92 Inflorescence length Female Male Hermaphrodite 34.63a 13.54c 21.92 b 36.15 a 15.70c 28.87b 35.48 14.64 25.80 Flowers per inflorescence Female Male Hermaphrodite 75.14a 86.84a 87.70a 86.11 a 87.34a 102.63 a 80.58 87.89 95.74 137 Table 3-Mean values and standard deviations of the growth and reproduction measurements for the Kingston Canyon population. All length measurements are in millimeters. Means followed by the same letter are not significant at the 0.05 level Sexual morph Control environment Irrigation treatment Population mean Height Female Male Hermaphrodite 320.71 a 243.20b 292.71 a 336.57 a 320.45a 311.79a 328.85 282.17 303.35 Crown diameter Female Male Hermaphrodite 323.92a 262.04b 299.73ab 375.36a 384.64a 361.04 a 350.32 323.89 333.91 Branch length Female Male Hermaphrodite 79.69a 43.84b 76.22a 78.80a 67.66b 74.13 ab 79.22 55.83 75.05 Height per crown ratio Female Male Hermaphrodite .95a .95a 1.01 a 1.05a .86a .90a 1.00 .91 .94 Number of inflorescences Female Male Hermaphrodite 19.73 b 53.35a 29.47b 34.41 b 68.02a 44.63b 27.32 60.84 37.76 Inflorescence length Female Male Hermaphrodite 24.11 b 16.71 c 37.28a 28.75b 19.07 c 37.87 a 26.24 17.87 37.60 Flowers per Inflorescence Female Male Hermaphrodite 93.55a 66.56a 121.68 a 84.14 b 118.35 b 168.25 a 88.97 93.82 150.87 Trait Table 4-Percent of variance by clone (genotype) and various environmental components for Spanish Fork Canyon growth and reproductive parameters Sexual morph Female Male Hermaphrodite Source Height Crown diameter Number Inflorescences Branch length Inflorescence length Treatment Clone Treatment x clone Ramet Error 0 15.05 5.44 20.19 0 23.15 0.47 32.46 0.06 31.32 21.45 13.80 28.85 63.49 60.57 48.00 13.92 37.67 15.47 6.35 48.91 13.44 0 0 0 4.28 2.04 33.94 1.61 15.59 0 0 14.15 32.21 35.43 Treatment Clone Treatment xclone Ramet Error 13.30 39.93 47.76 100.00 95.72 15.52 23.19 25.31 Treatment Clone Treatment xclone Ramet Error 26.39 44.14 25.68 9.11 0 29.57 10.00 .21 12.56 13.76 8.16 11.21 57.05 59.22 14.n 34.65 50.38 15.26 20.06 38.36 0 0 29.47 138 inflorescence, although the difference was not always significant (table 3). Female ramets had longer but fewer inflorescences than did male ramets. All three sexual morphs increased the number of inflorescences under irrigation. Male and hermaphrodite ramets also increased the number of flowers per inflorescence. and Spanish Fork populations. Growth and reproduction trends of the sexual morphs were also similar, but less pronounced in the Kingston Canyon population. The unusually high precipitation experienced during the 1982 and 1983 growing seasons created relatively lush conditions for the more xeric KC plants, minimizing differences between sexual morphs. 4. Irrigation treatment accounted for over four times the variation in hermaphroditic plants as it did for either male or female plants. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that hermaphrodites are better able to respond to environmental change than either males or females. VARIANCE PARTITIONING Mean squares values from the ANOVA were partitioned into their variance components following Bulmer (1980). Sexual morphs differed markedly in the variation percentage accounted for by each source. For example, the clone term for number of inflorescences accounts for 23.15 percent of the variation in female clones, 4.28 percent of the variation in male clones, and 29.57 percent of the variation in hermaphrodite clones. Irrigation treatment accounted for a small percentage of the variation in male and female clones (an average of 5.1 percent and 1.9 percent, respectively), but accounted for an average of20.7 percent of the hermaphrodite variance (table 4). The clone term was significant across all variables and sexes, and accounted for a significant fraction of the total variation in all cases, indicating a high degree of genetic variation within the Spanish Fork Canyon population. The high percentage of variance accounted for by the ramet term of the analysis indicates that substantial microenvironmental variation can occur across relatively short distances within the common garden. REFERENCES Agren, J. 1988. Sexual differences in biomass and nutrient allocation in the dioeciousRubus chamaemorus. Ecology. 69:962-973. Barrow, J. R. 1987. The effects of chromosome number on sex expression in Atriple% canescens. Botanical Gazette. 148: 379-385. Bulmer, M. G. 1980. The mathematical theory of quantitative genetics. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 255 p. Darwin, C. 1889. The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. New York: D. Appleton and Company. 352p. Freeman, D. C.; Klikoff, L. G.; Harper, K. T. 1976. Differential resource utilization by the sexes of dioecious plants. Science.193: 597-599. Horvitz, C. C.; Schemske, D. W. 1988. Demographic cost of reproduction in a neotropical herb: an experimental field study. Ecology. 69: 1741-1745. Lloyd, D. G.; Webb, C. J. 1977. Secondary sex characters in seed plants. Botanical Review. 43: 177-216. McArthur, E. D.1977. Environmentally induced changes of sex expression in Atriple% canescens. Heredity. 38: 97-103. McArthur, E. D.; Freeman, D. C. 1982. Sex expression in Atriplex canescens: genetics and environment. Botanical Gazette. 143:476-482. Putwain, P. D.; Harper, J. L. 1972. Studies in the dynamics of plant populations. V. Mechanisms governing sex ratio in Rumex acetosa and Rumex acetosella. Journal of Ecology. 60: 113-129. CONCLUSIONS 1. Differences between sexual morphs in growth and flowering schedules suggest tradeoffs in resource allocation between growth and reproduction. Males flowered with the greatest frequency and intensity, while producing the smallest growth parameters. Females had the largest measures of vegetative growth and flowered with the least frequency and intensity. 2. Hermaphroditic plants have a growth and reproductive biology distinct from males and females. Values were most like females in growth, but more like males in intensity of flowering. Hermaphrodites have the largest number of flowers per inflorescence. 3. Mean values for growth and reproductive characters examined were quite similar between the Kingston Canyon 139