This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. THE GREATER YELLOWSTONE AREA FIRES OF 1988: RECOVERY Henry F. Shovic they were in the beginning days of Yellowstone Park. Over 4,000 military personnel helped the thousands of firefighters already committed to suppression and rehabilitation. When the flames were finished, large areas looked like a blackened wasteland. The media and others called it "a biological desert," "a moonscape," a "destroyed ecology." But was that true? Is it true today, a year after? My purpose today is to talk about what really happened in the GYA during the fires of 1988, and what is happening today. I will speak as a soil scientist, but also as a participant in the greatest and most visible fire suppression and recovery efforts this Country has ever seen. My information comes from many sources. Part comes from personal experience and research, but much comes from the many specialists (both Forest Service and Park Service) and scientists working in the GYA. These people have been working hard on postfire research and monitoring to address the effects, and I appreciate their willingness to give me the data I needed to address the overall picture for you. ABSTRACT The Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) fires of 1988 were of unprecedented scope and magnitude. Short- and long-term effects of these fires are presented for watershed, soils, and revegetation. Though there has been short-term erosion and sedimentation, overall there are probably insignificant long-term effects in the GYA. INTRODUCTION The Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) is made up of parts of six National Forests and two National Parks, and assorted State and private lands. The portion in Federal ownership is about 11.7 million acres, within three States-Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. Much of the area is nationally recognized recreation country. Wildlife resources and habitats are highly valued, both in terms of the species mix and in the great diversity of environments. Water resources include the headwaters of five major river systems, with high water quality and premium fish habitat. There are timber and mineral resources on National Forest and private lands. The scenery is unparalleled, ranging from the Tetons, through the rolling wilderness of Yellowstone, to the jagged peaks of the Absaroka range in the Gallatin and Custer Forests. The largest and most active hydrothermal areas in the world are in Yellowstone Park. Many people work in the GYA in jobs ranging from timber production to tourism. All in all, it is wonderful place to work, play, and live. However, not all was perfect in paradise in 1988. As is usual in the GYA, some forest fires started in June and July. These fires, however, grew to sizes that were not usual. Fire behavior exceeded all predictions as July, August, and September came and went. Wind, drought, and vegetation types combined to produce unheard of fire behavior. Nighttime flames were more than 10 feet high, as winds drove fires through willows and other normally moist vegetation. Canopy fires made daily runs measured in miles, and surface fires burned through forests that normally are highly resistant to burning. The fires threatened almost all developed areas in Yellowstone Park and communities bordering Yellowstone and the Gallatin, Custer, Shoshone, and Targhee Forests. Some unusual humor was generated during this intense activity. "Cooke City" signs were modified to read "Cooked City." The military was once again called in to help, as COORDINATION AND ROLES The various administrative units have created a committee charged with increasing coordination and communication between them, called the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee (GYCC). It is made up of six National Forest Supervisors, two National Park Superintendents, three Forest Service Regional Foresters, and one Park Service Regional Director. As part of its coordinating role, the committee completed the Greater Yellowstone Area Aggregation of Management Plans. Its objective is to illustrate the goals of and relationships between NationalPark and National Forest management, along with displaying the resource values within the GYA. The committee also has published the GYA Briefing Guide, a summary of resources, administration, management philosophies, and future directions. Currently the GYCC is applying effort to draft a "vision for the future." The major challenge in this effort is to protect the values associated with the GYA and its various units, while continuing to provide products and services consistent with their management directives and legislated objectives. This vision is being developed in terms of Goals (the desired future conditions of the GYA), and Coordinating Criteria (the ways the Goals will be reached). Your input is solicited to help make this product the best possible one. After initial drafting and public input, the GYCC is producing a "draft vision" to be released for additional public comment in late spring of 1990. Then, a final document will be completed in late Paper prepared for the Symposium on Management and Productivity of Westem-Montane Forest Soils, Boise, 10, April 10-12, 1990. Henry F. Shovie is Soil Scientist for the Ganatin National Forest, Yellowstone National Park, and Grand Teton National Park, located at the Gallatin National Forest, Box 130, Bozeman, MT 59715. 201 fall or early winter. The next steps are to compare existing management plans to these Goals, and make amendments and revisions to the plans as necessary. My position in the GYA is as an interagency soil scientist, working both for the Forest Service and the Park Service. This position is in the true spirit of the GYA, as part of my job involves improving coordination, cooperation, and communication between the units in which I work. I have been asked to initiate a soil survey for Yellowstone National Park and for parts of Grand Teton National Park. I am doing project services, particularly in site restoration for Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks. I provide soils input for Forest Plan implementation activities for the Gallatin Forest. I have also acted as an informal "GYA" soil scientist during the fires (and now, for that matter), doing fire/soil interpretations, burned-area mapping, and rehabilitation. I held the first GYA soil scientist meeting in 1986, and we are repeating that meeting this year. Giving soils tours has often brought managers together for informal talks that otherwise may not have occurred. So what did I do during the fires of 1988? In the early part of the summer I did what most soil scientists do; that is, dig soil pits in out-of-the-way places. I ran the soil/ watershed/geothermal group in the Division of Research at Yellowstone and did numerous projects for the Gallatin Forest. However, the fires changed all that. What looked like snow on buildings at Old Faithful was actually a blanket of fire retardant as buildings were foamed down to protect them from the flames. This represents my change in orientation as I left the soil survey to become responsible for numerous projects, such as burned area mapping, fire/ soil interpretations, emergency rehabilitation, initial fire/ soil research, and information transfer. My team and I did infiltration and erosion tests using rainmaking equipment. We sampled for "depth of char" (depth of soil heating) in thousands oflocations. We sampled well into the winter for the most important soil features that would affect revegetation and erosion. survey, designed for initial predictions and assessment of rehabilitation needs. We completed a more detailed survey for Yellowstone Park in December of 1989, again emphasizing interagency cooperation, and mapping to a finer scale. This is titled "Burned Area Survey of Yellowstone National Park." The mapping base was a combination of LANDSAT imagery and digital information from aerial photographs. This was done to provide Yellowstone management with the detailed information needed to predict effects on its resources and as a research aid. Completion of this project would not have been possible without the use of a Geographic Information System, purchased by Yellowstone Park after the fires. Predictions were given on revegetation and erosion potential for both projects. Though fires were of spectacular intensity, actual severity of soil heating was low to moderate throughout the GYA. Depth of char ranged from 0 to 4 cm. We predicted that erosion, stream sedimentation, and effects on fish habitat would not be significant, given a normal water year and the emergency rehabilitation efforts accomplished. Also, revegetation would not be delayed due to soil damage. Burned areas in the Shoshone National Forest, however, had more severe soil effects, due to topography, weather, and vegetation. These differences affected revegetation, erosion, and stream sedimentation. Predictions for the Shoshone were for more severe effects. REHABILITATION WORK AND RESULTS Now I would like to give you a unit-by-unit description of fire effects and major rehabilitation efforts. Some units, like the Bridger, carried out only a small program of rehabilitation. Others required a considerable effort. This was because of the variation in resource loss potential. I will speak about National Forest lands first. National Forest Lands FIRE EXTENT AND SEVERITY Forest Service philosophy in emergency rehabilitation is to protect resource values. Emergency measures are taken when there is significant potential for loss of soil and onsite productivity, loss of water control and deterioration of water quality, or threats to life and property on- or offsite. For the GYA Forests, efforts were based on the Preliminary Burned Area Survey and additional field investigations. The Gallatin and Custer Forests had about 126,400 acres of burned area, all in Wilderness. Rehabilitation efforts were coordinated by the Gallatin. About 4,000 acres were seeded with cereal rye, a short-lived, vigorous grass. Streamsides were seeded because fires had burned to the water's edge, and rapid vegetative recovery was needed to prevent excessive sediment reaching streams in a short period of time. One hundred and fifty miles of trails were cleared and waterbars were installed. We needed this to access the areas and to prevent trails from becoming gullies or stream channels as bare slopes shed rainfall. Log erosion barriers CLEB's) were installed on So what were the effects in the GYA? Was the area a moonscape? Were the Forests and Parks destroyed forever? Were erosion and stream sedimentation going to be catastrophic? What rehabilitation was needed, and what good would it do? To answer these questions, I would like to begin by giving you a perspective on the fires' extent, and severity. Then I will deal with the immediate effects and finally talk about the long-range ones. "How much burned" was a critical question. To answer that, I undertook an emergency project to map the extent, severity, and distribution of the fires. This was completed in 3 weeks in late September of 1988. The project, sponsored by the GYCC, was an interagency one, with cooperation from the Forest Service, Park Service, NASA, and other agencies. Acreage burned is given in the document "Preliminary Burned Area Survey of Yellowstone Park and Surrounding National Forests." A map is included, and the information is available on USGS quadrangles and in an electronic format. This was a reconnaissance 202 400 acres of steep, burned area above Cooke City and Silver Gate to reduce rill erosion and encourage infiltration. Postfire monitoring indicated that the cereal rye provided a good surface cover where seeded in blackened areas. Unburned meadows had very little competition from the rye. Waterbars were effective, but now will need maintenance to keep them functional until slopes revegetate. Slopes with installed LEB's had very little slope wash and were covered with a dense growth of rye. Future erosion should be minimal, given normal precipitation patterns. The Targhee National Forest had about 11,300 acres of burned area. Most of this area was on rolling or gently sloping land. Seeding on 800 acres of steep, burned slopes was moderately successful in germination. About 60 miles of bulldozer lines were seeded also. Though the burn had no measurable or lasting effects on water quality to date, there were significant local erosional events because of a series of intense thunderstorms that moved through the area in August. These produced significant erosion and stream channel scour in Moose Creek, Thirsty Creek, and Lucky Dog Creek. The Bridger-Teton Forest had about 157,700 acres of burned area. This was all in Wilderness, and no seeding was recommended. A few trails were cleared. There has not been significant sedimentation in this area to date. There is some potential for localized erosion on steep slopes if there are unusual precipitation events. The Shoshone National Forest had about 118,800 acres of burned area. Here, soil heating was more intense than in other areas, probably due to higher fuel loadings, canyon topography, and weather. Depth of char was 5-10 cm in many areas, and revegetation is delayed due to charring of belowground plant parts. Water repellency persisted through the winter, and many areas still have this property. The Shoshone Forest helicopter seeded 23,000 acres with a native seed mix. Trails were cleared and waterbars installed. Though these measures undoubtedly reduced some erosion, the severe thunderstorm events of August produced major channel scour, debris torrents, and rill erosion largely from slopes in the Jones Creek and Lodgepole Creek drainages. Postfire monitoring indicates that water repellency is persisting, vegetative recovery is variable, and erosion will probably continue for at least 5 years. Further seeding is not recommended, but extensive trail maintenance is needed to prevent further erosion. National Park Lands National Park lands are managed under different constraints than Forest lands. They are managed as a "natural" system, at least as far as feasible. Their directives dictate the preservation of the natural processes, while providing for public use. Protection of developed areas, visitors, and downstream uses is considered in rehabilitation decisions, as well as cost-effectiveness and feasibility. About 773,000 acres in Yellowstone Park were affected by fire. Soil heating was quite uniform across the burned areas. Almost all the area had moderate-to-Iow soil heating, and predictions of revegetation were optimistic. There were some unusual soil effects in hydrothermal areas, such 203 as where molten sulfur flows occurred due to ignition by fire brands. To date, revegetation has been spectacular, with fields of wildflowers and grasses replacing blackened soils. Revegetation is not as obvious at higher elevations, as there are less forbs and grasses, shorter growing seasons, and more shade. We were fortunate to have an ongoing sedimentation! turbidity study in place for 3 years before 1988. Results for 1988 showed no measurable increase in sedimentation from the fires, at least in the northern third of the Park. However, there were days when some streams ran black as dissolved ash entered the system. These events did not significantly affect fisheries. Water repellency in soils was high both on burned and unburned areas, probably due to the extreme dryness of the soils during the drought. This water repellency largely disappeared over the winter of 1988-89. Erosion has been minimal, with the following exceptions. In August, a series of intense thunderstorms created debris torrents near Gibbon Falls and Madison Junction. I involved Forest Service and USGS research personnel in an evaluation of these events. Reports indicate these torrents were caused by a combination of steep slopes, very coarse-textured soils, intense rainfall, and bare surfaces due to low vegetation cover and the fires. These are localized events, and eroded material did not significantly affect fisheries. Road maintenance and safety were problems for a few weeks. There were no significant effects on thermal features other than the sulfur flows. Park Service officials authorized some logging along roadsides to prevent logfalls on roadways, and to improve esthetics of the road corridors. Forty-one miles of bulldozer lines were made near West Yellowstone and Cooke City as part of suppression efforts. About 39 miles of bulldozer line have been restored. We returned topsoil, brush, and logs to the sites. Emphasis was on restoring original site characteristics to as close to the undisturbed condition as possible. Five hundred of a total of 575 miles of hand-built fireline have also been rehabilitated. However, more hand line is probably present in the backcountry, and will be restored when located. Visitor education has been emphasized. Soil/vegetation! fire exhibits have been set up throughout the Park. I have made numerous field trips and presentations for visitors and staff. We have also done winter field trips to show depth of char and burn patterns. Grand Teton Park had only a small area affected by fire (2,700 acres in the John D. Rockefeller Parkway). However, there is potential for more fires in the future, particularly in the northern part of the Park. There were other small fires in this unit, but they were of small extent and had no significant effects on soil/water resources. Extent of soil heating and revegetation are similar to those discussed earlier. As part of the postfire research, I am initiating a soil/vegetation survey of the Parkway. Dick Marston at the University of Wyoming has done some postfire work on channel changes in the Snake River and on soil erosion. His preliminary findings indicate that soil erosion potential has increased somewhat, but is unlikely to result in catastrophic erosion on slopes. have little short-term erosion potential due to the moderate fire severity and rehabilitation efforts. Early-stage vegetation succession is proceeding as predicted. In 10 years, the blackened soil will be gone as microorganisms, frost, and plants do their work. In the long run, these fires probably have had insignificant impacts on the area. In fact, they are an essential part of the GYA ecology. The present vegetation patterns are partially a result of past fires that return at long intervals. The stream systems, the fish, the wildlife, and soils have evolved in harmony with these events and vary as they always have in response to disturbances, like the fires. If I can leave you with a summary thought, it is that after the smoke has cleared, the GYA is alive and well. Its impressive scenery, wildlife, timber, and other resources are, in the long run, left unimpaired for future generations to conserve and preserve in the spirit of the Greater Yellowstone. He has indicated that no channel changes were detectable as a result of the fires, but there are probably significant changes as a long-term result of the Jackson Lake dam. Rehabilitation efforts in the Grand Teton Park emphasize visitor education. I have given soil/revegetation training for-Park staff. SUMMARY In summary, you can see there have been short-term effects of the fires of 1988. The most obvious is that the area looks different. Though this is the most apparent, I have shown today that there are also effects in revegetation, erosion, and short-term sedimentation. This information is a direct result of postfire monitoring and research in the units of the GYA. The erosional events were generally localized and resulted from unusual precipitation occurrences. Some areas will produce significant sediment for some time, but the vast majority oflands 204