SHRUB ROOTING CHARACTERISTICS AND WATER ACQUISITION ON XERIC SITES IN THE WESTERN GREAT BASIN Sara J. Manning David P. Groeneveld has data to support his hypothesis. In arid lands where plants are often widely spaced, light is rarely a limiting resource while water, due to low precipitation, is. It can thus be hypothesized that within arid environments the two most important resources that plants compete for are water and nutrients. Since water is typically responsible for mobilization and uptake of nutrients, the low water availability on xeric sites we have examined may directly affect nutrient acquisition. Therefore, in this paper, we have focused on water as a primary limiting resource. It should be recognized that both water and nutrients are resources acquired by plant root systems, and it is the paucity of knowledge ofbelowground features for desert plants that severely limits differentiating between the effects of nutrients and water. Data on root systems are difficult to obtain. Excavations are labor intensive and costly, and reporting of findings in a meaningful manner has yet to be standardized. Many studies report root morphologies using sketches drawn to scale (see, for example: Cannon 1911; Cody 1986a; Spence 1937). Data on maximum rooting depth, length of roots per volume soil, changes in root density as depth and distance from the plant's main axis increases, and degree of suberization of root tissue are just some useful pieces of information necessary to complete a picture of belowground phenomena. Here we report our observations on root systems of a number of shrubs occurring on alluvial fans of the Owens Valley, CA. Next, we report on a specific study of competition for water between two frequently co-occurring shrubs with very different root systems. Finally, we summarize our findings by proposing a correlation between root system morphology and shrub phenology and by speculating on the role of roots in community dynamics. ABSTRACT Competition for limited soil water and nutrients may be hypothesized to give rise to root morphologies adapted to survival on xeric sites. To test this hypothesis, root systems were excavated for a number of shrubs occurring on the alluvial fans in the Owens Valley, CA, including Haplopappus cooperi (Cooper goldenbush), Chrysothamnus teretifolius (needleleafrabbitbrush), Tetradymia axillaris (longspine horsebrush), Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush), Purshia glandulosa (desert bitterbrush), Hymenoclea salsola (white burrobrush), and Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada ephedra). Root system morphologies were species specific and predictable. Two examples of divergent rooting strategies, H. cooperi, and C. teretifolius, representing shallow, highly branched versus deeper taproot systems, respectively, were chosen for more intensive ecophysiological investigation. Phenologic timing and response to selective removal were consistent with a hypothesis that deeper rooting provides buffering against water deficit. Both species initiated growth contemporally, but in H. cooperi, flowering rapidly proceeded, while C. teretifolius did not flower until fall. Water potential~ ofH. cooperi were shown to be affected by neighboring shrubs, but under similar densities C. teretifolius water potentials showed no effect. A correlation has been observed between root morphology and flowering time for each of the other co-occurring species excavated. The authors, therefore, propose that the root systems of these species are fitted to a particular ecological stratagem. On numerous Great Basin sites this suite of species can be found in associations of variable composition. Set rooting patterns that are unique to each species, such as those exhibited by H. cooperi and C. teretifolius, may permit these shrubs to avoid direct competition and to coexist under the limiting conditions imposed by their arid environment. SITE DESCRIPTION All excavations were carried out on east-facing alluvial fans, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada and on the west side of the Owens Valley, CA. The average elevation was 1,300m. Precipitation is low on these sites; the average annual precipitation, as recorded at the nearest weather station in Bishop, CA, is 142 mm per year, and three-quarters of this falls between October and April (NOAA 1988). It is uncommon for the water table on the alluvial fans to be high enough to contact the root zone, and by comparison to many locations that are affected by shallow groundwater, we saw no evidence of a water table. Therefore, we believe these shrubs rely solely on water from precipitation. INTRODUCTION Rooting characteristics are critical to our understanding of arid shrub communities. Tilman (1988) claims that the two most important resources for which plants compete are light and nutrients, and for mesic environments he Paper presented at the Symposium on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub DieOff, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management, Las Vegas, NV, April 5-7, 1989. Sara J. Manning and David P. Groeneveld are with the lnyo County Water Department, 301 W. Line Street, Bishop, CA 93514. 238 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Temperatures are hot in the summer and cold in the winter, with mean high and low daily temperatures for July and January of 36.4 oc and 13.5 °C, and 11.6 °C and -5.9 °C, respectively (NOAA 1988). Soils on the sites have poorly developed profiles, are rocky, and have low nutrient contents (Manning and Barbour 1988). ROOT SYSTEMS AND WATER ACQUISITION IN TWO FAN SPECIES We hypothesize that fan shrubs have different niches, which can be delineated in part by root system morphology. Though quantitative traits of roots, such as maximum depth and number oflaterals, will vary among members of the same species, the overall morphology proves to be consistent within a species. The alluvial fan, thus, proves to be a habitat in which many species of shrubs with similar aboveground characteristics have belowground features enabling them to exploit environmental resources differently. Community dynamics on the alluvial fan could also be influenced by belowground phenomena. Cody (1986b), for example, presented data on spatial arrangement of many perennials in the Mojave Desert. Among both plants of the same species and of different species, he found positive associations to be more common than negative associations and random assemblages to be least common. He concluded that the frequent positive associations he observed could develop because the plants involved had root systems that did not overlap and therefore were compatible with each other. Competition for water between two species with different root morphologies may be negligible; therefore, their roots would exploit different soil layers where water availability may not be the same. Two of the species excavated in our study, H. cooperi and C. teretifolius, were examined for evidence of both interspecific and intraspecific competition for water. These two relatively small composites commonly co-occur on the alluvial fans of the Owens Valley. Similar timing ofleader growth in the spring, similarities in general aboveground morphology, and close systematic affinities suggested the possibility of competition for resources, such as water. However, differences in flowering time and in root morphology implied a low to insignificant degree of interference between species. We performed a shrub-removal experiment to determine the presence of competition between these two species. ROOT EXCAVATIONS AND OBSERVATIONS Methods Pits were dug adjacent to 10 fan shrub species using a backhoe. Once the pits were opened, water was sprayed onto the roots to remove adhering soil. Root systems of each shrub excavated were identified and photographed. Sketches were then made from 35-mm slide transparencies by camera lucida technique. Results Root system sketches of the 10 shrubs excavated appear in figures 1 through 10. All are drawn at the same scale. Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada ephedra) (fig. 1) has thick, woody roots which do not grow much deeper than 0.5 m, but which do spread laterally and produce clones. Roots of Grayia spinosa (spiny hopsage) (fig. 2) are shallow and diffuse, and there is no obvious taproot. This particular individual was growing through the center of a Chrysothamnus teretifolius (needleleafrabbitbrush) shrub. Grayia spinosa frequently utilizes other shrub species as nurse plants, particularly in areas of heavy grazing. Artemisia spinescens (bud sagebrush) also has a shallow, diffuse root system (fig. 3). Coleogyne ramosissima (blackbrush) roots grow deeper than those of the previous shrubs, but again the root system is diffuse (fig. 4). The individuals shown appear to be clones which could have arisen by mechanisms of stem splitting as described by Ginzburg (1963). The root system of Haplopappus cooperi (Cooper goldenbush) (fig. 5) is similar to that of C. ramosissima: relatively shallow and diffuse. Hymenoclea salsola (white burrobrush) possesses a relatively short taproot with prominent laterals (fig. 6). Tetradymia axillaris (longspine horsebrush) (fig. 7) also has a taproot. Laterals emerging from the taproot show strong downward growth. Purshia glandulosa (desert bitterbrush) has a thick taproot (fig. 8). Near-surface laterals were not evident. The root system of our specimen of Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush) (fig. 9) began as a tap, but spread laterally quite near the soil surface. The thick lateral roots then turned downward some distance from the center of the shrub. Chrysothamnus teretifolius (needleleafrabbitbrush) displays a thick taproot with prominent laterals (fig. 10). Methods A site dominated by Haplopappus and Chrysothamnus was chosen on an alluvial fan. Circular quadrats (r = 1 m) were randomly located and data on frequency, density, and cover were recorded. A Poisson distribution for the data was determin~d and a chi-square goodness of fit test was run to assess association among members of the same species. Association between the two species was determined with a contingency table (Manning and Barbour 1988). Twenty-four shrubs of each species were selected as the experimental or "target" shrubs for the removal experiment. Criteria for selection included large enough size so as not to be harmed significantly by repeated sampling and the presence of at least three members of each species surrounding the target shrub within a 1.8-m radius. One of four treatments was then applied to each target shrub: I. All neighbors removed, II. Chrysothamnus neighbors removed, 239 Scale: 3.5 em =1 m Figure 1-Ephedra nevadensis. Figure 2-Grayia spinosa. Figure 3-Artemisia spinescens. Figure 4-Co/eogyne ramosissima. Figure 5-Hap/opappus cooperi. Figure 6-Hymenoc/ea sa/sola. 240 Scale: 3.5 em =1m Figure 7-Tetradymia axillaris. Figure 8-Purshia glandulosa. / Figure 1~Chrysothamnus teretifo/ius. Figure 9-Artemisia tridentata. 241 III. Haplopappus neighbors removed, and IV. Control: no neighbors removed. 0 -I Shrubs were removed in early spring, 1986. Predawn water potential of all target shrubs was then measured throughout the growing seasons of 1986, 1987, and 1988. Leader growth, leaf senescence, and extent of flowering were also monitored in these years by recording length, number ofleaves, and number of flowers on 30 randomly located branches of each target shrub. .... • t: ..,• ~ ~ ~ Ia ~ -2 ~ -3 ~ ... ... -4 -s -6 HACO I HACO II HACO II! HACO! V CWE CI-4TE CHTE CHTE I II Ill !V -7 Results and Discussion -I Haplopappus proved to have a random distribution on the site, while Chrysothamnus exhibited a clumped distribution. The two species were randomly associated with each other (Manning and Barbour 1988). A review of the literature shows that it is difficult to draw conclusions on the interactions between species from aboveground vegetation sampling alone. Cody (1986b) suggested that a clumped distribution indicated compatibility among the plants, but he did not present physiological data on plant interactions. Fonteyn and Mahall (1981) found no measurable competition for water among their clumped Ambrosia (ragweed) shrubs; however, Ehleringer (1984) and Robberecht and others (1983) found significant interaction for water among the clumped species in their studies. Age of the plants involved most likely accounted for the mixed results of these studies: young plants could be actively interacting with neighbors, while older plants may have already established dominance on a site at the expense of some neighbors. From early spring to late summer, predawn water potentials of both shrub species became progressively lower (fig.11). Haplopappus water potentials fell much lower than Chrysothamnus water potentials. Haplopappus water potential also was affected by presence of neighbors, though neighbor effects appeared to become less pronounced with time. In 1986, Haplopappus control shrubs had significantly lower water potentials than Haplopappus shrubs around which all neighbors were removed, while water potentials of Haplopappus shrubs in the partial-removal treatments (II and III) remained intermediate between the other two treatments. Chrysothamnus shrubs showed no effect of neighbors on either its own or the other species in the years examined. Leader growth and degree of senescence paralleled the predawn water potential results (see table 1). At the end of the 1986 season, the leaf senescence rate for control Haplopappus shrubs was higher than that of any treatment, and by 1987, branches on Haplopappus control shrubs had the least average leader growth of any of the experimental shrubs. Evidence for competition is consistent with root morphology of these two species. A review of figure 5 shows Haplopappus to have a shallow, diffuse root system. The shrubs excavated had roots growing no deeper than 1.2 m. There is no obvious taproot, and laterals begin proliferating into the soil at 10-cm depth. Chrysothamnus, as seen in figure 10, has a thick taproot which, in the shrubs excavated, was still 14 mm in diameter at 1.8-m depth. Most of the laterals branch from the tap at approximately 50-cm depth, and laterals continue to emanate from the taproot at lower depths. .... • ~ -• -2 -3 ~ ~ -4 ~ -5 Ia ~ -6 -7 -I .... -2 ..... -3 • ~ ~ L •Ia Ia ~ -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 90 120 ISO 180 Day 210 240 270 300 or year Figure 11-Results of predawn xylem potential (XPP, in MPa) measurements for all target shrubs of the removal experiments, 1986-88. Ordinate is day of year. Open symbols correspond to Hap/apappus cooperi (HACO) and closed symbols represent Chrysothamnus teretifolius (CHTE). Roman numerals signify the removal treatment applied: I =all neighbors removed, II = CHTE neighbors removed, Ill = HACO neighbors removed, IV =control. Removal experiment results clarify the ecological role of the root systems of each shrub species. Haplopappus has a shallow root system capable of taking up water and nutrients from the upper layers of soil. Since most of the soil water is replenished in the winter months, Haplopappus adds new growth and flowers in the spring. By the end of the summer, upper soil layers are often quite dry (data presented in Manning and Barbour 1988) and water potentials of plants surviving in this soil tend to reflect the soil water potential and are extremely low. Water in upper soil layers may become limiting before growth and flowering are complete, and thus presence of neighbors around Haplopappus reduces an individual's ability to grow and speeds annual senescence. Chrysothamnus root morphology enables it to exploit water, not only in the region of Haplopappus roots, but 242 Table 1-Hap/opappus cooperi (HACO) and Chrysothamnus teretifolius (CHTE) growth and senescence responses to removal SUMMARY treatments. Values shown are averages of the six shrubs per treatment plus or minus standard deviation. Letters in common (a,b,c) denote no significant difference among treatments for that species Treat· ment 1987growth HACO CHTE The Owens Valley is a transition area. Moving northward through the Owens Valley, vegetation changes from that more characteristic of the Mojave Desert, a warm desert, to vegetation more commonly associated with the Great Basin, a cool desert. Precipitation in both deserts falls mainly in the winter months; and, in the Great Basin, a majority of this precipitation is snow. The xeric fan shrubs we have excavated in the Owens Valley are of both Mojave and Great Basin origin. In the Owens Valley, winter temperatures are cold, and growth does not usually occur before late February. About the time that growth begins, the period of maximal likelihood for precipitation is completed, and shrubs must then rely on water already absorbed by the soil during the winter to complete their annual growth and reproduction. The alluvial fan soils are sandy and contain numerous cobbles and rocks; thus they have a low field capacity. Precipitation falling on these coarse soils during the period of lowest evapotranspiration readily percolates to increase soil water storage. Since xeric shrubs depend on winter-precipitationderived soil water storage to carry out their growth andreproduction cycles, those with shallow root systems must complete their cycles when both the near-surface soil water is available and temperatures are conducive to growth. In the Owens Valley, these coincide during the spring. All the alluvial fan shrubs, with the exception of, perhaps, P. glandulosa, have a portion of their roots in the uppermost 0.5 m of the soil. Nitrogen in desert soils 19861eafsenescence HACO CHTE - - - - - - Millimeters - - - - - - - - - - - - Percent - - - - - - - 5.62±3.00a 6.74±7.26a 38.83±8.46a 35.78±10.39a 39.08±6.21 a II 2.01±0.97b 4.01±3.02a 46.00±16.59a Ill 2.08±0.58b 1.60±1.53a 51.52±16.08ab 30.90±14.19a IV 1.50±0.67b 2.06±2.33a 67.66±13. 75bc 34.15±16.88a also in deeper soil layers. Therefore, Chrysothamnus can initiate growth at approximately the same time as Haplopappus, grow, maintain this spring growth into late summer, and then flower in early fall. If soil water is not limiting at the depths to which Chrysothamnus roots grow, or if the density of roots at these depths is low, then removal experiments would not show competition for water between Chrysothamnus shrubs. Chrysothamnus may take water away from Haplopappus since there is some overlap of the root systems, but Chrysothamnus still has access to other water while Haplopappus does not. Table 2-Root system morphology and flowering time of the shrubs excavated on the Owens Valley alluvial fans Species Family Root system Flowering time Ephedra nevadensis Gnetaceae shallow March-April Grayia spinosa Chenopodiaceae shallow, diffuse March-June Artemisia spinescens Asteraceae shallow, diffuse April-May Co/eogyne ramosissima Rosaceae rei. shallow, diffuse April-June Haplopappus· cooperi Asteraceae rei. shallow, diffuse March-June Hymenoc/ea sa/sola Asteraceae taproot March-June Tetradymia axillaris Asteraceae taproot April-May Purshia glandulosa Rosaceae taproot April-June Artemisia tridentata Asteraceae taproot August-October Chrysothamnus teretifolius Asteraceae taproot September-November 243 has been shown to decrease exponentially with depth (West and Klemmedson 1978), and Groeneveld (these proceedings) has found root density to follow a similar distribution. We believe that the near-surface roots are essential for nutrient uptake. Thus, co-occurring plants compete for the relatively nutrient-rich, near-surface soil water. This resource, therefore, tends to be depleted comparatively rapidly with the effect that shrubs with shallow roots are usually forced into dormancy by early summer. By contrast, deeply rooted shrubs growing in the same habitat may have a longer period over which to carry out the same physiological activities since they have access to water stored at depth. Our study of Haplopappus and Chrysothamnus provided a good example of adaptations provided by different root system morphologies. Both species relied on the near-surface water for leader and leaf growth. Presence of neighbors near Haplopappus influenced its xylem water potential and its growth, while near neighbors around Chrysothamnus appeared not to cause measurable responses in target Chrysothamnus shrubs. Haplopappus leaves senesced by late summer, while Chrysothamnus leaves remained viable until the end of summer when the shrub flowered. The influence ofbelowground factors on such phenologic characteristics demonstrates how two shrubs of close taxonomic affinity and similar aboveground morphology have adapted differently to the same environment. For the shrubs in our study, there appears to be a qualitative correlation between type of root system and time of flowering (see table 2). Neither of the late-season flowering shrubs have shallow, diffuse root systems; they have a taproot and prominent laterals emerging at some depth in the soil. Among the spring-flowering shrubs, most have shallow root systems (E. nevadensis, G. spinosa, A spinescens, C. ramosissima, Hymenoclea salsola, and Haplopappus cooperi). A deep root system does not preclude a shrub from flowering in the spring. As an example, T. axillaris has a relatively deep taproot, but flowers during April and May. In the Owens Valley, this shrub is usually found low on the fans where soils tend to be less rocky and quite sandy. Though we do not have soil water data for sites occupied by this species, it is possible that water is not held very long in the soil even at the depths to which these root systems penetrate. Another exception to the trend of deep rooting/late season flowering is P. glandulosa, which flowers in spring, but has the deepest trending taproot system that we observed. Witl}in the Owens Valley this species has a more montane distribution. When it is found on the alluvial fans, it tends to grow at higher elevations or in washes, suggesting that it has a higher water requirement than some of the other fan shrubs. Furthermore, the paucity of near-surface roots in P. glandulosa and its association with a nitrogen-fixing actinomycete (Torrey 1978) may serve to reduce its dependency on nutrients in upper soil layers. Including P. glandulosa in a comparison of xerophytic fan shrubs may be imprecise, since its rooting ecology is quite different. Root systems conceivably influence shrub distribution as well as community dynamics on a site. As Cody (1986b) hypothesized, deep-rooted shrubs may be more compatible with members of their own species as well as with other deep-rooted species, and thus may be found in positive associations. This clumping could occur because of nonlimiting soil water at depth and heterogeneous terrain, upon which seedlings are variably successful. Shallow-rooted species, with short time periods in which to carry out their physiological activities, would tend to compete for water and may exhibit negative distributions on a site since such competition could act to eliminate individuals with access to fewest resources. A study of community dynamics cannot focus on a single factor; root morphology alone cannot explain all the complex phenomena occurring in a shrubland. Other factors responsible for community composition include, and are not limited to, sera} stage, seed dispersal processes, seed germination requirements, and herbivory. Nevertheless, we believe that root systems must be examined for a thorough study of community dynamics in aridland communities. REFERENCES Canon, W. A. 1911. The root habits of desert plants. Carnegie Institution ofWashington Publ. 131. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington. 96 p. Cody, Martin L. 1986a. Structural niches in plant communities. In: Diamond, J.; Case, T. J., eds. Community ecology. San Francisco: Harper and Row: 381-405. Cody, M. L. 1986b. Spacing patterns in Mojave Desert plant communities: near-neighbor analyses. Journal of Arid Environments. 11: 199-217. Ehleringer, J. R. 1984. Intraspecific competitive effects on water relations, growth, and reproduction in Encelia farinosa. Oecologia. 63: 153-158. Fonteyn, P. J.; Mahall, B. E. 1981. An experimental analysis of structure in a desert plant community. Journal of Ecology. 69: 883-896. Ginzburg, C. 1963. Some anatomical features of splitting of desert shrubs. Phytomorphology. 13: 92-97. Manning, S. J.; Barbour, M.G. 1988. Root systems, spatial patterns, and competition for soil moisture between two desert subshrubs. American Journal of Botany. 75(6): 885-893. NOAA. 1988. Local climatological data; annual summary with comparative data: Bishop, CA. Robberecht, Ronald; Mahall, Bruce E.; Nobel, ParkS. 1983. Experimental removal of intraspecific competitors-effects on water relations and productivity of a desert bunchgrass, Hilaria rigida. Oecologia. 60: 21-24. Spence, L. E. 1937. Root studies of important range plants of the Boise River watershed. Journal of Forestry. 35: 747-754. Tilman, D. 1988. Dynamics and structure of plant communities. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 360p. Torrey, J. G. 1978. Nitrogen fixation by actinomycetenodulated angiosperms. Bioscience. 28: 586-592. West, N. E.; Klemmedson, J. 0. 1978. Structural distribution of nitrogen in desert ecosystems. In: West, N. E.; Skujins, J. 0., eds. Nitrogen in desert ecosystems. US/IBP Synthesis Ser. 9. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchison and Ross: 1-16. 244