ICES CM 19971H:5 Pelagic Fish Committee . REPORT OF TUE PLANNING GROUP FOR HERRING SURVEYS Aberdeen, United Kingdom 24-28 February 1997 This report is not to be quoted without prior consultation with the General Secretary. The document is areport of an expert group under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and does not necessarily represent the views of the Council. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Conseil International pour l'Exploration de Ia Mer Pala:gade 2-4 DK-1261 Copenhagen K Denmark TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page INTRODUCTION 1.1 Terms of reference 1.2 Participants 1.3 An outline of the problem in the assessment. . ,), " 2 REVIEW OF THE SURVEY TIME SERIES 2.1 Results of the studies 2.1.1 The review of amplitude distributions from Orkney-Shetland area 2.1.2 The distribution of abundance from acoustic surveys 2.1.3 Comparison between acoustic survey and IBTS time series 2.1.4 Missing catch model 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 ,USE OF HERRING ACOUSTIC SURVEY IN ASSESSMENT 3.1 Remaining unanswered questions 3.2 Conclusions from the studies 3 3 3 4 ADVICE AND FUTURE WORK TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS 3 5 • 1 1 1 1 REVIEW OF LARVAE SURVEYS _ 4 6 COORDINATIONOFLARVAESURVEYS 6.1 Surveys planned for 1997/98 6.2 Requirements for desired complete coverage in 199912000 5 5 5 7 FUTURE DATA PROCESSING NEEDS FOR THE LARVAE SURVEYS 5 8 COORDINATION OF ACOUSTIC SURVEYS 6 9 FUTURE DATA PROCESSING NEEDS FORACOUSTIC SURVEYS 9.1 Herring abundance data 9.2 The workshop on scrutinising echograms 9.3 Intercalibration 9.3.1 Procedure far the intercalibration of echosounders during the Narth Sea herring survey 9.4 Exchange of length and age data from trawl hauls 6 6 6 7 7 8 10 RECOMMENDATIONS 8 11 REFERENCES 9 12 APPENDICES 11 APPENDIX A - Amplitude distributions far Scotia surveys in IVa 1987-1996 12 APPENDIX B - Abundance, and Biomass of herring by ICES statistical rectangle from acoustic surveys 1984 to 1996 25 APPENDIX C - Comparison of acoustic and IBTS times series by examination of relative cohort strength........ 52 APPENDIX D - Perceptions of North Sea herring stock dynamics and survey variability that are robust to catch misreporting 57 APPENDIX E - Effects of reduced sampling effort on abundance and production estimates from North Sea Herring Larvae Surveys E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 01/04/97 70 Section Page APPENDIX F - Format for exchange of trawl sampIe herring age and length dutu 73 APPENDIX G - Communicution information for research vessels 79 APPENDIX H - Planning Group for Herring Survey contact numbers 80 • E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 01104/97 ii 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Terms ofreference The planning group for herring survcys will meet in Aberdcen, UK, from 24 to 28 Fcbruary 1997 to: a) Coordinate the timing and area allocation of, and methodologics for, acoustic and larvae surveys for herring in the North Sea Divisions VIa and lIla, and the Westcrn Baltic; b) Combine the survey data to provide estimates of abundance for the populations within the area; c) Evaluate the usefulnes~ ofthe herring acoustic time scrics with respect to North Sea assessment; d) Discuss the outcome of studies of the consequences of reduccd effort and area covcrage for the herring larvae surveys; e) Define future data proccssing nceds for combining proposed acoustic and larvae surveys data from different countries and whcre this should be carricd out ovcr the next few years; • f) Develop a proposal for a survcy plan for acoustic and larvae surveys which wiII provide data required far future North Sea assessments. 1.2 Martin Bailey Bram Couperus Paul Femandes Eberhard Götze Nils Häkansson Cornelius Hammer Kenneth Patterson David Rcid John Simmonds (Chairman) Karl-Johan Strehr Reidar Toresen Else Torstensen 1.3 • Participants United Kingdom Netherlands United Kingdom Gcrmany Swedcn Gcrmany Unitcd Kingdom United Kingdom Unitcd Kingdom Denmark Norway Norway An outline of the problem in the assessment Norlh Sca herring stock assessmcnts from 1990 onwards show a systcmatic ovcrcstimation of the spawning stock biomass (Anon, 1996a). During the years 1990 to 1995, the spawning stock biomass estimatcs (and consequent catch forecasts) have bcen rcviscd successively downwards. The reasons for this were thought to be associated at least in part with anomalously low acoustic survey obscrvations in 1987 and 1988, followed by relatively higher observations in the period 1989 to 1995. Revisions in the assessments are shown in Figure I, which also shows the trend in acoustic survcy stock size estimates for comparative purposes. After 1989, the acoustic survey biomass estimatcs are much highcr than the assessment working group's population model cstimatcs, whcreas before 1988 the cstimatcs are rather similar. The assessment working group identified an increase in acoustic survey efficiency, and possible misreporting of catches as plausible factors as probable cause for this ovcrestimation. In consequence, the assessmcnt working group rccommended improved provision of information on catches and on survey cstimates of stock size. 2 REVIEW OF THE SURVEY TIME SERIES Four studies were prescnted: • A review of the amplitude distributions [rom the acoustic surveys in the Orkney-Shetland area from 1988 10 1996. The review is documented as Appendix A to the report; E:\PFarGHERS97\REP.DOC 01104/97 • • • A review of the spatial distribution of abundance for the fu1l sequence of acoustic surveys from 1984 to 1996. The data from a1l surveys has been entered as numbers and biomass at age and maturity by leES statistical rectangle and is available as aseries of Excel spreadsheets. The spawning stock abundance and biomass are documented in Appendix B to the report; A review of the acoustic survey time series age disaggregated index with reference to the IBTS age disaggregated index. This review is inc1uded as Appendix C to the report; A missing catch stock model was presented, this is inc1uded as Appendix D to the report. 2.1 Rcsults of the studies 2.1.1 The review of amplitude distributions from Orkney-Shetland area A number of conc1usions were presented: I. The ratio of the number of zero and minimum dass values changed through the period of study; the number ofzero values increased. 2. The skew factor for the distribution increased during the period of the study. 3. The number of zero rectangles was greater after 1990. Items land 3 are incompatible with an increase in abundance due to changes in data treatment or due to changes in the mean as an cstimator of the stock abundance value. However, there is a possibility that item 2 may be caused by underestimation of the largest schools in the early years duc to saturation of the highest signals in the clectronics, this could cxplain a changc in survcy cfficiency bctwcen 1990 and 1991. 2.1.2 • The distribution ofabundanee from aeoustic survc)'s Thc distribution maps show importunt changes in distribution both across the North Sea and east and west of Shetland. The maps show that the survey in 1988 had substantial high values on the northern boundary and this may havc given rise to a low estimatc in this year due to a lack of coverage. The distribution shows some year (0 year variation in the abundance in the area west of Orkney- Shetland and north of the Minch. There is uncertainty as to the correct a1l0cution of these fish to the North Sea or west of Scotland stocks. 2.1.3 Comparison bctwccn aeoustic suncy and IßTS time serics The ratio of the acoustic index with the IBTS from 1987 to 1994 shows considerable fluctuation with a low point in 1988, resulting in a factor of 1.7 or 1.2 between observations at thc ends of this period. The difference depends on the method uscd to combine the year classes. The differences over the fu1l available time serics from 1984 to 1994 indicatcs a factor bctwccn 1.4 to 0.7 from the mid 1980s to the early 1990s. The study also examined the prccision for the estimates of year-dass strength, these are not of high quality but do suggest that therc is considerable overlap in the series and the acoustic series provides a more precise estimate of year-c1ass strength at 2 to 4 ring. 2.1.4 l\lissing eateh model A population model similar in structure to the working group's assessment model, but exduding catch information, was used to investigate whether the perceptions of increasing catchability in the acoustic survey biomass estimate are dcpcndent on using reported catches in a VPA-type model structure. Some estimates ofthe variability in different datu series were calculated. Detailed methodology and results are reported in Appendix D. The f01l0wing inferences were drawn from the model fits: 1. The perception of increasing catchability with time for the acoustic survey biomass cstimates (with respect to larvae surveys, to the IBTS index, or cven to the acoustic survey age-structure alone) remained, even when reportcd catches, though not catch age structure, are excluded from the stock assessment model. 2. In terms of measures of variability in abundancc cstimates, thc IBTS abundancc index performs best, the acoustic survey abundancc index performs worst, and the performance of the MLAI index is intermediate. E:\PFC\PGHERS97\REP.DOC 01/04/97 2 • - - - - - - - • 3. In terms of measures of between-year correlation in errors in abundance, which may be more important in terms of providing advice for management purposes, the IBTS survey is unlikely to have error correlation (P=0.97), the acoustic survey is very likely to have correlated errors (P=0.02) and the MLAI index is somewhat less Iikc1y to have correlated errors (P = 0.06). 4. In terms of estimating the age-structure of either the eatch or the stock, the acoustic survey performs best, it has the largest effective sampie size (smallest t2), the IBTS performs worst, it has the smallest effective sampies size, and the sampling of commercial catches is intermediate. Overall the model suggests that the most reliable sourees of information are the aeoustic survey estimates of agestructure and the IBTS spawning biomass estimates. These inferenees are of course predicated on the assumptions detailed in Appendix D (Section 2.1), and rely on ignoring process errors (eg changes in selection pattern, ehanges in natural mortality, etc). lt • 3 USE OF HERRING ACOUSTIC SURVEY IN ASSESSMENT 3.1 Remaining unanswercd questions a) Why is the age structure from the acoustic survey the most precise age index while the abundance index is the most divergent, when the abundance estimates are used to derive the age structure for a stock with spatially variable age structure? b) Why does the IBTS abundance index perform best, during aperiod with changing adult age structure, when it is dominated by a single year c1ass because it is derived from a survey with a fishing gear with a steep age seleetion funetion? c) Why does the acoustic abundance index whieh shows the least year to year fluctuation give a stock trajectory that is different from other indices? 3.2 Conclusions from the studies a) The problem of divergent indices is still present when the effect of the magnitude of unreported eatch, with a linear increasing fishing mortality, is inc1uded in the analysis. b) The acoustic survey and the IBTS survey indices may be more sclf consistent than all the indices combined. • c) There was a general increase in the frequency of zero values (2.5 Nm sampie values) in the acoustic survey of the Orkney-Shetland area during the period 1987 to 1995. This would indicate a tendency to underestimate the population. The increase in skew in the amplitude distributions during this period could be caused by signal saturation for large schools, and thus eould explain underestimation during this period. 4 ADVICE AND FUTURE WORK TO RESOLVE TUE PROBLEMS a) There is a need to investigate the importance in the survey time series of abundance changes to the west of Orkney-Shetland and north of the Minch. If these are important the age and length structure of herring should be investigated and these should be used to advise on the split between North Sea and west coast herring b) An examination of the depth distribution of herring over the survey period should be carried out. These should be investigated in the light of the possible depth dependance of herring target strength, to estimate possible abundance changes over the survey period. c) The use of General Additive Models (GAMs) on age disaggregated spatial distributions of herring from acoustie and IBTS surveys should be examined to see if these can be helpfuI. d) Inferences drawn from the age strueture and abundance indices may differ. This requires eare when the indices are uscu in the assessment. E:\PFaPGIIERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 3 .. ~ . i',' e) Perceptions of series divergence are dependant on the years, age ranges, and year dass weighting given to different year dasses. f) There is a need to carry out studies of the implications of saturation in the electronics on surveys prior to 1991. g) There is a need to increase conlidence in the compatibility of multiple surveys used in the North Sea, Western Baltic and VIa. For this purpose it is proposed to inc1ude intercalibration during the survey, to exchange data on length and age distributions from hauls carried out during one year (1995) and to hold a workshop to study the interpretation stage of acoustic survey echo sounder output allocation to herring. 5 REVIEW OF LARVAE SURVEYS The substantial dec1ine in ship time and sampling effort allocated to the herring larvae surveys in recent years required a study of the effects on the estimates of larvae abundance and production derived from these surveys. The first step of this analysis was presented, considering a reduction in the number of subareas to be samplcd and the required frequency of intermediate complete surveys (see Appendix E). From the presentation and discussion of this study and comparison vlith results from a multiplicative model for the abundance index LAI, the following main conc1usions can be drawn: I. There is no long term stability in the relative importance of the different spawning areas and therefore the assumptions required for the multiplicative model used to overcome the problem of missing values in the data sets are not valid when based on extended time pedods. The inc1usion of interaction terms between survey areas may alleviate this problem. • 2. For the ca1culation of abundance indices it would be prudent to concentrate effort on a few target areas rather than attempting to cover all spawning areas of the North Sea as has been done in thc past. The precision of stock sizc estimates is not reduced when based on combined sampling results from Orkney-Shetland and Buchan or southern North Sea as compared to inc1uding all three areas or a complete coverage. 3. Complete coverage would nevertheless be required though less frequently, to observe long term trends in the relative importance ofthe different spawning areas and in the zIk values. From the multiplicative model there is evidence for temporal periodicity in the residuals of thc larvae abundancc values of thc order of approximately 6-8 years. In order to study this periodicity, complete coverage would bc required every three years. 4. The residuals in the multiplicative model for thc abundance index (LAI) indicate that thc results from different time periods within areas show differences similar to those between areas. It is thus not to bc expected that a reduction in thc survcy frequency can be achieved without loss in precision of stock size estimates based on the LAI. For LPE one coverage may bc suflicient, as has previously been suggested by the Herring Larvae Survey Working Group (Anon, 1990). This has to be reviewcd, however, in the light of an additional reduction in thc areas covered. For thc larvae surveys the Planning Group recommends: 1. Yearly surveys should focus on the southern North Sea as well as on the Orkney-Shetland and/or Buchan area. A more detailed analysis of the historieal databasc is required to elucidatc which of the two northern areas should receive a higher priority. 2. Efforts should be made to organise for a complete coverage every three years, out of phase with the mackerel egg survey, starting in 1999. 3. The effcct of survcy timing on larvac abundance indices ami production estimates should be examined in more detail from the historieal database, to confirm or disprove the indications so rar available. E:\PFOPGIIERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 4 • 4. Reliability and changes of the zIk values should be studied as the LPE is especially sensitive to this parameter. A standard procedure to estimate zIk should be defined and the existing data series revised aeeordingly. . • 6 COORDINAnON OF LARVAE SURVEYS 6.1 Surveys planned for 1997/98 Gennany 16-30 Sep 97 Orkney-Shetland Netherlands 16-30 Sep 97 Buchan Netherlands 01-15 Dec 97 Southem North Sea Germany 01-15 Jan 98 Southern North Sea Netherlands 16-31 Jan 98 Southern North Sea 6.2 Requirements for desired complete coverage in 1999/2000 Area Period Stations Time (days) Orkney-Shetland 01-15 Sep 110 *12 16-30 Sep 110 12 01-15 Sep 80 *7 16-30 Sep 80 *7 01-15 Sep 70 *6 16-30 Sep 75 *6 01-150et 110 *10 16-310et 110 *10 16-31Dec 60 5 01-15Jan 90 8 16-31 Jan 90 8 Buchan Central North Sea Southem North Sea Optimal complete eoverage for calculating LAI and LPE would require a total of about 90 days survey time. The survey time required in addition to that presently available is indieated in the above table by * and amounts to about 58 days. 7 FUTURE DATA PROCESSING NEEDS FOR THE LARVAE SURVEYS A copy of the herring larvae database has been sueeessfully transferred and implemented in Rostoek (Germany). An implementation in Kiel (Germany) is intended as soon as all required information has beeome available for rebuilding and eheeking the programmes for routine analyses of results from the yearly surveys. It is expeeted that the routine analysis and reporting can be provided from Kiel from 1999 onwards. At the 1997 ICES meeting it wiII be discussed ami deeided whether this task can be taken up at Kiel for the 1998/99 period. E:\PFC\PGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03197 5 8 COORDINATION OF ACOUSTIC SURVEYS In 1997 the following surveys will be carried out in the North Sea and west of Scotland Charter 12 - 29 July 1N0rth of 56°30'N west of 3°W Dana 2-12July North of 57° east of 6°E GO Sars 28 June - 18 July North of 5]0 east of I°W with reduced effort east of 3°E Scotia 8 - 28 July North of 58°30' between 4°W and 2°E fridens 30 June - 18 July South of 59°N west of 2°E IW Herwig 23 June - 16 July South of 57°N east of 2°E reduced effort between 2°_6°E The following survey will be carried out in the western Baltic. Solea 9 12 Sept - 20ct ICES Sub-divisions 22, 23 and 24 FUTURE DATA PROCESSING NEEDS FOR ACOUSTIC SURVEVS There are a number of developments requiring data processing, the need to deal more correctly with the herring abundance data, the need for a workshop on herring echogram scrutiny procedures and the need to exchange hcrring survey trawl data. 9.1 • Herring abundance data There is a necd to reorganise the data collation in order to obtain bctter distribution maps and better overall combination of data. For this purpose, the planning group is organising the preparation of a herring survey database under an EU project ECHOHER. For 1997, data on number and biomass of herring by ICES statistical rectangle and age/maturity proportion will be sent to John Simmonds in Aberdeen, Scotland. A blank Excel file will be provided. Data on Sprat will be sent to Else Torstensen in Arendal, Norway. 9.2 The workshop on scrutinising echograms In undertaking a herring acoustic survey each country covers aseparate area each with its specific characteristics, such as spatial distribution and bottom conditions. When analysing the data the scientist allocates acoustic signals to species (scrutinising). Thus decisions are made, based on experience gained by individual scientists during surveys in specific areas. This indicates a subjective input to the analysis process. In order to improve data analysis, a synchronisation of the way data are interpreted is required. The planning group therefore recommends that a workshop on scrutinising be organised. It was suggested that this workshop should be held in Bergen, January 1998, during the next planning group for herring surveys meeting. At this workshop every country participating in the international herring acoustic survey should bring national data for analysis. The data has to be the following: • • • • • a data set, typical for the area, containing one survey day and an optional 12 hours of difficult problems; the paper output from the echosounder; the BI 500 files on tape (a scrutinised version and a blank version). These should be sent to IMR Bergen in August (8 rnrn Exabyte or QIC-150 format) for testing and control (contact Hans Peter Knudsen and Kaare A Hansen); the trawl data with the species composition (% in weight)*; weather conditions and notes on circumstances that may be relevant to the data. E:\PFaPGIIERS97\REPDOC 01/04/97 6 • *In areas where thc bulk of thc SA-values comc from schools, thc interpretation of the net-sounder traces in combination with actual trawl data are important, because thc composition of the trawl may be different from the school composition. Herc thc interprctations of observations during thc tow are subjective. Thcreforc dctailcd notes on trawl performance arc required. The different data sets will bc analysed by a group of scientists from all countries involved and the results compared to provide a measure of the precision of the serutinising proccss. 9.3 Intcrcalibration It was decided by the planning group to utilise as many oppartunities as possible far interealibration during the 1997 surveys. In order to minimise the effeet of spatial and temporal variability of hcrring abundanee, the exereises are intcnded to be inter-ship calibrations, with the vessels running the same course at the same time. Since sueh an arrangement will require some extra time for eruising, whieh will inevitably reduce the coverage of the sampling area to some extent. This was judged to be aeeeptable. • The anticipated area for the first intcrcalibration is around 58°N and ODE. Thc vessels sehcduled to meet in the area are GO Sars, Tridens and Walther Ilerwig Ill. Thc Walther Ilerwig wiII leavc port 23 Junc and wiII sail to its sitc far eeho sounder calibration, presumably Kristiansand, Norway. After gear calibration she will saH to 58°N 02°E and will start surveying thc area by covering transeets in E-W direction up to 02°W. From then on shc will eover transects 15 Nm apart in northern direetion. Until thc anticipated day of Intercalibration (l July) Walther Ilendg will have eovered about eight statistieal rectangles with probably relatively high fish abundance. Thc exact location of meeting for interealibration will bc determined after thc area has been serutinised and will bc communieated to the other ships from Walther Ilendg by radio. Radio contaet will bc established prior to the meeting at 10:30 UTC. Thc vessels Tridens and GO Sars will attempt to reach the meeting point in the morning of 1 July. Thc Intcrcalibration will be carried out throughout thc cntirc survcy day, during whieh no fishing will take plaee. A sceond ealibration will be attcmpted bctween Walther Ilem'ig and Dana after the complction of the first interealibration. During 02 July Walther llem'ig wilI sail eastward. Radio contact between Walther Ilem'ig and Dana will bc established 2 July UTC 1030 for agreement on the precisc loeation of the meeting. This will be in the early morning of 3 July on thc antieipated position 57°30'N and 06°00'E. Further intercalibrations are antieipated between GO Sars and Scotia on/about 16 July and between Scotia and thc wcst coast charter on/about 26 July. Details on timing and loeation will be arranged by radio contact betwcen thc two ships. Details of various ships communications are provided in Appendix G. • 9.3.1 Proccdurc for the intcrcalibration of echosounders during thc North Sea herring survey Thc vessc1s should bc positioned with onc in front and the other 0.5 Nm behind at 5 on thc starboard sidc. When three vessels take part simultancously, the third vessel position will be 0.5 Nm behind thc leading vessel, at 5 to the port side. In this situation thc second and third vessel are stcaming parallel. Thc speed during thc Intercalibration should be 10 knots or adapted to the vesscl ....ith the 100vest praetical integration speed. Thc integration should last for at least 12 hours. Due to the very limited time period, the intercalibration with Dana is restricted to 40 Nm. The vessels takc their relative positions and start sailing at thc agreed speed and course. When the vessels are in a stable formation the, the leading vessel gives a start signal and starts his own logging. The other vesscls start their logging after steaming 0.5 Nm. A synchronising signal should be given by the leading vessel every 5 Nm at whieh time all vessels should record their geographie position and annotate their eehograms accordingly. Thc lcading vesse! should be ehanged frequently ensuring that eaeh eonfiguration is earried out at least twice during the proeedure. . A sampling interval of 1 Nm should bc used for integration. Thc integration should start at 10 m bclow watcr surface and the SA-values should preferably be stored by 10, 15, 20 or 25 metre layers depending on thc E:\PFaPGlIERS97\REP.DOC 01/04/97 7 intercalibration area so that 10 surface ·channe1s can be registered on one echogram. Threshold for the echogram should be set to -70 dB. Normal survey settings should be used for all other parameters. 9.4 Exchange of length and age data from trawl hauls A study of the length frequency and age proportions of trawl hau1s by different vesse1s in similar areas is to be undertaken. This study will take place in Aberdeen and results will be submitted to the HSPG meeting in January 1998. The data will be collated from all hauls which containcd hcrring undcrtaken during the North Sca and Via surveys of 1995. Each partieipating country will submit their data to Abcrdcen by thc cnd of April 1997. The format for exchange of data was discusscd and is based on the exchange specifications for the IßTS data (Anon, 1996b). The agreed platform for data exchange was a spreadshcct in f\1icrosoft Excel '15.0; a blank template spreadsheet was supplied to all participants (xxx_95tr.xls - participants shou1d savc data filc as "leES country code_95tr.xls"). A table detailing the entries of this spreadsheet is appendcd (Appcndix F). The proccdure for the analysis of the data will be determined in Aberdeen. . 10 RECOMMENDATIONS The planning group recommends that: 1. Duc to inconclusive findings in an examination of the herring survey time scrics that furthcr studies be carried out on: • • • • ~ the separation of west coast and North Sea herring stocks within the acoustic survey time series; the dcpth related distribution of herring and its impact on the stock cstimation; the use of GAMs on acoustic and IßTS survcy data; an examination of prc-1991 surveys for possible under estimation due to signal saturation in the electronics. 2. The acoustic surveys should be continued with each participant covering the same general areas to maintain consistency and a number of stcps be taken to improve qua1ity assessmcnt in the acoustic surveys: .• • • surveys will inc1ude inter-ship calibration; a study of variability of trawl performance bctween participants be carried out; a workshop be held in Bergen in January 1998 to study variabi1ity in echogram scrutinising procedures between partieipants. 3. For the larvae surveys: a) Yearly surveys shou1d focus on the southern North Sea as weil as on the Orkney-Shetland and/or Buchan area. A more dctailed analysis of the historieal database is rcquircd to elucidate whieh of the two northcrn arcas should rcccive a higher priority. b) Efforts should be made to organise for a complete coverage every three years, out of phase with the mackere1 egg survey, starting in 1999. c) The effcct of survcy timing on 1arvae abundance indices and production cstimates should bc examined in more detail from thc historiea1 databasc, to confirm or disprove thc indications so far available. d) Reliability and changcs of thc zIk valucs should be studied as the LPE is espccially sensitive to this parameter. A standard procedure to estimate zIk should be dcfincd and thc existing data serics reviscd accordingly. 4. Thc planning group for herring survcys should meet in Bergen, Norway from 19 to 23 January 1998 undcr thc chairmanship of E J Simmonds to: a) Coordinatc the timing and area allocation of and methodologies for acoustic and larvae survcys for hcrring in thc North Sea Divisions Via and lIla and the Western Baltic; E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 01/04/97 8 • b) Combine the survey data to provide estimates of abundance for the populations within the area; c) Hold a workshop on acoustic echogram scrutiny; d) Assess the results of studies on: the separation of west coast and North Sea herring stocks within the acoustic survey time series, the examination of pre-199l surveys for possible under estimation due to signal saturation in the electronics, the inter-ship calibrations, study of variability of trawl performance between participants. e) Review the results of the above studies and then report on the applicability of a furt her study of the herring survey time series. 11 REFERENCES Anon, 1996a. Report of the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62°N. ICES CM 19961Assess: 10. • Anon, 1996b. Manual for the International Bottom Trawl Surveys. Revision V. Addendum to ICES CM 1996/H:1. Anon, 1990. Report ofthe Working Group on Herring Larvae Surveys South of62°N. ICES CM 1990/H:32. • E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 01104/97 9 North Sea Herring 2500 . Acoustic Surveys 'f I 2000 ... ,, I ,, I ~ I ....., Cf) .~. . w Cf) Cf) I 1500 I ca I . E o .OJ _ o O'l C ,/ , .. 1000 -- / . 'c " . . . ... . WG Forecasts :',/ , ... " / 3 ca c.. Cf) 500 .- ~ ... ... " --. ..... 1995 WG Assessment o. -·-----t---·---····--j----r--·--+-------f---t--------Jro ... ~ 00 w 00 ~ m o m 00 00 00 00 m cn "r"" "r"" "r"" 0') cn cn m "r"" ~ ~ ~ m --/N C"') I ·----1 oq- LO m m m cn cn cn cn "r"" ~ ~ ~ Q") Year Figure 1 Discrepancy between the predicted and estimated spawning stock biomass. Solid line represents the spawning stock biomasses estimated at the 1995 Working Group meeting. The broken line "WG Forecasts" represent the forecasts made by the Herring Assessment Working Group from 1982-1993. The "Acoustic Surveys" have indicated a spawning stock biomasses over the period 1989-1995, wh ich are double those calculated than those calculated by the assessment. • .. 12 APPENDICES A) Amplitude distributions for Scotia surveys in IVa 1987-1996. B) Abundance, and Biomass of herring by ICES statistical rectangle from acoustic surveys 1984 to 1996. C) Comparison of acoustic and IBTS times series by examination of relative cohort strength. D) Perceptions of North Sea herring stock dynamics and survey variability that are robust to catch misreporting. E) Effects of reduced sampling effort on abundance and production estimates from North Sea Herring Larvae Surveys. F) Format for exchange of trawl sampie herring age and length data. G) Communication information for research vessels. H) Planning Group for Herring Survey contact numbers. • E:\PFc\PGHERS97\REP.DOC 01104/97 11 APPENDIXA AMPLITUDE DISTRIBUTIONS FOR SCOTIA. SURVEYS IN IVA 1987-96 Background The following analysis was designed to examine the amplitude distributions by both quarter ICES rectangle and Elementary Distance Sampling Unit (EDSU) for the time series of Scotia surveys in ICES area IVa. The aim was to determine if there had been any dramatie changes in the performance of the surveys which might explain the alleged discrepaney between the acoustie index and other indices used in the assessment Methods Core area A core area for the Scotia surveys was designated, based on the 1991-1996 surveys. A quarter rectangle was inc1uded in the analysis only if it had been surveyed in all these years. Any rectangle missed in one or more years was dcleted. The core area is illustrated in Figure 1. For surveys prior to 1991 rectangles were included only if they were within the core area. However for some of these surveys coverage of the core area was not complete. The EDSU data set was filtered in the same way to inc1ude only EDSU from within the eore area to allow direct comparison between years. The result of this approach is that the biomass and abundance data presented are not exact matches for the figures reported for the survey in a particular year. Data sets The biomass and abundanee for each rectangle and year were extracted from the ICES coordinated survey reports for the area or from individual survey reports prior to 1989. The EDSU data set are echo integrals per 15 minute sampling period and were extracted from digital data recorded during the surveys on Scotia and used in the subsequent analysis presented to the HAWO. Following extraction the integrals were corrected using the echosounder calibration data for each particular year. AnalJsis Biomass and abundance by rectangle The data were sorted into bins (classes) for presentation as histograms. For abundance the bin size chosen was 10 million fish and inc1uded a zero bin and greater than 200 million fish category. For biomass the bin size was 5,000 tonnes and inc1uded a zero bin and greater than 100,000 tonne category. The data are presented as absolute numbers of rectangles in each c1ass. It should be noted that the earlier surveys inc1uded fewer rectangles. Echo integral by EDSU The data were sorted into bins (c1asses) für presentation as histograms. The bin size chosen was 500 and inc1uded a zero bin and greater than 10,000 category. Results Biomass and abundance by rectangle The histograms for the 10 years are presented for tonnes by rectangle (Fig. 2) and numbers by rectangle (Fig. 3). A number of changes can be seen over the 10 years. For numbers (Fig. 3) up to 1990 the frequeney distributions were relatively flat with similar numbers of rectangles in most of the lower value bins, less than 10% of the rectangles surveyed contained no fish. Distributions were more skewed for the biomass data in these years. One possible conc1usion is that a lot of the fish in thc middlc range abundance bins were relatively young and contributed )ess to the biomass va)ues. Following) 990 the distributions were much more skewed, with the number of zero rectangles generally being between 20 and 30% of the total. It is interesting that in all years there E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 12 • were small numbers of rectangles with abundances greater the 200 million fish and that this did not seem to fluctuate much with any change in stock levels. To illustrate some of these trends the frequeneies in the zero and lowest value biomass bins were plotted against year in Figure 4. The increasing numbers of zero rectangles can be seen, and a possible decrease in the number of rectangles with low biomuss. Echo integral by EDSU • The histograms for corrected integrator values are presented in Figure 5. Again as in the rectangle based data there is strong evidence of an increasing number of zero observation over the time period - between 30 and 45 up to 1990 and generally greater than 60% thereafter. Figure 6 illustrates these trends in more detail with the . frcqucncies in the zero and lowcst value bins plotted against year. Although there are some fluctuations there is dear evidence of an increase in zero sampIes over the period. However this is strongly mirrored by a dccrcase in the number of sampIes in the next bin. The most likcly explanation for this is that over the years, the operator has attached less importance to very small fish schools on the echogram. This possibility is supported by the general perception that the most important element of the biomass is contained in the relatively few larger sampIes, and that it is not worth expending cffort allocating vcry small traces to species. It should be noted that this would be expected to lead to a small undercstimate, as some herring schools will be missed, however, it is unlikely to bias the stock estimate upwards. Figure 7 show the percentage of zero sampies in each year plotted against the biomass in the core area in that year. Interestingly there is a possible trend of increasing percentage of zero sampIes with increasing biomass. However, this is likely to be seriously confounded with the observed change in operator practice noted above. The same data are presented in a 3D plot in Figure 8. Apart from he increase in zero sampIe frequency, there is !ittle obvious difference. It may be possible that there are more high value observations later in the period. To c1arify this the percentage of high values against year is plotted in Figure 9. There is no c1ear overall trend. However, the level is fairly stable to 1990, a sharp dip between 1990 and 91, and following this a possible increasing numbers of high values from 1991 to 96. Figure 10 shows the percentage of high values plotted against biomass, and no dear relationship can be seen. The final plot (Fig. 11) shows cumulative frequency distributions by year. The data have been normalised and only the last 200 points plotted representing the maximum number of non zero sampIes in the core area in any year. The only obvious pattern in this plot is that again, the years 1987-1990 are c1early separated from the later years, having generally shallower trajectories. Discussion • The main conc1usion from the study is that, at least for this survey area, no obvious explanation for the alleged change in survey performance over the last 10 years can be seen. There is some evidence of a change in the performance ofthe surveys between 1987-1990 and 1991-1996. The most likely explanation for this lies in the changcover from Sirnrad EK400 to EKSOO echosounders. The dynamic range of the EKSOO is significantly .greater than the EK400, and it is possible that particularly dense schools resulted in saturation of the system. This would tend to reduce the amplitude of the high vales and may have resulted in a tendency to underestimate in these years. The perceived tendency for more zero sampIes over the period can largely be put down to operator changes, and would be expected to result in a slight underestimate of the stock. E:\PFaPGlIERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 13 4W o 2W 2E 62N 61N BON -+. > ~ -" " .,"'-'"( ! 'j / . .i >. .' ~." 59N - 58N ~ i Figure 1 f-----t:.'/~---f----+_~__l Core area used in analyisis.I--f-_ _ --1 " ~-..._~ 100m ..,....,.\ Scotia 1987-1996 V ....._--"'"---.Aberdeen J • t, igure 2. Numbers by rec_ngle Scotia 1987-96 50 -r----~---,..---~. -----,---,-,-, 40 r O - t20 o _~.~ : • 50 40 r O t20 50 -iJI11993 40 1 10 o 11 ~r .. 11 '21 .. ' .. .. '11) fI'" ' . "'''tI ,...".,.,. 1111'1" I.·'" Ifll'lf. , .... t!lO_' tf.O.~ :.-__.J__'__ .' 10 20; ')0 .. :.. 7f ID • '100 HO to..mb... : 111 UII' 140 +--1-- t~ :,lfl I 111' "" ,,,:lOII Figure 3. Numbers by rectangle Scotia 1987-96 30 T---r--'T1987 I 20 ' , 1: l!litiJWli,~ • :,f.oo,,'iC1 Jll~"'~':eo 30 30 . 7O!1lI:. 100;1l1111l~'" 140:" 20 i 01: 10 o ,. .:'71 1.:'110. 1 1·1]'' JL: . . i .: ! . . ": !; [ . i ~ :.,f..;. 20:" 4lI:'J1 .!,. 111 ~. ~i-, (11993 30 1':'. lfO:'\Ill11l11:lOD ! i, 11'·1• UJ 0" Nl.mb". 110 11.:140 TI-I -- i-111199i 1 ( 1- , _ ~ . c Ni,oe 1ft 'IE.QlJ''IO . ' • • :", .1.. .~ . .!.' 6O'n •• . I 20 i : _ "IllIUOUOf)O:'''I'JI:,.,,,:,.t.t 200 .~ .r20 I TT-iT--i-----1~ "10 Nl.mbe<. 30 30 0-,. , ~f.oe 'NI:. ''': : 40 i ,.!. ": 10 . 10 '.-H' UO '" Nl.mbe<. i! ",!" :~t7ll .: '.;110 ao! '~'-I '1996 " i ot • 10 0 I 11 .. ,. 11 • .. .. • '" .. .. ,. NlA'tllJers 110 111 ,.. I. t1t ,. '" 110 ,_, Co .'. ' e ·. e Figure 4. Percentage of rectangles in bins 1 & 2 Numbers - Scotia 1987-96 1988 1990 1992 Year 1994 1996 Figure 5. Corrected Integrator frequencies Scotia 1987-96 60 :: 50 "~ 30 -~ J: 20 10 o 50 1987 1 ~40 er 60 :: I 1 '-+-H-t ~r-j:::.=Li--[-i 1-' t-.. ._.) '-'---TT" -1-'--r'r' "'1--'("-"- ; ~i~-t-- -------_.. . :.. ;.-_.;. . r----····-r-·--- ~40 "gJ 30 '. 0" 3: 20 10. o • :lI«alO...., .... ~ ....".__..._ ...., . . - _....,.._,.... _~I-.1 Corrected Integrator value 60 - .-~~-,--­ 60,- __-.,......,- 50 - 50 -. ~40 ~40 .. g"J 30_ . gJ" 30 - 0" 0" J: 20 3: 20 10 10 o o ' . ~.SlGDO.,..,·. . . . . ~·. . ~ . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . . . . .· _ . , . .. . . . ._ . . llDIIaIl Corrected Integrator value 00 60 ~40 1~94 50 1993 1 ":-l-l------rr-- r 60 : -----:-.: 50 1 "~ 30 g40 J: 20 3: 20 i ~30 er ~ 1 _ i i f j :: c. I,_·~·_t_-_-_-_-'_~_;__:-_-_- _-r~·. - ;-\_.-_-_._~_ -.·-·---.,f-----'----· • f;:-I~C--!rr----r! !: !: :i OLJOLJ·.' 60 ;..! ,_-_-.,1_· .. O~.~. . . .JIlIII~..... :mI. . . . ._·~·,.__ . . ·~·~_. . _lIWalOllllOOo Corrected Integrator value ! :: _ i.mMl.~.tS. ~40 -; "gJ 30 fJ J: 20 10 • Corrected Integrator value . .~ • ,. _ ,.. Corrected Integrator value 60 ••.,..IG..-.......a.._.,;............,.._. ..,...~......_ 1 .. .. .z_i. 50 o 1995 .· Lt_-~1_ ~· _ I_- '_- _-; I_- _- ._~;. !-_ -_ ~I.,-: ,~I-. ;~_-'_-;i-'·"TI~ OL. . : • 1 .. _ _nal~ • e '. e r------------------------:::;~--__._--.-------___, Figure 6. Percentages in first two bins Scotia 1987-96 100 -r--..,.---~--r---.,.---_.___...--,-------r---r----r-----, 4---t---t----t-------~W""---Ttl- I I 80 -1----+----, I c: --c-- -.---- ... -----.- .... --j-- .. ---.--c---- •- .S 60 _-----------1--Q) I! •••• C'O c~ . ~ t··~·· _ 40 -. ------ - Ci> .~~ i --.. -~ ,,- - -.- _.__ 1 .I L I II L ~~~.~~....• ; / I •.... ! i I ·..·····-_·-_···-··11_ -.-.-- ..- I 86 . . . ~• .... _. ._. _ ••••• _..- }'" - :~ •....-.····4l. -- ~:~ ~.:-_ r-=-:-~---, I First bin , :;;.4I~ . I I I 88 ...... - ···············-······ ···f--..--··_- ------.----..-.-..- ---- - -"""-"'-'-'-' o- I · ! , ,A~ •• ' I'. 20 ---- - · · · · · · · · · · · ·. 1······_··..-·__····· - _ - ··············..····..···-t····-····-····_··.L-·····..····- _.. . . ". ------- I ! I -.J._ --.---~ - --..-.~-- -.- --.- -.- -..---- -.--..-._--.. •••• 1( +_..__..__.. . --j._..._ . ········ ..··· .. -_ ". 1/ ~ I ·····1--..·· · ·. ··_·_·_- _ _ · · · · · . · · · ·-·.. · · ·. ··········-····t·····..··~~·~.::~: . • ::~ I I I f-- ~. 1 I--·----·-t-·-·-----·j-·---Jf---·-·-- .. ". / i l ! . . . . . ._ .._.._._::::-;.::~ __. '__'~:":_"" __...!'__.. j__._. .. --._1 Bins 1&~ rO.-------~=-=.=~L . . --L-:-.-L----.1 Zero bin I ! ... I 1 a. I ~ '11'" i ! ! .c C') ! ~ 90 92 Year 94 96 I ... Figure7. Percentage of zero sampies against biomass in the core area 1987-96 80 .- . - - - , - - - - - , - - - ; - - - - , . - - - r - - - - - , - - - - - - - ; - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - , ~ 60 0 I ~ 0 i i! I ·_·_·~ _\ If SI ~ - ._ _ l1li i!-T----------r---l • , ! t i I i i: - ...........................-- !.. I ! I "s i i1 ~ -.-.---;---- ! : i ii I~ i J _ J_ 1 I ! Ii i ! I I [ I , I , : j I i • ! 40 _._ - _ -i _ 30 .....1.... - __ +I . -.- _ ! - - - - - - - - - - - - -..r ..· · - - - - - · 1 i! ; j- II i !... !...... i, l I I I t , , I f .:.' i I ; : I .L._ --.-- 1._ _.._..__ _ _l--.__ !i :I !I - I' J t ! _ __ ..-t - ,--- 1 - !i II : .. , i I1 1 _ i iI -- I "1' : ....................................."' ~50 0 I" __·_H.H..·t·..- - - - - ·· ··..·- t"..-- .. ; (1) 0 iI ..---.--.-.l -.-."'..-.-.~- ----~--.- - _.__.1..._ _ i i-i ! ............... ! i ~ » ·_·__··_·..·t·· L. N N I - · I 11 Ti i 70 I , "' l... I ! ! i - _ ! : "1" i i _ l - - - --l-.- --- : ' I i ; · ·r..·.···..· -- I I _ _ )... , I ; I ! j·· I ~-.-. I _... i: 1 : :! i i - 'I! : ! I, 1......- I I' : :1 i i : ! i ! ' - - - !- _ . I! I I i I _ I -----. - ! I -ri · · _ ·· ..._ - . i --.........i..- - -._. i ---+------t---r--··---!-_·~-_··-+--t--t----- ----1- 400 600 • ' : , 800 1000 Biomass in core area • 1200 1400 .. , Figure 8. Percentage by class in core area 87-96 80 60 40 IV 20 o '------_._---------_._---_._------------------- .. -----_. ---- ---_._--------_._-----_._---_._--_.- - - - - .. - _. . . Figure 9. Percentage of high values against year in the core area 1987-96 14 . . . . --c---------~------_,.-------_,__-------_:__------,-__, I I 1 ........... ; ) l I, '' , i, ·········f·········· i I : ~ j ···············..···r···························..··· .. ·... : I : I +......... - ··+·..·-····..·-· - · - -1·-_····--..·-·-······· -._ __._ _+._____.. ' I I I I I i i I " .1-_ ;' : I 12 . . ---.. . . -~ ---..-- . . . .-. . "l" . .----.. --- ----r- -··---------1---- -----·----t-------------,---------- --T----- ----1----------1---------- 1---; .. tn Q) -co:J 10 N N I N 1 1 J i ....-.- L _._ l _ -..-., I ! -'= C) . J i , . . . . . . . . --;--- > » ..... 1 _ -- +._ ' _.+i . . ',I. _._ 1 I .1. -··-·····-1···---· ---····1-·-·- -1·1..- -··.····· i - -..j _I I 1 ·.. \-··- · ·.········ ·.·1·- · - - I .j..- -.-.I +.- _--- - -_ -- ! --..-- -.+.- _-. I I ! I -j·. ·- ·..-·- · -. - -· ·f--·-----·---- --.- -.~.-.- ---..---i----. I I i ! i i 1r·-·· _ -.-.,..: . - :i ·····lI ····· · _··i·1 ·_· ··..· ·..····· ..· I 8 .I i I -'= . ·.-. -..-+·-·.. --..· . ··--·-1·-..· - - - ·.. . ·..··---+.. -·· ·--·..·- . .·--1..·.·.---.. .-.-.. ·..··-·[ . ·.. -·----· .-.-+.. --..'+0 ; I ! I i! 6 . · ···. . ....·r· /... -.: j -. .. . ) 1 - --. I ~ 0 t-.j ,I 8 11--_ __II1II' ; . . . . . . . . . . 8 . __ •• 1!.. _ .~ ..__. I . 4 2 , --+-_.. I ····1-I I I I t·····---··-------.. . - ·.._-_······t··_-_..·······..__..__.._-_··.. ,· · . ··_-_.:.· : I I I H... i . . . . ·····1····..·_ . __ . · ' i ! ' i I i I i ····!·..·-.····---..---------·····--··.. I I -t .._- ~ ' 8'9 90 ···-·..· ·.._· ·..tI· · ·..·· i i . -.r--.-.. .----+-.. I --.J- - -.-.. --y J - - I I ----··_------_···-------···'r·------------·-----------..--]..------.. ------------------j-----------_.------.... ' I i ····--1 I ! ' 1 .._.. . . . _..L................. i ! _.+ : i -- I ---l----ui i !..· ·- . ·.. ··-··I·.. .---..··,·-····..Ii··,---- ._.f-- _._~--+-- I ; ' ~ i ' I i ! ~: -1---7---l----+----t---t-----+----+---f----l----!----J 8'7 88 I, 1 91 92 Year 1 93 94 i 9S 96 . ' , • Figure 10. Percentage of high values against biomass in the core area 1987-96 600 800 1000 Biomass in core area 1200 1400 I. Figure 11. Cumulative Frequency plots by year - last 200 points 100 80 ~ (,) c Q) ~ C" 60 Q) ''tQ) >..... I N +>. .)::.. > +:i -co ~ 40 E ~ u 20 87 ;,~;,,,~:'...:':'A'.'.i",...:,.<jMiii!U 92 r;.::.::. - . {: \."".;,. 88 - - . 89 - - . 90 93 ;,;,;-t.,' ., '" ,;,;.:.:.:, 94 ""':.;i-':':":;.\:~ • ';V1.': 95 ..•••.... ~''.~ ,'/"',,':" .. ·::i.' 91 96 ---- ---------------- APPENDIXB COMPILATION OF THE COORDINATED ACOUSTIC SURVEY TIME SERIES ESTIl\'IATES FOR HERRING Marked variability in the annual estimates of abundance and biomass of herring stocks in northern European waters has contributed to the requirement to review survey design and data analysis. One component of this review has been to construct a spreadsheet application which will provide estimates of abundance and biomass from the existing time series by age and ICES statistical square for both the North Sea autumn spawning stock and Baltic Sea spring spawning stock respectively. This was undertaken in Dctober 1996 and has recently been completed. Using the annual ICES reports for herring acoustic surveys, the proportions of abundance at age within each subgroup in each cruise were used to ca1culate abundance and biomass (incorporating mean weight at age) on the 30 mile ICES statistical square scale. The resulting abundance and biomass estimates were then checked against the estimates published in the annual survey reports and combined. For illustrative purposes the abundance (millions) and biomass ('000 tonnes) estimates for mature autumn spawning herring by year are given in Figures 1-13. The annual abundance data for mature autumn spawners are also presented as contour plots for each year from 1984 to 1996 (Figs 14-26). Compiling the individual reports from several participating nations was not straightforward. This was due to differences in format and presentation. In order that future surveys can be combined efficiently it would be helpful if participants could provide data in a standard format. Specifically, reports should include: • A map of the cruise track overlaid with a grid corresponding to the ICES statistical rectangle scale. This should be appended with the number of 15 minute integrator runs in each rectangle. • A corresponding map showing abundance (millions) and biomass ('000 tonnes) together with the boundaries between the sub-areas (strata). • Two tables giving herring abundance, mean weight and biomass by age (0 to 9+), maturity and sub-area for North Sea autumn spawners and Baltic spring spawners respectively. • E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 25 Numbers (millions) of mature autumn spawners (1984). 63 -,.. 62 :So' ~ "- 61 60 -+-----+---+-----+----+---+-:,...:::,.;;;~ 59 -+-----+---+-----+----+---+hLH--tlL~2'8;w::::~_+---+_--_+_--~ 58 -+-----+---+-----+----..;~ 57 -+----t----+-----t-~---'....-.n w o :::J I- t= ::i 56 - t - - - - + - - - - - t - - - + - - - - L J I > 55 -+-----+----+----,; 54 - t - - - - + - - - _ . . i i 53 -+----+-----t~- -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 LONGITUDE .. e ,. Numbers'millions) of mature autumn spawners (1985). 63 s: -~ 62 ~ "- 61 60 +----+-----+---+----+----+----'<:----= 59 +----+-----+---+-----+=-----.:..:..:.+--='l~-++ 58 -+-------+------+----I---~ 57 +----+-----+---+-...-~r-f" w Cl :J I- ~ :) 56 - 4 - - - - + - - - - - t - - - + - - - ' - 1 I , 55 -1-----+------1---,; 54 -1-----+-----,,;:, 53 -+----+-----+~ -14 -12 -10 ... -8 -6 -4 -2 o LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Numbers (millions) of mature autumn spawners (1986). 63 +-----+----1----1----1------+----+-----+---+----+---+--:: 62 - l - - - - I - - - - - + - - - j - . = : . ...--+---+------I----I-----+---+--_.._=; "!t \. 61 -+-----1-----+---+------1----1----:---+-;----+-----+----1---41:. 60 +---+---j---t---r---j-"iiit~ 59 w IV 00 Cl :::l t::: 58 I- 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 <t -' 57 56 55 54 53 ·14 -12 -10 ·8 ·6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Numbe' (millions) of mature autum' spawner~ (19~7). 63 -,.. :s: 62 ~ \. 61 60 -+----+----+---+-----t------t- 59 w 0 IV '0 :::> I- i= 58 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 " 100 "50 0 :5 57 56 55 54 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Numbers (millions) of mature autumn spawners (1988). 63 -'lltoO: 62 :s: ~ \. 61 60 --+----+----+------+-----+----II----*+I+-I-~~-*_--_+_-..."...,......+_-~ ... 59 w 0 w 0 ::> I- ~ 58 ., 1000 950 900 ~ 57 850 800 . 750 700 650 56 000 550 500 : 450 400 350 55 54 53 -+----+----+--'::..-10 -14 -12 -8 -6 -4 -2 o LONGITUDE 2 4 • 6 8 10 12 14 Numbeft (millions) of mature autum~spawners'(19~9). 63 -,..; 62 S .. ~ \, 61 60 0 59 w w 0 :J t- 58 ~ " 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 5 . 57 56 55 +----+----/---.'- \@i~~~ 54 -t-------+---..., ,""" 150 ",;;,;: 100 50 o 53 +-_ _-+-_ _-+--=:J_ -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 o LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 - - -- - -------------------------------------- Numbers (millions) of mature autumn spawners (1990). 63 -'lQO 62 ~ .. ,. ~ 61 60 -t----t----t-----+----+---f---,4";,,I,~~_#;~ 59 w C w N ::J I- i= 58 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 ',$'".300 '< 250 :3 . 57 56 55 -!----f----I-----,'; 54 - t - - - - t - - -__ ii;:I 00'00 53 -12 -10 100 50 o -t----t----+~­ -14 ~~~ -8 -6 -4 -2 o LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 I t I Numbers (Iillions) of mature auturnn sp'wners (1991). 63 - 1 - - - - - + - - - + - - - - j - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - f - - - - + - - - - I - - - f - - - - - - ; ; 61 - 1 - - - - - + - - - f - - - j - - - - + - - - - l - - - H 60 10e 59 90e w c w w :J !:: 58 80e < ..J loe r- 57 60e 50e 56 40e 55 30e 20e 54 10e 53 -14 ·12 -10 -8 ·6 -4 ·2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 I Numbers (millions) of mature autumn spawners (1992). 63 -1-------1----+---+---1----+----+---+---1-----1----+---, 62 -+---+----+---+-~ 61 h--+----+-----j----+---+--_+_~ +---+---+------1,-----+---+--;r-4-~~~~--+-_____\,.--+__tI;.g 60 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 .,,,,,, 350 ~~ '.~ 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 59 w c ... w ::> !:: 58 t<t -J 57 56 0 55 - .... ;. ;,:;, 54 53 ·14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 e . ' Numbers'millions) of mature autumn spawners (1993). 63 + - - - - t - - - - - - I - - - l - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - t - - - + - - - + - - - - - I - - - - + - -___ 61 -+---+------l----+----+----+---==-''4-----.I--+==+-t~+------I___tJ;: 60 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 . 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 59 UJ 0 w Vi :) !:: 58 .... « ...J 57 56 55 54 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -----------------------------------------------, Numbers (millions) of mature autumn spawners (1994). 63 - + - - - - + - - - + - - - - - f - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - I - - - - - - - - j l - - - - - - - j - - - - f - - - - t - - - - - - : 62 -+----l----I------t-----"'" h.---l-----f----+----+-----+-----I----V' 61 -+---+----+----+---+----t-----;4-I-7-''------i1H------I----t---4~ 60 59 w c w 0- .-::J~ 58 ct ..J 57 56 ;~- 55 ~ ~~ < ... 54 53 -14 -12 -10 ·8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 \ 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 e Numbers . (m~ons) of mature autumn spawners (1995). 63 - l - - - - l - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - - j - - - - - - f - - - - f - - - - - - l - - - - \ - - - , 62 - l - - - - l - - - + - - - + - - " ' " 61 t'r--l-----j-----j----+----+----+--..i" +-----l---+---+---+---+----=-t---i-H+~H-+--t--------l----'''iiIII 60 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 59 w w ....... c ::) t: 58 tel -J 57 56 55 54 53 -14 -12 -10 ·8 -6 -4 ·2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Numbers (millions) of mature auturnn spawners (1996). 63 - I - - - + - - - / - - - - - - ! - - - - + - - - f - - - - + - - - - I - - - + - - - + - - - f - - - - : ; 62 -+---+----l----l-~ R;-+---/------!----+---f----+-----v, ~ 61 - + - - - + - - - I - - - - l - - - - + - - . . . . - + - l M + 60 o -+---+---I----l----+-..,--~ 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 :,200 150 100 50 w o w 00 :J t: 58 -+---f---+-----t'-e-~~ ~ ..J 55 -t----+----f-----,:, 54 -j------If----.i 53 -+---l------+---==-·14 ·12 ·10 o ·8 ·6 -4 ·2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 e Mature autumn spa,vners ~984). 63 " ABUNOANC ~~' -'lI!lO'" BIOMASS 62 ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.10 5.76 0.00 0.00 1.27 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.42 11~~" '-l~4.70 10.00 14.68 2 ,. 53.05 1.95 0.00 0.00 5.80 1.45 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.07 16.60 4.14 0.00 0.00 \. 61 5.20 1.25 60 0.00 0.00 >0 i= 178.46 54.73,t2 '1l7 138.89 21.37 35.~8 10.~. 76 22.68 3.47 3.51 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.06 42.09 0"6.94 6.45 23.92 3.92 0.00 0.00 10.65 1.56 0.00 0.00 20.43 244.39 28.53 54.96 13.05 2.95 36.18 4.21 9.02 2.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.85 372.11 0.00 7.10 61.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 j ..~~ ••• /;f· 1J~:X ../fA 1 W C ..... . 64.15 134.21 519. 1 147.72 0.26 11.14 19.18 86.69 33.17 0.05 l 59 :::J to- 32.00~.06 7~ " .14 58 .. ' :5 8.16 1.30 0.00 0.00 14.83 2.23 57 0.00 0.00 " 56 55 .,' 54 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 - - -- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mature autumn spa,vners (1985). 63 ABUNDANC ~~I BIOMASS -'liIIro! 62 ':t '- 61 0.00 0.00 5.6t 1.19 60 34.34 6t.91 ~7.51 223.00 0.00 7.29 13.Jl11.57 44.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.38 1,~: "'''2.67 3.90 20.90 3 ,. 26.20 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.49 32.88 24.45 1013. 5 10.88 1.94 5.05 5.01 19.94 1.57 5.93 0.80 6.92 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 136.05 114.72..~2 156.18 54.99 19.~4 16.~.9 20.72 6.71 0.99 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, 0.00 7.~., .99 481.14 84.32 9.89 1.33 2.97 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.94 21.64 422.13 5.35 2.68 2.90 55.93 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.36 96.38 27.67 4.74 12.77 3.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.95 3.11 6.23 0.90 6.52 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.92 4.55 1.00 0.11 1.29 0.19 0.00 0.00 27.95 3.11 0.00 0.00 , 59 W C ::J .&>. 0 I- i= 23.68 3.40 58 .. ::i 57 1 . '1.49 65.01 c' 5.93 0.00 0.00 3.99 0.44 1.00 0.1t 94.95 14.20 56 0.00 142.65 0.00 21.33 55 54 -+----+---... 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 ·6 -4 • -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 • 6 8 10 12 14 - ---------------- • Mature autumn spawners tt986). 56 .. " 55 ." ...- ., " 54 ,- 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Mature autumn spa,vners (1987). 63 ABUNDANC tt: BIOMASS -~ 62 ,. "!'t 2.00 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104.00 0.00 2&.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 13.00 2.&3 3.42 &.00 1.68 0.00 0.00 18.00 16.00 4.73 4.20 0.00 0.00 180.12123.68 265. 7 21.77 15.10 10.38 12.21 29.78 18.30 43.79 3.30 2.90 2.00 1.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61 3.43 0.51 6.00 1.58 60 , 59 W ~ N C ::J to- i= 5.6& 1.09 10.38 10.93 2.00 1.23 3.86 0.43 0.00. 0.00 9.44 1.82 8.49 1.63 3.86 0.43 2.57 0.29 8.36 0.94 101.83 77.60 20.76 101.90 0.00 15.75 12.87 3.99 19.61 0.00 58 ; :J 57 " 56 - 37.92 215.31 4.26 24.17 35.41 97.19 35.86 5.29 18.70 6.90 0.00 0.00 6.43 0.72 2.57 0.29 99.62 11.18 50.94 43.94 7.68 6.&2 0.12 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.54 0.04 0.32 0.03 1.18 0.09 0.22 0.02 108.89 0.08 16.41 0.01 0.39 0.03 0.99 0.08 3.41 0.27 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.00 192.94 0.01 29.07 0.00 2.34 0.18 0.89 0.07 0.72 0.06 0.03 0.00 1.21 0.09 0.04 0.00 0.88 0.07 0.24 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.12 0.31 2.59 0.19 0.28 0.02 0.40 0.03 0.12 0.01 2.75 0.22 0.95 0.07 0.78 0.06 1.07 0.08 12.24 0.96 4.66 0.36 7.77 0.61 2.29 0.17 5.90 0.44 8.92 0.70 4.64 0.36 7.43 0.58 1.&9 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.14 0.25 1.96 0.15 55 54 0.48 0.04 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 .' 6 8 10 12 14 -.lo . ",:..., ......__ .~- ---------------- ... . .. e Mature anturnn spa,vners ~88). 63 ABUNOANC BIOMASS ~~ -"'S . 62 .. ~ ~". ". 211.00 69.00 37.97 12.42 \. 227.41 129.27 590.00 23.00 574.00 52.80 30.02 106.18 4.14 103.30 61 45.80 390.80 ~.89 193.00 0.00 10.63 87. . .14 34.73 0.00 .. 15.3~ 0 59 O.~. O.Q UJ C J::o, UJ 30.71 4.13 6.94 0.80 5.94 0.80 32.69 4.40 44.91 218.54 32.69 6.88 33.47 4.40 0.00 0.00 ,.6.52 302.27 7.08 46.30 1.08 100.4~~ :J Ij:: ~6.01 65.02 15.10 60 ~ 3.00 39.17 118.06 176.33 0.00 6.00 18.0B 23.72 0.00 26.91 4.12 0.00 0.00 ' ... 55 28.30 28.30 2.95 2.95 0.00 0.00 28.30 28.30 2.95 2.95 33.51 37.35 38.20 3.75 4.18 4.27. 36.92 126.77 61.19 4.13 14.18 6.84 56 " 7.78 101.04101.04 0.00 1.19 13.59 13.59 0.00 64.16 274.40 0.00 8.30 36.91 0.00 57 '. 9.56 1.28 24.05 51.03 2B.30 3.40 7.58 2.95 . '26.50 " :) 13.18 1.92 , i lf', 58 70.00 32.00 12.60 6.76 28.30 28.30 28.30 2.95 2.95 2.95 1.70 0.19 4.17 0.52 4.17 0.52 4.17 0.52 6.50 0.38 0.00 0.00 37.77 105.48 47.99 4.22 11.80 6.37 4.17 0.52 4.17 0.52 4.17 0.52 6.50 0.38 4.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.10 6.74 0.53 6.74 0.53 0.37 0.04 4.67 0.36 0.00 0.00 15.59 1.58 1.00 0.10 6.74 0.53 6.74 0.53 0.37 0.04 0.00 0.00 8.76 0.92 1.00 0.10 8.00 0.73 8.00 0.73 0.37 0.04 0.00 0.00 19.10 2.00 54 13.87 1.45 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -----~-------------------------------------------------------- lVlature autumn spa\vners (1989). 63 ABUNDANC BIOMASS ~I 62 ~ 18.00 4.60 \. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141.53 49.66 426.00 196.00 59.07 51.09 24.56 8.62 108.76 50.04 13.03 11.27 61 1037.0 472.61 f.0.40 413.08 99.54 158.85 94.99 179.95 82. . 4.68 81.92 19.74 35.05 20.96 "'1l2.09 456.87103.52 0.00 164.44 52.30: e. 31.60 90.61 20.53 0.00 36.28 8.35 '.' 6.62 212.71 1.15 36.91 1 60 298.79 88.56 168. 2 146.50 223.02 46.95 17.48 39.95 11.21 51.85 15.37 29.15 25.42 40.79 8.59 3.72 8.50 1.79 • 144.67389.84 179.01 43.28 61.17 28.09 23.31 67.64 32.74 7.92 13.01 5.98 59 t W C ::J t- i= 96.09 171.01 2.16 12.66 28.96 0.34 57.59 33.17 40.87 24.37 9.19 6.06 7.46 3.52 7.04 1.28 43.89 22.67 8.01 3.27 0.00 0.00 5.70 1.04 21.94 41.24 21.06 3.04 5.72 2.92 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 106.17352.72 0.00 0.00 14.72 48.92 0.00 1.75 0.24 0.00 0.00 61.15 61.92 95.74 34.55 8.06 9.92 15.28 5.51 58 . « -J 0.83 0.14 57 " 56 55 8.77 1.27 2.90 1.42 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.35 0.03 0.35 0.03 1.48 0.20 1.48 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.35 0.03 0.35 0.03 1.48 0.20 1.48 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54 0.00 0.00 29.49 4.26 0.90 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.01 0.20 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.01 0.20 0.01 0.00 0.00 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 LONGITUDE • . .- " . e e Mature autumn spa,vners (1990). 63 ..'. .( ; ,-.. . ~:.. 2.79 0.61 ~~; -'If6. 62 ~ 25.03 6.51 310.16726.06127.66156.69128.03 67.92 159.70 28.08 34.50 28.19 \. 105.00 289.77 775.93 88.76 237.02 398.67 6.71' 22.99 63.46 170.67 19.52 62.19 87.79 1.14,11 61 ta;; 5.99 167.88 200.62 fO.84 123.00 40.00 128.75239.65 18.9!:" 1.31 36.76 43J~ 3.69 25.50 8.29 25.38 47.23 3.01.' '.~ 60 84.90 381.34 .~11~1.75 207.00110.00 4.70 207.70 247.96~ . 18.59 83.51 1 .. ,.28.85 42.92 22.81 0.93 40.94 39.29. '.'1. +----+---I-----+----+----t----+-::-#---+---t---_+_~ 198.40101.52 128. 5 79.69 140.00 76.00 22.33 100.13 35.40 .~. 43.45 22.23 21.32 17.45 26.37 14.32 4.21 19.31 6.26 , 81.55,~ 16.5S.· 5 59 - 22._:. ;.82 162.40226.09664.33161.25 148.52 70.35 17.30 3,l . '2.57 23.41 46.02 116.86 28.36 23.74 11.17 2.66 UJ 0 ... i= :J +-Vl 9 77.42 29.55 98.00 148.00 118.01 123.99 31.2t. 11.91 6.20 18.46 27.88 22.24 23.81 4.67 28.11 101.04 220.31 152.12 2.88 4.04 19.32 38.75 26.76 0.46 58 88.45 35.01 15.56 6.16 9.13 1.46 15.63 2.50 9.77 1.22 7.87 0.96 67.38 167.38 107.65 107.65 0.00 22.86 22.86 9.72 9.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.38 0.27 2.38 0.27 f <t: ..J 57 - 56 +----f-----'I-----+-----LJR, . y. ,....• 55 0.54 0.06 0.16 0.02 0.15 0.02 47.63 47.63 4.36 4.36 6.15 0.62 5.15 0.62 0.65 0.07 0.54 0.06 0.15 0.02 0.15 0.02 47.63 47.63 4.36 4.36 5.15 0.62 5.15 0.62 0.65 0.07 8.70 198.20 198.20 0.00 1.28 28.42 28.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.35 0.33 3.35 0.33 0.00 0.00 8.70 198.20 198.20 0.00 1.28 28.42 28.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.35 0.33 3.35 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.06 .' .:. 57.33 18.27 9.12 2.78 54 0.50 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00- , 53 -I----+---+--'O"- -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Nlature auturnn 53 sp~nvners (1991). -+----+----f~ -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 LONGITUDE • 6 8 10 12 14 e Mature autumn spa,vners (1992). e 63 +----+----t----+-----t----+----+---_+_---t----+----+-"7'"'."~t:c,~~_:__~___:_'_:__::_--:-''._::_:_:_:__-__:t_ ABUNDANCE ~ BIOMASS 62 . _t_--_+_---t__---+--=~_+_---t__--_t_--_+_---+-----+--_.<= t;v 5.88 1.31 0.00 0.00 7.40 154.40 15.10 69.23 90.11 2.07 43.16 4.22 17.24 20.11 6.14 1.32 0.00 0.00 \. 0.00 0.00 32.70 56.40 9.14 15.77 5.91 1.65 61 -+-----+----t----I__---+----f----+---------jl__--_+_---+--q;; 0.00 0.00 98.40 143.70 ~7.20 182.40 74.88 65.62 41.32 27.51 40. 0'1)9.10 50.99 20.07 14.64 8.86 .,g4.00 42.80 11.95 55.83 •. 23.48 11.96 3.20 12.46 0.58 0.13 60 -+----+----+---------j---+----+----+---:--?}----+----t----+---1 46.89 57.26 102.73 21.63 54.47 12.33 15.06 27.02 5.69 12.14 59 0.00 0.00 92.84 208.38 75.24 24.42 54.81 14.99 C I- ~ -J 58 37.50 111.26113.73 28.70 79.33 139.58111.66 8.36 24.79 25.34 6.40 17.70 29.94 23.95 -+-----+----+---I----+---~-+--~:~-+------'I-----+----+---~ w :J 96.67 10.72 25.43 .2.82 19.70 51.90 84.23 5.51 13.98 18.79 108.66 187.10307.82 265.24 0.60 21.22 38.59 64.74 56.01 0.11 62.14 231.30 280.32 129.11 125.66 35.21 12.18 45.33 54.94 25.30 24.63 6.62 0.00 0.00 -+----+---t----+--~'. 19.53 3.89 53.57 61.69 10.08 11.61 4~8 0.91 78.26 50.48 15.60 10.06 57 -+-----+----+---j-----..,r----'"< 27.62 252.70 21.40 5.41 49.53 4.19 1.20 0.23 0.00 0.00 18.06 3.40 0.00 0.00 5.56 1.03 0.30 0.06 6.32 1.19 8.62 1.39 15.46 2.08 10.50 92.67 256.99 1.94 17.14 47.52 56 -+-----+----+---I-------lW(} 17.92 3.31 0.00 0.00 35.83 6.63 66.10 12.22 7.41 1.37 0.00 0.00 14.21 2.63 55 -+-----+----+---Tt':~'"- 54 _t_---+---z:, 53 -+-----+-----t---:::.c.....-....;.;...:..;-:-~~--t----"~.;.;..;..;..--'--'T-'-.......;..;....;...;........r-z.--_+_--__+_---1L.-.l..~~.....,;...~~.:..:..;...~;.;..;.;.......:..:..;..~~-:..;..;;.__+_ -14 -12 -10 19.15 3.54 2.47 0.46 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------- - Mature autumn spawners (1993). 63 _+_----f--- ABUNDANCE ~ BIOMASS 62 00 ~ ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.91 0.52 0.38 0.09 14.03 3.27 2.27 0.53 0.00 0.00: 99.28 107.33 241.78 49.73 27.12 29.32 66.06 13.32 3.79 0.88 1.52 0.35 O.OQ· 0.00 7.08 1.93 ., 61 -+----+----t-------Ir-----t----+-----+------l---+----+_~ 60 -+----+----t-------If------t----+-----+--:--?il-----l----t-----+--~ 59 LU C ::J ::. I- ,. . -+-----+-----+------l----==""~;._+---+_--_+__--__+---+_--+_-,;;; 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.17 71.92~7.49 34.81 22.99 19. Ir: 4.83 9.51 24.63 476.71 6.65 125.67 9.93 2.4.6 1.52 0.3S: • 74.09 187.04 30.94 16.80 30.79 4.32 14.89 W!4.tl4 132.81 168.90 39.60 202.68 126.58 28.91 3.6 _......« ;2 17.91 46.15 10.82 34.n 20.84 4.04 7.611.06 -t----+---t__---t-----+--~t__-t_Sb'__+_--_+---+___--___t_-- 4.1'&'11 .23 -' 0.66 1 0.00 0.00 58 --+-------I----+----+_~ 57 - t - - - - - - + - - - - J - - - - - t - -....----"ö---fT> ..J 76.46 210.54 238.50 146.39 109.58 48.19 11.55 52.61 54.48 25.04 18.04 6.73 4.31 0.60 30.72 46.30 129.13 22.68 7.30 26.05 4.08 2.83 0.29 26.58 14.15 2.69 1.43 1.78 139.15 4.95 0.18 22.26 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 4.84 0.49 10.75 1.09 33.65 5.38 9.52 1.52 1.24 0.13 0.73 0.07 0.30 0.03 6.37 0.64 3.50 0.31 6.09 608.93 77.10 0.62 92.23 11.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.50 216.84 37.29 4.93 32.84 5.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.37 69.05 2.90 13.93 1.12 0.11 492.55 :83.6.17 53.15 10.72 56 - + - - - - + - - - j - - - - - - + - - - - ' L l C 55 -t----+----+----,'r';:- 54 10.23 23.12 2.38 5.38 '11;0.58 88.66 27.12 36.39 27.67 .43.87 24.22 7.04 8.47 6.44 171.21 30.66 25.02 14.58 135.94 7"5. 198.51 6.12 42.45 7.60 6.20 3.98 36.32 10.13 54.23 1.67 0.00 0.00 4.23 1.01 0.95 0.11 1.73 0.20 0.00 0.00 1.96 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -t----+--- 53 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 LONGITUDE • 6 8 10 12 14 e 1\tlature autumn spawners (1994). 63 , ., .'). -- • ABUNDANCE ~"'; ., , BIOM ASS 62 ':t ;.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.12 7.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.80 10.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.31 21.29 209.94 36.89 S'O. 28.95 11.98 3.91 55.71 5.69 12.38 7.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.87 1.54 25.85 191.93 68.68 178.67~~ 129.80 46.32 7.68 ~5.25 12·Vl 47. ;:\.... 4 20.02 12.29 8.74 2.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.31 1.02 6.74. 0.94 4'~'1I 0.74 164.29 202.82 0.00 1 . 1.44 25.34 53.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.18 0.82 27.15 5.31 3.82 0.55 177.12 33.75 41.13 13.15 26.60 8.96 10.92 3.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92.74 20.58 50.07 34.65 24.02 13.55 6.88 4.79 5.18 3.24 0.00 0.00 62.97 13.98 5.79 0.88 11.60 25.61 39.15 492.47 0.00 1.59 3.54 8.02 117.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.97 0.60 0.00 0.00 60 0.00 0.00 5.37 1.60 59 0.00 0.00 W C • 0:: 43.43 12.90 ::> !:: 58 \0 ~ ..J 57 -. 56 133.97 54,28 29.57 11.98 0.00 0.00 53.31 163.75 29.26 14.15 43.45 7.76 0.00 0.00 61 J::,. 1.04 0.28 25.16 6.68 •• ~i 29.14 146.62 335 5.87 32.36 67. 9.45 743.25 20\0.23 35. 2.08 164.03 48.38 7~ 10.75 1.48 0.00 0.00 32.36 5.88 6.52 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.14 0.68 0.00 0.00 7.35 1.62 rP" 22. 4.49 0.74 0.10 3.80 0.52 " ~ .... 55 ,', " 54 53 - + - - - - f - - - - f - . . = . l -14 ·12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 l\tlature autunl" spawners (1995). 63 - f - - - - + - - - - + - - - - f - - - - - ! - - - - f - - - - + - - - f - - - - f - - - - f - - - - - f - -........ ABUNDANCE BIOMASS 45.72 8.8,8 59 w Ul o 175.93.;1;~ 260.26 38.30 +----+-----:.~f----+----..:.j..:.-----.,;.-+1-8.'j~.49 387.57 3~ . 5.08 68.38 C ::J I- 34.~~0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.97 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.99 2.68 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.19 89.44 0.00 0.00 7.95 17.30 0.00 0.00 1.48 99.93 15.00 39.59 11.29 17.68 2.27 5.94 2.10 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.17 0.33 33.81 6.29 76.37 73.17 69.29 59.46 12.07 11.39 10.70 8.92 7.19 1.34 6.09 1.13 42.96 21.18 6.44 3.20 1.36 0.21 0.56 0.10 1.12 128.63 24.61 0.21 14.91 3.30 0.00 364.20 2~.83 0.0 0.00 73.42 38.49 0'; 0.00 0.00 15.01 2.85 3.21 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.41 1.35 2.46 0.32 7.57 0.99 29.47 723.37 269.83 560.44 13.94 3.82 108.71 42.63 88.55 2.13 17.68 3.56 t= 58 -+----j---4----+ 27.20 2q.55 0.00 O;~'" <C 5.48 ..J 0.00 223.52 0.0 0.00 45.06 O. 43.05 . o. ;-" 57 83.12 12.54 184.46 33.82 0.00 0.00 2.07 0.42 75.70 9.66 "'0.0 0.0 56 - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - . f - - - - " 0.00 118.29 40.20 0.00 24.17 8.21 0.00 0.00 13.32 17.68 1.74 2.31 190.51 38.93 55 -t----+----+---, 0.52 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54 -t-----+----n 0.00 0.00 5.63 0.93 53 -14 -12 0.00 0.00 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 • 6 8 10 12 14 ... ....... .., ........... .. ~ ," ~' - -------------------------------------- e'l\tlature autumn spawners (1996). e 63 - t - - - - t - - - - t - - - t - - - - - t - - - - t - - - - t - - - t - - - - - t - - - - t - - - - - f A6UNDANCE 610MASS 62 - t - - - - t - - - - t - - - t - - = . J I l t t - - t - - - - t - - - - t - - - t - - - - - t - - - - t - - - . : ; ~ ~ 61 60 22.13 20.44 5.83 5.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 504.20 267.28 ff9.86 252.31 22.97 70.70 0.00 '.112.78 55. iJ7.48 54.14 4.15 18.61 3.25 0.86 469.89 115.36 0.98 105.11 25.80 0.22 73.08 451.71 1 9.23 18.06 0.00 40.19 5.09 16.35 99.87 2 .20.49 3.47 0.00 10.58, 1.34 -t------if-----t-----+---0-.0-0-+3-5-.3-,-22-7-.6-0+-9-68-.-51-,-'-9-.6-2r)7'."0-2-6-0-.9-l0r O-.-00--0-.0-0+7-.-,0 ----i---'1 f2 18.52 0.00 0.00 7.40 47.68 216.64 26.76 25.06 58.36 0.00 0.00 1.87 4.88 0.00 . • 59 0.00 0.00 LU C VI· ~ I- ~ ..J 28.42 97.32 46.38 180.82 169.7~~ 190.04 263.56 4.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, 5.95 20.39 ,6.85 26,99 24.~.•-a;.a7 39.25 58.95 1.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.43' 8.49 0.00 0.~""~.-'1+4-38-.2-5-2-'-3.-9-l4-17-6-.6-9-,,-.5-7+0-.0-0----i---; 0.00 0.00 9.31 1.25 0.00 0 . 2.09 70.28 38.42 29.98 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 58 0.00 0.00 99.52 21.65 49.97 14.80 3.76 8.28 38.57 14~.40 26.09 7.25 26.76 4."" 3.71 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.06 105.33 0.00 3.n 14.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.36 94.68 1Ö. 3.83 17.79 1. 57 0.00 0.00 fl1' '. 99.61 54.56 12. 18.72 10.25 2.28 0.00 123.53 7.58 0.00 16.09 0.99 o.n 10.06 1.70 0.49 0.05 0.23 0.02 0.22 0.02 7.23 0.78 0.26 0.03 0.01 0.00 6.13 0.66 1.28 0.14 56 - t - - - - t - - - - t - - - t - - - - - L J 0.00 0.00 18.23 108.74 2.37 14.16 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.92 0.16 55 -+----+----1----, 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.14. 0.00 0.00 54 - + - - - - - f - - - ,... 4.85 1.20 5.05 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.00 35.16 26.95 2.95 2.56 62.13 8.34 29.73 139.78 2~.67 5.59 26.26 38.08 0'; 22.51 2.09 1.2~: 53 -t----+----+-....::.J -14 ·12 ·10 ·8 ·6 ·4 -2 0 LONGITUDE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 APPENDIXC A COMPARISON OF INDICES OF HERRING STOCK (INDEPENDENT 01" THE ASSESS:VIENT MODEL) John Simmonds, SOAEFD Marine Laboratory, PO Box 101 Victoria Road, Aberdeen - 13 December 1996 Introduction In order to get some information on relative trends in the abundance of hcrring dcscribcd by different indices a simple analysis of acoustic and IBTS surveys was carried out. Both surveys provide age disaggregated indices of abundance which can be used to give indices of relative cohort strength recruiting to the adult stock. These indices can then be used as an indication of the relative performance of the two series over the period compared. The indices values used are those reported in the Herring Assessment WO Repart (Anon, 1996). Methods The year class strength measured by acoustic and IBTS surveys can be seen for years 1984 to 1996 in Figures 1 and 2 for the two surveys. The IBTS exhibits much steeper selection (faster apparent reduction of numbers at age) than the acoustic survey, but far each survey it may be assumed that the relative abundance at age in each year is an indication of year class strength. In order for the comparison to be independent of any changes in mortality between year class er between surveys only fully comparable year class strengths have been included in the analysis, thus for a comparison of the acoustic survey and the IBTS only the abundancc of 2, 3, 4 and 5 ring fish have been included in thc analysis. For some treatments the 5 ring class is not used as this is a +ring dass in thc IBTS. • The relative abundance of each cohort was estimated from the survey time series by two methods: 1. The abundance at each age \veighted by their relative abundance in the survey; this assurnes the errors are dependant on the abundance, then the relative cohort abundance is: N 2(y+1) + N 3(y+2) + N 4(y+3) + N 5(y+4) y=1996 a=5 L LN /LY ay y=1984 a=2 where N2(y+ 1) is the number of 2 ring fish in year y+ 1 and Sy is the number of years of data. Where the 5 ring observations arc excluded these are removed from bOlh top and baltom of the equation. These series are described as the weighted series. 2. Equal weight far each age, to remove thc effects of selection which is kno\'m to be different in each index, in this case the relative cohort abundance is: N 5(y+4) y=1996 + L,N 5y y=1984 N 4(y+3) y=1996 L,N 4y y=1984 + N 3(y+2) + y=1996 L,N 3y y=1984 N 2(y+l) y=1996 L,N 2y y=1984 This series is described as the normalised series. Results The relative cohort abundances derived from IBTS and acoustic surveys are shown in Figure 3. The subSlantial peak in the IBTS in the weighted series is due to a single survey and year class observation; this can be seen in E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 52 • --- --- - - ------------1 Figure 1 as an unusually high value in the 1987 cohort occurring at age 2 ring in the 1988 survey. This cohort is not seen to the same extent at I ring in 1987 or as 3 ring in 1989. The normalised series are less sensitive to this value. The ratio of the lETS cohort indices and the acoustic survey cohort indices (from Fig. 3) is shown in Figure 4 for the 1 ring in 1983 to 1993. For cIarity a three year running mean has been incIuded on the plot. The mean recruitment ratio from the acoustic to lETS surveys for the first four years of the period can be compared with the last four years of the period (these two ratios are independent of one another). The normalised series shows a relative increase of 35% in the acoustic index, the weighted index shows a 5% increase. It is possible to obtain an indication of the precision of the relative cohort indices using the three estimates of each cohort in the normalised series. The two normalised series + 1 standard deviation can be seen in Figure 5. This analysis suggests that the lang term relative performance change in these two surveys is much laee than that indicated by comparison of the assessment and the acoustic indices, and that the difference between these surveys may not be significant. It is also possible to estimate the mean CV for the acoustic and lETS series. These are estimated as: = = CV for relative lETS normalised series CV for relative acoustic normalised series • • E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 53 0.43 0.25 Figure 1. Cohort Abundance North Sea Herring trom IBTS surveys (years are surveys) 5,000 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 4,000 3,000 \ 2,000 • Figure 2. Cohort Abundance North Sea Herring trom Acoustic Surveys (years are surveys) 5,000,----------------------, 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 54 • - - - - - - - - Figure 3. Estimates of relative cohort strength (refered to 1 ring year) from 2 to 4 ring and 2 to 5 year age classes, weighted by survey abundance and weighted byequally. 18TS 2-5 norm 18TS 2-4 norm 18TS 2-5 abs 18TS 2-4 abs ACOUST 2-5 norm ACOUST 2-4 norm ACOUST 2-5abs 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 199 • ACOUST 2-4 abs Figure 4. Ratio of Relative Acoustic and IBTS Estimates of cohort strength (refered to 1 ring year )from 3 surveys ldotted)and smoothed (solid) using ages 2 to 4. 2.b r---......, 2-5 norm 2-4 norm / () 2-5 abs ........."!""........ 1.5 2-4 abs ... ... ~ 2-5 norm 1 2-4 norm 0.5 2-5 abs o 2-4 abs 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 199 55 Figure 5 Estimates of relative cohort strength ( refered to 1 ring year) from succesive surveys .:!:.1 standard deviation IBTS 2-4 years Acoustic surveys 2-4 years 5 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,------, IBTS 4 Coefficients of Variation IBTS cv=0.43 Acoust cv=O.25 3 Acoust IBTS+1sd IBTS-1sd A+1sd 2 A-1sd OL...l.----'------L.--I.--......I...-_-l.-_-l.-_-l.-_...L.-_...L.-_.LJ 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 • 1992 1993 • C-s 56 APPENDIXD PERCEPTIONS OF NORTH SEA HERRING STOCK DYNAMICS AND SURVEY VARIAßILlTY THAT ARE ROBUST TO CATCH l\IISREPORTING KR Patterson, SOAEFD Marine Laboratory PO Box 101, Victoria Road, Aberdeen 1. • This note explores what change in perception of trends in stock size, fishing mortality, landings from thc North Sea herring stock occurs when thc assumption that catches are estimated without bias is relaxed to the assumption that catches are unknown. Variances with which the various survey indices estimate stock size and age-structure are estimated, together with a simple measure of time-series correlation in the errors in spawning biomass estimates. 2. • Introduction The Model Described The model used here is a derivative of models described by Patterson (1996) and Anonymous (1996). Familiarity with those" documents will be assumed and only abrief dcscription of thc present application is provided herc. The model trcats estimates of fish abundancc separately from thc estimates of age-structure, and ignores interdependcnce in the two sorts of information. This allows biological sampling of landings for age-structurc to bc uscd in the model while not using information on total catches, which is here considered a potential source of bias and is not used. Similarly, acoustic survey estimates of stock abundance (which are principally determined by echo-integration) can bc treated separately from thc cstimates of thc agc-structure of the stock (which are derived from the accompanying trawl sampling). For consistency, the IBTS survey has been trcated in a similar way, and overall herring abundancc from that survey has been trcated as bcing measurcd separately from thc agecomposition of thc fish population. This treatment is consistent with thc usual assumption that thc greatest source of variability in surveys arises from variable catchabiltiy of the gear. 2.1 Assumptions The model has been structured with the following assumptions: • • • • • • • • 2.2 Catch data are assumed to be unreliable and are not used. Biological sampling of catches for age-structure information is assumed to be unaffected by misreporting of catches. Fish aged less than two years and more than eight years old are excluded from the animalysis. Random sampling for age is assumed in both catch and in survcys. Instead of attempting to cstimate annual fishing mortalities, a polynomial trend in fishing mortality with time is fitted. This is a simple approach to smoothing, which is used because models of this type perform extremely poorly for estimating annual fishing mortalities or landings. Landings reported between 1975 and 1981 are assumed known preciscly. Imposing this constraint allows a rescaling of the missing catch model for comparison with a conventional model. Selcction is assumed to bc uniform from ages 2 to 8. Notation Dcfining thc following variables: a,y - subscripts describing year and age N - Population abundancc W- weight of fish at agc and year P - proportions of fish at agc and ycar in thc catchcs or in thc survcys U - index of abundancc of spawning fish E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 57 Q - proportionality parameters ("catchabilities") relating the indices of abunance of the larvae and acoustic surveys to the fitted populations. F - fishing mortality fi - parameters of the fishing mortality trend in time, i =I,j T2 _ effective sampie size when sampling for proportions at age (see Haist et al., 1993 for a detailed description of this parameter). 2 . (j - survey vanance npc, nu • number of observations of proportions in the catches and in the surveys respectively. S- estimates of the variances of the proportions of fish by age in the catches, calculated on the assumption of random sampling from a multinomial distribution. Sis calculated as PC.,y(I-PC.,y)+ 0.01 (Haist et al., 1993). Cl - as S' for sampling for ages in acoustic surveys. 2.3 Struetural assumptions Fishing mortality and abundance estimates from historic VPA have been assumed to be known precisely up to 1981. Thereafter, fishing mortality is structured as (I) i.e., a simple polynomial-time model. Additional terms fi are added to the model until adding additional parameters results in no significant improvement to the model fit at the 0.05 probability level (terms are not included if the log-likelihood increases by less than 1.96). • The usual exponential mortality and catch equations are assumed to hold and are used as the structural model. As absolute estimates of stock size cannot be calculated when catches are not known, all abundance estimates are scaled to VPA-estimated values for the period between 1975 and 1981. Spawning stock biomass is simply calculated as SSB y = 2.4 La N a,y Wa,yOa,y maturity ogive (2) Information on age-structure The model is fitted by finding a maximum in the joint log-likelihood term for age-structured information and for information about the indices of abundance of spawning biomass. Omitting subscripts showing the source of information (surveys, catch sampling, etc) the 10g-like1ihood component is: (3) where S is given by (4) and T 2 is estimated iteratively as (5) For surveys, the proportions P are proportions of fish by age in the sampIes. For commercial catches, they are proportions of fish by age in the samp1ed catches, with corresponding conventional structural assumptions. E:\PFOPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 58 • 2.5 Information on abundance of spawning biomass These are treated conventionally assuming a simple proportionality of survey index to the spawning stock size from the structural model, and lognormal observation error: 1" ( --.L.J 2 Y 2 In(2ITa)+ In(QB/ U y )2 a 2 J (6) with variances iteratively recalculated as • 0"'=Ly( ln(QB~~ U y)' J (7) Separate estimates of 2 for each source of age-structured information were calculated, and separate estimates of of Q for each estimate of SSB were also calculated. 2 and 3. • Data The information used to estimate stock parameters was: • • • • • • Estimates of the proportion of total international catch by number in the adult (2+ stock), by year (1975 to 1996). Acoustic survey estimates of the abundance of spawning fish by year (1986 to 1996) Acoustic survey estimates of the proportion of fish by age in the adult stock (1986 to 1996) IBTS survey estimates of the biomass of fish (1983 to 1996) IBTS survey estimates of proportion of fish by age in the adult stock (1983 to 1996) The multiplicative larval abundance index (MLAI) from International Herring Larvae surveys These data are given in Anon (1996), except for the 1996 acoustic larval survey estimate (Simmonds, pers. comm., 1997) 4. Model Fits and Parameter Estimates Key population parameter estimates are given in Figure 1. This shows generally similar trends to those estimated in the conventional assessment model, except that: • • • • Recruitment between 1985 and 1990 is estimated as being much higher Catches in the period 1987 to 1991 are estiamted as being substantially higher than reported catches, almost reaching double reported levels from 1987 to 1990. However, as noted in Patterson (1996), the precision with which catches or fishing mortality can be estiamted with this type ofmodel is very low. The model indicates that the spawning biomass of hcrring in the late 1980s may have reached much higher levels than indicated in the conventional model. According to estimates of accuracy in Patterson (1996), estimates of stock size from this type of model are expected to be quite good. Details of the fuH model fit are given in the Appendix Tables. Estimates of the variance of survey spawning biomass estimates are: Acoustic SSB 0.32 Probability of no positive autocorrelation in errors (*) 0.02 MLAI 0.26 0.06 IBTS SSB 0.21 0.79 Survey Variance «j2) (*) Runs test, Draper and Smlth (1981, p157) E:\PFC\PGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 59 Estimates of the T 2 parameter, indicating the effective sampIe size for estimating the proportions of fish by age are: T2 Source of information Catch sampling 0.0164 Acoustic surveys 0.0022 IBTS age-structure 0.232 The above model fit and associated estimates are obtained by using aII available information, and making the assumption that the observation erorrs are independent. That however may not be the case, to the extent that different surveys may have different time-trends in residuals, which is indicated by the runs-test diagnostics. As a further data explotation exercise, the model fits were repeated but either fitting only to a) catch and acoustic survey data, b) catch and larval survey data, or c) catch and IBTS data. The same parameters were estimated, which allows a simple exploration of the dependence of perceptions of survey precision on making prior assumptions that each of the surveys in turn is "correct" with respect to the other two. The perception that the age-structure of acoustic surveys is measured accurately contrasts with the perception that the accuracy of the spawning biomass estimate from the same survey is poor. To explore the consistency of the surveys further, the model was fitted to the commercial catch sampling proportions and to the acoustie survey age-structure alone. The resulting fit agrees weil with the remaining sources of information, with the exception of the acoustic survey SSB estimate (Fig. 6). Data series Fitted to acoustic SSB+ ages 0.01644 Fitted to IBTS SSß+ages 0.01549 - Fitted to acoustic a.ges 0.0164 Fitted to MLAI 0.00215 0.00925 0.00215 0.00953 IBTS age-structure (r) 0.235 0.197 0.366 0.471 Acoustic SSB (er) 0.0866 0.375 I.I57 0.257 IBTS SSB (a 2 ) 0.898 0.196 0.366 0.250 1.44 0.376 0.336 0.257 Catch sampling (r) Acoustic survey age structure (T2) MLAI (er) 5. • • 0.01517 Discussion The following inferences could be drawn from the parameter estimates above: 1. In terms of measures of variability in abundance estimates, the IBTS abundance index performs best, the acoustic survey performs worst, amI the performance of the MLAI index is intermediate. 2. In terms of measures of between-year correlation in errors in abundance, which may be more important in terms of providing advice for management purposes, the IBTS survey is unlikely to have error correlation(P=0.97), the Acoustic survey is very likely to have correlated errors (P=0.02) and the MLAI index is somewhat less likely to have correlated errors (P = 0.06). 3. In terms of estimating the age-structure of either the catch or the stock, the acoustic survey has the largest effective sampie size, the IBTS has the smallest effective sampIes size, and the sampling of commercial catches is intermediate. Overall the model suggests that the most rcIiable sourcc of information are the acoustic survcy cstimatcs of agcstructure and the IBTS spawning biomass estimates. Such inferences are of course predicated on the assumptions made in Section 2.1, and rcly on ignoring process errors (eg changes in selection pattern, changes in natural mortality,etc). E:\PFarGIIERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 60 • 6. References Anonymous. 1996. Herring assessment working group for the area South of 62 N. lCES CM Assess: 10. Draper, N. and Smith, H. 1981. Applied regression analysis (second edition). lohn Wiley and Sons, 709pp. Patterson, K.R. 1996. Assessing fish stocks when catches are misreported: model, simulation tests and application to cod, haddock and whiting in the ICES area. ICES CM 19961D:7. • • E:\PFOPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 61 - - ---------------------------------------------------------------~ Appendix Table 1. North Sea Herring. Elements of the Missing Catch structural model Relative Populauon abundance (Populations In 1975· VPA estlmatesj 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ;,um J.~ Relative 1975 839 360 198 71 23 11 4 1976 826 148 70 43 15 5 2 1977 2BB 177 31 16 10 4 1 1978 251 103 70 14 7 4 2 1979 425 177 80 60 12 6 4 1506 1.00 121C 0.80 527 0.35 451 0.3C 764 0.51 1980 4B6 296 136 66 51 10 5 1054 0.70 1981 1406 274 185 94 47 35 . 7 1982 1383 747 161 120 61 31 23 1983 2674 831 496 118 88 45 22 1984 5472 1558 535 353 84 63 32 1985 6135 3092 973 369 243 58 43 1986 6376 3362 1673 651 247 163 39 1987 14209 3389 1975 1216 423 160 106 1988 19335 7325 1931 1243 765 266 101 1989 11644 9667 4047 1179 759 467 163 1990 5936 5646 5180 2397 698 45C 277 1991 4333 2792 2935 2976 1377 401 258 1993 3&67 2046 977 760 883 896 414 1994 5710 1702 970 512 398 463 469 15121 10.04 1992 4624 1999 1407 1635 1658 767 223 12314 8.18 2049 1.36 2526 1.68 4274 2.84 8096 538 10914 7.25 12711 844 21478 1426 30&66 20.56 27926 1854 20584 1367 9944 6.60 10224 6.79 1981 179 51 41 22 13 11 2 1982 176 1984 675 294 120 85 23 19 10 1985 633 587 219 90 66 17 14 1988 1670 1122 416 307 208 75 31 1989 1243 1595 855 285 205 132 48 1226 8.26 1627 1096 1986 66& 634 419 161 66 47 12 201e 1354 1987 1197 605 434 297 115 45 33 319 2.15 36 29 17 9 7 413 2.78 1983 340 155 111 28 24 13 7 67& 457 2726 1836 3829 2579 4363 2939 1990 636 1026 111e 577 186 127 82 3745 25.22 1991 415 541 637 705 354 111 76 1992 328 369 303 384 438 213 68 1993 217 242 209 182 242 261 130 1994 538 264 201 115 105 134 146 2839 19.12 2102 14.16 1483 999 1995 4792 2376 763 493 26C 203 235 9142 6.07 1996 3598 1934 106C 386 243 128 100 7449 495 1996 284 362 241 88 64 37 32 1975-80 1504 10.13 1995 460 446 176 116 71 60 75 1404 946 1107 7.46 148 100 1996 048 026 0.14 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 Mean Relative Spawnlng Biomass In the Population Age 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o I '-I 0'1 N ;,um J.~ Relative 1975 107 67 44 17 6 3 1 246 1.66 1976 118 28 16 10 4 1 1 178 1.20 1977 37 33 7 4 3 1 C 1978 32 19 16 3 2 1 0 1979 54 33 18 14 3 2 1 85 0.57 74 050 126 085 1980 62 55 30 16 14 3 2 183 1.23 1979 056 023 011 0.06 002 0.01 0.00 1980 046 028 013 006 0.05 0.01 0.00 1981 069 0.13 009 DOS 0.02 0.02 0.00 1982 055 030 006 005 0.02 0.01 0.01 1983 063 0.19 012 003 002 0.01 0.01 1984 068 019 007 0.04 0.01 0.01 000 1985 0.56 028 009 003 0.02 0.01 000 1986 0.50 026 0.15 005 002 0.01 o.oe 1987 066 016 009 006 002 0.01 0.00 1988 062 024 006 0.04 0.02 0.01 000 1989 042 035 0.14 004 0.03 002 001 1990 029 027 025 0.12 0.03 0.02 0.01 1991 029 0.18 0.19 0.20 009 0.03 0.02 1992 0.38 0.16 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.06 0.02 1993 0.40 021 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.04 1994 0.56 0.17 009 0.05 004 0.05 0.05 1995 0.52 0.26 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 1981 0 0.333 0.333 1982 1 0.550 0.210 1983 2 0481 0240 1984 3 0424 0271 1985 4 0.273 0.301 1986 5 0436 0332 1987 6 0.315 0.363 1988 7 0.226 0.393 1989 8 0.168 0424 1990 9 0.261 0.454 1991 10 0.247 0.485 1992 11 0.180 0516 1993 12 0.189 0.546 1994 13 0.164 0.577 1995 14 0.164 0.607 140 Proportions In the Population by Age Age 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1975 0.56 024 0.13 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.00 1976 0.77 0.12 006 004 0.01 0.00 000 1977 0.55 034 006 003 0.02 0.01 0.00 1978 056 023 016 003 0.02 0.01 000 FIshing Mortallty Parameterisatlon fears trom start WG Mortahty esl. F,tted F 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1.434 1434 1.355 1.355 0.728 0.728 0.048 0.048 0061 0.061 0.272 0.272 e. • Appendix Table 1 (contd.) North Sea Herring. Elements of the 'MCM' structural model Calches In Number Ages 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SuM '<eI. 1975 1975 571 254 145 52 17 8 3 1051 1.00 1976 613 102 50 30 11 4 2 812 0.77 1977 131 84 15 8 5 2 1 246 0.23 1978 10 4 3 1 0 0 0 19 002 1979 22 9 5 3 1 0 0 40 0.04 1980 101 64 31 16 12 2 1 227 0.22 1981 347 71 50 25 13 10 2 517 0.49 1982 227 128 29 22 11 6 4 427 041 1983 497 161 101 24 18 9 5 815 0.78 1984 1129 337 121 80 19 14 7 1707 162 lS85 1390 733 242 92 60 14 11 2542 2.42 1966 1569 866 505 176 67 44 10 3237 308 lS67 3768 940 573 353 123 47 31 5834 555 1968 5484 2173 599 386 238 83 31 8994 856 1969 3512 3048 1335 369 251 154 54 8743 832 1990 1894 1883 1807 836 244 157 97 6917 6.58 1991 1473 980 1078 1093 506 147 95 5371 5.11 1992 1630 736 542 829 638 295 86 4::>57 434 1993 1462 787 393 306 355 360 167 3831 3.65 1994 2193 683 406 215 167 194 197 4054 386 1995 1913 990 341 215 113 88 102 3763 3.58 1977 16 15 3 2 1 0 0 38 0.62 1978 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0.05 1979 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 6 0.10 1980 13 11 7 4 3 1 0 38 0.62 1981 41 10 9 5 3 3 1 72 1.16 1962 27 19 5 5 3 1 1 61 0.99 1983 59 24 18 5 4 2 1 114 1.84 1984 133 50 22 17 5 4 2 233 3.77 1965 178 120 47 19 13 4 3 384 6.22 1966 190 132 92 36 15 10 3 478 7.75 1987 373 140 103 74 29 12 9 740 11.98 1966 609 315 104 76 51 20 6 1183 19.15 1969 404 466 231 81 58 38 14 1292 20.92 1990 216 281 320 161 56 37 24 1095 17.72 1991 191 163 198 222 110 35 25 943 15.27 1992 168 129 102 130 142 70 21 763 12.36 1993 168 114 74 62 81 88 43 631 10.21 1994 285 109 74 46 40 49 54 656 10.63 1995 318 192 70 47 27 22 27 702 11.36 1977 053 0.34 006 0.03 002 0.01 1978 054 023 0.17 0.03 0.02 0.01 000 1979 054 0.24 0.11 0.08 0.02 001 001 1980 044 028 0.14 0.07 0.05 001 001 1981 Otl7 0.14 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.02 000 1982 1983 081 0.20 0.12 0.03 002 0.01 0.01 1984 066 020 007 0.05 001 0.01 000 1985 0.55 0.29 0.10 0.04 002 0.01 000 1986 0.48 0.27 0.16 0.05 0.02 0.01 000 1987 065 0.16 0.10 0.06 0.02 001 0.01 1988 081 024 007 004 0.03 001 000 1989 040 035 0.15 004 0.03 0.02 0.01 1990 027 0.27 026 0.12 0.04 002 001 1991 0.27 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.09 0.03 0.02 1992 038 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.14 006 0.D2 1993 038 0.21 0.10 008 0.09 0.09 0.04 1994 0.54 0.17 0.10 0.05 0.04 005 0.05 1995 0.51 0.28 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.02 003 Calches In Welght Ages 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cl I 0'1 W co Sum Rel. 1980·1975 m 1975 72 45 31 13 4 2 1 167 2.71 1976 77 18 11 7 3 1 0 117 1.90 Mean 1975-1980 Proportion In calches Agos 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1975 0.54 024 0.14 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.00 1976 076 0.13 006 0.04 0.01 000 0.00 ooe 0~3 0.30 007 0.05 0.03 001 0.01 61.7671 .------------------------ - Recruitment Landings ; 25 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , CIl :E 25 B 111 B 4i g: 15 .~ ~.., 1V~ -.., &! c'" 111'- 10 E ~ 5 Si 10 ~ .:l 15 _t-- 1Il'- :cc:: 20 ~ t'll 20 111 0 ... 5 t) 111 ~ o-l-!!:II\,g.m.lItill:j!=-----;-----+----l 1975 1980 1985 1990 0 1975 1995 Year 1985 1990 1995 Year Biomass Fishing Mortality 1.6...---------------, :e 30 1.4 .'" 25 111 20 B u. 1.2 11 1 .~ 0 ,..----------__.r----.., E g: 15 111.- ~ 0.8 ~ ~ 0.6 w 0.4 III III E O+--....,.;;!!!-I------+----+------i 1980 1985 1990 • 10 ffi 0.2 1975 1980 1995 5 0 8;I~iJ!II~~-_+_--_+_--.-J 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 ; Year Year Figure 1. Summary of missing catch model fit compared with the assessment model fit given in Anon. (1996). • D-9 64 Figure 2. Residual-time plots for the three surveys giving information about Spawning Stock Biomass. Log residuals for the full model fit are plotted. 0-10 65 IBTS SSB Index ~ ~ ~ 'tl .! '§, 'äj ~ :;) 2.3 1.9 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.3 -0.1 -O.!3 -0.9 -1.3 -1.7 l--------+-------+----=--\---+~t_----+--_l 5 1980 -2.1 -2.5 - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Year Acoustic SSB ~ ~ Cll ~ • 2.3 1.9 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.3 1-------+------~--~ •.....,____::A"~~+:::.~ ... ........... ._-_+_-_1 ~ ~ ~ .! -0.1 '§, -O.~H 175 1980 1985.... -0.9 ~ -1.3 :;) -1.7 -2.1 _2.5.1-. 1990 ~ - 'Qj ----1 Year MLAI ~ ~ 2.3 1.9 1.5 Cll 1.1 0.7 'tl 0.3 0:: .! -0.1 '§, -o.~ J:-----+-t-------t----~__i---~-_+-----_j 1 -0.9 ~ -1.3 :;) -1,7 -2.1 -2.5 - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - ' 7 'jjj Year Figure 3. Residual-time plots for the three sUNeys giving information about Spawning Stock Biomass. Log residuals when fitting the population model to the acoustic sUNey and to the catches alone, 0-11 66 • I IBTS SSB Index 1.8 ~ :::l "tl .~ ~ :E -r-------------------------------, 1.4 1 0.6 0.2 -o.~ /------_+_---~:___/_1I--~~f--_\_-_+:;~\;_.....----'I_\_--1 5 .~ -0.6 ~ :> . 1980 -1 -1.4 .1.8 -'-- --J Year Acoustic SSB 1.8 ~ -r-----------------------------, 1.4 :::l 1 .~ 0.6 ~ :E -o.~ "tl 0.2 /-------+-------t------~"+------+---1 5 .~ -0.6 ~ :> 1980 1985 -1 -1.4 -1.8 -1..- ----' Year MLAI 1.8 • ~ :::l "tl .~ Cl:: "tl :E 1 0.6 0.2 -o.~ .~ -0.6 ~ -1 :> -r------------------------------, 1.4 -1.4 -1.8 I------li------+----\---+--~+--"....__+_--_____.~--t 2 -1..- ..... Year Figure 4. Residual-time plots for the three surveys giving information about Spawning Stock Biomass. Log residuals when fitting the population model to the IBTS and to the catch sampling data. 0-12 67 I IBTS SSB Index 1.8,------------------------------, ~ 'tl 'in ~ 1.4 1 0.6 0.2 I - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - J ' l - - " '.......-+-~.___M~_'\:__...-..--r'\-_l -O·i 5 1980 .~ -0.6 'tl ~ ~ ::J r -1 -1.4 -1.8..1------------------------------' Year Acoustic SSB ~ 1.8 1.4 1 'tl .~ -r------------------------------, 0.6 ~ 0.2 \-- ~ -O'i 5 .~ -0.6 ~ ::J • -+ 1980 -+- --,>"-+ -+-_-j 1985 -1 ·1.4 _1.8..1--------- ---J Year MLAI 1.8.-----------------------------, (ij 1.4 ::3 1 .~ 0.6 'tl a::: 'tl 0.2 'Qj -0.6 ~ -O.~ ~ ::J 1-------1~--\:__:AH~~~4,__-+~~~-~. ...,.._:At___J_c---~ 2 -1 -1.4 -1.8 -L- --' Year Figure 5. Residual-time plots for the three surveys giving information about Spawning Stock Biomass, Log residuals when fitting the population model to the MLAI larval index and to the catches alone. 0-13 68 • . IBTS SSB Index 2.5 2 ~ 1.5 ~ 1 0.5 t -O.~ ~ "i .~ -r-----------------------------, 0+---------11------:;.---~....,_--+__'<_-_+_~"_:___,;.c----+-----=-~ 5 1980 -1 :5 -1.5 -2 -2.5 - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Year Acoustic SSB • ~ ~ 2.5 2 1.5 ~ 1 0.5 t -o.a "i -.----------------------------~---, O+--------t--------t-------:~'----------+--_.j .~ -1 :5 -1.5 -2 -2.5 5 1980 1985 -1- ---1 Year MLAI 2.5 -r----------------------------, 2 ~ 1.5 ~ 1 0.5 t -o.a ~ "i .~ :5 O+----------;f+-----"L---+--~~._-_+_--~'--""'*-_jk-+--__j 2 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... Year Figure 6. Residual-time plots for the three surveys giving information about Spawning Stock Biomass. Log residuals when fitting the population model to the catch sampling and acoustic survey age-structure information. 0-14 69 • APPENDIXE WORKING DOCUl\IENT TO TIIE PLANNING GROUP FOR IIERRING SURVEYS • FEßRUARY 1997. EFFECTS OF REDUCED SAl\1PLING EFFORT ON AßUNDANCE AND PRODUCTION ESTIMATES FROl\l NORTII SEA IIERRING LARVAE SURVEYS J Gröger and D Schnack* Institut für Ostseeforschung, An der Jägerbäk 2, D-18069 Rostock, Gennany *Institut für Meereskunde, Düstembrooker Weg 20, D-24105 Kiel, Gennany Introduction Duc to a substantial declinc in ship timc and sampling effort allocated to thc Herring Larvac Survcys since the end of thc 80s, it has been qucstioned, whether thesc surveys can still providc abundancc and production indices (LAI and LPE) comparablc to thosc of prcvious years and sufficiently reliablc for the usc as measure of stock sizc. Sincc 1992/3 a multiplicativc model was uscd to fill in missing values (Patterson and Bcveridge, 1994, 1995a) and for thc period 1994/95 no traditional indcx was calculatcd, but thc multiplicativc model approach was used to analysc overall trends in thc larval data series (Patterson and Bcveridgc, 1995b). This method assurnes that larval production in each area and time unit defined for thc traditional sampling schedulc is a certain constant proportion of thc total. In vicw of thc urgent demand for reliablc stock size cstimates, thc Herring Assessment Working Group requestcd to cvaluatc thc validity of assumptions in thc methods uscd and to define the minimum sampling effort required and possiblc survcy strategics that could bc achieved considering given restrictions in ship time. • • The Planning Group for Herring Survcys rccognised that it will not bc possible to perfonn further detailcd analyses and testing of survcy strategies at Aberdeen and, thus, suggested to transfer thc entire data set of the herring larvac surveys, presently located in Aberdeen (Scotland), to Kiel (Germany) and to update this set regularly. Maintenancc of thc data bank and standard analyscs for assessment purposes, however, were still to bc carricd out at Abcrdcen for thc timc being. This working document summarises thc present status of implementation of thc data bank and standard analyses at Kiel and of the requested specific analyses. Implementation of Data ßank and Standard Analyscs of IIcrring Larvac Sun'cys at Kiel (Gcrmany) A complete set of thc herring larvae data has first been established in Rostock. The structure of thc data bank has been c1arified and thc calculation routincs for standard analyses of abundancc indiccs havc been established according to thc definitions given in working group reports (Anon, 1985, 1986), manuals and summary presentations (Heath, 1992), and personal information obtained from Aberdeen. Thc calculation of both indices (LAI and LPE), however, include some final problems still to bc solved: Thc LPE valuc is critically depcnding on zIk estimates, obtained from thc length distribution of larvae. The sampled larvac populations did not always providc a reasonable basis for calculating these values. Thus, they havc frequently been estimated as some mean from previous surveys. The way this problem has been handled seem to differ between years and thc values utilised are difficult to identify. It appears to be essential to define a standard procedure for estimating the zIk values. For calculating the LAI there remain somc uncertaintics in the area values used to raise the mean abundance values per station, and these areas appear to differ from those used in the LPE. Hoth thcsc problems havc to be solved befoTe the indices can be calculated for individual successive time peTiods separately, within any of thc standard areas in a way that they are comparable to the combined yearly values given for these areas. It is planned to transfer the system to Kiel after it has been completely established. E:\PFOPGIIERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 70 • • Validity of Assumptions Madc in thc Multiplicath"c Model Approach It has already been mentioned by Patterson and Beveridge (l995b) that the assurnption for this model approach may be invalid, as the distribution of herring spawning areas have undergone strong changes. Figure I compares the proportion of larvae abundance for the four traditional spawning areas in the North Sea. The LAI values for ShetlandlOrkney are taken as standard and those from Buchan, Central North Sea and Southern North Sea are given as percentage compared to this standard. It is obvious that there are significant changes in the relative importance of the individual areas between extended periods: The large percentages for the compared areas in the 80s and mostly small values in the 70s and 90s up to now, do indicate a long-term trend, which is to some extend common among two or three areas but different from the SheltlandlOrkney area. • Due to this condition the present analyses did not consider the model in more detail but focused on evaluating the cffect of using only two or three target areas on the relation between abundance or production index and spawning stock size as derived from VPA. The effect of timing of the surveys has not yet been analysed duc 10 the above mentioned problem in recalculating the indices. The area effect could be studied by the available indices from lhe given data set. Effect of Reduced Sampling by Using Targct Areas on tbc Reliability of Abundancc Indices • Area specific regressions of abundance indices on SSB and also Figure 1 indicate that it might be reasonable to use the ShellandlOrkney area and either the Buchan or the Soulhern North Sea or may be these three as target areas. The results from combining the LAIs and LPEs from these areas (two and three) have been compared to those from combining a11 areas including VIa north as there is a large scale advection from west of Scolland to lhe northern Noith Sea areas (Heath, 1992). The combination has been done by simply using the corresponding sums of the index values. Figure 2 provides scatter plots for LAI and LPE comparing tolal coverage with the combination of Shetland/Orkney and Buchan. Including the southern North Sea results in an intermediate situation. The main question is whether the variance explained by regression is reduced by using the target areas or not and if so, whether it could be increased by adding complete coverage in certain intcrvals. Figures 3 and 4 show for LAI and LPE respectively, the effect of an increasing distance bctween complete covcrage on the slope, the residual variance (standard deviation = RMSE) and the percentage explained variance (r 2 = RSQ). The RSQ-value is a redefined value for a model excluding the effect of the intercept, which was in no case statistically significant. Thus, the absolute value of RSQ is higher than from the regular model. The last values for a 23 years distance includes no complete coverage in the given data series. The counling starts 1972, but due to missing values the data series includes a total of 18 data point (1976-1993). • The main result appears to be, that there is no substantial effect on the explained variance (RSQ) for bolh indices and both area combinations. The RMSE values for LAI are exceptiona11y high for one year and for 19 years distance of complete coverage. This is duc to an exceptiona11y high and fairly uncertain value in the total LAI value for 1990, which is included in the data set only in these two i!1stances. The values for LAI are fairly stable, whereas the LPE is more sensitive to the specific year included as complete coverage. But again the reduction to the target areas does not reduce the explained variation of the regression, and inclusion of complete coverage does not seem to provide any improvement. The problem of defining the precision of the required inverse prediction of SSB from the larvae indices has not yet been sufficiently addressed. Some attcmpt, however, has been made to look for trends in the inverse prediction error by calculating the variance of the predicted SSB on the basis of a method described by Neter et al. (1985) for utilising calibration regressions. Figure 5 presents, as an example, prediction errors from a very low and a very high abundance index value for the different steps from complete to only target area coverage. The absolute values are not meaningful, as extremely low and high values have been used in comparison to see if this may have an effect on the trend. There may be some slight but not substantial increase in the prediction error towards the reduction to the target areas in case of LAI. For LPE this is not obvious within the range of variation of these values. E:\PFaPGIIERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 71 • Conclusion The results lead to the general impression that restriction of the sampling to only two target areas, including ShetlandlOrkney and Buchan or southern North Sea does not reduce the reliability of stock size estimates. As the southern stock component is managed separately, this area should be included in any case and it is to be expected that the combination of this area with Shetland/Orkney will provide comparable results to those obtained with the combinations presented as exarnples in this paper. This should be checked, however. Additional complete coverage do not seem to improve the results but could be required for other purposes, eg to check for changes in the system compared to the observed data series. If the problem of estimating reasonable zIk values for the LPE ca1culations is solved, this method might be favourable, as it is to be expected that only one coverage could be sufficient in each of only two target areas. The question of timing of the surveys has already been discussed in some detail by the Working Group on Herring Larvae Surveys (Anon, 1990). But after adequate standardisation of the ca1culation method, the effect of timing should again be studied for both indices in view of restriction to the target areas. The present results do not indicate that estimation of stock size based on the regression with larval abundance indices for a combination of the two or three target areas mentioned here would be less reliable than base on a complete area coverage. References Anon. 1990. Report of the Working Group on Herring Larvae Surveys South of 62 N. ICES CM 19901H:32 Anon. 1985. Report ofthe Working Group on Herring Larvae Surveys South of62 N. ICES CM 19851H:3 • Anon. 1986. Report ofthe Working Group on Herring Larvae Surveys South of62 N. ICES CM 19861H:3 Heath, M. 1992. An evaluation and review of the ICES Herring Larvae Surveys in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters. Contribution to American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section Los Angeles 23-27 June 1991. Proceedings Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. Neter, J., Wassermann, W. and Kutner, M.H. Homewood-I1linois. 1985. Applied linear statistical models. Richard D. lrwin, Patterson, KR. and Beveridge, D. 1994. Report of the Herring Larvae Surveys in 1992/l993. ICES CM 19941H:25 Patterson, KR. and Beveridge, D. 1995a. Report of the Herring Larvae Surveys in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters in 1993/l994. ICES CM 19951H:22 Patterson, KR. and Beveridge, D. 1995b. Report of the Herring Larvae Surveys in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters in 1994/l995. ICES CM 19951H:21. E;\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 72 • • ... Area LAis relative to Shetl/Orkn. --- Buchan --*--- Centr.NS ..•--- South.NS 140 120 100 Q) Cl as ..... c 80 ...0 60 (]) Q) a. 40 20 0 1970 1975 1985 1980 1990 1995 Year Figure 1 Trends in herring larvae abundance indices (LAI) für Buchan, Central Nürth Sea and Süuthern North Sea as percentages üf the value für the Shetland/Orkney area. • E-6 73 LAI vs SSB • 7 0 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 60 . j • 50 --g Total ...................... __ _- * . . •............... - - SH+B 1 t· ·nn n ••• 40 (l) Cf) :J a:s I- --- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* " •• • ............................................................................................................•......................................................................... 30 20 • 1O • .*='"" * •................. ~ ~ "'~ * o 0,25 ,* • . 0,5 0,75 SSB (Millionen) 1 1,25 • LPE vs SSB 4000..-------------- 3000 ..... / • Total SH+B -, / . • w a.. ~ 2000 . '* • 1 000 • ........................................•................. ..- ..............................•....* • * * • ~ . * * 0-+--'-----,-----..----------.----.---_ o Figure 2 0,25 0,5 0,75 SSB (Millionen) 1 1,25 Scatterplots of herring larvae abundance index (LAI) and production estimate (LPE) versus spawning stock biomass (SSB) based on herring larvae survey data from all North Sea spawning areas including subarea VIa north (Total) compared to combined results from Shetland/Orkney and Buchan area only (SH+B). 74 • LAI: Effect of area reduction (Sh + B) • 10000.------------------------.100,0 • co j (f) (f) (/) > 80,0 8000 <! -< .....J 10 ........ o -?fl. 6000 T""" i< Q) 0 (f) er: 0... o (j) "U c 40,0 4000 ro • w (f) \ :2: er: Siope 2000 ---,----,----,---,.--.-.-...,--.,-r---=i=----r---,-----.---.----r---,.-,..-...,--..---"r----.--r-----r-+ 20,0 o 5 10 15 20 No of years between comp!. surveys +. • LAI: Effect of area reduction (Sh+B+D) 10000..--------------------------.100,0 ........ ca (f) (f) CJ) > <! 80,0 . 8000 .....J L () • ........ < 0 T""" 6000 60,0 i< Q) ?fl. -. 0 (f) er: 00 (f) "U c ro w (f) :2: er: 4000 40,0 ~e... .. :--A-A--A-.-.---...-----.--A-....-.. A---.l..-.Il.-... 2000 -I-.----,--..,--r---,--r----.---,---,.---,.-,-...,--.,-.----r--r-r---.----r---,.-,-,..-.--+-20, 0 5 10 15 20 o No of years between comp!. su rveys Figure 3 Regression of LAI on SSB: Effects of reduction in sampling effort by increasing the number of years between complete surveys (total. area coverage) and sampling in between in two or three target areas only. SH+B: Shetland/Orkney and Buchan as target areas. Sh+B+D: Shetland/Orkney, Buchan and Downs (southern North Sea) as target areas. Regression parameters: Siope, Standard error of Residuals (Root Mean Square Error = RMSE), and R2 (RSQ given as percentage). 75 LPE: Effect of area reduction (Sh +8) 900-,-,--------------------,100,0 ...-... co Cf) Cf) (/) > w a... - -l ~ 50J- · ......................................................···················60,0 &~ o Cf) CI: ~ 300l~:~----100 • 20,0 I o 5 . 10 15 20 • No of years between compl. surveys LPE: Effect of area reduction (Sh+B+D) m 900....----------------------.-100,0 RSO Cf) Cf) (/) > w 700 V\~ \._ ..................................... . ........................................................................ 80,0 a... -l l {) < ~ 500 ......................................................···················60,0 <D ""Q. Cf) CI: o Cf) "'0 c ~ w Cf) ~ .... 40,0 300 Siope CI: 1 00 -f-'----"-r---l----.----r----r-r-'--'---.--.--..-r-l---r---.---,-r-,--,--,--,-t-2 0 ,0 o 5 10 15 20 No of years between compl. surveys Figure 4 0 Regression of LPE on SSB: Effects of reduction in sampling effort by increasing the number of years between complete surveys (total area coverage) and sampling in between in two or three target areas only. SH+B: Shetland/Orkney and Buchan as target areas. Sh+B+D: Shetland/Orkney, Buchan and Downs (southern North Sea) as target areas. Regression parameters: Siope, Standard error of Residuals (Root Mean Square Error = RMSE), and R2 (RSQ given as percentage). 76 • LAI: Pred.Err. vs Reduction {Sh+B+D} • 50..,.'------------------'?~r.------, ·. ··· ... .' ' .) '' Max LAI « .....J 40 - ------....... . c :2: ~,' ~t" . <;t ""'"... '*. ~~ ,~ .. *.*. "'*'".,' I ~.""" ""', * * " ' *' i. . ,''''~ ~ ~ ' \~ .*-.* €.'''' .•...•••....\ ..•• ;~.....•..••.......•••... ,," ;t[ I < 30 0 ...- -l< • ~ • ...: .... w -0 ....<1> 20 . a... 1 0 +-...---~,-----,--r---,------,---,----,----.-.---..,--r-r---r----.--.---.--.---.----.-.---..,---j o • 10 15 20 5 No of years between comp!. surveys LPE: Pred.Err. vs Reduction {Sh+B+D} 50...----------------------r100 LU a... 40 .....J C 90 Max LPE . ........ 80 . ... ~H. •••••• .... ~ :2: .....J I I ~,* I \. T <;t 70 o ~60 ...- -l< m 10I < o ...- -l< ...: .... Min LPE w -g.... >< :2: ·········\/················~50 < 30 w a... 20 40 30 a... ...: .... W V ....<1> a... 20 1 0 -+---'--"'---'----"'---'----'----'----'-----'--'----'-...--.--r---I--.-.---.--.---.----.-.---'-+- 1 0 o 5 10 15 20 No of years between comp!. surveys Figure 5 Inverse prediction error according to Neter et al. (1985) for SSB, estimated from extreme low (1) and high (61277) values of LAI and LPE. Effect of reduction in sampling effort by increasing the number of years between complete surveys (total area coverage) and sampling in between in three target areas only: Shetland/Orkney, Buchan and Downs area. 77 • • " APPENDIXG COMMUNICATION INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH VESSELS Telephone Vesse1 Mobile GO Sars jBridge: +47 9455 6811 lMess: +4794505071 .............................}jGSM: +4791193383 Scotia 1+44836385975 I Telefax Satellite Mobile I Telex Radio call sign Satellite ~+871 3257 15010 1::::+4794549900 1:,'+8713257 15012 :+5814257 15010 1+871 3257 15011 !+581 3257 15014 . . ~ . ················1············ ········..·············· !+871 1440552 l+44 836385975* 1+871 1440561 l 1+872 1440552! 1+872 1440561! ! ~ i 1 LLZG . . GOWS ~ . ·..····..··r···. .· . · · ·..·. · · · · · ·. · . · ·..···~+s·7Tii'2"jii7"·· ···· ·r····· · ·. · · · ·. · · ·············!+87i·iii·3ii"i ·······..··..1+s"8"i··ü"2'3iif···..··· T.· 'DB"FR..·..·..· · ~.~~!.8..~~.~ .L L L L h:?~}. ~~~} . ~~.?.?.9. L . ~~it~; Irridens ! 5~~~· ·..· . ·.. ··ls~·i~~·ti~t~+4·5""3·0~i"8 . 6·8·64···..·i+s·7Ti6Toios..·..· ··· :Bridge: +45 3020 0363 E:\PFQPGHERS97\REP.DOC 19/03/97 l ! j r..· : ··..· ···..···..·····..·· 1 1+87i..j·6'i"020f..··..·..· t+5S·i··i6"i..020S ~ : ·..····.. t · ·oxl31(..····.. ~ • • .. • APPENDIXH PLANNING GROUP FOR HERRING SURVEY - ABERDEEN 24·28 FEBRUARY 1997 Name felephone No lRichard Aukland ........................................................ lMartin Bailey IFacsimile No IE-mail ! j+44 1224295539 1+44 1224295511 ~un ~ [+44 1224295539 !+44 1224295511 .. ~~~·i·F~;~~d~~·····················t~4··1·224··295·403················1~44··i·2·24·2·95·5·i·l················lf~~~~~d·~~~~@·~~i~b~~~~~k··············· : ; : ~b·~~h~d·GÖ·;;~····················r~49··40··38·90·S2·32··············1~49·4o·3·89Ö·52·64·············T····· . ~·ii~··Häk~~~~~~····················t~6··523·1··87·i6·····················t:46·s2"3"i··3·97·7·····················I~~·h~k~·~~~~·~·@·i~:~;···························· ...........................................................~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n ••• n ••u •• n n ···..···..····· ···· ~+49 40 3890 5232 k:ornelius Hammer nn.nn ~ nnn nn ·..······1···..·..···· ···· ! ··• ~+49 40 3890 5264 ~ nn.n n . ~ ..................................................................................................• • • • • • .. n Kenneth Patterson [+441224295507 l+44 1224295511 .........................n I i 1 ,1 ~~~~··R;id·····_························~44··i224··295363················i:44··i·224··;·95s·i·l················I~;idd~@·~·~i~b:·~~:~k··········..·············· lDietrich Schnack I .......................................................................... Jo 60 ~ Simmonds (Chairman) 1+44 1224 295366 . ' ~+44 1224295511 . ~:~~~:~~~~:~~~~:~~:::::::::::::::t~~::~:~~~::~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::1~~~:~~:~~:~:~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::H:~~:~~~:.:~:~~~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~.~~.~. :~.~~~~.~ .J~:=?.~.~~~ . ~=~.~ .J~~:=.:.~.::. ~.~~.: ..i~.~.~~.~~.~~~:~.~ . ~7 lEise Torstensen E:\PFaPGHERS97\REP.DOC 1+473705 9000 19103/97 3705 9001 80 ,.