C.M.1993/C:S9 Hydrography COßuuittee International Councll for the Exploration of the Sea Greenland Sea Deep Waters: Areport on ·1993 winter and spring. ~ruises by RVs POLARSTERN and VALDIVIA B. Rudels, 1. Meincke, H. Friedrich and K. Schulze Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg Troplowitzstr. 7, D-22529 Hamburg, Gerrnany Introdtlction The outflow of deep water from the Canadian BaSiri, which mal' be identified in Fram Strait (Rudels, 1986), was thought to bypass the Greenland Sea and either enter the Icelandic Sca across 'ar thc Norwegian Sea along thc Jan Maycn Fracture Zone (Aagard ct al., 1991; Rudels,' 1986). A third decp water component 'supplied by th~ Arctic Occan is the lighter Upper P~lar Dcep Water. It fills the Arctic Ocean between the Atlantic Layer and the sill depth '. of thc 1 , , ' I' I, I, I' . ! ,. ', , I, ' , Lomonosov Ridge. It is forrned in both basins of the Arctic O~ean and it lies in the same dcnsity range as the Arctic Intcnncdhitc Watcr forrned!inthc Grccnland Sea. In conträst to. the latter, it is identified by vertlc:u grndients stable in both heat and salto , The distinct charaeteristlcs of the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland Sea dcep' watcrs make them easily recognizable and we shall examine the inOuence and the importance of the Arctic Ocean waters for ihe ventilation of the' deep Greenland, ,Sea. Thework is basrid on obserVation in the Greenlarid Sea collected in late.winter and spring 1993 from the vessels RV Polarstern (24/3 - 18/4) and RV Valdivia (15/5- 17/6). The station positions are shown in figure 1. Tbc winter convcction had cCaScd arid advcctive proccsscs domimitcd the rriixing. On the Polarstern cruisc a NBIS Mark llIb CTD was used while a SBE-11 CTD was employed on the Valdivia cruise. Both instruments worked properly. The conduciivÜy was calibrated by ,vater sampies analyzed on board using Guildiine Autosal. The accuracy in ' ! . p.s.ti. is 0.003. I . a Deep ,vnter renewnl in {he GrcenJnncl Sen. j Recent efforts to study deep convection in the Greenla~d Sea (Meiricke, 1991) have shown that the corivection operates iritermittently at rriost and tracer studies iridicate that no deep convectiori has occurred in the Greenland Sea betwcenl 1982 and,1988 (Rhein, 1991); This shiftS the balance in the ventilation of the Greerila.rid Sea towards astate, where the deep water contrihütlons of the Arctic Ocean become more prominent. A comparison between 0-S curves taken in, the central Greenland Sea from RV \Valdivia wiih those obtained from RV Hudson in 1982 confirms this. Figure 2 displays ;0-S curves for two stations in the central Greenland Sea laken on the Htidson and Valdivia cruises respeetively. ' , ' I ' .. The most notabie difference is the ,varrrier und more' saline deep temperature maximum J " ; ' . ' .., , • , '. observed 10.1993. The sahmty, 1S In fact so h1gh that a second shallower sahmty max1mum is prescnt at aboiii 1000 m. This riuciirrii1l11 is seen at most stations in the western and in the southem Grcenlarid Sea although' Ü is absent at station i8, riearest to station 12 towards the cast. Themaximum is tao dccp und too derise to be crcatcd by an inOux of AiIantic Watcr, either from the Norwegian Atlantic Current in the east or from the Atlantic Return Current in the west. Since. the maximum is strongest to the ,;,rest arid to the sOlith (compare the salinity sections, givcn in figure 3 for the Valdivia cruise) it is probably the signal of Cariadian Brisin beer Water, CBD\V, penelrating from 'the Greenland coritinental slope arid from the, Jan Mayen Fracttire Zone to\vurds the up\veiling regime in the ceriter of the cyclonic Gre~nland Sea gyre. " . • _. .,. J .' . ' , l' ~'" '. l, ~ • " " I ~,' " " ; '; . '.. , .' , '",' I' ,.' ~ . , " , . , '.. li " . The'. " 0-S ctirves •from stations in . the.south,' Close io! the fraeture zone (flgure' ., 4 shows •\ .,. ', ' 4, • , ,., •. 2 examples), exhIbIt a slope perpendicular to the isopycnals above the upper saliriity maximum. This shows that also the upper prirt of the' deep boundarY current exiiing the Arctie Ocean tllrough Fram Strait might detach from the' continental slope and peneti-ate into the deep central basin albeit alorig the Jari Mayen Fracture Zone. ' 'I I , , • ,> ' ,:. " " , , ,,; j ,', ,',' , , ",I" • " '" ! , In the wmter 1992/93, the convectlOn was limited to thc upper 1000 m (compare figure 5) and only water in the range of Arctie Intermcdiate Water, AI\V, was forrried. The sti-ength of the convection earl be assessed from the thickness of the associatcd cold, iow salinity lense. In thc ccntral gyrc the lense is elose to 1000 rri thick but the ihick11ess diminishcs towards the pcfiphery of lhe gyrc (cciinparc figure 3). The intera~tion beiwecn the cold lense arid lhe ' I , I , I 2 I I I I I, periphery occurs through isopycrial interleaving and it is stfo~gest t~wards th~ west and south. Especially prominent is thc intruding shallow salinity and temperature maximum of the Atlantic Return Current~ which is present on most of the western stations (2 cxamplcs are displayed in figure 6). . ' . Thus, thc shallower convcction occurring hi recent ye:irs riiust be responsiblc fOf the differericcs between the observations from 1982 and from 1993. Norrnally the convecting waier would be denser and the CBDW would be entrained into arid mixed downward by the convectirig plumes. The upper salinity maximum would theri be rerriove~ and the temperature maxirrium would be reduced, heat and saIt bcirig added to ihe bYpa.ssing convectirigwater. The spreading of newly formed AI\V from thc center of the gyre' will rCs~lt in a compensating inOow of CBDW; which - because of the shallow convection - is easily deiected by its saIinity and temperature maximum. Inversions arc ~~en in thc profiles and in 8-S curves which indicate intrusive mixirig witholder Greenland Sea Deep Water, GSD\V. The deeper penetration towards the center thus also appcars io be isopycriic.· . The corivectivc arid the advective contrÜmtions to the deep waters of the Greenland Sea thus alternate in strCrigth and importaricc. At times the.local conveciion is even stronger than in 1982 and capable to remove riot only ihe upper salinity maximum but to penetrate the deeper maximum also a.nd renew the bottom water. Most of the time~ however, the ouillow from the Arciic Occan domiriates and rapidly reforrrls the temperature and sa1inity struetu're of the' deep waters. . This simple picture is~omp1icated by the observation thai the freon coritent of GSBDW above 2000 m has increa.sed as compared to 1988 (Rhein, pers. comm.). This is at odds with a perictration of low freon CBD\V futo the central Greenland Sea. Ii ca.n only be understood, if ihe convection eventS down to 2200 m reported from ihe winter 1988/89 were more extensive than previously believed (Meincke, 1991). That would provide the necessary freon irijectiori and the high freon content of the convecting siirface water would more thalt compensate for the inriux or' "olderi, CBDW. The possibility ihat the freori content has increaSed by turbulent diffusiori from above appears less 1ikely, since this would' mean that the Greenland Sen.. no corivcctiori was needed to ventilate the deeper layers or The most c~nspicuous effect of the reduced convection in the Greenland Sea is the overall decre,ase iri density of almost the entire water column as compan~d to 1982. The ,vinter 1992/93 was exiremely stormy and the lower densities found 3t all levels in 1993 in comparison to 1982 suggest thai ihe doming of isopycnals in the cenu-al Greenland Sen (Helland-Hansen and Nanseri, 1909) might to a large exterii be causcd not by the wind but by the convection itseIf. When the convection is reduced, will slump down, spread out of the gyre lind induce a compensating inOow at higher levels. If this inOow occurs along isopycnals it will~ because of the relaxation of the domirig, lead to a reduction iri the density of thc central water column. This in turn weakens thc cyclonic circulation and the arctic deep waters willless be pressed against the continerital slope and instead of bypassing rather eriter further increase the temperature and sa1inity in a sense which thc Greenland Sea. This reduces the density of the water column in the central gyre. will 3 I • The higher densities, fmirid also at levels ,..lafter penods. .of, act1ve conveciion, . intennediate .." , suggestthat a eonvcetive build up of denser watcr is nceded in the cntire water colurnn before the loeal convection can reach the bottom~ This could imply that thc obSerVed trend of inereasing tcmperature and salinitY,and dcereasing density in the,bottorn layers, caused by turbulent vertieal inixirig of iritruding Europeari Basin Deep Water EBDW with; the Greenland Sea Bottom \Vater;does .,riot indicate anl im~irierit d,eep, c~ri.ve:tion event penetrating through and renewing the bottorn water. A massIve convcct1ve SItuatIOn appears neeessary gradually involvirig almost the entire water column. This requires a strong surfaee forcing and appropdate eonditions of the upper wa'ter eolumn, whatever those right preeonditions might bc.. ,1 ' .. :. ,-, , -, . I I . . Acknowledgrnent: This ~ork was supported by Soncterforschungsbereich :318: Klimarelevante Prozesse im System Ozeim..Atmosphfu-e-Kfyosphfu-e. We also appreciate the .' .readily aetive support by eaptains und crews of the p~ciiJatirig vessCIs.· ,I Refererices: ' ; . . .. I ;. ",' I, .' . i . !... . ., Aagard K~, J.B. Swift and E.C. Carrnack - 1985: Thermohaline eirculation in the Aretic Mediterrancan Seas. J.Gcophys.Res.,90,4833-4846 Aagard K., E. Fahrbach, J. l\leiriCke rind J.H. Swift • 1991: Saline outDow from' the Afctie Ocean: ItS eoritribution to the .dcep waters of the'I Greenland, Norwegian and Ieeland ' . ' ' Seas. J.Geophys.Res.,96,20433-20441 ! . ' ; Heinze C., P. Schlösser, K.P. Kolterrilanri and J. l\tleincke • 1990: A tracer study of the deep watcr renewal in the European pol~ seas. Deep Sea Res.,37,1425-1453 HelIand-Hansen B. and F. Nansen • 1909: Thc Norwegiari sea. ItS PhysicalOceanography~ based upon the norwegian researches 1900-1904. Kristiania det Mallingske Bogtrykkcri. l\leincke J.• 1991: Variability of convective eonditions in the Greenland Sea. ' ICES,VariabilitySyrnposium Mariehamm, paper 2 i '. ' Rhein 1\-1. - 1991: Ventilation 'rates of the Greenläridl rind Norwegian scäs' dedvcd from distributions of the chloroDuoroinethanes Fl1 und F12. Deep Seii Res.,38,485-503 ' Rudels. B. ~ 1986: On thc 8-S structure in the Northem SenS: Implieations for the decp circulation. PolarRes.,4,133-159 .. . ,' . I Srnethie 'V.I\I., II.G. ÖsUund and II.II. Loosli - 1986: Ventilation of the dcep Greenland and Norwegian Seas: evidcnce from krypton-85, tritium',carbon-14 and argon-39. , " j, ' . , . ' .. ' Deep Sea Res.,33,675-7.o3 Smethie 'V.M., D.\V•. Chipman, J.II. Swift. arid K.P. KoJtermann - 1988: Chloronuoromethanes in the Ärctic Mediterranean SenS: Evidence for formation bottom water in the Eurasiari. Basin and deep-water exchange through Fram Strait. 4 • Deep Sea Res.,35,347-369 'l . I . . " .-' , . ' ~ I , '. . '.. ," . p , oe I I. I I' 4 . r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...--- ... Polarstern ARK 9/1 -10' O' 23.3 - 17.4. 1993 35 t 3~Cl~I--'--' ~5 3.7 6~ 6'l,.el e~ 6.7 .3B -10' O' b) VALDrvrA 136 18.5.- 8.6.1993 O' Fig. 1: Slalion posilions. a) RV POLARSTERN, b) RV VALDIVIA .. -- -_._.~_. -_._---- -- .-- ...- . _ .. ._._w.·~ ·~· __ ·_·_· HUDSON 5TA. NO. 58 CTD CAST 1 n) 2 ~ 0 -1 34.70 34.80 34.90 S,\UNITY (0/00) 35.00 i : 3.I1ßßO - ..... b) -z.ßmm - I ! I I J4.7R80 - - - - - - - ..__._-----._.._.. - - Fig. 2: G-S dingrams. a) RV HUDSON, station 58 (75N;OGW;March 19R2) h) RV VALDIVJA, station 12 (74.5N;OGW;May 1993) -- --- ....... --------------------- Fig. 3: RV VALDIVIA cruise 136, salinity sections. a) zonal scction at 75N b) meridional scction, central Greenland Sea • ._---------------------------' I / ... " o'"" 3 "l:l o "l ~ ~ 1= "l o .., P- o (l:l ... (") ,/; ./. ; . 27 ' I 10::;;1 .,;./ /' : ,/~; b) : I i : ; 98 I I I ·1 / I I I ( I . ·~:;.;;4--1--/f,L:- j-/i P ! /~ :/. ./., A 27 ' 96 I I I~ jZ(}' ; e B :7/ -··~'·····i················-·-l~1-······-j···-~~-······.' - / ZR. IR i //: ! /<1,/! ; /" - :;A~·········-~~t······V·-·-!--·/(-· /;/·~l,/·J-·/i /1 ~ J// i ~:~<:: . L. L.L L. L.J L . l... ~ ,/ i" . : / /1 i . : I Fig. 4: E>-S diagrams, RV VALDIVIA cruise 136. a) station 16 (72.5N;08W;May 1993) b) station 20 (72.25N;14.3W;May 1993) • .............. :· ···· : ...... .. ~ ·····..·····..····r··. :. ..... . ... . . .! .; · . ·.. ···1··. ···..·····.. ···r. ~ _ . : u •••••••••.•• . . ............................. ············..····;······..········1·····..··..•··..·;····· ~ . ! . ···•..•..···..··•·..;···..··········· ··············1····· ~ s~linity, rSS~7ß ~ : rrSUJ . . : 3~.B~e{j Fig. 5: T,S-profiles, RV VALDIVIA cruise 136, station 8 (74N;04.3W;May 1993) .. -----------_._-_._-----------, a) ·t·.. · · . · · . ·.. t········ .- ..:. . .. : . ';,. T . • ••••.••••• ~ j ;-.... \" . •. ~., '[ . ~ .•••• ,_ ••••••.•• -l •.••••••. ! i .. Si T I I ! J ----------------------_._-----:Y b) ~ ( ~-~ :.. J _ . .r ..... ..•.. ...•.1' . •.•... ...~ ................................................................, ;. -, ~. ;. . - . . Fig. 6: T,S-profiles, RV VALDIVIA cruise 136. a) station 12 (74.5N;06W;May 1993) b) station 13 (74N;06.5W;May 1993) •