Kollmorgen AGV History & Automation Solutions

Kollmorgen Automation AB
Lunnagårdsgatan 4
SE-431 90 Mölndal, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0) 31 93 80 00
Fax: +46 (0) 31 93 81 00
E-mail: driverless@kollmorgen.com
2009. LS5 was designed for rough conditions. In applications in
the wet and in the cold, it always performs.
Laser navigation launched in Singapore
1991. With the launch of laser navigation in Singapore, the technology
became the first of its kind to gain acceptance in Asian and global markets.
1972. With the implementation of 186 wire-guided
vehicles, Volvo pioneered the industrial AGV System.
201 W Rock Rd
Radford, VA 24141, USA
Phone: 540-633-5560
E-mail: driverless@kollmorgen.com
Information & specifications subject to change at any time. Printed in Sweden.
© Kollmorgen Automation AB 2014
2011. A compact and rugged high-performance
controller called the CVC600 was developed for
all kinds of automated vehicles.
The development of automated guided vehicles by Kollmorgen
The future is for those
that shape it
Tetra Pak. A large-scale rollout of AGVs within
the factories of Tetra Pak saw the first global
application of the AGV System.
Volvo. With the implementation of 186
wire-guided vehicles, Volvo pioneered
the industrial AGV System.
Partner Model Introduced.
All business is local.
A partnership model was
introduced to reach all
markets with a local partner.
System 6. The microprocessor was
introduced in AGV Controls. Two-way
communication between vehicle and
stationary controller gave more flexibility.
System 7. A set of flexible control cards,
PLC-like programming, improved layout
handling, wire guidance with “off-wire”
capabilities, and a platform for new
navigation methods were just some of the
benefits of the new ACC70 controller.
The world around us
The Floppy Disk. The 80kb
floppy disk was meagre by
today’s standards. Yet it paved
the way for modern digital
information storage.
The Walkman. With the
arrival of the Walkman, all of
a sudden, anyone, anywhere,
at anytime, could add a
soundtrack to their life.
Post-it Notes. The iconic
76mm squares we know
as Post-it notes became a
household name through
a very simple idea.
LS5. The LS5 was designed for rough conditions. In
applications in the wet and in the cold, it always performs.
System 7S. The amount of engineering hours
needed to program and commission a system were
dramatically reduced thanks to the new System 7S.
The world of Kollmorgen
Looking back over the past few decades, there have definitely been
some stand-out moments for us. These moments have fostered
innovation, growth, partnerships, and have ultimately brought us to
where we are today. And as our industry continues to take leaps and
bounds forward, we are proud to be part of that journey. At the same
time, there have been many breakthrough moments in the world
around us. We find it completely inspiring, which helps us keep
pushing our technology now, and well into the future.
GPS. The release of the Global Positioning System (GPS)
into the commercial market opened a myriad of new
possibilities for geographic data and mapping.
The Laptop Computer. Laptop computers took personal
computing off the desktop and into the culture of portability
that is so prevalent today.
Laser navigation launched in
Singapore. With the launch of
laser navigation in Singapore, the
technology became the first of its
kind to gain acceptance in Asian
and global markets.
Multi-wheeler. The arrival of
the Multi-wheeler brought with
it an increased capability of
handling much larger loads.
Quad Vehicle. The development of the
Quad vehicle allowed lateral movement
in all directions, making it much easier to
reach a variety of areas.
NDC8. The new NDC8 included
everything needed to provide
excellent AGV control solutions
– independent of application.
Focused on customers’ demands,
designed for future expansions,
the NDC8 set a new benchmark
for the driverless market.
Lazerway Teach-In. Using
standard forklifts for automated transports and stacking
challenged how internal
materials handling operated.
Production processes became
standardized and cost-effective
solutions were soon realized.
Multinavigation. Multinavigation
enabled an AGV to select the ideal
navigation to accommodate the needs
of the environment it operated in.
AC Drives. Low maintenance
costs and the smooth and safe
operation of AGVs were among
the reasons for introducing
support for AC motors.
2011 Automating
CVC600. A compact
your world
The Digital Camera. The
first commercially available
digital camera severed the
dependence on analog film,
changing the way we capture
the moments that matter.
World Wide Web. The invention
of the World Wide Web brought
sweeping change as to how the entire
world operates and communicates.
The MP3. Portable MP3
tracks (and players) appear in
the market, redefining record
companies, fandom, artists
and music in general.
The Segway. The Segway used
sensors, software and imagination to
create a method of travel that was as
revolutionary as it was peculiar.
Pick-n-Go®. Pick-n-Go is a concept
that introduces automated standard
forklifts into the order picking process.
It integrates with existing warehouse
management systems and processes.
The Smartphone. The term ‘smartphone’
was coined, and with it came the blending of
a mobile phone with a computing platform.
With over four decades of
knowledge serving as our
foundation, we will continue
to shape our industry well
into the future.
Our DNA code. Mapping of the
entire human genome has radically
changed medical science and public
healthcare forever.
and rugged highperformance controller
called the CVC600 was
developed for all kinds
of automated vehicles.
The Global Seed Vault. Tucked quietly away on the remote
Norwegian island of Spitsbergen are native seeds from nearly
every nation across planet earth. The Global Seed Vault is
mankind’s insurance for ongoing food supply.
Touchscreen Technology. Touchscreen technology goes
mainstream. A host of touchscreen phones permeate the
market, all pushing the boundaries of the digital interface.