Small Farms Research Center Contact Information The Small Farms Research Center at Alabama A & M University (AAMU) was first conceived in funding 2000 from USDA’s with Office of Outreach authorized under section 2501 of the 1990 Farm Bill. The mission of the center and the Outreach and Technical Program is to assist Small all agricultural Dr. Duncan M. Chembezi Director & Professor (256) 372-4970 Email: Ms. E’licia L. Chaverest Assistant Director (256) 372–4958 Email: Farmers Assistance small and limited resources farmers effectively dealing with SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE risk, food safety, and overall farm management issues. Mr. JaMarkus C. Crowell Program Assistant (256) 372-4424 Email: Ms. Bhargavi K. Pucchakayala Program Assistant (256)372-4424 Email: Learn more about us by visiting our website and Facebook page provided through the link below Website: Facebook: earchcenter Small Farms Research Center Alabama A & M University 4900 Meridian Street P.O. Box 700 Normal, AL 35762-0700 Sustainable Agriculture Protecting soil healthy and maintaining its Sustainable Agriculture is one that produces abundant food without exhausting the earth’s resources or polluting its environment. It follows the principles of nature to develop systems for raising crops and livestock. The overall goal of sustainability is to maintain soil and human health. Main objectives of sustainable agriculture: Economic profit: sustainable agriculture increases family income by reducing the constant purchase of feed and fertilizers from off farm. Social benefits to the farm family and the community: farm supports other businesses and families in the community. It circulates money in local community. Environmental conservation: The farmland in sustainable agriculture is diverse in vegetation and provides habitation to the wildlife. However all of above three objectives are constantly overlapped on each other. How do we achieve sustainability? Based on stewardship and economic justice farmers and agricultural thinkers developed some fundamentals of sustainability. fertility: The dead and decaying plant materials on the soil, maintains soil temperature increases water storage capacity in soils, and improves soil aeration. Maintaining nutrients in soil is an important factor or plant growth and production. Replacement of lost nutrients is cost effective management. It is better to grow crops on land rather than leaving them barren. Follow different farming systems like multiple farming, agroforestry, converting cropland into perennial grassland and woodlot enterprise. Identifying niche marketing and preparing value - added products: Forming cooperative markets with other local farmers. Emphasizing direct marketing and local marketing areas. Planning and Decision making Protecting water quality at the farm: Planning, monitoring, Managing irrigation systems in the fields reduces nutrient leaching. Crops like cover crops and catch crops can also uptake nutrients from the soil. Creating buffer areas between fields and water bodies can protect nutrients from leaching. Protecting crops from pests with minimal or no pesticide application: Avoid pest attack to the crops by providing habitat for beneficial organisms. Before applying chemicals, identify the pest species and study about the different life cycle stages of the pest. It is better to follow biological and cultural control methods to keep pest population below the threshold level. Increasing biodiversity an the farm: A combination of integrate crop and livestock production will reduce pest and weed population. To attract beneficial insects, birds and bats, grow hedgerows, insectary plants and cover crops. controlling and replanning are the essential characteristics to achieve the main objectives of sustainable agriculture . It is important to develops new plans for determining if anyone of them doesn’t work. The ultimate goal of sustainability is to preserve the social, water, and soil capital. Some ways to practice sustainable agriculture: Contour planting, minimal tillage systems, cover crops, crop rotation and perennial grasses can reduce soil erosion and improves soil nutrient quality. Substitute on - farm resources with crop rotations, animal manures and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil fertility and productivity. Developing profitable strategies like diversified farming . Diversified farming may be obtained by integrating both crops and livestock in the same farming operation.