IND DUSTRIAL L ERGONO OMICS PRO OCESS WO ORKSHOP Februa ary 16-19, 2 2015 Reg gister This comprehensive workshop guides partic cipants throug gh each facet of the cyclic ergonomics p process from basic ergon nomics principles through control development and workstation w d esign guidelin nes. A pra actical approa ach to controlling musculos skeletal disord ders in the wo orkplace startts with an Erg gonomics Prrogram and Ergo onomics Team m. A detailed d ergonomics s process mus st be in place in order to efffectively intro oduce ergono omics into the e workkplace. Partic cipants are tau ught the comp ponents of su uccessful ergo onomics team ms and ergono omics programs to help jump p-start ergonomics initiative es in their worrkplace. The n next step is id dentifying the problem. Pa articipants are e taught how tto identify pro oblem areas a and use basicc job analysis techn niques to help p Screen and d Prioritize th heir efforts. The T Industrial Ergonomics Screening To ool is presente ed as a first pass to identifying g jobs with erg gonomic risk in the workpla ace. Many jo obs require co oncentrated evaluation effo ort requiring more e in depth “deep-dive” analysis tools. Pa articipants lea arn how to se elect and utilizze key Ergon nomics Analy ysis tools to define workplace risk, evaluate e hand/wrist in ntensive tasks s, and quantiffy manual ma aterials handliing activities. Participants are e encouraged to o bring videotapes of their own working environmentss as worksho op exercises u utilize videota ape analysis, allow wing participan nts to apply th he techniques s discussed. Hands-on wo orkshops also o help particip pants hone their analysis skillss. The analys sis tools cove ered include: Center Ind dustrial Ergon nomics Scree ening Tool NIOSH Lifting Equation n and Compo osite Lifting Index Liberty Mu utual Manual Material Han ndling Tables Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RU ULA) Strain Index Muscle Fa atigue Analys sis Particcipants underrstand the basics of each ergonomics e assessment a to ool, memberss of the Ergon nomics Center learn how to o effecctively utilize the Ergonomic cs Center’s computer softw ware tools (ed dgar) for ergo onomics analyysis. edgar a aides the userr with e ergonomics analysis a tool selection s by guiding g the us ser through an n analysis patthway. edgarr analyses an nswers give clearr-cut results with w color-coding (red-yellow-green) to fa acilitate prioriitizing results. e the analysis s is performed d, the ergonom mics team should devise a plan to imple ement Contro rol Measures. Possibly Once the m most pivotal sttage of an erg gonomics pro ocess is transfforming the re ecommendations from con ncept to realityy. Work kstation Des sign guideline es allow partic cipants to dev velop a solutio on that is feassible, effective e, and justifia able. Particcipants will em mploy guidelines and spec cifications to create c feasibl e solutions w with the first ite eration. The Imple ementation and a Verificattion of solutio ons and follow w-up timeliness will also be discussed. S Special contro ol measures for sp pecific popula ations, such as a the aging workforce, w willl also be pressented. The E Ergonomics C Center's Indusstrial Tech hnology Show wcase provide es a hands-on n introduction to potential ssolutions by a llowing particcipants to exp plore nume erous ergonomics tools an nd products. f 8:00AM – 5:00PM Mo onday through Thursday. Classses are held from 00 for Profess sional Membe ers Fee: $1800 / $140