INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Andreas Austeng January 2005 Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Introduction Terminologi Cooking spagetti??? One microphone. Directive? Two microphones. Less noise? Directive array? How to combine? An array of microphones / colanders. One microphone+colander is directive! How ... ??? Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Introduction Terminologi The different chapters in J & D. Ch. 1: Introduction. Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time. Physics: Waves and wave equation. c, λ, f , w , ~k, . . . Ideal and “real” conditions. Ch. 3: Apertures and Arrays. Ch. 4: Beamforming. Classical, time and frequency domain algorithms. Ch. 7: Adaptive Array Processing. Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Introduction Terminologi Norsk terminologi Bølgeligningen Planbølger, sfæriske bølger Propagerende bølger, bølgetall α ~ - sinking/sakking Dispersjon Attenuasjon eller demping Refraksjon Ikke-linearitet Diffraksjon; nærfelt, fjernfelt Gruppeantenne ( = array) Kilde: Bl.a. J. M. Hovem: “Marin akustikk”, NTNU, 1999. Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Chapter 1 Array signal processing Goal of signal processing: To extract as much information as possible from our environment. ASP: Branch of signal processing; focusing on signals conveyed by propagating waves. Array: a group of sensors located at distinct spatial locations. Fig 1.2: Goal: To enhance the signal-to-noise ratio beyond that of a single sensor’s output. To characterize the field by determining the number of sources of propagation. To track the enery sources as they move in space. Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves Wave equation This is the equation in array signal processing: ∇2~s = ∂2s ∂2s ∂2s 1 ∂2s + + = ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 c 2 ∂t 2 s is a general scalar field (electromagnetics: electric or magnetic field, acoustics: sound pressure ...). c is the speed of propagation. Monochromatic solution in Cartesian coordinates, plane wave: s(~x , t) = A exp{j(ωt − ~k · ~x )} Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves Wave equation and arbitrary solutions The wave equation is linear Solution may be a sum of complex exponentials Almost any signal may be expressed as a sum of complex exponentials using Fourier theory Therefore any signal, no matter its shape, may be a solution to the wave equation - and the shape will be preserved as it propagates Propagating waves are therefore ideal carriers of information Modified by the boundary conditions - to determine which components that are excited Propagation is determined by the deviations of the medium from ideal Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves Plane waves Propagating plane wave: s(t − α ~ · ~x ) Propagating sinusoidal plane wave: sin(ωt − ~k · ~x ) Slowness vector: α ~ = ~k/ω, |~ α| = 1/c Dispersion relation: ω = c · k Wavenumber vector: ~k = ω~ α, |~k| = 2π/λ Frequency and wavelength: c = λ · ω/2π = λ/f Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves Wave equation in spherical coordinates wavefront φ: azimuth θ: elevation z k sφ,θ φ y θ xm x Transducer array Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves Doppler effect Nonrelativistic: ‘ w =w 1−α ~ · ~vsensor 1−α ~ · ~vsource . Relativistic (v c) w ‘ = w (1 − α ~ · (~vsensor − ~vsource )) . Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves Array Processing Implications Whenever the wave equation apply, the following is valid: Propagating signals are functions of a single variable, s(·), with space and time linked by the relation t − α ~ · ~x . The speed of propagation depends on physical parameters of the medium. Signals propagates in a specific direction ζ~0 represented equivalently by either α ~ or ~k. Spherical waves desctibe the radiation pattern of most sources. The Superposition Prinsiple applies, allowing several propagating waves to occur simultaneously without interaction. Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves When does wave equation apply? The medium must be homogeneous (== constant propagation speed). If not; refraction, c = c(~x ). Regardless of amplitude and frequency, the wave must interact with the medium in the same way. If not; nonlinearities, c = c(s(t)), and dispersion, c = c(w ) (== frequency dependent propagation). The medium must be lossless. If not; attenuation, c = c< + c= . Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2 Introduction Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Signals in Space and Time Propagating waves Norsk terminologi Bølgeligningen Planbølger, sfæriske bølger Propagerende bølger, bølgetall α ~ - sinking/sakking Dispersjon Attenuasjon eller demping Refraksjon Ikke-linearitet Diffraksjon; nærfelt, fjernfelt Gruppeantenne ( = array) Kilde: Bl.a. J. M. Hovem: “Marin akustikk”, NTNU, 1999. Andreas Austeng INF5410 Array signal processing. Intro, ch. 1 and 2