West Kern Community College District Proposed Annual Budget 2011-2012 Board of Trustees Dawn Cole Carolyn Hosking Michael Long KalVaughn Billy D. White Richard J. Giese, Interim Superintendent/President West Kern Community College District 29 Emmons Park Drive Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763 -7700 www.taftcollege.edu West Kern Commllility College District Sept ember 8, 2011 ladies and Gentlemen of the Board: I am pl eased to submit to yo u and th e resident s of the West Kern Commun ity Co llege Dist ri ct (WKCCD) t he attached budget document out lining the Fiscal Year 2011-12 Annual Bu dget. This report provides a projection of Ta ft College' s f in ancia l operations for the fiscal year already underway. The proposed budget can be characteri zed as stat us quo in academ ic offerings with reduced student, administrative, and maintenan ce support services. Maintaining cu rrent st udent enrollment is proposed w ithout the ben efit of add itional Stat e funds beyond the FY 2010-1 1 apportio nment allocation; therefore, this proposa l agai n incl udes a recom mendation to draw upon reserves as detailed below . Should the Board concur with t his re com mendation, Taft College w ill be able to maint ain enrollment at the FY 2010-11 levels for stud ents seeking higher education. As previously mentioned, t he pro posed budget recomme nds a drawdow n f rom cash reserves. This is based on total anticipated revenues of $24,74 7,410, used t o offset t otal operating expenses of $2 6,396,582 leaving an operating deficit of $1,649,172. To bridge the f undi ng ga p it is proposed to utilize $80,052 f ro m General Fund ca sh reserves, $682,129 from unused grant an d program carryover balance s, $136,991 in M easure A funds for Banner Syste m costs, and $750,000 fro m Fund 41 for GASB 45 and retiree medical insurance premium costs . Estimated General Fund unrestri cted reserve levels after the drawdown will be approxim ately $4,473,689 or 21.4% of unrestricted exp enditures. State guidelines recomm end a min imum prudent unrestricted General Fund bal an ce of 5% of unrestricted expend itures be maintained for fiscal uncertainty. Continued use of reserves to bridge t he gap each year is not a recom mended practice. However, the cont inuing poo r eco nomy co mbined with comm unity needs have prompt ed th is important fiscal reco mmend atio n. Moreover, as th e uncertain State f iscal condition persists, with fut ure budget red uctions a ge nuine threat, it is reco mmended that FY 2011-12 be used as a planning and t ran si tio n year to restructure Ta ft Co llege fo r fut ure deman ds and continu ed fiscal uncertainty. Th e proposed budget does not mee t the minim um fund ing ratio prescribed by th e "50% Law" as required by the State. Th e budget as pro posed yields a ratio of 47.5 1% or $430,978 sh ort of comp liance . The District is required to mee t t he 50% requirement by Ju ne 30, 2012. This requi remen t an d t he need for fiscal and operation al adjustments must occur w ithin this fiscal yea r. Staff w ill ret urn t o t he Board of Trustees in November 2011 w ith a plan to meet th is important co m pliance requ irement. As detailed in the Executive Summ ary, the State of California has adopt ed a f inal bu dget for FY 201 1-12 . Howeve r, midyear budget cuts are high ly pro bable and con t ingency plans for th is fisca l th reat wi ll also 29 Emmons Park Drive ·Tali,CaliJornia93268 . 66 1.7637700 • fax 66 1.7637703 be developed and presented to your Board in November 2011. Despite t he fiscal un certainty in which we operate, faculty and staff rema in com mitted to serving yo ur Board, the students and the co mmun it y during th ese uncertain fiscal ti mes . Interim Superintend ent/Presi den t WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTED BUDGET 2011/2012 Table of Contents Executive Summary ...... ... ........ .. . . .. . . . . 1 Budgeted Sources of Funds . 8 List of Funds Budg eted ..... . 12 General Fund Budget Summary ........ . 13 Superintendent / President Budget Summary. .... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Instruction Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... .. ... . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. Student Services Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Se rvices Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. 16 18 20 22 Bookstore Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... Cafeteria Budget Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child Development Center Budget Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dormitories Budget Summary . . . . . . ... _. . . .. . . .. _. Parking Budget Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transition to Independent Living Budget Summary ..... _. . ___ . . .. . ... .. . _. _ 24 25 26 27 28 29 Annual Budget by Organization Code .. .. . . . . _.. _.. . _.. . . .... . _. . .. . . _.. 30 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2011-12 STATE FISCAL UPDATE & PROPOSED BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS CALIFORNIA STATE BUDGET: The Fiscal Year 2011-12 budget process commenced wi t h a call for compromise and hope for a prom pt agree me nt to allow the public to vote on tax extension s and o ther major reform s. It con clud ed with a maj ority-vote budget incl uding deep program cuts, deferred payments, assumptio ns of highe r reven ues, and the th reat of mid-year trigger cuts. The plan solves wh at was identi fied in Ja nua ry as a $26 .6 bill ion gap through program reduc t ions, borro wing and transfers, and an assumption of majo r reven ue gains beyond January, 2011 est imate s. The fi na l budget assu mes General Fund expe nditures of $85 .9 billion, a decrease of $5.5 bi llion from the 2010-11 fiscal year. Despite t hese acti ons, t he Department of Finance pre liminarily ant icipates a 2012 -13 deficit of $3 .1 bill ion. In addition to $6.6 bill io n in new revenue estim ated by the Dep artm ent of Finance at the M ay Revise, the final budget assum es an addition al $4 b ill ion in revenue t o help close the gap. Thi s is partly based on the fact tha t tax rece ipt s for May and June were appro xi mately $ 1 billion higher than estimates, givi ng rise to hopes of an eco nomy impro ving fas ter th an an t icip at ed . To address co ncerns that th e reve nues wi ll not match assumpt io ns, the budget includes a contro l section giving t he Directo r of Fi nance authority to reduce app ropriations upon a fin ding by Decem ber 15 th that re ve nues are not kee ping pace w ith budget assum ptions . Potential reductions to appropriations will be admi nistere d as follo ws: • Tier 0 - There wi ll be no midyear cuts if at least $3 billion of the $4 billion of the higher reve nues materi alize . • TIer 1 - If only $2 bi llion to $3 billion of the reven ues materia li ze, up to $601 mill io n in midyear cuts could be en acted. Th ese act ions w ould in cl ud e an additional $ 100 million reduction to ea ch of UC and CS U an d a $3 0 millio n Ge neral Fu nd red uction to t he Californ ia Comm unity Colleges offset by an increase in fees to $46 per unit. 1 • Ti er 2 - If less th an $2 billion of the revenues, over $1 .8 billio n in cuts could be met out to K­ 14. Specifica lly, K-12 could see the elimination of tra ns po rtat ion funding ($248 million ) and a reduction of funding equival ent of 7 school days ($1.5 billion). The Califo rnia Com munit y College s co uld receive a reduction to apportio nments of up to $72 mill ion beyond Tier 1 cuts . These re ductions wo uld be propo rtion ate to revenu e esti mates. CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS : The major changes to th e CCC budge t are as follow s: • $400 m ill ion cu t to base apport ion me nts. • $110 million in increased fe e revenue due to an in crease in fees from $26 to $ 36 pe r unit. This revenue mitigates the base cut for a net apport io nmen t re duct ion of $290 mill ion (approxim ately 4 .9% ). • $129 m ill ion in new deferrals , bringin g the total deferrals for CCCs to $961 million (approximately 17% of the budget) . • The new suspen sion of two mandates: 1) Sexual Assault Res pon se Procedure s and 2) Stude nt Reco rds. • An extensio n of categorical fundi ng flexibility thro ugh th e 2014-15 fisca l ye ar. • No funding was prov ided for either growth or COLA. • No res tora tion of the cat egorical program reduct ions that were enacted in th e 2009 Budget Act. Risks: The Budget co nta ins several risks for t he Cal ifo rnia Community Colleges: Midyear triggers - The largest risk is the threat of midyear trigger act ions if revenues do not reach t he levels assumed in th e budge t. While midyear cuts cause hard shi p under any circum stance s, t he State Chancellor' s Office is especially conce rn ed about the po ssibi li ty of a fe e increa se th at woul d o cc ur prior to th e spring term . This w ould impose a last min ut e unexpected cost fo r studen t s and wo uld be extremely difficult fo r districts to admin ister. The State Cha ncellor's office is w orki ng with the legi slature to postpone fee increases until su mmer 2012. Fe e shortage - Based on pre liminary fi gures for th e 2010-11, th e State Chancel lor' s Office believes t he re has been an increase in the percentage of w aivers granted to stu dents. The fee collectio ns estim ated by 2 the Dep artme nt of Fina nce do not app ear to adequately account for this gro wth as they rely upon actu al fi gu res from the 2009 -10 fi scal ye ar. approxima tely $2 5 million state-w ide. It is believed t hat a conservative estimate of th e shortage is This would repre sent a deficit in app ortio nm ents unless mitigated by other fa ctors such as higher t han estimated property taxes . Economic Recovery - The State bu dget assum ed $11.8 billion in reven ues in exces s of w hat wa s estimated in Janua ry. While a large co mpon ent of this estimate is based on actual current year tax receipts, it is difficult t o re concile these figures with other recent troubl ing econ o mic indicators, such as slow job growth and rece nt sto ck marke t corrections. PROGRAM SERVICE IMPACTS: In June, 20 11 the Board of Trus tees approved a te nt ative proposed budget with an antiCipated w ork lo ad re d ucti on of approxim ately 152 FTES, assumed sig nific ant bu dget cuts in non-class room area s, an d pro posed the utilization of reserves to bridg e the f und ing gap thereby avoidin g jo b acti ons that may have incl uded layoffs and furloughs . Since that time, the California Comm unity College Board of Governo rs approved a policy recommendat ion t hat would sp are nine small community college districts (less th an 3, 000 FTES) from the onero us workload and funding cuts approved in t he Stat e budget. This actio n wa s re co mm ended and implemented in order to avoid a liquid ity crisis t hat a number of sm all co llege districts might incur if they are not provided fiscal relief . Accord ing to a conversa tio n with Sta te Ch ance llor's Office staff, West Kern Community College District w ill avoid approxim ate ly $950,000 in fund ing cuts an d app ro xim ately 390 FTES workload re duction s if w e accept the waiver. The District was ve rball y assured th at th e only negative impact to accepting the waiver w ill be exclusion fro m future funding rest orations (for FY 2011­ 12) inten ded to make college districts wh ole when the economy rebou nds and restoration fu nds become availa ble. The District was also assured that we will also be be neficia ries of fu nd ing restora t ions meant to offset the previo us budge t cu ts f rom prior fi scal years includ ing FY 2009-10 an d 2010-11. With these assu rance s and the generous waiver offer, th e Di strict acce pted this offer o f a wo rkloa d red uctio n wa iver. Unfortuna te ly, Chan ce llor' s Office sta ff could not assure th e Dist rict that w e wo uld rema in immune fro m cu ts if these mid-year fiscal act ions prove to be req uired later in FY 2011- 12. In the final proposed budget, staff ha s fu lly res to red FTES and attend ant cl ass sections and has incorporated t he re la ted co sts and reve nues . The pro posed budget is be st characterized as mainta ining 3 FY 2010-11 service levels. Sustain ing FY 2010- 11 enrol lme nts has pla ce d press ure o n the General Fund to absorb rel at ed cost increase s w hile efforts co ntin ue in the purs uit of grant funds an d other ex te rna l monies . Other expe nses have in creas ed such as sal aries drive n by custom ary inc rem ent rai ses and health benefit costs have grown by app ro ximately 6%. In FY 2011-12, Banner software costs are once again fu nded w ith Measure "An mo nies. This acti on pro vides te mporary relief for th e Gen eral Fu nd . However, t he District should antici pate th e use of Gen eral Fund monies t o meet this expense in FY 2012­ 13. The following informatio n prov id es an overview of bu dgeta ry im pacts on various functi ons of the College . Instruction Ser vices: The enrollme nt for Fal l 2011 is roughly eq uivalent to t hat of Fall 2010 and en rollmen t for Spring 2012 is expected to increase over Fa ll 2011. A ran ge of 990 to 1050 secti ons w ill be offered in Fall 2011, Spri ng 2012 an d Su mmer 2012 . To accom modate t he projected enro llment, many full -time fa culty w ill unde rtake add itiona l sectio ns as overload whi le pa rt-time ad j unct faculty w ill be employed t o meet the rema ining nee ds. External fund s in the form of grant s an d ot her catego rica l funding are in creasingly sought and will be utilized to augment t he capa cities of vari ous departments t o serve mo re stude nts. However, due to State level catego ri cal shift s and red uct ions, sala ry an d benefits for on e full -time in structor is now abso rbed by t he General Fund. Restoratio n of enrollme nt and sect ions req uires increases in expe nd itures for eq uipment, books, supplies and other expendables in t he proposed bu dget . To offset th ese cost in cre ases, fund ing for student w orkers has been reduced and, for the third conse cutive ye ar, t ra vel and confere nces are proposed fo r minimal funding . Despite th e budgetary constrai nts and challenge of servi ng more stud en ts, the Office of Instructi on is confident the stu dents will see t heir educational needs ful filled w ithin t he comprehensive course offeri ngs at Taft Coll ege in 2011-12. Student Services: A number of program s in St ude nt Se rvices are rea lizi ng St ate fu nding reductions w hile simultaneously gra nt fu nds continu e to provid e limited addit ional re sources. continu ing fundi ng reductions and In res ponse to th e imul taneo us cost increases, budget line items for te mporary, substitute and overtim e allowances have been mini mize d if not el iminated . In athle tics, assistant coa ches have been re stored to t he budget; however, sports progra m suppli es an d site improvem ent monie s have been eli mina ted. Addition al fun draising and use of ath letic fou nd ation monies might be 4 used to bridge gaps. Co mm unity Se rvi ces w ill pe rform ba si c comm unity an d high scho ol promot ions of Ta ft Coll ege. However, the re are no fu nds for market ing t he college through TV com mercia ls, ra dio or any other majo r campa igns. Cou nselin g, Outreach and Rec rui ting, EOPS, GED/Le arn ing Ski lls, Registrar, and Stude nt Services have all reduced or elimi nated te mporary positio ns, student worker funding, supplies, travel and advertising funds . M atricu latio n fu nding has been reduced and the impact compel s shifting of em pl oyees to Cal Works and Fi na ncial Aid programs, an d el imin ation of travel and supp ly budgets. The Vice Presi de nt of Student Services bu dge t has incurre d red uct ions in su pplie s, printing, travel, equipment, and gra duation expenses. Other Support Services: Ot her su pport services such as Business Services, Human Resources, Informat io n Technology Services, and Ma intena nce an d Op erations are projected to operate below FY 2010-11 actual expe nd iture leve ls. Sim ilar to oth er college fu ncti ona l areas, supplies, travel, stude nt wo rke rs, etc. have bee n mini m ized if not eli mi nate d. Proposed cost increases in the Vice Preside nt Admi nistrative Se rvices bu dget unit are driven pri marily by full year budget ing of t he salary and be nefits costs for the Vice Preside nt. Thi s compensation expense wa s bu dgeted for only 10 months in FY 2010 ­ 11. Furthe r, un co ntrollable cost increases in health benefits, insurance, and necessary co ntrac ts also contribute to a smal l increase in proposed costs . Transportatio n is budget ed with minima l fun ds to provide for an tic ipated st udent field trips plann ed by In struction. Cafeteri a operations anticipate a sma ll increase in level of sale s ($11,140) an d will req uire $35, 129 less in Genera l Fund contributions ($333,871) comp are d to FY 2010-11 . Boo kstore o pera tions are forecasted to increase sales ($50,226) and will requ ire a General Fund contributio n of $13 0, 874, $66, 126 less tha n the FY 2010 -11 approved budge t. Both the Bookstore an d Cafeteria underwent reorganiza t ion in FY 2010-11 that resulted in avo ided sa lary expense fo r a part-tim e position in each operation . Capital Projects: Funded campus modernization projects co ntinue t hrough FY 2011-12. Th ese proje cts are fund ed from Measure "A" and State bonds. Approxi mate ly $112,450,000 is th e an t icipated tota l cost of the Facility Capital Im provemen t Plan . Of th at amount, $32,768,465 has been bu dge ted for project s rangi ng fro m Science Modernization to the TIL Center. Comp leted or near comp leted projects include Master Planning ($2 35,822), Co mmunity Technology Center ($1 1.3 million), Techno logy Upgrade ($3.7 mil lion), Camp us Landsca pe and Courtyard ($1.7 million ) Sci ence M odernization ($5 .0 million ), Ma in tenance and Operatio ns Facili ty ($3.2 million ), and Tec h Arts Modernizat ion ($5 .9 million). The TIL Center Proj ect ($13 .4 million ) is cu rrent ly underway. 5 Fixed Assets: Prop osed fixed asset acq uisitio ns include a rep lac ement truck in Ma in te na nce and Operat ions and furn iture in Instruction services . As pa rt of the reo rga nizatio n and relo cation o f th e Associate Dean of Instruction and t he Di recto r of Career Technical Education to t he Adm inistration Buildi ng, the need for addit ional instru ctional office space w as ide nti fied. To acco mm odate the necessary move, mo dular and movab le office furni ture will be purc hased at a cost of $29,93 4. M anagement and fi ve instructional supp ort servi ces staff will work as one ohe sive and efficient unit in a central and conven ient location . The vehicle replace men t is necessary due to an aging flee t. Maintena nce and Operat ions contin ues t o utilize roll ing stock as long as poss ible whil e economically feasib le. State Mandates an d Guidelines: Th e proposed bu dget exceeds t he State unrestricted General Fund cash reserve guide line of 5% of unrestricted expend it ures. Unrestricted expenditures are propose d t o be $20,878,547 and the proj ected reserve ba lance at the en d of FY 2011- 12 is estim ated to be $4,473, 68 9 (21.4%) after a budget bala ncing drawdow n of $80,052 that will be used to augment St udent Services funct ions given fu rth er State fundi ng reduc tio ns in categori ca l programs and $2 9,934 for Instruct io n Services' fixed asset acquisition. The proposed budge t does not meet the mi nimum fun di ng ratio prescribed by the "50% Law" as required by t he State. The budget as proposed, in clud ing funding of FTES re sto rat ion, yiel ds a ratio of 47.5 1% or $430,978 short of compliance. The District is re quired to meet th e 50% requireme nt by June 30, 2012 . Given this requiremen t and t he nee d for fiscal an d ope rational adjust ments, st aff w ill return to th e Board of Truste es in Novem ber 2011, with a pla n to meet thi s im portant co mpliance requi re ment. Consisten t with District po licy and GASB 45 requirements, incl ud ed in th e proposed budget is a $574,571 contribution to the trust fun d established to meet an ticipat d fina ncial dem ands o f ret iree post employment be nefits. A rece nt actuaria l st ud y quan tif ied th e post -em ploymen t be nefits' unfu nded liability at approximate ly $18,714,985 . Th is propose d co ntri butio n to the trust fund increm enta lly moves the District towa rd fund ing this long te rm lia bility an d w ill serve to strengthen the Di strict's credit worthi ness for future debt issuan ce. Funds t o meet thi s obligation are sourced fro m Fund 41 wh ere t he Board of Truste es previously deposi ted $1,500,000 for t he purpose of funding the GAS B 45 requ irement. 6 Further, an addition al $175,4 29 is proposed for use in th e current budget year to partially fund t he medical insurance premiums for Dist rict ret iree s. This is an allo wa ble and ap propr iate use of t h se designated funds for meeting GASB 45 ob ligat ions to District re tirees. CONCLUSION: Overall, the propose d FY 20 11-12 pro pose d bu dge t maint ains st atus quo academic service levels. However, fu nds available for student and admi nistrative support services have been limited w hile operating costs have risen resul tin g in signif icant expense redu ctions in other di scretionary accou nts. District staff will co ntinue budget ary work and develo p a proposed pl an to meet the 50% statuto ry requ irement. Moreover, after th e new calen da r year comme nces, State budget adj ustm ents may possibly be impo sed on commun ity co lleges state-wi de . Admin istration will also devel op cont ingen cy plans in anticipation of possibl e mid-year apportion men t cuts and wil l remai n vigila nt in moni toring these po ten ti al threats and keep the Board of Tr uste es and all other stakeholders inform ed as matters evolve. 7 WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 2011/2012 BUDGETED SOURCES OF FUNDS Unrestricted Federal 8199 8199 8199 8151 81 99 8199 8153 Title V - Basic Skills Title V - IV/8th Transfer Grant Title V - OFS Grant Federal A_dmin Allowance TPSID Grant TRIO Grant Work Study State 8612 8613 8615 8619 8622 862 3 8624 8625 8630 8631 8629 8632 8627 8640 8657 8681 8689 Estimated State Apportionment Basic Skills Fee W ai ver Ad min Part-Time Faculty Salaries EOPS DSPS CARE SFA Adm inistration Credit Matriculation Non-Cred it Matriculation Equal Employment Opportunity (Faculty & Staff Diversity) TANF Calworks KCCDHN Grant Perkins Funds Lottery GED County Reimbursement Restricted 105,000 439,44 0 785,237 8,634 497,243 220,000 39, 296 2,094,850 6,589,419 90,000 15,244 52,365 184,058 191 ,291 22 ,149 127,778 375,762 23,891 3,921 33,366 113,557 1,343,936 102,075 287,0 88 10,823 6,939,695 2,627 ,028 Total 105,000 439 ,440 785,237 8,634 497,243 220 ,000 39236 2,094,850 6,589,419 90 ,000 15,244 52,365 184,058 191,291 22,149 127,778 375 ,762 23,891 3,921 33,366 11 3,557 1,343 ,936 102,075 287 ,088 10,823 9 ,566,723 8 WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 2011/2012 BUDGETED SOURCES OF FUNDS Unrestricted Local 8811 Estimated Property Tax 8839 Facility Rental 8831 Multim edia Contracts 8861 Interest Income 8874 Estimated Enrollment Fees 8877 Instructional Materials Fee 8870 Student Fees-GED 8879 Transcripts 8880 Non Resid ent Fees TIL - Reim bursements 8890 CTE Special Funds 8892 8892 Other Misc . Local Revenue Total Local Revenues 50,097 13 ,051,861 TOTAL GEN ERAL FUND SOURC ES 19,991,556 Reserve Instruction Carryover RES Federal Work Study Ca rryover RES Banner Maintenance Contract Carryover RES Title V - STEM Grant Carryover RES TTIP Carryover RES RES General Fund Reserve Contributions RES OPEB Obligation Contribution Tota I Reserve Contributions TOTAL FUNDS , ALL SOURCES Restricted Total 11,991,683 11 ,991,683 30,600 16.992 60,636 704,7 18 22, 240 8,000 30,600 16,992 60,636 704,718 22 ,240 8,000 11,295 11 ,295 149,600 6,000 33, 976 149,600 17,976 22,000 50 ,097 13,085,837 4,755,854 24.747,410 54,934 8,107 11,976 22 ,000 750,000 886,991 762 ,1 81 54,934 8,107 136,991 645,656 3,366 50,118 750,000 1,649,172 20,878 .547 5,518,035 26 ,396.582 136,991 645,656 3,366 50,118 9 WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 2011/2012 BUDGETED SOURCES OF FUNDS Unrestricted Bookstore Sales Gen era l Fund Contribution Total Bookstore Revenue Food Services Sales Dorm Student Sales General Fund Contribution Total Food Service Revenue Child Care Center Ge neral Program Migrant Education Migrant Bilingual Services Food Contract Total Child Care Center Revenue Dorms Revenue from Student Fees Interest Incom e Total Dorm Revenue Parking Local Revenue Interest Income Total Parking Revenue Restricted Total 999 ,979 130,874 1,1 30,853 211,836 280 ,368 333 ,871 826, 075 1,154,281 497 ,391 77,800 150 ,000 1,879,4 72 104,000 3,750 107,750 850 350 1,200 Transition to Independent Living T IL Regional Center Contracts Student Fees Interest Income Total Transition to Independent Livi ng Reven ue 1,555,775 79,000 1,000 1,635,775 TOTAL SPEC IAL FUND REVENUES 5,581,125 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 31 ,977,707 10 West Kern Community College District 2011/2012 Budget General Fund Revenue Federal 0% Other Local State Apportionm ent and Programs Studen t Fees 3% 27% Categorica l Programs 3% Federal Grants 8% Property Taxes 46% 11 WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADOPTED BUDGET 2011/2012 LIST OF FUNDS BUDGETED FUND DESCRIPTION TOTAL BUDGET $ 11 General Fund, Unrestricted 12 General Fund, Restricted 5,51 8, 035 31 Boo kstore Enterprise Fund 1, 130,853 32 Cafeteria Enterprise Fund 33 Child Development Center Fund 35 Dormito ry Fund 36 Parki ng Fund 39 Transition to Independent Li ving Fund TOTAL ALL FUNDS 20 ,878, 547 826 ,075 1,879,472 107,750 1,200 1,635,775 $ 31 ,977,707 12 West Kern Community College Di strict 2011 /12 Budget Summary General Fund - Funds 11 & 12 Object Code 8100 8600 8800 8900 Description Federal Revenue State Income Local Income Reserves 2009 / 2010 Actual 2010 / 201 1 Actual 2011 / 2012 COMBINED Budset 20 11 / 2012 UNRESTRICTED Budset 2011 / 2012 RESTRICTED Bud get 5,5 96,056 12,674,767 7,119,607 6,699 ,425 8,954 ,7 38 13,091,557 2,0 94 ,850 9, 566 ,72 3 13,085,837 1,649,1 72 6,939 ,695 13,0 51,861 886 ,99 '1 2,094,850 2,62 7,02 8 33,976 762 ,18 1 25.390,430 28.745 ,720 26 ,396,582 20,878.547 5,518,035 Ac ad emic Sa lari es 7,262, 032 7,579 ,82 5 8,267 ,74 8 7,393,281 874 ,467 Total for 1000: Academic Salaries 7,262,032 7,579,825 8,267,748 7,793,'281 874,467 Classified Salaries 5,734,350 6,090,340 5,926,557 4,346,414 1,580,143 Total for 2000: Classified Salari es 5,734,350 6, 090 ,340 5,926,557 4, 346,414 1, 580 ,143 3,687,513 4,148,906 4,641 ,370 3, 672 ,684 96 8,686 3,687,513 4,148,906 4,64 1,370 3,672, 684 968,686 2,793 7,557 863,497 44,50 0 3,024 8,871 940,372 28,353 4,819 7,472 740,953 13,300 2,319 7,472 564,326 12 ,800 2,500 176,627 500 918,347 980, 62 0 766,544 586,917 179,627 - - --­ Total for 8000: Reve nue 1000 2000 3000 Staff Be nefit s Total for 3000: Employee Benefits 4100 4200 4300 4400 Textbooks Magazines 1 Periodicals Supplies (All categories) Food Supplies Total for 4000: Supplies an d Materials 13 Object Code 5200 5300 5400 550 0 5600 5700 5800 5900 Description Dues and Memberships Insurance Legal , Election & Audit Expenses Personal & Consulting Services Rents, Leases & Repairs Travel & Conference Expe nses Utiliti es I Housekeep ing Services Other Operating Expenses Total for 5000: Operating Expen ses and Servi ces 6100 6200 6300 6400 Sites and Site Improvements Buildin gs Library Books and Materials Eq uipment Total for 6000: Capital Outlay 7100 7300 7400 7500 7600 7900 Debt Retirement f Oth er Finan cing Transfers Other Interest f Long-Term Debt Student Financial Aid Other Stud ent Aid Reserves I Contingencies Total for 70 00: Other Ou tgoing Expenditures Net Change in Fund Bal ance Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Prior Period Adjustments Fund Bal ance, End of Year 2009/2010 Actual 2010 / 2011 Actual 2011 / 2012. COMBINED Budget 2011 12012 UNRESTRICTED Budget 2011 12012 RESTRICTED Budget 2,409 60,662 155,055 142 ,367 707,895 3,358,170 293,854 552,226 168 ,577 72,494 155,5 15 131 ,636 527,043 3,013,825 309 ,994 639,47 5 663,468 55,616 174,250 107,000 300,857 2,704,577 206,92 4 554 ,228 1,205 ,463 53,207 174, 250 107,000 168 ,750 1,924 ,722 118,201 523,215 743,181 132,107 779,855 88 ,723 3 1,01 3 462,282 5,438,806 5, 513 ,450 5,308 ,915 3 ,812 ,526 1,496, 389 7,093 695,018 52 ,008 577,715 373,132 293, 936 33,537 802 ,399 15,000 7,500 22 ,000 533,936 5,000 7,500 22,000 186 ,550 10 ,000 347 ,386 1,331,834 1,503 ,004 578,436 221,050 357.33 6 8,325 455,000 500,175 13,4 50 63, 618 9,253 1,564 ,000 17,974 464,745 17,974 464,745 72130 7,996 53 ,341 362,956 362 ,956 7,996 53 ,341 1,040 ,568 1,645,583 907 .01 2 845.675 61 ,337 25 ,413,450 27,461,728 26 ,396 ,582 20 ,878,547 5.5 18,035 (23,020 ) 5,860,292 4,108,2 15 9,945,487 1,283 ,992 9,945,487 11 ,229,479 14 1- I West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget General Fund Expenditures 500 0 WESTEC 5% 6000 Capital Outlay 2% 700 0 Other Outgoin g 3% -1 I 1000 Academic Salaries 31% I I50 00 Operating Expenses & Services 1 I 1 4000 Supplles-<!o. Materials 3% 30 00 Sta ff Benefits 18% 2000 Classified Salaries 23% I _ _I 15 West Kern Community College District 2011 /12 Budget Summary SUPERINTENDENT 1 PRESIDENT Object Code 1100 1200 1400 D es crj~tion Instructional Salaries, Regular Teaching Non Instructional Salaries, Regular Teaching Non Instruction al Sa laries, Other Total for 1000 : Academic Salaries 210 0 2300 Non In struction al Salaries , Regular Status Non Instruction al Salaries, Other Total for 2000: Classified Salaries 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Publ ic Employees Retirement System (PERS ) Old Age, Survivors , Di sability and He alth In s. Health and Welfare Benefits State Unemployment Insurance Workers Compensation Insurance Tota l for 3000 Employee Benefits 4100 4300 440 0- Textbooks Supplies (All ca tegories) Food S upplies Total for 4000: Supp lies and Materials 2009 / 2010 Actual 2010 / 201 1 Actual 2011 / 2012 COMBINED Budset 2011 / 2012 UNRESTRICTED Budget 2011 / 2012 RESTRICTED Budset 111,203 183,400 5,076 114,157 183,400 79,166 115,019 206,336 19,230 11 5,0 19 206 ,336 19,2 30 299 ,679 376 ,723 340,585 340,585 756,603 62 ,376 782,988 50,524 819 ,368 23, 200 819,368 23,200 81 8,979 833,512 842,568 842,568 24,723 74,014 65,243 193 ,641 3,276 5,572 32,179 86,780 66,229 221 ,331 8,4 65 6.275 30,645 94 ,645 73,1 67 237,606 8,520 6,701 30 ,645 94 ,645 73 ,167 237,606 8,520 6,701 366, 469 421 ,259 451,284 451,284 431 72,905 749 405 52,897 33 425 22 ,6 10 250 425 18 ,397 250 4,213 74,085 53,335 23, 285 19,072 4,2 13 West Kern Community College District 2011 /12 Budget Summary SUPERINTENDENT 1 PRESIDENT Object Code 5200 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 Description Dues and Memberships Legal, Election & Audit Expenses Person al & Consulting Services Rents , Lea ses & Repa irs Tra vel & Conference Exp enses Utilities I Housekee ping Services Other Ope ratin g EXf2enses Total for 500 0: Ope rating Expenses and Serv ices 6400 Equipment Total for 6000 : Ca pital Outlay 13.= ,:14 80 ,486 131,016 66,799 1,914 4,733 201 1 / 2012 COMBINED Budget 32 ,800 2 ,000 76,050 145 ,625 17,600 2 ,000 4 ,400 2011 / 2012 UNRESTRICTED Budget 32 ,800 2 ,000 76 ,050 145 ,625 17,600 2,000 4,400 539 ,005 340 ,1 41 280 ,4 75 280,475 45,820 26,071 13,500 13, 500 45 .820 26 ,071 13,500 13,500 2 ,144,037 2,051 ,041 1,95 1,697 1,94 7,4 84 2009 /2 010 Actual 34,521 15,432 220,352 163,250 101,804 2,912 6c. 't 2010 / 2011 Actual 4 1,949 2011 12012 RESTRICTED Budget 4,213 17 West Kern Community College District 2011112 Budget Summary INSTRUCTION Object Code 1100 1200 1300 1400 Description Instructional Salari es , Re gular Teaching Non Instructional Salaries, Re gul ar Teaching Instructi onal Salaries, Other Non In structional Salaries , Other Total for 1000: Acad emic Salaries 2100 2200 2300 2400 Non Instructional Salaries, Regular Status Instructional Aides , Regular Non Instructional Salaries, Other Instructional Ai des, Other Total for 2000: Classified Salaries 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Old Age, SU N ivors, Di sability and Health Ins. Health an d Welfa re Benefits State Unemployment Insurance W orkers Compensation Insu ra nce Total for 3000: Employee Benefits 4100 4200 4300 4400 Te xtbooks Magazin es 1 Periodicals Supplies (All categories) Food Supplies Total for 4000: Supplies and Materials 2009 / 2010 Actual 2010/2011 Actual 2011 / 2012 COMBINED Budfilet 201 1/ 2012 UNRESTRICTED Budget 2011 / 2012 RESTRICTED Budget 3,225, 605 339 ,876 1, 722 ,880 423, 984 3,160,497 406,056 1,600.304 629 ,67 1 3,307 ,867 621,896 2,110,964 262 ,370 3,183,376 363,800 2,1 10,964 147,370 124,491 258,096 5,71 2 ,345 5,796, 52 8 6,303 ,097 5,805,510 497 ,587 995,139 321,025 113, 684 38,647 1,315,649 392 .2 14 86 ,205 45,025 1,065,568 339,20 6 88,098 122,561 45 1,160 159, 72 2 88,098 122, 561 614 ,408 179 ,484 1.468 ,495 1,839,093 1,615,433 821,541 793,892 518,889 121,568 189,648 920,409 51,191 35,625 450,441 143,265 209,023 1,032,697 51,760 ~~13 45 8,16 1 175,602 271 ,058 1,207,533 116,539 66 ,606 42 1,074 78,376 202 ,147 887,838 99,305 58 .571 37,087 97 ,22 6 68 ,9 11 319,6 95 17,234 8,03 5 1,837, 330 1,925,319 2 ,295.499 1,747,311 548 ,188 2,257 7,557 527 ,934 32,747 2,404 8,871 578,889 21,674 1,394 7,472 431 ,562 7,550 1,394 7,472 308 ,155 7,550 570 ,495 611 ,838 447,978 324,571 115,000 123,407 123,407 18 West Kern Community College District 2011 /12 Budget Summary INSTRUCTION Object Code 5200 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 Descri~tion Dues and Memberships Personal & Consulting Services Rents , Leases & Repai rs Travel & Confere nce Expen ses Utilities 1 Housekeepin g Services Other Operatin g Expenses Total for 5000: Operating Exp enses and Services 6100 6200 6300 640 0 Sites and Site Improvements Buildings Library Books and Materials Equi pment Total for 6000: Capital Outlay 7100 Debt Retirement 1 Other Financing Total for 7000: Other Outgoing Expenditures 2009 / 2010 Actual 11 ,4 18 381,515 3,067,578 100,505 50,91 4 35 .000 2010 / 2011 Actua l 15,549 324 ,891 2 ,466 ,555 127,559 54 ,534 43,430 2011 / 2012 COMBINED Budget 6,100 21,250 2,179 ,786 81 ,902 54, 928 460 ,661 2011 / 20 12 UNRESTRICTED Budget 6,100 12,250 1,428 ,576 25 ,1 50 23, 91 5 5,2 00 3,646,930 3,032,518 2 ,804,62 7 1,501 ,191 366,739 293 .936 33,537 689, 864 10 ,000 695,018 52 ,008 505,170 22,000 419 ,547 22 ,000 103,000 316, 54 7 1,252,196 1,384,076 451,547 125,000 326,547 6 4 6 4 14,487 ,797 14,589,376 13,918, 181 10,325 ,124 3,593 ,05 7 2011/2012 RESTRICTED Budget 9,000 751,210 56,752 31,013 455,461 1,303 ,436 10 ,000 West Kern Community College District 2011 /12 Budget Summary STUDENT SERVICES Object Code 1200 1300 1400 Description Non Instructional Salaries, Regular Teaching Instructional Salaries, Other Non Instructional Salaries , Other Total for 1000 : Academic Sa laries 2100 2200 2300 2400 Non Instructional Sa laries, Regular Status Instruction al Aides, Regul ar No n Instructional Salaries, Other Instructional Ai des, Oth er Total for 2000 : Classified Salaries 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 State Teachers Reti rem ent System (STRS) Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Old Age, Su rv ivors, Disab ility and Health Ins . Health and Welfare Benefits State Unemploym ent Insurance Work ers Compens ation Ins uran ce Total for 3000: Employee Benefits 4100 4300 4400 Textbooks Supplies (All categories) Food Supplies Total for 4000 Supplies and Materia ls 2009/2010 Actual 2010 12011 Actual 2011 / 2012 COMBINED Budget 2011 / 2012 UNRESTRICTED Budget 2011 / 2012 RESTRICTED Budget 748 ,349 9,974 2,21 0 840 ,222 96,413 17,556 998,935 101,389 14 ,888 633,830 89 ,614 14,888 365 ,105 11,775 760,533 954, 191 1,115,212 738 ,332 376,880 1,2 34,3 68 37 ,6 13 446,162 107 ,474 1,323,663 40,279 440,341 3,805 1,377, 248 39, 02 1 372 ,235 860 ,817 18,440 122,996 516,43 1 20 ,581 249,239 1,825 ,617 1,808,088 1,788,504 1,002 ,253 786,251 64,235 128,632 127,114 454 ,4 15 31 ,591 13,480 58,216 166, 855 144,811 536,289 16,976 14,4 75 68,056 194,471 149, 585 609,576 42, 019 2 1,849 48,535 115,759 93 ,982 366,581 26,654 13, 54 7 19, 52 1 78, 7 12 55, 603 242 ,995 15,365 8,302 8 19,467 937,622 1,085,556 665 ,058 420 ,498 105 130, 934 7,226 2 15 147, 158 3 .452 3,000 126,128 4,500 500 76 ,274 4 ,000 2,500 49,854 500 138 ,265 150 ,825 133,628 80 ,774 52 ,854 20 West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget Summary STUDENT SERVICES Object Code 5200 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 Description Dues and Memberships Legal, Election & Audit Expenses Personal & Consulting Services Re nts, Leases & Rep airs Travel & Conference Expenses Util ities 1 Housekeeping Serv ices Other Operating Exp enses Total for 5000 Operating Expenses and Services 6100 6400 Sites and Site Improvements Equipment Total for 6000 Capital Ou tla y 7100 7500 7600 Debt Retirem ent I Other Fin an cing Student Financia l Aid Other Stud ent Aid Total for 700 0: Oth er Outgoing Exp en dit ures 2009 / 2010 Actu al 13, 713 2,354 850 26,201 81 ,142 3 ,213 47,304 2010 / 2011 Actual 13,776 2011 / 2012 COMBINED Budget 15, 066 2011 / 2012 UNRESTRICTED Budget 12 ,657 2011 / 2012 RESTRICTED Budget 2,40 9 17,208 124 ,831 97,030 2 ,988 30 ,950 123,607 146,665 10 1,422 2,850 21,020 500 118,020 69,451 2,850 18,120 123, 107 28,645 31 ,971 174,777 286, 783 410,6 30 221,598 189, 032 5,256 18,348 6,393 62,855 45 ,339 14,500 30 ,839 23,604 69 ,248 45 ,339 14 ,500 30,839 5,605 13,450 63,618 6,373 12,874 72,330 12,874 7,996 53 .341 82,673 78,703 74,211 12,874 6 1,337 3,824 ,936 4,285 ,460 4,653, 080 2 ,735 ,389 1,917 ,691 2,90 0 7,996 53 ,341 21 22 West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget Summary ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Object Code 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 Descri~tion Dues and Memberships Insurance Leg al, Electio n & Audit Expenses Personal & Consulting Serv ices Rents, Leases & Repairs Travel & Confe rence Expe nses Utilities / Housekeep in g Service s Other Operating EX[2 enses Total for 5000: Operating Expenses and Services 6100 6200 6400 Total for 6000 7100 7300 7400 7900 Sites and Site Improvements Buildings Eguipment Cap ital Outlay Debt Retirement 1 Other Finan ci ng Transfers Other Interest 1 Lon g-Term Debt Reserves 1 Co ntingencies Total for 7000: Other Outgoing Expenditures 2009 12010 Actual 1,010 155,055 124,53 1 105,178 101 ,140 10,403 495,187 85 ,589 2010 1201 1 Actual 1,220 155,515 118,392 104,458 291, 423 18,606 580,039 584 ,2 '3 c, 1,078,093 2011 12012 COMBINED 2011 / 2012 UNRESTRICTED 2011 12012 RESTRICTED Bud~et Bud~et B u d~et 1,650 174,250 105 ,000 79,950 232,501 6,000 494,4 50 719 ,382 1,650 174,2 50 105 ,000 79, 950 232 ,501 6, 000 494 ,450 71 5,461 3,921 1 ,8 S ~.988 1,81 3,183 1,809,262 3,921 8,377 ~ 3 ,609 5,000 7,500 55,550 5,000 7,500 55,550 10,214 ')2 ,609 68 ,050 68,050 2,714 455,000 500 ,175 :=: ,876 1,564,000 5,100 464 ,745 5,100 464,745 362,956 362, 956 1,837 957,889 1,566,8 76 832,801 832,801 4, 956,681 6,535 ,831 5,874,471 5,870,550 3,92 1 23 West Kern Community College District 201112012 Budget Summary Bookstore - Fund 31 Object Code 8841 8600 8800 8981 Tota l fo r 8000 Descrletion Bookstore Sales State Reve nue Local Revenue Interfund Tra nsfe rs Revenue 2009/2010 Actual 75,000 1,06 5,374 759,069 8,426 578 850 ,000 1,61 8,073 130,874 1,130 ,85 3 2000 Cl assified Salaries Total for 2000: Classified Salaries 21 0.91 5 21 0,9 15 202 ,930 202 ,930 200 ,225 200 ,225 3000 Staff Ben efits Total for 3000: Empl oyee Benefits 75,718 75 ,718 67,4 11 67,411 83,801 83,801 637,827 654,865 672,000 89,156 728 727,71 1 80 ,222 449 735,536 45,556 150 717 ,706 1,290 511 1,500 31,895 4, 32 1 9,066 46,501 93,073 33,730 5,157 12,528 45 ,899 97, 825 4 1,915 4,000 13,350 50,356 111, 12 1 65 ,086 65,086 500 17 ,50 0 18 ,000 1,168,788 1,1 30 ,85 3 4100 4200 4300 4400 Total for 4000 Books Magazines I Periodicals Supplies (All categories ) Foo d S u ~elies Supplies an d Material s 5200 550 0 5600 5700 5800 5900 Total for 5000: Dues and Memberships Personal & Consulting Servi ces Rents , Leases & Repairs Travel & Conference Expenses Utilities I Housekeeping Services Other Opera ting Expenses Operatin g Expenses an d Services 990 ,374 2011 12012 Budget 201012011 Actual 6200 Buildings 6400 Eguiement Tota l for 60 00: Cap ital Outl ay 1,107,417 Net Change in Fu nd Balan ce Fun d Balance, Beginning of Year Prior Period Adjustments Fun d Balance, En d of Year (42 ,043) 550,510 276 ,566 785, 033 999,979 449 ,285 785,03 3 1,234,318 24 West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget Summary Cafeteria - Fund 32 Object Code 8841 8889 8800 8981 Tota l for 8000: Description 2010/2011 Actual 2011/2012 Budget 21 1,836 280.368 380,000 872 ,372 173,153 299, 091 2,361 369,000 843 ,60 5 -=T:-o~ta-:-l-:-fo-r-::2~0-::-00· Classified Sal aries 283,354 283. 354 307,111 307 ,111 239,867 239,867 - - 3000 - ­ Staff Benefits Total for 3000: Em ployee Ben efi ts 11 0,821 11 0. 821 113,614 113,61 4 131 ,934 131,934 4300 Sup plies (All categories) 44 00 Food Supplies Total for 4000 : Supplies and Materials 1,420 394,402 39 5, 822 4,860 424 ,921 429 ,781 2,400 443,124 445,524 1,781 40 2, 904 50 1,500 40 603 2,424 3,642 6,586 3,700 5,250 8,647 8,647 2,837 2,837 3,500 3,500 80 1,068 859,929 826,075 71 ,304 589 ,195 (16,324) 37 4,647 -=--,..-:----,:-~. 20 00 Cafeteria Sa les Dorm Student Sales Local Revenue lnte rfund Transfers Reve nue 2009 / 2010 Actual Classified Salaries - - -- - 5200 5600 5700 58 00 5900 Total for 50 00 : - - - -- Du es and Memberships Re nts , Leases & Re pairs Travel & Conference Expenses Utilities ! Hou sekeeping Services Other Ope ra ting Expe nses Operating Expenses and Serv ices 62 00 Buildings 6400 Equipment =-----:--:---­ Tota l for 6000: Capita l Outl ay Net Chan ge in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Prior Perio d Adjustments Fund Balance, End of Year 199,465 29 2,907 333,871 826,075 (~ 85 . 85 2) 374 ,647 358,323 25 West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget Summary Child Development Center - Fund 33 Object Code 8100 8600 8800 8981 Total fo r 800 0: Description Federal Reven ue I Food Program State Reven ue 1 Contracts Local Revenue Interfund T ransfers Revenue 2009/2010 Actual 2010/2011 Actual 2,058,376 109 ,678 1,7 16,164 9,068 145,000 1,979 ,910 1,879,4 72 1000 Academi c Sa laries Total for 1000 : Academic Salari es 180,111 180, 111 143,846 143,846 15 1.092 151 ,092 Classified Salaries 2000 Total for 2000: Classified Salaries 1.136,185 1,136,185 1,189 ,278 1,189,278 1,060,372 1,060,372 3000 Staff Benefits Total for 3000: Employee Benefits 425 ,522 425, 52 2 457 ,670 457,6 70 444, 596 444,596 4300 Supplies (All categories) Food Supplies 4400 Total for 4000: Supplies and Materials 16,777 143,450 160,22 7 67 ,828 152,493 220,321 3,500 150,000 153,500 5200 5300 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 Total for 5000: Dues and Memberships Insurance Consulting Rents, Leases & Repairs Travel & Conference Expenses Utilities / Housekeeping Services Other 0 eerating Expenses Operati ng Expenses an d Services 143,255 1,898 ,896 16,225 2011 / 2012 Budget 50 24 ,998 893 60 ,008 2,6?~ 88,633 300 27,568 1,469 71,151 5,394 105,882 9,000 59 ,052 1,860 69,912 3,695 2,268 5,963 Site Improvements 6100 6400 EqU ipment Total for 6000: Ca pital Outlay 1,990,678 Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Prior Period Adjustments Fund Balance, End of Year 150,000 1,72 9 ,472 67,698 (477801 ) (!63,S10) (5/3 ,913) 2,122 ,960 1,879,472 (143,050) (573,913) (716,963) 26 West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget Summary Dormitories - Fund 35 Object Code Description 8873 Local Revenue / Dorm Fees 8800 Local Revenue 7 -=T'"""o­ta-:­1fo-r--=8-:'"07"00 : Revenue 2009/2010 Actual 2010/2011 Actua l 2011/2012 Budget 104,2 17 16,89 1 121 ,108 185 ,31 7 6,572 191,889 104,000 3,7 50 107.750 - - -4300 - - Supplies (All categori es) Total for 400 0: Supplies and Materials 15, 069 15,069 9, 172 9,1 72 17,200 17,20 0 5600 57 00 5800 =-_--:-_ 5_9_0_0 Total for 5000: Rents, Leases & Repairs Travel & Conference Exp enses Utilities / Hou sekeeping Services Other Operating Expenses Operating Expenses an d Services 5,568 2,1 57 24 ,02 8 115 31 ,868 5,41 3 3,4 24 26,1 92 44 35, 073 6 ,750 2,400 25,400 50 34 ,60 0 6100 62 00 - -- 64 -00 Total for 6000 : Site Improvements Buildings Equipment Capital Outlay 45.427 45,42 7 29,950 1,895 31,845 1,000 12, 000 11 .200 24 ,200 60 0 (6,752) 600 (6,752) 7400 Tran sfers 790 0 Reserve for Contingencie s - - -Total for 7000 Other Outgoing Expe nditures Net Change in Fun d Balance Fund Balance, Be ginn ing of Year Pri or Period Adjustme nts Fund Balance, En d of Yea r - 92 ,964 69,338 28,144 60 8,397 152,398 788,9 39 122 ,551 788, 939 1,000 30.750 31 ,750 107,7 50 911,490 27 West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget Summary Parking - Fund 36 Object Code 8800 ~~~~~ To~lfur 80 00 : Description Local Reve nue Revenue ____-....,..-4-30-0 Suppl ies (All categories ) Total for 4000: Supplies and Materials - -5000 - - O perati ng Expenses Total for 5000 : Operati ng Expenses an d Services 2009/2010 Actual 2010 / 2011 Actual 2011/2012 Budget 66 7 667 1,213 1,2 13 1,200 1,200 200 200 - - - - - 2,289 1,100 1,100 2,289 100 100 89 89 10-::- Site 1m pro vements -=---:--:--6--::-=-0 To tal for 6000: Capital Outlay 289 Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balan ce , Begin ning of Year Prior Period Adjustments Fund Balance, End of Year 378 67 ,874 89 7 69,149 2,28 9 1,200 (1,076) 69 ,149 68, 073 28 West Kern Community College District 2011/12 Budget Summary Transition to Independent Living - Fund 39 Object Code 860 0 8800 8900 Total for 8000: Description State Revenue 1 Regional Center Fees Local Reve nue Interfun d Transfers Revenue 2009 / 2010 Actual 2010 / 2011 Actual 2011 /2 012 Budget 1,555,775 80 ,000 1,30 2,392 1,1 75,932 71,049 100,00 0 1,346,981 1000 Academic Sal aries Tota l fo r 1000 Acade mic Sa laries 34,569 34 ,569 95 ,393 95 ,393 10 1,575 10 1,575 2000 Classifi ed Salaries Total for 2000 : Cl assifi ed Salari es 928,570 928 ,570 99 1,093 99 1,093 960 .445 960, 445 3000 Staff Ben efits Total for 3000 : Empl oyee Benefits 284, 82 1 284, 821 346,8 71 34 6,871 430,459 430 ,459 Supplies (All categories) 4300 4400 Foo d Supeli es Total for 4000: Supplies an d Materials 43,922 222 44, 144 57,908 352 58 ,260 37,424 1,000 38 ,424 520 0 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 Total for 5000: 160 20,000 6,401 41,103 16,977 4 ,617 89, 258 300 250 4,970 29 ,386 21 ,235 1,911 57,752 14,800 50 ,622 13, 369 850 79,941 1,625 1,625 400 400 2,5 73 2,57 3 Dues and Memberships Consulting Rents , Leases & Rep airs Trave l & Conference Expe nses Utiliti es / Housekeeping Services Other Operating Expenses Ope rating Expenses and Servi ces 6100 Site Improvements 6400 Equiement Total for 6000: Capital Outlay 1,260,066 42,326 7000 Other Outgoing Expenditures Total for 7000: Oth er Outgoing Expend itures 22 ,358 22 ,358 1,351 ,4 81 Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Prior Period Adjustments Fund SalaneE End of Year 1. 63 5,775 (49 ,089) 173,130 (1 50 ,601 ) (26,560) 1,581 ,275 1,635,775 (234 ,294 ) (26,560) (260 ,854) 29