December 2006 Greening and Canker Field Day-January 9th, 2007 Mechanical Harvesting Workshop and Field Day agenda-January 17th Indian River Citrus Seminar-January 24th-25th Next OJ Meeting-February 13th, 2007 2007 Pesticide Applicator training and testing schedule brochure ****************************************************************************************** The first two months on the job have been challenging and rewarding. Everyone told me that I had big shoes to fill following John Jackson. I of course knew this, but did not quite realize how big the shoes were! I thank all of you for your patience during this time of transition, and I thank John for his continued support. As Maggie and I are learning the ins and outs of our new positions, one major item has stuck out. We need to update our mailing list. There have been some problems with people receiving our program information, we promise to rectify this situation. We are asking that if you want to be included on our future mailing list to please send Maggie an email or letter (contact info is provide below) with your contact information requesting that you continue to receive this newsletter. We urge you to send an email address if you have one as it is easier, quicker, and less costly than traditional snail mail. Sometime in the near future we will most likely begin to charge a small fee for those who want to have a hard copy sent to them via U.S. mail. I have been asked “What happened to the OJ meetings?” I have held three scheduled programs in Tavares but I did not advertise them as OJ meetings. Part of the reason I did this is due to my appointment as a fruit crops agent. I did not want potential participants to think that the meetings are exclusive to citrus growers. Obviously, many programs do deal only with citrus such as the canker/greening workshop, while others programs such as tractor safety and winter weather school can apply to many agricultural producers. We will be having programs in the future that will be called OJ meetings, and the next one will be February 13th. 2007 Pesticide Applicator training and testing schedule is attached. Lake, Seminole, Orange and Osceola counties continue to work together to provide these programs. A pesticide license is required for anyone who applies or supervises an application of a restricted use pesticide for agricultural production. A private applicator license is available only for private individuals applying pesticides to their own property or to property rented, leased to them or to their employer. This certification requires a passing grade (70%) on the Private exam and a passing grade (70%) on the General Standards (Core) Exam. This certification must be renewed every 4 years either by testing or with 8 Continuing Education Units (CEU’s). Four CEU’s in the Core category and four CEU’s in the private category are required. An agricultural tree crop applicator license is available either as a Public certification, for those applicators that work for federal, state, county or municipal public agencies, or as a Commercial certification for contractors. This exam requires a passing grade (70%) along with a passing grade (70%) on the General Standards (Core) Exam. The license must be renewed every 4 years either by testing or with 12 CEU's. One CEU equals approximately 50 minutes of class time. The cost of testing for the private applicator and the agricultural tree crop applicator is free, and can be taken at your local county extension agency. The cost of the private applicators license and the cost of the public agricultural tree crop applicator license is $60.00. The cost for the agricultural tree crop applicator license commercial category is $160.00. The cost of renewal is the same as the initial license price. This is a State of Florida certification issued by the Bureau of Compliance Monitoring (BCM), a division of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS). If you need more information, or have a problem call the Bureau by phone at 850488-8731. Citrus Pest Management Course is being offered at UF/IFAS’s Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred this spring. The citrus pest management is a graduate level course (3.0 units) for citrus industry personnel and students. This course teaches the latest strategies for control of insects, diseases, and weeds. The course will be taught by Dr. Larry Duncan University of Florida/IFAS, Professor of Nematology. The class will meet every Thursday for 3 hours between 3-6 pm running from January 11th to May 3rd. The cost for Florida residents will be $853.32. Regular and non-degree registration is Jan. 5-8 and students are strongly encouraged to register early. Students must complete the registration procedures outlined at: For registration assistance, please contact Ms Debbie Hall (352392-1901 x 117; For additional information about the class contact Dr. Larry Duncan (863-956-1151; Mechanical Harvesting Workshop and Field Day will be held in Bartow January 19th, 2007. With possible labor shortages occurring in the future, some growers are investigating mechanical harvesting options. Most of the mechanical harvesting systems operate in southwest Florida, but as technologies advance it is something for central Florida growers to keep informed about. UF/IFAS has a website dedicated to mechanical harvesting at: On the site you will find useful tools such as the new citrus harvesting decision model which was designed to help growers determine if mechanical harvesting is a profitable option. If you would like to know more about mechanical harvesting I encourage you to attend this workshop. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Barbara Hyman at (239) 658-3415 or email at Greening and Canker Field Day is scheduled for January 9th. There will be a bus leaving for south Florida from the Lake County Agricultural Center at 7 AM and returning around 6-7 PM. We will have the opportunity to see firsthand the symptoms and effects of citrus canker and greening to a commercial grove. A lunch will be provided. There will be a cost of $25.00 per person and space is limited. Please make sure to RSVP to Maggie Jarrell at 352-343-4101 as soon as possible. Citrus nurseries are going to become more highly regulated under the new Citrus Health Response Plan (CHRP) this coming year and it is most likely going to affect citrus tree availability in the future. The CHRP program is requiring as of January 1, 2007 that all budwood used for propagating citrus trees be under screen in a Division of Plant Industry (DPI) approved structure. Also, as of Jan. 1st all newly budded citrus trees must be contained in an approved protective structure. After December 31, 2007 existing citrus nursery stock that was produced before Jan. 1, 2007, but not produced in an approved structure, is not eligible for movement or sale. So why is this important to growers? Annually the Florida citrus industry resets approximately 5 million trees. The projected number of trees to be produced in approved structures in 2007 is 1.5 million trees, leaving approximately 3.5 million tree shortage. It is going to be important to have a reset plan for the next few years and a contract with a certified nurseryman to make sure that you have an adequate number of trees for your grove. Additional time (6 to 9 months extra) would be needed for varieties other than Hamlin or Valencia, due to the budwood shortage. Many of the lesser used varieties are only located in Winter Haven (at DPI) and they only have a small number of plants in which to produce budwood. DPI is currently in the process of building the appropriate greenhouse structures in Chiefland, FL and plan on replicating plants to fill the demand of the citrus industry. However, this will take some time as the structures have yet to be completed. Take home message is plan ahead and contract with a nurserymen as extra trees (non-contracted) will be slim to none. For a list of nurserymen visit: Indian River Citrus Seminar is January 24th-25th in Fort Pierce and UF/IFAS is one of the sponsors. The seminar offers Florida citrus growers timely, real-world solutions to the challenges and opportunities that exist in producing, marketing and delivering citrus fruits to market. Some of the general topics covered are canker management, greening, windbreaks, state of the citrus industry, what’s on the horizon, and alternative energy crops. For more information about the seminar please visit: For more information on any of these programs please contact us at: Phone: 352-343-4101 Fax: 352-343-2767 or 1951 Woodlea Rd. Tavares, FL 32778. Sincerely, Ryan Atwood County Extension Agent – Fruit Crop December 1st, 2006 Maggie Jarrell Office Associate III December 1st, 2006 2007 REVIEW & EXAM ORNAMENTAL/TURF AND PRIVATE APPLICATOR AGRICULTURE LICENSES $20 Non-refundable / Starts at 8:30 am To register for reviews or for more information, contact your Extension Training Coordinator Orange County Extension Celeste White, Training Coordinator 6021 S. Conway Rd. Orlando, FL 32812 NEW PHONE: (407) 254-9200 OLD PHONE: (407) 836-7570 Lake County Extension Ryan Atwood, Training Coordinator 1951 Woodlea Rd. Tavares, FL 32778 (352) 343-4101 Osceola County Extension Jennifer Welshans, Training Coordinator 1921 Kissimmee Valley Lane Kissimmee, FL 34744-8947 (321) 697-3000 Seminole County Extension Richard Tyson, Training Coordinator 250 W. County Home Rd. Sanford, FL 32773 (407) 665-5551 CEU DAYS AND WORKER PROTECTION STANDARDS TRAIN THE TRAINER A license is necessary for persons who apply or supervise the application of restricted use pesticides for agricultural production such as a nursery, greenhouse, farm or grove including golf courses, parks, athletic fields and cemeteries. February 21, 2007 May 24, 2007 August 30, 2007 December 12, 2007 Sanford Kissimmee Orlando Tavares REVIEW AND EXAM LIMITED CERTIFICATION LICENSES plus 6 hour class needed to apply for Limited Landscape Maintenance Licenses $20 Non-refundable / Starts at 8:30 am Limited Certification for Governmental and Private Applicators—Structural or Lawn & Ornamental A license is necessary for each government employee, business owner or their employees who apply pesticides to government or business owned buildings (indoors or outdoors). Limited Landscape Maintenance A license is necessary for each commercial landscape maintenance person who applies pesticides to ornamental plant beds. January 27, 2007 March 10, 2007 July 28, 2007 September 15, 2007 Orlando Kissimmee Tavares Sanford REVIEW AND EXAM RIGHT OF WAY & AQUATIC LICENSES $20 Non-refundable / Starts at 8:30 am CEU’S AVAILABLE FOR THIS REVIEW The Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FLORIDA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, IFAS, FLORIDA A. & M. UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION PROGRAM, AND BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COOPERATING. A license is necessary for persons who apply or supervise the application of restricted use pesticide to standing or running water (aquatic) or in the maintenance of right of way areas associated with public roads, electric power lines, pipelines, railroads and similar areas. April 24, 2007 Tavares Locations & Testing Schedules Lake County Extension (Reservations required) Exam Schedule: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at 9:00 am . Exam Categories: All categories except Pest Control Operator (PCO). Mid-FL Research & Education Center (By Appointment Only) Exam Schedule: Every 3rd Thursday at 9:00 am. Contact Juanita Popenoe at (352) 343-4101. Exam Categories: All categories except Pest Control Operator (PCO). Orange County Extension Exam Schedule: 1st Thursday of every month at 8:30 am. Exam Categories: All categories except Pest Control Operator (PCO). Seminole County Extension (By Appointment Only) Exam Schedule: Monday through Friday. Exam Categories: All categories except Pest Control Operator (PCO). Osceola County Extension (By Appointment Only) Exam Schedule: Monday through Friday. Exam Categories: All categories except Pest Control Operator (PCO). Greening & Canker Field Day January 9, 2006 Program: Greening & Canker Field Day Registration Deadline January 5, 2006 COST: $25.00 Registration Required. Mail or Fax this form. Please print clearly! Name of Organization ______________________________________ Phone:( The Lake County Extension Center is hosting a field day to south Florida from the Lake County Agricultural Center at 7:00 AM SHARP and returning around 6—7:00 PM depending on travel time. )___________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ You will have the opportunity to see first hand the symptoms and effects of citrus canker and greening to a commercial grove. You will have the opportunity to see and hear how others are combating these issues. _________________________Zip__________ Lunch will be provided. There will be a $25.00 cost PER person and space is LIMITED. 1. _____________________________________ County (required) __________________________ Names of those attending 2. _____________________________________ Please RSVP to Maggie Jarrell at 343-4101 or by completing the attached form ASAP to ensure your space. 3. _____________________________________ 4. _____________________________________ IF MAILING PAYMENT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITRUS ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, IFAS, FLORIDA A. & M. UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION PROGRAM, AND BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COOPERATING. Lake County Extension Office ATTN: Maggie Jarrell 1951 Woodlea Rd. Tavares, FL 32778-4204 Phone: 352- 343-4101