The Alabama A&M University Mississippi Alumni Chapter Scholarship Application SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Greetings from the Alabama A & M University Mississippi Alumni Chapter Mississippi Chapter! We are so pleased you have chosen our beloved AAMU to complete your higher education studies where “Service is Sovereignty.” Please be advised that the following documents are required to apply for the Mississippi Chapter of the Alabama A&M University Alumni Association Scholarship: A completed scholarship application displaying a permanent address reflective of Mississippi residency. A two-page autobiographical essay (describing financial need, future goals (short term and long term), and how Alabama A&M University can assist you in achieving these goals. A copy of official acceptance of admission to Alabama A&M University or current enrollment acknowledgment for the semester of application. Official transcript of grades in a sealed envelope with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above. ACT or SAT scores (incoming freshmen). Three letters of recommendation. A self-addressed envelope with the scholarship application; if written notification of the award is desired. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE: MARCH 31 REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Scholarship recipients are requested to fulfill the following requirements: 1. Connect with the Alabama A&M University Mississippi Alumni Chapter. 2. Upon receiving the scholarship, write a letter of gratitude the Alabama A&M University Mississippi Alumni Chapter. 3. Join the Alabama A&M University Pre-Alumni Association. 4. Make a commitment to attend the Founders Day Convocation. The Alabama A&M University Mississippi Alumni Chapter Scholarship Application Last Name _______________________ First Name _____________________ MI _____ Current Address: _______________________________________________ Apt. #:__________ City: ________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: __________________________ Permanent Address: ____________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ______ Home Telephone: (____)___________________ Apt. #: ________ Zip Code: ________________________ Mobile: (____)________________________ Email Address:__________________________ Optional Ethnic Background: African American ____ Caucasian ____ Hispanic ____ Asian ____ Native Americans____ Other ____ U.S. Citizen: Yes ____ No ____ PARENTAL/ SPOUSAL INFORMATION Father’s Name: __________________________ Mother’s Name:___________________________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Apt. #: ________ City: ___________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code:__________________ Father’s Occupation: ______________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Apt. #: ________ City: ____________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code:___________________ Mother’s Occupation: ______________________ Number of Siblings at Home: _____ Number of Siblings in College: _____ Spouse’s Name: _______________________________ (if applicable) Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt. #:_________ City: ______________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code:_________________ Spouse’s Occupation:___________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Student Classification: ____ Incoming Freshman ____ Sophomore High School Attended: _______________________________ ____ Junior ____ Senior Year of Graduation:_________ High School Grade Point Average: _____ Anticipated Major: ________________________________________ Anticipated Minor: ________________________________________ Current Student Applicants Major: ________________________________________ Current Student Applicants Minor: ________________________________________ Cumulative Grade Point Average: _____ Will You Be a Full-time Student? ____Yes ____ No Will You Be Living On-Campus? ____Yes ____No Expected Date of Enrollment: _______Year ____ Fall ____ Spring School/Community Involvement, Organization Memberships & Extracurricular Activities: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Honors/Awards: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Are You Presently Employed: ____ Yes ____ No If so, Where: ______________________________________________________________________________ Annual Household Income (as indicated in parent(s)’s federal income tax return): _________________________ Other Expected Aid: Pell Grant, Work-Study, Veteran’s Benefits, Vocational Rehabilitation Other (specify):_________________________________________________________________ If you are considered an Independent Student by Financial Aid, please answer the following questions: Annual Household Income: _______ Marital Status: ________ Number of Dependents: _______ Signature:____________________________________ Date: __________________________ The application will not be processed without the applicant’s signature. Your signature certifies that the information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge and that you agree to fulfill the listed requirements of the scholarship if you are chosen as the recipient. Please mail all required documents to: The Alabama A&M University Mississippi Alumni Chapter, P.O. Box 97784, Pearl, MS. 39288 on or by the deadline. Any applications submitted beyond this date are not guaranteed review.