Minutes of the Undergraduate Research and Creativity Committee (URCC) Meeting held on 14 February 2012 Cartwright Center Room 328 Present: Keely Rees, Emily Johnson, Anita Baines, Gretchen Gerrish, Emily Jacobson, Shelly Lesher, Stephen Lewis, Kelly McDonough, Marti Lybeck Excused: Amanda Hart 1. Meeting was called to order by Chair Keely Rees at 4:21 PM 2. Approval of minutes from 12-6-11 and 2-3-12(previously distributed) a. 12-6-11: M/S/P (1 abstain) b. 2-3-12: M/S/P (2 abstain) 3. Celebration a. Judging will not occur in teams (i.e. both judges having the same set of poster/talks). Each judge will be assigned a unique set of posters/talks. Each presentation will still have two judges. 4. Grant review procedures a. Each committee member will review approximately 20 proposals. Each proposal will be reviewed by 3 committee members. M/S/P 5. Next meeting: 3 Apr. 2012, 8-9 AM 6. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM 7. Respectfully Submitted by Recorder, Anita Davelos Baines