Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes February 12, 2013

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
February 12, 2013
Members Present: M. Allen, Rolfhus, Kincman, Terpstra, Ritterling, Gillis, Moeller
Excused: R. Allen, Baggett
Members Absent: Buss
Consultants Present: Dittman, Herling, Knudson, Means, Michels
Consultants not present: Keller, Burkhardt, Jax
Consultants excused: Bakkum
Guests: Shane Van Dalsem, Steve Simpson, Dan Widuch, Patricia Ardovino, Michelle
Stertz, Kuang Wei Wen, Adam Van Liere, Cecilia Manrique, Shelly Lesher
Approval of January 29, 2013 minutes.
M/S/P to approve minutes
Second Reading:
A. Chemistry
1. Biochemistry Major-elective changes; effective Fall 2012. Held for
second read to update program description.
M/S/P to approve on 2nd reading
First Reading:
A. Finance
1. FIN 474/574-new course, “Equity Valuation”, 3 credits; effective Fall 2013;
offered occasionally.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading
B. Recreation Management
1. Recreation Management Major-credits changed from 60 to 64; required
course changes; description change; effective Fall 2013.
2. Recreation Management Minor-required course changes; elective
changes; effective Fall 2013.
3. Recreation Management Minor for Therapeutic Recreation Majors-credits
changed from 19 to 18; required course change; elective changes;
effective Fall 2013.
4. REC 200-prerequisite changed from REC 100 to REC 150; outline
updated; effective Fall 2013.
5. REC 202-title changed from “Outdoor Recreation Skills” to “Leisure,
Nature, and Contemplative Experiences”; credits changed from 3 to 2;
course description change; prerequisite change- removing (not open to
those with credit for RTH 203); outline and objective changes; effective
Fall 2013.
6. REC 300-prerequisite change, removing (and completion of 50- hour
underclass pre-professional experience); effective Fall 2013.
7. REC 302-title changed from “Recreation Leadership and Supervision” to
“Recreation Supervision and Human Resource Management”; outline
changed; effective Fall 2013.
8. REC 304-title changed from “Maintenance of Park and Outdoor
Recreation Area” to Maintenance of Recreation Facilities”; course
description change; outline changed; effective Fall 2013.
9. REC 305-how and when offered changed from Fall and Spring to
occasionally; effective Fall 2013.
10. REC 306-title changed from “Outdoor Recreation and the Natural
Resources” to Environmental Ethics, Outdoor Recreation, and Natural
Resources”; how and when offered changed from occasionally to Fall and
Spring; outline and objective changes; effective Fall 2013.
11. REC 320-title changed from “Enterprise in Commercial Recreation and
Tourism” to “Principles and Practices of Tourism”; course description
change; prerequisite added; objective and outline changes; effective Fall
12. REC 340-how and when offered-added offered online occasionally
Summer and Winter; effective Summer 2013.
13. REC 351-new course-“Civic Engagement in the Recreation Profession” 3
credits; offered Fall, Spring; effective Fall 2013.
14. REC 400/500-now slash course; prerequisite changed to remove ENG
307; course objectives and outline changed; effective Fall 2013.
15. REC 401-objectives and outline changes; effective Fall 2013.
16. REC 404/504-now slash course; prerequisite changed to add ECO 110;
credits changed from 2 to 3; outline changes; effective Fall 2013.
17. REC 420/520-title changed from “Commercial Recreation Management”
to “Revenue Management in Recreation Enterprises”; course description
change; effective Fall 2013.
18. REC 449-prerequisite change; outline changes; effective Fall 2013.
19. REC 450-prerequisite changes; how and when offered added Summer;
effective Fall 2013.
20. REC 105-course deletion-effective Fall 2013.
21. REC 205- course deletion-effective Fall 2013.
22. REC 207- course deletion-effective Fall 2013.
23. REC 403- course deletion-effective Fall 2013.
24. REC 430/530- course deletion-effective Fall 2013.
25. REC 480/580- course deletion-effective Fall 2013.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading with changes
C. Therapeutic Recreation
1. RTH 333-credits changed from 2 to 3; objectives and outline changes;
effective Fall 2013.
2. RTH 402/502-new course, “Helping Children Cope with Grief and Loss”; 3
credits; offered Fall; effective Fall 2013.
3. RTH 403/503-new course, “Helping Children Cope with and Manage
Pain”, 3 credits; offered Spring; effective Spring 2013.
4. RTH 404/504- new course, “Coping with Pediatric Disabling Conditions”,
3 credits; offered Summer; effective Summer 2013.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading
D. Health Information Systems Management (HISM)
1. HISM Minor-CBA-new program; effective Spring 2013.
2. HISM Minor-Non- CBA-new program; effective Spring 2013.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading
E. Political Science
1. POL 244-new course, “Global Political Systems”; 3 credits; offered
annually; effective Fall 2013.
2. POL 331-new course, “Politics of Democratization”; 3 credits; offered
3. effective Fall 2013.
4. POL 334-new course, “Post-Communist Politics”; 3 credits; offered
annually; effective Fall 2013.
5. POL 433-new course, “Women and Politics in Asia”; 3 credits; offered Fall
odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2013.
6. POL 437-new course, “Women and Politics in Africa”; 3 credits; offered
Fall odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2013.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading
F. Physics
1. PHY 142-new course, “Going Nuclear: Navigating Global Nuclear Issues”,
3 credits; offered Fall and Spring; effective Fall 2013.
Bring back for second read-has to go to College committee.
Consent Item: Added POL 433 and POL 437 to specific categories within the WGS
major and minor programs.
Informational Items: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Future Business: None
Meeting adjourned: 5:10 pm