Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes September 11, 2012 Members Present: M. Allen, R. Allen, Rolfhus, Baggett, Eschenbaum, Gillis, Kincman, Ritterling, Terpstra Excused: Members Absent: Consultants Present: Burkhardt, Dittman, Herling, Keller, Bakkum, Knudson, Means Consultants not present: Jax Guests: Chia-Chen Yu, Anton Sanderfoot, David Howard, Student, Kelsey Michels I. Election of Chair and Recorder- Kris Rolfhus elected as chair and Corinne Means elected as recorder. II. Review of Charge Letter and UCC Policies/Processes 1. Chris Bakkum discussed UCC policies and LX processes III. Approval of April 24, 2012 minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes IV. Second Reading: None V. First Reading: A. Exercise and Sport Science 1. Exercise and Sport Science Major with Sport Management Emphasiscredits changed from 124 to 120; required course change; effective Fall 2009. 2. ESS 448-prerequisite change, dropping MGT 308; effective Spring 2013. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading with one abstention B. Biology 1. Biology Major: Aquatic Science Concentration-LX 138P-added MTH 265 as option; effective Fall 2012. Retro to all catalogs. 2. Biology Major: Cellular and Molecular Biology Concentration-LX 138P; added MTH 265 as option; effective Fall 2012. Retro to all catalogs. 3. Biology Major: Environmental Science Concentration- LX 138P; added MTH 265 as option; effective Fall 2012. Retro to all catalogs. 4. Biology/Chiropractic (Dual-Degree with Palmer College of Chiropractic) LX 138P; delete program; effective Fall 2013. 5. BIO 203-changing prerequisite-dropping CHM 103 or concurrent enrollment; effective Fall 2012. 6. BIO 315-changing prerequisite-dropping MTH 145; effective Fall 2012. 7. BIO 408/508-course description change; prerequisite change, deleting the word recommended, adding junior standing; effective Fall 2012. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading with one abstention VI. Consent Item: None VII. Informational Items: A. College of Business Administration-General Education Substitution 1. Substitute HIS 000L from UW Stout, (Modern World), 3 cr. for UW-La Crosse, HIS 101(Global Origins of the Modern World), 3 credits. 2. Substitute ART 000L, (Digital Photography) from Normandale Community College, 3 cr. for ART 172 (Photography Survey), 3 cr. B. College of Science and Health-General Education Substitution 1. Substitute ENG 000U, (Fictions of the USA), from London Metropolitan University, 3 cr. for ENG 200, (Literature and Human Experience), 3 cr. C. College of Liberal Studies-General Education Substitution 1. Substituted LB 121L (Western Values: Greeks & Bible) from Northern Michigan University, 4 cr. for UW La Crosse, ENG 200 (Literature and Human Experience) 3 credits. Information about General Education substitutions will be sent to the General Education committee and will no longer be reported to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. VIII. Old Business: None IX. New Business: Charge Letter- no special charge at this time. Meeting adjourned: 4:15 pm