Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes February 25, 2014

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
February 25, 2014
Members present: M. Allen, R. Allen, Baggett (acting chair), Frye, Gendreau, Ritterling, Van Liere
Excused: Terpstra, Moeller
Consultants present: Burkhardt, Dittman, Keller, Von Ruden
Consultants excused: Bakkum, Knudson, Rahn
Guests: Kimberly Vogt, Leslee Poulton, Michelle Stertz, Steven Senger, Taggert Brooks, Keith Beyer,
Amanda De Cora (guest student), Liz Peacock, Allyson Remsburg, Christine Hippert, Kate Grillo, Jessi
Approval of February 11, 2014, minutes.
M/S/P to approve minutes.
First Readings:
A. Sociology and Archeology
1. ARC 231 – new course; title “Introduction to Underwater Archeology;” 3 credits;
effective Fall 2014.
2. ARC 303 – course revision; number change, was ARC 403; effective Fall 2014.
3. ARC 312 – new course; title “African Archeology;” 3 credits; lecture; effective Fall
4. ARC/ANT 330 – new course; title “Pastoralism: Past and Present;” 3 credits; lecture;
effective Fall 2014.
5. ARC/ANT 346 – new course; title “Ethnoarcheology and Experimental Archeology;”
3 credits; lecture; effective Fall 2014.
6. ARC/GEO/ESC 347 – new course; title “Geoarcheology;” 3 credits; effective Fall
7. ARC/ANT 357 – new course; title “Peoples and Cultures of Africa;” 3 credits;
lecture; effective Fall 2014.
8. ARC 415 – new course; title “Advanced Research Applications in Archeology;” 3
credits; lecture; effective Fall 2014.
9. ANT 101 – course revision; course description change; effective Fall 2014.
10. ANT 196 – course revision; title, number, and course description change; effective
Fall 2014.
11. ANT 323 – new course; title “Anthropology of Youth and Adolescence;” 3 credits;
lecture; effective Fall 2014.
12. ANT 351 – course revision; number change, was ANT 230; prerequisite, course
component and course description changes; effective Fall 2014.
13. ANT 362 – course revision; adding ANT to course, was SOC/ERS 280; course
component and course description change; effective Fall 2014.
14. ANT 375 – new course; title “Language, Power, and Inequality;” 3 credits; lecture;
effective Fall 2014.
15. ANT 401 – new course; title “Ethnographic Methods;” 4 credits; lecture and lab;
effective Fall 2014.
16. ANT 454 – course revision; course description and prerequisite change; effective Fall
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
17. ANT 358 – new course; title “People and Cultures of Eastern Europe and the Former
Soviet Union;” 3 credits; lecture; effective Fall 2014.
Held for second reading to be cross-listed with History Department and for a number correction.
B. Geography and Earth Science
1. ARC/GEO/ESC 347 – new course; title “Geoarcheology;” 3 credits; effective Fall
2. Geoarcheology minor – program change; credits and required course change;
effective Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
C. Modern Languages
1. CHI 315 – new course; title is “Business Chinese;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
D. Economics
1. ECO 346 – course revision; title change; course description change; effective Fall
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
E. Computer Science
1. CS 418/518 – new course; title “Mobile Application Development for ___;” 3
credits; effective Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
F. Environmental Studies
1. ENV 301 – new course; title “Environmental Sustainability;” 3 credits; effective Fall
2. Environmental Studies minor – program change; required course and elective
changes; effective Fall 2014.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
Consent Item: None
Informational Item: None
Old Business: 2013-2014 Charges
1. Summary form to accompany large numbers of course changes
New Business: None
Future Business: None
Meeting adjourned: 4:11 pm.