Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes September 9, 2014 Members present: M. Allen, Frye, Gendreau, Giddings, Harrington, Moeller, Nelson, Ritterling, Van Liere Excused: Carey, Houselog Convener: Gendreau Consultants present: Bakkum, Burkhardt, Herling, Jax, Keller, Knudson, Rahn, Vianden, Walls Guests: Amanda De Cora, Gita Pai, Linda Dickmeyer, Mary Tollefson, Michelle Sturtz, Eric Kraemer, Chia-Chen Yu I. Election of Chair and Recorder Robert Allen elected as Chair, and Victoria Rahn elected as Recorder II. Review of Charge Letter and UCC Policies/Processes Review postponed until charge letter is available. III. Approval of April 29, 2014, minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes. IV. First Readings: A. International Studies 1. International Studies Minor with African Emphasis – new program; 24 credits; creating African Emphasis; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. B. Economics 1. ECO 315 – deletion of “Economics of Sustainability;” effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. C. Exercise and Sport Science 1. ESS Sport Management Major – program change; credit increase and required course change; effective Spring 2015. 2. ESS 145 – new course; title “Sport Management and Communication;” 2 credits; effective Fall 2014. 3. ESS 373 – new course; title “Media and Public Relations in Sport Management;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2014 M/S/P to approve on first reading. D. History 1. HIS 363 – course revision; title from “Modern Indian History and Culture” to “Modern South Asia;” course description change; effective Fall 2014. 2. HIS 415 – new course; title “Religion and Conflict in Modern South Asia;” 3 credit lecture; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. E. Communication Studies 1. CST 280 – new course; title “Introduction to Communication and Leadership;” 3 credits; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. F. Music 1. Creating four courses at each academic level for each of the ensembles. Also changing course description for small ensemble courses. See attached summary of changes. Effective Fall 2014. 1. Screaming Eagles Marching Band - 100, 200, 300, 400 2. Concert Choir – 106, 206, 306, 406 3. Symphonic Band (Concert Band 2) – 144, 244, 344, 444 4. Orchestra – 156, 256, 356, 456 5. MannerChoir – 119, 219, 319, 419 6. Women’s Chorus – 123, 223, 323, 423 7. Wind Symphony (Concert Band 1) – 140, 240, 340, 440 8. Jazz Ensemble I – 130, 230, 330, 430 9. Jazz Ensemble II – 134, 234, 334, 434 10. Choral Union – 158, 258, 358, 458 11. Vocal Jazz – 160, 260, 360, 460 12. Chamber Choir – 162, 262, 362, 462 M/S/P to approve on first reading. 2. Deleting the following music ensemble courses, which are being replaced by the new courses. Effective Spring 2015. 1. MUS 151 2. MUS 153 3. MUS 154 4. MUS 155 5. MUS 157 6. MUS 159 7. MUS 163 8. MUS 165 9. MUS 166 10. MUS 167 11. MUS 168 12. MUS 169 M/S/P to approve on first reading. V. Consent Items: None VI. Informational Item: None A. The Psychology Department is changing the phrase “psychology instructional staff” to “psychology instructional coordinator” in PSY 450. VII. Old Business: None VIII. New Business: None IX. Future Business: None Meeting adjourned: 4:28 pm. MUSIC ATTACHMENT The Department of Music would like to offer experience students the opportunity to receive upperdivision credit in ensembles. Therefore, we are proposing to change each ensemble’s course number, with a maximum of 2 credits at each number level along with advancement in class standing (NOTE: Screaming Eagles Marching Band/Symphonic Band are a max of 1 credit per level because they are each offered 1 semester/year). At the 400 level, the Department has opened the course for a maximum of 4 credits so that a student may receive credit during the 5th year of participation, which occasionally happens for music education majors and double majors. Course Descriptions also changed for “small” ensemble courses because “large” ensemble concurrent enrollment is required for music education majors—therefore course descriptions were changed to reflect the new course numbers. MUS 151 Screaming Eagles Marching Band MUS 100 MUS 200 (complete MUS 100) MUS 300 (complete MUS 200) MUS 400 (complete MUS 300) MUS 163 Wind Symphony (Concert Band 1) MUS 140 MUS 240 (complete MUS 140 and sophomore standing) MUS 340 (complete MUS 240 and junior standing) MUS 440 (complete MUS 340 and senior standing) MUS 153 Concert Choir MUS 106 MUS 206 (complete MUS 106 and sophomore standing) MUS 306 (complete MUS 206 and junior standing) MUS 406 (complete MUS 306 and senior standing) MUS 165 Jazz Ensemble I MUS 130 MUS 230 (complete MUS 130 and sophomore standing) MUS 330 (complete MUS 230 and junior standing) MUS 430 (complete MUS 330 and senior standing) MUS 154 Symphonic Band (Concert Band 2) MUS 144 MUS 244 (complete MUS 144) MUS 344 (complete MUS 244) MUS 444 (complete MUS 344) MUS 166 Jazz Ensemble II MUS 134 MUS 234 (complete MUS 134 and sophomore standing) MUS 334 (complete MUS 234 and junior standing) MUS 434 (complete MUS 334 and senior standing) MUS 155 Orchestra MUS 156 MUS 256 (complete MUS 156 and sophomore standing) MUS 356 (complete MUS 256 and junior standing) MUS 456 (complete MUS 356 and senior standing) MUS 167 Choral Union MUS 158 MUS 258 (complete MUS 158 and sophomore standing) MUS 358 (complete MUS 258 and junior standing) MUS 458 (complete MUS 358 and senior standing) MUS 157 MannerChoir MUS 119 MUS 219 (complete MUS 119 and sophomore standing) MUS 319 (complete MUS 219 and junior standing) MUS 419 (complete MUS 319 and senior standing) MUS 168 Vocal Jazz MUS 160 MUS 260 (complete MUS 260 and sophomore standing) MUS 360 (complete MUS 360 and junior standing) MUS 460 (complete MUS 460 and senior standing) MUS 159 Women’s Chorus MUS 123 MUS 223 (complete MUS 123 and sophomore standing) MUS 323 (complete MUS 223 and junior standing) MUS 423 (complete MUS 323 and senior standing) MUS 169 Chamber Choir MUS 162 MUS 262 (complete MUS 162 and sophomore standing) MUS 362 (complete MUS 262 and junior standing) MUS 462 (complete MUS 362 and senior standing)