Graduate Council End of Year Report June 2015

Graduate Council End of Year Report
June 2015
The Graduate Council was productive this year. We met almost every second week. We heard one
appeal on an extension to complete a thesis. The rest of the time was spent on normal Council
business (e.g., awarding competitive grants, determining faculty status, etc.).
Additional Senate Charge
The Graduate Council is charged to consider the existing obstacles to the creation of interdisciplinary
courses or programs, and also to consider how the university might restructure in order to better
support courses and programs that do not easily fit our traditional, disciplinary boundaries
It was difficult to gain traction on this specific charge, as it seemed as if a number of entities on
campus were charged with a similar task. We did pursue a complementary task that one could
argue would be an important precursor to determining the issues of interdisciplinary work.
A subcommittee of the Graduate Council was formed to become a steering committee to answer the
question, what should graduate education look like at UWL? To answer the question, a grant was
written under the strategic initiatives through the Provost’s Office and was funded. The core
activity was to bring an external review team on campus. This was accomplished in April 2015. To
follow up on this activity, we are organizing a Graduate Education Summit for September 2, 2015 to
continue this discussion and determine an action plan for the future.
 ACTION: Follow up with the Graduate Education Summit and develop an Implementation
Team to work towards the goals from the External Reviewers and the Summit.
During the course of our normal business, it was uncovered that Graduate Assistants are treated
differently on campus depending on their hiring unit. Madeline Holzem was invited to a Council
meeting where concerns and policies were addressed. Subsequent meetings were held with Human
Resources to determine appropriate action steps. HR is working on a policy document over the
summer and Graduate Council will need to assist in the dissemination and education of all parties
to this policy.
 ACTION: In conjunction with Human Resources, advocate for the appropriate treatment and
consideration of graduate students employed at the University as Assistants for the various
During the course of normal business, financial resources available for graduate education
programs to serve as recruitment incentives (e.g., Midwest Consortium) as well as compensation
packages for Assistants were discussed. A request to have Dr. Bob Hetzel attend a meeting was
postponed due to his accident. Since that time, the Board of Regents has raised tuition for graduate
 ACTION: It would be important for the Graduate Council to invite Dr. Hetzel to discuss how
this increased revenue will benefit graduate students.
Respectfully Submitted
Robert J. Dixon
Chair of Graduate Council