UW-L Grad Council Meeting
Feb 20, 2015
10 – 11 a.m., 325 GMH
Present : Knowles, Skobic, Wall, Camic, Wright, Simpson, Vianden, Schwan, Kelly
Excused : Martin-Stanley, Dixon, Thorman
Absent : Lesher, Abhold, Bakkum, Duquette, Bushway
1) Approval of Minutes: Motion passes: 6-0-0
2) Natalie Solverson and Grace Engen to report on graduate education and HLC
Natalie and Grace presented data about graduate program completion rates in anticipation of the upcoming HLC visit. HLC now requires completion rate for graduate programs. Program Directors will see this information as well. Discussion on specific rates and dashboard. Natalie and Grace took feedback from the group.
3) RSEL grants ready for review
Committee will be meeting in the following weeks. If not enough money remains in RSEL fund we could dip into GRC 799 funds. Steve Simpson said if graduate students ask for and receive funds this fiscal year, they should be sure to use the money by June 1. After
RSEL committee figures out who gets what, Steve will report how much money is left.
4) short discussion about GA positions going into PeopleAdmin (some confusion there)
Steve Simpson reported that SAA Dept. put GA positions in PeopleAdmin. Each dept puts in their criteria but the entire process is handled through software. Some thought that HR wants all departments to go through this process. Not true. Each dept. can for this year decide what they want to do. HR would like it for next year depts. would reconsider and everyone go through People Admin. HR will not mandate.
5) 6 options about APR changes for graduate studies (see below)
Steve Simpson is looking for initial feedback on the options outlines in document for graduate program review.
Bill Schwan – in favor of option 5, separate Graduate APR Committee. Glenn Wright and
Martina Skobic. – in ESS and MBA review is separate right now.
Glenn Knowles. – Option 3 or 5. Advocate for different format for grad pgms because of issues that grad pgms might be interested in, such as appeals, admissions standards – could grad APR look at these because Graduate Council spends a lot of time on appeals.
5) if time permits, initial discussion of GA workloads (Jorg can voice concerns)
After discussion about GA work time and some GAs working considerably more than 20 hours per week. Resolved to invite someone from HR for next GC. Protecting the student should be of interest to GC.