UWL General Education Assessment Committee Room 306 Carl Wimberly Hall

UWL General Education Assessment Committee
Minutes: Friday February 7, 2014, 12:00 p.m.
Room 306 Carl Wimberly Hall
Present: Georges Cravins (chair), Jennifer Docktor (secretary), David Hart, Betsy Knowles,
Pamela Morris, Darci Thoune, Julie Weiskopf
Guest: Patrick Barlow
Minutes of January 27, 2014 meeting were approved. 7/0/0
Update from Patrick Barlow about university assessment activities related to
accreditation and future site visits.
III. Jennifer, Betsy, and Patrick reported on the GEC meeting from February 3.
a. Proposed changes to SLOs
b. Proposed changes to GEAC’s policies and procedures
c. Assessment software. Should this be specific to GEAC or flexible enough
to meet the needs of other venues on campus (e.g. School of Education)?
IV. Discussed pending Form As and consultations with specific departments (Political
Science, Geography / Earth Science, Psychology, Modern Languages). We should
expect to receive more Form As after the deadline.
V. Georges sent out a notification to departments about Form Bs. The tentative due date
for Form Bs is February 14.
VI. UWL100 is going to go through Political Science instead of Psychology. Georges is
meeting with them next week to try and come up with a permanent solution for
VII. Betsy provided information / training about evaluating Form Bs. (Will complete
spreadsheet drop-down lists for department evaluation of results, analysis of results, and
proposed improvements). Will wait on this until after the Form B deadline on February
VIII. The next meeting will be February 24.
The meeting adjourned at 12:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Docktor