Meeting of the Faculty Senate General Education Committee 325 Main Hall

Meeting of the Faculty Senate
General Education Committee
325 Main Hall
2 April 2012
Convened at 3:32, by T. Gendreau
Members attending: Michael Current, Abdulaziz Elfessi, Ann Epstein,
Anne Galbraith, Tom Gendreau, Jean Hindson, James Peirce, Michele Pettit,
Tom Pribek
Consultants: Chris Bakkum, Sam Cocks, Susan Crutchfield, Sandy Keller, D.
W. Koster, Eric Kraemer, Heather Mathison
M/S/P, approve minutes of 3/5/12; voice vote, unanimous
New course, PHL 200, for GE II, E. ,1;, first reading
- Eric Kraemer, for Philosophy – new hires want to use “texts, not
textbooks”; some do traditional approach, while others want to use
“the great literary texts” & belong in the literature category:
“complete texts” are featured in 200 and require appropriate
approach of textual analysis; essays & tests, not just tests of 100;
“no hard & fast distinction between what is offered in English
departments & philosophy departments”; PHL 200 not yet been taught
Susan Crutchfield, of English: should GEC preserve distinction of
literature category as “creative fiction”?; will present a full
Engl. dept. response next meeting, for second reading
Suggestion for next year: apply SLOs to GE categories to define them
Presentation by D.W. Koster & H. Mathison
- M/S/P, to approve GE credit for MTH 125 so long as MTH 126 is
successfully completed by end of Fall 2012; voice vote, unanimous
Student appeal, count a transfer course in II.E.1. lit. category; M/S/P,
voice vote, unanimous
Adjourned at 4:45pm,
Notes compiled by T. Pribek