Meeting of the Faculty Senate General Education Committee 325 Graff Main Hall October 5, 2015 2015-2016 Members: Colin Belby Sam Cocks Nabamita Dutta Kenny Hunt Heather Jett Lisa Kobs Bryan Kopp Meredith Thomsen Mary Tollefson Geography Philosophy Economics Computer Science Library Biology English Biology Music Present: Belby, Cocks, Dutta, Hunt, Jett, Kobs, Kopp, Thomsen, Tollefson Consultants and Guests: Patrick Barlow, Chris Bakkum, Georges Cravins, Peter Stoval, Becky Vianden, Michelle Sturm 1. Meeting commenced at 3:30 pm. 2. Motion to approve Minutes from 9/21/15. M/S/P (9/0/0). 3. Discussion of Department of Educational Studies’ request for waiver from the current assessment cycle for EDS 203, EDS 206, and EFN 205. • Interim Chair Dr. Adrienne Loh explained how EDS 206 is a new course taught by new faculty, EDS 203 is a revision of an existing course taught by new faculty and recently approved as a Gen Ed course, and the format of EFN 205 has changed significantly and is coordinated by new faculty. Dr. Loh indicated the combination of new/restructured courses taught by new faculty may limit their ability to develop effective assessment tools until the classes have been offered 1-2 semesters. • Georges Cravins, GEAC Chair, stated that the majority of GEAC supported the request for a waiver. • Motion to approve waiver for EDS 203 and EDS 206 from assessment during this two year cycle. M/S/P (9/0/0) • Motion to approve waiver for EFN 205 from assessment during this two year cycle. M/S/F (0/0/9) 4. Review of Taskstream modifications to the “Form A” process • Patrick Barlow provided GEC with documentation on how the existing Forms A, B, and C used in the General Education Assessment process were transitioned into the new Taskstream software. • Discussion ensued on the roll GEC plays in the approval of requirements added to Taskstream that were not previously on Forms A, B, or C. GEC members agreed that these changes require the approval of the GEC. • The focus of the discussion focused on the addition to the Taskstream Assessment Plan that courses provide a “benchmark for student performance on this task”. Members of the GEC had a brief discussion on benchmarks, including why they are used and how they might benefit the General Education Assessment process. • Patrick Barlow indicated the benchmark provision is standard within the Taskstream software and was thought to be useful during a program’s assessment planning phase. This, and other changes, were reviewed by members of GEAC during the summer. He indicated that benchmarks are already being used indirectly by programs during the analysis of results section of the assessment process, and this would make them more explicitly established prior to data collection. • Members of the GEC stated that if we are going to require benchmarks then we need to be clear about how we are going to use them and we need to provide guidance on their development. • Patrick Barlow stated it would be easy to remove the benchmark line from Taskstream, or he could add text to provide guidance. • Given constraints of the October 15, 2015 deadline for submission of assessment plans, GEC requested the benchmark provision be made optional to Taskstream users. The GEC will revisit the issue at a future point. • Motion to add the word “optional” to the “benchmark for student performance on this task” text found in the Taskstream Assessment Plan. M/S/P (9/0/0) 5. Discussion of SLO Alignment Survey approved by the GEC committee during Spring 2015. • Kenny Hunt will complete the survey by adding in all General Education courses and he will include information that explains how the survey will be used. • The GEC agreed to wait until after Oct. 15 to distribute the survey to Department chairs. Chairs will then distribute the survey to those they deem appropriate. • Further discussion of the survey will take place at the following GEC meeting. 6. Meeting adjourned at 5:01 pm. Respectfully submitted by Colin Belby