International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES C.M. 1993/L:66 Theme Session 0 DYNAMIC OF TOXIC DINOFLAGELLATES DURING AN UPWElLING EVENT AT THE NORTHWEST COAST OFF PORTUGAL A. Jorge da Silva • and M. Teresa Moita 11 * Instituto Hidrografico, Rua das Trinas 49, 1296 LISBOA CODEX, PORTUGAL # Instituto Nacional de Investiga~ao das Pescas, Av.Brasilia, 1400 LISBOA, PORTUGAL • Abstract The dynamies of Gymnodinium catenatum and Dinophysis acuta was studied during the development of a weak upwelling event observed in a repeated coverage of a combined CTD/plankton transect at 41°0S ' N, off the coast of Portugal. Both species were mainly distributed in the surface wind driven layer within the region of the equatorward coastal jet. Wind induced mixing, offshore transport and vertical motions were reflected in the distribution and the number of cells. It was generally observed that wind relaxation was associated with blooming conditions and shellfish toxicity, while active winds gave rise to dispersion of cells, reduction of their number and detoxification of bivalves. INTRODUCTION • Since 1985 blooms of Gymnodinium catenatum and of species of the genus Dinophysis, like D. acuta, D. sacculus and D. acuminata, along the western coast of Iberian Peninsula have been associated with recurrent toxicity problems involving, respectively, paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) (Fraga, Anderson, Bravo, Reguera, Steidinger and Yentsch, 1988; Reguera, Marino, Campos, Bravo, Fraga and Carbonell, 1993; Sampayo, 1989; Sampayo, Alvito, Franca and Sousa, 1990). Off Rias Baixas (NW Galicia), these dinoflagellates belong to phytoplankton assemblages characteristic of late stages of succession in the coastal upwelling ecosystem (Figueiras and Rios, 1993). Proliferations of these species in several pulses are also a common feature during summer and autumn in the rias (Fraga, Reguera and Bravo, 1990) as weIl as in Portuguese coastal lagoons (Sampayo et al., 1990). In the Iberian area, significant development of G. catenatum has never been referred to occur north of cape Finisterre. Until 1990 blooms of this species occurred mainly north of Lisbon during summer and autumn (Moita, 1993), while in 1992-93 large ceIl numbers have been observed south of Lisbon even during winter (Sampayo and Vilarinho, personal communication). In 1985-87 the major outbreaks in the Galician rias took pIace during autumn, associated with southerly wind events that caused shoreward advection of coastal waters, eventually penetrating into the rias (Reguera, Campos, Fraga, Marino and Bravo, 1991). Maximum cell counts were observed in the upper 5 m in the outer parts of the rias. The same authors mention that, since 1988, weak summer outbreaks of this species have also occurred in stratified eonditions during moderate upweiling. In such eases surface counts were very low, the eeil maxima being observed in the thermocline. Reguera et al. (1993) relate the growth of D. acuta and other species of Dinophysis to the establishment of a thermocline (10-15 m) under which the maximum concentrations are found, in the temperature range 15-17.5 °C, at salinities above 35. These authors suggest that extremely dry, hot summers eombined with moderate upweiling pulses, which allow thermoclines to persist at suitable depths, may give rise to suitable conditions for unusual summer blooms of D. acuta in the Galieian rias. Blooms of flageilates have been associated with different hydrodynamical conditions within and between water masses. In particular, eoastal currents and costal trapped buoyant plumes have been referred as playing a major role in the development and advection of the blooms and the associated toxicity (Franks and Anderson, 1992; Lindahl, 1993). During spring and summer the Portuguese shelf north of the Nazare eanyon (ca. 39°30'N, Figure 1) tends to be oceupied by a shallow lens of reduced salinity, roughly limited below by the seasonal pycnocline. The lens must be the result of the eombined eontributions of water from the NE Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay, being modified by local river runoff and interaction with Central Water upweiled near the coast (Jorge da Silva, 1992a). Upwelling events have been observed to disrupt the strueture of this lens near the coast (Jorge da Silva, 1992a,b) or to push its coastal limit offshore (Jorge da Silva, 1992b), mainly depending on wind strength and persistence (Jorge da Silva, 1992e). • In this paper the eross.-shelf and vertical distributions of D._ acuta and G. catenatum during their nearly simultaneous blooming in the northwest coast of Portugal is discussed in relation to the development of an upwelling event and the associated dynamics, as weil as with the presence of near-surface stratification conditions. THE DATA From 19 to 27 August 1987 a eombined hydrographie/plankton section was repeated daily over the western Portuguese shelf and slope roughly off the city of Oporto (Figure 1). CTD data, using a NBIS Mk IIIB instrument, were eoileeted along the section from on board RlV Almeida Carvalho. When the third repetition had just begun the CTD hit the bottom and the temperature sensor was damaged. The observations were, therefore, concluded using Nansen bottles equipped with reversing thermometers. A GeneralOceanics 101512 rosette sampIer (or Nansen bottles from the third repetition on) was used to coilect sampies for nutrients and phytoplankton studies at every other CTD station over the shelf and every third station over the slope, starting at the eostalmost one. Sampling levels were 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 75 dbar (or near bottom in shallow areas). During the whole study, eoastal winds were measured at an Aanderaa automatie weather station installed near Ferrel, at an altitude of 17 m in a weil exposed area with no distinet topographie features, some 200 km to the south of the seetion (Figure 1). 2 • . Phytoplankton sampIes were preserved with hexamethylenetetramine buffered formalin to a final concentration of 2 % (Throndsen, 1978). SubsampIes of 100 ml were allowed "to setUe for 3 days. Cells were identified and count~ by the Utermohl technique (HasIe, 1978). In this paper the authors' concern will essentially be related to two "dinoflagellate species, namely Dinophysis aellta and Gynmodinillm eatelwtum. CTD data were processed as described in Jorge da Silva, Marreiros and Almeida (1992). The wind time series, collected at 30-min intervals, was filtered to produce hourly values, and subsequently low-pass filtered (fe = 0.028 cph) with a third order Bwtenvonlz filter timt preserves 95% of the signals with 50-hour periods and 5% of signals with 20-hour periods. Prior to low-pass filtering, the eastward and northward wind stress components (TE' T N) were ca1culated tising the quadratic drag law (T E' TN) • = p. Co IVI (ll , v) where v is the wind vector, (ll, v) are, respectively, the eastward and northward wind components, p. is the air density (1.22 kg m-3) and CD is the drag coefficient (0.0012). RESULTS The summer upwelling season of 1987 was rather weak, the main favorable wind events having occurred In mid May to mirl iüne (VItorino, 1989) and iritermittency being the main characteristie of the remaining months (Jorge da Silva, 1992c). Somehow reflecting this situation, at the beginning of the observations, on 19 August, blooms of large autotrophie dinoflagellates, in particular Cerati1ll1l!llSliS (1.3 x 1<f cells I-I), dominated a characteristic late summer I early autumn plankton commtinity. At the same time, G. eatenat1ll1l and D. aClita reached, respectively, 36xH)3 cells }"I and 69xlOl cells 1\ • The wind was \veak to moderate from an upwelling favorable direction during the investigations (Figure 2). The near surface response of the ocean, clearly revealed by the offshore displacement of the isotherms over the shelf (Figure 3), occurred within 1 day of the onset of a significant forcing. The effect of the weak wind pulse of 17-19 August could still be noticed as inshore temperature values Iower than 15°C. Iri the water column the inducect vertical motion near the coast was quite obvious as an uplifting of isohalines and isopycnals, with surface outcropping at the innennost 20 km (Figure 6). Dinophysis aellta was basically distributed over the inner and mid shelf, the Iargest niean values being observed inshore duririg periods of wind relaxation (Figure 4), with water column maxima being found in association with the largest inshore vertical density gradients (Figtire 7). Gymnodinillm catenatum was distributed over the whole shelf. Mean values tended to reflect the cross-shelf water transport associated with wind pulses both as an offshore displacement of the maximum and as a reduction of the average number of cells (Figure 5). During the relaxation of the'short wind event that peaked on 18 August the maximum number of cells of D. aeuta occurred inshore in the upper 10 or 20 dbar" (Figure 7), usually in "water with salinity above 35.4 and density anomaly greater than 26.0 kg m-3 (Figure 6). 3 G. catenatum showed a similar behaviour but significant cell numbers were also found at mid shelf, extending vertically down to the basis of the seasonal pycnocline. On 22 August the surface water was less saline and less dense, particularly at the innermost 10 km (Figure 6). Maximum cell numbers of G. catenatum on that day extended over deeper levels and greater distance from the coast than 2 days before, significant values still being found dose to the bottom of the pycnocline (Figure 7). On the other hand, maxima of D. acuta were absent from the near surface, in an apparent indication that the lighter inshore water contained no cells of this species although it was rich in G. catenatum (Figure 7). The northerly wind event that peaked on 22 August (Figure 2) gave rise to coastal upwelling and surface mixing. On 24 August the density anomaly in the surface layer was greater than 26.0 kg m- 3 all over the mid and inner shelf and the salinity was above 35.6 everywhere but at the surface in the innermost station (Figure 6). Cell numbers of D. acuta had the same order of magnitude from the near surface to 20 dbar at the innermost 10-15 km (Figure 7). Below that level the number of cells was drastically reduced, in contrast with the situation of 22 August. On 23 August (not shown) cell numbers of G. catenatum were maximum in a band extending from 10 dbar at 10 km to 30 dbar at 30 km, roughly following the 26.8 kg m-3 isopycnal. On 24 August, however, the values were lower, evidencing greater vertical homogeneity with the exception of the innermost station where no cells were found below 10 dbar (Figure 7). Wind relaxation occurred again on 25 August (Figure 2) and the average cell number of D. acuta was seen to increase near the coast (Figure 4). This contrasts with the distribution of G. catenatum which showed a minimum dose to the coast (Figure 5). On 26 August, D. acuta was basically confmed to the upper 20 dbar, with maximum values at 5 dbar in the innermost 10 km. Instead, the largest cell counts of G. catenatum were obtained in the upper 10 dbar at 20 km from the coast (Figure 7). On 27 August the number of cells of both species decreased again (Figures 4 and 5), in an apparent association with the wind peak the day before (Figure 2). DISCUSSION Based on direct current measurements conducted at three mooring positions covering the whoie shelf along the CTD/plankton section, Jorge da Silva (1992c) described the shelf circulation associated with the upwelling process in the area. Matching his interpretations of the current system on 19 August, just after the short northerly wind peak (Figure 2), with the present vertical distributions (Figures 6 and 7) on 20 August, it is possible to arrive at the following: - The wind driven surface (Ekman) layer was roughly limited below by the isopycnal of 26.8 kg m-3 ; - The offshore extension of the equatorward costal jet was likely to coincide approximately with the 35.7 isohaline; 4 • - The poleward undercurrent had its core cit 50-60 km from the coast, along and below the coastal limit of the offshore salinity maXimum; - The onshore subsurface motion was most importaTIt beneath nie offshore salinity maxiinum; - Near bottom onshore motion was likely to bring deeper water to pressurc levels above 100 dbar at mid shelf; , ' - Both dinoflagellate species werc niainly distributed in the wind driven layer within the coastee'll equatorward jet; - A secondary maximum of G. catenatum was preserit near the bottom within the coastal salinity maximum, where the motion tended to be generally poleward and onshore. As a cönsequence of the wind event that began on 22 August, the coastal equatorward jet intensified and underwent offshore displacement, with an inshore counter-current being noticeable on 25-26 August (Jorge da Silva, 1992c). The wind driven surface layer was, howev~r, restricted to thc upper 30 m or less, at least over the inner and mid shelf (Figure 6). The ,water column reniained two-layered after the upwelling event; which Jorge da Silva (1992c) . atirlbuted to the relatively mild wind conditions. Positive cell counts were essentially found in the wind driven surface layer, and reflected thc vertical oscillations of Hs base. This was particularly evident on 26 August in the distributions of both dinoflagellate species (Figures'6 and 7). It is interesting to compare the distributions of cells on that day with those on 20 August, also obtairied after wind relaxation .(Figure 2) and when surface salinities were similar elose to the coast. It is tempting to interpret the differences in cell distributions as due to either totally different stratification conditions, resulting from the different strength of the upwelling events, or different longshore dynamics dose to the coast: equatorward jet on 20 August, and poleward counter-current on 26 August (Jorge da Silva, 1992c). • , Toxicity by both DSP and PSP was observed duririg the cruise in the musseI Mytillis .edulis (intertidal) and the elam Spisula solida (caught at the bottom inshore of the 35 m isobath)~ The sampIes were coIlectCd on 24 August in the area off Oporto; and a bari was imposed on shellfish harvest. It seems reasonable to link the shellfish toxification with the high numbers of both D. aClita and G. catenatum observed irishore at the beginning of the cruise. Conversely, the 100ver abundance ofboth dinoflagellates after 23 August, partiCularly in inshore near-bottom waters (Figurc 7), is likely to be the inain reason of the confirmed absence of shellfish toxicity after 31 August. The lower cell counts obtained after 23 August, and the subsequent absence of shellfish toxicity, may be due to replacement of the inshore bottom water, in a direct consequence of the upwelling event. Alternatively, one may think that the offshore displacemerit of the equatorward jet, as weIl as of the upwellirig source region (Jorge da Silva; 1992c), may have replaced the water in the coastalmost 10 km, when the inshore counter-current was established in the last days of the cruise. '. Whenever the observations happeried to have exteride<i to the bottom at inid shelf they tended to reveal a weak maximum in cell mimber of (at least) G. catenatunz (20, 22 August, Figure 7). Thc developinerit of upwellirig, giving rise to a shoreward compensation current at depth, may have carried this maximum inshore (26 August). Actually, thc intensification of thc equatorward jet may have originated, through bohom friction; onshore motion in the near 5 bottom layer (Jorge da Silva, 1992c). It may, thus, be hypothesized that cyst re-suspension and germination is likely to underlie the presence of this maximum, although the possibility of offshore sinking in a vertical circulation cell should not be excluded as a possible cause of its presence. CONCLUSIONS At the mid-term of a weak summer upwelling season off Oporto (Portugal), dinoflagellates dominated a plankton community characteristic of early autumn in which Gymnodinium catenatum and Dinophysis acuta represented, at most, 5% ofthe most abundant species. These two species were distributed over the shelf, D. acuta being absent from its outer part. They were mainly present in the surface layer within the region of the equatorward jet characteristic of coastal upwelling. During a short lasting wind induced upwelling event of moderate intensity, the water column remained two-Iayered and the distribution of those dinoflagellates reflected the vertical displacement of the pycnocline. Upwelling and the associated wind mixing apparently caused offshore transport, dispersion and reduction in the number of cells, which was particularly evident with G. catenatum due to its wider distribution area. It is suggested that stronger stratification conditions favor the development of both dinoflagellate species, but it is not clear whether the nearshore dynamics plays also a relevant role. Shellfish toxicity was positively linked to blooming of both dinoflagellates in inshore waters. Subsequent detoxification was associated to the decline of the blooms which appeared to be caused by development of coastal upwelling. Acknowledgmellts - The authors are indebted to Augusto Carreira for bis help on the identifieation and eounting of phytoplankton sampies. Thanks are also due to the captain and crew of RN Almeida Carvalho for their eollaboration during the field phase of the studies. Tbis work was partly funded by Junta Naeional de Investiga<;äo Cientifiea e Tecnol6giea through Project STRD/A/MAR/224/92. REFERENCES Figueiras, F.G. and A.F. Rios (1993) Phytoplankton sueeession, Red Tides and the hydrographie regime in the Rias Bajas of Galieia. In: T. Smayda and Y. Shimizu (Eds.) Toxie Phytoplankton Blooms in the Sea, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 239-244. Fraga, S., B. Reguera and I. Bravo (1990) Gymnodinium catenatum bloom formation in the Spanish Rias. In: E. Graneli, B. Sundstmrn, L. Edler and D.M. Anderson (Eds.) Toxie Marine Phytoplankton, Elsevier, New York, 149-154. Fraga, S., D.M. Anderson, I. Bravo, B. Reguera, K. Steidinger and C. M. Yentseh (1988) Influence of upwelling relaxation on dinoflagellates and shellfish toxicity in Ria de Vigo, Spain. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciellce, 27, 349-361. Franks, P.J.S. and D.M. Anderson (1992) Toxie phytoplankton blooms in the southwestern Gulf of Maine: testing hypothesis of physical control using historieal data. Marine Biology, 112, 165-174. 6 • • Hasle, G.R. (1978) Using the inverted microseope. In: A. Sournia (Ed.), Phytoplankton Manual, Monographs Oll Oceallic Methodology, 6, UNESCO, Paris, 191-196. Jorge da Silva, A. (1992a) Contribui9äo do Instituto Hidrognifico para 0 Projecto JNICT 87344 - Resultados do cruzeiro CECIR XII, Maio 1987. REL TF-OF-7/92; Instituto Hidrogr:ifieo, Lisbon, 29 pp. (unpublished manuscript) (in Portuguese). Jorge da Silva, A. (l992b) Contribui~ao do Instituto Hidrogr:ifico para 0 Projecto JNICT 87344 - Resultados do Cruzeiro CECIR XIII, Agosto 1987. REL TF-OF-8/92, Instituto Hidrognifico, Lisbon, 43 pp. (unpublished manuscript) (in Portuguese). Jorge da Silva, A. (1992c) Dependance ofupwelling related circulation on wind forcing and stratification over the Portuguese northem shelf. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Council Meeting 1992, Paper C:17, 12 pp. Jorge da Silva, A., M. Marreiros and S.L. Almeida (1992) Processamento de dados de CTD. Allais do Imtituto Hidrograjico, 11, 7-18 (in Portuguese). Lindahl, O. (1993) Hydrodynamical processes: a trigger and source for tlagelIate blooms along the Skagerrak eoasts. IIl: T. Smayda and Y. Shimizu, (Eds.) Toxie Phytoplankton Blooms in the Sea, Elsevier, 775-781. Moita, M.T. (1993) Development of toxie dinotlagellates in relation to upwelling patterns off Portugal. In: T. Smayda and Y. Shimizu (Eds.) Toxie Phytoplankton Blooms in the Sea, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 299-304. Reguera, B., J. Marino, M.J. Campos, I. Bravo, S. Fraga and A. Carbonell (1993) Trends in the oeeurrenee of Dinophysis spp. in Galician Waters. IIl: T.Smayda and Y.Shimizu (Eds.) Toxie Phytoplankton B100ms in the Sea, Elsevier, Amstenlam, 559-564. Reguera, B., M.J. Campos, S. Fraga, J. Marino and I. Bravo (1991) The Spanish monitoring of harmful algal blooms in Galieia. Proeeedings of the CNEVA International Symposium on Marine Biotoxins, Paris, 16 pp. Sampayo, M.A. (1989) Red tides offthe portuguese eoast. IIl: T. Okaichi, D.M. Anderson and T. Nemoto, (Eds.) Red Tides: Biology, Environmental Scienee, and Toxicology, EIsevier, New York, 89-92. Sampayo. M.A.M., P. Alvito, S. Franca and I. Sousa (1990) Dillophysis spp. toxicity and relation to aceompanying species. 111: E. Graneli, B. Sundstmm, L. Edler and D. Anderson (Eds.) Toxie Marine . .•..•. Phytoplankton, Elsevier, New York, 215-220. Throndsen, J. (1978)Preservation and storage. 111: A.Sournia (Ed.), Phytoplankton Manual, MOllographs 011 Oceallic Methodology, 6, UNESCO, Paris, 69-74. Vitorino, J.P.N. (1989) Circula~ao residual ao largo da costa NW de Portugal durante a esta<$äo de atloramento de 1987. Allais do Imtituto Hidrogr!ljico, 10, 25-37 (in Portuguese) . • 7 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 42 r-----,,"'--,---.-_____.-rr-n-r---.-----, 42 41 41 40 40 ::l39 39 Z <l> '1:l ..:::: Ctl ...:l 38 38 37 37 36 l.-_-="'=""'-_-'---_ _-'----='-4.--'---.l..-"':>"-..L-"""""L-l 36 13 12 11 10 9 Longitude W 8 7 Figure 1. Bathymetrie ehart of the eoast of Portugal (isobaths in metres), position of the repeated section and approximate loeation of the eoastal automatie weather station of Ferrel. 3 3 -;;~ N I -'" 0 ..... -1 -1 l- -3 15 20 25 30 -3 August 1987 _ 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 Ctl ~ N I 0 -l-..... -4 -4 -6 -6 -ß -ß z -10 H, 20 25 August 1987 Figure 2. Coastal wind stress at Ferrel. August 1987. 8 30 -10 • t (Oe) - 5 dbar 9,._5_ _---=- 18 1,-°.,-- .-9 a --=.8.5 18 "" "" 19 19 N z::' 20 20 21 21 ~ 22 22 ~ 23 23 ~ 24 24 25 25 ~ co ;j .::s (/J 26 Cl 26 27 27 28 L- ----' 10 9.5 --'-- 9 Longitude W 28 ----' 8.5 Figure 3. Space-time representalion of temperature at 5 dbar. 'The verticalline indicates the position of lhe 200 m isobath. Dinophysis acuta 19 8.5 9 9.5 10 ~')J~' 20 21 ".'r' . {« 22 . . .~ 23 ;. 24 ~\ "' ~ ~ . I• • • i ~'. 25 26 .? 27 10 \ '" \ . ,J • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-., r20 co 21 22 m ..... ...., (IJ ;j 23 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 t>ll ;j .::s (/J 25 >. <tl Cl 26 27 8.5 9 9.5 19 ~ Longitude W Figure 4. Space-time rep' esentation of the mean cell count of D. acuta in the water column (log no. cells 1'1). Gyrnnodiniurn catenatu1n 10 8.5 9 9.5 19 . (''L< . . ( ~\ 3·:' 20 , . 21 .,-_ .,~ ~. 22 , l' 23 ~~~"-' .. ......,~(. , 24 \ \ "- - ' . ,. 25 1 "" . 26 ~ . . ev/ 27 '. 10 ;,," . ,6· 9 9.5 • -- . -'35 \ .... ~ v. ~ ~ .1' • (- 3 .. 19 ~ ~ §'§ §'§ ~ ~ ~ ~ §'§ ,-., 20 rco m 21 ...... ...., §'§ §'§ 22 ~ ~ 23 §'§ §'§ >. 25 <tl ~ ~ (IJ ;j t>ll ;:l <C ~ ~ ~ 24 ~ ~ ~ ~ 26 '--' (/J Cl §'§ ~ 27 8.5 Longitude W l Figure 5. Space-time representation of the mean cell count of G. catellatum in the water column (log no. cells t ). 9 Slalions Slations 341 337 337 341 332 ~ III .0 '0 ......, ~2&'& ,l' 100 60 80 40 20 I-t ;::l Ul Ul Q) , p., ! 100 80 J. Q) I-. ;::l 60 Ul Ul I I IIJ /'l (kg m") I 100 I-t III .0 '0 ......, I ,,',,, ,,,- ...... -.. , , ", , 0.. 20 Aug ').1° 60 k 40 20 0 100 Distance offshore (km) Distance offshore (km) Stations Stations 365 369 - ,.... 20 ._, .,--' . ~ij,~~ I-t 0 ' "-, __ ... , , Q) S 20 Aug l,---<2~ ~~26.6 I-t 60 327 ~~~ ""~/' ----.....::::::~'/.&ß ,.... 20 332 365 369 361 361 . ,35.8 20 :258 L:' III .0 t_ '1J ......, Q) 60 80 60 40 , ' o "'. 80 60 80 60 40 o 20 'l"" /\ 397 393 389 384 ,.... 20 ,.... I-t 20 III .0 '0 ......, • .. 20 40 100 Stations 38tt<35.2 389 ,. I-t ;::l Ul Ul -0 ......, ., Q) I-t \ 60 IIJ I-t 100 80 Distance offshore (km) 60 40 20 Ul Ul 0.. 24 Aug 100 ;::l IIJ I-t 1dkg m-') p., 0 I-t III .0 Q) 60 S 24 Aug 100 100 Distance offshore (km) "'1~ . : .".~ U. . ~ 0.. 100 1-v.:~::~ Ql IIJ I-t I-. 20 Stations 393 Ul Ul 0.. Distance offshore (km) 397 60 -268 Ul Ul Q) S 22 Aug 100 I-t ;::l 0 100 Distance offshore (km) ... ,,; 'J 425 417 . Stations 412 425 421 412 417 "..., 20 35.8j I-t 20 III .0 '0 '1J ....... IIJ Q) I-t ;::l I-t 60 rn S 100 80 60 40 Distance offshore (km) 20 Ul ., 0.. 0.. (/) I-. 0 ::l IIJ Ul 26 Aug III .0 ....... 60 L:' I-. 100 100 80 60 40 Distance offshore (km) 20 0 Figure 6. Vertical distributions of salinity and density anomaly at the repeated seetion (Lat 41 °OS'N), August 1987. 10 100 _ ..--------- --- --- -- Slations 341 Slations 332 337 327 341 337 332 327 ,...., ,...., I-. 20 III I-. 20 III '0 ....., '0 ....., .c .c l1J l1J 60 ;:l 60 ;:l Q) l1J I-. I-. f/l f/l D.acuta 20 Aug. 80 100 60 40 I-. I-. e.. 0 20 f/l f/l 0.. 100 100 80 361 365 eh 356 369 ~1 , 20 J'<? 8 365 f/l f/l r;-. 60 40 0 20 356 20 100 100 80 60 40 l1J I-. f/l f/l l1J 20 I-. e.. 0 100 Dislance offshore (km) Slations Slations 389 393 , 0 ' 393 397 384 c(l : 2· 20 J' 384 389 ~C~~: 'i:' III .c '0 ....., 20 '0 CF,: l1J I-. l1J I-. 60 ;:l f/l f/l - 80 20 40 60 f/l f/l l1J D.acuta 24 Aug. 100 100 80 ' 6 Slations 20 40 0 100 Slations " , 425 412 417 421 60 I-. e.. Dislance offshore (km) Dislance offshore (km) 425 l1J C. catenatum 24 Aug. I-. e.. 0 'i:' III .n '0 ....., 2 60 ;:l 100 'i:' III .c '0 ....., 60 ;:l 'G. catenatum 22 Aug. I-. 0.. Dislance offshore (km) 397 100 " /.2- Q) D.acuta 22 Aug. 361 ~~ l1J I-. 80 0 (,(9' 'i:' III .c '0 ....., 60 ;:l 100 20 Slations Slations - 40 Dislance offshore (km) Dislance offshore (km) 369 60 412 417 421 /~3 ~2' 20 'i:' III ~;" .\/, .n " ~ Q) l1J I-. I-. 60 ;:l 60 ;:l ( 100 80 60 . 40 f/l f/l Q) f/l f/l 1- llJ D.acuta 26 Aug. 20 I-. I-. e.. 0 0.. 100 100 80 60 40 20 o 100 Distance offshore (km) Dislance offshore (km) Figure 7. Vertical distributions of D.acuta and G. catenatum (Log no. cells '-1) at the repeated section (Lat 41 °OS'N), August 1987 (station levels with positive cell counts are represented by dots and those with zero cell counts by crosses). 11