Committee on Academic Policies and Standards (CAPS) Minutes for November 1 2013

Committee on Academic Policies and Standards (CAPS)
Minutes for November 1st 2013
Members present: B. Butterfield, D. Annino, R. Wolf, T. Docan-Morgan, R. Gillis, and
E. Strauss
Members excused: J. Dziak, P. Miller, T. Seddon
Alternates: Allan Macpherson, James Peirce, Sherwin Toribio (not in attendance)
Consultants: G. Herling, A. Dittman, C. Burkhardt, S. Keller, T. Walls, J. Von Ruden
Guests: none
1. B. Butterfield called the meeting to order at 2:23 p.m.
2. Motion to approve minutes, with revision to include “Respectfully submitted by
Janna Dziak” (6-0-0). Note for S. Weathers to “scrub” students’ identifying
information on previous minutes. Motion seconded. (6-0-0)
3. (#2 on agenda) Committee discussed changing language in the catalog to include
students wishing to add a minor to their transcript. Motion to include adding the
minor. Motion seconded. (6-0-0). The following revised text was recommended:
A graduate who has earned one baccalaureate degree at UW-L, who wishes to complete the
requirements for another major and/or minor, must meet all professional and major/minor
requirements. A notation will be made on the student’s transcript that an additional major/minor
has been completed. Students with demonstrated evidence of a previously earned baccalaureate
degree from another regionally accredited institution, who wish to complete the requirements for
another major/minor at UW-L, must enroll as a special non-degree student and fulfill all
professional and major/minor requirements. If all required courses are earned in residence, a
notation will be made on the student’s transcript indicating an additional major/minor has been
4. (#3 on agenda) Motion to remove “the Records and Registration Office” from the
approval from the Undergraduate Residence Requirement exceptions. Motion
seconded. (6-0-0). The following revised text was recommended:
A minimum of 30 semester credits in residence at UW-L is required for graduation. The last 24
credits to be applied toward a degree must be earned as resident credits. The Records and
Registration Office and The appropriate academic dean may give permission for seniors to earn
not more than the last ten credits at another institution. A request to earn more than the last ten
credits at another institution must be submitted to and approved by the faculty through an appeal
by petition to the Committee on Academic Policies and Standards
5. (#4 on agenda) Committee discussed the current credit cap by exam for incoming
students. A subcommittee will revisit this issue by examining how many students
are getting credit by exam at UW-L, as well as credit by exam policies at other
University of Wisconsin system schools. Subcommittee will consist of G.
Herling, R. Wolf, and E. Strauss.
6. (#5 on agenda) Committee discussed the most recent final exam policy (11-12-09
minutes Senate; item #6) and discussed possible modifications. The committee
agreed to leave the policy unchanged.
7. (#6 on the agenda) Committee discussed Commencement Honors and Graduation
Honors policies approved at the last meeting. The Committee recommended that
the wording for Commencement Honors and Graduation Honors be amended as
Commencement honors determine which students may wear an honor cord
(foragers) during commencement exercises. Commencement honors are noted
beside students' names in commencement programs. Calculations for
commencement honors and highest honors are based on grade point averages
earned at the end of the last term in residence prior to the term of graduation. To
be eligible as a baccalaureate candidate, you must have earned no fewer than 45
semester credits in residence at UW-L prior to the beginning date of the term in
which you intend to graduate and 30 credits as an associate candidate. You must
have a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 to wear the honor cord or at least
3.75 to wear the cord designating highest honors. Only resident credits are used in
the GPA calculation. Commencement honors are calculated for baccalaureate and
associate degree candidates only. Graduate degree candidates (remove)and
associate degree candidates are not eligible.
Graduation honors are posted on permanent academic records if students have
earned no fewer than 60 semester credits in residence for a baccalaureate degree
and 30 credits in residence for an associate degree at UWL. You must have a
cumulative grade point average of 3.50 for graduation with honors or at least 3.75
for graduation with highest honors at the end of your last term in residence. Only
resident credits are used in the GPA calculation. Graduation honors are calculated
for baccalaureate and associate degree candidates only. Graduate degree
candidates and associate degree candidates are not eligible.
Motion to approve recommendation. Motion seconded. (6-0-0)
8. Committee member suggested that students who are on probation, or whose
appeals for reinstatement to the university are approved by the committee, have a
registration restriction (negative service indicator) placed on them so that they
must meet with their/advisors before they enroll in a new term. Committee will
discuss at the next meeting.
Roll call (6-0-0) to move to closed session as provided in section 19.85 (1)(a) of
Wisconsin Statutes, when: “deliberating concerning a case which was the subject
of any judicial or quasi-judicial trial or hearing before the governmental body.”
10. The Committee heard an appeal from the CBA to allow Student X to take the final
twelve credits at another intuition. The committee voted to approve the appeal. (60-0)
11. Motion to adjourn. Motion approved. (6-0-0)
12. Meeting was adjourned at 3:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by T. Docan-Morgan