Faculty Senate Meeting of May 1, 2014 – 325 Graff Main Hall

Faculty Senate
Meeting of May 1, 2014
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 48, No. 14
Roll Call – Present: M. Allen, J. Anderson, C. Angell, E. Barnes, K. Beyer, L. Caya, M.
Current, L. Dickmeyer, N. Eschenbaum, A. Galbraith, P. Haried, D. Hart, K. Hoar, J.
Hollenback, J. Kirsch, F. Klein, R. McKelley, D. Riley, K. Rosacker, B. Seebach, J.
Shanks, B. Shrestha, K. Terpstra.
Excused: G. Cravins
Approval of Minutes – the minutes of the April 24, 2014 meeting were approved as
A. Chancellor – Joe Gow
1. Update regarding Wittich Hall.
2. CBA has a space issue.
3. Reserve balance is an ongoing discussion throughout the state.
4. State-wide tuition freeze.
B. Provost – Heidi Macpherson.
1. Ron Kind visited UW-L on April 24.
2. As a result of the work of IR we are now eligible for financial aid that we
were not previously available for.
3. Office hours are ongoing in the ICE space. It is a nice informal
4. Enrollment Services is surveying the campus. Please take time to
complete the surveys.
5. The Director of Careers and Advising search has been postponed to build
the search pool.
C. CFO – Bob Hetzel.
1. Discussions are starting regarding the 2015-2017 budget.
2. Discussion regarding pay adjustments.
D. Faculty Senate Chair – Anne Galbraith.
1. A joint legislative forum is scheduled next Friday, May 9th from 3-4:00
p.m. in the Ward Room. Four area legislators will be present to answer
any of your questions..
2. The Student Senate is hosting a Faculty Appreciation Day next week from
11-1:00p.m. in the Ward Room.
Approval of Spring Graduates
M/S/P to approve the list of spring 2014 graduates contingent upon the successful
completion of the requirements for their respective degrees.
Report from the Committee on Faculty Committees
Kerrie Hoar, Chair of the Committee on Faculty Committees, presented the following
1. The CoFC recommends that future committees are provided with (or
request) the following to aid them in their work:
a) The computer app developed and maintained by Steve Senger.
The SEC chair should help facilitate communication between
Steve and the CoFC.
b) The attached set of CoFC Guidelines (as provided for in the
Faculty Senate.
c) Bylaws sections I.C and II) and historic working processes.
d) The attached (or an updated version) list of CoFC Committee
Membership Guidelines.
(1) http://www.uwlax.edu/facultysenate/48th/4-2414/CoFCGuidelines.pdf
B. M/S/P to accept the recommendations.
C. M/S/P to approve the 2014-15 committee assignments.
Center for Grief and Death Education move to Psychology.
The departments of Psychology, Sociology/Archaeology and the College of Liberal
Studies request the following:
 A change in the academic home of the Center from Sociology/Archaeology to
 A change in the name of the center from the Center for Death Education and
Bioethics to the Center for Grief & Death Education.
M/S/P to approve to changes.
General Education Assessment.
Meredith Thomson presented the report from the General Education Committee developed in
cooperation with the General Education Assessment Committee.
M/S/P to accept the report as distributed.
Academic Freedom Statement.
The ad hoc Academic Freedom Committee presented the following draft statement:
At the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UW-L), institutional academic freedom is a principle
that conveys both rights and responsibilities to instructors, students, and the institution. UW-L’s
mission statement states, “The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse provides a challenging,
dynamic, and diverse learning environment in which the entire university community is fully
engaged in supporting student success.” The freedoms of instructors to conduct research and to
teach material and of students to formulate their own judgments are crucial to maintaining an
environment, which fosters intellectual growth and the pursuit of knowledge. It is assumed that
all UW-L employees and students included in the academic freedom aegis are already bound by
one or more sets of ethical/professional standards of conduct. Such standards form part UW-L
policies. Instructors and students that are members of professional societies may indeed be
further bound by standards promulgated by those professional societies. It is with confidence
that comments within classrooms and other class communication are not only made with
integrity and honesty, but also will be protected by this statement on academic freedom.
Grievances must be put to the Committee on Complaints, Grievances, Appeals and Academic
M/S/P to accept the intent of the report.
The ad hoc committee will continue to work on language revision to be presented to next year’s
faculty senate.
IX. Academic Program Review Reports
A. Accountancy
M/S/P to accept the report at distributed.
B. Philosophy
M/S/P to accept the report as distributed.
X. SoE representation on Faculty Senate – 2nd Reading
The SEC proposes to convert the 5th CLS seat to an At-Large/SoE seat. This seat can only be
held by SoE faculty/IAS as defined by Faculty Senate policies Article XII and Human
Resources. This At-Large/SoE Senator must be elected by all faculty/IAS just as other At-Large
seats are elected. SoE faculty/IAS could also run for other At-Large seats.
M/S/P to amend by deleting the phrase, “as defined by Faculty Senate policies Article XII and
Human Resources” in the second sentence.
This constitutes another 1st Reading.
New Business
XII. Old Business
XIII. Adjournment – 5:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Kirsten (Kris) Rosacker