FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LX-138P R&R rev. 04/2011 1st Reading LX 138P - PROGRAM CURRICULUM FORM NEW/REVISED MAJOR, MINOR, EMPHASIS, ETC. Print Form New Program 2nd Reading Change Program - check all changes Action PS Course # PS Course PS PreReq AR credits required course title electives other (explain) Dept/ARC SUBMIT VIA EMAIL TO RECORDS AND REGISTRATION OFFICE, UCCFORMS@UWLAX.EDU OR GCCFORMS@UWLAX.EDU AS APPROPRIATE. DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY NOON PRIOR TO THE NEXT TUESDAY MEETING. Catalog Submit signed original on yellow/golden rod paper, no copies, to Records & Registration. Effective Term: Program Title: History Minor with Topical Emphasis Department/Program: Undergraduate Major Emphasis within major Type description, as it should appear in the catalog(go to page 3 to input more information). NOTE: Indicate which college(s)/school(s) are eligible for the program. If it is a revision, bold and superscript deletions and bold and underline revisions. (All Colleges) – 24 credits Minor Emphasis within minor Emphasis (no major/minor Concentration Core This minor is not open to Teacher Education students. Core Requirements – HIS 200, and six credits from HIS 210, 230, 240, 250, 260, or 285 (9 credits total). (continued on page 3) Certificate Graduate Program Option within program Certificate Applies to students in: All catalogs (retroactive) new catalog only Program Size: Number of credits before program N/A change Number of proposed credits 24 Program Revision: If this is an increase in credits, will students be graduating with more credits? Be prepared to discuss at curriculum meeting. Yes No Other pertinent information (attach on separate sheet if necessary): Dept. Chair and Dean signatures certify qualified instructional staff; adequate student demand; adequate facilities; appropriate equipment & materials; consideration of exceptional course fees (above $20); and approval of college/ school curriculum committee, if applicable; and communication with other affected units. New Undergraduate Program (majors/emphases only) Policy limits majors to 40 credits unless required APPROVALS: (Cross-listed courses require both/all Department Chair signatures) by external agencies, accreditation, etc. Justification if more than 40 credits: Department Chair(s)/Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ Dean/College/Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Signed after curriculum committee approval Committee Chair/Date: __________________________________________________________________________________ Provost/Vice Chancellor/Date: ___________________________________________________________________________ Registrar/Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________ LX-138P R&R 04/2011 Number of credits required Page 2 was: will be: Rationale for increase: New Undergraduate Program (majors/emphases only): Extent of Majors Policy limits majors to 40 credits unless more is required by external agencies, accreditation, etc. Justification for more than 40 credits: N/A Other Pertinent Information: Please see attached cover memo summarizing this minor its rationale, and summarizing all LX forms involved in the creation. Which other academic departments have you consulted with about this program change? Provide written documentation from those department(s): Philosophy Political Science / Public Administration English Sociology / Archeology For All Teacher Education Program/Courses 1. Attach a brief description of how this will enhance teacher education and/or respond to accreditation or certification requirements: N/A, Teacher Education Students are not eligible for this minor 2. Provide evidence of consultation and teacher education programs affected by these changes: 3. Director of School of Education/Date:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LX-138P R&R 04/2011 Page 3 Additional information (if inputting from more than 1 category, please label each section): Topical Emphases – 15 credits from one of these three emphases, with no more than 6 credits of that 15 coming from disciplines outside the department of history. Public and Policy History HIS 320: Introduction to Public and Policy History HIS 322: History of Public Education HIS 391: History of Environmental Policy in the US HIS 393: Material Culture HIS 403: Exhibition Design and Development HIS 407: State and Society HIS 450: Internship / Field Experience POL 211: Introduction to Public Administration POL 313: Public Policy POL 317: Health Policy POL 318: Environmental Policy GEO 208: Applications of Geographic Information Systems I ENG 327: Publishing in a Digital Age ENG: 335: Introduction to Professional Writing ARC 300: Cultural Resource Management Technical Skills Courses: Students are encouraged to complete three credits or more from this subset of courses, also listed above: GEO 208, ENG 327, ENG 335, ARC 300 Religious Studies HIS 205: History of Ethical Values in World Religions HIS 326: Modern Christianity HIS 327: History of Buddhism HIS 328: History of Hinduism HIS 329: History of Islam HIS 330: History of Religions HIS 333: Christianity to 1517 HIS 401: History and Japanese Religions HIS 450: Internship/Field Experience (faith based organizations) SOC 315: Religion and Society ANT 320: Rites, Rituals and Ceremonies ANT 444: Comparative Religion and Magic WGS 330/SOC 399: Gender, Power, and Feminism in Religion PHL 310: Metaphysics PHL 331: Philosophy of Religion PHL 336: International, Multicultural Philosophy PHL 349: Asian Philosophy PHL 352: Confucianism and Taoism PHL 360: Zen Buddhism PHL 431: Advanced Philosophy of Religion Cultural and Social History HIS 311: Dilemmas of Peace and War HIS 392: History Through Film HIS 387: African Novels and History HIS 397 Social History of African Nationalist Movements HIS 398 Social History of Colonial Africa HIS 404: Migration and Empire HIS 405: Migration: Personal Accounts HIS 406: Topics in Social History HIS 407: State and Society HIS 412: Global Trade and Labor, 1500-Present HIS 413: Topics in Cultural History HIS 450: Internship/Field Experience (non-profit agency) ENG 301: Foundations for Literary Studies ENG 348: Studies in Film and Literature WGS 373: Gender and Human Rights WGS/SOC 375: Lesbian Studies WGS 210: Women’s Voices/Women’s Culture ART 251: Art History I ART 252: Art History II ART 301: World Art