46 Faculty Senate September 15, 2011 – 3:30p.m.

46th Faculty Senate
September 15, 2011 – 3:30p.m.
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 46, No. 2
I. Roll Call.
Present: M. Abler, C. Angell, J. Baggett, E. Barnes, T. Blumentritt, J. Bryan, B. Butterfield, L. Dickmeyer, A.
Galbraith, K. Hoar, J, Hollenback, K. Hunt, S. Jessee, F. Klein, D. Lake, M. Leonard, W. Maas, R. Mikat, D.
Riley, K. Rosacker, M. Rott, S. Senger, and M. Tollefson
Excused: E. Kraemer
II. Minutes of May 5th 45th FS & April 28th 46th FS approved.
III. Reports:
a. Chair (Steve Senger):
 The chair acknowledged the contribution of two former FS members who passed away
– Bill Fiorini and Anne Winter. Bill was a member of the Art department for 41 years and
was known as “the blacksmith”. He designed and created the mace and medallion
used in commencement ceremonies. He served multiple times on FS. Anne was a
member of the Physical Education department for almost 35 years and served on FS for
17 years. The gavel used in FS was presented to Anne at her last FS meeting.
 The chair acknowledged the success of GQA in adding a total of 115 faculty and 30
staff positions (at its conclusion).
b. Chancellor (Joe Gow): The Chancellor acknowledged UWL’s most recent ranking in US News.
With the new flexibilities that will be granted to UWS campuses, UWL would like to determine the
feasibility of determining its own pay plan increases; however, any increases may need to be
merit based rather than across the board. The budget cut to UWS resulted in only 6 to 8 actual
lost jobs due to the large number of vacancies. A system-wide task force is working on other
flexibility ideas as well.
 Questions? How did UWS have so many vacancies? There were a total of 51.7
vacancies – 30 were long-terms vacancies (“budget but not fill” type). Of the
remaining 21, retirements brought the number down to only 6 to 8 individuals losing their
c. Provost (Kathleen Enz Finken):
 HLC has officially approved the General Education Assessment. Thank you to everyone
who has worked on this issue – including Kenny Hunt, Anne Galbraith, Scott Cooper,
Betsy Knowles and Patrick Barlow.
 Academic Affairs is currently working on a prioritized list of GQA faculty and staff
positions and will be discussing this with JPB next week.
 Bob Hoar has replaced VJ Agarwal, who left UWL to take a dean’s position in Mankato.
Bob will be serving as the Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Bob’s
Faculty Assistant to the Provost has been filled with several individuals who will each be
working on one aspect of that position. Kim Vogt will be handling personnel (retention,
tenure and promotion), Sandy Grunwald will be working on academic program review,
Keith Beyer will be working on an internal and UWS grants project and Brian Udermann
will be handing other items such as council agendas, letter of recommendation and
UWS liaison activities.
 Update on UWS Grants: UWS is reorganizing due to direct budget cuts and is currently
recommending that 10 UWS grants be consolidated into 2 grants programs which will
focus on the growth agenda. The Provost has sent negative feedback about this
consolidation with the suggestion that grants continue to emphasize teaching and
 Update on UWS APR: UW provosts asked for less intervention on APR at individual
campuses. As a result, UWS will be pulling back on this and leave most of the oversight
to individual campuses.
 Update on Institutional Researcher Search & Screen: The S&S committee will be
searching for replacements for both Debbie Valine and Marv Noltze.
d. CFO (Bob Hetzel):
 Budget & Finance:
 Budget Cuts: UWL will face a $5.1 million cut for both years of the biennium. No
academic affairs or student affairs cuts were needed. The cut was managed with
reserves, elimination of two positions in Budget and Finance and a student
registration fee. The increased health care and retirement contributions by faculty
and staff also helped to reduce the cut.
 GQA: The student to faculty ratio is now 20 to 1. Since 2007, UWL has been able
to add 145 new faculty and staff positions.
 System Flexibilities: Budget and Finance continues to look at all of the implications
of this. Increased flexibilities could also come with items such as block grants,
tuition and utilities pooling. Bob will continue to update FS as things become
 Buildings: Centennial Hall is open and running – albeit not perfectly. They are currently
working to address such omissions as classroom clocks, podiums and wastebaskets, and
faculty and staff are encouraged to continue to contact Bob’s office with feedback.
Eagle Hall is also open. Cowley Hall has entered the design process. The Parking Ramp
project is moving along, with an environmental impact statement meeting today and
plans for construction over the summer. A committee is also beginning to consider
ideas for planning a new Student Union Building.
e. Faculty Representative (Jeff Baggett): No Report.
IV. Nominations to Senate Committees:
a. Committee on Committees, Senate Elections Committee & Omudspersons: Motion from SEC to
approve the following members:
 Committee on Faculty Committees: Eric Kraemer, Jeff Bryan, Kenny Hunt, Darlene Lake
and Kerrie Hoar (convener)
 Senate Elections committee: William Maas, Bradley Butterfield and Anne Galbraith
 Ombudspersons: Mike Abler (SAH), Tom Hench (CBA) and Ronda Leahy (CLS)
Motion Approved.
b. Joint Promotion Committee, IAS Career Progression Committee & Consultative Layoff: Motion
from SEC to approve the following members:
 JPC: New Members – Karen Terpstra (3), Adrienne Loh (3), Chia-Chen Yu (3) and Tim
McAndrews (3) & Continuing Members – Ken Winter (2), William Schwan (2), Lalita
Hogan (2), Carol Oyster (2), Gary Gilmore (1), Steve Senger (1), Jodi Vandenberg-Daves
(1) and Gary Walth (1)
 IAS CPC: New Members - Sandra Koster (3), Kimberly Lyons (3), Diane Sewell (3) &
Continuing Members - Lisa Caya (2), Erin Hussey (1), Betsy Knowles (1) and Robert Eberle
 Consultative Layoff: New Members - Bradley Butterfield (3), Dan Duquette (3), Marc
Rott (3), Tom Gendreau (2), Thomas Greiner (1) & Continuing Members - Mary Tollefson
(2), Kerrie Hoar (2), Ron Glass (1) and Bruce Osterby (1)
Motion Approved.
V. Search & Screen Faculty Membership:
a. Director of School of Education: FS will appoint 5 members. The other membership includes 2
non-instructional academic staff, 1 student and 2 chancellor picks. There were 12 nominations
for the faculty membership.
 Motion from SEC to appoint the following faculty to the SoE Director Search & Screen
committee: Emmanuel Felix (ESS), Jennifer Kosiak (Mathematics), John Ready (Art),
Renee Redman (Biology) and Joyce Shanks (Ed Studies). Motion Approved.
b. Dean of College of Science and Health: FS will appoint 5 members. The other membership
includes 2 non-instructional academic staff, 1 student and 2 chancellor picks. There were 14
nominations for the faculty membership.
 Motion from SEC to appoint the following faculty to the Dean of College of Science and
Health Search & Screen: Anne Galbraith (Biology), Tom Gendreau (Computer Science),
Janet Kirsch (Chemistry), Steven Simpson (Rec Mngt & Ther Rec) and Chia-Chen Yu
Discussion: Concerns were raised about some people having already served on a
dean’s search and screen and perhaps the positions should be rotated to allow others
to have the opportunity to serve.
Motion Approved.
VI. New Business.
a. NCUR Application to host Conference (Scott Cooper): In 2009, FS supported an application to
host the NCUR conference in 2014. NCUR has asked UWL to bid for the 2013 conference. This
conference would be held April 11-13, 2013 and would require the use of about 70 classrooms.
Motion to reaffirm FS support for hosting an NCUR conference. Motion approved.
b. Proposal regarding Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs: The Provost is planning to
reorganize this position to better serve Academic Affairs by having 5 areas which currently report
directly to the Provost, instead report to AVC (graduate studies, sponsored research, continuing
education, undergraduate research and institutional research) – who then reports to the Provost.
A letter and reorganizational chart were included in the meeting materials.
Motion to support this reorganization. Motion Approved.
c. Discussion of Articles/Bylaws/Policies organization of senate web site: Sibbie has worked to
match the FS webpage to the UWL template. In organizing the site, it was noted that the most
recent policy is dated 1993. FS has presumably passed multiple policies since this date that have
not been added to the ABP page. The FS office will be working over the academic year to find
these AWOL policies.
d. Electronic Media Policy: SEC split the single policy proposal into a FS policy and a
recommendation for a campus policy. The FS policy recommendation is consistent with current
UWS policy on copyright; however, concerns over lecture capture availability in Centennial Hall
brought about the recommendation for a UWL policy.
 Part 1 would become a FS policy; therefore, requires a 1st and 2nd read.
Motion to adopt the Electronic Media Policy. Motion seconded with voting to occur
after the 2nd read at the September 29 FS meeting.
 Part 2 would be forwarded as a suggestion for a campus policy that might include this
language with the acknowledgement that any existing policies (such as those in
Communication Studies department) would supersede. Motion to recommend that the
campus develop a policy on the acceptable use and student rights with regards to
electronic media. Motion seconded with voting to occur at the September 29 FS
e. Introduction to discussion of senate standing committees and charges: The chair demonstrated
the new faculty committee pages on the FS website. Thank you to Sibbie for undertaking the
reorganization of the FS webpage. Each page includes links to bylaws, current charge, last year’s
charge and most recent final report. FS will begin discussions on September 29 and will continue
discussions over the next couple of meetings. Discussions will include whether or not the current
committee structure fulfills FS’s duties and responsibilities. Senators should review each
committees’ materials in preparation for this discussion.
VII. Old Business.
VIII. Adjournment at 4:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar