46 Faculty Senate November 10, 2011 – 3:30p.m.

46th Faculty Senate
November 10, 2011 – 3:30p.m.
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 46, No. 5
I. Roll Call.
Present: M. Abler, C. Angell, J. Baggett, E. Barnes, T. Blumentritt, J. Bryan, B. Butterfield, L. Dickmeyer, D.
Lake, A. Galbraith, K. Hoar, J, Hollenback, K. Hunt, S. Jessee, F. Klein, E. Kraemer, M. Leonard, R. Mikat, D.
Riley, M. Rott, S. Senger, and M. Tollefson
Excused: W. Maas, K. Rosacker
II. Minutes of October 27 approved.
III. Reports:
a. Chair (Steve Senger):
 A reception for Carmen Wilson will be held today from 4 to 6 pm. Carmen is leaving
UWL for a new position as dean of UW Rock County.
 SEC is aware of recent issues with Digital Measures files being accessed through Google.
ITS is working with Google and Yahoo. At this point, any new information added to DM
will not be accessible, but they are still working to have all existing material removed.
SEC will be meeting with our CIO on Monday for further discussion of the issue.
 SEC has been working on a proposal defining the role of the SOE director in hiring and
retention. This proposal will be discussed at the next FS meeting.
b. Chancellor (Joe Gow):
 UWL will be hosting the April 2013 BOR meeting. The governor has named three new
regents – one of them is Gary Roberts of Onalaska. Brent Smith’s term will expire
summer 201.
 Bob Hetzel is in Madison. UWS has asked all schools to begin preparing for cuts at the
upper end of the range given the current lapse. Concern about faculty and staff
salaries underscores the need for the ability of individual campuses to set their tuition.
Senator Schultz will be holding a hearing about the budget lapse on Tuesday.
 Two pieces of legislation have been introduced as a result of recent incidents with rehiring annuitants at UW Green Bay and UW Madison. UWS is working to include
allowances for the re-hiring of retirees to teach a course or two. There will be a hearing
on this issue next week as well.
 The Chancellor is receiving many suggestions for the Interim Provost and may be able to
announce his selection early next week. The Provost search is moving along as well,
with the first S&S meeting on Monday.
c. Provost (Kathleen Enz Finken): No Report
d. CFO (Bob Hetzel): No Report.
e. Faculty Representative (Jeff Baggett): See handout. UWS is trying to implement a policy to
spread summer deductions out over all 9 months. This could be implemented as early as Spring
semester (pro-rated) and, if implemented, would be done for all employees – not an option.
UWS is also looking into an option to spread 9-month salaries over 12 months. This would be an
option – not mandatory. HR currently has paperwork for employees to set up automatic
payments so that some fraction of your paycheck is deposited into a second account.
IV. New Business.
a. Nominations for Provost/Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Search & Screen Committee:
Motion to approve the nomination of Barbara Eide (CBA), Susan Crutchfield (CLS), Victor MaciasGonzalez (CLS), Roger Haro (SAH) and Steven Senger (SAH) (co-convener) to serve on the Search
and Screen Committee for the Provost/Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.
Motion Approved.
b. Discussion of Desired Attributes of a Provost/Vice Chancellor:
 Strong commitment to Gen Ed program;
 Absolutely committed to academic enterprise and committed to maintain the quality
of that program;
 Committed to global citizenship;
 Someone not afraid to take on issues and someone who will not back down;
 Allegiance with faculty;
 Respect for quality of education – not just quantity;
 High level of support for and knowledge of grad programs and research;
 Will UWL be hiring paid consultants or will the search be driven by people at our
institution? The Chancellor will not be hiring a consulting firm.
 Presence on campus – in all areas (e.g., faculty, depts., etc.) – someone who
celebrates the individual and the collective;
 Why do we have trouble keeping an effective leadership team? Are we a kind of farm
system where administrators come in, do well and then move up the ladder or are we
doing something wrong? Our faculty and our institution deserve stable leadership.
What do we need to do to keep these good people here? (from the Chancellor) UWL
is not doing anything wrong. A Provost position is inherently transitional. This position is
all of the hard parts of the Chancellor’s job with few of the joyful ones. UWL is on the
cusp of excellent institutions where consultants who are looking for leadership go to
recruit (This is what happened with our current Provost.) Stability in the Provost position
may not be realistic.
 UWL is not looking for change of direction. The S&S committee should point out areas
where a new provost could make some impact.
c. SAA Department Approval (Chris Bakkum & Jodie Rindt):
 FS endorsed the creation of a department of SAA on the condition of approval of the
departmental bylaws. The question today is not whether we approve the bylaws, but
do the bylaws now provide answers to the questions that were unanswered last year.
The Provost has sent an email indicating her support for the department. APR, Dean
Benson and Betsy Morgan, chair of Psychology, have also endorsed the proposal.
Motion to approve the formation of a SAA Department.
 Will this directly conflict with UWS policy? UWS 1.03 Department. "Department"
means a group of faculty members recognized by the faculty and chancellor of
the institution, and the board of regents, as dealing with a common field of
knowledge or as having a common or closely related disciplinary or
interdisciplinary interest. UWL 1.04 Faculty. "Faculty" means persons who hold the
rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor in an
academic department or its functional equivalent in an institution.
 The Personnel Systems Task Force may present the opportunity to re-define UWS
 The bylaws describe core faculty and the process by which someone would
become core faculty – but it does not describe the process by which a person
would discontinue core faculty status or be removed from core faculty. SAA has
already noticed this omission and is working on it.
 The initial proposal mentioned the SAA would like departmental status to garner
representation on various committees and to gain access to 102 funds. As 102
funds continue to decrease, is SAA working on other avenues to maintain their
self-funded status? Yes, they have been investigating other options – such as an
international 1+1 program.
If a core faculty member leaves the program or the university, what happens to
the course(s) that that core faculty member taught? Does the curriculum follow
the instructors? No, they would recruit someone else to teach the curriculum.
Do you see a disproportionate burden on TT faculty with regards to service and
scholarship? No. TT faculty would be expected to do more research and service
than core faculty, but core faculty will perform in those areas.
Do the bylaws require core faculty to do scholarship? No, just encourage it.
Who will chair the department? This will be determined by the Dean and
appointed by the Chancellor.
How would you form thesis committees when chairs are required to have full
graduate faculty status? Most core faculty already hold full grad faculty status.
Motion approved.
d. Graduate Council Recommendations on Graduate Faculty Status:
 The full and associate categories have no changes except for some specifics on
wording. New categories have been added to address the unique needs of some
departments – emeritus, professional and adjunct categories.
Motion to approve GC Recommendations on Graduate Faculty Status.
o Why is GC adding more categories and making the process unnecessarily
complex? A number of faculty has applied for grad faculty status over the
years, but don’t fit into any of the current categories. They are continually
granted provisional status. This proposal will better fit those requests and reduce
the number of appeals. We are not talking about UWL TT faculty as they would
be full or associate members. This would address clinical faculty who do not
have terminal degrees and those outside UWL. The number of categories seems
more complex on the surface, but would better fit the needs of GC and be
simple to administer.
o Why are UWL faculty now required to have 6 years of experience before they
can chair their own students thesis committees? This is an affront to faculty
o Under the FULL category, the NOTE should read:
Note: SAA, PA and ME-PD Learning Community program faculty are eligible for
Associate Full membership and are exempted from the terminal degree criteria.
Why are the above programs exempt? These programs have instructors without
terminal degrees teaching in their programs.
The term “compelling” will serve to scare people away from applying for grad
faculty status and should be removed.
Do we want people without terminal degrees directing a thesis?
There are only three functions for grad faculty – to direct thesis, serve on thesis
committees and teach grad courses. Again, why so many categories?
Under Professional status: it would be less confusing and easier to just list the
things that they can do – rather that the things that they cannot do.
The Full and Associate categories are reserved for TT faculty – this means that IAS
would not be able to direct programs.
Why do we even need graduate faculty? Accreditation mentions something to
the effect that someone teaching courses should have the next degree above
the level that they are teaching at.
Motion to postpone voting on the issue until a future date. Motion approved
SEC will direct GC to reconsider the document based on the discussion today.
V. Old Business.
VI. Adjournment at 4:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar