46 Faculty Senate March 1, 2012 – 3:30p.m.

46th Faculty Senate
March 1, 2012 – 3:30p.m.
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 46, No. 10
I. Roll Call.
Present: M. Abler, C. Angell, J. Baggett, E. Barnes, T. Blumentritt, J. Bryan, B. Butterfield, L. Caya, L.
Dickmeyer, D. Lake, A. Galbraith, K. Hoar, J, Hollenback, K. Hunt, F. Klein, E. Kraemer, M. Leonard, W. Maas,
R. Mikat, D. Riley, K. Rosacker, M. Rott, S. Senger, and M. Tollefson
Excused: David Riley
II. Minutes of February 16 Approved.
III. Reports:
a. Chair (Steve Senger): The committee assignment survey will remain open until March 9. The
survey appears to be working smoothly with only a couple of reports of people having difficulties.
b. Chancellor (Joe Gow):
 CBA Dean Update: The news of Bill Colclough stepping down as Dean of CBA was
unanticipated, but we wish him well. The college will be going through its accreditation
process next year. An option being considered would be to have an interim dean for a
two or three year period to allow the college to get through its accreditation process
before beginning a national search for a new dean. In addition, there have been
discussions about eliminating the term “interim” from this particular position – due to
concerns about how this might impact the accreditation process. Discussion: Even if
this were a 3-year appointment, the contract would still be limited. So, regardless of
whether or not you call it Interim Dean or Dean, it would still be public knowledge that
this is, indeed, an interim position. When is the accreditation process done? If all goes
well – the end of the 2012-13 academic year.
 Provost Update: An offer has been made and we are negotiating a spousal hire. The
Chancellor has been very clear throughout the process that the department in question
is under no obligation and that UWL will not create a job where one does not exist. We
should know more by the end of next week.
 Is there any news about the pending federal legislation regarding state authority? This is
in regards to the legislation that will require all institutions of higher learning to have
accreditation in every state in which they offer programs. UWL has programs in almost
every state, so this could have extensive impact on us. The House has just passed a bill
to repeal it, but the President is in favor of the accreditation requirement.
 WiscNet Update: The budget repair bill requires that UWS be out of WiscNet within one
year. Legislation has been introduced that will extend this deadline by one year.
WiscNet is vital to UWS and losing it would preclude UW Madison from participating as
well. This showcases the power of private telecommunications corporations. In contrast
to where Wisconsin is, Illinois and Indiana will be introducing technology that will provide
up to 100 GB/second.
c. Interim Provost (Betsy Morgan):
 Congratulations to Kirsten Rosacker on her promotion to Associate Professor and Carol
Angell, Kenny Hunt and Mary Leonard on their promotions to Full Professor.
d. CFO (Bob Hetzel):
 Bob Hetzel introduced Madeline Holzem, who comes from Florida Gulf Coast University
to serve as UWL’s Director of Human Resources. Madeline told the Senate a bit about
herself and invited anyone to stop by HR anytime.
e. Faculty Representative (Jeff Baggett): No Report.
IV. New Business.
a. Proposed By-laws for Academic Technology Committee (Second Reading): At our last FS
meeting, a motion to approve the bylaws that will convert this committee from an ad hoc to a
standing FS committee was seconded. Approval would require a 2/3 majority. Motion approved
b. Approval of Nominations for Director of Admissions and Director of Affirmative Action Search and
Screen Committees: FS appoints 2 faculty members, with majority being made up of NIAS.SEC
has expressed concerns that all interview candidates need to be brought to campus before the
end of the semester and has been assured that they will be.
Motion to Appoint Deborah Buffton (CLS) and Adrienne Loh (SAH) to the Director of Admissions
S&S Committee and to Appoint Carol Oyster (CLS) and Marc Rott (SAH) to the Director of
Affirmative Action S&S Committee. Motion Approved.
c. Approval of Deletion of Minor in Early Childhood Education (Greg Walsko): This minor will be
integrated into the Early Childhood/Middle Childhood major. FS is only approving the deletion of
the minor. UCC is currently reviewing related revisions to the major. This will take effect Fall 2012.
The incorporation into the major has enabled DES to add a GQA position. Are there any
advantages to the minor? No. Students who pursued the minor had to stay 4 ½ to 5 years to
graduate. They will now finish with the revised major in 4 years;
Motion to Approve the Deletion of the Minor in Early Childhood Education. Motion approved.
d. Consideration of Senate Policy Status for Salary Equity Policy:
 SEC was asked last fall if UWL has a salary equity policy and, if so, what is it? The
“policy” turned out to be a scanned document in HR that had not been posted
anywhere. This issue is what led SEC to follow up on the other policies that we have
been reviewing this year. A lot of circumstances have changed since this document
was written in 1993, including at least 3 UWS-funded initiatives to address this issue. Most
of this document is procedural, but is there a policy within it? This is the topic of today’s
 Discussion: This document calls for departments to develop a policy for the
determination of equity adjustments. FS should take a stand on this portion of the
document. This document should go to PTS for them to look at and make policy
recommendations to FS. The “regular ongoing sources” need to be more specifically
identified. This states that departments should determine how equity requests are
determined – any FS policy should not supersede departmental policies that may
already be in place, but should be the authority by which departments create policy. Is
this going to just add more to our workload by making it mandatory to do this every
year, even when there are no resources to fund requests? Is there a way to announce
when such funds are available and then departments identify who should receive
them? Is there a systemic solution? There is a systemic solution for salary inversion, but
this addresses something more than that. In the last four years, the Deans have
submitted spreadsheets to the Provost and CFO regarding compression and inversion
and looked for ways to address it. Last Fall, they submitted the most extreme cases, but
the money ended up not being available. There have been no funds for the last
several years for addressing equity.
 The SEC will work on extracting the FS policy portion of this document and charge PTS
with looking at the procedures and identifying a funding source. Those portions that are
policy: 2) Departments will develop policy for determination of equity adjustments and
6) The Vice Chancellor will prepare an annual report summarizing equity salary
adjustments and distribute the report to Deans, the FS Chair and the ASC Chair.
e. Planned Changes to UW-System Program Approval Process (Sandy Grunwald): Sandy is a
member of a UWS Group that has been charged with looking at the program planning and
review process. Currently, any new program requires an Entitlement to Plan that undergoes
internal and system review. If it is approved, then it goes to an Authorization to Implement, which
is also reviewed internally and externally and then approved by UWS. Finally, the new program
undergoes a UWS 5-year review. This whole process can take up to several years to get a new
program started. This committee is working on stream lining the process, with less external review.
Along these lines, the committee is proposing that the Entitlement to Plan become a 2-page
letter, the Authorization to Implement be shortened and the 5-year review be meshed with each
campus’s internal process – so it would just be placed into our regular review cycle. Why is this
important to FS? This new process will affect both APC and APR. In addition, the BFA in Art, the
Statistics major and the Special Ed major are all in the process now. The Provosts have been
asking for this change for several years. Sandy will continue to update FS as the process
V. Old Business.
VI. Adjournment at 4:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar