46 Faculty Senate April 19, 2012 – 3:55p.m.

46th Faculty Senate
April 19, 2012 – 3:55p.m.
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 46, No. 13
I. Roll Call.
Present: M. Abler, C. Angell, J. Baggett, E. Barnes, T. Blumentritt, J. Bryan, B. Butterfield, L. Caya, A.
Galbraith, K. Hoar, J, Hollenback, K. Hunt, F. Klein, E. Kraemer, D. Lake, M. Leonard, W. Maas, R. Mikat, D.
Riley, K. Rosacker, S. Senger, and M. Tollefson
Excused: L. Dickmeyer and M. Rott
Absent: M. Leonard
II. Minutes of April 5 Approved.
III. Reports:
a. Chair (Steve Senger): No. Report.
b. Chancellor (Joe Gow):
 The Chancellor will hold an open forum at noon tomorrow in 1400 Centennial.
 Update on NCAA scholarship violations: No rules were broken intentionally and
hopefully there will be few ramifications.
 Student Center referendum passed. Approximately 2200 students voted and 88% voted
for the new student center. The cost for the new building is $125 more than the current
student center fee.
 The United Academic Professionals at UWL have delivered petitions to campus. What
relationship will this group have with the FS? And, how will this work in terms of shared
governance? Union leaders will be meeting with the Chancellor tomorrow to discussion
 The Chancellor is happy to report that Bob Hetzel will be staying at UWL.
c. Interim Provost (Betsy Morgan): No Report.
d. CFO (Bob Hetzel): The BOR approved UWL’s Soldex contract at the Regent meeting in Superior.
In addition, they approved the $1.4 million renovation of GMH auditorium. JPB will be discussing
a possible $2.7 million UWL one-time budget lapse over the next biennium. The final number will
not be known until after the November elections
e. Faculty Representative (Jeff Baggett): No Report.
IV. New Business.
a. Psychology APR Report (Rachel Slocum & Emily Johnson): The Psychology department has
rigorous and successful undergraduate and graduate programs.
In general,the department should continue its all-around excellent work.
The Dean, Provost and Chancellor should continue to apply pressure at the state level and within the
university to ensure that salary compression and inversion are addressed.
The department should work to ensure that its new hires continue to get financial and mentoring support
to ensure their successful progress towards retention, promotion and tenure.
The department should continue its commendable job applying direct and indirect assessment instruments
in its efforts to improve curriculum. The department should also continue to develop a capstone
experience. The department should continue its excellent work in student mentoring and being actively
supportive of student research.
Motion to accept Psychology APR report.
Discussion: SAA is now a separate department. Will this affect the Psychology department? Yes.
They may lose the GA in the Psych advising center. This will affect department advising. The
department is hoping to find a way to keep that GA.
Motion approved.
b. Chemistry/Biochemistry Department APR Report (Bonnie Bratina & Aaron Monte):
Bring the department into compliance with ACS Guidelines.*
The Department should continue to make a strong case for a resolution of the serious physical space and
facility limitations. These can likely only be overcome with major renovation dollars, such as the proposed
future addition to, or new construction of, a Cowley Hall science building.
Thedepartmentneedstodevelopastrategicplanandcreateamissionstatement. This was a recommendation in
the previous APR report and is now overdue.
The department should formally assess the first student learning outcome for the chemistry program
(“effectively communicate scientific knowledge both in oral and written forms using the language, concepts
and models of chemistry”) with direct measure of assessment.
To continue the search for a new chemistry faculty member who will be one of the college’s STEP educators
overseeing the teacher certification program in secondary education in chemistry.
The department should address relatively low numbers of students graduating with B.S. in Chemistry with
ACS Certification.*
The APR committee would recommend that the review of the Biochemistry major be included with the next
regularly scheduled review for the Chemistry major.
Motion to accept report.
Discussion: ACS Guidelines require a sophomore level inorganic course with a lab. This only
affects majors, not minors;
Motion approved.
c. Graduate Council Issues (Kasi Periyasamy & Bob Hoar.
With the adoption of the above proposal Graduate council would retain oversight of, and hear appeals
for, the following policies.
Time limit for degree completion.
Program exception to English proficiency requirements.
Requirements for graduate assistantships.
Graduate probation and retention. Graduate Council hears as a due process appeal.
Continuous registration.
Motion to approve the changes.
Discussion: Why the differentiation between director and chair on the table? Why are they not
all director OR chair? This was done to maintain consistency with change of grades –
undergraduate grade changes require the permission of the chair. Since the impact of a C has
greater effects on graduates, the graduate director should be involved. When discussing
exceeding the maximum credit load, simple advisor approval would be fine – but the director
serves as advisor. How would this proposal mesh with the FS bylaws regarding what GC is
authorized to do? SEC attempted to enumerate all appealable items and gave the list to GC for
discussion. When another appealable thing comes to committee, we will add it to the list. E.g.,
Currently, a revised medical withdrawal policy is working its way through committees. This is not
an exhaustive list – if another policy states that GC is the appeals body, then GC will remain the
appeals body.
Motion approved.
d. Second Reading of Proposed GCC Bylaw Changes:
Motion to adopt the changes was made at April 5 FS meeting. Motion approved (19/0).
e. Second Reading of Proposed UCC Bylaw Changes:
Motion to adopt the changes was made at April 5 FS meeting. Motion Approved (19/0).
Second Reading of Faculty Development Committee Bylaw Changes:.
Motion to adopt the changes was made at April 5 FS meeting. Motion Approved (19/0)
g. Second Reading of Changes to the Definition of Administrative Responsibilities:
Motion to adopt the changes was made at the April 5 FS meeting.
Discussion: What about other committees across campus, such as college committees? They
would have to adopt something like this themselves, it is not under FS purview.
Motion approved (19/0)
h. Second Reading of Gen Ed Committee Bylaw Changes:
Motion to adopt the changes was made at the April 5 FS meeting. Motion approved (19/0)
Discussion of UW Personal System. Pre-drafts of the UW Personal System recommendations were
distributed before the last FS meeting. UWS has decided to develop a powerpoint presentation
that will be available next week.
Discussion: There is no mention of colleague coverage. Faculty tenure should be mentioned as
an area not to be changed. The term “flexibility” in #7 of the compensation philosophy may
leave too much to interpretation. The drafts still group IAS in the Academic Staff category. FS
resolution on IAS was forwarded to UWS, but there has been no response. FS will discuss the
Personal Systems thoroughly at the May 3 meeting. We will go through each document carefully
and produce a list of concerns and recommendations.
V. Old Business.
VI. Adjournment at 4:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar