44 Faculty Senate April 15, 2010 – 3:30p.m.

44th Faculty Senate
April 15, 2010 – 3:30p.m.
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 44, No. 13
I. Roll Call.
Present: J. Anderson, C. Angell, J. Baggett, S. Brokaw, D. Buffton, B. Butterfield, V. Crank (excused),
G. Cravins, T. Gendreau, J. Heim, K. Hoar, J. Holman (excused), K. Hunt, D. Lake, R. LeDocq, A. Loh,
C. Lee, R. Mikat, J. Miskowski, S. Shillinger, R. Smith, M. Tollefson, B. Van Voorhis (excused) and
M. Wycoff-Horn
II. Minutes of April 1 approved.
III. Reports.
a. Faculty Senate Chair.
i. Chris Bakkum would like to thank the faculty for their cooperation with the early Fall
semester final grade deadline. This early deadline was necessary due to the switchover
to PeopleSoft. The same early deadline will be in place for Spring 2010 semester. If
things go well again, the original deadline will be re-instated for Fall 2010.
ii. Local Legislators Forum Reminder: The Joint Legislative and Regents Relations
committee has arranged an open forum with our local legislators for Friday, April 16 at
1:00 in 339 Cartwright Center. Senators Kapanke and Schillinger will be in
attendance. Senator Huebsch has not confirmed.
iii. Assistant Chancellor for Advancement Update: There will be an open forum for
governing bodies for each candidate from 1:00 to 1:30 on April 21, 22 and 26. Room
TBA. A campus open forum will be held in the Great Hall of Cleary Center from 4:15
to 5:00 each day.
iv. Remaining FS Meetings:
1. April 29: The organizational meeting (Cookie Day) for the 45th Senate will
take place first, then the 44th Senate will meet. Agenda items include APR and
Committee on Faculty Committees reports.
2. May 6: This is the final meeting of the 44th Senate. Agenda items include final
APR reports for the year and finalization of the 2012-13 calendar.
v. Chancellor’s Open Forum: Friday, April 16 from 3:00 to 4:30 in Port O’ Call.
b. Chancellor.
i. Everyone should have received a capital projects report via email from Bob Hetzel.
ii. Nothing new to report on More Degrees for Wisconsin.
c. Faculty Reps.
i. Handout was distributed. The University Workforce Commission has stated that UWS
faculty salaries are below their peers. This report shows the results when the
committee recalculated UWS salaries, incorporating fringe benefits and the low
Wisconsin cost of living, and then ran the comparison again. The UWS
Comprehensives remain significantly behind their peers (Full Professors - $14,200,
Assoc. Professors - $9900, Assist. Professors - $5300 and Academic Staff - $6200).
IV. Online Course Policies.
These policies would require changes to the FS Articles and Bylaws and come to FS as a second read. A
2/3 majority is required for approval. If they are passed, they will be forwarded to Articles and Bylaws.
Policy #1: The department should determine the format (e.g., face-to-face, hybrid, online) of courses
offered through that department.
Move to approve. Motion passed.
Policy #4: Instructors teaching their first online course at UW-L are required to complete an online
training program on how to design and deliver quality online courses. Instructors who have completed a
similar training course at another institution can request that this requirement be waived by their
Move to approve.
Discussion: Little is known about what the course entails. Argument that this is not a course, it is
a training program – similar to writing emphasis training. Infringement on academic freedom.
The policy doesn’t say the UWL training program is required – just AN online training program.
This is a good resource, but should it be required? We do have and require training for writing
emphasis courses. If we let an online course go so far as being a bad mistake – then we have gone
too far. Thirty hours is a lot; however, the training for writing emphasis used to be much longer
than it is now. A survey of instructors who have completed the training at UWL was taken – 21
responded; 19 felt that the training should be required.
Motion fails (11/9/0).
The course will be listed as a resource in the online handbook and instructors will be strongly
encouraged to participate.
V. Budget Review Committee Response to Proposed Redistribution of Indirects (Adrienne Loh).
a. For specifics and further discussion, see the FS handouts for this week & the April 1 FS
minutes. At the April 1 FS meeting, quorum was lost and there was no vote to table; therefore,
it comes back to the floor as a motion for discussion.
b. Motion to approve.
c. Discussion: (From Adrienne: JPB wanted to make sure that the colleges’ bottom line was the
same, but how the monies are spent by the colleges is not JPB’s purview. If some money that
once went to colleges will now be collected centrally, JPB wanted to make sure the backfill to
the colleges would cover any shortfall to the colleges. The colleges are coming out ahead with
the new redistribution plan.) Have the Summer Dean’s Fellowship monies been solidified?
In the past, there was no line item for this, but the dean will make a budget line to allocate the
funds. For fiscal 2010-11, there is a new base budget allocation to each college for the
backfill. How the dean moves this money is up to the dean. A portion of campus IT costs will
now be funded with central indirect funds so the backfill to the colleges can be used for other
d. Motion approved.
VI. Gen Ed Recommendation for the Gen Ed Assessment Committee for 2010-11.
The GEAC was set up as a three-year commitment, which ends in May 2011. Discussions are ongoing
with SEC, Gen Ed & GEAC about the future of GEAC. Today’s FS discussion is only the charge for
GEAC for next year.
Charge for the General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) for AY 10-11:
The ad hoc GEAC was established in Spring 2008 to coordinate annual assessment for General
Education courses through AY 10-11, including serving as a continued resource in the
coordination, development, and implementation of assessment tools by departments.
For GEAC’s third year (AY 10-11), the GEC (with faculty Senate approval) charges them with the
o ensuring that all General Education courses being taught during the academic year are
assessed. For courses already assessed in AYs 08-09 and 09-10, the same SLO could be
assessed for a third time or the department may choose to assess a different SLO. Departments
may want to refine their assessment tools based on changes to the SLOs for AY 10-11.
o continuing to ensure that appropriate assessment tools are developed for SLOs.
o working with the new Assessment Coordinator in aiding departments in the revision and
improvement of assessment tools, and developing the process that will continue beyond this
final year of the GEAC’s tenure.
o modifying the web site and/or reporting forms as necessary based on experiences over the past
two year, including changing the SLOs on the forms to the newly approved set.
o collecting assessment results from departments at the end of the academic year.
o preparing a report for the GEC by the end of AY 10-11, including a summary of the
departmental analyses and discussions of assessment results, and a spreadsheet that includes
a list of the SLOs addressed in the 3-year assessment of General Education.
gathering any additional information that is deemed necessary by GEC.
Motion to approve the above charge for the GEAC.
Discussion: The charge was written by Gen Ed committee since GEAC is a subcommittee of Gen Ed.
Could these charges be transferred to the Assessment Coordinator after year three? When will the
Assessment Coordinator start work at UWL? – June 1.
Motion approved.
VII. Ad Hoc Calendar Committee Discussion (Betsy Morgan).
a. Thank you to the committee for its time and effort.
b. The WI legislature now allows all schools to start on September 1. This prompted discussions
about an earlier UWL start date – and formation of the ad hoc calendar committee. The
Committee came forward to the campus (via a survey) with 3 calendar options: 1) a 2 day fall
break, 2) one additional day at Thanksgiving & 3) an early start with no additional days off.
After the survey results, the committee readdressed its earlier motion. Due to impacts to
laboratory courses, the committee is recommending Option C – an early start with no
additional break. A separate recommendation is to have the first Monday (in years that UWL
starts before Labor Day) be a Friday. This would allow lab courses to launch earlier.
However, special days are never ideal.
c. Recommendations from the Calendar Committee for discussion:
o The committee moved to put forward Option C as the recommended 7-year calendar
based on the results from the survey.
o The committee recommends a change to Option C in years where classes start prior to
Labor Day – in order for there to be a “lab launch” day earlier in the semester – the
Friday of the first week of classes will be a special day (Friday = Monday) changing
the Wednesday of Thanksgiving week to a “Friday Classes” rather than the “Monday
Classes” as shown.
o The charge to the committee requested a recommendation regarding commencement
day for Spring semesters. The committee moved to request that commencement be on a
Saturday if at all possible but for it to be permissible for commencement to be held on
a Sunday if needed.
o Given the campus enthusiasm for the idea of a fall break but also understanding the
need for full weeks from many of the lab science courses, the committee recommends
that Faculty Senate review the possibility of a 2-day fall in the seventh week IF the
state legislature were to allow classes to start prior to September 1st.
o The committee recommends that Faculty Senate review the possibility of a 2-day fall in
the seventh week IF sufficient lab space were to become available in the future.
o The committee recommends that a task force be created across the governance groups
in the near future to investigate ways to reduce mid-semester stress for students,
faculty and staff.
d. Comments from the survey and a copy of Option C (both forms) will be posted on the FS
e. The committee is also looking at the daily schedule. There will be a survey coming out for
feedback, but the committee will not ask FS to move on this until Fall.
f. Discussion: An earlier start would also relieve pressure to Records & Registration for grades
deadline. What happens with students staying in the dorms – students are told that they have
to be out by a certain date, but some stay with skeleton staff in special circumstances.
VIII. New Business.
IX. Old Business.
X. Adjournment at 4:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar