LX 138P' NEW OR REVISED MAJOR,MINOR,EMPHASTS,ETC. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LX-138P R&R rev.8i05 1\eading -l . -' r ( ,-.:.,'.Action r'l1.,:-. <FFFUPD " 2*"Reading x CHANGE-check all changes credits X required course SNAP X title X electives 4't:-' catalog--- ' rl:1. 4 other (explain) fi;.i;t:.: l- 1?.ttl-t9':'a;3-\,"t- ,,. , Proposal # SUBMIT 1 YELLOW SIGNED ORIGINAL AND VI/FIITE COPIES .TO RECORDS AND REGISTRATION OFFICE, 117 GMFF MAIN. DFADLINE IS WEDNESDAY NOON PRIOR THE NEXT TUESDAY MEETING. 24 DEPARTMENT/PROGRA'M: AKI Undergraduate Program Title: Art Minor: 3D Emohasis Type description, as it should appear in the catalog. NOTE: indicate which college(s)/school(s) are eligible for program. Line through deletions and underline additions if a revision. Major emphasis within major Minor emphasis within minor emphasis (no major/minor) Concentration Core Graduate program option within program EFFECTIVE DATE: Fall 2008 Semester/year Applies to studenb in: all catalogs (retroactive) new catalog only Program size: 24 minor ART MINOR: 3D Emphasis (All colleges) - 24 credits 9 credits in the 2D Art Minor Core: ART 160, 166 and 252; plus 6 credits in 20Glevel 3D studios: ART 214, 216.220. or 221 olus 9 credits in a 3D Emohasis area: Ceramics emphasis cf r.aif j 'u "r1.i , ART 316V4i6&crcd,its required.!@hRT Af'.1 ,..j 3 ar: ; '-", i I :' 425-, a. ."!(,t .. "'i t','" ' Jewelry & Metalsmithing emphasis :^4?- i-:.i,.+ I AR.T 32 1 / 4?1 GBlcCfrs required.botrpeatable{eee-er*;6*$a R.T 425 .. (t: \ ."i i emphasis '' -3 i " : i r':-' Sculpture {.i,*l* ci;i;:} "r',-: = ART 31ay41i @ oredds-required,,buk€peatabHorAereUtts+oART 42S. -. ., -, ., , ltfvr Number of program credits Program revision: lf this is an increase in credits, indicate if it will likeh result in students graduating with more credits. Bs prepared to discuss at curriculum meetino New U ndergrad uate Program (majors/em phases only) Extent of Majors policy limits majors to 40 credits unless required by extemal agencies, accreditation, etc. Justification for more ihan 40 credits. if applicable: Note: Dept. chair and Dean's signatures certify qualified instructional staff; adeguate student demand; adequate facilities; appropriate equipment & materials; consideration of exceptional course fees (above $20); and approval of college/school curriculum commitsee, if applicable; and communication with other affected units. APPROVALS: Other perti nent information: both/all department chair signatures.) Departnent Chair(s if,:-L'* L..iCi Dean/College/Date: Committee Chair/Date: ProvosUVice Cha Registrar/Date: l-1. ia.^*