LX 138P - NEW OR REVISED MAJOR,MINOR,EMPHASIS,ETC. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LX-138P R&R rev. 8/05 X 1STReading 2NDReading Action FFFUPD SNAP Dept./ARC Catalog Proposal # NEW CHANGE-check all changes credits title other (explain) SUBMIT 1 YELLOW SIGNED ORIGINAL AND 20 WHITE COPIES TO RECORDS AND REGISTRATION OFFICE, 117 GRAFF MAIN. DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY NOON PRIOR TO THE NEXT TUESDAY MEETING. DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM: Computer Science X Undergraduate Major emphasis within major Minor emphasis within minor emphasis (no major/minor) Concentration Core X Graduate program option within program EFFECTIVE DATE: Fall 2006 Semester/year Applies to students in: X all catalogs (retroactive) new catalog only Program size: 40/30 Number of program credits Program revision: If this is an increase in credits, indicate if it will likely result in students graduating with more credits. Be prepared to discuss at curriculum meeting New Undergraduate Program (majors/emphases only) Extent of Majors policy limits majors to 40 credits unless required by external agencies, accreditation, etc. Justification for more than 40 credits, if applicable: required course electives Program Title: Five-Year Dual Degree BS/MSE Type description, as it should appear in the catalog. NOTE: indicate which college(s)/school(s) are eligible for program. Line through deletions and underline additions if a revision. The five-year dual degree BS/MSE program enables a UW-L student to earn both a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a Master of Software Engineering (MSE) degree in five years. Students in this dual degree program should complete C-S 120, 220, 270, 340, 370, 421, 441, 442, MTH 207, 208, 225, and 9 credits of 300 or 400 level C-S electives (excluding C-S 341) by the end of their junior year. During the senior year students should complete C-S 741, 743, 742, 546 and 6 MSE elective credits. In the fifth year students should complete C-S 744, 3 MSE elective credits, and the capstone project. C-S 546 and C-S 741 will count toward the 40 credit hours of computer science required for the B.S. degree. C-S 742, 743, 744, 12 credits of 798 (capstone project), and 9 credits of MSE electives will fulfill the MSE requirements. Students may be accepted into the dual degree program anytime before they have completed seventy-five undergraduate credits hours. Applicants for undergraduate admission to UWL may request admission into the dual degree program. In order to remain in the program students must maintain a 3.00 GPA. Award of the BS degree will occur upon completion of 120 credits, the C-S major requirements, the SAH college requirements, and the general university requirements. Students must have graduate student status prior to registering for their fourth graduate course (normally in the second semester of their senior year.) Award of the MSE degree will occur after the completion of the BS and MSE requirements. Contact the Computer Science Department for application information. See the Graduate catalog for more information about the MSE program _____________________________________________________________________________ Note: Dept. Chair and Dean’s signatures certify qualified instructional staff; adequate student demand; adequate facilities; appropriate equipment & materials; consideration of exceptional course fees (above $20); and approval of college/school curriculum committee, if applicable; and communication with other affected units. APPROVALS: (Cross-listed courses require both/all department chair signatures.) Department Chair(s)/Date: Other pertinent information: B.S. Requires 40 C-S credits M.S.E Requires 30 C-S credits Dean/College/Date: Signed after curriculum committee approval: Committee Chair/Date: Provost/Vice Chancellor/Date: Registrar/Date: