Music Education with a Business Concentration is a non-teaching option, which essentially combines Music Program offerings with School of business courses. Emphasis is placed on preparing a well-educated musician who will also be able to manage talent, operate a music business, market any musical product, and to be generally knowledgeable in recording and publishing procedures. MUSIC EDUCATION/BUSINESS CONCENTRATION VOICE/PIANO CURRICULUM Credit Hours 126-128 Freshman Year First Semester ORI 101 ENG 101 MTH 110 MTH 112 CMP 101 HIS 101 MUS 103 MUS 122 MUS Course Survival Skills Composition I Finite Math or Pre-Calculus Algebra Foundations of Computers World History Music Theory I University Choir Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) First Semester ENG 203 BIO 101 BIO 101L MUS 205 ACC 203 MUS 141 MUS 222 MUS Course World Literature I* General Biology I General Biology Lab I Music Theory III Intro to Accounting I Applied Music Piano University Choir Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) Sem. Hrs. 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 18 Second Semester Art ENG PHY PHY HED MUS MUS MUS MUS 101 102 101 101 101 104 142 123 Sophomore Year Sem. Hrs. Second Semester 3 ENG 204 3 ECO 200 1 ACC 204 3 MUS 206 3 MUS 242 1 MUS 223 1 MUS 1 ENG 205 16 Course Sem. Hrs. Art Appreciation Composition II Physical Science Physical Science Lab Personal & Comm. Health Music Theory II Applied Music Piano University Choir Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 18 Course World Literature II* Basic Economics Intro to Accounting II Music Theory IV Applied Music Piano University Choir Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) General Speech Sem. Hrs. 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 18 Course University Choir Music History & Lit II Counterpoint Computer Apps in Business Principles of Finance Conducting II Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) Survey of Band Instruments Applied Music-Piano Sem. Hrs. 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 16 *Can take ENG 201 and ENG 202, OR ENG 301 and ENG 302 First Semester MUS 322 MUS 303 MUS 320 MGT 207 MKT 315 MUS 316 MUS MUS 319 MUS 241 First Semester MUS 422 MUS Electives MUS 329 MUS 408 MGT 318 MGT 315 Course University Choir Music History & Lit I Form and Analysis Legal Envir & Ethics Prin of Marketing Conducting I Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) Vocal Diction & Literature Applied Music-Piano Course University Choir Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) Pub. & Recording Survey of Black Music Business Law Prin. of Management Sem. Hrs. 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 16 Sem. Hrs. 1 1 12 (3) (3) (3) (3) 14 Junior Year Second Semester MUS 323 MUS 304 MUS 403 MIS 213 FIN 315 MUS 317 MUS MUS 318 MUS 242 Senior Year Second Semester MUS 423 MUS MUS 352 MUS 470 MUS 418(419) Electives MUS 305 MUS 310 Course University Choir Appl Mus (Major Pef Med) Entrepreneurship Music Business Internship Jazz Theory I or II Sem. Hrs. 1 1 3 3 3 Composition w/Comp or Keyboard Lit. & Pedagogy (2) (3) 14-17 ** A piano major may elect to follow the instrumental curriculum. A piano major may also study voice or any instrument for four semesters to complete the applied minor requirements. + A major may also elect any course in the music curriculum with the consultation of the advisor. Revised 6/23/11